Man pages for kmezhoud/bioCancer
Interactive Multi-Omics Cancers Data Visualization and Analysis

AnnotationFuncsAnnotation translation functions
attriColorGeneAttribute Color to Gene
attriColorValueAttribute Color to Value
attriColorVectorAttribute color to a vector of numeric values
attriShape2GeneAttribute shape to nodes
attriShape2NodeAttributes shape to Nodes
bioCancerLaunch bioCancer with default browser
CGDSCGDS connect object to cBioPortal
checkDimensionsCheck wich Cases and genetic profiles are available for...
coffeewheelThis is an htmlwidgets-based visualization tool for...
coffeewheelOutputWidget output function for use in Shiny
displayTableDisplay dataframe in table using DT package
dot-dbEscapeStringPrivate Escape string
dot-getTableNameGets the table name from the INPARANOID style genus names.
dot-pickRefSecret function that does the magic for pickRefSeq.
Edges_Diseases_objget Edges dataframe for Gene/Disease association from...
epiGenomicsDefault dataset of bioCancer
findPhantomCheck if PhantomJS is installed. Similar to webshot
getEvidenceCodesReturns GO evidence codes.
getFreqMutDataget mutation frequency
getGenesClassificationget genes classification
getList_Casesget list of cases of each selected study in Classifier panel
getList_GenProfsget list of genetic profiles of each selected study in...
getListProfDataget list of data frame with profiles data (CNA,mRNA,...
getMegaProfDataSearch and get genetic profiles (CNA,mRNA, Methylation,...
getOrthologsPerforms quicker lookup for orthologs in homologe data...
getProfDatasearch and get genetic profiles (CNA,mRNA, Methylation,...
getSequensed_SampleSizeget samples size of sequensed genes
mapListsReplaces contents of list A with elements of list B
metabologramCircular plot of hierarchital data of genetic profile.
metabologramOutputWidget output function for use in Shiny
Mutation_objAtribute mutation frequency to nodes
Node_df_FreqInAttributes size to Nodes depending on number of interaction
Node_Diseases_objAttributes color and shape to Nodes of Diseases
Node_obj_CNA_ProfDataAttribute CNA data to node border
Node_obj_FreqInAttribute interaction frequency to node size
Node_obj_Met_ProfDataAttribute gene Methylation to Nodes
Node_obj_mRNA_ClassifierAtrribute genes expression to color nodes
pickGOCleans up result from org.Xx.egGO and returns specific GO...
pickRefSeqPicks a prioritised RefSeq identifier from a list of...
removeNAsRemoves entries equal 'NA' from list or vector
renderCoffeewheelWidget render function for use in Shiny
renderMetabologramWidget render function for use in Shiny
reStrColorGeneRestructure the list of color attributed to the genes in...
reStrDimensionRestructure the list of color attributed to the genes in...
reStrDiseaseRestructure the list of color attributed to the genes in...
returnTextAreaInputReturn message when the filter formula is not correct (mRNA >...
Studies_objget object for grViz. Link Studies to genes
switchButtonA function to change the Original checkbox of rshiny into a...
test.CGDSS3 method to test cBioPortal connection
translateTranslate between different identifiers
UnifyRowNamesUnify row names in data frame with the same order of gene...
user_CNAExample of Copy Number Alteration (CNA) dataset
user_MetHM27Example of Methylation HM27 dataset
user_MetHM450Example of Methylation HM450 dataset
user_mRNAExample of mRNA expression dataset
user_MutExample of Mutation dataset
whichGeneListVerify which gene list is selected
widgetThumbnailCapture html output widget as .png in R
kmezhoud/bioCancer documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 10:29 a.m.