
Defines functions opls

Documented in opls

#' Fitting Orthogonal-Partial Least Squares Models
#' @export
#' @description This function is used to fit  Orthogonal-Partial Least Squares (O-PLS) models. It can be used to carry out regression or discriminant analysis. In the latter case the outcome can have two or more levels.
#' @param X Numeric input matrix or dataframe (usually measurements obtained through NMR spectroscopy or mass spectrometry) with each row representing an observation and each column a metabolic feature.
#' @param Y Response vector or matrix with same length or number of columns than rows in X, respectively.
#' @param t_pred Parameter specifying the maximum number of predictive components (needed only for multi-factor Y)
#' @param center Logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if features should be mean centered.
#' @param scale Desired scaling method (currently only no or unit variance scaling (UV) implemented).
#' @param cv.k The number of cross-validation sets. This depends on the number of observations in X but typically takes a value between 3 and 9.
#' @param cv.type Type or cross-validation: 'k-fold', 'k-fold_stratified', 'MC', 'MC_stratified' (see Details).
#' @param plotting Logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if model parameters (R2X, Q2, etc) should be visualised once the model is trained.
#' @param maxPCo The maximum number of orthogonal components (in case stop criteria fail).
#' @details Models are fully statistically validated, currently only k-fold cross validation (CV) and class-balanced k-fold cross validation is implemented. Further extensions, e.g. Monte-Carlo CV, are work in progress. Although the algorithm accepts three and more levels as Y, model interpretation is more straightforward for pairwise group comparisons.
#' @references Trygg J. and Wold, S. (2002) Orthogonal projections to latent structures (O-PLS). \emph{Journal of Chemometrics}, 16.3, 119-128.
#' @references Geladi, P and Kowalski, B.R. (1986), Partial least squares and regression: a tutorial. \emph{Analytica Chimica Acta}, 185, 1-17.
#' @return This function returns an \emph{OPLS_MetaboMate} S4 object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{OPLS_MetaboMate-class}} \code{\link{dmodx}} \code{\link{plotscores}} \code{\link{plotload}} \code{\link{specload}}
#' @author Torben Kimhofer \email{tkimhofer@@gmail.com}
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom methods getSlots new representation setClass
#' @importFrom stats cov sd var
#' @importFrom utils methods
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes aes_string scale_fill_manual scale_y_continuous theme_bw labs scale_x_discrete scale_alpha theme element_blank element_line element_rect geom_bar element_text
#' @importFrom pROC roc multiclass.roc
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom scales pretty_breaks
opls <- function(X, Y, t_pred = 1, center = T, scale = "UV", cv.k = 7, cv.type = "k-fold", plotting = T, maxPCo = 5) {

      if(!class(X) %in% c('matrix', 'data.frame')){ error('X is not of class matrix or data.frame')}

        cat("Preparing data ... ", sep = "")
        # Determine if regression (R) or discriminant analysis (DA), check Y for NA or non-numeric values
        Y1 <- Y
        if (is.numeric(Y)) {
            type <- "R"
            if (is.infinite(max(abs(Y))) | anyNA(Y)) {
                stop("Regression: Y contains non-numeric values.")
            Y_out <- create_dummy_Y(Y)
            Y <- Y_out[[1]]
        } else {
            type <- "DA"
            if (anyNA(Y)) {
                stop("Y vector contains N/A's")
            Y_out <- create_dummy_Y(Y)
            Y <- Y_out[[1]]
            levs <- unique(apply(Y, 2, function(x) {
            if (length(levs) == 1 & levs[1] == 1) {
                stop("Discriminant Analysis: Y vector has only one level")
        # check dimensions and convert to matrix, stop if features are non-numeric
        if (nrow(X) != nrow(Y)) {
            stop("X and Y dimensions do not match.")
        X <- as.matrix(X)
        if (is.infinite(max(abs(X))) | anyNA(X)) {
            stop("X matrix contains infinite or N/A values, please remove or impute.")
        # Exclude features with sd=0
        sdX <- apply(X, 2, sd)
        idx <- which(sdX == 0)
        if (length(idx) > 0) {
            cat("A total of ", length(idx), " features have a standard deviation of zero and will be excluded from analysis.\n", sep = "")
            X <- X[, -idx]
            sdX <- sdX[-idx]
        # Dats scaling and centering
        meanX <- apply(X, 2, mean)
        XcsTot <- center_scale(X, idc = "all", center = meanX, scale = sdX)
        YcsTot <- center_scale(Y, idc = "all", center = T, scale = "UV")
        # Calculate Total Sum of Squares (TSS), required for calculation of Q2 etc cat('Calculate total sum of squares...')
        tssx <- totSS(XcsTot)
        tssy <- totSS(YcsTot)  # total variance that a model can explain (theoretical reference model, used for normalisation)
    cat("Performing OPLS-", type, " ... ", sep = "")
    # k-fold cross-validation for calculation of Q2/AUROC generate indices defining training set in each CV round
    cv_sets <- cv_sets_method(cv.k, Y = Y1, method = cv.type, type)
    # initialisations
    R2Y <- rss <- Press <- aucs <- rssx <- array()
    cv.res <- output <- list()
    t_cv <- t_orth_cv <- preds <- matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(X))
    nc <- 1
    enough <- F
    # cat('Fiting components...') fit as many orthogoanl components until a stop criterion is TRUE
    while (enough == F) {
        # cat('Component ', nc, '...') add column for nc > 1
        if (nc > 1) {
            preds <- cbind(preds, matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(X)))
            t_cv <- cbind(t_cv, matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(X)))
            t_orth_cv <- cbind(t_orth_cv, matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(X)))
        # fit each cv training set fit component and predict validation set. Prediction accuracy output of is be used in stop criterion
        for (k in 1:length(cv_sets)) {
            # scale/centre using CV trainine set samples
            idc <- cv_sets[[k]]
            Xcs <- center_scale(X, idc, center, scale)
            Ycs <- center_scale(Y, idc, center, scale)
            # filter data: calc PLS component, then orthogonalise X with t_pred (=> t_o, p_o), finally remove orthogoanl variation from X: Xres=X-(t_o *
            # p_o))
            if (nc == 1) {
                cv.res[[k]] <- list()
                E_opls <- NIPALS_OPLS_component_mulitlevel(X = Xcs[idc, ], Y = cbind(Ycs[idc, ]))
                cv.res[[k]][["p_orth"]] <- E_opls$`Loadings X orth`
                cv.res[[k]][["w_orth"]] <- E_opls$`Weights X orth`
                cv.res[[k]][["Xres"]] <- E_opls$`Filtered X`
            } else {
                E_opls <- NIPALS_OPLS_component_mulitlevel(X = cv.res[[k]][["Xres"]], Y = cbind(Ycs[idc, ]))
                cv.res[[k]][["p_orth"]] <- rbind(cv.res[[k]][["p_orth"]], E_opls$`Loadings X orth`)
                cv.res[[k]][["w_orth"]] <- rbind(cv.res[[k]][["w_orth"]], E_opls$`Weights X orth`)
                cv.res[[k]][["Xres"]] <- E_opls$`Filtered X`
            # calculate predictive component with filtered matrix (Xres) print(cbind(Ycs[idc, ]))
            pls_comp <- NIPALS_PLS_component(X = cv.res[[k]][["Xres"]], Y = cbind(Ycs[idc, ]))
            # iteratively remove all orthogonal components from prediction data set potentially t_orth could be saved and output as scores orthogonal in CV
            # round
            e_new_orth <- Xcs[-idc, ]
            for (i in 1:nc) {
                t_orth <- e_new_orth %*% t(t(cv.res[[k]][["w_orth"]][i, ]))/drop(crossprod(t(t(cv.res[[k]][["w_orth"]][i, ]))))
                e_new_orth <- e_new_orth - (t_orth %*% t(cv.res[[k]][["p_orth"]][i, ]))
            # print(pls_comp)
            pred <- pls_prediction(pls_mod = pls_comp, X = e_new_orth)
            # Save predictions in prediction matrix (one column for nc)
            preds[-idc, nc] <- pred$Y_hat
            t_cv[-idc, nc] <- pred$Scores_pred
            t_orth_cv[-idc, nc] <- t_orth
        # calculate rss, press and Q2
        Press[nc] <- sum(apply(YcsTot, 2, function(x) {
            sum((x - preds[, nc])^2)
        # print(Press)
        Q2_1 <- 1 - (Press/tssy)
        # print(Q2_1)
        if (type == "DA") {
            if (ncol(YcsTot) == 2) {
                mod <- roc(response = Y[, 1], predictor = preds[, nc])
                aucs[nc] <- mod$auc
            } else {
                mod <- multiclass.roc(response = Y1, predictor = preds[, nc])
                aucs[nc] <- mod$auc
        } else {
            aucs[nc] <- 0
        # calculate r2Y with model using all data (no cv)
        if (nc == 1) {
            # initialisation OPLS-filter X matrix repetitively until some stop criterion, save orthogonal loadings, scores and weights need to scale this
            # again
            E_opls_all <- NIPALS_OPLS_component(X = XcsTot, Y = YcsTot)
            output[["t_orth"]] <- E_opls_all$`Scores X orth`  # don't need scores for any calculation (only cv scores, and these are further down in prediction bit)
            output[["p_orth"]] <- E_opls_all$`Loadings X orth`
            output[["w_orth"]] <- E_opls_all$`Weights X orth`
            Xres <- E_opls_all$`Filtered X`
        } else {
            E_opls_all <- NIPALS_OPLS_component_mulitlevel(Xres, YcsTot)
            output[["t_orth"]] <- cbind(output[["t_orth"]], E_opls_all$`Scores X orth`)
            output[["p_orth"]] <- rbind(output[["p_orth"]], E_opls_all$`Loadings X orth`)
            output[["w_orth"]] <- rbind(output[["w_orth"]], E_opls_all$`Weights X orth`)
            Xres <- E_opls_all$`Filtered X`
        # make predictions and calc R2 calculate predictive component with filtered data
        pls_comp_all <- NIPALS_PLS_component(Xres, YcsTot)
        pred_all <- pls_prediction(pls_mod = pls_comp_all, X = E_opls_all$`Filtered X`)
        # rss = sum((pred_all$Y_hat - YcsTot[, 1]) ^ 2)
        rss <- sum(apply(YcsTot, 2, function(x) {
            sum((x - pred_all$Y_hat)^2)
        R2Y[nc] <- 1 - (rss/tssy)
        X_ex <- pls_comp_all$scores %*% pls_comp_all$loadings
        rssx[nc] <- totSS(X_ex)
        R2x <- (rssx/tssx)
        ### define stop criteria for fitting components
        if (length(which(is.na(Q2_1))) > 0) {
            cat("Something went wrong, Q2 is NA for component", nc, "\n", sep = "")
        # if first component in ns
        if ((type == "R" & nc == 1 & (Q2_1[nc] < 0.05)) | (type == "DA" & nc == 1 & (aucs[nc] < 0.6))) {
            # if (nc == 1 & ( Q2_1[nc] < 0.05 & aucs[nc] < 0.7) ) {
            cat("At first PC, Q2 < 0.03: ", round(Q2_1[nc], 3), "\n", sep = "")
            cat("At first PC, AUROC < 0.6: ", round(aucs[nc], 3), "\n", sep = "")
            print("No sign. orthogonal components!")
            # print(Q2_cv)
            enough <- T
        if (nc > 1) {
            if ((Q2_1[nc] - Q2_1[nc - 1]) < 0.05) {
                # if q2 does not rise by more than 0.03 with new component cat('At PC ', nc, ': delta Q2 < 0.03: ', round((Q2_1[nc] - Q2_1[nc - 1]), 3), '\n',
                # sep = '')
                enough <- T
          if (Q2_1[nc] > 0.98 | aucs[nc] > 0.97) {
            # cat('At PC ', nc, ', Q2 > 0.98: ', round(Q2_1[nc], 3), '\n', sep = '')
            enough <- T
        if (nc == maxPCo) {
            enough <- T
            nc <- nc + 1
        if (enough == F) {
            nc <- nc + 1
    cat("done.\nA model with 1 predictive and", nc - 1, "orthogonal component(s) was fitted.\n\n")
    if (type == "DA") {
        model.summary <- data.frame(R2X = round(R2x, 2), R2Y = round(R2Y, 2), Q2 = round(Q2_1, 2), AUROC = round(aucs, 2))
        if (min(model.summary$Q2) < (-0.05)) {
            model.summary$Q2[which(model.summary$Q2 < (-0.05))] <- -0.05
    } else {
        model.summary <- data.frame(R2X = round(R2x, 2), R2Y = round(R2Y, 2), Q2 = round(Q2_1, 2))
    rownames(model.summary) <- paste("PC_o", 1:(nrow(model.summary)))
    mm <- cbind(PC_o = rownames(model.summary), model.summary)
    mm <- melt(mm, id.vars = "PC_o")
    mm$PC <- factor(mm$PC_o, levels = rownames(model.summary))
    mm$alpha1 <- 1
    mm$alpha1[mm$PC_o == paste("PC_o", nrow(model.summary))] <- 0.7
    g <- ggplot(mm, aes_string("PC_o", " value", fill = "variable")) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", colour = NA, aes(alpha = mm$alpha1)) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(c(0, min(-0.05) - 0.02)), 1), breaks = pretty_breaks()) + theme_bw() + labs(y = "", title = paste("O-PLS-",
        type, "  - Model Summary", sep = "")) + scale_x_discrete(labels = paste("1+", 1:nc, sep = ""), name = "Predictive + Orthogonal Component") +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c(R2X = "lightgreen", R2Y = "lightblue", Q2 = "red", AUROC = "black"), labels = c(expression(R^2 * X), expression(R^{
        } * Y), expression(Q^2), expression(AUROC[cv])), name = "") + scale_alpha(guide = F, limits = c(0, 1)) + theme(legend.text.align = 0, panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "black", size = 0.15), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black",
            size = 0.55), axis.line.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), legend.key = element_rect(colour = "white"), text = element_text(family = "Helvetica"))
    model.summary <- model.summary[-nrow(model.summary), ]
    if (plotting == T) {
    if (nc > 0) {
        # re calc t_pred with number of nc-2 (one componenet remove and nc counter has already been set 1 up)
        Xorth <- cbind(output[["t_orth"]][, 1:(nc - 1)]) %*% rbind(output[["p_orth"]][1:(nc - 1), ])
        Xres <- XcsTot - Xorth
        pls_comp_all <- NIPALS_PLS_component(Xres, YcsTot)
        E <- Xres - (pls_comp_all$scores %*% pls_comp_all$loadings)  # this is for calculation of DModX
        # this is for visualisation of orthogonal variation (currently not implemented) E_pca=NIPALS_PCAcomponent(E+Xorth)
        dd <- data.frame(Paramter = c("Center", "Scale", "nPred", "nOrth", "CV.k", "CV.type", "tssx", "tssy"), Value = c(center, scale, 1, nc -
            1, cv.k, cv.type, tssx, tssy))
        # define slots for OPLS_Torben object
        mod_opls <- new("OPLS_MetaboMate", type = type, t_pred = pls_comp_all$scores, p_pred = pls_comp_all$loadings, w_pred = pls_comp_all$weights,
            betas_pred = pls_comp_all$betas, Qpc = pls_comp_all$Qpc, t_cv = cbind(t_cv[, (nc - 1)]), t_orth_cv = cbind(t_orth_cv[, (nc - 1)]), t_orth = cbind(output[["t_orth"]][,
                1:(nc - 1)]), p_orth = rbind(output[["p_orth"]][1:(nc - 1), ]), w_orth = rbind(output[["w_orth"]][1:(nc - 1), ]), nPC = nc - 1,
            summary = model.summary, X_orth = Xorth, Y_res = pls_comp_all$Y.res, Xcenter = attr(XcsTot, "scaled:center"), Xscale = attr(XcsTot,
                "scaled:scale"), Ycenter = attr(YcsTot, "scaled:center"), Yscale = attr(YcsTot, "scaled:scale"), Yout = Y_out[[2]], Parameters = dd,
            E = E)
    } else {
        print("No sign. orthogonal components - try PLS!")
kimsche/MetaboMate documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 1:14 a.m.