
Defines functions interaction2association auc.b cluster pcoa showGrowth showInteraction checkPackage diagnoseFit diagnoseBiomass

Documented in auc.b checkPackage cluster diagnoseBiomass diagnoseFit interaction2association pcoa showGrowth showInteraction

##' @title diagnoseBiomass
##' @param beem.out output of a beem run
##' @param true.biomass measured/true biomass (default: the biomass of last iteration)
##' @param alpha transparency parameter of the biomass lines
##' @description plot the trace of the fitted error of biomass
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @export
diagnoseBiomass <- function(beem.out, true.biomass=NA, alpha=0.1,...){
    trace.m <- beem.out$trace.m
    nIter <- ncol(trace.m)
        true.m <- trace.m[,nIter]
        true.m <- true.biomass
    rel.err.m <- (t((trace.m-true.m)/true.m))*100
    col <- rep(rgb(0,0,0,alpha), nrow(trace.m))
    col[beem.out$sample2rm] <- rgb(1,1,0, alpha)
    matplot(rel.err.m, type='l',
            ylab="Relative difference (%)",
            main='Biomass trace',
            lty=1, lwd = 3,
    lines(x=1:ncol(trace.m),y=apply(rel.err.m,1,median), col='red', lwd=5)

##' @title diagnoseFit
##' @param beem.out output of a beem run
##' @param dat input data for the beem run
##' @param thre threshold of R2 to show the label
##' @param annotate display the label for the species with R2 > thre
##' @import ggplot2
##' @import ggrepel
##' @description plot the R2 value for each species
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @export
diagnoseFit <- function(beem.out, dat, thre=0.5, annotate=TRUE){
    dat.tss <- tss(dat)
    r_ss <- rowSums(beem.out$err.p^2, na.rm=TRUE)
    if(length(beem.out$sample2rm) > 0 ) {
        dat.tss <- dat.tss[, -beem.out$sample2rm]
    t_ss <- apply(dat.tss, 1, function(x) sum((x[x!=0]-mean(x[x!=0]))^2))
    r2 <- 1-r_ss/t_ss
        species <- paste0('species', 1:nrow(dat.tss))
        species <- rownames(dat)}
    plot.dat <- data.frame(r2=r2, species=species)

    p <- ggplot(plot.dat, aes(y=r2, x=species, label=species)) +
        geom_point(size=2) +
        geom_abline(intercept=thre, slope=0, lty=2, size=1.5, col='red') +
        labs(x='Species', y=expression(R^{2})) +
        coord_flip() +
        p <- p +
            geom_text_repel(data=subset(plot.dat, r2>thre))

##' @title checkPackage
##' @param x package to check
##' @description Check if a package is available
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
checkPackage <- function(x){
    if (!requireNamespace(x, quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop(paste0("Package \"", x, "\" needed for this function to work. Please install it."),
             call. = FALSE)

##' @title showInteraction
##' @param beem.out output of a beem run
##' @param dat input data for the beem run
##' @param layout graph layout (see the documentation for ggraph)
##' @param node.text.size node text size
##' @param t.strength the threshold used to limit the number of interactions (strength)
##' @param t.stab the threshold used to limit the number of interactions (stability)
##' @param node.text.repel use ggrepel to arrange node labels
##' @description plot the interaction network inferred by beem (using ggraph)
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @export
showInteraction <- function(beem.out, dat, layout='fr', node.text.size=2, t.strength=0.001, t.stab=0.8, node.text.repel=TRUE){
    b <- t(beem2param(beem.out)$b.est) ## need transpose
    diag(b) <- 0
        b[t(beem.out$resample$b.stab<t.stab)] <- 0
    b[abs(b)<t.strength] <- 0

    g <- graph.adjacency(b, mode='directed', weighted='I')
    V(g)$label <- rownames(dat)
    V(g)$RelativeAbundance <- rowMeans(tss(dat))
    E(g)$Type <- ifelse( E(g)$I >0, '+', '-')
    E(g)$Strength <- abs(E(g)$I)
    g.simple <- delete.vertices(g, V(g)[degree(g) == 0])
    ggraph(g.simple, layout = layout)+#, circular=TRUE) +
        geom_edge_arc(aes(col=Type, width=Strength),arrow = arrow(length = unit(2, 'mm')),
                      curvature = 0.1, alpha=0.8,
                      end_cap=circle(3, 'mm'), start_cap=circle(3, 'mm')) +
        geom_node_point(pch=1, aes(size=RelativeAbundance)) +
        geom_node_text(aes(label = label), size=node.text.size, repel = node.text.repel, nudge_y = -0.1) +
        scale_edge_width(range = c(0.5,1.5), guide=FALSE) +

##' @title showGrowth
##' @param beem.out output of a beem run
##' @param dat input data for the beem run
##' @description ordered barplot for growth rates
##' @import ggplot2
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @export
showGrowth <- function(beem.out, dat){
    a <- beem2param(beem.out)$a.est
    ggplot(data.frame(Name=rownames(dat), Growth=a),
           aes(x=reorder(Name, Growth, function(x) x), y=Growth)) +
        geom_bar(stat='identity') +
        labs(x=NULL) + theme_bw() +

##' @title pcoa
##' @param countData OTU/species abundance table (each row is one species, each column is one site)
##' @param col a vector of colors for the points
##' @param k the number of dimensions
##' @description perform a PCoA analysis using Bray-Curtis distance
##' @importFrom vegan vegdist
##' @import ggplot2
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @export
pcoa <- function(countData, col='Color', k=2){
    dat.pcoa <- cmdscale(vegan::vegdist(t(countData)), k=k, eig=TRUE)
    per.var <- (dat.pcoa$eig/sum(dat.pcoa$eig))[1:2] * 100
    dat <- data.frame(dat.pcoa$points, col=col)
    ggplot(dat, aes(x=X1, y=X2, col=col)) +
        geom_point(size=2) +
        labs(x=paste0('PCoA1 (', round(per.var[1], 2),'%)'),
             y=paste0('PCoA2 (', round(per.var[2], 2),'%)'))

##' @title cluster
##' @param countData OTU/species abundance table (each row is one species, each column is one site)
##' @description perform a hierachical clustering analysis using Bray-Curtis distance
##' @importFrom vegan vegdist
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @export
cluster <- function(countData){
    hc <- hclust(vegan::vegdist(t(countData)))

##' @title auc.b
##' @param b.est the estimated interaction network (This can be a correlation matrix and the edges will be ranked based on the absolute value of the correlation coefficents)
##' @param b.true the true interaction network
##' @param is.association `b.est` is an association structure
##' @param show plot ROC curve. If set to `FALSE`, this will return the AUC value.
##' @param ... additional arguments for `pROC::plot.roc`
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @description plot ROC curve with AUC for the interaction graph (interaction signs are ignored)
##' @export
auc.b <- function(b.est, b.true, is.association=FALSE, show=TRUE, ...){
    diag(b.est) <- NA
    diag(b.true) <- NA
        b.true <- interaction2association(b.true)
        est <- b.est[lower.tri(b.est)]
        lab <- b.true[lower.tri(b.true)]
        est <- c(b.est)
        lab <- c(b.true)
    est <- abs(est[!is.na(est)])
    lab <- lab[!is.na(lab)]
    lab <- (lab!=0 ) *1
        pROC::plot.roc(lab,est, print.auc = TRUE, ...)
        pROC::auc(lab, est)

##' @title interaction2association
##' @param m an interaction matrix
##' @author Chenhao Li, Niranjan Nagarajan
##' @description Convert interaction matrix to association matrix by taking the average of the symmetric entries
interaction2association <- function(m){
    m.cp <- m
    tmp <- (m[lower.tri(m)] + t(m)[lower.tri(m)])/2
    m.cp[lower.tri(m.cp)] <- tmp
    m.cp <- t(m.cp)
    m.cp[lower.tri(m.cp)] <- tmp
lch14forever/beem-static documentation built on Aug. 30, 2021, 4:41 p.m.