
Defines functions fpca_gauss_optimization fpca_gauss_argPreparation fpca_gauss

Documented in fpca_gauss fpca_gauss_argPreparation fpca_gauss_optimization

#' Functional principal components analysis via variational EM
#' Function used in the FPCA step for registering functional data,
#' called by \code{\link{register_fpca}} when \code{family = "gaussian"}. 
#' Parameters estimated based on probabilistic PCA framework originally 
#' introduced by Tipping and Bishop in 1999. \cr \cr
#' The number of functional principal components (FPCs) can either be specified
#' directly (argument \code{npc}) or chosen based on the explained share of
#' variance (\code{npc_varExplained}). In the latter case, the explained share of
#' variance and accordingly the number of FPCs is estimated before the main
#' estimation step by once running the FPCA with \code{npc = 20} (and
#' correspondingly \code{Kt = 20}). Doing so, we approximate the overall
#' variance in the data \code{Y} with the variance represented by the FPC basis
#' with 20 FPCs.
#' @param Y Dataframe. Should have variables id, value, index. 
#' @param npc,npc_varExplained The number of functional principal components (FPCs)
#' has to be specified either directly as \code{npc} or based on their explained
#' share of variance. In the latter case, \code{npc_varExplained} has to be set
#' to a share between 0 and 1.
#' @param Kt Number of B-spline basis functions used to estimate mean functions
#' and functional principal components. Default is 8. If \code{npc_varExplained}
#' is used, \code{Kt} is set to 20.
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations to perform for EM algorithm. Default is 50.
#' @param t_min Minimum value to be evaluated on the time domain. 
#' @param t_max Maximum value to be evaluated on the time domain.
#' @param print.iter Prints current error and iteration
#' @param row_obj If NULL, the function cleans the data and calculates row indices. 
#' Keep this NULL if you are using standalone \code{register} function.
#' @param seed Set seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 1988.
#' @param periodic If TRUE, uses periodic b-spline basis functions. Default is FALSE.
#' @param error_thresh Error threshold to end iterations. Defaults to 0.0001.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to or from other functions
#' @param verbose Can be set to integers between 0 and 4 to control the level of
#' detail of the printed diagnostic messages. Higher numbers lead to more detailed
#' messages. Defaults to 1.
#' @param subsample if the number of rows of the data is greater than 
#' 10 million rows, the `id` values are subsampled to get the mean coefficients.
#' @author Julia Wrobel \email{julia.wrobel@@cuanschutz.edu},
#' Jeff Goldsmith \email{ajg2202@@cumc.columbia.edu},
#' Alexander Bauer \email{alexander.bauer@@stat.uni-muenchen.de}
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @return An object of class \code{fpca} containing:
#' \item{fpca_type}{Information that FPCA was performed with the 'variationEM' approach,
#' in contrast to registr::gfpca_twoStep.}
#' \item{t_vec}{Time vector over which the mean \code{mu} and the functional principal
#' components \code{efunctions} were evaluated.}
#' \item{knots}{Cutpoints for B-spline basis used to rebuild \code{alpha}.}
#' \item{efunctions}{\eqn{D \times npc} matrix of estimated FPC basis functions.}
#' \item{evalues}{Estimated variance of the FPC scores.}
#' \item{evalues_sum}{Approximation of the overall variance in \code{Y}, based
#' on an initial run of the FPCA with \code{npc = 20}. Is \code{NULL} if
#' \code{npc_varExplained} was not specified.}
#' \item{npc}{number of FPCs.}
#' \item{scores}{\eqn{I \times npc} matrix of estimated FPC scores.}
#' \item{alpha}{Estimated population-level mean.}
#' \item{mu}{Estimated population-level mean. Same value as \code{alpha} but included for compatibility
#' with \code{refund.shiny} package.}
#' \item{subject_coefs}{B-spline basis coefficients used to construct subject-specific means. 
#' For use in \code{registr()} function.}
#' \item{Yhat}{FPC approximation of subject-specific means.}
#' \item{Y}{The observed data.}
#' \item{family}{\code{gaussian}, for compatibility with \code{refund.shiny} package.}
#' \item{sigma2}{Estimated error variance}
#' @export
#' @references Tipping, M. E. and Bishop, C (1999). Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis.
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B,}, 592--598.
#' @examples
#' data(growth_incomplete)
#' # estimate 2 FPCs
#' fpca_obj = fpca_gauss(Y = growth_incomplete, npc = 2)
#' plot(fpca_obj)
#' # estimate npc adaptively, to explain 90% of the overall variation
#' \donttest{
#' fpca_obj2 = fpca_gauss(Y = growth_incomplete, npc_varExplained = 0.9)
#' plot(fpca_obj, plot_FPCs = 1:2)
#' }
fpca_gauss = function(Y, npc = NULL, npc_varExplained = NULL, Kt = 8, maxiter = 20,
                      t_min = NULL, t_max = NULL, 
											print.iter = FALSE, row_obj= NULL, seed = 1988, periodic = FALSE, 
											error_thresh = 0.0001, subsample = TRUE, verbose = 1, 
  if (is.null(npc) & is.null(npc_varExplained))
    stop("Please either specify 'npc' or 'npc_varExplained'.")
  if (!is.null(npc_varExplained) && ((npc_varExplained < 0) | (npc_varExplained > 1)))
    stop("'npc_varExplained' must be a number between 0 and 1.")
  if (!is.null(npc) & !is.null(npc_varExplained))
    message("Ignoring argument 'npc' since 'npc_varExplained' is specified.")
  if (!is.null(npc_varExplained)) {
    Kt = 20
	## clean data
	if (is.null(row_obj)) {
		data = data_clean(Y)
		Y    = data$Y
		rows = data$Y_rows
		I    = data$I
	} else {
		rows = row_obj
		I    = dim(rows)[1]
	if (Kt < 3) {
		stop("Kt must be greater than or equal to 3.")
	time = Y$index
	if (is.null(t_min)) { t_min = min(time) }
	if (is.null(t_max)) { t_max = max(time) }
	# prepare the arguments for the main optimization step
	prep_arg_list = list(Y         = Y,
	                     Kt        = Kt,
	                     time      = time,
	                     t_min     = t_min,
	                     t_max     = t_max,
	                     periodic  = periodic,
	                     seed      = seed,
	                     subsample = subsample,
	                     verbose   = verbose)
	prepared_args = do.call(fpca_gauss_argPreparation, args = prep_arg_list)
	# arguments for the main optimization step
	arg_list <- list(npc              = npc,
	                 npc_varExplained = npc_varExplained,
	                 Kt               = Kt,
	                 maxiter          = maxiter,
	                 print.iter       = print.iter,
	                 seed             = seed,
	                 periodic         = periodic,
	                 error_thresh     = error_thresh,
	                 verbose          = verbose,
	                 Y                = Y,
	                 rows             = rows,
	                 I                = I,
	                 knots            = prepared_args$knots,
	                 Theta_phi        = prepared_args$Theta_phi,
	                 alpha_coefs      = prepared_args$alpha_coefs)
	# choose the number of FPCs based on the explained share of variance
	if (!is.null(npc_varExplained)) {
	  prep_arg_list_vexp    = prep_arg_list
	  prep_arg_list_vexp$Kt = 20
	  prepared_args_vexp    = do.call(fpca_gauss_argPreparation, args = prep_arg_list_vexp)
	  arg_list_vexp     = arg_list
	  arg_list_vexp$npc = 20
	  arg_list_vexp$Kt  = 20
	  arg_list_vexp$knots       = prepared_args_vexp$knots
	  arg_list_vexp$Theta_phi   = prepared_args_vexp$Theta_phi
	  arg_list_vexp$alpha_coefs = prepared_args_vexp$alpha_coefs
	  list_npcChoice    = do.call(fpca_gauss_optimization, args = arg_list_vexp)
	  arg_list$npc      = list_npcChoice$npc
	  arg_list$npc_varExplained = NULL
	# main optimization step
	fpca_resList = do.call(fpca_gauss_optimization, args = arg_list)
	if (!is.null(npc_varExplained)) { # use (approximated) shares of variance
	  fpca_resList$evalues     = list_npcChoice$evalues
	  fpca_resList$evalues_sum = list_npcChoice$evalues_sum
  ret = list(
    fpca_type     = "variationalEM",
  	t_vec         = fpca_resList$t_vec,
  	knots         = prepared_args$knots, 
  	alpha         = fpca_resList$Theta_phi_mean %*% fpca_resList$alpha_coefs,
  	mu            = fpca_resList$Theta_phi_mean %*% fpca_resList$alpha_coefs, # return this to be consistent with refund.shiny
  	efunctions    = fpca_resList$efunctions, 
  	evalues       = fpca_resList$evalues,
    evalues_sum   = fpca_resList$evalues_sum,
  	npc           = fpca_resList$npc,
  	scores        = fpca_resList$scores,
  	subject_coefs = fpca_resList$subject_coef,
  	Yhat          = fpca_resList$fittedVals, 
  	Y             = Y, 
  	family        = "gaussian",
  	sigma2        = fpca_resList$sigma2
  class(ret) = "fpca" 
} # end function

#' Internal main preparation function for fpca_gauss
#' @inheritParams fpca_gauss
#' @param Y,time,t_min,t_max Internal objects created in \code{fpca_gauss}.
#' @importFrom splines bs
#' @importFrom pbs pbs
#' @return List with elements \code{knots}, \code{Theta_phi}, \code{alpha_coefs}.
fpca_gauss_argPreparation = function(Y, Kt, time, t_min, t_max, periodic, seed,
                                     subsample, verbose) {
  if (periodic) {
    # if periodic, then we want more global knots, because the resulting object from pbs 
    # only has (knots+intercept) columns.
    knots = quantile(time, probs = seq(0, 1, length = Kt + 1))[-c(1, Kt + 1)]
    Theta_phi = pbs(c(t_min, t_max, time), knots = knots, intercept = TRUE)[-(1:2),]
  } else {
    # if not periodic, then we want fewer global knots, because the resulting object from bs
    # has (knots+degree+intercept) columns, and degree is set to 3 by default.
    knots = quantile(time, probs = seq(0, 1, length = Kt - 2))[-c(1, Kt - 2)]
    Theta_phi =  bs(c(t_min, t_max, time), knots = knots, intercept = TRUE)[-(1:2),]
  ## initialize all parameters
  nrows_basis = nrow(Theta_phi)
  if (subsample && nrows_basis > 1000000) {
    if (verbose > 2) {
      message("fpca_gauss: Running Sub-sampling")
    uids = unique(Y$id)
    nids = length(uids)
    avg_rows_per_id = nrows_basis / nids
    size = round(1000000 / avg_rows_per_id)
    if(nids > size){
      ids = sample(uids, size = size, replace = FALSE)
    } else {
      ids = uids  
    subsampling_index = which(Y$id %in% ids)      
  } else {
    subsampling_index = 1:nrows_basis
  if (verbose > 2) {
    message("fpca_gauss: running GLM")
  if (requireNamespace("fastglm", quietly = TRUE)) {
    glm_obj = fastglm::fastglm(y = Y$value[subsampling_index], x = Theta_phi[subsampling_index,], 
                               family = "gaussian", method=2)
  } else {
    glm_obj = glm(Y$value[subsampling_index] ~ 0 + Theta_phi[subsampling_index,], family = "gaussian",
                  control = list(trace = verbose > 3))
  if (verbose > 2) {
    message("fpca_gauss: GLM finished")
  alpha_coefs = coef(glm_obj)
  alpha_coefs = matrix(alpha_coefs, Kt, 1)
  return(list(knots       = knots,
              Theta_phi   = Theta_phi,
              alpha_coefs = alpha_coefs))

#' Internal main optimization for fpca_gauss
#' Main optimization function for \code{fpca_gauss}. If \code{npc_varExplained}
#' is specified, the function simply returns a list with elements \code{npc}
#' (chosen number of FPCs), \code{evalues} (estimated variances of the first 'npc'
#' FPCs) and \code{evalues_sum} (sum of the estimated variances of the first 20
#' FPCs, as approximation of the overall variance).
#' @inheritParams fpca_gauss
#' @param Y,rows,I,knots,Theta_phi,alpha_coefs Internal objects created in
#' \code{fpca_gauss}.
#' @importFrom splines bs
#' @importFrom pbs pbs
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @return list with elements \code{t_vec}, \code{Theta_phi_mean}, \code{alpha_coefs},
#' \code{efunctions}, \code{evalues}, \code{evalues_sum}, \code{scores},
#' \code{subject_coef}, \code{fittedVals}, \code{sigma2}. See documentation of
#' \code{\link{fpca_gauss}} for details.
fpca_gauss_optimization <- function(npc, npc_varExplained = NULL, Kt, maxiter, print.iter,
                                    seed, periodic, error_thresh, verbose,
                                    Y, rows, I, knots, Theta_phi, alpha_coefs) {
  curr_iter = 1
  error     = rep(NA, maxiter)
  error[1]  = 100.0
  psi_coefs   = matrix(rnorm(Kt * npc), Kt, npc) * 0.5
  sigma2      = 1
  temp_alpha_coefs = alpha_coefs
  temp_psi_coefs   = psi_coefs
  temp_sigma2      = sigma2
  phi_a     = list(NA, I)
  phi_b     = matrix(0, nrow = Kt * (npc+1), ncol = I)
  scores    = matrix(NA, I, npc)
  sigma_vec = rep(NA, I)
  ##### update parameters
  while (curr_iter < maxiter && error[curr_iter] > error_thresh) {
    if (print.iter) {
      message("current iteration: ", curr_iter)
      message("current error: ", error[curr_iter])
    for (i in 1:I) {
      subject_rows = rows$first_row[i]:rows$last_row[i]
      Yi           = Y$value[subject_rows]
      Theta_i      = Theta_phi[subject_rows, ] 
      Theta_i_quad = crossprod(Theta_i)
      # posterior scores
      Ci = solve(1/sigma2 * crossprod(psi_coefs, Theta_i_quad) %*% psi_coefs + diag(npc))
      mi_inner = 1/sigma2 * (crossprod(Yi, Theta_i)  - crossprod(alpha_coefs, Theta_i_quad)) %*% psi_coefs
      mi = tcrossprod(Ci, mi_inner)
      mm = Ci + tcrossprod(mi)
      # estimate sigma2 by maximum likelihood
      sigma_vec[i] =  -2 * t(mi) %*% t(psi_coefs) %*% t(Theta_i) %*% (Yi - Theta_i %*% alpha_coefs) +
        crossprod((Yi - Theta_i %*% alpha_coefs)) +
        sum(diag( crossprod(psi_coefs, Theta_i_quad) %*% psi_coefs %*% Ci)) + 
        t(mi) %*% crossprod(psi_coefs, Theta_i_quad) %*% psi_coefs %*% mi
      # estimate phi by maximum likelihood
      si = rbind(mi, 1)
      ss = cbind(rbind(mm, t(mi)), si)
      phi_a[[i]] = kronecker(Theta_i_quad, ss)  
      phi_b[,i]  =  t(Yi) %*% kronecker(Theta_i, t(si))
      scores[i,] = mi
    } # end loop over subjects
    sigma2    = 1/length(Y$value) * sum(sigma_vec)
    phi_a_sum = Reduce("+", phi_a)
    phi_vec = solve(phi_a_sum) %*% rowSums(phi_b)
    phi_mat = matrix(phi_vec, nrow = Kt, ncol = npc + 1, byrow = TRUE)
    alpha_coefs = phi_mat[, npc+1]
    psi_coefs   = phi_mat[, 1:npc, drop = TRUE]
    ## calculate error
    curr_iter = curr_iter + 1
    error[curr_iter] = sum((psi_coefs - temp_psi_coefs)^2) +
      sum((alpha_coefs - temp_alpha_coefs)^2) +
      (sigma2 - temp_sigma2)^2
    temp_psi_coefs   = psi_coefs
    temp_alpha_coefs = alpha_coefs
    temp_sigma2      = sigma2
  } # end while loop
  if (curr_iter < maxiter) {
    if (verbose > 2) {
      message("fpca_gauss converged.")
  } else {
    warning("fpca_gauss convergence not reached. Try increasing maxiter.")
  ## evaluate mean and eigenfunctions on a grid of length 100
  t_vec = seq(min(Y$index), max(Y$index), length.out = 100)
  if (periodic) {
    Theta_phi_mean = pbs(t_vec, knots = knots, intercept = TRUE)
  } else {
    Theta_phi_mean =  bs(t_vec, knots = knots, intercept = TRUE)
  # orthogonalize eigenvectors and extract eigenvalues
  scores_unorthogonal = scores
  psi_svd    = svd(Theta_phi_mean %*% psi_coefs)
  efunctions = psi_svd$u
  evalues    = ( psi_svd$d ) ^ 2
  # choose npc adaptively, if 'npc_varExplained' is specified
  if (is.null(npc_varExplained)) { # no adaptive choice of npc
    evalues_sum = NULL
  } else { # adaptive choice of npc
    evalues_sum = sum(evalues)
    npc         = which(cumsum(evalues) / evalues_sum > npc_varExplained)[1]
    if (verbose > 0) {
      message(paste0("Using the first ",npc," FPCs which explain ",
                     round(sum(evalues[1:npc]) / evalues_sum * 100, 1),"% of the (approximated) total variance."))
    return(list(npc         = npc,
                evalues     = evalues[1:npc],
                evalues_sum = evalues_sum))
  # orthogonalize scores
  d_diag     = if (length(psi_svd$d) == 1) { matrix(psi_svd$d) } else { diag(psi_svd$d) }
  scores     = scores_unorthogonal %*% psi_svd$v %*% d_diag
  # calculate the fitted values on Theta_phi for compatibility with registr()
  fits         = rep(NA, dim(Y)[1])
  subject_coef = alpha_coefs + tcrossprod(psi_coefs, scores_unorthogonal)
  for (i in 1:I) {
    subject_rows       = rows$first_row[i]:rows$last_row[i]
    fits[subject_rows] = Theta_phi[subject_rows, ] %*% subject_coef[,i]
  fittedVals = data.frame(id = Y$id, index = Y$index, value = fits)
  return(list(t_vec          = t_vec,
              Theta_phi_mean = Theta_phi_mean,
              alpha_coefs    = alpha_coefs,
              npc            = npc,
              efunctions     = efunctions,
              evalues        = evalues,
              evalues_sum    = evalues_sum,
              scores         = scores,
              subject_coef   = subject_coef,
              fittedVals     = fittedVals,
              sigma2         = sigma2))
julia-wrobel/registr documentation built on Jan. 16, 2022, 2:51 a.m.