AddMetaData | Add in metadata associated with either cells or features. |
AddModuleScore | Calculate module scores for feature expression programs in... |
as.CellDataSet | Convert objects to CellDataSet objects |
as.Graph | Convert a matrix (or Matrix) to the Graph class. |
as.list.SeuratCommand | Coerce a SeuratCommand to a list |
as.loom | Convert objects to loom objects |
Assay-class | The Assay Class |
Assays | Pull Assays or assay names |
as.Seurat | Convert objects to Seurat objects |
as.SingleCellExperiment | Convert objects to SingleCellExperiment objects |
as.sparse | Convert between data frames and sparse matrices |
AugmentPlot | Augments ggplot2-based plot with a PNG image. |
AverageExpression | Averaged feature expression by identity class |
BarcodeInflectionsPlot | Plot the Barcode Distribution and Calculated Inflection... |
CalculateBarcodeInflections | Calculate the Barcode Distribution Inflection |
CaseMatch | Match the case of character vectors |
cc.genes | Cell cycle genes |
cc.genes.updated.2019 | Cell cycle genes: 2019 update |
CellCycleScoring | Score cell cycle phases |
Cells | Get cells present in an object |
CellsByIdentities | Get cell names grouped by identity class |
CellScatter | Cell-cell scatter plot |
CellSelector | Cell selector |
CollapseEmbeddingOutliers | Move outliers towards center on dimension reduction plot |
CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrix | Slim down a multi-species expression matrix, when only one... |
CombinePlots | Combine ggplot2-based plots into a single plot |
Command | Get SeuratCommands |
CreateAssayObject | Create an Assay object |
CreateDimReducObject | Create a DimReduc object |
CreateSeuratObject | Create a Seurat object |
CustomDistance | Run a custom distance function on an input data matrix |
CustomPalette | Create a custom color palette |
DefaultAssay | Get and set the default assay |
DietSeurat | Slim down a Seurat object |
DimHeatmap | Dimensional reduction heatmap |
DimPlot | Dimensional reduction plot |
DimReduc-class | The Dimmensional Reduction Class |
DiscretePalette | Discrete colour palettes from the pals package |
DoHeatmap | Feature expression heatmap |
DotPlot | Dot plot visualization |
ElbowPlot | Quickly Pick Relevant Dimensions |
Embeddings | Get cell embeddings |
ExpMean | Calculate the mean of logged values |
ExpSD | Calculate the standard deviation of logged values |
ExpVar | Calculate the variance of logged values |
FeaturePlot | Visualize 'features' on a dimensional reduction plot |
FeatureScatter | Scatter plot of single cell data |
FetchData | Access cellular data |
FindAllMarkers | Gene expression markers for all identity classes |
FindClusters | Cluster Determination |
FindMarkers | Gene expression markers of identity classes |
FindNeighbors | SNN Graph Construction |
FindVariableFeatures | Find variable features |
GetAssay | Get an Assay object from a given Seurat object. |
GetAssayData | General accessor function for the Assay class |
GetResidual | Calculate pearson residuals of features not in the |
Graph-class | The Graph Class |
h5ad | Read from and write to h5ad files |
HTODemux | Demultiplex samples based on data from cell 'hashing' |
HTOHeatmap | Hashtag oligo heatmap |
HVFInfo | Get highly variable feature information |
Idents | Get, set, and manipulate an object's identity classes |
IsGlobal | Is an object global/persistent? |
JackStraw | Determine statistical significance of PCA scores. |
JackStrawData-class | The JackStrawData Class |
JackStrawPlot | JackStraw Plot |
JS | Get JackStraw information |
Key | Get a key |
LabelClusters | Label clusters on a ggplot2-based scatter plot |
LabelPoints | Add text labels to a ggplot2 plot |
Loadings | Get feature loadings |
LogNormalize | Normalize raw data |
LogSeuratCommand | Log a command |
LogVMR | Calculate the variance to mean ratio of logged values |
merge.Seurat | Merge Seurat Objects |
MetaFeature | Aggregate expression of multiple features into a single... |
MinMax | Apply a ceiling and floor to all values in a matrix |
Misc | Access miscellaneous data |
MULTIseqDemux | Demultiplex samples based on classification method from... |
NormalizeData | Normalize Data |
oldseurat-class | The Seurat Class |
OldWhichCells | Identify cells matching certain criteria |
pbmc_small | A small example version of the PBMC dataset |
PCASigGenes | Significant genes from a PCA |
PercentageFeatureSet | Calculate the percentage of all counts that belong to a given... |
PolyDimPlot | Polygon DimPlot |
PolyFeaturePlot | Polygon FeaturePlot |
print.DimReduc | Print the results of a dimensional reduction analysis |
Project | Get and set project information |
ProjectDim | Project Dimensional reduction onto full dataset |
Read10X | Load in data from 10X |
Read10X_h5 | Read 10X hdf5 file |
ReadAlevin | Load in data from Alevin pipeline |
ReadAlevinCsv | Load in data from Alevin pipeline |
Reductions | Pull DimReducs or DimReduc names |
RegroupIdents | Regroup idents based on info |
RelativeCounts | Normalize raw data to fractions |
RenameAssays | Rename assays in a 'Seurat' object |
RenameCells | Rename cells |
RidgePlot | Single cell ridge plot |
RowMergeSparseMatrices | Merge two matrices by rowname |
RunPCA | Run Principal Component Analysis |
RunTSNE | Run t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding |
RunUMAP | Run UMAP |
SampleUMI | Sample UMI |
ScaleData | Scale and center the data. |
ScoreJackStraw | Compute Jackstraw scores significance. |
SCTransform | Use regularized negative binomial regression to normalize UMI... |
SetAssayData | Setter for multimodal data |
SeuratBasics-package | Tools for single-cell genomics |
Seurat-class | The Seurat Class |
SeuratCommand-class | The SeuratCommand Class |
SeuratTheme | Seurat Themes |
SplitObject | Splits object into a list of subsetted objects. |
Stdev | Get the standard deviations for an object |
SubsetByBarcodeInflections | Subset a Seurat Object based on the Barcode Distribution... |
SubsetData | Return a subset of the Seurat object |
subset.Seurat | Subset a Seurat object |
Tool | Get and set additional tool data |
TopCells | Find cells with highest scores for a given dimensional... |
TopFeatures | Find features with highest scores for a given dimensional... |
VariableFeaturePlot | View variable features |
VariableFeatures | Get and set variable feature information |
VizDimLoadings | Visualize Dimensional Reduction genes |
VlnPlot | Single cell violin plot |
WhichCells | Identify cells matching certain criteria |
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