
#' @rdname predict.SlingshotDataSet
#' @title Predict from a Slingshot model
#' @description Map new observations onto simultaneous principal curves fitted
#'   by \code{slingshot}.
#' @param object a \code{\link[TrajectoryUtils]{PseudotimeOrdering}} or
#'   \code{\link{SlingshotDataSet}} containing simultaneous principal curves to
#'   use for prediction.
#' @param newdata a matrix or data frame of new points in the same
#'   reduced-dimensional space as the original input to \code{slingshot} (or
#'   \code{getLineages}).
#' @details This function is a method for the generic function \code{predict}
#'   with inputs being either a \code{PseudotimeOrdering} or
#'   \code{SlingshotDataSet}. If no \code{newdata} argument is provided, it will
#'   return the original results, given by \code{object}.
#' @return An object of the same type as \code{object}, based on the input
#'   \code{newdata}. New cells are treated as "unclustered", but other metadata
#'   is preserved. The \code{curves} slot represents the projections of each new
#'   cell onto the existing curves. As with standard \code{slingshot} output,
#'   the lineage-specific pseudotimes and assignment weights can be accessed via
#'   the functions \code{\link{slingPseudotime}} and
#'   \code{\link{slingCurveWeights}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{slingshot}}
#' @examples
#' data("slingshotExample")
#' rd <- slingshotExample$rd
#' cl <- slingshotExample$cl
#' pto <- slingshot(rd, cl, start.clus = '1')
#' x <- cbind(runif(100, min = -5, max = 10), runif(100, min = -4, max = 4))
#' predict(pto, x)
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict",
    signature = signature(object = "PseudotimeOrdering"),
    definition = function(object, newdata = NULL){
        # setup
        pto <- object
            x <- as.matrix(newdata)
        n0 <- nrow(slingReducedDim(pto))
        curves <- slingCurves(pto)
        L <- length(curves)

        # checks
        if(ncol(x) != ncol(slingReducedDim(pto))){
            stop('New data does not match original number of dimensions.\n',
                'Original: ',ncol(slingReducedDim(pto)),' columns\n',
                'New data: ',ncol(x),' columns')
            stop('newdata has zero rows.')
            stop('newdata cannot contain missing values.')
            stop('newdata must only contain numeric values.')
            rownames(x) <- paste('newCell', seq_len(nrow(x)), sep = '-')
            colnames(x) <- colnames(slingReducedDim(pto))
        if(any(colnames(x) != colnames(slingReducedDim(pto)))){
            colnames(x) <- colnames(slingReducedDim(pto))
            miss.ind <- which(rownames(x) == '')
            rownames(x)[miss.ind] <- paste('newCell',miss.ind,sep='-')

        D.orig <- vapply(curves, function(crv){ crv$dist_ind }, rep(0, n0))
        W.orig <- vapply(curves, function(crv){ crv$w }, rep(0, n0))

        ordD.orig <- order(D.orig)
        W.prob.orig <- W.orig/rowSums(W.orig)
        W.prob.orig[is.nan(W.prob.orig)] <- 0
        WrnkD.orig <- cumsum(W.prob.orig[ordD.orig]) / sum(W.prob.orig)
        WrnkD.orig[WrnkD.orig > 1] <- 1
        Z.orig <- D.orig
        Z.orig[ordD.orig] <- WrnkD.orig

        dists.tofit <- as.numeric(D.orig[W.orig > 0])
        eps <- .5*min(dists.tofit[dists.tofit>0])
        logdists.tofit <- log(dists.tofit + eps)
        quants.tofit <- as.numeric(Z.orig[W.orig > 0])

            fit <- glm(quants.tofit ~ logdists.tofit, family = 'binomial')

        crv.proj <- lapply(curves, function(crv){
            project_to_curve(x, crv$s[crv$ord, , drop = FALSE], stretch = 0)

        D.proj <- vapply(crv.proj, function(crv){ crv$dist_ind },
        Z.proj <- D.proj
        Z.proj[,] <- predict(fit,
            newdata = data.frame(logdists.tofit = as.numeric(log(D.proj+eps))),
            type = 'response')

        Z.prime.proj <- 1-Z.proj^2
        W.proj <- Z.prime.proj / rowMaxs(Z.prime.proj,na.rm = TRUE)
        W.proj[is.nan(W.proj)] <- 1 # handle 0/0
        W.proj[is.na(W.proj)] <- 0
        W.proj[W.proj > 1] <- 1
        W.proj[W.proj < 0] <- 0

        # add if z < .5
        idx <- Z.proj < .5
        W.proj[idx] <- 1
        # drop if z > .9 and w < .1
        ridx <- rowMaxs(Z.proj, na.rm = TRUE) > .9 &
            rowMins(W.proj, na.rm = TRUE) < .1
        W0 <- W.proj[ridx, ]
        Z0 <- Z.proj[ridx, ]
        W0[!is.na(Z0) & Z0 > .9 & W0 < .1] <- 0
        W.proj[ridx, ] <- W0

        for(l in seq_len(L)){
            crv.proj[[l]]$w <- W.proj[,l]

        # new cells are all "unclustered"
        cl.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x),
                         ncol = ncol(slingClusterLabels(pto)))
        colnames(cl.mat) <- colnames(slingClusterLabels(pto))
        rownames(cl.mat) <- rownames(x)

        pst <- vapply(crv.proj, function(pc) {
            t <- pc$lambda
            t[pc$w == 0] <- NA
        }, rep(0,nrow(x)))
        out <- PseudotimeOrdering(list(pseudotime = pst, weights = W.proj),
                                  metadata = metadata(pto))
        metadata(out)$curves <- crv.proj
        cellData(out)$reducedDim <- x
        cellData(out)$clusterLabels <- cl.mat

#' @rdname predict.SlingshotDataSet
#' @export
setMethod(f = "predict",
          signature = signature(object = "SlingshotDataSet"),
          definition = function(object, newdata = NULL){
              pto <- as.PseudotimeOrdering(object)
              pred <- predict(pto, newdata)
              sds <- as.SlingshotDataSet(pred)
kstreet13/slingshot documentation built on April 6, 2023, 11:12 p.m.