#' @title Create logo plots from aligned sequences or positional frequency
#' (weight) matrix
#' @description Takes as input a vector of character sequences
#' (aligned to have the ) same length or a positional frequency or weight
#' matrix and plots the standard logo or the Enrichment Depletion (ED) Logo
#' plots.
#' @param data The input data may be a vector of character sequences -
#' representing aligned sequences of DNA, RNA or amino acids,
#' or a matrix/ data frame with symbols of characters or strings
#' of characters along the rows of the matrix/data frame and
#' the positions or sites of the aligned sequences along the
#' columns.
#' @param type can either be "Logo" or "EDLogo" depending on if user wants to
#' plot the standard Logo or the Enrichment Depletion Logo.
#' @param bg The background probability, which defaults to NULL, in which case
#' equal probability is assigned to each symbol. The user can
#' however specify a vector (equal to in length to the number of
#' symbols) which specifies the background probability for each symbol
#' and assumes this background probability to be the same across the
#' columns (sites), or a matrix, whose each cell specifies the
#' background probability of the symbols for each position.
#' @param n_data The number of sequences used to build the positional weight
#' matrix (table).
#' @param n_bg The number of sequences used for the background probabilities.
#' @param tol The tolerance for the KL-divergence of the positional weight
#' data and background probabilities.
#' @param shrink A Boolean indicating whether to use the \code{ash} shrinkage
#' on the positional weights or not.
#' @param pseudocount A small pseudocount to be added mainly to bypass 0 entries.
#' Default is NULL. If \code{table} is a counts matrix,
#' the default changes to 0.5, if \code{table} is a
#' positional weight matrix, the default becomes 0.001 times
#' the minimum non-zero value of the table.
#' @param color_type A list specifying the coloring scheme. Defaults to NULL,
#' for which, based on \code{color_seed}, a specific
#' coloring scheme is chosen. The list contains
#' two elements - \code{type} and \code{col}.The \code{type}
#' can be of three types - "per-row", "per-column" and
#' "per-symbol". The \code{col} element is a vector of colors,
#' of same length as number of rows in table for "per-row"
#' (assigning a color to each string), of same length
#' as number of columns in table for "per-column"
#' (assuming a color for each column), or a distinct color
#' for a distinct symbol in "per-symbol". For "per-symbol",
#' the length of the \code{color_profile$col} should be same
#' as library size of the logos, but if the vector of colors
#' provided is more or less, we can downsample or upsample
#' the colors as required. The colors are matched with the
#' symbols in the \code{total_chars}.
#' @param colors Add description here.
#' @param color_seed A seed for choosing among multiple available coloring
#' schemes in \code{color_profile}.
#' The default choice is 2030. But the user can use any seed
#' of her choice.
#' @param return_heights Boolean. If TRUE, the function returns the stack
#' heights for the logo plot.For standard Logo
#' (type = "Logo"), it returns the information content.
#' For tyep = "EDLogo", it returns the total stack height
#' along positive and negative axis, as well as the
#' breakdown of the heights along different symbols
#' along the two axis. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param logo_control Control parameters for the logo plot. Check the
#' input arguments from the \code{plogomaker} and
#' \code{nlogomaker} functions.
#' @return Returns a standard or EDLogo plot of the sequence of the positional
#' frequency matrix based on the \code{type} is equal to Logo or EDLogo.
#' @examples
#' sequence <- c("CTATTGT", "CTCTTAT", "CTATTAA", "CTATTTA", "CTATTAT",
#' logomaker(sequence, type = "Logo")
#' logomaker (sequence, type = "EDLogo")
#' library(ggseqlogo)
#' data(ggseqlogo_sample)
#' sequence <- seqs_aa$AKT1
#' logomaker (sequence, type = "Logo")
#' logomaker (sequence, type = "EDLogo")
#' data("seqlogo_example")
#' logomaker(seqlogo_example, type = "Logo", return_heights = TRUE)
#' logomaker(seqlogo_example, type = "EDLogo", return_heights = TRUE)
#' @import grid
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom ashr ash
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import gridBase
#' @export
logomaker <- function(data,
type = c("Logo", "EDLogo"),
bg = NULL,
n_data = NULL, n_bg = NULL,
tol = 0, shrink = TRUE,
pseudocount = NULL,
color_type = NULL,
colors = NULL,
color_seed = NULL,
return_heights = FALSE,
logo_control = list()){
################## Control Options for Logo/EDLogo plots ###############
if(!(type %in% c("Logo", "EDLogo"))){
stop("type must be either 'Logo' for standard plot or 'EDLogo' for Enrichment Depletion plot")
if(type == "Logo"){
logo_control_default <- list(ic=NULL,
total_chars = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
"G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U",
"V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"zero", "one", "two",
"three", "four", "five", "six",
"seven", "eight", "nine",
"dot", "comma",
"dash", "colon", "semicolon",
"leftarrow", "rightarrow"),
frame_width=NULL, ic.scale=TRUE,
xaxis=TRUE, yaxis=TRUE, xaxis_fontsize=15,
xlab_fontsize=15, y_fontsize=15,
main_fontsize=16, start=0.001,
yscale_change=TRUE, pop_name = "",
xlab = "position",ylab = "Information content",
col_line_split="white", addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL, newpage = TRUE,
control = list())
}else if (type == "EDLogo"){
logo_control_default <- list(ic = FALSE,
score = "log",
total_chars = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
"G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U",
"V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"zero", "one", "two",
"three", "four", "five", "six",
"seven", "eight", "nine",
"dot", "comma",
"dash", "colon", "semicolon",
"leftarrow", "rightarrow"),
frame_width=NULL, yscale_change=TRUE,
pop_name = "", addlogos = NULL,
addlogos_text = NULL, newpage = TRUE,
yrange = NULL, xaxis=TRUE,
yaxis=TRUE, xaxis_fontsize=15,
xlab_fontsize=15, y_fontsize=15,
main_fontsize=16, start=0.001,
xlab = "position", ylab = "Enrichment Score",
control = list())
################# Reading Data (sequences / matrix) #####################
if(length(data) == 1){
stop("Just one character sequence provided, user needs to enter
multiple such aligned sequences")
numchars <- sapply(data, function(x) return (nchar(x)))
if(!(isTRUE(all.equal( max(numchars) ,min(numchars)) ))){
stop("character sequences entered are not all of same length : so
cannot be aligned")
pfm <- Biostrings::consensusMatrix(data)
colnames(pfm) <- 1:dim(pfm)[2]
}else if(!is.character(data)){
if(!is.matrix(data) & !is.data.frame(data)){
stop("if not a character sequence, data must be either a matrix
or a data frame")
stop("row names of the data matrix should be symbols to be plotted
in the logo plot ")
colnames(data) <- 1:dim(data)[2]
if(min(data[!is.na(data)]) < 0){
stop("negative values in data matrix not permitted : try logo_pssm ()
function for plotting position specific scores")
pfm <- data
########################## Reference probabilities ##########################
if (is.vector(bg)==TRUE){
if(length(bg) != dim(pfm)[1]){
stop("If background prob (bg) is a vector, the length of bg must
equal the number of symbols for the logo plot")
}else if(length(which(is.na(pfm))) > 0){
stop("For NA in table, a vector bg is not allowed")
bgmat <- bg %*% t(rep(1, dim(pfm)[2]))
bgmat_pre <- bgmat
}else if (is.matrix(bg)==TRUE){
if(dim(bg)[1] != dim(pfm)[1] | dim(bg)[2] != dim(pfm)[2]){
stop("If background prob (bg) is a matrix, its dimensions must
match that of the table")
bgmat <- bg
bgmat[which(is.na(pfm))] <- NA
bgmat_pre <- bgmat
}else {
message ("using a background with equal probability for all symbols")
bgmat <- matrix(1/dim(pfm)[1], dim(pfm)[1], dim(pfm)[2])
bgmat[which(is.na(pfm))] <- NA
bgmat_pre <- bgmat
#################### Modifying the Logo score ########################
numchars <- sapply(rownames(pfm), function(x) return (nchar(x)))
if(max(numchars) == 1){
logo_control_default$col_line_split <- "white"
logo_control_default$col_line_split <- "grey80"
logo_control_default$pop_name = ""
logo_control_default$xlab = "position"
if(type == "EDLogo"){
if(!is.null(n_data) && n_data == Inf){shrink = FALSE}
colsums_pfm <- colSums(pfm, na.rm = TRUE)
if(shrink == TRUE){
if(min(colsums_pfm) <= 1.01 && max(colsums_pfm) <= 1.01){
message("The input is a positional weight matrix
(entries are probabilities)")
if(is.null(n_data)){n_data <- 10^3}
}else if(max((pfm - floor(pfm)), na.rm = TRUE) == 0){
message("Analyzing the positional frequency matrix")
if(is.null(n_data)) {
n_data <- max(colsums_pfm)
warning("user defined n_data used despite the matrix being counts,
to use the n_data from matrix, set n_data = NULL")
if(is.null(n_bg)){n_bg <- n_data}else if(is.infinite(n_bg)){n_bg <- n_data}
table_pre <- apply(pfm,2,normalize0)
tab <- floor(n_data*table_pre)
bgmat_pre <- apply(bgmat_pre,2,normalize0)
bgmat_counts <- floor(n_bg*bgmat_pre)
llambda_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow(tab), ncol(tab))
for(m in 1:ncol(tab)){
successes <- tab[,m]
failures <- bgmat_counts[,m]
noNA_indices = which(!is.na(successes))
ss <- successes[noNA_indices]
ff <- failures[noNA_indices]
tot <- ss+ff
logit_vec <- array(0, length(ss))
zero_ids <- which(ss == 0)
full_ids <- which((tot - ss) == 0)
normal_ids <- setdiff(1:length(ss), union(zero_ids, full_ids))
if(length(zero_ids) > 0){
logit_vec[zero_ids] <- log((ss[zero_ids] + 0.5)/ (ff[zero_ids] + 0.5), base=2) - 0.5
if(length(full_ids) > 0){
logit_vec[full_ids] <- log((ss[full_ids] + 0.5)/ (ff[full_ids] + 0.5), base=2) + 0.5
if(length(normal_ids) > 0){
logit_vec[normal_ids] <- log(ss[normal_ids]/ff[normal_ids], base=2)
Vthree <- (tot+1)/(tot) * (1/(ss+1) + 1/(ff+1))
Vstar <- Vthree * (1 - (2/tot) + Vthree/2)
se_logit_vec <- sqrt(Vstar - 0.5*Vthree^2*(Vthree - (4/tot)))
if(all(logit_vec == 0)){
llambda_mat[noNA_indices, m] = logit_vec
fit <- ashr::ash(logit_vec, se_logit_vec, mode = "estimate",
mixcompdist = "normal")
ash_logit_vec <- fit$result$PosteriorMean
llambda_mat[noNA_indices, m] <- ash_logit_vec - log(n_data/n_bg, base=2)
if(min(abs(llambda_mat), na.rm = TRUE) == 0){
se <- 1e-15
llambda_mat = llambda_mat + matrix(rnorm(nrow(llambda_mat)*ncol(llambda_mat),
0, se), nrow(llambda_mat), ncol(llambda_mat))
if(shrink == FALSE){
fl_pfm <- floor(pfm)
diff <- pfm[!is.na(pfm)] - fl_pfm[!is.na(fl_pfm)]
if(sum(abs(diff)) == 0){
if(is.null(pseudocount)) {pseudocount <- 0.5}
pfm <- pfm+pseudocount
if(is.null(pseudocount)) {
pseudocount <- 0.5*min(min(abs(pfm[pfm > 0]), na.rm=TRUE),
min(abs(bgmat_pre[bgmat_pre > 0]), na.rm=TRUE))
pfm <- pfm + pseudocount
if(tol == 0) {
logo_control_default$score <- "log"
}else if (tol > 0){
logo_control_default$score <- "preclog"
stop("Tolerance must be a positive quantity")
logo_control <- modifyList(logo_control_default, logo_control)
if(tol > 0){
logo_control$score <- "preclog"
if(type == "Logo"){
fl_pfm <- floor(pfm)
diff <- pfm[!is.na(pfm)] - fl_pfm[!is.na(fl_pfm)]
if(sum(abs(diff)) == 0){
if(is.null(pseudocount)) {pseudocount <- 0.5}
pfm <- pfm+pseudocount
if(is.null(pseudocount)) {
pseudocount <- 0.5*min(min(abs(pfm[pfm > 0]), na.rm=TRUE),
min(abs(bgmat_pre[bgmat_pre > 0]), na.rm=TRUE))
pfm <- pfm + pseudocount
logo_control <- modifyList(logo_control_default, logo_control)
pfm_scaled <- pfm
############## Coloring choices for the logo plot ################
message("color_type not provided, so switching to per_row option for
color_type = "per_row"
if(color_type == "per_row"){
cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, cols$maxcolors,
col_vector = col_vector[-c(4,5)]
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = sample(col_vector, dim(pfm_scaled)[1],
replace = FALSE))
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = col_vector[1:dim(pfm_scaled)[1]])
if (length(colors) < dim(pfm_scaled)[1]){
stop("For per_row color type, the colors vector must be as large
as number of rows in the matrix for PFM/PWM input, or
number of distinct characters in
each aligned sequence for sequence data")
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = sample(colors, dim(pfm_scaled)[1],
replace = FALSE))
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = colors[1:dim(pfm_scaled)[1]])
if(color_type == "per_symbol"){
cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, cols$maxcolors,
col_vector = col_vector[-c(4,5)]
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = sample(col_vector,
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = col_vector[1:length(logo_control$total_chars)])
if (length(colors) < length(logo_control$total_chars)){
stop("For per_symbol color type, the colors vector must be
as large as number of
symbols in total_chars argument in logo_control() :
which is 50 by default ")
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = sample(colors,
length(logo_control$total_chars), replace=FALSE))
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = colors[1:length(logo_control$total_chars)])
if(color_type == "per_column"){
cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, cols$maxcolors,
col_vector = col_vector[-c(4,5)]
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = sample(col_vector, dim(pfm_scaled)[2],
replace = FALSE))
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = col_vector[1:dim(pfm_scaled)[2]])
if (length(colors) < dim(pfm_scaled)[2]){
stop("For per_column color type, the colors vector must be as
large as number of columns in the matrix for PFM/PWM input,
or number of characters in each aligned
sequence for sequence data")
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = sample(colors, dim(pfm_scaled)[2],
replace = FALSE))
color_profile <- list("type" = color_type,
"col" = colors[1:dim(pfm_scaled)[2]])
#################### Plotting the Logo/EDLogo plots ####################
if(type == "Logo"){
out <- do.call(plogomaker, append (list(table = pfm_scaled,
color_profile = color_profile,
bg = bg),
}else if (type == "EDLogo"){
if(shrink == FALSE){
out <- do.call(nlogomaker, append (list(table = pfm_scaled,
color_profile = color_profile,
bg = bg,
tol = tol),
out <- do.call(nlogomaker, append (list(table = pfm_scaled,
color_profile = color_profile,
bg = bg,
llambda = llambda_mat,
tol = tol),
normalize0 = function(x){return(x/sum(x[!is.na(x)]))}
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.