
#' Fitting Orthogonal-Partial Least Squares Models - parallelised
#' @description This function is used to fit  Orthogonal-Partial Least Squares (O-PLS) models. It can be used to carry out regression or discriminant analysis. In the latter case the outcome can have two or more levels. It automatically uses all cores available on the machine.
#' @param X Numeric input matrix (measurements derived by NMR spectroscopy or MS) with each row representing an observation and each column a metabolic feature.
#' @param Y Response vector or matrix with same length or number of columns than rows in X, respectively.
#' @param t_pred Parameter specifying the maximum number of predictive components (needed only for multi-factor Y)
#' @param center Logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if features should be mean centered.
#' @param scale Desired scaling method (currently only no or unit variance scaling (UV) implemented).
#' @param cv.k The number of cross-validation sets. This depends on the number of observations in X but typically takes a value between 3 and 9.
#' @param cv.type Type or cross-validation: 'k-fold', 'k-fold_stratified', 'MC', 'MC_stratified' (see Details).
#' @param plotting Logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if model parameters (R2X, Q2, etc) should be visualised once the model is trained.
#' @param maxPCo The maximum number of orthogonal components (in case stop criteria fail).
#' @details Models are fully statistically validated, currently only k-fold cross validation (CV) and class-balanced k-fold cross validation is implemented. Further extensions, e.g. Monte-Carlo CV, are work in progress. Although the algorithm accepts three and more levels as Y, model interpretation is more straightforward for pairwise group comparisons.
#' @references Trygg J. and Wold, S. (2002) Orthogonal projections to latent structures (O-PLS). \emph{Journal of Chemometrics}, 16.3, 119-128.
#' @references Geladi, P and Kowalski, B.R. (1986), Partial least squares and regression: a tutorial. \emph{Analytica Chimica Acta}, 185, 1-17.
#' @return This function returns an \emph{OPLS_MetaboMate} S4 object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{OPLS_MetaboMate-class}} \code{\link{dmodx}} \code{\link{plotscores}} \code{\link{plotload}} \code{\link{specload}}
#' @author Torben Kimhofer \email{tkimhofer@@gmail.com}
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom methods getSlots new representation setClass
#' @importFrom stats cov sd var
#' @importFrom utils methods
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes aes_string scale_fill_manual scale_y_continuous theme_bw labs scale_x_discrete scale_alpha theme element_blank element_line element_rect geom_bar element_text
#' @importFrom pROC roc multiclass.roc
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom scales pretty_breaks
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom foreach foreach

opls.par <- function(X,
                                     t_pred = 1,
                                     center = T,
                                     scale = 'UV',
                                     cv.k = 7,
                                     cv.type = 'k-fold',
                                     plotting = T,
                                     maxPCo = 5) {

    cat('Setting-up parallel compouting ... ', sep = '')
    no_cores <- detectCores() - 1
    cat(no_cores, 'cores ...', sep = '')
    cat('done.\n', sep = '')

    # Determine if regression (R) or discriminant analysis (DA),
    # check Y for NA or non-numeric values
    Y1 <- Y
    if (is.numeric(Y)) {
      type <- 'R'
      if (is.infinite(max(abs(Y))) | anyNA(Y)) {
        stop('Y contains non-numeric values.')
      Y_out <- create_dummy_Y(Y)
      Y <- Y_out[[1]]
    } else{
      type <- 'DA'
      if (anyNA(Y)) {
        stop('Y vector contains N/A\'s')
      Y_out <- create_dummy_Y(Y)
      Y <- Y_out[[1]]

    # check dimensions and convert to matrix, stop if features are non-numeric
    if (nrow(X) != nrow(Y)) {
      stop('X and Y dimensions do not match.')
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    if (is.infinite(max(abs(X))) |
        anyNA(X)) {
      stop('X matrix contains non-numeric values.')

    # Exclude features with sd=0
    # foreach(1:nrow(X))
    sdX <- apply(X, 2, sd)
    idx <- which(sdX == 0)
    if (length(idx) > 0) {
        'A total of ',
        ' features have a standard deviation of zero and will be excluded from analysis.\n',
        sep = ''
      X <- X[, -idx]
      sdX <- sdX[-idx]

    # Dats scaling and centering
    meanX <- apply(X, 2, mean)
    XcsTot <- center_scale(X,
                            idc = 'all',
                            center = meanX,
                            scale = sdX)
    YcsTot <- center_scale(Y,
                            idc = 'all',
                            center = T,
                            scale = 'UV')

    # Calculate Total Sum of Squares (TSS), required for calculation of Q2 etc
    # cat('Calculate total sum of squares...')
    tssx <- totSS(XcsTot)
    tssy <- totSS(YcsTot) # total variance that a model can explain (theoretical reference model, used for normalisation)

  cat('Performing OPLS-', type, ' ... ', sep='')
  # k-fold cross-validation for calculation of Q2/AUROC
  # generate indices defining training set in each CV round
  cv_sets <- cv_sets_method(cv.k, Y=Y1, method = cv.type, type)

  # initialisations
  R2Y <- rss <- Press <- aucs <- rssx <- array()
  cv.res <- output <- list()
  t_cv <-  t_orth_cv <- preds <- matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(X))
  nc <- 1
  enough <- F

  # cat('Fiting components...')

  # fit as many orthogoanl components until a stop criterion is TRUE
  while (enough == F) {

    # cat('Component ', nc, '...')
    if (nc>1) { # add column for nc > 1
        # fit each cv training set fit component and predict
        # validation set. Prediction accuracy output of is be used in stop criterion
    res=lapply(cv_sets, function(idc, Xcv=Xo, Ycv=Yo, ce=center, scale=sc){
      # scale/centre using CV trainine set samples
      idc <- cv_sets[[k]]
      Xcs <- center_scale(Xcv, idc, center=cen, scale=sc)
      Ycs <- center_scale(Ycv, idc, center=cen, scale=sc)

      # filter data: calc PLS component, then orthogonalise X with t_pred (=> t_o, p_o),
      E_opls <- NIPALS_OPLS_component_mulitlevel(X = Xcs[idc, ], Y = cbind(Ycs[idc, ]))

      p_orth=E_opls$`Loadings X orth`
      w_orth=E_opls$`Weights X orth`
      Xcv_res=E_opls$`Filtered X`

      # calculate predictive component with filtered matrix (Xres)
      pls_comp = NIPALS_PLS_component(X = cXcv_res, Y = cbind(Ycs[idc, ]))

      E_new_orth = Xcs[-idc, ]
      # Prediction of test data
      t_orth = E_new_orth %*% t(t(w_orth)) / drop(crossprod(t(t(w_orth))))
      e_new_orth = E_new_orth - (t_orth %*% t(p_orth))

      pred = pls_prediction(pls_mod = pls_comp, X = e_new_orth)

      return(list(preds, t_cv, t_orth_cv))



    # calculate rss, press and Q2
    Press[nc] = sum(apply(YcsTot, 2, function(x) {
      sum((x - preds[, nc]) ^ 2)
    })) / ncol(YcsTot)
    Q2_1 = 1 - (Press / tssy)

    if (type == 'DA') {
      if (ncol(YcsTot) == 2) {
        mod = roc(response = Y[, 1], predictor = preds[, nc])
        aucs[nc] = mod$auc
      } else{
        mod = multiclass.roc(response = Y1, predictor = preds[, nc])
        aucs[nc] = mod$auc

    } else{
      aucs[nc] = 0

    # calculate r2Y with model using all data (no cv)
    if (nc == 1) {
      # initialisation
      # OPLS-filter X matrix repetitively until some stop criterion, save orthogonal loadings, scores and weights
      # need to scale this again

      E_opls_all = NIPALS_OPLS_component(X = XcsTot, Y = YcsTot)

      output[['t_orth']] = E_opls_all$`Scores X orth` # don't need scores for any calculation (only cv scores, and these are further down in prediction bit)
      output[['p_orth']] = E_opls_all$`Loadings X orth`
      output[['w_orth']] = E_opls_all$`Weights X orth`
      Xres = E_opls_all$`Filtered X`
    } else{
      E_opls_all = NIPALS_OPLS_component_mulitlevel(Xres, YcsTot)

      output[['t_orth']] = cbind(output[['t_orth']], E_opls_all$`Scores X orth`)
      output[['p_orth']] = rbind(output[['p_orth']], E_opls_all$`Loadings X orth`)
      output[['w_orth']] = rbind(output[['w_orth']], E_opls_all$`Weights X orth`)
      Xres = E_opls_all$`Filtered X`

    # make predictions and calc R2
    # calculate predictive component with filtered data
    pls_comp_all = NIPALS_PLS_component(Xres, YcsTot)
    pred_all = pls_prediction(pls_mod = pls_comp_all, X = E_opls_all$`Filtered X`)
    #rss = sum((pred_all$Y_hat - YcsTot[, 1]) ^ 2)
    rss = sum(apply(YcsTot, 2, function(x) {
      sum((x - pred_all$Y_hat) ^ 2)
    })) / ncol(YcsTot)
    R2Y[nc] = 1 - (rss / tssy)

    X_ex = pls_comp_all$scores %*% pls_comp_all$loadings
    rssx[nc] = totSS(X_ex)
    R2x = (rssx / tssx)

    ### define stop criteria for fitting components
    if (length(which(is.na(Q2_1))) > 0) {
      cat('Something went wrong, Q2 is NA for component', nc, '\n',  sep = '')

    if (nc == 1 & Q2_1[nc] < 0.05) {
      cat('At first PC, Q2 < 0.03: ', round(Q2_1[nc], 3), '\n',  sep = '')
      print('No sign. orthogonal components!')
      enough = T

    if (nc > 1) {
      if ((Q2_1[nc] - Q2_1[nc - 1]) < 0.05) {
        # if q2 does not rise by more than 0.03 with new component
        # cat('At PC ', nc, ': delta Q2 < 0.03: ', round((Q2_1[nc] - Q2_1[nc -                                                                  1]), 3), '\n',  sep = '')
        enough = T


    if (Q2_1[nc] > 0.98) {
      # cat('At PC ', nc, ', Q2 > 0.98: ', round(Q2_1[nc], 3), '\n', sep = '')
      enough = T

    if (nc == maxPCo) {
      enough = T
      nc = nc + 1

    if (enough == F) {
      nc = nc + 1

  cat('done.\nA model with 1 predictive and', nc-1, 'orthogonal component(s) was fitted.\n\n')
  if (type == 'DA') {
    model.summary = data.frame(
      R2X = round(R2x, 2),
      R2Y = round(R2Y, 2),
      Q2 = round(Q2_1, 2),
      AUROC = round(aucs, 2)
  } else{
    model.summary = data.frame(
      R2X = round(R2x, 2),
      R2Y = round(R2Y, 2),
      Q2 = round(Q2_1, 2)
  rownames(model.summary) = paste('PC_o', 1:(nrow(model.summary)))

  mm = cbind('PC_o' = rownames(model.summary), model.summary)
  mm = melt(mm, id.vars = 'PC_o')
  mm$PC = factor(mm$'PC_o', levels = rownames(model.summary))

  mm$alpha1 = 1
  mm$alpha1[mm$'PC_o' == paste('PC_o', nrow(model.summary))] = 0.7

  g = ggplot(mm, aes_string('PC_o',' value', fill = 'variable')) +
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity',
             position = "dodge",
             colour = NA,
             aes(alpha= mm$'alpha1') )+
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(c(0, min(Q2_1) - 0.02)), 1), breaks = pretty_breaks()) +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(y = '',
      #title = paste('An  O-PLS-', type, ' model (1+', nc - 1, ') was fitted', sep = '')
      title = paste('O-PLS-', type, '  - Model Summary', sep = '')
    ) +
    scale_x_discrete(labels = paste('1+', 1:nc, sep = ''), name = 'Predictive + Orthogonal Component') +
      values = c(
        'R2X' = 'lightgreen',
        'R2Y' = 'lightblue',
        'Q2' = 'red',
        'AUROC' = 'black'
      labels = c(
        expression(R ^ 2 * X),
        expression(R ^ {
        } * Y),
        expression(Q ^ 2),
      name = ''
    ) +
    scale_alpha(guide = F, limits=c(0,1)) +
      legend.text.align = 0,
      panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = 'black', size =
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      panel.border = element_blank(),
      axis.line.x = element_line(color = 'black', size = 0.55),
      axis.line.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),
      legend.key = element_rect(colour = 'white'),

  if (plotting == T) {

  if (nc > 0) {
    # re calc t_pred with number of nc-2 (one componenet remove and nc counter has already been set 1 up)
    Xorth = cbind(output[['t_orth']][, 1:(nc - 1)]) %*% rbind(output[['p_orth']][1:(nc -
                                                                                      1), ])
    Xres = XcsTot - Xorth
    pls_comp_all = NIPALS_PLS_component(Xres, YcsTot)

    E = Xres - (pls_comp_all$scores %*% pls_comp_all$loadings) # this is for calculation of DModX

    # this is for visualisation of orthogonal variation (currently not implemented)

    dd = data.frame(
      Paramter = c(
      Value = c(center, scale, 1, nc - 1, cv.k, cv.type, tssx, tssy)

    # define slots for OPLS_Torben object
    mod_opls = new('OPLS_MetaboMate',
      type = type,
      t_pred = pls_comp_all$scores,
      p_pred = pls_comp_all$loadings,
      w_pred = pls_comp_all$weights,
      betas_pred = pls_comp_all$betas,
      Qpc = pls_comp_all$Qpc,
      t_cv = cbind(t_cv[, (nc - 1)]),
      t_orth_cv = cbind(t_orth_cv[, (nc - 1)]) ,
      t_orth = cbind(output[['t_orth']][, 1:(nc - 1)]),
      p_orth = rbind(output[['p_orth']][1:(nc - 1), ]),
      w_orth = rbind(output[['w_orth']][1:(nc - 1), ]),
      nPC = nc - 1,
      summary = model.summary,
      X_orth = Xorth,
      Y_res = pls_comp_all$Y.res,
      Xcenter = attr(XcsTot, "scaled:center"),
      Xscale = attr(XcsTot, "scaled:scale"),
      Ycenter = attr(YcsTot, "scaled:center"),
      Yscale = attr(YcsTot, "scaled:scale"),
      Yout = Y_out[[2]],
      Parameters = dd,
      E = E

  } else{
    print('No sign. orthogonal components - try PLS!')

kimsche/MetaboMate documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 1:14 a.m.