#' SurvivalCalc
#' SurvivalCalc removes nogrowth, contaminates and unexpected growth from experiments and then passes
#' the modified results to both survivalIntegral and survivalPercentage for calculations, followed by statsCLS for statistics.
#' @param firstDay Specify the first day of measurements, default=1
#' @param resultspath System path where the results are stored, default=current directory
#' @param rmflagged This determines if flagged wells are removed from CLS statistics, default=TRUE
#' @param statsCLS Should the code run statsCLS on the CLS results (TRUE/FALSE), default=TRUE
#' @param measureInterval Interval in minutes for each OD measurement, default=15
SurvivalCalc<- function(firstDay = 1, resultspath = getwd(), rmflagged=TRUE, statsCLS=TRUE, measureInterval=15)
print(paste0("Directory: ", resultspath," not found, confirm it exists and you have permission to access it."))
setwd(resultspath) # set directory to resultspath (location of raw results files)
survivalanalysis <-paste0(getwd(), "/Survivalanalysis") # create survivalanalysis which identifies the path for the survival analysis dir
dir.create(paste0("Survivalanalysis"), showWarnings = FALSE) # creates directory Survivalanalysis within current working directory
homedir<-RAWpath<-survivalanalysis # passes homedir and RAWpath to SurvivalPercentage and SurvivalIntegral
file_list <-
list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*.csv")
print(paste0("No csv files found to analyze in directory ",resultspath))
if(length(grep("results-", file_list))==0)
cat("WARNING: No csv files of the format results-<experiment>_Day_##.csv.
This could mean the path specified isn't the one with generated results
from OGA(); check that the path passed is correct. If the files are modified
and the names are changed to exclude results- in the name, you can ignore this warning.\n")
empty_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(file_list))
for (cleaning in 1:length(file_list))
df<-as.data.frame(read.csv(file_list[cleaning], row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
empty_list[[cleaning]]<-which(df[7,]!="No Growth" & df[8,]!="Unexpected Growth" & df[10,]!="CONTAMINATION")
xh<-Reduce(intersect, empty_list)
for (cleaning in 1:length(file_list))
df<-as.data.frame(read.csv(file_list[cleaning], row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
write.csv (df, file.path(survivalanalysis, file = paste0("results-flagged-wells-removed",file_list[cleaning])))
rm(xh, file_list, empty_list)
for (cleaning in 1:length(file_list))
df<-as.data.frame(read.csv(file_list[cleaning], row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
write.csv (df, file.path(survivalanalysis, file = paste0("results-flagged-wells-NOT-removed",file_list[cleaning])))
SurvivalIntegral(homedir, fileName = "SurvivalPercentage.csv")
if(statsCLS) { statsCLS() }
#' CLSCalc
#' CLSCalc calculates the fraction surviving (sn) between two time points.
#' @param delta is the time shift associated with the measurements.
#' @param measureInterval Time between each OD measurement in minutes. Default = 15
#' @param doubleTime Doubling time for the specific specimen of interest in seconds. Default = 90*60
CLSCalc <- function(delta, measureInterval=15, doubleTime = 90*60)
Sn = 100* (1 / (2^((delta*measureInterval) / doubleTime)))
#' SurvivalPercentage
#' This function computes percentage of cells still alive. This function looks for files
#' that have the filename of the syntax <experiment>_Day_###.csv , where <experiment> can be
#' any unique ID to define the experiment, _Day_ is a marker to identify when the day is
#' going to be specified and ### is the actual day that growth rate measurements were started.
#' @param RAWpath path where the raw data files are located. Default = current working directory
#' @param firstDay First day of measurements. Default = 1
#' @param measureInterval Time between each OD measurement in minutes. Default = 15
SurvivalPercentage <- function(RAWpath = getwd(), firstDay = 1, measureInterval=15)
print(paste0("Directory: ", RAWpath," not found, confirm it exists and you have permission to access it."))
file_list <-
list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*.csv") # list all files in current working directory with extension.csv and Day notation
print(paste0("No viable files found in ",RAWpath))
if(length(grep("results-", file_list))==0)
cat("WARNING: No csv files of the format results-<experiment>_Day_##.csv.
This could mean the path specified isn't the one with generated results
from OGA(); check that the path passed is correct. If the files are modified
and the names are changed to exclude results- in the name, you can ignore this warning.\n")
if(length(grep(pattern=paste0("*",firstDay,".csv"),file_list))==0) {
print(paste0("Could not find firstDay csv file, please confirm you have a csv file for that day. Format: <experiment>_Day_",firstDay,".csv"))
print("Calculating Survival Percentage")
for (i in 1:length (file_list))
# loop 1:x total number of CSV files in directory
assign(paste0(sub('.csv', '', basename(file_list[i]))), read.csv(file_list[i])) # read .csv into dataframe with the same name as original csv without extension.csv
dfs <-
Filter(f = function(x) is(x, "data.frame"), mget(ls(pattern="_Day_"))) # create nested list of all dataframes
# This creates a data frame that specifically holds the upper limit(ul.df) and doubling time(dt.df)
firstDaygrep = paste0("Day_",firstDay)
fullDt <- ul.df <- data.frame()
dt.df <- dfs[[grep(paste0(firstDaygrep,"$"),names(dfs))]][1,]
qvalue <- c()
for(x in seq_along(dfs))
qvalue[x] <- as.numeric(gsub("([0-9]+).*$", "\\1", strsplit(names(dfs[x]),"_")[[1]][3]))
ul.df <- rbind(ul.df,dfs[[x]][4,])
fullDt <- rbind(fullDt,dfs[[x]][1,])
# sortedDt is a sorted doubling time data frame so that the survival data frame is in a manner
# that is age+1 is the next element in the data frame so solving the survival function
# makes sense
ul.df[,1] <- qvalue
fullDt[,1] <- qvalue
fullDt <- fullDt[order(fullDt$Time),]
sortedDt <- ul.df[order(ul.df$Time),]
survDt <- sortedDt
survDt[1,] <- 100
survDt[1,1] <- 1
colnames(survDt) <- names(dfs[[1]])
for(z in 2:length(sortedDt[1,]))
for(y in 2:length(qvalue))
Sn <-CLSCalc((as.numeric(sortedDt[y,z])-as.numeric(sortedDt[1,z])), measureInterval, dt.df[1,z] )
write.csv(survDt,file="SurvivalPercentage.csv",row.names = FALSE)
#' SurvivalIntegral
#' Calculate the area under the curve as determined by the survival percentage for an experiment.
#' @param homedir Path where a csv containing the percent surviving for an experiment lives. default=getwd()
#' @param fileName Name of the file with the experimental data. default="SurvivalPercentage.csv"
SurvivalIntegral <- function(homedir=getwd(), fileName = "SurvivalPercentage.csv")
print(paste0("Could not find file: ",fileName))
print("Confirm that this file is in the working directory or specify a different file with laddername=<file>")
print("Calculating Survival Integral")
ul.df <- read.csv(file = fileName)
ul.df <- ul.df[order(ul.df$Time),]
SI.mat <- matrix(rep(0,length(names(ul.df))),nrow=1)
count <- 1
for(name in names(ul.df))
SI <- 0
for(n in 2:length(ul.df[,1]))
SI <- SI+((((ul.df[n,name])+ul.df[n-1,name])/2)*(ul.df[n,1]-ul.df[n-1,1]))
count <- count + 1
SI.df <- data.frame(SI.mat)
colnames(SI.df) <- names(ul.df)
ul.df <- rbind(ul.df,SI.df)
ul.df[length(ul.df[,1]),1] <- 0
write.csv(ul.df,file="SurvivalIntegral.csv",row.names = FALSE)
#' checkDoubleTimes
#' Check to determine whether doubling times between two days of experiments are within an
#' acceptable range as specified by the user and build a table of all cases where that is
#' either true or false.
#' @param dt.df data frame with the doubling times that need to be checked for high variation
#' @param acceptablePercentage What percentage either up or down that is acceptable in the computed difference between doubling times. default = 25
checkDoubleTimes <- function(dt.df,acceptablePercentage = 25)
TimeDiff <- matrix("NoDiff",nrow = length(dt.df[,1])-1, ncol = 1)
if(!("Time" %in% names(dt.df)))
print("dataframe provided is missing the Time field for the doubling times, needed to continue.")
for(l in 1:length(TimeDiff))
TimeDiff[l] <- paste0(dt.df$Time[l+1],"-",dt.df$Time[l])
results.df <- data.frame(TimeDiff)
df.colnames <- matrix(colnames(dt.df), nrow = 1)
for(z in 2:length(dt.df[1,]))
results.matrix <- matrix(TRUE,nrow = length(dt.df[,1])-1, ncol = 1)
for(n in 2:length(dt.df[,1]))
#print(paste0("Calculating: ",dt.df[n,z],"Divided by ",dt.df[n-1,z]))
dtDiff <- dt.df[n,z]/dt.df[n-1,z]*100
#print(paste0("Results: ", dtDiff))
if((dtDiff > 100+acceptablePercentage) || (dtDiff < 100-acceptablePercentage))
results.matrix[n-1] = FALSE
newName <- df.colnames[z]
# print(newName)
# print(results.matrix)
results.df[newName] <- as.data.frame(results.matrix)
# print(results.df)
# Sys.sleep(10)
###################### These are some potential other greps depending on final result of files.
# ############## saved for use later to get names more clearly dealt with
# > list.files(pattern = "results-[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*.csv")
# character(0)
# > list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*\\D*.csv")
# [1] "EMSQCLS_Day_14.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_21.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_28.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_7.csv"
# > list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*\\D.csv")
# character(0)
# > list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*\\D*.csv")
# [1] "EMSQCLS_Day_14.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_21.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_28.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_7.csv"
# > list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*[:graph:]*.csv")
# [1] "EMSQCLS_Day_14.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_21.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_28.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_7.csv"
# > list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*[[:graph:]]*.csv")
# [1] "EMSQCLS_Day_14.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_1gross78stuff.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_21.csv"
# [4] "EMSQCLS_Day_28.csv" "EMSQCLS_Day_7.csv"
# > library(stringr)
# > str_extract(list.files(pattern = "[[:alnum:]]*_Day_[[:digit:]]*[[:graph:]]*.csv"),"Day_[[:digit:]]*")
# [1] "Day_14" "Day_1" "Day_21" "Day_28" "Day_7
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