
Defines functions detection_events

Documented in detection_events

#' Classify discrete events in detection data
#' Reduce detection data into discrete detection events, defined by movement
#' between receivers (or receiver groups, depending on location), or sequential
#' detections at the same location that are separated by a user-defined
#' threshold period of time.
#' @param det A \code{glatos_detections} object (e.g., produced by
#'   \link{read_glatos_detections}).
#'   \emph{OR} a data frame containing detection data with four columns
#'   described below and one column containing a location grouping variable,
#'   whose name is specified by \code{location_col} (see below).
#'   The following four columns must appear in \code{det}: 
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{animal_id}}{Individual animal identifier; character.}
#'	 \item{\code{detection_timestamp_utc}}{Detection timestamps; MUST be of class
#'   POSIXct.}
#'	 \item{\code{deploy_lat}}{Latitude of receiver deployment in decimal 
#'      degrees, NAD83.}
#'	 \item{\code{deploy_long}}{Longitude of receiver deployment in decimal 
#'     degrees, NAD83.}
#'   }
#' @param location_col A character string indicating the column name in
#'   \code{det} that will be used as the location grouping variable (e.g.
#'   "glatos_array"), in quotes.
#' @param time_sep Amount of time (in seconds) that must pass between 
#'   sequential detections on the same receiver (or group of receivers, 
#'   depending on specified location) before that detection is considered to 
#'   belong to a new detection event. The default value \code{Inf}, will not 
#'   define events based on elapsed time (only when location changes).
#' @param condense A logical indicating if the result should be a condensed 
#'   data frame (\code{condense = TRUE}; default value) with one event per row, 
#'   or the input data frame with new event data columns added 
#'   \code{condense = TRUE}.
#' @details mean_latitude and mean_longitude columns in the output dataframe are 
#'   the mean GPS locations for the detections comprising that detection event. 
#'   For example, if the a fish was detected at 3 receiver stations in a 
#'   glatos_array and glatos_array was selected as the location, then GPS 
#'   location for that event will be the mean of the latitude and longitude 
#'   for those three receiver stations (weighted based on the number of 
#'   detections that occurred on each station).
#' @return A data.table or tibble object (if input is either type; output 
#' class to match input) or data.frame otherwise. Structure depends on 
#' value of \code{condense} argument: \cr
#' If \code{condense = TRUE}, a data.frame, data.table, or tibble with the 
#' following columns:
#'  \item{event}{Unique event identifier.}
#'  \item{individual}{Unique 'animal_id'.}
#'  \item{location}{Unique 'location'.}
#'	\item{mean_latitude}{Mean latitude of detections comprising each event.}
#' 	\item{mean_longitude}{Mean longitude of detections comprising each event.}
#'  \item{first_detection}{The time of the first detection in a given detection 
#'    event.} 
#'  \item{last_detection}{The time of the last detection in a given detection 
#'    event.}  
#'  \item{num_detections}{The total number of detection that comprised a given
#' 	  detection event.}
#'  \item{res_time_sec}{The elapsed time in seconds between the first and last 
#'		detection in a given event.}
#'	If \code{condense = FALSE}, a data.frame, data.table, or tibble matching the
#'	input data frame \code{det} with the following columns added:
#'  \item{time_diff}{Lagged time difference in seconds between successive 
#'    detections of each animal_id.}
#'  \item{arrive}{Flag (0 or 1) representing the first detection in each 
#'    event.} 
#'  \item{depart}{Flag (0 or 1) representing the last detection in each 
#'    event.} 
#'  \item{event}{Integer representing the event number.}
#' @author T. R. Binder, T. A. Hayden, C. M. Holbrook
#' @examples
#' #get path to example detection file
#' det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
#'                          package = "glatos")
#' det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
#' filt0 <- detection_events(det) #no time filter
#' #7-day filter
#' filt_7d <- detection_events(det , time_sep = 604800) 
#' #7-day filter but return do not condense result
#' filt_7d <- detection_events(det , time_sep = 604800, condense = FALSE) 
#' @export

detection_events <- function(det,
                             location_col = "glatos_array",
                             time_sep = Inf,
                             condense = TRUE){
  # Make detections data frame a data.table object for processing speed
  detections <- data.table::as.data.table(det)
  # Check time_sep is numeric
  if(is.character(time_sep)) {
    time_sep <- as.numeric(time_sep)
    if(all(is.na(time_sep))) stop("`time_sep` argument should be numeric.")
  # Check value of condense
  if(!is.logical(condense)) stop(
    "input argument 'condense' must be either TRUE or FALSE (unquoted).")
	# Check that the specified columns appear in the detections dataframe
	missingCols <- setdiff(c("animal_id",
	if (length(missingCols) > 0){
		stop(paste0("Detections dataframe is missing the following ",
			"column(s):\n", paste0("       '", missingCols, "'", collapse = "\n")), 
			call. = FALSE)
	# Check that timestamp is of class 'POSIXct'
	if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(detections$detection_timestamp_utc))){
    	    "Column 'detection_timestamp_utc' in the detections dataframe",
          "must be of class 'POSIXct'."),
	       call. = FALSE)
	# Set variables to NULL that will appear in data.table calls 
	#  to avoid R CMD check NOTES
	animal_id <- detection_timestamp_utc <- time_diff <- arrive <-
	  depart <- event <- deploy_lat <- deploy_long <- NULL
	# Change name of location variable column for convenience 
	data.table::setnames(detections, location_col, "location_col")
	# Sort detections by transmitter id and then by detection timestamp.
	data.table::setkey(detections, animal_id, detection_timestamp_utc)

	# Add a column with time between a given detection and the detection
	detections[ , time_diff :=  c(NA, diff(as.numeric(detection_timestamp_utc))), 
	           by = c("animal_id", "location_col")]
	# Flag as arrival if location not equal to previous or time_diff > time_sep
	detections[ , arrive := as.numeric(
	                (location_col != 
	                   data.table::shift(location_col, fill = TRUE)) | 
	                (time_diff > time_sep)), 
	           by = animal_id]

	# Flag as departure if location not equal to next or time_diff > time_sep
	detections[ , depart := as.numeric(
	                (location_col != 
	                   data.table::shift(location_col, fill = TRUE, 
	                     type = "lead")) | 
	                  (data.table::shift(time_diff, fill = TRUE, type = "lead") > 
	           by = animal_id]
	# Add unique event number (among all fish, not within each fish)
	detections[ , event := cumsum(arrive)]  
	# Summarize the event data using data.table.
	Results = detections[, .(animal_id = animal_id[1],
	                         location = location_col[1],
	                         mean_latitude = mean(deploy_lat, na.rm = T),
	                         mean_longitude = mean(deploy_long, na.rm = T),
	                         first_detection = detection_timestamp_utc[1],
	                         last_detection = detection_timestamp_utc[.N],
	                         num_detections = .N,
	                         res_time_sec = 
	                     by = event]
	#function to match output to input
	out_class <- function(xout, xin){
  	#return data.table if input class data.table
  	if(inherits(xin, "data.table")) return(xout)
  	#return tibble if input class tibble
  	if(inherits(xin, "tbl")) return(tibble::as_tibble(xout))
	# Return conditional on 'condense'
  	# Returns dataframe containing summarized detection event data
  	message(paste0("The event filter distilled ", nrow(detections), 
  		" detections down to ", nrow(Results), " distinct detection events."))
  	return(out_class(Results, det))
  } else {
    # Returns input dataframe with new columns
    message(paste0("The event filter identified ", 
      max(detections$event, na.rm = TRUE), " distinct events in ",
      nrow(detections), " detections."))
    # Rename location variable column back to original
    data.table::setnames(detections, "location_col", location_col)
    return(out_class(detections, det)) 
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.