
Defines functions modelDown getPlotWidth makeGeneratorEnvironment copyAssets generateModules ensureOutputFolderStructureExist renderPage renderModules renderMainPage renderExplainersList renderFactorTables

Documented in modelDown

#' Generates a website with HTML summaries for predictive models
#' @param ... one or more explainers createdwith \code{DALEX::explain()} function
#' @param modules modules that should be included in the website
#' @param output_folder folder where the website will be saved
#' @details
#' Additional arguments that could by passed by name:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{vr.vars} {variables which will be examined in Variable Response module. Defaults to all variables. Example vr.vars = c("var1", "var2")}
#'   \item{pb.observations} {observations which will be examined in Prediction Breakdown module. When not given it selects worst predicted observations for each model. Example pb.observations = c(1,2,3) where 1,2,3 are observation numbers.}
#'   \item{vr.type} {types of examinations which will be conducteed in Variable Response module. Defaults to "pdp". Example vr.type = c("ale", "pdp")}
#'   \item{plot_width default} {width for plots. Defaults to 800. Example plot_width = 750}
#'   \item{vr.plot_width} {Override plot width for Variable Response module. Defaults to plot_width. Example vr.plot_width = 750}
#'   \item{mp.plot_width} {Override plot width for Model Performance module. Defaults to plot_width. Example mp.plot_width = 750}
#'   \item{pb.plot_width} {Override plot width for Prediction Breakdown module. Defaults to plot_width. Example pb.plot_width = 750}
#'   \item{vi.plot_width} {Override plot width for Variable Importance module. Defaults to plot_width. Example vi.plot_width = 750}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import kableExtra
#' @import whisker
#' @author Magda Tatarynowicz, Kamil Romaszko, Mateusz Urabński
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require("ranger")
#' require("breakDown")
#' require("DALEX")
#' # ranger
#' HR_ranger_model <- ranger(as.factor(left) ~ .,
#'                       data = HR_data, num.trees = 500, classification = TRUE, probability = TRUE)
#' explainer_ranger <- explain(HR_ranger_model,
#'                       data = HR_data, y = HR_data$left, function(model, data) {
#'  return(predict(model, data)$prediction[,2])
#' }, na.rm=TRUE)
#' # glm
#' HR_glm_model <- glm(left~., HR_data, family = "binomial")
#' explainer_glm <- explain(HR_glm_model, data=HR_data, y = HR_data$left)
#' modelDown::modelDown(explainer_ranger, explainer_glm) #all defaults
#' modelDown::modelDown(explainer_glm,
#'   modules = c("model_performance", "variable_importance",
#'               "variable_response", "prediction_breakdown"),
#'   output_folder = "modelDown_output",
#'   vr.vars= c("average_montly_hours", "time_spend_company"),
#'   pb.observations = c(1,2,3),
#'   vr.type = "ale",
#'   plot_width=700,
#'   pb.plot_width=810,
#'   mp.plot_width=820,
#'   vi.plot_width=830,
#'   vr.plot_width=840)
#' }
modelDown <- function(..., modules = c("model_performance", "variable_importance", "variable_response", "prediction_breakdown"),
                      output_folder="output") {

  args <- list(..., version=1.0 )
  #named arguments are options (except those specified after ... in function definition)
  options <- args[names(args) != ""]
  #unnamed arguments are explainers
  explainers <- args[names(args) == ""]

  do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(output_folder, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)))
  # save explainers
  for(explainer in explainers){
    saveRDS(explainer, file = paste0(output_folder,"/explainers/", explainer$label, ".rda"))
  copyAssets(system.file("extdata", "template", package = "modelDown"), output_folder)

  generated_modules <- generateModules(modules, output_folder, explainers, options)

  renderModules(generated_modules, output_folder)
  renderMainPage(generated_modules, output_folder, explainers)
  utils::browseURL(file.path(output_folder, "index.html"))

getPlotWidth <- function(options, plot_with_variable = NULL, default_width = 800) {
  if(!is.null(plot_with_variable)) {
    width <- options[[plot_with_variable]]
  if(is.null(width)) {
    width <- options[["plot_width"]]
  if(is.null(width)) {
    width <- default_width


makeGeneratorEnvironment <- function() {
  e <- new.env()
  e$getPlotWidth <- getPlotWidth

copyAssets <- function(from, to) {
  asset_files <- list.files(from)
  css_files <- asset_files[grepl(".*.css", asset_files)]
  css_files_paths <- unlist(lapply(css_files, function(name) {file.path(from, name)}))
  file.copy(css_files_paths, to, recursive=TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

generateModules <- function(modules_names, output_folder, explainers, options) {
  return(lapply(modules_names, function(module_name) {
    print(paste("Generating ", module_name, "...", sep = ""))
    generator_path <- system.file("extdata", "modules", module_name, "generator.R", package = "modelDown")
    generator_env <- makeGeneratorEnvironment()
    source(generator_path, local=generator_env)
    data <- generator_env$generator(explainers, options, file.path(output_folder, "img"))

ensureOutputFolderStructureExist <- function(output_folder) {
  if(!dir.exists(output_folder)) {

  img_folder_path <- file.path(output_folder, "explainers")
  if(!dir.exists(img_folder_path)) {

  img_folder_path <- file.path(output_folder, "img")
  if(!dir.exists(img_folder_path)) {

renderPage <- function(content, modules, output_path) {

  menu_links <- lapply(modules, function(module) {
      link=paste(module[['name']],'.html', sep="")

  data <- list(
    content = content,
    menu_links = menu_links,
    datetime = Sys.time()

  iteratelist(data[['menu_links']], name='menu_links')

  base_template_path <- system.file("extdata", "template", "base_template.html", package = "modelDown")
  base_template <- readLines(base_template_path)
  page <- whisker.render(base_template, data)
  writeLines(page, output_path)

renderModules <- function(modules, output_folder) {
  lapply(modules, function(module) {
    module_path <- file.path("modules", module[['name']])
    content_template <- readLines(system.file("extdata", module_path, "template.html", package = "modelDown"))

    content <- whisker.render(content_template, module[['data']])
    output_path <- file.path(output_folder, paste(module[['name']], ".html", sep=""))
    renderPage(content, modules, output_path)

renderMainPage <- function(modules, output_folder, explainers) {
  data_set <- explainers[[1]]$data
  numeric_columns <- which(sapply(data_set, class) != "factor")
  factor_columns <- which(sapply(data_set, class) == "factor")
  variables_data <- kable_styling(kable(psych::describe(data_set[,numeric_columns])), bootstrap_options = c("responsive", "bordered", "hover"))

  main_page_data <- list(
    explainers = renderExplainersList(explainers),
    data_summary = variables_data,
    factor_summary = renderFactorTables(data_set, factor_columns),
    observations_count = nrow(explainers[[1]]$data),
    columns_count = ncol(explainers[[1]]$data)

  content_template <- readLines(system.file("extdata", "template", "index_template.html", package = "modelDown"))
  content <- whisker.render(content_template, main_page_data)
  output_path <- file.path(output_folder, "index.html")
  renderPage(content, modules, output_path)

renderExplainersList <- function(explainers){
  explainers_ul <- "<ul>"
  for(explainer in explainers){
    explainers_ul <- paste(explainers_ul, "<li>", explainer$label, " <a href='explainers/", explainer$label, ".rda'>(download)</a></li>", sep = "")
  explainers_ul <- paste(explainers_ul, "</ul>", sep = "")

renderFactorTables <- function(data_set, factor_columns){
  factor_data <- vector()
  factor_data <- NULL

  if(length(factor_columns) > 0) {
    for(i in 1:length(factor_columns)){
      column_number <- factor_columns[[i]]
      column_name <- names(factor_columns)[i]
      temp_table <- kable_styling(kable(table(data_set[,column_number]), col.names = c(column_name, "Frequency")), bootstrap_options = c("responsive", "bordered", "hover"), full_width = FALSE)
      factor_data <- paste(factor_data, temp_table, sep="<br>")

kromash/modelDown documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:13 p.m.