#### Filtering and Smoothing ####
## -----------------------------
filt1_ma <- function(x, width = 5L)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1 + 2 * (width %/% 2)
.Call(C_meanFilter, x, width, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_conv <- function(x, weights)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( length(weights) %% 2L != 1L )
matter_error("length of weights must be odd")
.Call(C_linearFilter, x, weights, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_gauss <- function(x, width = 5L, sd = (width %/% 2) / 2)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
radius <- width %/% 2
z <- seq(from=-radius, to=radius, by=1L)
weights <- dnorm(z, sd=sd)
.Call(C_linearFilter, x, weights, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_bi <- function(x, width = 5L, sddist = (width %/% 2) / 2,
sdrange = mad(x, na.rm = TRUE))
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
.Call(C_bilateralFilter, x, width,
sddist, sdrange, NA_real_, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_adapt <- function(x, width = 5L, spar = 1)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
.Call(C_bilateralFilter, x, width,
NA_real_, NA_real_, spar, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_diff <- function(x, niter = 3L, kappa = 50,
rate = 0.25, method = 1L)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( kappa < 1 )
matter_warn("kappa should be > 1")
if ( rate <= 0 || rate > 0.25 )
matter_warn("rate should be positive and <= 0.25")
.Call(C_diffusionFilter, x, niter,
kappa, rate, method, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_guide <- function(x, width = 5L, guide = x,
sdreg = mad(x, na.rm = TRUE))
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(guide) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(guide) )
guide <- as.double(guide)
.Call(C_guidedFilter, x, guide, width,
sdreg, NA_real_, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_pag <- function(x, width = 5L, guide = NULL,
sdreg = mad(x, na.rm = TRUE), ftol = 1/10)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
if ( is.null(guide) )
guide <- filt1_diff(x, niter=3L, method=3L)
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(guide) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(guide) )
guide <- as.double(guide)
.Call(C_guidedFilter, x, guide, width,
sdreg, ftol, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_sg <- function(x, width = 5L, order = min(3L, width - 2L),
deriv = 0, delta = 1)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) && length(dim(x)) != 1L )
matter_error("x must be a vector")
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
if ( width <= order )
matter_error("width must be larger than order")
b <- (1:width - (width %/% 2 + 1)) %*% t(rep.int(1, order + 1))
b <- b^(as.matrix(rep.int(1, width)) %*% (0:order))
weights <- pinv(b)[1 + deriv,]
if ( deriv > 0 )
weights <- weights * prod(1:deriv) / delta^deriv
.Call(C_linearFilter, x, weights, PACKAGE="matter")
filt1_fun <- function(method)
if ( is.character(method) )
method <- tolower(method)
options <- list(
"ma" = filt1_ma,
"mean" = filt1_ma,
"gauss" = filt1_gauss,
"gaussian" = filt1_gauss,
"bi" = filt1_bi,
"bilateral" = filt1_bi,
"adapt" = filt1_adapt,
"adaptive" = filt1_adapt,
"diff" = filt1_diff,
"diffusion" = filt1_diff,
"guide" = filt1_guide,
"guided" = filt1_guide,
"pag" = filt1_pag,
"sg" = filt1_sg,
"sgolay" = filt1_sg)
options[[match.arg(method, names(options))]]
convolve_at <- function(x, index, weights,
margin = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)
if ( is.null(margin) ) {
lenX <- length(x)
} else {
if ( !is.matrix(x) )
matter_error("x must be a vector or matrix")
lenX <- dim(x)[margin]
if ( is.matrix(index) )
index <- array2list(index, 1L)
if ( !is.list(index) )
matter_error("index must be a list")
if ( is.numeric(weights) )
weights <- list(weights)
weights <- rep_len(weights, lenX)
if ( length(index) != lenX )
matter_error("index and x must have the same extent")
if ( length(weights) != lenX )
matter_error("weights and x must have the same extent")
if ( !all(lengths(index) == lengths(weights)) )
matter_error("lengths of index and weights must match")
if ( is.null(margin) ) {
FUN <- function(i) {
ii <- index[[i]]
sum(weights[[i]] * x[ii], na.rm=na.rm)
vapply(seq_along(x), FUN, numeric(1L))
} else {
FUN <- switch(margin,
function(i, w) colSums(w * x[i,,drop=FALSE], na.rm=na.rm),
function(i, w) colSums(w * t(x[,i,drop=FALSE]), na.rm=na.rm))
t(mapply(FUN, index, weights)),
mapply(FUN, index, weights))
#### KNN Filtering and Smoothing ####
## --------------------------------
filtn_ma <- function(x, index, k = 5L, metric = "euclidean", p = 2)
weights <- rep.int(1, k)
filtn_conv(x, index, weights, metric, p)
filtn_conv <- function(x, index, weights, metric = "euclidean", p = 2)
if ( !is.numeric(weights) )
matter_error("weights must be numeric")
if ( missing(index) ) {
if ( is.null(dim(x)) ) {
index <- seq_along(x)
} else {
index <- expand.grid(lapply(dim(x), seq_len))
k <- length(weights)
nb <- knnsearch(index, k=k, metric=metric, p=p)
y <- convolve_at(x, nb, weights / sum(weights), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) )
dim(y) <- dim(x)
filtn_gauss <- function(x, index, k = 5L, sd = median(r) / 2,
metric = "euclidean", p = 2)
if ( missing(index) ) {
if ( is.null(dim(x)) ) {
index <- seq_along(x)
} else {
index <- expand.grid(lapply(dim(x), seq_len))
if ( !inherits(index, "kdtree") )
index <- kdtree(index)
nb <- knnsearch(index, k=k, metric=metric, p=p)
ds <- rowdist_at(index$data, ix=seq_along(x), iy=nb)
r <- vapply(ds, max, numeric(1L), na.rm=TRUE)
wts <- lapply(ds, function(d) exp(-d^2 / (2 * sd^2)))
wts <- lapply(wts, function(w) w / sum(w))
y <- convolve_at(x, nb, wts, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) )
dim(y) <- dim(x)
filtn_bi <- function(x, index, k = 5L, sddist = median(r) / 2,
sdrange = mad(x, na.rm=TRUE), metric = "euclidean", p = 2)
if ( missing(index) ) {
if ( is.null(dim(x)) ) {
index <- seq_along(x)
} else {
index <- expand.grid(lapply(dim(x), seq_len))
if ( !inherits(index, "kdtree") )
index <- kdtree(index)
nb <- knnsearch(index, k=k, metric=metric, p=p)
ds <- rowdist_at(index$data, ix=seq_along(x), iy=nb)
r <- vapply(ds, max, numeric(1L), na.rm=TRUE)
gwts <- lapply(ds,
function(d) exp(-d^2 / (2 * sddist^2)))
awts <- lapply(seq_along(x),
function(i) exp(-(x[nb[i,]] - x[i])^2 / (2 * sdrange^2)))
wts <- Map(function(g, a) g * a / sum(g * a), gwts, awts)
y <- convolve_at(x, nb, wts, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) )
dim(y) <- dim(x)
filtn_adapt <- function(x, index, k = 5L, spar = 1,
metric = "euclidean", p = 2)
if ( missing(index) ) {
if ( is.null(dim(x)) ) {
index <- seq_along(x)
} else {
index <- expand.grid(lapply(dim(x), seq_len))
if ( !inherits(index, "kdtree") )
index <- kdtree(index)
nb <- knnsearch(index, k=k, metric=metric, p=p)
ds <- rowdist_at(index$data, ix=seq_along(x), iy=nb)
r <- median(vapply(ds, max, numeric(1L), na.rm=TRUE))
xmedian <- median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
xmad <- mad(x, na.rm=TRUE)
xr <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE) - min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
dx <- lapply(seq_along(x),
function(i) abs(x[nb[i,,drop=TRUE]] - xmedian))
dx <- vapply(dx, mean, numeric(1L), na.rm=TRUE)
z <- abs(dx - xmad) / spar
sddist <- r * exp(-z) / sqrt(2)
sdrange <- xr * exp(-z) / sqrt(2)
gwts <- Map(function(d, sdd) exp(-d^2 / (2 * sdd^2)),
ds, sddist)
awts <- Map(function(i, sdr) exp(-(x[nb[i,]] - x[i])^2 / (2 * sdr^2)),
seq_along(x), sdrange)
wts <- Map(function(g, a) g * a / sum(g * a), gwts, awts)
y <- convolve_at(x, nb, wts, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( !is.null(dim(x)) )
dim(y) <- dim(x)
filtn_fun <- function(method)
if ( is.character(method) )
method <- tolower(method)
options <- list(
"ma" = filtn_ma,
"mean" = filtn_ma,
"gauss" = filtn_gauss,
"gaussian" = filtn_gauss,
"bi" = filtn_bi,
"bilateral" = filtn_bi,
"adapt" = filtn_adapt,
"adaptive" = filtn_adapt)
options[[match.arg(method, names(options))]]
#### Alignment and warping ####
## ----------------------------
warp1_loc <- function(x, y, tx = seq_along(x), ty = seq_along(y),
events = c("maxmin", "max", "min"), n = length(y),
interp = c("linear", "loess", "spline"),
tol = NA_real_, tol.ref = "abs")
events <- match.arg(events)
# find events in each signal
if ( missing(y) || is.null(y) ) {
if ( missing(ty) )
matter_error("either 'y' or 'ty' must be specified")
ly <- ty
} else {
ly <- NULL
if ( events == "maxmin" ) {
lx <- tx[which(locmax(x) | locmin(x))]
if ( is.null(ly) )
ly <- ty[which(locmax(y) | locmin(y))]
} else if ( events == "max" ) {
lx <- tx[which(locmax(x))]
if ( is.null(ly) )
ly <- ty[which(locmax(y))]
} else if ( events == "min" ) {
lx <- tx[which(locmin(x))]
if ( is.null(ly) )
ly <- ty[which(locmin(y))]
if ( is.na(tol) ) {
# guess tol as ~5% of the signal length
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
tol <- 0.05 * length(x) * mean(reldiff(tx, ref=ref))
# match events between signals
tout <- approx(tx, tx, n=n)$y
i <- bsearch(lx, ly, tol=tol, tol.ref=tol.ref)
loc <- !is.na(i)
if ( sum(loc) >= 1 ) {
# find shifts between events
lx <- lx[loc]
ly <- ly[i[loc]]
path <- data.frame(x=lx, y=ly)
dt <- ly - lx
dt <- c(0, dt, 0)
lx <- c(tx[1L], lx, tx[length(tx)])
interp <- match.arg(interp)
# interpolate shifts
if ( interp == "loess" ) {
shift <- loess(dt ~ locs)
shift <- predict(shift, t)
} else if ( interp == "spline" ) {
shift <- spline(lx, dt, xout=tout)$y
} else {
shift <- approx(lx, dt, xout=tout)$y
tshift <- tout + shift
} else {
matter_warn("no landmarks matched")
tshift <- tout
path <- NULL
# warp signal x to align with y
xout <- spline(tshift, x, xout=tout,
ties=list("ordered", mean))$y
attr(xout, "path") <- path
attr(xout, "tol") <- set_names(tol, tol.ref)
warp1_dtw <- function(x, y, tx = seq_along(x), ty = seq_along(y),
n = length(y), tol = NA_real_, tol.ref = "abs")
if ( missing(y) || is.null(y) ) {
if ( missing(ty) )
matter_error("either 'y' or 'ty' must be specified")
y <- rep_len(max(x, na.rm=TRUE), length(ty))
y <- simspec1(ty, y, tx, resolution=estres(tx, ref="x")^(-1))
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(y) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(y) )
y <- as.double(y)
if ( is.integer(tx) && is.double(ty) )
tx <- as.double(tx)
if ( is.double(tx) && is.integer(ty) )
ty <- as.double(ty)
if ( is.na(tol) ) {
# guess tol as ~5% of the signal length
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
tol <- 0.05 * length(x) * mean(reldiff(tx, ref=ref))
# dynamic time warping to align signals
d0 <- abs(reldiff(tx[1L], ty[1L], ref=tol.ref))
dn <- abs(reldiff(tx[length(tx)], ty[length(ty)], ref=tol.ref))
if ( tol < d0 || tol < dn ) {
tol <- max(d0, dn)
matter_warn("'tol' must be greater than ", tol)
path <- .Call(C_warpDTW, x, y, tx, ty,
tol, as_tol_ref(tol.ref), PACKAGE="matter")
i <- rev(path[!is.na(path[,1L]),1L]) + 1L
j <- rev(path[!is.na(path[,2L]),2L]) + 1L
path <- data.frame(x=tx[i], y=ty[j])
# warp signal x to align with y
tout <- approx(ty[path$y], tx[path$x],
ties=list("ordered", mean), n=n)$y
xout <- approx(tx, x, xout=tout)$y
attr(xout, "path") <- path
attr(xout, "tol") <- set_names(tol, tol.ref)
warp1_cow <- function(x, y, tx = seq_along(x), ty = seq_along(y),
nbins = NA_integer_, n = length(y),
tol = NA_real_, tol.ref = "abs")
if ( missing(y) || is.null(y) ) {
if ( missing(ty) )
matter_error("either 'y' or 'ty' must be specified")
y <- rep_len(max(x, na.rm=TRUE), length(ty))
y <- simspec1(ty, y, tx, resolution=estres(tx, ref="x")^(-1))
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(y) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(y) )
y <- as.double(y)
if ( is.integer(tx) && is.double(ty) )
tx <- as.double(tx)
if ( is.double(tx) && is.integer(ty) )
ty <- as.double(ty)
if ( is.na(tol) ) {
# guess tol as ~5% of the signal length
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
tol <- 0.05 * length(x) * mean(reldiff(tx, ref=ref))
if ( is.na(nbins) ) {
# guess nbins so that bin widths are ~tol
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
nbins <- abs(reldiff(tx[1L], tx[length(tx)], ref=ref)) %/% tol
# initialize nodes
if ( nbins < 2L )
matter_error("need at least 2 bins")
xb <- findbins(x, nbins=nbins, dynamic=FALSE, limits.only=TRUE)
ix <- c(1L, xb$upper)
yb <- findbins(y, nbins=nbins, dynamic=FALSE, limits.only=TRUE)
iy <- c(1L, yb$upper)
if ( any(xb$size < 3L) || any(yb$size < 3L) )
matter_error("too many bins (need at least 3 samples per bin)")
dmax <- max(abs(reldiff(tx[ix], ty[iy], ref=tol.ref)))
if ( tol < dmax ) {
tol <- dmax
matter_warn("'tol' must be greater than ", tol)
# correlation optimized warping to align signals
path <- .Call(C_warpCOW, x, y, tx, ty,
as.integer(ix - 1L), as.integer(iy - 1L),
tol, as_tol_ref(tol.ref), PACKAGE="matter")
i <- path[,1L] + 1L
j <- path[,2L] + 1L
path <- data.frame(x=tx[i], y=ty[j])
tout <- unique(unlist(mapply(seq, from=i[-length(i)], to=i[-1L],
length.out=j[-1L] - j[-length(j)] + 1L, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)))
tout <- approx(seq_along(tout), tout,
ties=list("ordered", mean), n=n)$y
xout <- approx(tx, x, xout=tout)$y
attr(xout, "path") <- path
attr(xout, "tol") <- set_names(tol, tol.ref)
icor <- function(x, y)
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(y) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(y) )
y <- as.double(y)
if ( anyNA(x) )
x <- x[!is.na(x)]
if ( anyNA(y) )
y <- y[!is.na(x)]
.Call(C_iCor, x, y, PACKAGE="matter")
warp1_fun <- function(method)
if ( is.character(method) )
method <- tolower(method)
options <- list(
"loc" = warp1_loc,
"local" = warp1_loc,
"dtw" = warp1_dtw,
"cow" = warp1_cow)
options[[match.arg(method, names(options))]]
#### Scaling and Normalization ####
## --------------------------------
rescale_rms <- function(x, scale = 1)
b <- sqrt(mean(x^2, na.rm=TRUE))
if ( b > 0 ) {
y <- scale * x / b
} else {
y <- rep.int(0, length(x))
dim(y) <- dim(x)
rescale_sum <- function(x, scale = length(x))
b <- sum(abs(x), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( b > 0 ) {
y <- scale * x / b
} else {
y <- rep.int(0, length(x))
dim(y) <- dim(x)
rescale_ref <- function(x, ref = 1L, scale = 1, domain = NULL)
if ( missing(domain) || is.null(domain) )
domain <- seq_along(x)
if ( length(x) != length(domain) )
matter_error("length of 'domain' must match length of 'x'")
if ( ref < min(domain) || ref > max(domain) )
matter_error("'ref' is outside of domain limits")
i <- bsearch(ref, domain, nearest=TRUE)
if ( x[i] != 0 ) {
y <- scale * x / x[i]
} else {
y <- rep.int(0, length(x))
dim(y) <- dim(x)
rescale_range <- function(x, limits = c(0, 1))
x <- x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x <- x / max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x <- diff(limits) * x
x + min(limits)
rescale_iqr <- function(x, width = 1, center = 0)
iqr <- IQR(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x <- x - median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( iqr != 0 )
x <- x / iqr
if ( width != 0 )
x <- x * width
x + center
rescale_fun <- function(method)
if ( is.character(method) )
method <- tolower(method)
options <- list(
"rms" = rescale_rms,
"sum" = rescale_sum,
"tic" = rescale_sum,
"ref" = rescale_ref,
"reference" = rescale_ref,
"range" = rescale_range,
"iqr" = rescale_iqr,
"quantile" = rescale_iqr)
options[[match.arg(method, names(options))]]
#### Binning and downsampling ####
## -------------------------------
roll <- function(x, width, na.drop = FALSE, fill = NA)
r <- floor(width / 2)
x <- lapply(seq_along(x),
function(i) {
j <- (i - r):(i + r)
j[j < 1L | j > length(x)] <- NA
ifelse(!is.na(j), x[j], fill)
if ( na.drop )
x <- lapply(x, function(xi) xi[!is.na(xi)])
rollvec <- function(x, width, stat = "sum", prob = 0.5)
if ( width %% 2L != 1L )
width <- 1L + 2L * as.integer(width %/% 2)
end <- as.integer(length(x) - 1L)
r <- as.integer(width %/% 2)
i <- seq(0L, end, by=1L)
lower <- pmax(i - r, 0L)
upper <- pmin(i + r, end)
.Call(C_binVector, x, lower, upper,
as_binstat(stat), prob, PACKAGE="matter")
binvec <- function(x, lower, upper, stat = "sum", prob = 0.5)
if ( missing(lower) && missing(upper) ) {
matter_error("must specify one of 'lower' or 'upper'")
} else if ( missing(upper) ) {
upper <- c(lower[-1] - 1L, length(x))
} else if ( missing(lower) ) {
lower <- c(1L, upper[-length(upper)] + 1L)
.Call(C_binVector, x, as.integer(lower - 1L), as.integer(upper - 1L),
as_binstat(stat), prob, PACKAGE="matter")
findbins <- function(x, nbins, dynamic = FALSE, niter = NA,
overlap = 0, limits.only = FALSE)
n <- floor(nbins)
if ( overlap != 0 && !dynamic ) {
# overlapping intervals (based on graphics::co.intervals)
r <- length(x) / (nbins * (1 - overlap) + overlap)
breaks <- (0:(nbins - 1)) * (1 - overlap) * r
lower <- pmax(seq_along(x)[round(1 + breaks)], 0)
upper <- pmin(seq_along(x)[round(r + breaks)], length(x))
} else {
# exclusive intervals
width <- ceiling(length(x) / n)
breaks <- floor(seq(from=width, to=length(x) - width, length.out=n - 1L))
lower <- c(1L, breaks + 1L)
upper <- c(breaks, length(x))
if ( dynamic ) {
if ( is.na(niter) ) {
niter <- floor(10 * length(x) / n)
check_converge <- TRUE
} else {
check_converge <- FALSE
if ( nbins < 3L )
matter_error("need >= 3 bins for dynamic binning")
if ( overlap != 0 )
matter_warn("ignoring overlap for dynamic binning")
# calculate SSE from linear regression in each bin
sse <- binvec(x, lower, upper, stat="sse")
trace <- numeric(niter + 1L)
trace[1L] <- sum(sse)
for ( i in seq_len(niter) )
# update bins by merging min SSE's and splitting max SSE
update <- .Call(C_binUpdate, sse, as.integer(lower - 1L),
as.integer(upper - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
lower_new <- update[[1L]] + 1L
upper_new <- update[[2L]] + 1L
# check if new bins are better (lower sum of SSE)
sse <- binvec(x, lower_new, upper_new, stat="sse")
score <- sum(sse)
if ( score < trace[i] || !check_converge ) {
trace[i + 1L] <- score
lower <- lower_new
upper <- upper_new
} else {
trace <- trace[seq_len(i)]
bins <- structure(data.frame(lower=lower, upper=upper,
size=upper - lower + 1L, sse=sse), trace=trace)
} else {
bins <- data.frame(lower=lower, upper=upper, size=upper - lower + 1L)
if ( limits.only ) {
bins <- data.frame(lower=lower, upper=upper, size=upper - lower + 1L)
if ( dynamic ) {
attr(bins, "trace") <- trace
bins$sse <- sse
} else {
fun <- function(i, j) x[i:j]
bins <- mapply(fun, lower, upper, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
names(bins) <- paste0("[", lower, ":", upper, "]")
bins <- structure(bins, lower=lower, upper=upper)
if ( dynamic ) {
attr(bins, "trace") <- trace
attr(bins, "sse") <- sse
ltob <- function(x, t, lower, upper)
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(t) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(t) )
t <- as.double(t)
if ( is.unsorted(t) )
matter_error("domain 't' must be sorted")
lower <- as.integer(lower - 1L)
upper <- as.integer(upper - 1L)
.Call(C_downsampleLTOB, x, t, lower, upper, PACKAGE="matter")
lttb <- function(x, t, lower, upper)
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(t) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(t) )
t <- as.double(t)
if ( is.unsorted(t) )
matter_error("domain 't' must be sorted")
lower <- as.integer(lower - 1L)
upper <- as.integer(upper - 1L)
.Call(C_downsampleLTTB, x, t, lower, upper, PACKAGE="matter")
downsample <- function(x, n = length(x) / 10L, domain = NULL,
method = c("lttb", "ltob", "dynamic"))
method <- match.arg(method)
if ( missing(domain) || is.null(domain) )
domain <- as.numeric(seq_along(x))
# calculate dynamic bin widths if requested
if ( method == "dynamic" ) {
buckets <- findbins(x, n - 2L, dynamic=TRUE, limits.only=TRUE)
} else {
buckets <- findbins(x, n - 2L, dynamic=FALSE, limits.only=TRUE)
# use largest-triangle-1-bucket or largest-triangle-3-buckets
if ( method == "ltob" ) {
sample <- ltob(x, domain, buckets$lower, buckets$upper)
} else {
sample <- lttb(x, domain, buckets$lower, buckets$upper)
sample <- c(1L, sample, length(x))
structure(x[sample], sample=sample)
#### Continuum estimation ####
## ----------------------------
estbase_loc <- function(x,
smooth = c("none", "loess", "spline"),
span = 1/10, spar = NULL, upper = FALSE)
if ( upper ) {
locs <- which(locmax(x))
} else {
locs <- which(locmin(x))
if ( length(locs) >= 2 ) {
smooth <- match.arg(smooth)
locs <- c(1L, locs, length(x))
y <- approx(locs, x[locs], xout=seq_along(x))$y
if ( smooth == "loess" )
y <- lowess(y, f=span)$y
if ( smooth == "spline" )
y <- smooth.spline(y, spar=spar)$y
} else {
if ( upper ) {
y <- rep.int(max(x, na.rm=TRUE), length(x))
} else {
y <- rep.int(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), length(x))
estbase_hull <- function(x, upper = FALSE)
t <- seq_along(x)
if ( !is.integer(x) ) {
x <- as.double(x)
t <- as.double(t)
if ( length(x) >= 3 ) {
hull <- .Call(C_convexHull, t, x, isTRUE(upper), PACKAGE="matter")
} else {
hull <- t - 1L
approx(hull, x[hull + 1L], xout=t)$y
estbase_snip <- function(x, width = 100L, decreasing = TRUE)
.Call(C_smoothSNIP, as.double(x), as.integer(width),
isTRUE(decreasing), PACKAGE="matter")
estbase_med <- function(x, width = 100L)
runmed(x, k = 1L + 2L * (width %/% 2L))
estbase_fun <- function(method)
if ( is.character(method) )
method <- tolower(method)
options <- list(
"loc" = estbase_loc,
"local" = estbase_loc,
"hull" = estbase_hull,
"snip" = estbase_snip,
"med" = estbase_med,
"median" = estbase_med)
options[[match.arg(method, names(options))]]
#### Noise estimation ####
## -----------------------
estnoise_sd <- function(x, nbins = 1, overlap = 0.5,
k = 9, index = NULL)
if ( is.null(index) ) {
y <- filt1_gauss(x, width=k)
} else {
y <- filtn_gauss(x, index=index, k=k)
fn <- function(ei) sd(ei, na.rm=TRUE)
e <- abs(y - x)
if ( nbins > 1 ) {
e <- findbins(e, nbins=nbins, overlap=overlap)
i <- 0.5 * (attr(e, "lower") + attr(e, "upper"))
noise <- unlist(lapply(e, fn))
noise <- spline(i, noise, xout=seq_along(x))$y
} else {
noise <- rep.int(fn(e), length(x))
estnoise_mad <- function(x, nbins = 1, overlap = 0.5,
k = 9, index = NULL)
if ( is.null(index) ) {
y <- filt1_gauss(x, width=k)
} else {
y <- filtn_gauss(x, index=index, k=k)
fn <- function(ei) mad(ei, na.rm=TRUE)
e <- abs(y - x)
if ( nbins > 1 ) {
e <- findbins(e, nbins=nbins, overlap=overlap)
i <- 0.5 * (attr(e, "lower") + attr(e, "upper"))
noise <- unlist(lapply(e, fn))
noise <- spline(i, noise, xout=seq_along(x))$y
} else {
noise <- rep.int(fn(e), length(x))
estnoise_quant <- function(x, nbins = 1, overlap = 0.5,
k = 9, prob = 0.95, index = NULL)
if ( is.null(index) ) {
y <- filt1_gauss(x, width=k)
} else {
y <- filtn_gauss(x, index=index, k=k)
fn <- function(ei) quantile(ei, prob, na.rm=TRUE)
e <- abs(y - x)
if ( nbins > 1 ) {
e <- findbins(e, nbins=nbins, overlap=overlap)
i <- 0.5 * (attr(e, "lower") + attr(e, "upper"))
noise <- unlist(lapply(e, fn))
noise <- spline(i, noise, xout=seq_along(x))$y
} else {
noise <- rep.int(fn(e), length(x))
estnoise_diff <- function(x, nbins = 1L, overlap = 0.5,
index = NULL)
if ( is.null(index) ) {
dx <- diff(x)
} else {
dx <- (x - x[knnsearch(x, index, k=2)[,2L]])[-1L]
fn <- function(xi, dxi) {
# deviation between signal and its derivative
dxi <- mean(dxi, na.rm=TRUE)
mean(abs(xi - dxi), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( nbins > 1L ) {
xb <- findbins(x, nbins=nbins, overlap=overlap)
dxb <- findbins(dx, nbins=nbins, overlap=overlap)
i <- 0.5 * (attr(xb, "lower") + attr(xb, "upper"))
noise <- unlist(Map(fn, xb, dxb))
noise <- spline(i, noise, xout=seq_along(x))$y
} else {
noise <- rep.int(fn(x, dx), length(x))
estnoise_filt <- function(x, nbins = 1L, overlap = 0.5,
msnr = 2, threshold = 0.5, isPeaks = FALSE, index = NULL)
fn <- function(xi) {
# Xu and Freitas (2010) dynamic noise level
if ( isPeaks ) {
y <- sort(x[x > 0])
} else {
if ( is.null(index) ) {
peaks <- locmax(x)
} else {
peaks <- knnmax(x, index)
y <- sort(x[x > 0 & peaks])
if ( length(y) <= 1L )
return(rep.int(y, length(x)))
noise <- (1 + threshold) * y[1L]
i <- 2L
snr_i <- y[2L] / noise
# fit linear model
fit <- lr(1L:i, y[1L:i])
while ( snr_i < msnr && i < length(y) )
i <- i + 1L
# predict noise level
noise <- lr_predict(fit, i)
snr_i <- y[i] / noise
# update linear model
fit <- lr_update(fit, i, y[i])
if ( nbins > 1L ) {
# Gallia et al (2013) but with splines
xb <- findbins(x, nbins=nbins, overlap=overlap)
i <- 0.5 * (attr(xb, "lower") + attr(xb, "upper"))
noise <- unlist(lapply(xb, fn))
noise <- spline(i, noise, xout=seq_along(x))$y
} else {
noise <- fn(x)
noise <- rep.int(noise, length(x))
lr <- function(x, y) {
ux <- mean(x)
uy <- mean(y)
sxx <- var(x)
sxy <- cov(x, y)
b <- sxy / sxx
a <- uy - b * ux
list(coef=c(a, b), n=length(x),
x=ux, y=uy, xx=sxx, xy=sxy)
lr_update <- function(fit, x, y) {
n <- fit$n + length(x)
ux <- (fit$n * fit$x + sum(x)) / n
uy <- (fit$n * fit$y + sum(y)) / n
qx <- sqrt(fit$n) * fit$x + sqrt(n) * ux
qx <- qx / (sqrt(fit$n) + sqrt(n))
qy <- sqrt(fit$n) * fit$y + sqrt(n) * uy
qy <- qy / (sqrt(fit$n) + sqrt(n))
sxx <- (fit$n - 1) * fit$xx + sum((x - qx) * (x - qx))
sxx <- sxx / (n - 1)
sxy <- (fit$n - 1) * fit$xy + sum((x - qx) * (y - qy))
sxy <- sxy / (n - 1)
b <- sxy / sxx
a <- uy - b * ux
list(coef=c(a, b), n=n,
x=ux, y=uy, xx=sxx, xy=sxy)
lr_predict <- function(fit, xi) {
sum(fit$coef * c(1, xi))
estnoise_fun <- function(method)
if ( is.character(method) )
method <- tolower(method)
options <- list(
"sd" = estnoise_sd,
"mad" = estnoise_mad,
"quant" = estnoise_quant,
"quantile" = estnoise_quant,
"diff" = estnoise_diff,
"derivative" = estnoise_diff,
"filt" = estnoise_filt,
"filter" = estnoise_filt)
options[[match.arg(method, names(options))]]
#### Peak detection ####
## ---------------------
locmax <- function(x, width = 5L)
y <- .Call(C_localMaxima, x, as.integer(width), PACKAGE="matter")
locmin <- function(x, width = 5L)
.Call(C_localMaxima, -x, as.integer(width), PACKAGE="matter")
findpeaks <- function(x, width = 5L, prominence = NULL,
snr = NULL, noise = "quant", bounds = TRUE,
relheight = 0.005, ...)
peaks <- which(locmax(x, width=width))
ann <- data.frame(row.names=seq_along(peaks))
if ( isTRUE(bounds) )
# find peak boundaries (nearest local maxima)
bounds <- .Call(C_peakBoundaries, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
ann$left_bounds <- bounds[[1L]] + 1L
ann$right_bounds <- bounds[[2L]] + 1L
if ( isTRUE(prominence) || is.numeric(prominence) )
# find peak bases (minima between peaks and next higher peaks)
bases <- .Call(C_peakBases, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
ann$left_bases <- bases[[1L]] + 1L
ann$right_bases <- bases[[2L]] + 1L
# lower of peak bases is lowest contour line (key col)
contour <- pmax(x[ann$left_bases], x[ann$right_bases])
# prominence is height of peak above lowest contour line
ann$prominences <- x[peaks] - contour
if ( is.numeric(prominence) )
# filter based on prominence if requested
keep <- ann$prominence >= prominence
peaks <- peaks[keep]
ann <- ann[keep,,drop=FALSE]
if ( isTRUE(relheight) || is.numeric(relheight) )
ann$relheight <- x[peaks] / max(x[peaks])
if ( is.numeric(relheight) )
# filter based on relative height if requested
keep <- ann$relheight >= relheight
peaks <- peaks[keep]
ann <- ann[keep,,drop=FALSE]
if ( isTRUE(snr) || is.numeric(snr) )
fn <- estnoise_fun(noise)
noise <- fn(x, ...)
ann$snr <- x[peaks] / noise[peaks]
if ( is.numeric(snr) )
# filter based on SNR
keep <- ann$snr >= snr
peaks <- peaks[keep]
ann <- ann[keep,,drop=FALSE]
if ( length(ann) > 0L )
peaks <- update_attr(peaks, ann)
findpeaks_cwt <- function(x, snr = 2, wavelet = ricker, scales = NULL,
maxdists = scales, ngaps = 3L, ridgelen = length(scales) %/% 4L,
qnoise = 0.95, width = length(x) %/% 20L, bounds = TRUE)
if ( is.null(scales) )
scales <- c(1, seq(2, 30, 2), seq(32, 64, 4))
# continuous wavelet transform
coefs <- cwt(x, wavelet, scales)
# find ridge lines (include raw signal)
ridges <- findridges(cbind(x, coefs), c(1, maxdists), ngaps)
ridges <- lapply(ridges,
function(ridge) {
ridge[,2L] <- ridge[,2L] - 1L
# filter based on ridge length
ridges <- ridges[vapply(ridges, nrow, integer(1L)) >= ridgelen]
# get peak locations
peaks <- vapply(ridges, function(ridge) ridge[1L,1L], integer(1L))
# remove duplicate peaks
dup <- duplicated(peaks)
ridges <- ridges[!dup]
peaks <- peaks[!dup]
# get signal-to-noise ratio
width <- max(5L, width)
halfwidth <- width %/% 2L
i <- pmax(peaks - halfwidth, 1L)
j <- pmin(peaks + halfwidth, nrow(coefs))
signal <- vapply(ridges, function(ridge) max(coefs[ridge]), numeric(1L))
noise <- binvec(abs(coefs[,1L]), i, j, stat="quantile", prob=qnoise)
# filter based on SNR
snrs <- signal / noise
ridges <- ridges[snrs >= snr]
peaks <- peaks[snrs >= snr]
snrs <- snrs[snrs >= snr]
# get peak annotations
ann <- data.frame(ridges=I(ridges), snr=snrs)
if ( isTRUE(bounds) )
# find peak boundaries (nearest local maxima)
bounds <- .Call(C_peakBoundaries, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
ann$left_bounds <- bounds[[1L]] + 1L
ann$right_bounds <- bounds[[2L]] + 1L
peaks <- update_attr(peaks, ann)
findridges <- function(x, maxdists, ngaps)
maxs <- matrix(nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x))
for ( i in seq_len(ncol(x)) )
maxs[,i] <- locmax(x[,i])
# initialize ridges at highest column
start <- max(which(colSums(maxs) > 0))
ridges <- lapply(which(maxs[,start]),
function(row) {
ridge <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=start, ncol=2L)
ridge[1L,] <- c(row, start)
outridges <- list()
gaps <- integer(length(ridges))
ns <- rep.int(1L, length(ridges))
# iterate toward lowest column
for ( col in (start - 1L):1L )
# get last rows from current ridges
prev <- vapply(seq_along(ridges),
function(i) ridges[[i]][ns[i],1L], integer(1L))
gaps <- gaps + 1L
# connect existing ridges
rows <- which(maxs[,col])
lines <- bsearch(prev, rows, tol=maxdists[col])
lines <- rows[lines]
for ( i in seq_along(lines) )
row <- lines[i]
if ( is.na(row) )
ns[i] <- ns[i] + 1L
ridges[[i]][ns[i],] <- c(row, col)
gaps[i] <- 0L
# prepare list of new ridges
rows <- setdiff(rows, lines)
newlen <- length(rows)
if ( newlen > 0L ) {
newridges <- lapply(rows,
function(row) {
ridge <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=col, ncol=2L)
ridge[1L,] <- c(row, col)
ridges <- c(ridges, newridges)
gaps <- c(gaps, rep.int(0L, newlen))
ns <- c(ns, rep.int(1L, newlen))
# save and remove ridges with large gaps
rm <- gaps > ngaps
if ( any(rm) ) {
outridges <- c(outridges, ridges[rm])
ridges <- ridges[!rm]
gaps <- gaps[!rm]
ns <- ns[!rm]
outridges <- c(outridges, ridges)
for ( i in seq_along(outridges) )
# sort from lowest column to highest
ridge <- outridges[[i]]
if ( anyNA(ridge) ) {
na <- is.na(ridge[,1L])
ridge <- ridge[!na,,drop=FALSE]
outridges[[i]] <- ridge[nrow(ridge):1L,,drop=FALSE]
# sort by ridge locations at lowest column
locations <- vapply(outridges,
function(ridge) ridge[1L,1L], integer(1L))
outridges <- outridges[order(locations)]
ricker <- function(n, a = 1)
x <- seq(-n, n, length.out=n) / 2
C <- 2 / (sqrt(3 * a) * pi^(0.25))
m <- (1 - (x / a)^2)
g <- exp(-(x / a)^2 / 2)
C * m * g
cwt <- function(x, wavelet = ricker, scales = NULL)
if ( is.null(scales) )
scales <- c(1, seq(2, 30, 2), seq(32, 64, 4))
# find best length for fft
nx <- length(x)
nw <- pmin(10 * scales, nx)
n <- nextn(nx + max(nw) - 1L, 2L)
y <- fft(c(x, rep.int(0, n - nx)))
# prepare coefficient matrix
w <- numeric(n)
z <- matrix(nrow=nx, ncol=length(scales))
scales <- sort(scales)
for ( i in seq_along(scales) ) {
# calculate padded wavelet
w[seq_len(nw[i])] <- wavelet(nw[i], scales[i])
# perform the convolution
zi <- Re(fft(y * Conj(fft(w)), inverse=TRUE))
# shift by half wavelet length
h <- nw[i] %/% 2L
right <- 1L:(nx - h)
left <- (n - h + 1L):n
zi <- zi[c(left, right)] / n
# assign coefficients
z[,i] <- zi
peakwidths <- function(x, peaks, domain = NULL,
fmax = 0.5, ref = c("height", "prominence"))
ref <- match.arg(ref)
if ( is.null(domain) )
domain <- seq_along(x)
if ( is.unsorted(domain) )
matter_error("'domain' must be sorted")
if ( ref == "height" )
# find peak boundaries if not provided
left_end <- attr(peaks, "left_bounds")
right_end <- attr(peaks, "right_bounds")
if ( is.null(left_end) || is.null(right_end) )
bounds <- .Call(C_peakBoundaries, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
left_end <- bounds[[1L]] + 1L
right_end <- bounds[[2L]] + 1L
p <- x[peaks] - min(x)
} else
# find peak bases if not provided
p <- attr(peaks, "prominences")
left_end <- attr(peaks, "left_bases")
right_end <- attr(peaks, "right_bases")
if ( is.null(p) || is.null(left_end) || is.null(right_end) )
bases <- .Call(C_peakBases, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
left_end <- bases[[1L]] + 1L
right_end <- bases[[2L]] + 1L
contour <- pmax(x[left_end], x[right_end])
p <- x[peaks] - contour
# descend peaks to find height at fraction of max
heights <- x[peaks] - (1 - fmax) * p
thresholds <- .Call(C_peakWidths, x, as.integer(peaks - 1L),
as.double(domain), as.integer(left_end - 1L),
as.integer(right_end - 1L), as.double(heights), PACKAGE="matter")
ann <- data.frame(row.names=seq_along(peaks))
ann$width_heights <- heights
# calculate widths at intersections of reference height
ann$left_ips <- thresholds[[1L]]
ann$right_ips <- thresholds[[2L]]
widths <- ann$right_ips - ann$left_ips
widths <- update_attr(widths, ann)
attributes(widths) <- ann
peakareas <- function(x, peaks, domain = NULL)
if ( is.null(domain) )
domain <- seq_along(x)
if ( is.unsorted(domain) )
matter_error("'domain' must be sorted")
left_bounds <- attr(peaks, "left_bounds")
right_bounds <- attr(peaks, "right_bounds")
if ( is.null(left_bounds) || is.null(right_bounds) )
# find peak boundaries if not provided
bounds <- .Call(C_peakBoundaries, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
left_bounds <- bounds[[1L]] + 1L
right_bounds <- bounds[[2L]] + 1L
ann <- data.frame(row.names=seq_along(peaks))
ann$left_bounds <- left_bounds
ann$right_bounds <- right_bounds
# calculate peak areas by numeric integration
areas <- .Call(C_peakAreas, x, as.integer(peaks - 1L),
as.double(domain), as.integer(left_bounds - 1L),
as.integer(right_bounds - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
attributes(areas) <- ann
peakheights <- function(x, peaks)
left_bounds <- attr(peaks, "left_bounds")
right_bounds <- attr(peaks, "right_bounds")
if ( is.null(left_bounds) || is.null(right_bounds) )
# find peak boundaries if not provided
bounds <- .Call(C_peakBoundaries, x,
as.integer(peaks - 1L), PACKAGE="matter")
left_bounds <- bounds[[1L]] + 1L
right_bounds <- bounds[[2L]] + 1L
ann <- data.frame(row.names=seq_along(peaks))
ann$left_bounds <- left_bounds
ann$right_bounds <- right_bounds
# calculate peak heights by maximum
heights <- binvec(x, left_bounds, right_bounds, stat="max")
attributes(heights) <- ann
binpeaks <- function(peaklist, domain = NULL, xlist = peaklist,
tol = NA_real_, tol.ref = "abs", merge = FALSE, na.drop = TRUE)
if ( any(lengths(peaklist) != lengths(xlist)) )
matter_error("lengths of 'peaklist' and 'xlist' must match")
if ( is.na(tol) ) {
# guess tol as ~1/2 the min gap between same-signal peaks
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
fun <- function(peaks) min(reldiff(peaks, ref=ref), na.rm=TRUE)
tol <- 0.5 * median(vapply(peaklist, fun, numeric(1)), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( is.null(domain) ) {
# guess domain
lims <- vapply(peaklist, range, numeric(2), na.rm=TRUE)
lims <- range(lims, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( tol.ref == "abs" ) {
domain <- seq(from=lims[1L], to=lims[2L], by=tol)
} else {
domain <- seq_rel(from=lims[1L], to=lims[2L], by=tol)
if ( is.unsorted(domain) )
matter_error("'domain' must be sorted")
peaks <- numeric(length(domain))
x <- numeric(length(domain))
n <- numeric(length(domain))
for ( i in seq_along(peaklist) ) {
# bin peaks to reference
p <- bsearch(peaklist[[i]], domain, tol=tol, tol.ref=tol.ref)
dup <- duplicated(p, NA_integer_)
while ( any(dup) ) {
# remove duplicates
pdup <- p[which(dup)[1L]]
pdup <- which(p == pdup)
diff <- abs(reldiff(peaklist[[i]][pdup],
domain[p[pdup]], ref=tol.ref))
p[pdup[diff >= min(diff)][1L]] <- NA_integer_
dup <- duplicated(p, NA_integer_)
# add peaks to bin sum
match <- !is.na(p)
p <- p[match]
peaks[p] <- peaks[p] + peaklist[[i]][match]
x[p] <- x[p] + xlist[[i]][match]
n[p] <- n[p] + 1
# average binned peaks
nz <- n != 0
peaks[nz] <- peaks[nz] / n[nz]
peaks[!nz] <- NA_real_
x[nz] <- x[nz] / n[nz]
x[!nz] <- NA_real_
names(tol) <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "absolute", "relative")
if ( merge )
x <- mergepeaks(peaks, n=n, x=x,
tol=tol, tol.ref=tol.ref, na.drop=FALSE)
# create output peaks
peaks <- structure(x, na.rm=TRUE, nobs=n,
class=c("stream_mean", "stream_stat"))
if ( na.drop && anyNA(peaks) )
peaks <- peaks[!is.na(peaks)]
attr(peaks, "tolerance") <- as_tol(tol)
attr(peaks, "domain") <- domain
mergepeaks <- function(peaks, n = nobs(peaks), x = peaks,
tol = NA_real_, tol.ref = "abs", na.drop = TRUE)
n <- as.vector(n)
x <- as.vector(x)
peaks <- as.vector(peaks)
if ( length(peaks) != length(x) )
matter_error("length of 'peaks' and 'x' must match")
if ( is.unsorted(peaks, na.rm=TRUE) )
matter_error("'peaks' must be sorted")
if ( is.na(tol) ) {
# guess tol as ~1/100 of average gap between peaks
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
tol <- 0.01 * mean(reldiff(peaks, ref=ref), na.rm=TRUE)
# find first peak
k <- min(which(!is.na(peaks)))
while ( k <= length(peaks) )
# find overlapping peaks
i <- k
j <- k
# search left & right while:
# 1) peak distance is less than tolerance
# 2) count is not increasing (i.e., a new peak)
left_of_mode <- FALSE
while ( i - 1L > 0L && !is.na(peaks[i - 1L]) &&
reldiff(peaks[(i - 1L):i], ref=tol.ref) <= tol )
if ( n[i - 1L] < n[i] )
left_of_mode <- TRUE
if ( n[i - 1L] > n[i] && left_of_mode )
i <- i - 1L
right_of_mode <- FALSE
while ( j + 1L <= length(peaks) && !is.na(peaks[j + 1L]) &&
reldiff(peaks[j:(j + 1L)], ref=tol.ref) <= tol )
if ( n[j + 1L] < n[j] )
right_of_mode <- TRUE
if ( n[j + 1L] > n[j] && right_of_mode )
j <- j + 1L
# average overlapping peaks
ij <- i:j
mpeaks <- sum(n[ij] * peaks[ij]) / sum(n[ij])
mx <- sum(n[ij] * x[ij]) / sum(n[ij])
# update overlapping peaks with average
p <- as.integer(mean(ij))
q <- setdiff(ij, p)
peaks[p] <- mpeaks
x[p] <- mx
n[p] <- sum(n[ij])
peaks[q] <- NA_real_
x[q] <- NA_real_
n[q] <- 0
# find next smallest gap between peaks
k <- j + 1L
while ( k <= length(peaks) && is.na(peaks[k]) )
k <- k + 1L
# create output peaks
peaks <- structure(x, na.rm=TRUE, nobs=n,
class=c("stream_mean", "stream_stat"))
if ( na.drop && anyNA(peaks) )
peaks <- peaks[!is.na(peaks)]
attr(peaks, "tolerance") <- as_tol(tol)
#### Resolution (rate) estimation ####
## -----------------------------------
estres <- function(x, tol = NA, ref = NA_character_)
if ( length(x) <= 1L )
x <- sort(x)
from <- x[-length(x)]
to <- x[-1L]
rx <- 2 * ((to / from ) - 1) / ((to / from) + 1)
rx <- ifelse(is.na(rx), Inf, rx)
dx <- diff(x)
dx <- dx[dx > .Machine$double.eps]
rx <- rx[rx > .Machine$double.eps]
if ( is.na(ref) ) {
if ( length(dx) && length(rx) ) {
if ( mad(dx / diff(range(x))) < mad(rx) ) {
ref <- "abs"
} else {
ref <- "x"
} else {
if ( length(dx) ) {
ref <- "abs"
} else if ( length(rx) ) {
ref <- "x"
} else {
if ( ref == "abs" ) {
if ( length(dx) ) {
res <- min(dx)
} else {
res <- Inf
if ( is.na(tol) || all(dx %% res <= tol) ) {
res <- c(absolute = res)
} else {
res <- c(absolute = NA_real_)
} else {
if ( length(dx) ) {
res <- min(rx)
} else {
res <- Inf
if ( is.na(tol) || all(rx %% res <= tol) ) {
res <- c(relative = res)
} else {
res <- c(relative = NA_real_)
#### Resampling with interpolation ####
## ------------------------------------
approx1 <- function(x, y, xout, interp = "linear", n = length(x),
tol = NA_real_, tol.ref = "abs", extrap = NA_real_)
if ( missing(xout) )
xout <- seq(from=min(x), to=max(x), length.out=n)
if ( is.integer(x) && is.double(xout) )
x <- as.double(x)
if ( is.double(x) && is.integer(xout) )
xout <- as.double(xout)
if ( is.na(tol) ) {
# guess tol as ~2x the max gap between samples
ref <- ifelse(tol.ref == "abs", "abs", "y")
tol <- 2 * max(abs(reldiff(sort(x), ref=ref)))
extrap <- as.numeric(extrap)
.Call(C_Approx1, xout, x, y, tol, as_tol_ref(tol.ref),
extrap, as_interp(interp), PACKAGE="matter")
#### Simulation ####
## -----------------
simspec <- function(n = 1L, npeaks = 50L,
x = rlnorm(npeaks, 7, 0.3), y = rlnorm(npeaks, 1, 0.9),
domain = c(0.9 * min(x), 1.1 * max(x)), size = 10000,
sdx = 1e-5, sdy = sdymult * log1p(y), sdymult = 0.2,
sdnoise = 0.1, resolution = 1000, fmax = 0.5,
baseline = 0, decay = 10, units = "relative")
if ( length(x) != length(y) )
matter_error("length of 'x' and 'y' must match")
if ( length(domain) == 2L ) {
xout <- seq(from=domain[1L], to=domain[2L], length.out=size)
} else {
xout <- domain
if ( missing(x) ) {
from <- min(domain)
to <- max(domain)
x <- (x - min(x)) / max(x - min(x))
x <- (from + 0.1 * (to - from)) + (0.8 * (to - from)) * x
i <- order(x)
x <- x[i]
y <- y[i]
if ( n > 1L ) {
yout <- replicate(n, simspec(x=x, y=y,
domain=domain, size=size, sdx=sdx, sdy=sdy, sdymult=sdymult,
sdnoise=sdnoise, resolution=resolution, fmax=fmax,
baseline=baseline, decay=decay, units=units), simplify=TRUE)
colnames(yout) <- seq_len(ncol(yout))
} else {
# calculate peak widths
dx <- x / resolution
peakwidths <- qnorm(1 - fmax / 2) * dx
# calculate peak variance
sdy <- rep_len(sdy, length(y))
yerr <- rlnorm(length(y), sdlog=sdy)
yerr <- yerr - exp(sdy^2 / 2)
y2 <- y + yerr
# calculate x error
errtype <- pmatch(units, c("relative", "absolute"), nomatch=1L)
xerr <- rnorm(1L) * switch(errtype, x * sdx, sdx)
x2 <- x + xerr
# calculate baseline
b <- baseline * exp(-(decay/max(xout)) * (xout - min(xout)))
# simulate the signal
yout <- simspec1(x2, y2, xout=xout,
peakwidths=peakwidths, sdnoise=sdnoise)
yout <- yout + b
structure(yout, domain=xout, design=list(x=x, y=y))
simspec1 <- function(x, y, xout, peakwidths = NA_real_,
sdnoise = 0, resolution = 1000, fmax = 0.5)
yout <- numeric(length(xout))
if ( length(x) != length(y) )
y <- rep_len(y, length(x))
if ( length(x) != length(peakwidths) )
peakwidths <- rep_len(peakwidths, length(x))
if ( anyNA(peakwidths) ) {
dx <- x / resolution
reswidth <- qnorm(1 - fmax / 2) * dx
na <- is.na(peakwidths)
peakwidths[na] <- reswidth[na]
xr <- range(xout)
for ( i in seq_along(x) ) {
if ( y[i] <= 0 || x[i] < xr[1L] || x[i] > xr[2L] )
yi <- y[i]
wi <- peakwidths[i]
peak <- which(x[i] - 6 * wi < xout & xout < x[i] + 6 * wi)
if ( length(peak) > 0L ) {
di <- dnorm(xout[peak], mean=x[i], sd=wi)
yout[peak] <- yout[peak] + yi * (di / max(di))
} else {
peak <- bsearch(x[i], xout, nearest=TRUE)
yout[peak] <- yi
if ( sdnoise > 0 ) {
noise <- rlnorm(length(xout), sdlog=sdnoise)
noise <- noise - exp(sdnoise^2 / 2)
yout <- yout + noise
pmax(yout, 0)
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