
Defines functions Power.ssrCP z2Fisher z2Z z2NC plot.ssrCP ssrCP n2sizediff condPowerDiff condPower

Documented in condPower plot.ssrCP Power.ssrCP ssrCP z2Fisher z2NC z2Z

# conditional power function
# condPower function [sinew] ----
#' @export 
#' @rdname ssrCP
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
condPower <- function(z1, n2, z2 = z2NC, theta = NULL,
                      x = gsDesign(k = 2, timing = .5, beta = beta),
                      ...) {
  if (is.null(theta)) theta <- z1 / sqrt(x$n.I[1])
  return(as.numeric(stats::pnorm(sqrt(n2) * theta -
    z2(z1 = z1, x = x, n2 = n2))))

# condPowerDiff function [sinew] ----
condPowerDiff <- function(z1, target, n2, z2 = z2NC,
                          theta = NULL,
                          x = gsDesign(k = 2, timing = .5)) {
  if (is.null(theta)) theta <- z1 / sqrt(x$n.I[1])
  return(as.numeric(stats::pnorm(sqrt(n2) * theta -
    z2(z1 = z1, x = x, n2 = n2)) - target))

# n2sizediff function [sinew] ----
n2sizediff <- function(z1, target, beta = .1, z2 = z2NC,
                       theta = NULL,
                       x = gsDesign(k = 2, timing = .5, beta = beta)) {
  if (is.null(theta)) theta <- z1 / sqrt(x$n.I[1])
  return(as.numeric(((z2(z1 = z1, x = x, n2 = target - x$n.I[1]) -
    stats::qnorm(beta)) / theta)^2 + x$n.I[1] -

# ssrCP roxy [sinew] ----
#' @title Sample size re-estimation based on conditional power
#' @description \code{ssrCP()} adapts 2-stage group sequential designs to 2-stage sample
#' size re-estimation designs based on interim analysis conditional power. This
#' is a simple case of designs developed by Lehmacher and Wassmer, Biometrics
#' (1999). The conditional power designs of Bauer and Kohne (1994), 
#' Proschan and Hunsberger (1995), Cui, Hung and Wang (1999) and Liu and Chi (2001), 
#' Gao, Ware and Mehta (2008), and Mehta and Pocock (2011). Either the estimated
#' treatment effect at the interim analysis or any chosen effect size can be
#' used for sample size re-estimation. If not done carefully, these designs can
#' be very inefficient. It is probably a good idea to compare any design to a
#' simpler group sequential design; see, for example, Jennison and Turnbull
#' (2003). The a assumes a small Type I error is included with the interim
#' analysis and that the design is an adaptation from a 2-stage group
#' sequential design Related functions include 3 pre-defined combination test
#' functions (\code{z2NC}, \code{z2Z}, \code{z2Fisher}) that represent the
#' inverse normal combination test (Lehmacher and Wassmer, 1999), the
#' sufficient statistic for the complete data, and Fisher's combination test.
#' \code{Power.ssrCP} computes unconditional power for a conditional power
#' design derived by \code{ssrCP}.
#' \code{condPower} is a supportive routine that also is interesting in its own
#' right; it computes conditional power of a combination test given an interim
#' test statistic, stage 2 sample size and combination test statistic. While
#' the returned data frame should make general plotting easy, the function
#' \code{plot.ssrCP()} prints a plot of study sample size by stage 1 outcome
#' with multiple x-axis labels for stage 1 z-value, conditional power, and
#' stage 1 effect size relative to the effect size for which the underlying
#' group sequential design was powered.
#' Sample size re-estimation using conditional power and an interim estimate of
#' treatment effect was proposed by several authors in the 1990's (see
#' references below). Statistical testing for these original methods was based
#' on combination tests since Type I error could be inflated by using a
#' sufficient statistic for testing at the end of the trial. Since 2000, more
#' efficient variations of these conditional power designs have been developed.
#' Fully optimized designs have also been derived (Posch et all, 2003,
#' Lokhnygina and Tsiatis, 2008). Some of the later conditional power methods
#' allow use of sufficient statistics for testing (Chen, DeMets and Lan, 2004,
#' Gao, Ware and Mehta, 2008, and Mehta and Pocock, 2011).
#' The methods considered here are extensions of 2-stage group sequential
#' designs that include both an efficacy and a futility bound at the planned
#' interim analysis. A maximum fold-increase in sample size (\code{maxinc})from
#' the supplied group sequential design (\code{x}) is specified by the user, as
#' well as a range of conditional power (\code{cpadj}) where sample size should
#' be re-estimated at the interim analysis, 1-the targeted conditional power to
#' be used for sample size re-estimation (\code{beta}) and a combination test
#' statistic (\code{z2}) to be used for testing at the end of the trial. The
#' input value \code{overrun} represents incremental enrollment not included in
#' the interim analysis that is not included in the analysis; this is used for
#' calculating the required number of patients enrolled to complete the trial.
#' Whereas most of the methods proposed have been based on using the interim
#' estimated treatment effect size (default for \code{ssrCP}), the variable
#' \code{theta} allows the user to specify an alternative; Liu and Chi (2001)
#' suggest that using the parameter value for which the trial was originally
#' powered is a good choice.
#' @param z1 Scalar or vector with interim standardized Z-value(s). Input of
#' multiple values makes it easy to plot the revised sample size as a function
#' of the interim test statistic.
#' @param theta If \code{NULL} (default), conditional power calculation will be
#' based on estimated interim treatment effect. Otherwise, \code{theta} is the
#' standardized effect size used for conditional power calculation. Using the
#' alternate hypothesis treatment effect can be more efficient than the
#' estimated effect size; see Liu and Chi, Biometrics (2001).
#' @param maxinc Maximum fold-increase from planned maximum sample size in
#' underlying group sequential design provided in \code{x}.
#' @param overrun The number of patients enrolled before the interim analysis
#' is completed who are not included in the interim analysis.
#' @param beta Targeted Type II error (1 - targeted conditional power); used
#' for conditional power in sample size reestimation.
#' @param cpadj Range of values strictly between 0 and 1 specifying the range
#' of interim conditional power for which sample size re-estimation is to be
#' performed. Outside of this range, the sample size supplied in \code{x} is
#' used.
#' @param x A group sequential design with 2 stages (\code{k=2}) generated by
#' \code{\link{gsDesign}}. For \code{plot.ssrCP}, \code{x} is a design returned
#' by \code{ssrCP()}.
#' @param z2 a combination function that returns a test statistic cutoff for
#' the stage 2 test based in the interim test statistic supplied in \code{z1},
#' the design \code{x} and the stage 2 sample size.
#' @param ... Allows passing of arguments that may be needed by the
#' user-supplied function, codez2. In the case of \code{plot.ssrCP()}, allows
#' passing more graphical parameters.
#' @param delta Natural parameter values for power calculation; see
#' \code{\link{gsDesign}} for a description of how this is related to
#' \code{theta}.
#' @param r Integer value controlling grid for numerical integration as in
#' Jennison and Turnbull (2000); default is 18, range is 1 to 80.  Larger
#' values provide larger number of grid points and greater accuracy.  Normally
#' \code{r} will not be changed by the user.
#' @param n2 stage 2 sample size to be used in computing sufficient statistic
#' when combining stage 1 and 2 test statistics.
#' @param z1ticks Test statistic values at which tick marks are to be made on
#' x-axis; automatically calculated under default of \code{NULL}
#' @param mar Plot margins; see help for \code{par}
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param xlaboffset offset on x-axis for printing x-axis labels
#' @param lty line type for stage 2 sample size
#' @param col line color for stage 2 sample size
#' @return \code{ssrCP} returns a list with the following items: \item{x}{As
#' input.} \item{z2fn}{As input in \code{z2}.} \item{theta}{standardize effect
#' size used for conditional power; if \code{NULL} is input, this is computed
#' as \code{z1/sqrt(n1)} where \code{n1} is the stage 1 sample size.}
#' \item{maxinc}{As input.} \item{overrun}{As input.} \item{beta}{As input.}
#' \item{cpadj}{As input.} \item{dat}{A data frame containing the input
#' \code{z1} values, computed cutoffs for the standard normal test statistic
#' based solely on stage 2 data (\code{z2}), stage 2 sample sizes (\code{n2}),
#' stage 2 conditional power (\code{CP}), standardize effect size used for
#' conditional power calculation (\code{theta}), and the natural parameter
#' value corresponding to \code{theta} (\code{delta}). The relation between
#' \code{theta} and \code{delta} is determined by the \code{delta0} and
#' \code{delta1} values from \code{x}: \code{delta = delta0 +
#' theta(delta1-delta0)}.}
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # quick trick for simple conditional power based on interim z-value, stage 1 and 2 sample size
#' # assumed treatment effect and final alpha level
#' # and observed treatment effect
#' alpha <- .01 # set final nominal significance level
#' timing <- .6 # set proportion of sample size, events or statistical information at IA
#' n2 <- 40 # set stage 2 sample size events or statistical information
#' hr <- .6 # for this example we will derive conditional power based on hazard ratios
#' n.fix <- nEvents(hr=hr,alpha=alpha) # you could otherwise make n.fix an arbitrary positive value
#' # this just derives a group sequential design that should not change sample size from n.fix
#' # due to stringent IA bound
#' x <- gsDesign(k=2,n.fix=n.fix,alpha=alpha,test.type=1,sfu=sfHSD,
#' sfupar=-20,timing=timing,delta1=log(hr))
#' # derive effect sizes for which you wish to compute conditional power
#' hrpostIA = seq(.4,1,.05)
#' # in the following, we convert HR into standardized effect size based on the design in x
#' powr <- condPower(x=x,z1=1,n2=x$n.I[2]-x$n.I[1],theta=log(hrpostIA)/x$delta1*x$theta[2])
#' ggplot(
#'   data.frame(
#'     x = hrpostIA,
#'     y = condPower(
#'       x = x,
#'       z1 = 1,
#'       n2 = x$n.I[2] - x$n.I[1],
#'       theta = log(hrpostIA) / x$delta1 * x$theta[2]
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   aes(x = x, y = y)
#' ) +
#'   geom_line() +
#'   labs(
#'     x = "HR post IA",
#'     y = "Conditional power",
#'     title = "Conditional power as a function of assumed HR"
#'   )
#' # Following is a template for entering parameters for ssrCP
#' # Natural parameter value null and alternate hypothesis values
#' delta0 <- 0
#' delta1 <- 1
#' # timing of interim analysis for underlying group sequential design
#' timing <- .5
#' # upper spending function
#' sfu <- sfHSD
#' # upper spending function paramater
#' sfupar <- -12
#' # maximum sample size inflation
#' maxinflation <- 2
#' # assumed enrollment overrrun at IA
#' overrun <- 25
#' # interim z-values for plotting
#' z <- seq(0, 4, .025)
#' # Type I error (1-sided)
#' alpha <- .025
#' # Type II error for design
#' beta <- .1
#' # Fixed design sample size
#' n.fix <- 100
#' # conditional power interval where sample
#' # size is to be adjusted
#' cpadj <- c(.3, .9)
#' # targeted Type II error when adapting sample size
#' betastar <- beta
#' # combination test (built-in options are: z2Z, z2NC, z2Fisher)
#' z2 <- z2NC
#' # use the above parameters to generate design
#' # generate a 2-stage group sequential design with
#' x <- gsDesign(
#'   k = 2, n.fix = n.fix, timing = timing, sfu = sfu, sfupar = sfupar,
#'   alpha = alpha, beta = beta, delta0 = delta0, delta1 = delta1
#' )
#' # extend this to a conditional power design
#' xx <- ssrCP(
#'   x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
#'   maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2
#' )
#' # plot the stage 2 sample size
#' plot(xx)
#' # demonstrate overlays on this plot
#' # overlay with densities for z1 under different hypotheses
#' lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = 0), col = 2)
#' lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = sqrt(x$n.I[1]) * x$theta[2]), col = 3)
#' lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = sqrt(x$n.I[1]) * x$theta[2] / 2), col = 4)
#' lines(z, 80 + 240 * dnorm(z, mean = sqrt(x$n.I[1]) * x$theta[2] * .75), col = 5)
#' axis(side = 4, at = 80 + 240 * seq(0, .4, .1), labels = as.character(seq(0, .4, .1)))
#' mtext(side = 4, expression(paste("Density for ", z[1])), line = 2)
#' text(x = 1.5, y = 90, col = 2, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=0")))
#' text(x = 3.00, y = 180, col = 3, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=",
#'  theta[1])))
#' text(x = 1.00, y = 180, col = 4, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=",
#'  theta[1], "/2")))
#' text(x = 2.5, y = 140, col = 5, labels = expression(paste("Density for ", theta, "=",
#'  theta[1], "*.75")))
#' # overall line for max sample size
#' nalt <- xx$maxinc * x$n.I[2]
#' lines(x = par("usr")[1:2], y = c(nalt, nalt), lty = 2)
#' # compare above design with different combination tests
#' # use sufficient statistic for final testing
#' xxZ <- ssrCP(
#'   x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
#'   maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2Z
#' )
#' # use Fisher combination test for final testing
#' xxFisher <- ssrCP(
#'   x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
#'   maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2Fisher
#' )
#' # combine data frames from these designs
#' y <- rbind(
#'   data.frame(cbind(xx$dat, Test = "Normal combination")),
#'   data.frame(cbind(xxZ$dat, Test = "Sufficient statistic")),
#'   data.frame(cbind(xxFisher$dat, Test = "Fisher combination"))
#' )
#' # plot stage 2 statistic required for positive combination test
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = y, ggplot2::aes(x = z1, y = z2, col = Test)) + 
#' ggplot2::geom_line()
#' # plot total sample size versus stage 1 test statistic
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = y, ggplot2::aes(x = z1, y = n2, col = Test)) + 
#' ggplot2::geom_line()
#' # check achieved Type I error for sufficient statistic design
#' Power.ssrCP(x = xxZ, theta = 0)
#' # compare designs using observed vs planned theta for conditional power
#' xxtheta1 <- ssrCP(
#'   x = x, z1 = z, overrun = overrun, beta = betastar, cpadj = cpadj,
#'   maxinc = maxinflation, z2 = z2, theta = x$delta
#' )
#' # combine data frames for the 2 designs
#' y <- rbind(
#'   data.frame(cbind(xx$dat, "CP effect size" = "Obs. at IA")),
#'   data.frame(cbind(xxtheta1$dat, "CP effect size" = "Alt. hypothesis"))
#' )
#' # plot stage 2 sample size by design
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = y, ggplot2::aes(x = z1, y = n2, col = CP.effect.size)) + 
#' ggplot2::geom_line()
#' # compare power and expected sample size
#' y1 <- Power.ssrCP(x = xx)
#' y2 <- Power.ssrCP(x = xxtheta1)
#' # combine data frames for the 2 designs
#' y3 <- rbind(
#'   data.frame(cbind(y1, "CP effect size" = "Obs. at IA")),
#'   data.frame(cbind(y2, "CP effect size" = "Alt. hypothesis"))
#' )
#' # plot expected sample size by design and effect size
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = y3, ggplot2::aes(x = delta, y = en, col = CP.effect.size)) + 
#' ggplot2::geom_line() +
#' ggplot2::xlab(expression(delta)) + 
#' ggplot2::ylab("Expected sample size")
#' # plot power by design and effect size
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = y3, ggplot2::aes(x = delta, y = Power, col = CP.effect.size)) + 
#' ggplot2::geom_line() + 
#' ggplot2::xlab(expression(delta))
#' @author Keaven Anderson \email{keaven_anderson@@merck.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gsDesign}}
#' @references Bauer, Peter and Kohne, F., Evaluation of experiments with
#' adaptive interim analyses, Biometrics, 50:1029-1041, 1994.
#' Chen, YHJ, DeMets, DL and Lan, KKG. Increasing the sample size when the
#' unblinded interim result is promising, Statistics in Medicine, 23:1023-1038,
#' 2004.
#' Gao, P, Ware, JH and Mehta, C, Sample size re-estimation for adaptive
#' sequential design in clinical trials, Journal of Biopharmaceutical
#' Statistics", 18:1184-1196, 2008.
#' Jennison, C and Turnbull, BW.  Mid-course sample size modification in
#' clinical trials based on the observed treatment effect. Statistics in
#' Medicine, 22:971-993", 2003.
#' Lehmacher, W and Wassmer, G. Adaptive sample size calculations in group
#' sequential trials, Biometrics, 55:1286-1290, 1999.
#' Liu, Q and Chi, GY., On sample size and inference for two-stage adaptive
#' designs, Biometrics, 57:172-177, 2001.
#' Mehta, C and Pocock, S. Adaptive increase in sample size when interim
#' results are promising: A practical guide with examples, Statistics in
#' Medicine, 30:3267-3284, 2011.
#' @keywords design
#' @aliases ssrCP plot.ssrCP
#' @rdname ssrCP
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
# ssrCP function [sinew] ----
ssrCP <- function(z1, theta = NULL, maxinc = 2, overrun = 0,
                  beta = x$beta, cpadj = c(.5, 1 - beta),
                  x = gsDesign(k = 2, timing = .5),
                  z2 = z2NC, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "gsDesign")) {
    stop("x must be passed as an object of class gsDesign")
  if (2 != x$k) {
    stop("input group sequential design must have 2 stages (k=2)")
  if (overrun < 0 | overrun + x$n.I[1] > x$n.I[2]) {
    stop(paste("overrun  must be >= 0 and",
      " <= 2nd stage sample size (",
      round(x$n.I[2] - x$n.I[1], 2), ")",
      sep = ""
    x = z1, interval = c(-Inf, Inf),
    inclusion = c(FALSE, FALSE)
    interval = c(1, Inf),
    inclusion = c(FALSE, TRUE)
    interval = c(0, 1),
    inclusion = c(FALSE, FALSE), length = 2
  if (cpadj[2] <= cpadj[1]) {
      "cpadj must be an increasing pair",
      "of numbers between 0 and 1"
  n2 <- rep(x$n.I[1] + overrun, length(z1))
  temtheta <- theta
  if (is.null(theta)) theta <- z1 / sqrt(x$n.I[1])
  # compute conditional power for group sequential design
  # for given z1
  CP <- condPower(z1,
    n2 = x$n.I[2] - x$n.I[1], z2 = z2,
    theta = theta, x = x, ...
  # continuation range
  indx <- ((z1 > x$lower$bound[1]) &
    (z1 < x$upper$bound[1]))
  # where final sample size will not be adapted
  indx2 <- indx & ((CP < cpadj[1]) | (CP > cpadj[2]))
  # in continuation region with no adaptation, use planned final n
  n2[indx2] <- x$n.I[2]
  # now set where you will adapt
  indx2 <- indx & !indx2
  # update sample size based on combination function
  # assuming original stage 2 sample size
  z2i <- z2(z1 = z1[indx2], x = x, n2 = x$n.I[2] - x$n.I[1], ...)
  if (length(theta) == 1) {
    n2i <- ((z2i - stats::qnorm(beta)) / theta)^2 + x$n.I[1]
  } else {
    n2i <- ((z2i - stats::qnorm(beta)) / theta[indx2])^2 + x$n.I[1]
  n2i[n2i / x$n.I[2] > maxinc] <- x$n.I[2] * maxinc
  # if conditional error depends on stage 2 sample size,
  # do fixed point iteration to get conditional error
  # and stage 2 sample size to correspond
  if (class(z2i)[1] == "n2dependent") {
    for (i in 1:6) {
      z2i <- z2(z1 = z1[indx2], x = x, n2 = n2i - x$n.I[1], ...)
      if (length(theta) == 1) {
        n2i <- ((z2i - stats::qnorm(beta)) / theta)^2 + x$n.I[1]
      } else {
        n2i <- ((z2i - stats::qnorm(beta)) / theta[indx2])^2 +
      n2i[n2i / x$n.I[2] > maxinc] <- x$n.I[2] * maxinc
  n2[indx2] <- n2i
  if (length(theta) == 1) theta <- rep(theta, length(n2))
  rval <- list(
    x = x, z2fn = z2, theta = temtheta, maxinc = maxinc,
    overrun = overrun, beta = beta, cpadj = cpadj,
    dat = data.frame(
      z1 = z1,
      z2 = z2(z1 = z1, x = x, n2 = x$n.I[2], ...),
      n2 = n2, CP = CP, theta = theta,
      delta = x$delta0 + theta * (x$delta1 - x$delta0)
  class(rval) <- "ssrCP"

#' @export
#' @rdname ssrCP
# plot.ssrCP function [sinew] ----
plot.ssrCP <- function(x, z1ticks = NULL, mar = c(7, 4, 4, 4) + .1, ylab = "Adapted sample size", xlaboffset = -.2, lty = 1, col = 1, ...) {
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)    
  graphics::par(mar = mar)
  plot(x$dat$z1, x$dat$n2, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", lty = lty, col = col, ...)
  xlim <- graphics::par("usr")[1:2] # get x-axis range
  graphics::axis(side = 2, ...)
  graphics::mtext(side = 2, ylab, line = 2, ...)
  w <- x$x$timing[1]
  if (is.null(z1ticks)) z1ticks <- seq(ceiling(2 * xlim[1]) / 2, floor(2 * xlim[2]) / 2, by = .5)
  theta <- z1ticks / sqrt(x$x$n.I[1])
  CP <- stats::pnorm(theta * sqrt(x$x$n.I[2] * (1 - w)) - (x$upper$bound[2] - z1ticks * sqrt(w)) / sqrt(1 - w))
  CP <- condPower(z1 = z1ticks, x = x$x, cpadj = x$cpadj, n2 = x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1])
  graphics::axis(side = 1, line = 3, at = z1ticks, labels = as.character(round(CP, 2)), ...)
  graphics::mtext(side = 1, "CP", line = 3.5, at = xlim[1] + xlaboffset, ...)
  graphics::axis(side = 1, line = 1, at = z1ticks, labels = as.character(z1ticks), ...)
  graphics::mtext(side = 1, expression(z[1]), line = .75, at = xlim[1] + xlaboffset, ...)
  graphics::axis(side = 1, line = 5, at = z1ticks, labels = as.character(round(theta / x$x$delta, 2)), ...)
  graphics::mtext(side = 1, expression(hat(theta) / theta[1]), line = 5.5, at = xlim[1] + xlaboffset, ...)

# normal combination test cutoff for z2
#' @rdname ssrCP
#' @export
# z2NC function [sinew] ----
z2NC <- function(z1, x, ...) {
  z2 <- (x$upper$bound[2] - z1 * sqrt(x$timing[1])) /
    sqrt(1 - x$timing[1])
  class(z2) <- c("n2independent", "numeric")

#' @rdname ssrCP
#' @export
z2Z <- function(z1, x, n2 = x$n.I[2] - x$n.I[1], ...) {
  N2 <- x$n.I[1] + n2
  z2 <- (x$upper$bound[2] - z1 * sqrt(x$n.I[1] / N2)) /
    sqrt(n2 / N2)
  class(z2) <- c("n2dependent", "numeric")

#' @export 
#' @rdname ssrCP
#' @importFrom stats pchisq pnorm qnorm qchisq
z2Fisher <- function(z1, x, ...) {
  z2 <- z1
  indx <- stats::pchisq(-2 * log(stats::pnorm(-z1)), 4, lower.tail = F) <=
  z2[indx] <- -Inf
  z2[!indx] <- stats::qnorm(exp(-stats::qchisq(stats::pnorm(-x$upper$bound[2]),
    df = 4, lower.tail = FALSE
  ) /
    2 - log(stats::pnorm(-z1[!indx]))),
  lower.tail = FALSE
  class(z2) <- c("n2independent", "numeric")

#' @export 
#' @rdname ssrCP
#' @importFrom stats pnorm dnorm uniroot
Power.ssrCP <- function(x, theta = NULL, delta = NULL, r = 18) {
  if (!inherits(x, "ssrCP")) {
    stop("Power.ssrCP must be called with x of class ssrCP")
  if (is.null(theta) & is.null(delta)) {
    theta <- (0:80) / 40 * x$x$delta
    delta <- (x$x$delta1 - x$x$delta0) / x$x$delta * theta + x$x$delta0
  } else if (!is.null(theta)) {
    delta <- (x$x$delta1 - x$x$delta0) / x$x$delta * theta + x$x$delta0
  } else {
    theta <- (delta - x$x$delta0) / (x$x$delta1 - x$x$delta0) * x$x$delta
  en <- theta
  Power <- en
  mu <- sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta
  # probability of stopping at 1st interim
  Power <- stats::pnorm(x$x$upper$bound[1] - mu, lower.tail = FALSE)
  en <- (x$x$n.I[1] + x$overrun) * (Power +
    stats::pnorm(x$x$lower$bound[1] - mu))
  # get minimum and maximum conditional power at bounds
  cpmin <- condPower(
    z1 = x$x$lower$bound[1],
    n2 = x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1],
    z2 = x$z2fn, theta = x$theta,
    x = x$x, beta = x$beta
  cpmax <- condPower(
    z1 = x$x$upper$bound[1],
    n2 = x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1],
    z2 = x$z2fn, theta = x$theta,
    x = x$x, beta = x$beta
  # if max conditional power <= lower cp for which adjustment
  # is done or min conditional power >= upper cp for which
  # adjustment is done, no adjustment required
  if (cpmax <= x$cpadj[1] || cpmin >= x$cpadj[2]) {
    en <- en + x$x$n.I[2] * (stats::pnorm(x$x$upper$bound[1] - mu) -
      stats::pnorm(x$x$lower$bound[1] - mu))
    a <- x$x$lower$bound[1]
    b <- x$x$upper$bound[2]
    n2 <- x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1]
    grid <- normalGrid(mu = (a + b) / 2, bounds = c(a, b), r = r)
    for (i in 1:length(theta)) Power[i] <- Power[i] +
        sum(stats::dnorm(grid$z - sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta[i]) * grid$gridwgts *
          stats::pnorm(x$z2fn(grid$z, x = x$x, n2 = n2) - theta[i] * sqrt(n2),
            lower.tail = FALSE
    return(data.frame(theta = theta, delta = delta, Power = Power, en = en))
  # check if minimum conditional power met at interim lower bound,
  # if not, compute probability of no SSR and accumulate
  if (cpmin < x$cpadj[1]) {
    changepoint <- stats::uniroot(condPowerDiff,
      interval = c(
      target = x$cpadj[1],
      n2 = x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1],
      z2 = x$z2fn, theta = x$theta,
      x = x$x
    en <- en + x$x$n.I[2] * (stats::pnorm(changepoint - mu) -
      stats::pnorm(x$x$lower$bound[1] - mu))
    a <- x$x$lower$bound[1]
    b <- changepoint
    n2 <- x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1]
    grid <- normalGrid(
      mu = (a + b) / 2,
      bounds = c(a, b), r = r
    for (i in 1:length(theta)) Power[i] <- Power[i] +
        sum(stats::dnorm(grid$z - sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta[i]) * grid$gridwgts *
          stats::pnorm(x$z2fn(grid$z, x = x$x, n2 = n2) - theta[i] *
            sqrt(n2), lower.tail = FALSE))
  } else {
    changepoint <- x$x$lower$bound[1]
  # check if max cp exceeded at interim upper bound
  # if it is, compute probability of no final sample
  # size increase just below upper bound
  if (cpmax > x$cpadj[2]) {
    changepoint2 <- stats::uniroot(condPowerDiff,
      interval = c(changepoint, x$x$upper$bound[1]),
      target = x$cpadj[2], n2 = x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1],
      z2 = x$z2fn, theta = x$theta, x = x$x
    en <- en + x$x$n.I[2] * (stats::pnorm(x$x$upper$bound[1] - mu) -
      stats::pnorm(changepoint2 - mu))
    a <- changepoint2
    b <- x$x$upper$bound[1]
    n2 <- x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1]
    grid <- normalGrid(mu = (a + b) / 2, bounds = c(a, b), r = r)
    for (i in 1:length(theta)) Power[i] <- Power[i] +
        sum(stats::dnorm(grid$z - sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta[i]) * grid$gridwgts *
          stats::pnorm(x$z2fn(grid$z, x = x$x, n2 = n2) - theta[i] * sqrt(n2),
            lower.tail = FALSE
  } else {
    changepoint2 <- x$upper$bound[1]
  # next look if max sample size based on CP is greater than
  # allowed if it is, compute en for interval at max sample size
  if (n2sizediff(
    z1 = changepoint, target = x$maxinc * x$x$n.I[2],
    beta = x$beta, z2 = x$z2fn, theta = x$theta, x = x$x
  ) > 0) {
    # find point at which sample size based on cp
    # is same as max allowed
    changepoint3 <- stats::uniroot(condPowerDiff,
      interval = c(changepoint, 15),
      target = 1 - x$beta, x = x$x,
      n2 = x$maxinc * x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1],
      z2 = x$z2fn, theta = x$theta

    if (changepoint3 >= changepoint2) {
      en <- en + x$maxinc * x$x$n.I[2] * (stats::pnorm(changepoint2 - mu) -
        stats::pnorm(changepoint - mu))
      a <- changepoint
      b <- changepoint2
      n2 <- x$maxinc * x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1]
      grid <- normalGrid(mu = (a + b) / 2, bounds = c(a, b), r = r)
      for (i in 1:length(theta)) Power[i] <- Power[i] +
          sum(stats::dnorm(grid$z - sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta[i]) *
            grid$gridwgts *
            stats::pnorm(x$z2fn(grid$z, x = x$x, n2 = n2) -
              theta[i] * sqrt(n2), lower.tail = FALSE))
        theta = theta, delta = delta,
        Power = Power, en = en
    en <- en + x$maxinc * x$x$n.I[2] * (stats::pnorm(changepoint3 - mu) -
      stats::pnorm(changepoint - mu))
    a <- changepoint
    b <- changepoint3
    n2 <- x$maxinc * x$x$n.I[2] - x$x$n.I[1]
    grid <- normalGrid(mu = (a + b) / 2, bounds = c(a, b), r = r)
    for (i in 1:length(theta)) Power[i] <- Power[i] +
        sum(stats::dnorm(grid$z - sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta[i]) *
          grid$gridwgts *
          stats::pnorm(x$z2fn(grid$z, x = x$x, n2 = n2) -
            theta[i] * sqrt(n2), lower.tail = FALSE))
  } else {
    changepoint3 <- changepoint
  } # changed from x$x$lower$bound[1], 20131201, K Anderson
  # finally, integrate en over area where conditional power is in
  # range where we wish to increase to desired conditional power
  grid <- normalGrid(
    mu = (changepoint3 + changepoint2) / 2,
    bounds = c(changepoint3, changepoint2), r = r
  y <- ssrCP(
    z1 = grid$z, theta = x$theta, maxinc = x$maxinc * 2,
    beta = x$beta, x = x$x, cpadj = c(.05, .9999),
    z2 = x$z2fn
  for (i in 1:length(theta)) {
    grid$density <- stats::dnorm(y$z1 - sqrt(x$x$n.I[1]) * theta[i])
    Power[i] <- Power[i] +
      sum(grid$density * grid$gridwgts *
        stats::pnorm(y$z2 - theta[i] * sqrt(y$n2 - x$x$n.I[1]),
          lower.tail = FALSE
    en[i] <- en[i] + sum(grid$density * grid$gridwgts * y$n2)
  return(data.frame(theta = theta, delta = delta, Power = Power, en = en))
keaven/gsDesign documentation built on July 30, 2024, 4:59 p.m.