
Defines functions binregG print.summary.survivalG summary.survivalG binregATE logitIPCW binregt binreg

Documented in binreg binregATE binregG binregt logitIPCW

##' Binomial Regression for censored competing risks data 
##' Simple version of comp.risk function of timereg for just one time-point thus fitting the model 
##' \deqn{P(T \leq t, \epsilon=1 | X ) = expit( X^T beta) }
##' Based on binomial regresion IPCW response estimating equation: 
##' \deqn{ X ( \Delta I(T \leq t, \epsilon=1 )/G_c(T_i-) - expit( X^T beta)) = 0 }
##' for IPCW adjusted responses. 
##' logitIPCW instead considers 
##' \deqn{ X  I(min(T_i,t) < G_i)/G_c(min(T_i ,t)) ( I(T \leq t, \epsilon=1 ) - expit( X^T beta)) = 0 }
##' a standard logistic regression with weights that adjust for IPCW. 
##' variance is based on  \deqn{ \sum w_i^2 } also with IPCW adjustment, and naive.var is variance 
##' under known censoring model. 
##' Censoring model may depend on strata. 
##' @param formula formula with outcome (see \code{coxph})
##' @param data data frame
##' @param cause cause of interest (numeric variable)
##' @param time  time of interest 
##' @param beta starting values 
##' @param offset offsets for partial likelihood 
##' @param weights for score equations 
##' @param cens.weights censoring weights 
##' @param cens.model only stratified cox model without covariates
##' @param se to compute se's  based on IPCW 
##' @param kaplan.meier uses Kaplan-Meier for IPCW in contrast to exp(-Baseline)
##' @param cens.code gives censoring code
##' @param no.opt to not optimize 
##' @param method for optimization 
##' @param augmentation to augment binomial regression 
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' data(bmt)
##' # logistic regresion with IPCW binomial regression 
##' out <- binreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet,bmt,time=50)
##' summary(out)
##' predict(out,data.frame(tcell=c(0,1),platelet=c(1,1)),se=TRUE)
##' outs <- binreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet,bmt,time=50,cens.model=~strata(tcell,platelet))
##' summary(outs)
##' ## glm with IPCW weights 
##' outl <- logitIPCW(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet,bmt,time=50)
##' summary(outl)
##' ##########################################
##' ### risk-ratio of different causes #######
##' ##########################################
##' data(bmt)
##' bmt$id <- 1:nrow(bmt)
##' bmt$status <- bmt$cause
##' bmt$strata <- 1
##' bmtdob <- bmt
##' bmtdob$strata <-2
##' bmtdob <- dtransform(bmtdob,status=1,cause==2)
##' bmtdob <- dtransform(bmtdob,status=2,cause==1)
##' ###
##' bmtdob <- rbind(bmt,bmtdob)
##' dtable(bmtdob,cause+status~strata)
##' cif1 <- cif(Event(time,cause)~+1,bmt,cause=1)
##' cif2 <- cif(Event(time,cause)~+1,bmt,cause=2)
##' bplot(cif1)
##' bplot(cif2,add=TRUE,col=2)
##' cifs1 <- binreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=1,time=50)
##' cifs2 <- binreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=2,time=50)
##' summary(cifs1)
##' summary(cifs2)
##' cifdob <- binreg(Event(time,status)~-1+factor(strata)+
##' 	 tcell*factor(strata)+platelet*factor(strata)+age*factor(strata)
##' 	 +cluster(id),bmtdob,cause=1,time=50,cens.model=~strata(strata)+cluster(id))
##' summary(cifdob)
##' riskratio <- function(p) {
##'   Z <- rbind(c(1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0), c(0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0))
##'   lp <- c(Z %*% p)
##'   p <- lava::expit(lp)
##'   return(p[1]/p[2])
##' }
##' lava::estimate(cifdob,f=riskratio)
##' @aliases logitIPCW binregt
##' @export
binreg <- function(formula,data,cause=1,time=NULL,beta=NULL,
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()# {{{
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    stop("only right censored data, will not work for delayed entry\n"); 
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    pos.cluster <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  } else pos.cluster <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    pos.strata <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  ### possible handling of id to code from 0:(antid-1)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
          orig.id <- id
	  ids <- unique(id)
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else { orig.id <- NULL; nid <- nrow(X); id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; ids <- NULL}
  ### id from call coded as numeric 1 -> 
  id.orig <- id; 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
# }}}

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 
  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status %in% cause) & (exit<= time) 
  if (sum(statusE)==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 
  kmt <- kaplan.meier

  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  data$id <- id
  data$exit <- exit
  data$statusC <- statusC 

  cens.strata <- cens.nstrata <- NULL 

  if (is.null(cens.weights))  {
      formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(exit,statusC)~ . +cluster(id))
      resC <- phreg(formC,data)
      if (resC$p>0) kmt <- FALSE
      exittime <- pmin(exit,time)
      cens.weights <- suppressWarnings(predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt,tminus=TRUE)$surv)
      ## strata from original data 
      cens.strata <- resC$strata[order(resC$ord)]
      cens.nstrata <- resC$nstrata
  } else { se <- FALSE; resC <- formC <- NULL}
  expit  <- function(z) 1/(1+exp(-z)) ## expit

  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,ncol(X))
  p <- ncol(X)

  X <-  as.matrix(X)
###  X2  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X,X)$vXZ
  X2  <- .Call("vecCPMat",X)$XX
  Y <- c((status %in% cause)*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)

 if (is.null(augmentation))  augmentation=rep(0,p)
 nevent <- sum((status %in% cause)*(exit<=time))
 obs <- (exit<=time & (!statusC)) | (exit>=time)

obj <- function(pp,all=FALSE)
{ # {{{
lp <- c(X %*% pp+offset)
p <- expit(lp)
ploglik <- sum(weights*(Y-p)^2)

Dlogl <- weights*X*c(Y-p)
D2logl <- c(weights*p/(1+exp(lp)))*X2
D2log <- apply(D2logl,2,sum)
gradient <- apply(Dlogl,2,sum)+augmentation
###hessian <- matrix(D2log,length(pp),length(pp))
np <- length(pp)
hessian <- matrix(.Call("XXMatFULL",matrix(D2log,nrow=1),np,PACKAGE="mets")$XXf,np,np)

  if (all) {
      ihess <- solve(hessian)
      beta.iid <- Dlogl %*% ihess ## %*% t(Dlogl) 
      beta.iid <-  apply(beta.iid,2,sumstrata,id,max(id)+1)
      robvar <- crossprod(beta.iid)
      val <- list(par=pp,ploglik=ploglik,gradient=gradient,hessian=hessian,ihessian=ihess,
}# }}}

	  p <- ncol(X)
	  opt <- NULL
	  if (p>0) {
	  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
	      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
		  tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
		  opt$timing <- tim
		  opt$estimate <- opt$par
	      } else {
		  opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
		  opt$method <- "nlm"
	      cc <- opt$estimate; 
###	      if (!se) return(cc)
	      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
	      } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
	  } else {
	      val <- obj(0,all=TRUE)

	  if (length(val$coef)==length(colnames(X))) names(val$coef) <- colnames(X)
	  val <- c(val,list(time=time,formula=formula,formC=formC,
	    exit=exit, cens.weights=cens.weights, cens.strata=cens.strata, cens.nstrata=cens.nstrata, 

 if (se) {## {{{ censoring adjustment of variance 
    ### order of sorted times
    ord <- resC$ord
    X <-  X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    status <- status[ord]
    exit <- exit[ord]
    weights <- weights[ord]
    offset <- offset[ord]
    cens.weights <- cens.weights[ord]
    lp <- c(X %*% val$coef+offset)
    p <- expit(lp)
    Y <- c((status %in% cause)*weights*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)

    xx <- resC$cox.prep
    S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
    S0i[xx$jumps+1]  <- 1/resC$S0
    S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/resC$S0^2
    ## compute function h(s) = \sum_i X_i Y_i(t) I(s \leq T_i \leq t) 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s) 
    h  <-  apply(X*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    ### Cens-Martingale as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s)  = \int h(s)/Ys  dN_i^C(s) - dLambda_i^C(s)
    IhdLam0 <- apply(h*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),ncol(X))
    U[xx$jumps+1,] <- h[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt <- (U[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLam0)*c(xx$weights)

    ### Censoring Variance Adjustment  \int h^2(s) / y.(s) d Lam_c(s) estimated by \int h^2(s) / y.(s)^2  d N.^C(s) 
    MGCiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,xx$id,max(id)+1)
   }  else {
	  MGCiid <- 0
  }## }}}

  val$call <- cl
  val$MGciid <- MGCiid
  val$MGtid <- id
  val$orig.id <- orig.id
  val$iid.origid <- ids 
  val$iid.naive <- val$iid 
  if (se) val$iid  <- val$iid+(MGCiid %*% val$ihessian)
  val$naive.var <- val$var
  robvar <- crossprod(val$iid)
  val$var <-  val$robvar <- robvar
  val$se.robust <- diag(robvar)^.5
  val$se.coef <- diag(val$var)^.5
  val$cause <- cause
  val$cens.code <- cens.code 

  class(val) <- "binreg"
}# }}}

##' @export
binregt <- function(formula,data,cause=1,time=NULL,beta=NULL,
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()# {{{
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    stop("only right censored data, will not work for delayed entry\n"); 
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    pos.cluster <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  } else pos.cluster <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    pos.strata <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  ### possible handling of id to code from 0:(antid-1)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
          orig.id <- id
	  ids <- sort(unique(id))
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else { orig.id <- NULL; nid <- nrow(X); id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; ids <- NULL}
  ### id from call coded as numeric 1 -> 
  id.orig <- id; 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
# }}}

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 
  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status %in% cause)*outer(exit,time,"<=") 
  if (any(apply(statusE,2,sum))==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 
  kmt <- kaplan.meier

  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  data$id <- id
  data$exit <- exit
  data$statusC <- statusC 
  cens.strata <- cens.nstrata <- NULL 

  if (is.null(cens.weights))  {
      formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(exit,statusC)~ . +cluster(id))
      resC <- phreg(formC,data)
      if (resC$p>0) kmt <- FALSE
      cens.weights <- c()
      for (tt in time)  {
      exittime <- pmin(exit,tt)
      cens.weights1 <- suppressWarnings(predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt,tminus=TRUE)$surv)
      cens.weights <- cbind(cens.weights,cens.weights1)
      ## strata from original data 
      cens.strata <- resC$strata[order(resC$ord)]
      cens.nstrata <- resC$nstrata
  } else formC <- NULL
  expit  <- function(z) 1/(1+exp(-z)) ## expit

  if (length(time)>1) {
      Yt <- outer(exit,time,"<=") 
      nevent <- apply(c(status %in% cause)*Yt,2,sum)
      Y <- c((status %in%cause)/cens.weights)*Yt
  } else {
      Y <- c((status %in%cause)*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)
      nevent <- sum((status %in%cause)*(exit<=time))

  ppt <- length(time)
  p <- pd <- ncol(X)+(length(time)-1)
  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,ncol(X)+ppt-1)
  X <-  as.matrix(X)
  X2o  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X[,-1,drop=FALSE],X[,-1,drop=FALSE])$vXZ
###  X2  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X,X)$vXZ

  if (is.null(augmentation))  augmentation=rep(0,p)

obj <- function(pp,all=FALSE)
{ # {{{

lp <- c(X[,-1,drop=FALSE] %*% pp[-seq(1,ppt)])
lp <- outer(lp,pp[1:ppt],"+")
p <- expit(lp)
ploglik <- sum(weights*(Y-p)^2)

Dloglt <- weights*(Y-p)
Dloglo <- weights*X[,-1]*apply((Y-p),1,sum)
Dlogl <- cbind(Dloglt,Dloglo)

wwp <- (weights*p/(1+exp(lp)))
wwpt <- apply(wwp,2,sum)
wwpo <- apply(wwp,1,sum)
D2loglo <- c(wwpo)*X2o
hessian <- matrix(0,pd,pd)
hessian[seq(1,ppt),seq(1,ppt)] <- diag(wwpt,ppt,ppt)
for (i in 1:ppt) hessian[i,(ppt+1):pd] <- apply(wwp[,i]*X[,-1,drop=FALSE],2,sum)
hessian[(ppt+1):pd,1:ppt]  <- t(hessian[1:ppt,(ppt+1):pd])
hessian[(ppt+1):pd,(ppt+1):pd] <- c(apply(D2loglo,2,sum))

gradient <- apply(Dlogl,2,sum)+augmentation

  if (all) {
      ihess <- solve(hessian)
      beta.iid <- Dlogl %*% ihess ## %*% t(Dlogl) 
      beta.iid <-  apply(beta.iid,2,sumstrata,id,max(id)+1)
      robvar <- crossprod(beta.iid)
      val <- list(par=pp,ploglik=ploglik,gradient=gradient,hessian=hessian,ihessian=ihess,
}# }}}

	  p <- pd 
	  opt <- NULL
	  if (p>0) {
	  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
	      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
		  tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
		  opt$timing <- tim
		  opt$estimate <- opt$par
	      } else {
		  opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
		  opt$method <- "nlm"
	      cc <- opt$estimate; 
	      if (!se) return(cc)
	      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
	      } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
	  } else {
	      val <- obj(0,all=TRUE)

	  if (length(time)==1) {
	  if (length(val$coef)==length(colnames(X))) names(val$coef) <- colnames(X) }
	  else names(val$coef) <- c(paste("Intercept",time,sep=""),colnames(X)[-1])
	  val <- c(val,list(time=time,formula=formula,formC=formC,
	    exit=exit, cens.weights=cens.weights, cens.strata=cens.strata, cens.nstrata=cens.nstrata, 

 if (se) {## {{{ censoring adjustment of variance 
    ### order of sorted times
    ord <- resC$ord
    X <-  X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    status <- status[ord]
    exit <- exit[ord]
    weights <- weights[ord]
    offset <- offset[ord]
    cens.weights <- cens.weights[ord]
    if (length(time)>1) {
         Yt <- outer(exit,time,"<=") 
         Y <- c((status%in% cause)/cens.weights)*Yt
	 Ys <- apply(Y,1,sum)
     } else {
         Ys <- Y <- c((status%in%cause)*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)

    xx <- resC$cox.prep
    S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
    S0i[xx$jumps+1]  <- 1/resC$S0
    S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/resC$S0^2
    ## compute function h(s) = \sum_i X_i Y_i(t) I(s \leq T_i \leq t) 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s) 
    h  <-  apply(cbind(Y,X[,-1]*Ys),2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    ### Cens-Martingale as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s)  = \int h(s)/Ys  dN_i^C(s) - dLambda_i^C(s)
    IhdLam0 <- apply(h*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U <- matrix(0,nrow(X),pd)
    U[xx$jumps+1,] <- h[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt <- (U[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLam0)*c(xx$weights)

    ### Censoring Variance Adjustment  \int h^2(s) / y.(s) d Lam_c(s) estimated by \int h^2(s) / y.(s)^2  d N.^C(s) 
    MGCiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,xx$id,max(id)+1)
   }  else {
	  MGCiid <- 0
  }## }}}

  val$call <- cl
  val$MGciid <- MGCiid
  val$MGtid <- id
  val$orig.id <- orig.id
  val$iid.origid <- ids 
  val$iid.naive <- val$iid 
  if (se) val$iid  <- val$iid+(MGCiid %*% val$ihessian) else val$iid  <- val$iid
  val$naive.var <- val$var
  robvar <- crossprod(val$iid)
  val$var <-  val$robvar <- robvar
  val$se.robust <- diag(robvar)^.5
  val$se.coef <- diag(val$var)^.5
  val$cause <- cause
  val$cens.code <- cens.code 

  class(val) <- "binreg"
}# }}}

##' @export
logitIPCW <- function(formula,data,cause=1,time=NULL,beta=NULL,
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()# {{{
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    stop("only right censored data, will not work for delayed entry\n"); 
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    pos.cluster <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  } else pos.cluster <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    pos.strata <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  ### possible handling of id to code from 0:(antid-1)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
          orig.id <- id
	  ids <- sort(unique(id))
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else { orig.id <- NULL; nid <- nrow(X); id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; ids <- NULL}
  ### id from call coded as numeric 1 -> 
  id.orig <- id; 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
# }}}

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 
  statusC <- (status%in% cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status%in%cause) & (exit<= time) 
  if (sum(statusE)==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 
  kmt <- kaplan.meier

  statusC <- (status %in%cens.code) 
  data$id <- id
  data$exit <- exit
  data$statusC <- statusC 

  cens.strata <- cens.nstrata <- NULL 

  if (is.null(cens.weights))  {
      formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(exit,statusC)~ . +cluster(id))
      resC <- phreg(formC,data)
      if (resC$p>0) kmt <- FALSE
      exittime <- pmin(exit,time)
      cens.weights <- suppressWarnings(predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt,tminus=TRUE)$surv)
      ## strata from original data 
      cens.strata <- resC$strata[order(resC$ord)]
      cens.nstrata <- resC$nstrata
  } else formC <- NULL
  expit  <- function(z) 1/(1+exp(-z)) ## expit

  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,ncol(X))
  p <- ncol(X)

  X <-  as.matrix(X)
  X2  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X,X)$vXZ
  obs <- (exit<=time & status!=cens.code) | (exit>=time)
  weights <- obs*weights/c(cens.weights)
  cens.weights <- c(cens.weights)
  Y <- c((status==cause)*(exit<=time))
  if (!is.null(Ydirect)) Y <- Ydirect

 if (is.null(augmentation))  augmentation=rep(0,p)
 nevent <- sum(Y)

obj <- function(pp,all=FALSE)
{ # {{{

lp <- c(X %*% pp+offset)
p <- expit(lp)
ploglik <- sum(weights*(Y-p)^2)

Dlogl <- weights*X*c(Y-p)
D2logl <- c(weights*p/(1+exp(lp)))*X2
D2log <- apply(D2logl,2,sum)
gradient <- apply(Dlogl,2,sum)+augmentation
hessian <- matrix(D2log,length(pp),length(pp))

  if (all) {
      ihess <- solve(hessian)
      beta.iid <- Dlogl %*% ihess ## %*% t(Dlogl) 
      beta.iid <-  apply(beta.iid,2,sumstrata,id,max(id)+1)
      robvar <- crossprod(beta.iid)
      val <- list(par=pp,ploglik=ploglik,gradient=gradient,hessian=hessian,ihessian=ihess,
}# }}}

  p <- ncol(X)
  opt <- NULL
  if (p>0) {
  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
	  tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
	  opt$timing <- tim
	  opt$estimate <- opt$par
      } else {
	  opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
	  opt$method <- "nlm"
      cc <- opt$estimate; 
      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
      } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
  } else {
      val <- obj(0,all=TRUE)

  if (length(val$coef)==length(colnames(X))) names(val$coef) <- colnames(X)
  val <- c(val,list(time=time,formula=formula,formC=formC,
    exit=exit, cens.weights=cens.weights, cens.strata=cens.strata, cens.nstrata=cens.nstrata, 
 if (se) {## {{{ censoring adjustment of variance 
    ### order of sorted times
    ord <- resC$ord
    X <-  X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    status <- status[ord]
    exit <- exit[ord]
    weights <- weights[ord]
    offset <- offset[ord]
    lp <- c(X %*% val$coef+offset)
    p <- expit(lp)
    Yglm <- weights*c(Y[ord]-p) # *(exit<=time)

    xx <- resC$cox.prep
    S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
    S0i[xx$jumps+1]  <- 1/resC$S0
    S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/resC$S0^2
    ## compute function h(s) = \sum_i X_i Y_i(t) I(s \leq T_i \leq t) 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s) 
    h  <-  apply(X*Yglm,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    ### Cens-Martingale as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s)  = \int h(s)/Ys  dN_i^C(s) - dLambda_i^C(s)
    IhdLam0 <- apply((exit<=time)*h*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),ncol(X))
    U[xx$jumps+1,] <- (resC$jumptimes<=time)*h[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt <- (U[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLam0)*c(xx$weights)

    ### Censoring Variance Adjustment  \int h^2(s) / y.(s) d Lam_c(s) estimated by \int h^2(s) / y.(s)^2  d N.^C(s) 
    MGCiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,xx$id,max(id)+1)
  }  else {
	  MGCiid <- 0
  }## }}}

  val$call <- cl
    val$MGciid <- MGCiid
    val$MGtid <- id
    val$orig.id <- orig.id
    val$iid.origid <- ids 
    val$iid.naive <- val$iid 
    val$iid  <- val$iid+(MGCiid %*% val$ihessian)
    val$naive.var <- val$var
    robvar <- crossprod(val$iid)
    val$var <-  val$robvar <- robvar
    val$se.robust <- diag(robvar)^.5
    val$se.coef <- diag(val$var)^.5
  val$cause <- cause
  val$cens.code <- cens.code 

  class(val) <- "binreg"
}# }}}

##' Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data using Binomial Regression 
##' Under the standard causal assumptions  we can estimate the average treatment effect E(Y(1) - Y(0)). We need Consistency, ignorability ( Y(1), Y(0) indep A given X), and positivity.
##' The first covariate in the specification of the competing risks regression model must be the treatment effect that is a factor. If the factor has more than two levels
##' then it uses the mlogit for propensity score modelling. If there are no censorings this is the same as ordinary logistic regression modelling. 
##' Estimates the ATE using the the standard binary double robust estimating equations that are IPCW censoring adjusted.
##' Rather than binomial regression we also consider a IPCW weighted version of standard logistic regression logitIPCWATE. 
##' The original version of the program with only binary treatment binregATEbin take  binary-numeric as input for the treatment, 
##' and also computes the ATT and ATC, average treatment effect on the treated (ATT), E(Y(1) - Y(0) | A=1), and non-treated, respectively. Experimental version. 
##' @param formula formula with outcome (see \code{coxph})
##' @param data data frame
##' @param cause cause of interest
##' @param time  time of interest 
##' @param beta starting values 
##' @param treat.model logistic treatment model given covariates 
##' @param cens.model only stratified cox model without covariates
##' @param offset offsets for partial likelihood 
##' @param weights for score equations 
##' @param cens.weights censoring weights 
##' @param se to compute se's with IPCW  adjustment, otherwise assumes that IPCW weights are known
##' @param kaplan.meier uses Kaplan-Meier for IPCW in contrast to exp(-Baseline)
##' @param cens.code gives censoring code
##' @param no.opt to not optimize 
##' @param method for optimization 
##' @param augmentation to augment binomial regression 
##' @param outcome  can do CIF regression "cif"=F(t|X), "rmst"=E( min(T, t) | X) , or "rmst-cause"=E( I(epsilon==cause) ( t - mint(T,t)) ) | X) 
##' @param model  possible exp model for E( min(T, t) | X)=exp(X^t beta) , or E( I(epsilon==cause) ( t - mint(T,t)) ) | X)=exp(X^t beta) 
##' @param Ydirect use this Y instead of outcome constructed inside the program (e.g. I(T< t, epsilon=1)), then uses IPCW vesion of the Y, set outcome to "rmst" to fit using the model specified by model
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level funtions
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' data(bmt)
##' dfactor(bmt)  <-  ~.
##' brs <- binregATE(Event(time,cause)~tcell.f+platelet+age,bmt,time=50,cause=1,
##'	  treat.model=tcell.f~platelet+age)
##' summary(brs)
##' brsi <- binregATE(Event(time,cause)~tcell.f+tcell.f*platelet+tcell.f*age,bmt,time=50,cause=1,
##'	  treat.model=tcell.f~platelet+age)
##' summary(brsi)
##' @aliases logitIPCWATE logitATE normalATE kumarsim kumarsimRCT binregATEbin
##' @export
binregATE <- function(formula,data,cause=1,time=NULL,beta=NULL,treat.model=~+1,cens.model=~+1,
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()# {{{
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    stop("only right censored data, will not work for delayed entry\n"); 
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    pos.cluster <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  } else pos.cluster <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    pos.strata <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  ### possible handling of id to code from 0:(antid-1)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
          orig.id <- id
	  ids <- sort(unique(id))
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else { orig.id <- NULL; nid <- nrow(X); id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; ids <- NULL}
  ### id from call coded as numeric 1 -> 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
# }}}

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 
  statusC <- (status %in%cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status %in% cause) & (exit<= time) 
  if (sum(statusE)==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 
  kmt <- kaplan.meier

  statusC <- (status %in%cens.code) 
  data$id <- id
  data$exit <- exit
  data$statusC <- statusC 
  n <- length(exit)

  cens.strata <- cens.nstrata <- NULL 

  if (is.null(cens.weights))  {
      formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(exit,statusC)~ . +cluster(id))
      resC <- phreg(formC,data)
      if (resC$p>0) kmt <- FALSE
      exittime <- pmin(exit,time)
      cens.weights <- suppressWarnings(predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt,tminus=TRUE)$surv)
      ## strata from original data 
      cens.strata <- resC$strata[order(resC$ord)]
      cens.nstrata <- resC$nstrata
  } else formC <- NULL
  expit  <- function(z) 1/(1+exp(-z)) ## expit

  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,ncol(X))
  p <- ncol(X)
  X <-  as.matrix(X)
  ###  X2  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X,X)$vXZ
  X2  <- .Call("vecCPMat",X)$XX
  ucauses  <-  sort(unique(status))
  ccc <- which(ucauses %in% cens.code)
  if (length(ccc)>=1) Causes <- ucauses[-ccc] else Causes <- ucauses
  obs <- (exit<=time & (status %in% Causes)) | (exit>=time)

  if (!is.null(Ydirect)) Y <-  Ydirect*obs/cens.weights else {
     if (outcome[1]=="cif") Y <- c((status %in% cause)*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)
     else if (outcome[1]=="rmst") Y <-  c(pmin(exit,time)*obs)/cens.weights 
     else if (outcome[1]=="rmst-cause") Y <- c((status %in% cause)*(time-pmin(exit,time))*obs)/cens.weights
     else stop("outcome not defined") 

 if (is.null(augmentation))  augmentation=rep(0,p)
 nevent <- sum((status %in% cause)*(exit<=time))

obj <- function(pp,all=FALSE)
{ # {{{
lp <- c(X %*% pp+offset)

if (outcome[1]!="cif") {
     if (model[1]=="exp") {
	 p <- exp(lp) 
         D2logl <- c(weights*p)*X2 
     } else {
	 p <- lp
         D2logl <- c(weights)*X2
} else { 
	p <- expit(lp)
        D2logl <- c(weights*p/(1+exp(lp)))*X2
ploglik <- sum(weights*(Y-p)^2)
Dlogl <- weights*X*c(Y-p)
D2log <- apply(D2logl,2,sum)
gradient <- apply(Dlogl,2,sum)+augmentation
np <- length(pp)
hessian <- matrix(.Call("XXMatFULL",matrix(D2log,nrow=1),np,PACKAGE="mets")$XXf,np,np)

  if (all) {
      ihess <- solve(hessian)
      beta.iid <- Dlogl %*% ihess ## %*% t(Dlogl) 
      beta.iid <-  apply(beta.iid,2,sumstrata,id,max(id)+1)
      robvar <- crossprod(beta.iid)
      val <- list(par=pp,ploglik=ploglik,gradient=gradient,hessian=hessian,ihessian=ihess,
}  # }}}

  p <- ncol(X)
  opt <- NULL
  if (p>0) {
  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
	  tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
	  opt$timing <- tim
	  opt$estimate <- opt$par
      } else {
	  opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
	  opt$method <- "nlm"
      cc <- opt$estimate; 
      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
      } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
  } else {
      val <- obj(0,all=TRUE)

  if (length(val$coef)==length(colnames(X))) names(val$coef) <- colnames(X)
  val <- c(val,list(time=time,formula=formula,formC=formC,
    exit=exit, cens.weights=cens.weights, cens.strata=cens.strata, cens.nstrata=cens.nstrata, 

# {{{ computation of ate, att, atc and their influence functions

### treatment is rhs of treat.model 
if (length(all.vars(treat.model))==0) 
{ respformula  <-  as.formula( paste(all.vars(formula)[3],"~."))
  treat.model  <- update.formula(treat.model,respformula)
###  cat("Using propensity score model :\n "); print(treat.model)
treat.name <-  all.vars(treat.model)[1]
treatvar <- data[,treat.name]
if (!is.factor(treatvar)) stop(paste("treatment=",treat.name," must be coded as factor \n",sep="")); 
## treatvar, 1,2,...,nlev or 1,2
nlev <- nlevels(treatvar)
nlevs <- levels(treatvar)
###treatvar <- as.numeric(treatvar)
ntreatvar <- as.numeric(treatvar)
ytreat <- ntreatvar-1

## dropping cluster here 
if (nlev==2) {
   treat.model <- drop.specials(treat.model,"cluster")
   treat <- glm(treat.model,data,family="binomial")
   iidalpha <- iid(treat,id=id)
   lpa <- treat$linear.predictors 
   pal <- expit(lpa)
   pal <-cbind(1-pal,pal)
   ppp <- (pal/pal[,1])
   spp <- 1/pal[,1]
} else {  
   treat.modelid <- update.formula(treat.model,.~.+cluster(id))
   treat <- mlogit(treat.modelid,data)
   iidalpha <- iid(treat)
   pal <- predictmlogit(treat,data,se=0,response=FALSE)
   ppp <- (pal/pal[,1])
   spp <- 1/pal[,1]

   ### computes derivative of D (1/Pa) propensity score 
   Xtreat <- model.matrix(treat.model,data)
   tvg2 <- 1*(ntreatvar>=2)
   pA <- c(mdi(pal, 1:length(treatvar), ntreatvar))
   pppy <- c(mdi(ppp,1:length(treatvar), ntreatvar))
   Dppy <-  (spp*tvg2-pppy) 
   Dp <- c()
   for (i in seq(nlev-1)) Dp <- cbind(Dp,Xtreat*ppp[,i+1]*Dppy/spp^2);  
   DPai <- -1*Dp/pA^2
   p1lp <-   X %*% val$coef+offset
  if (outcome[1]=="cif") { p1 <- expit(p1lp) } else {
    if (model[1]=="exp") { p1 <- exp(p1lp); } else { p1 <- p1lp;}

k <- 0
DePsia <- DariskG <- DaPsia <- list(); 
Ya <- riskG <- riska <- c(); 
datA <- dkeep(data,x=all.vars(formula))
xlev <- lapply(datA,levels)
formulanc <- drop.specials(formula,"cluster")
a <- nlevs[1]
for (a in nlevs) {# {{{
	k <- k+1
	datA[,treat.name] <- a
	Xa <- model.matrix(formulanc[-2],datA,xlev=xlev)
        lpa <- Xa %*% val$coef+offset
	if (outcome[1]=="cif") {
	   ma <- expit(lpa); Dma  <-  Xa*c(ma/(1+exp(lpa)))
	} else {
	    if (model[1]=="exp") { ma <- exp(lpa);  Dma<-c(ma)*Xa; } else { ma <- lpa; Dma <- Xa }
	paka <- pal[,k]
	riska <- cbind(riska,((treatvar==a)/paka)*(Y-ma)+ma)
	riskG <- cbind(riskG,ma)
	Ya <- cbind(Ya,Y*((treatvar==a)/paka))
        DariskG[[k]] <- apply(Dma,2,sum)
        DePsia[[k]] <-  apply(Dma*(1-(treatvar==a)/paka),2,sum)
        DaPsia[[k]] <-  apply(DPai*(treatvar==a)*c(Y-p1),2,sum)
}# }}}

 if (se) {## {{{ censoring adjustment of variance 
    ### order of sorted times
    ord <- resC$ord
    X <-  X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    Xtreat <- Xtreat[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    ytreat <- ytreat[ord]
    status <- status[ord]
    exit <- exit[ord]
    weights <- weights[ord]
    offset <- offset[ord]
    Ya <- Ya[ord,]
    pal <- pal[ord]
    cens.weights <- cens.weights[ord]
    lp <- c(X %*% val$coef+offset)
    obs <- (exit<=time & status==cause) | (exit>=time)
    p <- expit(lp)
    if (!is.null(Ydirect)) Y <-  Ydirect[ord]*obs/cens.weights else {
        if (outcome[1]=="cif") Y <- c((status %in% cause)*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)
        else if (outcome[1]=="rmst") Y <-  c(pmin(exit,time)*obs)/cens.weights 
        else if (outcome[1]=="rmst-cause") Y <- c((status %in% cause)*(time-pmin(exit,time))*obs)/cens.weights
    Y <- Y*weights 
    xx <- resC$cox.prep
    S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
    S0i[xx$jumps+1]  <- 1/resC$S0
    S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/resC$S0^2
    ## compute function h(s) = \sum_i X_i Y_i(t) I(s \leq T_i \leq t) 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s) 
    h  <-  apply(X*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    has  <-  apply(Ya,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
###    hattc  <-  apply(cbind(ytreat-pal*(1-ytreat)/(1-pal),-(1-ytreat)+(1-pal)*ytreat/pal)*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    ### Cens-Martingale as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s)  = \int h(s)/Ys  dN_i^C(s) - dLambda_i^C(s)
    btime <- 1*(exit<time)
    IhdLam0 <- apply(h*S0i2*btime,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),ncol(X))
    U[xx$jumps+1,] <- (resC$jumptimes<=time)*h[xx$jumps+1,]/c(resC$S0)
    MGt <- (U[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLam0)*c(xx$weights)

    IhdLamhas <- apply(has*S0i2*btime,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    Uas <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),ncol(has))
    Uas[xx$jumps+1,] <- (resC$jumptimes<=time)*has[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGtas <- (Uas[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLamhas)*c(xx$weights)

    ### Censoring Variance Adjustment  \int h^2(s) / y.(s) d Lam_c(s) estimated by \int h^2(s) / y.(s)^2  d N.^C(s) 
    mid <- max(xx$id)+1
    MGCiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
    MGCiidas <- apply(MGtas,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
  }  else { MGCiid <- MGCiidas <- 0 }
## }}}

val$MGciid <- MGCiid
val$MGciidas <- MGCiidas
val$MGtid <- id
val$orig.id <- orig.id
val$iid.origid <- ids 
val$iid.naive <- val$iid 
if (se) val$iid  <- val$iid+(MGCiid %*% val$ihessian)
val$naive.var <- val$var
robvar <- crossprod(val$iid)
val$var <-  val$robvar <- robvar
val$se.robust <- diag(robvar)^.5
val$se.coef <- diag(val$var)^.5
val$cause <- cause
val$cens.code <- cens.code 

### estimates risk, att, atc
val$riskDR <- apply(riska,2,mean)
val$riskG<-  apply(riskG,2,mean)
names(val$riskDR) <- paste("treat",nlevs,sep="")
names(val$riskG) <- paste("treat",nlevs,sep="")

## iid's of marginal risk estimates 
k <- 1
iidrisk <- c()
riskG.iid <- c()
for (a in nlevs) {
	iidbasea <- c(sumstrata(riska[,k]-val$riskDR[k],id,nid))
	iidcifa <- c(DePsia[[k]] %*% t(val$iid))
	iidpala <- c(DaPsia[[k]] %*% t(iidalpha))
	if (se)  iidGca <- MGCiidas[,k] else iidGca<-0 
	iidriska <- (iidbasea+iidcifa+iidpala+iidGca)/n
        iidrisk <- cbind(iidrisk,iidriska)
	iidriskG <- c(sumstrata(riskG[,k]-val$riskG[k],id,nid))
	riskGa.iid <- c(iidriskG)/n+c(DariskG[[k]] %*% t(val$iid))/n
        riskG.iid <- cbind(riskG.iid,riskGa.iid)
	k <- k+1
# }}}

# {{{ output variances and se for ate
### DR-estimator 
val$var.riskDR <- crossprod(iidrisk); 
val$se.riskDR <- diag(val$var.riskDR)^.5
val$riskDR.iid <- iidrisk

pdiff <- function(x) lava::contr(lapply(seq(x-1), function(z) seq(z,x)))
contrast <- -pdiff(length(nlevs))
nncont <- c()
for (k in seq_along(nlevs[-length(nlevs)])) nncont <-c(nncont, paste("treat:",nlevs[-seq(k)],"-",nlevs[k],sep="")) 
rownames(contrast) <- nncont

mm <- estimate(coef=val$riskDR,vcov=val$var.riskDR,contrast=contrast)
val$difriskDR <- mm$coef 
names(val$difriskDR) <-  rownames(contrast) 
val$var.difriskDR <- mm$vcov 
val$se.difriskDR <- diag(val$var.difriskDR)^.5

### G-estimator 
val$riskG.iid <- riskG.iid
val$var.riskG <- crossprod(val$riskG.iid)
val$se.riskG <- diag(val$var.riskG)^.5

mm <- estimate(coef=val$riskG,vcov=val$var.riskG,contrast=contrast)
val$difriskG <- mm$coef 
names(val$difriskG) <-  rownames(contrast) 
val$var.difriskG <- mm$vcov 
val$se.difriskG <- diag(val$var.difriskG)^.5
# }}}

  class(val) <- "binreg"
}# }}}

###{{{ summary 

##' @export
summary.survivalG <- function(object,...) {
  res <- list(risk=object$risk,difference=object$difference,ratio=object$ratio)
  class(res) <- "summary.survivalG"

##' @export
print.summary.survivalG  <- function(x,...) {

    cat("Average Treatment effects (G-estimator) :\n")

    cat("Average Treatment effect ratio (G-estimator) :\n")


###}}} summary 

##' G-estimator for binomial regression model (Standardized estimates) 
##' Computes G-estimator \deqn{ \hat F(t,A=a) = n^{-1} \sum_i \hat F(t,A=a,Z_i) }.
##' Assumes that the first covariate is $A$.
##' Gives influence functions of these risk estimates and SE's are based on these.  
##' If first covariate is a factor then all contrast are computed, and if continuous 
##' then considered covariate values are given by Avalues.
##' @param x phreg or cifreg object
##' @param data data frame for risk averaging
##' @param Avalues values to compare for first covariate A
##' @param varname if given then averages for this variable, default is first variable
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' data(bmt); bmt$time <- bmt$time+runif(408)*0.001
##' bmt$event <- (bmt$cause!=0)*1
##' b1 <- binreg(Event(time,cause)~age+tcell+platelet,bmt,cause=1,time=50)
##' sb1 <- binregG(b1,bmt,Avalues=c(0,1,2))
##' summary(sb1)
##' @export
binregG <- function(x,data,Avalues=c(0,1),varname=NULL)
{# {{{

if (is.null(varname))  {
treat.name <- all.vars(update.formula(x$formula,1~.))[1]
} else treat.name <- varname
treatvar <- data[,treat.name]

if (is.factor(treatvar)) {
   nlevs <- levels(treatvar)
} else {
   nlevs <- Avalues

formulaX <- update.formula(x$formula,.~.)
formulanc <- drop.specials(formulaX,"cluster")

datA <- dkeep(data,x=all.vars(formulaX))
xlev <- lapply(datA,levels)

DariskG <- list()
risks <- c()
k <- 0
for (a in nlevs) {# {{{
k <- k+1
datA[,treat.name] <- a
Xa <- model.matrix(formulanc[-2],datA,xlev=xlev)
lpa <- Xa %*% x$coef
## only for logit link so far 
pa <- expit(lpa)
risks <- cbind(risks,pa)
Dma  <-  Xa*c(pa/(1+exp(lpa)))
DariskG[[k]] <- apply(Dma,2,sum)
}# }}}

Grisk <- apply(risks,2,mean)
Gest <- list(Gest=Grisk,iid=t(t(risks)-Grisk))

nid <- max(x$id)+1
risk.iid <- apply(Gest$iid,2,sumstrata,x$id,nid)/nid 
for (a in seq_along(nlevs)) risk.iid[,a] <- risk.iid[,a]+ c(x$iid  %*% DariskG[[a]])/nid
vv <- crossprod(risk.iid)

Gout <- estimate(coef=Gest$Gest,vcov=vv,labels=paste("risk",nlevs,sep=""))
ed <-  estimate(coef=Gest$Gest,vcov=vv,f=function(p) p[-1]-p[1])
rd <- estimate(coef=Gest$Gest,vcov=vv,f=function(p) p[-1]/p[1],null=1)
out <- list(risk.iid=risk.iid,risk=Gout,difference=ed,ratio=rd,vcov=vv)
class(out) <- "survivalG"
} ## }}}

##' @export
binregATEbin <- function(formula,data,cause=1,time=NULL,beta=NULL,
	   treat.model=~+1, cens.model=~+1,
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()# {{{
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    stop("only right censored data, will not work for delayed entry\n"); 
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    pos.cluster <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  } else pos.cluster <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    pos.strata <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  ### possible handling of id to code from 0:(antid-1)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
          orig.id <- id
	  ids <- sort(unique(id))
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else { orig.id <- NULL; nid <- nrow(X); id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; ids <- NULL}
  ### id from call coded as numeric 1 -> 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
# }}}

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 
  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status %in% cause) & (exit<= time) 
  if (sum(statusE)==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 
  kmt <- kaplan.meier

  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  data$id <- id
  data$exit <- exit
  data$statusC <- statusC 
  n <- length(exit)

  cens.strata <- cens.nstrata <- NULL 

  if (is.null(cens.weights))  {
      formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(exit,statusC)~ . +cluster(id))
      resC <- phreg(formC,data)
      if (resC$p>0) kmt <- FALSE
      exittime <- pmin(exit,time)
      cens.weights <- suppressWarnings(predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt,tminus=TRUE)$surv)
      ## strata from original data 
      cens.strata <- resC$strata[order(resC$ord)]
      cens.nstrata <- resC$nstrata
  } else formC <- NULL

  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,ncol(X))
  p <- ncol(X)

  X <-  as.matrix(X)
  X2  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X,X)$vXZ
  Y <- c((status==cause)*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)

 if (is.null(augmentation))  augmentation=rep(0,p)
 nevent <- sum((status==cause)*(exit<=time))

obj <- function(pp,all=FALSE)
{ # {{{

lp <- c(X %*% pp+offset)
p <- expit(lp)
ploglik <- sum(weights*(Y-p)^2)

Dlogl <- weights*X*c(Y-p)
D2logl <- c(weights*p/(1+exp(lp)))*X2
D2log <- apply(D2logl,2,sum)
gradient <- apply(Dlogl,2,sum)+augmentation
hessian <- matrix(D2log,length(pp),length(pp))

  if (all) {
      ihess <- solve(hessian)
      beta.iid <- Dlogl %*% ihess ## %*% t(Dlogl) 
      beta.iid <-  apply(beta.iid,2,sumstrata,id,max(id)+1)
      robvar <- crossprod(beta.iid)
      val <- list(par=pp,ploglik=ploglik,gradient=gradient,hessian=hessian,ihessian=ihess,
}  # }}}

  p <- ncol(X)
  opt <- NULL
  if (p>0) {
  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
	  tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
	  opt$timing <- tim
	  opt$estimate <- opt$par
      } else {
	  opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
	  opt$method <- "nlm"
      cc <- opt$estimate; 
      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
      } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
  } else {
      val <- obj(0,all=TRUE)

  if (length(val$coef)==length(colnames(X))) names(val$coef) <- colnames(X)
  val <- c(val,list(time=time,formula=formula,formC=formC,
    exit=exit, cens.weights=cens.weights, cens.strata=cens.strata, cens.nstrata=cens.nstrata, 
# {{{ computation of ate, att, atc and their influence functions

## dropping cluster here 
treat.model <- drop.specials(treat.model,"cluster")
treat <- glm(treat.model,data,family="binomial")
Xtreat <- model.matrix(treat$formula,data)
ytreat <- treat$y

lpa <- treat$linear.predictors 
pal <- expit(lpa)
iidalpha <- iid(treat,id=id)

### treatment is rhs of treat.model 
treat.name <-  all.vars(treat.model)[1]
dat1 <- data
dat1[,treat.name] <- 1 ## treat.contrast[2]
dat0 <- data
dat0[,treat.name] <- 0 ## treat.contrast[1]

formulanc <- drop.specials(formula,"cluster")

X1 <- model.matrix(formulanc[-2],dat1)
X0 <- model.matrix(formulanc[-2],dat0)

p11lp <- X1 %*% val$coef+offset
p10lp <- X0 %*% val$coef+offset
p1lp <-   X %*% val$coef+offset
p1 <- expit(p1lp)
p10 <- expit(p10lp)
p11 <- expit(p11lp)
Y <- 1*(exit<time & status==cause)/cens.weights

risk1 <- ytreat*(Y-p11)/pal+p11
risk0 <- (1-ytreat)*(Y-p10)/(1-pal)+p10

riskG1 <- p11
riskG0 <- p10

ntreat <- sum(ytreat)
###att <- ytreat*Y-(pal*(1-ytreat)*Y + (ytreat - pal)* p10)/(1-pal)
###atc <- ((1-pal)*ytreat*Y - ((ytreat - pal)* p11)/pal)-(1-ytreat)*Y

Dp1 <- X * c(p1/(1+exp(p1lp)))
Dp11 <- X1 * c(p11/(1+exp(p11lp)))
Dp10 <- X0 * c(p10/(1+exp(p10lp)))
Dpai <-  - Xtreat * exp(-lpa)
D1mpai <-   Xtreat * exp(lpa)

DaPsi1 <-  apply( Dpai * ytreat * c( Y - p1),2,sum)
DaPsi0 <-  apply( D1mpai * (1-ytreat) * c( Y - p1),2,sum)
DePsi1 <-  apply( Dp11 * ( 1- ytreat/pal),2,sum)
DePsi0 <-  apply( Dp10 * ( 1- (1-ytreat)/(1-pal)),2,sum)

###DePsiatt <- - apply( Dp10* (ytreat-pal)/(1-pal),2,sum)
###DaPsiatt <- apply(c((1-ytreat)*(Y-p10))*D1mpai,2,sum)
###DePsiatc <- -apply( Dp11* (ytreat-pal)/pal,2,sum)
###DaPsiatc <- apply(c(ytreat*(Y-p11))*Dpai,2,sum)

DriskG1 <- apply(Dp11,2,sum)
DriskG0 <- apply(Dp10,2,sum)
DdifriskG <- DriskG1-DriskG0

 if (se) {## {{{ censoring adjustment of variance 
    ### order of sorted times
    ord <- resC$ord
    X <-  X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    Xtreat <- Xtreat[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    ytreat <- ytreat[ord]
    status <- status[ord]
    exit <- exit[ord]
    weights <- weights[ord]
    offset <- offset[ord]
    cens.weights <- cens.weights[ord]
    lp <- c(X %*% val$coef+offset)
    p <- expit(lp)
    Y <- c((status==cause)*weights*(exit<=time)/cens.weights)

    xx <- resC$cox.prep
    S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
    S0i[xx$jumps+1]  <- 1/resC$S0
    S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/resC$S0^2
    ## compute function h(s) = \sum_i X_i Y_i(t) I(s \leq T_i \leq t) 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s) 
    h  <-  apply(X*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    h10  <-  apply(cbind(ytreat/pal,I(ytreat==0)/(1-pal))*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    hattc  <-  apply(cbind(ytreat-pal*(1-ytreat)/(1-pal),-(1-ytreat)+(1-pal)*ytreat/pal)*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    ### Cens-Martingale as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s)  = \int h(s)/Ys  dN_i^C(s) - dLambda_i^C(s)
    IhdLam0 <- apply(h*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),ncol(X))
    U[xx$jumps+1,] <- h[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt <- (U[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLam0)*c(xx$weights)

    IhdLamh10 <- apply(h10*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U10 <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),2)
    U10[xx$jumps+1,] <- h10[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt10 <- (U10[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLamh10)*c(xx$weights)

###    IhdLamhattc <- apply(hattc*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
###    Uattc <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),2)
###    Uattc[xx$jumps+1,] <- hattc[xx$jumps+1,]/c(resC$S0)
###    MGtattc <- (Uattc[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLamhattc)*c(xx$weights)

    ### Censoring Variance Adjustment  \int h^2(s) / y.(s) d Lam_c(s) estimated by \int h^2(s) / y.(s)^2  d N.^C(s) 
    mid <- max(xx$id)+1
    MGCiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
    MGCiid10 <- apply(MGt10,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
###    MGCiidattc <- apply(MGtattc,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
  }  else { MGCiidattc <- MGCiid <- 0; MGCiid10 <- 0 }
## }}}

val$MGciid <- MGCiid
val$MGciid10 <- MGCiid10
val$MGtid <- id
val$orig.id <- orig.id
val$iid.origid <- ids 
val$iid.naive <- val$iid 
if (se) val$iid  <- val$iid+(MGCiid %*% val$ihessian)
val$naive.var <- val$var
robvar <- crossprod(val$iid)
val$var <-  val$robvar <- robvar
val$se.robust <- diag(robvar)^.5
val$se.coef <- diag(val$var)^.5
  val$cause <- cause
  val$cens.code <- cens.code 

### estimates risk, att, atc
val$riskDR <- c(mean(risk1),mean(risk0))
val$riskG<- c(mean(riskG1),mean(riskG0))

###val$att <- sum(att)/ntreat
###val$atc <- sum(atc)/(n-ntreat)
###val$attc <- c(val$att,val$atc)
###names(val$attc) <- c("ATT","ATC")

names(val$riskDR) <- paste("treat",1:0,sep="-")
names(val$riskG) <- paste("treat",1:0,sep="-")

## iid's of marginal risk estimates 
iidbase1 <- c(risk1-val$riskDR[1])
iidcif1 <- c(c(DePsi1) %*% t(val$iid))
iidpal1 <- c(c(DaPsi1) %*% t(iidalpha))
if (se)  {
iidGc1 <- MGCiid10[,1]; iidGc0 <- MGCiid10[,2]
###iidGatt <-  MGCiidattc[,1]; iidGatc <-  MGCiidattc[,2]
}  else { iidGc1 <- iidGatt  <- iidGatc  <- iidGc0  <- 0 } 

iidbase0 <- c(risk0-val$riskDR[2])
iidcif0 <- c(c(DePsi0) %*% t(val$iid))
iidpal0 <- c(c(DaPsi0) %*% t(iidalpha))

iidrisk1 <- iidbase1+iidcif1+iidpal1+iidGc1
iidrisk0 <- iidbase0+iidcif0+iidpal0+iidGc0
difriskiid <- (iidrisk1-iidrisk0)/n

iidrisk <- cbind(iidrisk1,iidrisk0)/n
###iidatt <- att-ytreat*val$att
###iidatc <- atc-(1-ytreat)*val$atc
###iidcifatt <- c(c(DePsiatt) %*% t(val$iid))
###iidpalatt <- c(c(DaPsiatt) %*% t(iidalpha))  
###iidcifatc <- c(c(DePsiatc) %*% t(val$iid))
###iidpalatc <- c(c(DaPsiatc) %*% t(iidalpha)) 
###iidatt <- iidatt+iidcifatt+iidpalatt+iidGatt
###iidatc <- iidatc+iidcifatc+iidpalatc+iidGatc

# }}}

# {{{ output ate, att, atc

val$var.riskDR <- crossprod(iidrisk); 
val$se.riskDR <- diag(val$var.riskDR)^.5
val$riskDR.iid <- iidrisk
val$difriskDR <- val$riskDR[1]-val$riskDR[2]
names(val$difriskDR) <- "Difference"
val$var.difriskDR <- sum(difriskiid^2)
val$se.difriskDR <- val$var.difriskDR^.5

val$riskG.iid <- cbind(c(p11-val$riskG[1])/n + c(DriskG1 %*% t(val$iid))/n,
	               c(p10-val$riskG[2])/n + c(DriskG0 %*% t(val$iid))/n)
val$var.riskG <- crossprod(val$riskG.iid)
val$se.riskG <- diag(val$var.riskG)^.5

val$difriskG <- mean(p11)-mean(p10)
names(val$difriskG) <- "Difference"
val$difriskG.iid <- val$riskG.iid[,1]- val$riskG.iid[,2]
val$var.difriskG <- sum(val$difriskG.iid^2)
val$se.difriskG <- val$var.difriskG^.5

###val$attc.iid <- cbind(iidatt/ntreat,iidatc/(n-ntreat))
###val$var.attc <- crossprod(val$attc.iid)
###val$se.attc <- diag(val$var.attc)^.5
# }}}

  class(val) <- "binreg"
}# }}}

##' @export
logitIPCWATE <- function(formula,data,cause=1,time=NULL,beta=NULL,
	   treat.model=~+1, cens.model=~+1,
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()# {{{
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    stop("only right censored data, will not work for delayed entry\n"); 
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    pos.cluster <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  } else pos.cluster <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    pos.strata <- ts$terms
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strata.name <- NULL; pos.strata <- NULL}
  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  ### possible handling of id to code from 0:(antid-1)
  if (!is.null(id)) {
          orig.id <- id
	  ids <- sort(unique(id))
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else { orig.id <- NULL; nid <- nrow(X); id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; ids <- NULL}
  ### id from call coded as numeric 1 -> 
  id.orig <- id; 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
# }}}

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 
  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status %in% cause) & (exit<= time) 
  if (sum(statusE)==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 
  kmt <- kaplan.meier

  statusC <- (status %in% cens.code) 
  data$id <- id
  data$exit <- exit
  data$statusC <- statusC 
  n <- length(exit)

  cens.strata <- cens.nstrata <- NULL 

  if (is.null(cens.weights))  {
      formC <- update.formula(cens.model,Surv(exit,statusC)~ . +cluster(id))
      resC <- phreg(formC,data)
      if (resC$p>0) kmt <- FALSE
      exittime <- pmin(exit,time)
###      cens.weights <- predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt)$surv
      cens.weights <- suppressWarnings(predict(resC,data,times=exittime,individual.time=TRUE,se=FALSE,km=kmt,tminus=TRUE)$surv)
      ## strata from original data 
      cens.strata <- resC$strata[order(resC$ord)]
      cens.nstrata <- resC$nstrata
  } else formC <- NULL

  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,ncol(X))
  p <- ncol(X)

  X <-  as.matrix(X)
  X2  <- .Call("vecMatMat",X,X)$vXZ
  obs <- (exit<=time & status!=cens.code) | (exit>=time)
  weights <- obs*weights/c(cens.weights)
  cens.weights <- c(cens.weights)

  Y <- c((status==cause)*(exit<=time))
  if (!is.null(Ydirect)) Y <- Ydirect

 if (is.null(augmentation))  augmentation=rep(0,p)
 nevent <- sum(Y)

obj <- function(pp,all=FALSE)
{ # {{{

lp <- c(X %*% pp+offset)
if (logitmodel) p <- expit(lp) else p <- lp
ploglik <- sum(weights*(Y-p)^2)
Dlogl <- weights*X*c(Y-p)
if (logitmodel) { D2logl <- c(weights*p/(1+exp(lp)))*X2 } else D2logl <- c(weights)*X2
D2log <- apply(D2logl,2,sum)
gradient <- apply(Dlogl,2,sum)+augmentation
hessian <- matrix(D2log,length(pp),length(pp))

  if (all) {
      ihess <- solve(hessian)
      beta.iid <- Dlogl %*% ihess ## %*% t(Dlogl) 
      beta.iid <-  apply(beta.iid,2,sumstrata,id,max(id)+1)
      robvar <- crossprod(beta.iid)
      val <- list(par=pp,ploglik=ploglik,gradient=gradient,hessian=hessian,ihessian=ihess,
}# }}}

  p <- ncol(X)
  opt <- NULL
  if (p>0) {
  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
	  tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(beta,obj,...))
	  opt$timing <- tim
	  opt$estimate <- opt$par
      } else {
	  opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
	  opt$method <- "nlm"
      cc <- opt$estimate; 
      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate,all=TRUE))
      } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(beta,all=TRUE))
  } else {
      val <- obj(0,all=TRUE)

  if (length(val$coef)==length(colnames(X))) names(val$coef) <- colnames(X)
  val <- c(val,list(time=time,formula=formula,formC=formC,
    exit=exit, cens.weights=cens.weights, cens.strata=cens.strata, cens.nstrata=cens.nstrata, 

# {{{ computation of ate, att, atc and their influence functions
if (length(all.vars(treat.model))==0) 
{ respformula  <-  as.formula( paste(all.vars(formula)[3],"~."))
  treat.model  <- update.formula(treat.model,respformula)
###  cat("Using propensity score model :\n "); print(treat.model)

## dropping cluster here 
treat.model <- drop.specials(treat.model,"cluster")
treat <- glm(treat.model,data,family="binomial")
Xtreat <- model.matrix(treat$formula,data)
ytreat <- treat$y

lpa <- treat$linear.predictors 
pal <- expit(lpa)
iidalpha <- iid(treat,id=id)

### treatment is rhs of treat.model 
treat.name <-  all.vars(treat.model)[1]
dat0 <- data
dat0[,treat.name] <- 0 ## treat.contrast[1]
dat1 <- data
dat1[,treat.name] <- 1 ## treat.contrast[2]

formulanc <- drop.specials(formula,"cluster")

X1 <- model.matrix(formulanc[-2],dat1)
X0 <- model.matrix(formulanc[-2],dat0)

p11lp <- X1 %*% val$coef+offset
p10lp <- X0 %*% val$coef+offset
p1lp <-   X %*% val$coef+offset
if (logitmodel) {
p1 <- expit(p1lp); p10 <- expit(p10lp); p11 <- expit(p11lp);
} else {
p1 <- p1lp; p10 <- p10lp; p11 <- p11lp; 

###Y <- weights*( 1*(exit<time & status==cause)/cens.weights
Y <- c(Y/cens.weights)

risk1 <- ytreat*(Y-p11)/pal+p11
risk0 <- (1-ytreat)*(Y-p10)/(1-pal)+p10
riskG1 <- p11
riskG0 <- p10

ntreat <- sum(ytreat)
###att <- ytreat*Y-(pal*(1-ytreat)*Y + (ytreat - pal)* p10)/(1-pal)
###atc <- ((1-pal)*ytreat*Y - ((ytreat - pal)* p11)/pal)-(1-ytreat)*Y

if (logitmodel) {
Dp1 <- X * c(p1/(1+exp(p1lp)))
Dp11 <- X1 * c(p11/(1+exp(p11lp)))
Dp10 <- X0 * c(p10/(1+exp(p10lp)))
} else {
Dp1 <- X 
Dp11 <- X1 
Dp10 <- X0 
Dpai <-  - Xtreat * exp(-lpa)
D1mpai <-   Xtreat * exp(lpa)

DaPsi1 <-  apply( Dpai * ytreat * c( Y - p1),2,sum)
DaPsi0 <-  apply( D1mpai * (1-ytreat) * c( Y - p1),2,sum)
DePsi1 <-  apply( Dp11 * ( 1- ytreat/pal),2,sum)
DePsi0 <-  apply( Dp10 * ( 1- (1-ytreat)/(1-pal)),2,sum)

###DePsiatt <- - apply( Dp10* (ytreat-pal)/(1-pal),2,sum)
###DaPsiatt <- apply(c((1-ytreat)*(Y-p10))*D1mpai,2,sum)
###DePsiatc <- -apply( Dp11* (ytreat-pal)/pal,2,sum)
###DaPsiatc <- apply(c(ytreat*(Y-p11))*Dpai,2,sum)

DriskG1 <- apply(Dp11,2,sum)
DriskG0 <- apply(Dp10,2,sum)
DdifriskG <- DriskG1-DriskG0

 if (se) {## {{{ censoring adjustment of variance 
    ### order of sorted times
    ord <- resC$ord
    X <-  X[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    Xtreat <- Xtreat[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    ytreat <- ytreat[ord]
    status <- status[ord]
    exit <- exit[ord]
    weights <- weights[ord]
    offset <- offset[ord]
    cens.weights <- cens.weights[ord]
    lp <- c(X %*% val$coef+offset)
    if (logitmodel) p <- expit(lp) else p <- lp
    ### only out to time for censoring martingales, also for Yglm
    Yglm <- weights*c((status==cause)*(exit<=time)-p) ## *(exit<=time)
    Y <- c((status==cause)*(exit<=time))/cens.weights

    xx <- resC$cox.prep
    S0i2 <- S0i <- rep(0,length(xx$strata))
    S0i[xx$jumps+1]  <- 1/resC$S0
    S0i2[xx$jumps+1] <- 1/resC$S0^2
    ## compute function h(s) = \sum_i X_i Y_i(t) I(s \leq T_i \leq t) 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s) 
    h  <-  apply(X*Yglm,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    h10  <-  apply(cbind(ytreat/pal,I(ytreat==0)/(1-pal))*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
###  hattc  <-  apply(cbind(ytreat-pal*(1-ytreat)/(1-pal),-(1-ytreat)+(1-pal)*ytreat/pal)*Y,2,revcumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    ### Cens-Martingale as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
    ## to make \int h(s)/Ys  dM_i^C(s)  = \int h(s)/Ys  dN_i^C(s) - dLambda_i^C(s)
    IhdLam0 <- apply((exit<=time)*h*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),ncol(X))
    U[xx$jumps+1,] <- (resC$jumptimes<=time)*h[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt <- (U[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLam0)*c(xx$weights)

    IhdLamh10 <- apply(h10*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
    U10 <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),2)
    U10[xx$jumps+1,] <- h10[xx$jumps+1,] /c(resC$S0)
    MGt10 <- (U10[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLamh10)*c(xx$weights)

###    IhdLamhattc <- apply(hattc*S0i2,2,cumsumstrata,xx$strata,xx$nstrata)
###    Uattc <- matrix(0,nrow(xx$X),2)
###    Uattc[xx$jumps+1,] <- hattc[xx$jumps+1,]/c(resC$S0)
###    MGtattc <- (Uattc[,drop=FALSE]-IhdLamhattc)*c(xx$weights)

    ### Censoring Variance Adjustment  \int h^2(s) / y.(s) d Lam_c(s) estimated by \int h^2(s) / y.(s)^2  d N.^C(s) 
    mid <- max(id)+1
    MGCiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
    MGCiid10 <- apply(MGt10,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)
###    MGCiidattc <- apply(MGtattc,2,sumstrata,xx$id,mid)

  }  else { MGCiidattc <- MGCiid <- 0; MGCiid10 <- 0 }
## }}}

val$MGciid <- MGCiid
val$MGciid10 <- MGCiid10
val$MGtid <- id
val$orig.id <- orig.id
val$iid.origid <- ids 
val$iid.naive <- val$iid 
if (se) val$iid  <- val$iid+(MGCiid %*% val$ihessian)
val$naive.var <- val$var
robvar <- crossprod(val$iid)
val$var <-  val$robvar <- robvar
val$se.robust <- diag(robvar)^.5
val$se.coef <- diag(val$var)^.5
val$cause <- cause
val$cens.code <- cens.code 

### estimates risk, att, atc
val$riskDR <- c(mean(risk1),mean(risk0))
val$riskG<- c(mean(riskG1),mean(riskG0))

###val$att <- sum(att)/ntreat
###val$atc <- sum(atc)/(n-ntreat)
###val$attc <- c(val$att,val$atc)
###names(val$attc) <- c("ATT","ATC")

names(val$riskDR) <- paste("treat",1:0,sep="-")
names(val$riskG) <- paste("treat",1:0,sep="-")

## iid's of marginal risk estimates 
iidbase1 <- c(risk1-val$riskDR[1])
iidcif1 <- c(c(DePsi1) %*% t(val$iid))
iidpal1 <- c(c(DaPsi1) %*% t(iidalpha))
if (se)  {
iidGc1 <- MGCiid10[,1]; iidGc0 <- MGCiid10[,2]
###iidGatt <-  MGCiidattc[,1]; iidGatc <-  MGCiidattc[,2]
}  else { iidGc1 <- iidGatt  <- iidGatc  <- iidGc0  <- 0 } 

iidbase0 <- c(risk0-val$riskDR[2])
iidcif0 <- c(c(DePsi0) %*% t(val$iid))
iidpal0 <- c(c(DaPsi0) %*% t(iidalpha))

iidrisk1 <- iidbase1+iidcif1+iidpal1+iidGc1
iidrisk0 <- iidbase0+iidcif0+iidpal0+iidGc0
difriskiid <- (iidrisk1-iidrisk0)/n

iidrisk <- cbind(iidrisk1,iidrisk0)/n

###iidatt <- att-ytreat*val$att
###iidatc <- atc-(1-ytreat)*val$atc

###iidcifatt <- c(c(DePsiatt) %*% t(val$iid))
###iidpalatt <- c(c(DaPsiatt) %*% t(iidalpha))  
###iidcifatc <- c(c(DePsiatc) %*% t(val$iid))
###iidpalatc <- c(c(DaPsiatc) %*% t(iidalpha)) 

###iidatt <- iidatt+iidcifatt+iidpalatt+iidGatt
###iidatc <- iidatc+iidcifatc+iidpalatc+iidGatc

# }}}

# {{{ output ate, att, atc

val$var.riskDR <- crossprod(iidrisk); 
val$se.riskDR <- diag(val$var.riskDR)^.5
val$riskDR.iid <- iidrisk
val$difriskDR <- val$riskDR[1]-val$riskDR[2]
names(val$difriskDR) <- "Difference"
val$var.difriskDR <- sum(difriskiid^2)
val$se.difriskDR <- val$var.difriskDR^.5

val$riskG.iid <- cbind(c(p11-val$riskG[1])/n + c(DriskG1 %*% t(val$iid))/n,
	               c(p10-val$riskG[2])/n + c(DriskG0 %*% t(val$iid))/n)
val$var.riskG <- crossprod(val$riskG.iid)
val$se.riskG <- diag(val$var.riskG)^.5

val$difriskG <- mean(p11)-mean(p10)
names(val$difriskG) <- "Difference"
val$difriskG.iid <- val$riskG.iid[,1]- val$riskG.iid[,2]
val$var.difriskG <- sum(val$difriskG.iid^2)
val$se.difriskG <- val$var.difriskG^.5

###val$attc.iid <- cbind(iidatt/ntreat,iidatc/(n-ntreat))
###val$var.attc <- crossprod(val$attc.iid)
###val$se.attc <- diag(val$var.attc)^.5
# }}}

  class(val) <- "binreg"
}# }}}

##' @export
kumarsim <- function (n,rho1=0.71,rho2=0.40,rate = c(6.11,24.2),
		      labels= c("gp","dnr","preauto","ttt24(24,300]"),
		      depcens=0,type = c("logistic", "cloglog"),restrict=0 )
{# {{{
    p = length(beta)/2
    tt <- seq(0, 150, by = 1)
    if (length(rate) == 1)
    rate <- rep(rate, 2)
    Lam1 <- rho1 * (1 - exp(-tt/rate[1]))
    Lam2 <- rho2 * (1 - exp(-tt/rate[2]))
    ## fully saturated model for kumar covariates 
    Zdist <- c(0.21064815,0.02083333,0.05555556,0.01504630,
	       0.13888889,0.15393519, 0.02662037, 0.04398148, 
	       0.04745370, 0.02430556, 0.02199074, 0.03935185,
               0.02430556, 0.05555556, 0.01273148, 0.10879630)
    Zs <- expand.grid(gp=c(0,1),dnr=c(0,1),preauto=c(0,1),ttt24=c(0,1))
    Zs <- dsort(Zs,~ttt24+gp+dnr+preauto)

    samn <- sample(1:16,n,replace=TRUE,prob=c(Zdist))
    Z <- Zs[samn,]

    colnames(Z) <- labels
    cif1 <- setup.cif(cbind(tt, Lam1), beta[1:4], Znames = colnames(Z),
        type = type[1])
    cif2 <- setup.cif(cbind(tt, Lam2), beta[5:8], Znames = colnames(Z),
        type = type[1])
    if (restrict==0) 
    data <- sim.cifs(list(cif1, cif2), n, Z = Z)
    else {
    ## keep model 2 on logistic form
    data <- sim.cifsRestrict(list(cif2, cif1), n, Z = Z)
    data$status21 <- data$status
    data$status21[data$status==1] <- 2
    data$status21[data$status==2] <- 1
    data$status <- data$status21

    ## kumar censoring, cox model 
    c0 <- list()     
    c0$cumhaz <- cbind(c(0,20,60,90,160),
		       c(0, 0.07797931, 0.28512764, 0.76116180, 1.95720759))
    c0$coef <- c(1.8503113,-0.6976226,0.5828763,-0.2000003)

    if (depcens == 0)
        censor  <- rchaz(c0$cumhaz,n=n)
    else {
        rrc <- exp(as.matrix(Z) %*% c0$coef)
        censor  <- rchaz(c0$cumhaz,rrc)
    status = data$status * (data$time <= censor$time)
    time = pmin(data$time, censor$time)
    data <- data.frame(time = time, status = status)
    return(cbind(data, Z))
}# }}}

##' @export
kumarsimRCT <- function (n,rho1=0.71,rho2=0.40,rate = c(6.11,24.2),
		      labels= c("gp","dnr","preauto","ttt24(24,300]"),
		      type = c("logistic", "cloglog"),restrict=1,
		      censpar=c(1,1,1,1), F1par=c(1,1,1,1), F2par=c(1,1,1,1),
{# {{{
    p = length(beta)/2
    tt <- seq(0, 150, by = 1)
    if (length(rate) == 1)
    rate <- rep(rate, 2)
    Lam1 <- rho1 * (1 - exp(-tt/rate[1]))
    Lam2 <- rho2 * (1 - exp(-tt/rate[2]))
    ## fully saturated model for kumar covariates 
    Zdist <- c(0.21064815,0.02083333,0.05555556,0.01504630,
	       0.13888889,0.15393519, 0.02662037, 0.04398148, 
	       0.04745370, 0.02430556, 0.02199074, 0.03935185,
               0.02430556, 0.05555556, 0.01273148, 0.10879630)
    Zs <- expand.grid(gp=c(0,1),dnr=c(0,1),preauto=c(0,1),ttt24=c(0,1))
    Zs <- dsort(Zs,~ttt24+gp+dnr+preauto)

    samn <- sample(1:16,n,replace=TRUE,prob=c(Zdist))
    Z <- Zs[samn,]
    ## randomized gp instead
    if (rct==1) Z[,1] <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)
    ## randomized gp given other covariates 
    if (rct==2) {
	    lp <- as.matrix(cbind(1,Z[,-1])) %*% treatmodel 
	    Z[,1] <- rbinom(n,1, expit(lp))
    colnames(Z) <- labels
    cif1 <- setup.cif(cbind(tt, Lam1), F1par*beta[1:4], Znames = colnames(Z), type = type[1])
    cif2 <- setup.cif(cbind(tt, Lam2), F2par*beta[5:8], Znames = colnames(Z), type = type[1])
    if (restrict==0) 
    data <- sim.cifs(list(cif1, cif2), n, Z = Z)
    else {
    ## keep model 2 on logistic form
    data <- sim.cifsRestrict(list(cif2, cif1), n, Z = Z)
    data$status21 <- data$status
    data$status21[data$status==1] <- 2
    data$status21[data$status==2] <- 1
    data$status <- data$status21

    if (nocens==0) {
    ## kumar censoring, cox model 
    c0 <- list()     
    c0$cumhaz <- cbind(c(0,20,60,90,160),
		       c(0, 0.07797931, 0.28512764, 0.76116180, 1.95720759))
    c0$coef <-censpar* c(1.8503113,-0.6976226,0.5828763,-0.2000003)

	if (addcens)  {
	  ## draw from cox gp model  
         rrc <- exp(as.matrix(Z) %*% c(c(1,0,0,0)*c0$coef))
         censorgp  <- rchaz(c0$cumhaz,rrc)
	 ## draw from cox other covariates   
         rrc <- exp(as.matrix(Z) %*% c(c(0,1,1,1) * c0$coef))
         censoroc  <- rchaz(c0$cumhaz,rrc)
	 ## miniumum of the two censoring times 
	 censor <- censorgp
	 censor$time <- pmin(censoroc$time,censorgp$time)
	 censor$status <- pmax(censoroc$status,censorgp$status)
	} else {
        rrc <- exp(as.matrix(Z) %*% c0$coef)
        censor  <- rchaz(c0$cumhaz,rrc)
    status = data$status * (data$time <= censor$time)
    time = pmin(data$time, censor$time)
    data <- data.frame(time = time, status = status)
    return(cbind(data, Z))
}# }}}

##' @export
logitATE <- function(formula,data,binreg=TRUE,...)
{# {{{
   ## use IPCW machine in no-censoring case
    cl <- match.call()
    m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
    special <- c("strata", "cluster", "offset")
    Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
    m$formula <- Terms
    m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
    Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
    if (inherits(Y,"Event")) {
    if (binreg) out <- binregATE(formula,data,...) else out <- logitIPCWATE(formula,data,...)
    } else {
      response <- all.vars(formula)[1]
      Ydirect <-  as.numeric(data[,response]) 
      data$time <- 2
      data$event <- 1
      time <- 2
      Survform <-  update.formula(formula,Event(time,event)~.)
      n <- nrow(data)
      if (binreg)
      out <- binregATE(Survform,data,se=0,cens.weights=rep(1,n),time=time,Ydirect=Ydirect,...)
      out <- logitIPCWATE(Survform,data,se=0,cens.weights=rep(1,n),time=time,Ydirect=Ydirect,...)

}# }}}

##' @export
normalATE <- function(formula,data,binreg=TRUE,model="lin",...)
{# {{{
   if (binreg) 
   out <- logitATE(formula,data,binreg=binreg,model=model,outcome="rmst",...)
   out <- logitATE(formula,data,binreg=binreg,...)
}# }}}

##' @export
IC.binreg  <- function(x,...) {# {{{
}# }}}

##' @export
print.binreg  <- function(x,...) {# {{{
}# }}}

##' @export
summary.binreg <- function(object,...) {# {{{

cc  <- estimate(coef=object$coef,vcov=object$var)$coefmat

expC <- exp(lava::estimate(coef=coef(object),vcov=object$var)$coefmat[,c(1,3,4),drop=FALSE])

res <- list(coef=cc,n=object$n,nevent=object$nevent,strata=NULL,ncluster=object$ncluster,var=V,exp.coef=expC)

## to add marginal estimates for binregATE 
if (!is.null(object$riskDR))  {
    marginalDR <- estimate(coef=object$riskDR,vcov=object$var.riskDR)$coefmat
    difmarginalDR <- estimate(coef=object$difriskDR,vcov=as.matrix(object$var.difriskDR))$coefmat
###    rownames(difmarginalDR) <- "differenceDR"
    marginalDR <- rbind(marginalDR,difmarginalDR)

    marginalG <- estimate(coef=object$riskG,vcov=object$var.riskG)$coefmat
    difG <- estimate(coef=object$difriskG,vcov=as.matrix(object$var.difriskG))$coefmat
###    rownames(difG) <- "differenceG"
    marginalG <- rbind(marginalG,difG) 
    res <- c(res,list(ateG=marginalG,ateDR=marginalDR))

    if (!is.null(object$attc)) {
    attc <- estimate(coef=object$attc,vcov=object$var.attc)$coefmat
    res <- c(res,list(attc=attc))

class(res) <- "summary.phreg"
}# }}}

##' @export
vcov.binreg <- function(object,...) {# {{{
}# }}}

##' @export
coef.binreg <- function(object,...) {# {{{
}# }}}

##' @export
predict.binreg <- function(object,newdata,se=TRUE,iid=FALSE,...)
{# {{{

  xlev <- lapply(object$model.frame,levels)
  ff <- unlist(lapply(object$model.frame,is.factor))
  upf <- update(object$formula,~.)
  tt <- terms(upf)
  tt <- delete.response(tt)
  Z <- model.matrix(tt,data=newdata,xlev=xlev)
  ## assuming that cluster comes after Z's 
  Z <- as.matrix(Z)[,1:length(object$coef),drop=FALSE]
  clusterTerm<- grep("^cluster[(][A-z0-9._:]*",colnames(object$model.frame),perl=TRUE)
  if (length(clusterTerm)>=1) 
	  if (ncol(object$model.frame)!=clusterTerm) stop("cluster term must be last\n")

  if (!inherits(object,"resmean")) {
  lp <- c(Z %*% object$coef)
  p <- expit(lp)
  preds <- p

  if (se) {
     if (is.null(object$var)) covv <- vcov(object)  else covv <- object$var
     Dpv <- Z*exp(-lp)*p^2
     se <- apply((Dpv %*% covv)* Dpv,1,sum)^.5
     cmat <- data.frame(pred=p,se=se,lower=p-1.96*se,upper=p+1.96*se)
     names(cmat)[1:4] <- c("pred","se","lower","upper")
     preds <- cmat
  if (iid) {
      Piid <- object$iid  %*% t(Dpv)
      preds <- list(pred=preds,iid=Piid)

  } else {

  lp <- c(Z %*% object$coef)
  if (object$model.type=="exp") p <- exp(lp) else p <- lp
  preds <- p

  if (se) {
     if (is.null(object$var)) covv <- vcov(object)  else covv <- object$var
     if (object$model.type=="exp") Dpv <- Z*p else Dpv <- Z 
     se <- apply((Dpv %*% covv)* Dpv,1,sum)^.5
     cmat <- data.frame(pred=p,se=se,lower=p-1.96*se,upper=p+1.96*se)
     names(cmat)[1:4] <- c("pred","se","lower","upper")
     preds <- cmat
  if (iid) {
      Piid <- object$iid  %*% t(Dpv)
      preds <- list(pred=preds,iid=Piid)

} # }}}

##' Augmentation for Binomial regression based on stratified NPMLE Cif (Aalen-Johansen) 
##' Computes  the augmentation term for each individual as well as the sum
##' \deqn{
##' A = \int_0^t H(u,X) \frac{1}{S^*(u,s)} \frac{1}{G_c(u)} dM_c(u)
##' }
##' with 
##' \deqn{
##' H(u,X) = F_1^*(t,s) - F_1^*(u,s)
##' }
##' using a KM for \deqn{G_c(t)} and a working model for cumulative baseline
##' related to \deqn{F_1^*(t,s)} and \deqn{s} is strata, \deqn{S^*(t,s) = 1 - F_1^*(t,s) - F_2^*(t,s)}. 
##' Standard errors computed under assumption of correct \deqn{G_c(s)} model.
##' @param formula formula with 'Event', strata model for CIF given by strata, and strataC specifies censoring strata
##' @param data data frame
##' @param offset offsets for cox model
##' @param data data frame
##' @param cause of interest 
##' @param cens.code code of censoring 
##' @param km to use Kaplan-Meier
##' @param time of interest 
##' @param weights weights for estimating equations
##' @param offset offsets for logistic regression
##' @param ... Additional arguments to binreg function.
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' data(bmt)
##' dcut(bmt,breaks=2) <- ~age 
##' out1<-BinAugmentCifstrata(Event(time,cause)~platelet+agecat.2+
##'			  strata(platelet,agecat.2),data=bmt,cause=1,time=40)
##' summary(out1)
##' out2<-BinAugmentCifstrata(Event(time,cause)~platelet+agecat.2+
##'     strata(platelet,agecat.2)+strataC(platelet),data=bmt,cause=1,time=40)
##' summary(out2)
##' @export
BinAugmentCifstrata <- function(formula,data=data,cause=1,cens.code=0,km=TRUE,time=NULL,weights=NULL,offset=NULL,...)
{# {{{
  cl <- match.call()
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[1:3]
  special <- c("strata", "cluster","offset","strataC")
  Terms <- terms(formula, special, data = data)
  m$formula <- Terms
  m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
  Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
  if (!inherits(Y,"Event")) stop("Expected a 'Event'-object")
  if (ncol(Y)==2) {
    exit <- Y[,1]
    entry <- NULL ## rep(0,nrow(Y))
    status <- Y[,2]
  } else {
    entry <- Y[,1]
    exit <- Y[,2]
    status <- Y[,3]
  id <- strata <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attributes(Terms)$specials$cluster)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    id <- m[[ts$vars]]
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strata)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strata <- m[[ts$vars]]
    strata.name <- ts$vars
  }  else strata.name <- NULL
  if (!is.null(stratapos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$strataC)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "strataC")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    strataC <- as.numeric(m[[ts$vars]])-1
    strataC.name <- ts$vars
  }  else { strataC <- NULL; strataC.name <- NULL}

  if (!is.null(offsetpos <- attributes(Terms)$specials$offset)) {
    ts <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms, "offset")
    Terms  <- Terms[-ts$terms]
    offset <- m[[ts$vars]]
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
  if (!is.null(intpos  <- attributes(Terms)$intercept))
  if (ncol(X)==0) X <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)

  id.orig <- id; 
  if (!is.null(id)) {
	  ids <- sort(unique(id))
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else id <- as.integer(seq_along(exit))-1; 

 p <- ncol(X)
 beta <- NULL
  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0,p)
  if (p==0) X <- cbind(rep(0,length(exit)))

  if (is.null(strata)) { strata <- rep(0,length(exit)); nstrata <- 1; strata.level <- NULL; } else {
	  strata.level <- levels(strata)
	  ustrata <- sort(unique(strata))
	  nstrata <- length(ustrata)
	  strata.values <- ustrata
      if (is.numeric(strata)) strata <-  fast.approx(ustrata,strata)-1 else  {
      strata <- as.integer(factor(strata,labels=seq(nstrata)))-1

if (is.null(strataC)) { strataC <- rep(0,length(exit)); nstrataC <- 1; strataC.level <- NULL; } else {
	  strataC.level <- levels(strataC)
	  ustrataC <- sort(unique(strataC))
	  nstrataC <- length(ustrataC)
	  strataC.values <- ustrataC
      if (is.numeric(strataC)) strataC <-  fast.approx(ustrataC,strataC)-1 else  {
      strataC <- as.integer(factor(strataC,labels=seq(nstrataC)))-1

  cens.strata <- strataC
  cens.nstrata <- nstrataC 

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(exit)) 
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 
  strata.call <- strata
  Z <- NULL
  Zcall <- matrix(1,1,1) ## to not use for ZX products when Z is not given 
  if (!is.null(Z)) Zcall <- Z

  ## possible casewights to use for bootstrapping and other things
  case.weights <- NULL 
  if (is.null(case.weights)) case.weights <- rep(1,length(exit)) 

  trunc <- (!is.null(entry))
  if (!trunc) entry <- rep(0,length(exit))
  call.id <- id

  if (!is.null(id)) {
	  ids <- unique(id)
	  nid <- length(ids)
      if (is.numeric(id)) id <-  fast.approx(ids,id)-1 else  {
      id <- as.integer(factor(id,labels=seq(nid)))-1
   } else id <- as.integer(seq_along(entry))-1; 
   ## orginal id coding into integers 
   id.orig <- id+1; 

  if (is.null(time)) stop("Must give time for logistic modelling \n"); 

  statusC <- (status%in%cens.code) 
  statusE <- (status%in%cause) & (exit<= time) 
  if (sum(statusE)==0) stop("No events of type 1 before time \n"); 

  Zcall <- cbind(status,strata)
  dd <- .Call("FastCoxPrepStrata",entry,exit,statusC,X,id, 

  jumps <- dd$jumps+1
  xxstrataC <- c(dd$strata)
  xxstatus  <- dd$Z[,1]
  xxstrata  <- dd$Z[,2]
  jumpsD <- which(xxstatus!=cens.code)
  jumps1 <- which(xxstatus==cause)
  rr <- c(dd$sign*exp(dd$offset))
  S0 = c(revcumsumstrata(rr,xxstrata,nstrata))
  ## S0 after strataC
  S00C = c(revcumsumstrata(rr,xxstrataC,nstrataC))

  S0C <- rep(0,length(dd$strata))

  ## censoring MG, strataC
  stratJumps <- dd$strata[jumps]
  S00i <- rep(0,length(dd$strata))
  S00i[jumps] <-  1/S00C[jumps]

  ## cif calculation, uses strata {{{
  S0Di <- S02i <- S01i <- rep(0,length(dd$strata))
  S01i[jumps1] <-  1/S0[jumps1]
  S0Di[jumpsD] <-  1/S0[jumpsD]

  ## strata-Cif G_T(t)
  if (!km) { 
     cumhazD <- cumsumstratasum(S0Di,xxstrata,nstrata)
     Stm <- exp(-cumhazD$lagsum)
     St <- exp(-cumhazD$sum)
  } else { 
     StA <- cumsumstratasum(log(1-S0Di),xxstrata,nstrata)
     Stm <- exp(StA$lagsum)
     St <- exp(StA$sum)

  ## G_c(t-) 
  if (!km) { 
    cumhazD <- c(cumsumstratasum(S00i,xxstrataC,nstrataC)$lagsum)
    Gc      <- exp(-cumhazD)
  } else Gc <- c(exp(cumsumstratasum(log(1-S00i),xxstrataC,nstrataC)$lagsum))

# }}}
 btime <- c(1*(dd$time<=time))
 cif1 <- cumsumstrata(Stm*S01i*btime,xxstrata,nstrata)
 ### final F_1^s(time) 
 cif1time <- cif1[tailstrata(xxstrata,nstrata)]
 ciftt <- cif1time[xxstrata+1]
 ft <-  (ciftt-cif1)/(Gc*St)
 ft[Gc<0.00001] <- 0
 ft[St<0.00001] <- 0

 S1ft <- c(revcumsumstrata(rr*ft,xxstrata,nstrata))
 Eft <- S1ft/S0

 Z <- dd$X
 U1 <- matrix(0,nrow(Z),1)
 U1[jumps,] <- ft[jumps]*btime[jumps]
 E1dLam0 <- cumsum2strata(ft,S00i*btime,xxstrata,nstrata,xxstrataC,nstrataC,cif1time)$res

 ### Martingale  as a function of time and for all subjects to handle strata 
 mm <- cbind(U1,E1dLam0)
 MGt <- Z*c(U1-E1dLam0)*rr*c(dd$weights)
 MGiid <- apply(MGt,2,sumstrata,dd$id,max(id)+1)
 augment <- apply(MGt,2,sum)

 ## drop strata's from formula and run with augmention term
 formulans <- drop.strata(formula)
 ## censoring weights not used 
 if (nstrataC==1) cens.model <- ~+1 else cens.model <- ~strata(strataCC)
 data$strataCC <- strataC

 bra <- binreg(formulans,data=data,cause=cause,augmentation=augment,time=time,

 ## adjust SE and var based on augmentation term
 ## only report SE based on iid 
 bra$var.orig <- bra$var
 bra$augment <- augment
 ## with correct augmentation term, things cancel out 
 bra$iid <- bra$iid.naive + MGiid %*%  bra$ihessian
 bra$var <- crossprod(bra$iid)
 bra$se.coef <-  diag(bra$var)^.5
 bra$robvar <- bra$var
 bra$se.robust <-bra$se.coef
 bra$MGciid <- MGiid

 allAugment <- list(MGiid=MGiid,augment=augment,id=id,id.orig=id.orig,
 bra$allAugment <- allAugment

}# }}})
kkholst/mets documentation built on May 4, 2024, 1:26 p.m.