
# Don't sanitize error messages
options(shiny.sanitize.errors = FALSE)

# Make a lookup table for the bounds associated with a sensor type
boundsLookup <- list(
  "redox" = c(-400, -100, 1),
  "pH" = c(1, 14, 0.1),
  "other" = c(0, 1, 0.01)

# Tab Links
observeEvent(input$link_to_analysis, {
  updateTabsetPanel(session, "Sensoroverlord", "analysis")
# Global Functions -----------------------------------------------------

# Gets the current sensor
sensorInfo <- reactiveValues()

# Update sensor
observeEvent(input$`use-custom-input`, {
  # Make a sensor with custom characteristics
  sensor <- new("Sensor",
    Rmin = input$Rmin, Rmax = input$Rmax,
    delta = input$delta

  # Create a specific sensor object
  sensor <- makeSpecificSensor(
    sensor, input$sensorType2,

  # Create the appropriate bounds
  bounds <- boundsLookup[[input$sensorType2]]

  # Pass the sensor type
  sensor_type <- input$sensorType2
  sensorInfo$sensor_name <- input$sensorName2

  sensorInfo$sensor <- sensor
  sensorInfo$sensor_type <- sensor_type
  sensorInfo$bounds <- bounds

observeEvent(input$`use-upload`, {
  # Create a custom sensor
  inFile <- input$customSpectra

  # If there is an input file, we should parse it to create a sensor
  spectra <- read.csv(inFile$datapath, header = FALSE)
  spectra <- sensorOverlord::spectraMatrixFromValues(
    lambdas_minimum = spectra$V1,
    values_minimum = spectra$V2,
    lambdas_maximum = spectra$V3,
    values_maximum = spectra$V4

  # Make easy-access variables for the wavelength range
  lambda1_low <- input$lambda1 - input$lambda1_size / 2
  lambda1_high <- input$lambda1 + input$lambda1_size / 2
  lambda2_low <- input$lambda2 - input$lambda2_size / 2
  lambda2_high <- input$lambda2 + input$lambda2_size / 2

  # Make a sensor from the spectra
  sensor <-
      lambda_1 = c(lambda1_low, lambda1_high),
      lambda_2 = c(lambda2_low, lambda2_high)

  # Create the appropiate sensor
  sensor_type <- input$sensorType
  sensor <- makeSpecificSensor(
    sensor, sensor_type,

  # Create the appropriate bounds
  bounds <- boundsLookup[[sensor_type]]

  sensorInfo$sensor_name <- input$sensorName
  sensorInfo$sensor <- sensor
  sensorInfo$sensor_type <- sensor_type

update_sensor_lambda <- observeEvent(input$sensors, {
  if (input$sensors %in% sensorNames) {
    index <- match(input$sensors, sensorData$sensor_name)
      inputId = "lambda1",
      value = sensorData$lambda1_recommended[[index]]
      inputId = "lambda2",
      value = sensorData$lambda2_recommended[[index]]

getSensor <- reactive({

  # Make easy-access variables for the wavelength range
  lambda1_low <- input$lambda1 - input$lambda1_size / 2
  lambda1_high <- input$lambda1 + input$lambda1_size / 2
  lambda2_low <- input$lambda2 - input$lambda2_size / 2
  lambda2_high <- input$lambda2 + input$lambda2_size / 2

  # Create a sensor object from the input sensor, if it's
  # from the database
  if (input$sensors %in% sensorNames) {
    index <- match(input$sensors, sensorData$sensor_name)
    spectra <- spectraMatrixFromValues(
      lambdas_minimum = sensorData$lambda_min[[index]],
      values_minimum = sensorData$values_min[[index]],
      lambdas_maximum = sensorData$lambda_max[[index]],
      values_maximum = sensorData$values_max[[index]]

    # Check to make sure sensor is defined at the given lambdas
    min_lambda <- min(spectra@lambdas)
    max_lambda <- max(spectra@lambdas)
    if ((lambda1_low < min_lambda) || (lambda2_low < min_lambda) ||
      (lambda1_high > max_lambda) || (lambda2_high > max_lambda)) {
        "Cannot make sensor at given wavelengths.\n",
        "The given spectra is only defined from ",
        ceiling(min_lambda), " to ", floor(max_lambda),
        ", but you are requesting analysis of R values",
        " taken at [", lambda1_low, ", ", lambda1_high, "] / [",
        lambda2_low, ", ", lambda2_high, "].\n",
        "Please redefine your query wavelengths and run the analysis again."
    # Make a sensor from the spectra
    sensor <-
        lambda_1 = c(lambda1_low, lambda1_high),
        lambda_2 = c(lambda2_low, lambda2_high)

    # Create the appropiate sensor
    sensor_type <- sensorData$sensor_type[[index]]
    sensor <- makeSpecificSensor(
      sensor, sensor_type,
    sensorInfo$sensor_name <- input$sensors

    # Create the appropriate bounds
    bounds <- boundsLookup[[sensor_type]]

    sensorInfo$sensor <- sensor
    sensorInfo$sensor_type <- sensor_type
    sensorInfo$bounds <- bounds

get_accuracies <- reactive({
  sort(lapply(strsplit(input$acc, ","), as.numeric)[[1]])

get_ranges_df <- reactive({
    inaccuracies = input$relErr,
    thresholds = get_accuracies(),
    by = boundsLookup[[sensorInfo$sensor_type]][3]

get_error_df <- reactive({
    inaccuracies = input$relErr,
    by = boundsLookup[[sensorInfo$sensor_type]][3]
# Home Page -------------------------------------------------

# Output a dumbell plot of the ranges we can measure with
# this microscope precision and desired accuracy
output$range <- renderPlot({
  # Get the sensor

    ranges = isolate(get_ranges_df()),
    ylim = isolate(sensorInfo$bounds[1:2])
  ) +
      axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5)),
      axis.text.y = element_text(size = rel(1.5)),
      aspect.ratio = 1 / 5
    ) +
      labels = c(isolate(sensorInfo$sensor_name))

# Make a phase plot for the sensor
output$phasePlot <- renderPlotly({
  error_table <- isolate(get_error_df())
  sensor_type <- colnames(error_table)[1]
  error_table <- error_table[, c(sensor_type, "Error")]
  error_table <- error_table[Reduce(`&`, lapply(error_table, is.finite)), ]
    data = error_table, x = error_table[, sensor_type], y = ~Error,
    hoverinfo = "text", text = paste0(
      sensor_type, ": ", round(error_table[, sensor_type], 2), "\n",
      "Inaccuracy: ", round(error_table[, "Error"], 2)
  ) %>%
    add_lines() %>%
      yaxis = list(
        range = c(0, min(error_table$Error) * 5),
        title = "Inaccuracy"
      xaxis = list(
        title = sensor_type
    ) %>%
    config(displaylogo = FALSE)

# Outputs the characteristics of the current sensor as text
output$sensorChars <- renderText({
  sensor <- sensorInfo$sensor
  main <- paste(
    "Rmin: ", round(sensor@Rmin, 2),
    "| Rmax: ", round(sensor@Rmax, 2),
    "| delta: ", round(sensor@delta, 2)

  sensor_type <- sensorInfo$sensor_type

  midpoint <- switch(sensor_type, "redox" = round(sensor@e0, 2),
    "pH" = round(sensor@pH, 2),
    "other" = "NA"

  paste(main, "| Midpoint: ", midpoint)

# Custom Sensor Page ---------------------------------------------------
# Output the characteristics of the custom sensor
output$customChars <- output$customChars2 <- renderDT(
    # Make a sensor with custom characteristics
    sensor <- sensorInfo$sensor
    type <- input$sensorType
    # Create a specific sensor object
    sensor <- makeSpecificSensor(
      sensor, type,

    min_str <- switch(type, "redox" = "Rreduced", "pH" = "Rprotenated", "other" = "Rmin")
    max_str <- switch(type, "redox" = "Roxidized", "pH" = "Rdeprotenated", "other" = "Rmax")

      Parameters = c("Sensor", min_str, max_str, "Dynamic Range"),
      Values = c(
        round(sensor@Rmin, 2), round(sensor@Rmax, 2),
        round(sensor@Rmax / sensor@Rmin, 2)
  options = list("pageLength" = 5, dom = "", searching = F, scrollX = T,
                 columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))),
  rownames = FALSE,
  width = "50%"

# Output the graph of R vs FractionMax of the custom sensor
output$plotFraction_Value <- output$plotFraction_Value2 <- renderPlot({
  sensor <- sensorInfo$sensor

  fracMax <- plotFractionMax(sensor) +
             aspect.ratio = 1,
             text = element_text(size = 20)

  R_Value <- data.frame(R = getR(sensor), Value = getProperty(

  value <- ggplot(R_Value, aes(x = R, y = Value)) +
    geom_line() +
      aspect.ratio = 1,
      text = element_text(size = 20)

  grid.arrange(fracMax, value, ncol = 2)


output$plotFractionMax_custom <- output$plotFractionMax_custom2 <- renderPlot({
  # Make a sensor with custom characteristics
  sensor <- sensorInfo$sensor

  return(plotFractionMax(sensor) +
      aspect.ratio = 1,
      text = element_text(size = 20)

# Output the graph of R vs Value for the custom sensor
output$plotValue_custom <- output$plotValue_custom2 <- renderPlot({
  # Make a sensor with custom characteristics
  sensor <- sensorInfo$sensor

  R_Value <- data.frame(R = getR(sensor), Value = getProperty(

  ggplot(R_Value, aes(x = R, y = Value)) +
    geom_line() +
      aspect.ratio = 1,
      text = element_text(size = 20)

# Full Error Table Page ------------------------------------------------
output$fullTable <- renderDataTable({
}, )
julianstanley/SensorOverlord documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 2:29 p.m.