Man pages for lambdamoses/SeuratBasics
Slimmed down version of Seurat

AddMetaDataAdd in metadata associated with either cells or features.
AddModuleScoreCalculate module scores for feature expression programs in...
as.CellDataSetConvert objects to CellDataSet objects
as.GraphConvert a matrix (or Matrix) to the Graph class.
as.list.SeuratCommandCoerce a SeuratCommand to a list
as.loomConvert objects to loom objects
Assay-classThe Assay Class
AssaysPull Assays or assay names
as.SeuratConvert objects to Seurat objects
as.SingleCellExperimentConvert objects to SingleCellExperiment objects
as.sparseConvert between data frames and sparse matrices
AugmentPlotAugments ggplot2-based plot with a PNG image.
AverageExpressionAveraged feature expression by identity class
BarcodeInflectionsPlotPlot the Barcode Distribution and Calculated Inflection...
CalculateBarcodeInflectionsCalculate the Barcode Distribution Inflection
CaseMatchMatch the case of character vectors
cc.genesCell cycle genes
cc.genes.updated.2019Cell cycle genes: 2019 update
CellCycleScoringScore cell cycle phases
CellsGet cells present in an object
CellsByIdentitiesGet cell names grouped by identity class
CellScatterCell-cell scatter plot
CellSelectorCell selector
CollapseEmbeddingOutliersMove outliers towards center on dimension reduction plot
CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrixSlim down a multi-species expression matrix, when only one...
CombinePlotsCombine ggplot2-based plots into a single plot
CommandGet SeuratCommands
CreateAssayObjectCreate an Assay object
CreateDimReducObjectCreate a DimReduc object
CreateSeuratObjectCreate a Seurat object
CustomDistanceRun a custom distance function on an input data matrix
CustomPaletteCreate a custom color palette
DefaultAssayGet and set the default assay
DietSeuratSlim down a Seurat object
DimHeatmapDimensional reduction heatmap
DimPlotDimensional reduction plot
DimReduc-classThe Dimmensional Reduction Class
DiscretePaletteDiscrete colour palettes from the pals package
DoHeatmapFeature expression heatmap
DotPlotDot plot visualization
ElbowPlotQuickly Pick Relevant Dimensions
EmbeddingsGet cell embeddings
ExpMeanCalculate the mean of logged values
ExpSDCalculate the standard deviation of logged values
ExpVarCalculate the variance of logged values
FeaturePlotVisualize 'features' on a dimensional reduction plot
FeatureScatterScatter plot of single cell data
FetchDataAccess cellular data
FindAllMarkersGene expression markers for all identity classes
FindClustersCluster Determination
FindMarkersGene expression markers of identity classes
FindNeighborsSNN Graph Construction
FindVariableFeaturesFind variable features
GetAssayGet an Assay object from a given Seurat object.
GetAssayDataGeneral accessor function for the Assay class
GetResidualCalculate pearson residuals of features not in the
Graph-classThe Graph Class
h5adRead from and write to h5ad files
HTODemuxDemultiplex samples based on data from cell 'hashing'
HTOHeatmapHashtag oligo heatmap
HVFInfoGet highly variable feature information
IdentsGet, set, and manipulate an object's identity classes
IsGlobalIs an object global/persistent?
JackStrawDetermine statistical significance of PCA scores.
JackStrawData-classThe JackStrawData Class
JackStrawPlotJackStraw Plot
JSGet JackStraw information
KeyGet a key
LabelClustersLabel clusters on a ggplot2-based scatter plot
LabelPointsAdd text labels to a ggplot2 plot
LoadingsGet feature loadings
LogNormalizeNormalize raw data
LogSeuratCommandLog a command
LogVMRCalculate the variance to mean ratio of logged values
merge.SeuratMerge Seurat Objects
MetaFeatureAggregate expression of multiple features into a single...
MinMaxApply a ceiling and floor to all values in a matrix
MiscAccess miscellaneous data
MULTIseqDemuxDemultiplex samples based on classification method from...
NormalizeDataNormalize Data
oldseurat-classThe Seurat Class
OldWhichCellsIdentify cells matching certain criteria
pbmc_smallA small example version of the PBMC dataset
PCASigGenesSignificant genes from a PCA
PercentageFeatureSetCalculate the percentage of all counts that belong to a given...
PolyDimPlotPolygon DimPlot
PolyFeaturePlotPolygon FeaturePlot
print.DimReducPrint the results of a dimensional reduction analysis
ProjectGet and set project information
ProjectDimProject Dimensional reduction onto full dataset
Read10XLoad in data from 10X
Read10X_h5Read 10X hdf5 file
ReadAlevinLoad in data from Alevin pipeline
ReadAlevinCsvLoad in data from Alevin pipeline
ReductionsPull DimReducs or DimReduc names
RegroupIdentsRegroup idents based on info
RelativeCountsNormalize raw data to fractions
RenameAssaysRename assays in a 'Seurat' object
RenameCellsRename cells
RidgePlotSingle cell ridge plot
RowMergeSparseMatricesMerge two matrices by rowname
RunPCARun Principal Component Analysis
RunTSNERun t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
SampleUMISample UMI
ScaleDataScale and center the data.
ScoreJackStrawCompute Jackstraw scores significance.
SCTransformUse regularized negative binomial regression to normalize UMI...
SetAssayDataSetter for multimodal data
SeuratBasics-packageTools for single-cell genomics
Seurat-classThe Seurat Class
SeuratCommand-classThe SeuratCommand Class
SeuratThemeSeurat Themes
SplitObjectSplits object into a list of subsetted objects.
StdevGet the standard deviations for an object
SubsetByBarcodeInflectionsSubset a Seurat Object based on the Barcode Distribution...
SubsetDataReturn a subset of the Seurat object
subset.SeuratSubset a Seurat object
ToolGet and set additional tool data
TopCellsFind cells with highest scores for a given dimensional...
TopFeaturesFind features with highest scores for a given dimensional...
VariableFeaturePlotView variable features
VariableFeaturesGet and set variable feature information
VizDimLoadingsVisualize Dimensional Reduction genes
VlnPlotSingle cell violin plot
WhichCellsIdentify cells matching certain criteria
lambdamoses/SeuratBasics documentation built on May 6, 2020, 9:32 a.m.