#' Complete deconvolution using sequencing data.
#' \code{CDSeq} takes bulk RNA-seq data as input and simultaneously returns estimates of both cell-type-specific gene expression profiles and sample-specific cell-type proportions.
#' @param bulk_data RNA-Seq read counts matrix. Columns represent samples and rows represent genes.
#' @param beta beta is a scalar or a vector of length G where G is the number of genes; default value for beta is 0.5; When beta=Null, CDSeq uses reference_gep to estimate beta.
#' @param alpha alpha is a scalar or a vector of length cell_type_number where cell_type_number is the number of cell type; default value for alpha is 5.
#' @param cell_type_number number of cell types. cell_type_number can be an integer or a vector of different integers. To estimate the number of cell types, please provide a vector for cell_type_number,
#' e.g. cell_type_number <- 2:30, then CDSeq will estimate the number of cell types.
#' @param mcmc_iterations number of iterations for the Gibbs sampler; default value is 700.
#' @param dilution_factor a scalar to dilute the read counts for speeding up; default value is 1. CDSeq will use bulk_data/dilution_factor.
#' @param gene_subset_size number of genes randomly sampled for each block. Default is NULL.
#' @param block_number number of blocks. Each block contains gene_subset_size genes. Default is 1.
#' @param cpu_number number of cpu cores that can be used for parallel computing;
#' Default is NULL and CDSeq will detect the available number of cores on the device and use number of all cores - 1 for parallel computing.
#' @param gene_length a vector of the effective length (gene length - read length + 1) of each gene; Default is NULL.
#' @param reference_gep a reference gene expression profile can be used to determine the cell type and/or estimate beta; Default is NULL.
#' @param verbose if TRUE, then print progress message to the console. Default is FALSE.
#' @param print_progress_msg_to_file print progress message to a text file. Set 1 if need to print progress msg to a file and set 0 if no printing. Default is 0;
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @examples
#' result1<-CDSeq(bulk_data = mixtureGEP, cell_type_number = 6, mcmc_iterations = 5,
#' dilution_factor = 50, block_number = 1, gene_length = as.vector(gene_length),
#' reference_gep = refGEP, cpu_number=1, print_progress_msg_to_file=0)
#' @export
#' @return CDSeq returns estimates of both cell-type-specific gene expression profiles and sample-specific cell-type proportions. CDSeq will also return estimated number of cell types.
#' and the log posterior values for different number of cell types.
# Feature
#1. Use reduce-recovery method and CPU parallel computing to speed up the deconvolution.
#2. Estimate hyperparameter for cell-type-specific GEPs (i.e. beta) using reference profile when cell_type_number is scalar.
#3. Estimate number of cell types when cell_type_number is a vector of integers.
#4. When block_number (number of partition on the bulk RNASeq data) is 1, whole bulk_data will be used. GEP is not from reduce-recovery.
# Parameters
#1. bulk_data: RNA-Seq read counts matrix. Columns represent samples and rows represent genes.
#2. beta: beta is a scalar or a vector of length G where G is the number of genes; default value for beta is 0.5; When beta=Null, CDSeq uses reference_gep to estimate beta.
#3. alpha: alpha is a scalar or a vector of length cell_type_number where cell_type_number is the number of cell type; default value for alpha is 5.
#4. cell_type_number: number of cell types. cell_type_number can be an integer or a vector of different integers. To estimate the number of cell types, please provide a vector for cell_type_number,
# e.g. cell_type_number <- 2:30, then CDSeq will estimate the number of cell types.
#5. mcmc_iterations: number of iterations for the Gibbs sampler; default value is 700.
#6. dilution_factor: a scalar to dilute the read counts for speeding up; default value is 1. CDSeq will use bulk_data/dilution_factor.
#7. gene_subset_size: number of genes randomly sampled for each block. Default is NULL.
#8. block_number: number of genes randomly sampled for each block. Default is 1.
#9. cpu_number: number of cpu cores that can be used for parellel computing; Default is NULL and CDSeq will detect the available number of cores on the device and use number of all cores - 1 for parallel computing.
#10.gene_length: a vector of the effective length (gene length - read length + 1) of each gene; Default is NULL.
#11.reference_gep: a reference gene expression profile can be used to determine the cell type and/or estimate beta; Default is NULL.
CDSeq <- function( bulk_data,
beta = 0.5,
alpha = 5,
cell_type_number = NULL,
mcmc_iterations = 700,
dilution_factor = 1,
gene_subset_size = NULL,
block_number = 1,
cpu_number = NULL,
gene_length = NULL,
reference_gep = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
print_progress_msg_to_file = 0) {
start_time <- Sys.time()
# check input arguments
#check number of arguments
if(nargs()>11){stop("CDSeq function requires at most 11 arguments.")}
#check bulk_data
if(is.null(bulk_data)){stop("bulk_data is NULL. Please provide valid bulk RNA-Seq counts data.")}
if(!is.matrix(bulk_data) && !is.data.frame(bulk_data)){stop("The input bulk_data has to be either a matrix or dataframe.")}
if(is.data.frame(bulk_data)){bulk_data <- as.matrix(bulk_data)}
#check block_number
if(is.null(block_number)){block_number<-1;warning("block_number is NULL. CDSeq assigned block_number to be 1.")}
if(block_number < 1){stop("block_number has to be greater than or equal to 1.")}
if(block_number%%1!=0){block_number<-ceiling(block_number);warning("block_number has to be an integer. CDSeq has rounded it up to an integer.")}
if(block_number>1){message("CDSeq is running in Reduce-Recover mode which breaks up the whole data into blocks. To run CDSeq on the whole data, please set block_number = 1.\n")
}else{message("CDSeq is running in non Reduce-Recover mode. To use Reduce-Recover mode, assign a value to block_number that is greater than 1.\n")}
#check gene_subset_size and bulk_data
if(is.null(gene_subset_size) & block_number>1){stop("gene_subset_size is null. Please assign a positive value to gene_subset_size, e.g. gene_subset_size = 1000, or set block_number to be 1")}
if(!is.numeric(gene_subset_size)){stop("gene_subset_size has to be an integer.")}else if( gene_subset_size%%1!=0){ gene_subset_size <- round(gene_subset_size) }
if(gene_subset_size>nrow(bulk_data)){stop("gene_subset_size is greater than nrows(bulk_data). Please assign a smaller value to gene_subset_size.")}
if(gene_subset_size<nrow(bulk_data) & block_number==1){warning("gene_subset_size is smaller than nrows(bulk_data) and block_number is 1. This may result in inaccurate estimations. We suggest to increase block_number or set gene_subset_size <- nrows(bulk_data).")}
if(nrow(bulk_data)<=1000 & block_number>1){message("We suggest to run the whole data instead of using Reduce-Recovery when the total number of genes in bulk_data is not that large.")}
#check beta
if(is.null(reference_gep)){stop("Please provide a value for beta. beta can be a scalar or a vector of length equals to the number of genes. Alternatively, provide a reference_gep if beta is null.")}}
if(!is.numeric(beta) | is.matrix(beta) | is.data.frame(beta) ){stop("beta has to be a real number or a vector of real numbers.")}
#if(length(cell_type_number)>1 & is.null(beta)){stop("cell_type_number should be a scalar if beta is Null")}
if(length(beta)>1 & block_number==1 & length(beta)!=nrow(bulk_data)){stop("Length of beta should be equal to total number of genes if beta is a vector")}
if(length(beta)>1 & block_number>1 & !is.null(gene_subset_size)){ if(length(beta)!=gene_subset_size) stop("When block_number is greater than 1, beta should be either a scalar or a vector of length gene_subset_size.")}
beta <- rep(beta,gene_subset_size)
}else if(block_number==1){
if(gene_subset_size<=nrow(bulk_data)) { beta <- rep(beta,gene_subset_size) }
beta <- rep(beta,nrow(bulk_data))
}else{stop("block_number has to be a positive integer.")}
} # Gibbs sampler requires beta to be a vector for computation
#check alpha
if(is.null(alpha)){stop(" Input alpha is missing. alpha should be a positive real number.")}
if(length(alpha)>1){stop(" alpha should be a positive real number, not a vector.")}
#Check cell_type_number
if(is.null(cell_type_number)){stop(" cell_type_number, the number of cell types, is missing. cell_type_number can be a scalar value or a vector.")}
if(sum(cell_type_number<2)>0){stop("cell_type_number, the number of cell types, has to be greater than 2.")}
#Check mcmc_iterations
if(is.null(mcmc_iterations)){stop(" mcmc_iterations, the number of MCMC iterations, is missing.")}
if(mcmc_iterations<1){stop(" mcmc_iterations, the number of MCMC iterations, has to be greater than 1.")}
#Check dilution_factor
#if(is.null(dilution_factor) || dilution_factor==1){dilution_factor<-1; warning("dilution_factor is NOT used for speeding up ")}
if(length(dilution_factor)>1){stop("dilution_factor has to be an positive integer, NOT a vector.")}
if(dilution_factor<0){stop("dilution_factor has to be positive.")}
#Check Gene length
#if not given, gl = 0, estimate RNA proportions, not cell proportions
warning("gene_length is NOT provided. CDSeq will estiamte read rate not gene rate. Please provide gene length if you are interested in GEP estimation.")
if(is.matrix(gene_length)){stop("gene_length should be a vector, NOT a matrix.")}
if(length(gene_length)!=nrow(bulk_data)){stop("length(gene_length) should be equal to nrow(bulk_data)")}
if(any(gene_length < 1)){stop("gene_length denotes effective legnth of genes and should be a vector of positive values that are greater than 1.")}
#if(floor(sum(gene_length))!=sum(gene_length)){gene_length = round(gene_length);warning("The provided gene_length seems to contain non-integers. It has been round to integer.")}
if(any(gene_length%%1!=0)){gene_length = round(gene_length);warning("The provided gene_length seems to contain non-integers. CDSeq has rounded up to integers.")}
gl <- 1
#Check reference_gep
#if NOT given, then rpkm = ref = 0, and cell type assignment and RPKM normalization will NOT be performed
warning("Reference gene expression profile is missing. Cell type identification and RPKM normalization will NOT be performed by CDSeq. Users can identify CDSeq-identified cell-types using marker genes or reference gene expression profiles.")
if(nrow(reference_gep)!=nrow(bulk_data)){stop("nrow(reference_gep) should be equal to nrow(bulk_data)")}
if(!is.matrix(reference_gep) & !is.data.frame(reference_gep)){stop("The reference GEPs should be either a matrix or data frame")}
#cls<-sum(reference_gep[,1]) #check if reference profile is raw read counts data
if(any(reference_gep%%1!=0)){ #check if reference profile is raw read counts data
stop("reference_gep should be read counts data for estimating beta. Please provide read counts reference_gep or provide a value (either a scalar or vector of length nrow(bulk_data)) for beta.")
}else{warning("reference_gep is NOT read counts data, RPKM normalization is NOT performed.");rpkm<-0;estimate_beta<-0}
if(is.null(beta) & block_number == 1 ){estimate_beta<-1}else{estimate_beta<-0}
warning("Gene length is NOT provided, RPKM normalization is NOT performed.")
# check the cell_type_number and ncol(refGEP),
rpkm <- 0
#ref <- 0 # I need to write a more robust cell type assignment function to take care this case
# Save sample names and gene names
cell_types <- NULL
#Check if gene name is consistent in bulk_data and reference_gep
if(!is.null(gene_names) && !is.null(row.names(reference_gep))){
if( any(gene_names!=row.names(reference_gep)) ){
warning("gene names in bulk_data may be different from the gene names in reference profile. Please make sure. CDSeq will use gene names from bulk_data.")
if(is.null(gene_names)){gene_names<-paste("gene",1:nrow(bulk_data),sep = "_")}
if(is.null(sample_names)){sample_names<-paste("sample",1:ncol(bulk_data),sep = "_")}
# Data Dilution
# check if bulk_data is read counts data
if(any(bulk_data%%1!=0)){ warning(" bulk_data is NOT read count data. Please provide read counts data if possible for potentially better estimations.");rawcount<-0 }else{rawcount<-1}
bulk_data_diluted<-ceiling(bulk_data/dilution_factor) # total read counts of bulk_data is reduced by data dilution
# Break up bulk_data into blocks
bulk_data_blocks <- c() # is this a good way of initialize the list?
refGEPlist <- c()
bulk_data_blocks[[1]] <- bulk_data_diluted
if(ref==1){refGEPlist[[1]] <- reference_gep}
#total number of genes
totalg <- nrow(bulk_data_diluted)
#save the gene index for each block
groupmatrix <- matrix(0,nrow = block_number ,ncol = gene_subset_size )
for (i in 1:block_number) {groupmatrix[i,] <- sample(totalg,gene_subset_size,replace = TRUE)}
#GEP for each block
for(i in 1:block_number){bulk_data_blocks[[i]] <- bulk_data_diluted[groupmatrix[i,],]}
if(estimate_beta==1){for(i in 1:block_number){ refGEPlist[[i]] <- reference_gep[groupmatrix[i,],]}}
# Estimate beta from ref(only use when cell_type_number is a scalar)
beta_est <- NULL
beta_est <- matrix(0,nrow = block_number,ncol = gene_subset_size)
for(i in 1:block_number){
fit <- dirmult(t(refGEPlist[[i]]))
beta_est[i,] <- fit$gamma
# parallel computing setup
message("cpu_number is not provided. CDSeq uses detectCores()-1 number of cpu cores for parallel computing.\n")
if(!is.numeric(cpu_number) || !(is.atomic(cpu_number) && length(cpu_number)==1) || is.matrix(cpu_number)){stop("cpu_number has to be an integer that is greater than or equal to 1.")}
if(cpu_number > detectCores()-1 | cpu_number < 1){stop("cpu_number is invalid. To detect how many cores are available, use detectCores().")}
cpu_number <- ceiling(cpu_number)
warning("cpu_number is not an integer. CDSeq uses ceiling(cpu_integer).")
celltype_assignment <- NULL
cellTypeAssignSplit <- NULL
# keep track of the worker process ID for parallel progress printing
processIDs <- matrix(0,length(cell_type_number),block_number)
# if cell_type_number is a scalar
CDSeq_tmp_log <- tempfile(pattern = "CDSeq_tmp_log_",fileext = ".txt")
#Check if rpkm normalization should be performed
# if the reference profile is not read counts data, then RPKM will not be performed
# if the number of cell types in reference profile is less than cell_type_number, then only part of CDSeq-identified cell types will be associated with reference profiles
if(ref==1 && cell_type_number>ncol(reference_gep)){
warning("The number of cell types cell_type_number is greater than the number of cell types in reference profile, so not all CDSeq-identified cell types can be associated with reference cell types.")
if(print_progress_msg_to_file==1){message(sprintf("CDSeq is running in parallel, it may take some time...\n(Progress is being printed to %s. You may delete the file if will not use it.)\n",CDSeq_tmp_log))}
else{message("CDSeq is running in parallel, it may take some time...\n")}
printout <- 0}
else{printout <- 1}
#Gibbs sampler and store its running time
allresult <- foreach(i=1:block_number, .inorder = FALSE) %dopar% {
if(!is.null(beta_est)){beta <- beta_est[i,]}
result <- gibbsSampler(alpha,beta,bulk_data_blocks[[i]],cell_type_number,mcmc_iterations, printout, Sys.getpid(), i, CDSeq_tmp_log, print_progress_msg_to_file, verbose_int)
#outputs are two vectors. estGEP_vec is gene x cell type; estSSp_vec is sample x cell type
#vector to matrix
estGEP_mat<-t(matrix(estGEP_vec,nrow = cell_type_number,ncol = nrow(bulk_data_blocks[[i]]))) # gene by cell_type
estSSp_mat<-matrix(estSSp_vec,nrow = cell_type_number,ncol = samplesize) #cell_type by sample_size
#estimated proportions and GEPs using bulk_data blocks
estProp<-t(t(estSSp_mat+alpha)/colSums(estSSp_mat+alpha)) #cell_type by sample_size
estGEP_read<-t(t(estGEP_mat+beta)/colSums(estGEP_mat+beta))#gene by cell_type
if(gl==1){estGEP<-read2gene(estGEP_read,gene_length)}else{estGEP<-estGEP_read} # read to gene
if(gl!=1){warning("Gene length is NOT provided and the reference GEP is NOT read counts data, the cell type association may be inaccurate.")}
if(rawcount==1){estProp <- RNA2Cell(colSums(refGEPlist[[i]][,celltype_assignment]),estProp)}
if(rpkm==1){estGEP <- gene2rpkm(estGEP,gene_length,refGEPlist[[i]][,celltype_assignment])}
return(list(estProp = estProp, estGEP = estGEP, celltype_assignment = celltype_assignment,cellTypeAssignSplit = result$cellTypeAssignSplit, processID = Sys.getpid()))
return(list(estProp = estProp, processID = Sys.getpid()))
}#foreach end
)#gibbs time
#stop parallel
#reorder the estProp for each block
estproplist <- c()
for(i in 1:block_number){
corr <- cor(t(allresult[[1]]$estProp), t(allresult[[i]]$estProp))
ordervalue <- hungarian_result$cost_assignment+1
estproplist[[i]] <- as.matrix(allresult[[i]]$estProp)[ordervalue,]
processIDs[i] <-allresult[[i]]$processID
#get the average of the prop
nsample <- ncol(allresult[[1]]$estProp)
sumestprop <- matrix(0,nrow = cell_type_number,ncol = nsample)
for(i in 1:block_number){sumestprop <- estproplist[[i]]+ sumestprop}
averestprop <- sumestprop/block_number
averestprop <- sweep(averestprop,MARGIN=2,FUN="/",STATS=colSums(averestprop))
#reduce recover method
estGEP_read<-t(t(estGEP_read)/colSums(estGEP_read)) # renormalize
if(gl==1){estGEP<-read2gene(estGEP_read,gene_length)}else{estGEP<-estGEP_read} # read to gene
# cell type association
if(gl!=1){corr_GEP<-cor(estGEP,reference_gep);warning("Gene length is NOT provided and the reference GEP is NOT read counts data, the cell type association may be inaccurate.")}
if(rawcount==1){estProp <- RNA2Cell(colSums(reference_gep[,celltype_assignment]),estProp)}
if(rpkm==1){estGEP <- gene2rpkm(estGEP,gene_length,reference_gep[,celltype_assignment])}
}else{#for block_number=1
estProp <- allresult[[1]]$estProp
estGEP <- allresult[[1]]$estGEP
cellTypeAssignSplit <- allresult[[1]]$cellTypeAssignSplit
processIDs[1] <-allresult[[1]]$processID
# keep all the parameters
parameters <- list( beta = beta,
alpha = alpha,
cell_type_number = cell_type_number,
mcmc_iterations = mcmc_iterations,
dilution_factor = dilution_factor,
gene_subset_size = gene_subset_size,
block_number = block_number,
cpu_number = cpu_number,
gene_length = gene_length,
reference_gep = reference_gep,
print_progress_msg_to_file = print_progress_msg_to_file)
#Final output
CDSeq_result<-list(estProp=estProp,estGEP=estGEP,gibbsRunningTime = gibbsRunningTime, cell_type_assignment = celltype_assignment, cellTypeAssignSplit = cellTypeAssignSplit,processIDs = processIDs, parameters = parameters)
cell_types<-paste("CDSeq_estimated_cell_type",1:cell_type_number,sep = "_")
dimnames(CDSeq_result$cellTypeAssignSplit)[[1]] <- gene_names
dimnames(CDSeq_result$cellTypeAssignSplit)[[2]] <- sample_names
dimnames(CDSeq_result$cellTypeAssignSplit)[[3]] <- cell_types
if(is.null(cell_types)){cell_types<-paste("ref_cell_type",1:refcol,sep = "_")}
end_time <- Sys.time()
CDSeq_running_time <- as.numeric( end_time - start_time, units = "hours")
message(sprintf("CDSeq completed successfully using %.4f hours\n",CDSeq_running_time))
# if cell_type_number is a vector
#two parallel loop
CDSeq_tmp_log <- tempfile(pattern = "CDSeq_tmp_log_",fileext = ".txt")
message(sprintf("CDSeq is running in parallel, it may take some time...\n(Progress is being printed to %s. You may delete the file if will not use it.)\n",CDSeq_tmp_log))
#cat("CDSeq is running in parallel, it may take some time...\n(Progress is being printed to CDSeq_logfile.txt in working directory. You may delete the file if will not use it.)\n")
est_all<-foreach(j=1:length(cell_type_number), .combine = 'rbind') %:%
foreach(i=1:block_number, .combine = 'c') %dopar% {
if(!is.null(beta_est)){beta <- beta_est[i,]}
processIDs[j,i] <- Sys.getpid()
result <- gibbsSampler(alpha,beta,bulk_data_blocks[[i]],cell_type_number[j],mcmc_iterations, printout, processIDs[j,i], i, CDSeq_tmp_log, print_progress_msg_to_file, verbose_int)
#output two vectors. estGEP_vec is gene x cell type; estSSp_vec is sample x cell type
cellTypeAssignSplit <- result$cellTypeAssignSplit
#vector to matrix
estGEP_mat<-t(matrix(estGEP_vec,nrow = cell_type_number[j],ncol = nrow(bulk_data_blocks[[i]]))) # gene by cell_type
estSSp_mat<-matrix(estSSp_vec,nrow = cell_type_number[j],ncol = samplesize) # cell_type by sample_size
#estimated proportions and GEPs on reduced data set
estProp<-t(t(estSSp_mat+alpha)/colSums(estSSp_mat+alpha))# cell_type by sample_size
estGEP_read<-t(t(estGEP_mat+beta)/colSums(estGEP_mat+beta))# gene by cell_type
#calculate logposterior
lgpst<-logpost(estProp, estGEP_read, bulk_data_blocks[[i]], alpha ,beta)
if ( block_number == 1){
if ( gl==1 ){estGEP<-read2gene(estGEP_read,gene_length)}else{estGEP<-estGEP_read} # read to gene
if ( ref==1 ){
if ( rawcount==1 & cell_type_number[j]<=ncol(refGEPlist[[i]])){
if(gl!=1){warning("Gene length is NOT provided and the reference GEP is NOT read counts data, the cell type association may be inaccurate.")}
if(rawcount==1 & nrow(estProp)<=ncol(refGEPlist[[i]])){estProp <- RNA2Cell(colSums(refGEPlist[[i]][,celltype_assignment]),estProp)}
if(rpkm==1){estGEP <- gene2rpkm(estGEP,gene_length,refGEPlist[[i]][,celltype_assignment])}
}# save cellTypeAssignSplit only when block number is 1, since for block number greater than 1, cellTypeAssignSplit info is not useful.
if(block_number>1){return(list(estProp,lgpst))}else{return(list(estProp,estGEP,lgpst,celltype_assignment, cellTypeAssignSplit))}
}#foreach loop end
#stop parallel
#use this to save the result for all cell_type_number value
CDseq_all <- c()
#when block_number > 1 or = 1
estPropall <- est_all[,seq(1,2*block_number,by=2)]
lgpstall <- est_all[,seq(2,2*block_number,by=2)]
for(j in 1:length(cell_type_number)){
#reorder the estProp
estproplist <- c()
for(i in 1:block_number){
corr <- cor(t(estPropall[j,1][[1]]), t(estPropall[j,i][[1]]))
ordervalue <- hungarian_result$cost_assignment+1
estproplist[[i]] <- as.matrix(estPropall[j,i][[1]])[ordervalue,]
#get the average for each block
nsample <- ncol(estPropall[j,1][[1]])
sumestprop <- matrix(0,nrow = cell_type_number[j],ncol = nsample)
for(i in 1:block_number){sumestprop <- estproplist[[i]]+ sumestprop}
averestprop <- sumestprop/block_number
averestprop <- sweep(averestprop,MARGIN=2,FUN="/",STATS=colSums(averestprop))
#reduce recover
estGEP_read<-t(t(estGEP_read)/colSums(estGEP_read)) # renormalize
# using the gene length information us convert read to gene
if(gl==1){estGEP<-read2gene(estGEP_read,gene_length)}else{estGEP<-estGEP_read} # read to gene
mlgpst <- mean(unlist(lgpstall[j,]))
# add colnames and rownames
cell_types<-paste("CDSeq_estimated_cell_type",1:ncol(estGEP),sep = "_")
}else{#for block_number=1
estPropall <- est_all[,1]
estGEPall <- est_all[,2]
lgpstall <- est_all[,3]
cellTypeAssignSplit_all <- est_all[,5]
for(j in 1:length(cell_type_number)){
averestprop <- estPropall[[j]]
estGEP <- estGEPall[[j]]
mlgpst <- lgpstall[[j]]
cellTypeAssignSplit <- cellTypeAssignSplit_all[[j]]
# add colnames and rownames
cell_types<-paste("CDSeq_estimated_cell_type",1:ncol(estGEP),sep = "_")
dimnames(cellTypeAssignSplit)[[1]] <- gene_names
dimnames(cellTypeAssignSplit)[[2]] <- sample_names
dimnames(cellTypeAssignSplit)[[3]] <- cell_types
CDseq_all[[j]]<-list(estProp=averestprop,estGEP=estGEP,lgpst=mlgpst, cell_type_assignment = celltype_assignment, cellTypeAssignSplit = cellTypeAssignSplit)
#get the max of mlgpst and it's estProp and estGEP
alllgpst <- c()
for(i in 1:length(cell_type_number)){alllgpst[i] <- CDseq_all[[i]]$lgpst}
maxTindex <- which(alllgpst==max(alllgpst))
maxT <- cell_type_number[maxTindex]
maxaverestprop <- CDseq_all[[maxTindex]]$estProp
maxGEP <- CDseq_all[[maxTindex]]$estGEP
maxlgpst <- max(alllgpst)
maxcellTypeAssignSplit <- CDseq_all[[maxTindex]]$cellTypeAssignSplit
# cell type association
if(ref==1 & block_number>1){
if(gl!=1){corr_GEP<-cor(maxGEP,reference_gep);warning("Gene length is NOT provided and the reference GEP is NOT read counts data, the cell type association may be inaccurate.")}
if(rawcount==1 & nrow(maxaverestprop)<=ncol(reference_gep)){maxaverestprop <- RNA2Cell(colSums(reference_gep[,celltype_assignment]),maxaverestprop)}
if(rpkm==1 & ncol(maxGEP)<=ncol(reference_gep)){maxGEP <- gene2rpkm(maxGEP,gene_length,reference_gep[,celltype_assignment])}
if(ref==1 & block_number==1){celltype_assignment<-CDseq_all[[maxTindex]]$cell_type_assignment}
# keep all the parameters
parameters <- list( beta = beta,
alpha = alpha,
cell_type_number = cell_type_number,
mcmc_iterations = mcmc_iterations,
dilution_factor = dilution_factor,
gene_subset_size = gene_subset_size,
block_number = block_number,
cpu_number = cpu_number,
gene_length = gene_length,
reference_gep = reference_gep,
print_progress_msg_to_file = print_progress_msg_to_file)
#Final output
CDSeq_result_max<-list(estProp=maxaverestprop, estGEP=maxGEP, cell_type_assignment = celltype_assignment,cellTypeAssignSplit = maxcellTypeAssignSplit, lgpst=maxlgpst, estT=maxT, est_all = CDseq_all, parameters = parameters)
cell_types<-paste("CDSeq_estimated_cell_type",1:CDSeq_result_max$estT,sep = "_")
if(is.null(celltype_assignment)){message("\n no cell type assignment\n")}
if(is.null(cell_types)){cell_types<-paste("ref_cell_type",1:refcol,sep = "_")}
end_time <- Sys.time()
CDSeq_running_time <- as.numeric( end_time - start_time, units = "hours")
#if(CDSeq_running_time<1){CDSeq_running_time < - as.numeric( end_time - start_time, units = "mins")}
message(sprintf("CDSeq completed successfully using %.4f hours\n",CDSeq_running_time))
}#end for cell_type_number is a vector
}#end function
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