
Defines functions detect_transmissions

Documented in detect_transmissions

#' @title Simulate detection of transmitter signals in a receiver network
#' @description
#' Simulates detection of transmitter signals in a receiver network based on
#'   detection range curve (detection probability as a function of distance),
#'   location of transmitter, and location of receivers.
#' @param trnsLoc A three-column data frame with locations (numeric columns 
#'   named 'x' and 'y') and timestamps (numeric or POSIXct column named 'et')
#'   where signals were transmitted.
#' @param recLoc A two-column data frame with receiver locations (numeric 
#'   columns named 'x' and 'y')
#' @param detRngFun A function that defines detection range curve;
#'   must accept a numeric vector of distances and return a numeric vector of 
#'   detection probabilities at each distance.
#' @param EPSG Numeric EPSG code of the coordinate system used for simulations. 
#'   Default is 3175, a projected coordinate system for the North American 
#'   Great Lakes Basin and St. Lawrence River system. 
#'   \url{http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/nad83-great-lakes-and-st-lawrence-albers/} 
#' @param sp_out Logical. If TRUE (default) then output is a 
#'  SpatialPointsDataFrame object. If FALSE, then output is a 
#'  data.frame.
#' @param show_progress Logical. Progress bar and status messages will be 
#'  shown if TRUE (default) and not shown if FALSE.
#' @details
#' Distances between each signal transmission location and receiver are
#' calculated using pythagorean theorem in CRS specified by \code{EPSG}. The
#' probability of detecting each signal on each receiver is determined from the
#' detection range curve. Detection of each signal on each receiver is
#' determined stochastically by draws from a Bernoulli distribution with
#' probability p (detection prob).
#' This function was written to be used along with 
#'   \code{\link{transmit_along_path}}.
#' @return A SpatialPointsDataFrame comprised of (1) a spatial component with  
#' the coordinates of receivers that recorded each detection and (2) a data 
#' frame component with the following columns: \cr 
#' \item{trns_id}{Unique signal transmission ID}
#' \item{recv_id}{Unique receiver ID}
#' \item{recv_x}{Receiver x coordinate}
#' \item{recv_y}{Receiver y coordinate}
#' \item{trns_x}{Transmitter x coordinate at time of transmission}
#' \item{trns_y}{Transmitter y coordinate at time of transmission}
#' \item{etime}{Elapsed time}
#' Only the data frame component is returned when \code{sp_out = FALSE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{transmit_along_path}} to simulate transmissions along a 
#' path (i.e., create \code{trnsLoc}).
#' @author C. Holbrook (cholbrook@usgs.gov) 
#' @examples
#' library(sp) #for plot methods for spatial objects
#' #make a simple path in polygon
#' mypath <- crw_in_polygon(data.frame(x = c(0, 0, 1000, 1000), 
#'   y = c(0, 1000, 1000, 0)), stepLen=100, nsteps=50)
#' plot(mypath,type='l',xlim=c(0,1000),ylim=c(0,1000)) #view path
#' #add receivers
#' recs <- expand.grid(c(250,750),c(250,750))
#' names(recs) <- c("x","y") #needed by detect_transmissions
#' points(recs, pch=15, col="blue")
#' #simulate tag transmissions
#' mytrns <- transmit_along_path(mypath,vel=2.0,delayRng=c(60,180),burstDur=5.0)
#' points(mytrns,pch=21) #add to plot
#' #Define detection range function (to pass as detRngFun) 
#' # that returns detection probability for given distance
#' # assume logistic form of detection range curve where 
#' #   dm = distance in meters
#' #   b = intercept and slope
#' pdrf <- function(dm, b=c(0.5, -1/120)){
#'   p <- 1/(1+exp(-(b[1]+b[2]*dm)))
#'   return(p)
#' }
#' pdrf(c(100,200,300,400,500)) #view detection probs. at some distances
#' #simulate detection
#' mydtc <- detect_transmissions(trnsLoc=mytrns, recLoc=recs, detRngFun=pdrf)
#' #view transmissions that were detected
#' points(trns_y~trns_x, data=mydtc,pch=21, bg="red")
#' #link transmitter and receiver locations for each detection
#' with(mydtc@data, segments(x0 = trns_x, y0 = trns_y, 
#'                           x1 = recv_x, y1 = recv_y, 
#'                           col = "red")) 
#' @export
detect_transmissions <- function(trnsLoc = NA , recLoc = NA, detRngFun = NA,
  EPSG = 3175, sp_out = TRUE, show_progress = TRUE){
  if(inherits(trnsLoc, "data.frame")){
    #check names of trnsLoc columns
    missingCols <- setdiff(c("x","y","et"), names(trnsLoc))
    if(length(missingCols) > 0) stop(paste0("'trnsLoc' must contain the ",
      "following columns: \n",paste(missingCols,collapse="\n")))
  if(inherits(recLoc, "data.frame")){
    #check names of recLoc columns
    missingCols <- setdiff(c("x","y"),names(recLoc))
    if(length(missingCols) > 0) stop(paste0("'recLoc' must contain the ",
      "following columns: \n",paste(missingCols,collapse="\n")))
  projargs <- paste0("+init=epsg:", EPSG)
  #convert trnsLoc to SpatialPoints if not already
  if(!inherits(trnsLoc, c("SpatialPointsDataFrame", "SpatialPoints"))){ 
    trnsLoc <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(trnsLoc[, c("x", "y")], 
                                          data = trnsLoc, 
                                          proj4string = sp::CRS(projargs))
    projargs_in <- projargs
  } else { 
    projargs_in <- sp::proj4string(trnsLoc) #get crs to assign output
  #convert trnsLoc CRS to EPSG if not needed
  if(!identical(sp::proj4string(trnsLoc), rgdal::CRSargs(sp::CRS(projargs)))){
    trnsLoc <- sp::spTransform(trnsLoc, sp::CRS(projargs))
  #if vector convert to data frame
  if(!inherits(recLoc, "data.frame") & all(is.numeric(recLoc))){
    if(length(recLoc) != 2) 
      stop(paste("recLoc must be data.frame or 2-column vector (x,y)")) 
    recLoc <- data.frame(x=recLoc[1], y=recLoc[2])
  #convert recLoc to SpatialPoints if not already
  if(!inherits(recLoc, c("SpatialPointsDataFrame", "SpatialPoints"))){ 
    recLoc <- sp::SpatialPoints(recLoc, proj4string = sp::CRS(projargs))
    rec_projargs_in <- projargs
  } else { 
    rec_projargs_in <- sp::proj4string(recLoc) #get crs to assign output
  #convert recLoc CRS to EPSG if not needed
  if(!identical(sp::proj4string(recLoc), rgdal::CRSargs(sp::CRS(projargs)))){
    recLoc <- sp::spTransform(recLoc, sp::CRS(projargs))
  #convert to data.frame (now in EPSG)
  recLoc <- as.data.frame(sp::coordinates(recLoc))
  trnsLoc <- as.data.frame(cbind(sp::coordinates(trnsLoc), et = trnsLoc$et))
  #rename columns
  names(recLoc)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")
  names(trnsLoc)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")
  #preallocate detection data frame
  dtc <- data.frame(
        trns_id = NA,
        recv_id = NA,
        recv_x = NA,
        recv_y = NA,
        trns_x = NA,
        trns_y = NA,
        etime = NA,
    stringsAsFactors= FALSE)[0,]
	 #loop through receivers (because should be much smaller than transmissions)
	 for(g in 1:nrow(recLoc)){
		#initialize progress bar
	     if(g==1 & show_progress){
	        pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=nrow(recLoc),style=3)
	    #distance between gth receiver and each transmission
	    distM.g <- sqrt((trnsLoc$x-recLoc$x[g])^2 +
        detP.g <- detRngFun(distM.g) #calculate probability of detection
        #simulate detection
        succ.g <- as.logical(rbinom(length(detP.g), 1, detP.g)) 
	    #output detection data
      if(sum(succ.g) > 0){
		  dtc.g <- data.frame(
			  trns_id = which(succ.g),
			  recv_id = g,
			  recv_x = recLoc$x[g],
			  recv_y = recLoc$y[g],
			  trns_x = trnsLoc$x[succ.g],
			  trns_y = trnsLoc$y[succ.g],
			  etime = trnsLoc$et[succ.g])
		  dtc <- rbind(dtc,dtc.g) #append
	  } # end if
		#update progress bar
  		info <- sprintf("%d%% done", round(g/nrow(recLoc)*100))
  		setTxtProgressBar(pb, g)
  		if(g==nrow(recLoc)) close(pb)
	 } #end g
  dtc <- dtc[order(dtc$etime),]#sort by time	 
  if(nrow(dtc) > 0){

    #convert transmission locations of detections to input crs
    dtc_recv <- sp::SpatialPoints(dtc[, c("recv_x", "recv_y")], 
                                 proj4string = sp::CRS(projargs))
    dtc_recv <- sp::spTransform(dtc_recv, CRSobj = projargs_in)
    #convert transmission locations of detections to input crs
    dtc_trns <- sp::SpatialPoints(dtc[, c("trns_x", "trns_y")], 
                                  proj4string = sp::CRS(projargs))
    dtc_trns <- sp::spTransform(dtc_trns, CRSobj = projargs_in)
    #combine to data frame
    dtc <- as.data.frame(cbind(dtc[, c("trns_id", "recv_id")], 
                               etime = dtc$etime))  
    if(sp_out) {
      #export spatial object where locations are receiver locations of detection
      dtc <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(dtc_recv, data = dtc)

jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.