
Defines functions .loadCoverageBigWig .loadCoverageBAM .REDUCER .bamMAPPER loadCoverage

Documented in loadCoverage

#' Load the coverage information from a group of BAM files
#' For a group of samples this function reads the coverage information for a
#' specific chromosome directly from the BAM files. It then merges them into a
#' DataFrame and removes the bases that do not pass the cutoff.
#' @param files A character vector with the full path to the sample BAM files
#' (or BigWig files).
#' The names are used for the column names of the DataFrame. Check
#' [rawFiles] for constructing `files`. `files` can also be a
#' [BamFileList][Rsamtools::BamFile-class], [BamFile][Rsamtools::BamFile-class],
#' [BigWigFileList][rtracklayer::BigWigFile], or [BigWigFile][rtracklayer::BigWigFile] object.
#' @param chr Chromosome to read. Should be in the format matching the one used
#' in the raw data.
#' @param cutoff This argument is passed to [filterData].
#' @inheritParams filterData
#' @param chrlen The chromosome length in base pairs. If it's `NULL`, the
#' chromosome length is extracted from the BAM files.
#' @param output If `NULL` then no output is saved in disk. If `auto`
#' then an automatic name is constructed using UCSC names (chrXCovInfo.Rdata
#' for example). If another character is specified, then that name is used for
#' the output file.
#' @param bai The full path to the BAM index files. If `NULL` it is
#' assumed that the BAM index files are in the same location as the BAM files
#' and that they have the .bai extension. Ignored if `files` is a
#' `BamFileList` object or if `inputType=='BigWig'`.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and/or advanced arguments.
#' Advanced arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{verbose }{ If `TRUE` basic status updates will be printed along
#' the way.}
#' \item{inputType }{ Has to be either `bam` or `BigWig`. It specifies
#' the format of the raw data files. By default it's set to `bam` before
#' trying to guess it from the file names.}
#' \item{tilewidth }{ When specified, [tileGenome][GenomicRanges::tileGenome] is used
#' to break up the chromosome into chunks. We don't recommend this for BAM
#' files as the coverage in the borders of the chunks might be slightly off.}
#' \item{which }{ `NULL` by default. When a `GRanges` is specified,
#' this specific region of the genome is loaded instead of the full chromosome.}
#' \item{fileStyle }{ The naming style of the chromosomes in the input files.
#' If the global option `chrsStyle` is not set, the naming style won't be
#' changed. This option is useful when you want to use a specific naming style
#' but the raw files use another style.}
#' \item{protectWhich }{ When not `NULL` and `which` is specified,
#' this argument specifies by how much the ranges in `which` will be
#' expanded. This helps get the same base level coverage you would get from
#' reading the coverage for a full chromosome from BAM files. Otherwise some
#' reads might be excluded and thus the base level coverage will be lower.
#' `NULL` by default.}
#' \item{drop.D }{ Whether to drop the bases with 'D' in the CIGAR strings
#' or to include them. Only used with BAM files. `FALSE` by default.}
#' \item{sampleNames }{ Column names to be used the samples. By default it's
#' `names(files)`.}
#' }
#' Passed to [extendedMapSeqlevels], [define_cluster],
#' [scanBamFlag][Rsamtools::ScanBamParam-class] and [filterData].
#' Note that [filterData] is used internally
#' by [loadCoverage] and has the important arguments `totalMapped`
#' and `targetSize` which can be used to normalize the coverage by
#' library size. See [getTotalMapped] for calculating `totalMapped`.
#' @return A list with two components.
#' \describe{
#' \item{coverage }{ is a DataFrame object where each column represents a
#' sample. The number of rows depends on the number of base pairs that passed
#' the cutoff and the information stored is the coverage at that given base.}
#' \item{position }{  is a logical Rle with the positions of the chromosome
#' that passed the cutoff.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The `...` argument can be used to control which alignments to consider
#' when reading from BAM files. See [scanBamFlag][Rsamtools::ScanBamParam-class].
#' Parallelization for loading the data in chunks is used only used when
#' `tilewidth` is specified. You may use up to one core per tile.
#' If you set the advanced argument `drop.D = TRUE`, bases with CIGAR
#' string "D" (deletion from reference) will be excluded from the base-level
#' coverage calculation.
#' If you are working with data from an organism different from 'Homo sapiens'
#' specify so by setting the global 'species' and 'chrsStyle' options. For
#' example:
#' `options(species = 'arabidopsis_thaliana')`
#' `options(chrsStyle = 'NCBI')`
#' @seealso [fullCoverage], [getTotalMapped]
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres, Andrew Jaffe
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics path
#' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFileList scanBamHeader ScanBamParam
#' scanBamFlag BamFile
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignments
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom rtracklayer BigWigFileList BigWigFile
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels
#' mapSeqlevels
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges tileGenome
#' @importFrom GenomicFiles reduceByFile
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomicRanges coverage isDisjoint reduce width resize
#' @importMethodsFrom Rsamtools names
#' @importMethodsFrom rtracklayer import import.bw
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' datadir <- system.file("extdata", "genomeData", package = "derfinder")
#' files <- rawFiles(
#'     datadir = datadir, samplepatt = "*accepted_hits.bam$",
#'     fileterm = NULL
#' )
#' ## Shorten the column names
#' names(files) <- gsub("_accepted_hits.bam", "", names(files))
#' ## Read and filter the data, only for 2 files
#' dataSmall <- loadCoverage(files = files[1:2], chr = "21", cutoff = 0)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Export to BigWig files
#' createBw(list("chr21" = dataSmall))
#' ## Load data from BigWig files
#' dataSmall.bw <- loadCoverage(c(
#'     ERR009101 = "ERR009101.bw", ERR009102 =
#'         "ERR009102.bw"
#' ), chr = "chr21")
#' ## Compare them
#' mapply(function(x, y) {
#'     x - y
#' }, dataSmall$coverage, dataSmall.bw$coverage)
#' ## Note that the only difference is the type of Rle (integer vs numeric) used
#' ## to store the data.
#' }
loadCoverage <- function(
        files, chr, cutoff = NULL, filter = "one",
        chrlen = NULL, output = NULL, bai = NULL, ...) {

    ## Advanged arguments
    # @param verbose If \code{TRUE} basic status updates will be printed along the
    # way.
    verbose <- .advanced_argument("verbose", TRUE, ...)

    # @param inputType Has to be either \code{bam} or \code{BigWig}. It specifies
    # the format of the raw data files.
    inputType <- .advanced_argument("inputType", "bam", ...)

    ## Guess the input type if it's not supplied
    if (is(files, "BigWigFileList") | is(files, "BigWigFile")) {
        inputType <- "BigWig"
    } else if (is(files, "BamFileList") | is(files, "BamFile")) {
        inputType <- "bam"
    } else if (all(grepl("bw$|bigwig$", tolower(files)))) {
        inputType <- "BigWig"
    stopifnot(inputType %in% c("bam", "BigWig"))

    # @param tilewidth When specified, \link[GenomicRanges]{tileGenome} is used to
    # break up the chromosome into chunks.
    tilewidth <- .advanced_argument("tilewidth", NULL, ...)

    # @param which \code{NULL} by default. When a \code{GRanges} is specified,
    # this specific region of the genome is loaded instead of the full chromosome.
    which <- .advanced_argument("which", NULL, ...)

    # @param fileStyle The naming style of the chromosomes in the input files. If
    # the global option 'chrsStyle' is not set, the naming style won't be changed.
    fileStyle <- .advanced_argument("fileStyle", getOption(
    ), ...)

    # @param protectWhich When not \code{NULL} and \code{which} is specified, this argument specifies by how much the ranges in \code{which} will be expanded.
    # This helps get the same base level coverage you would get from reading the coverage for a full chromosome. Otherwise some reads might be excluded and thus the base level coverage will be lower.
    protectWhich <- .advanced_argument("protectWhich", NULL, ...)

    ## Assign naming style
    chr <- extendedMapSeqlevels(chr, style = fileStyle, ...)

    ## Fix 'which'
    if (!is.null(which)) {
        stopifnot(is(which, "GRanges"))
        which <- renameSeqlevels(which, extendedMapSeqlevels(seqlevels(which),
            style = fileStyle, ...

        if (!is.null(protectWhich)) {
            stopifnot(protectWhich >= 0)
            which <- resize(which, width(which) + protectWhich, fix = "center")

        if (!isDisjoint(which)) {
            ## Prevent counting more than once the coverage for a given region
            which <- reduce(which)

    ## Do the indexes exist?
    if (is(files, "BamFileList")) {
        bList <- files
    } else if (is(files, "BamFile")) {
        bList <- BamFileList(files)
    } else if (is(files, "BigWigFileList")) {
        bList <- files
    } else if (is(files, "BigWigFile")) {
        bList <- BigWigFileList(path(files))
    } else if (inputType == "bam") {
        if (is.null(bai)) {
            bai <- paste0(files, ".bai")
        if (all(file.exists(bai))) {
            bList <- BamFileList(files, bai)
        } else {
            stop("Not all BAM files have a BAM index. If the BAM index files are in a separate directory from the BAM files or are not named as 'bamFile.bam.bai' then consider using the 'bai' argument.")
    } else if (inputType == "BigWig") {
        bList <- BigWigFileList(files)
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
            warning("As of rtracklayer 1.25.16, BigWig is not supported on Windows. Thus loading data from BigWig files will most likely fail!")

    ## Determine the chromosome length
    if (is.null(chrlen)) {
        ## This assumes that all the BAM files are from the same
        ## organism.
        if (verbose) {
                "loadCoverage: finding chromosome lengths"
        if (inputType == "bam") {
            clengths <- scanBamHeader(bList[[1]])$targets
        } else if (inputType == "BigWig") {
            clengths <- seqlengths(bList[[1]])

        if (!chr %in% names(clengths)) {
                "'chr' is not correctly specified. Valid options are:",
                paste(names(clengths), collapse = ", ")
        chrlen <- clengths[chr]

    ## Make tiles if using GenomicFiles
    if (!is.null(tilewidth)) {
        tiles <- tileGenome(chrlen, tilewidth = tilewidth)

        ## Define cluster
        BPPARAM <- define_cluster(...)

    ## Construct the objects so only the chr of interest is read
    ## from the BAM/BigWig file
    if (is.null(which) | !is(which, "GRanges")) {
        which <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(1, chrlen))
    if (inputType == "bam") {
        param <- ScanBamParam(
            which = which,
            flag = .runFunFormal(scanBamFlag, ...)

        # @param drop.D Whether to drop the bases with 'D' in the CIGAR strings
        # or to include them.
        drop.D <- .advanced_argument("drop.D", FALSE, ...)

        ## Read in the data for all the chrs
        if (is.null(tilewidth)) {
            data <- lapply(bList, .loadCoverageBAM,
                param = param, chr = chr,
                verbose = verbose, drop.D.ranges = drop.D
        } else {
            data <- reduceByFile(tiles, bList, .bamMAPPER, .REDUCER,
                chr = chr, verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
                drop.D.ranges = drop.D, ...
    } else if (inputType == "BigWig") {
        ## Read in the data for all the chrs
        if (is.null(tilewidth)) {
            data <- lapply(bList, .loadCoverageBigWig,
                range = which,
                chr = chr, verbose = verbose
        } else {
            data <- reduceByFile(tiles, bList, .loadCoverageBigWig, .REDUCER,
                chr = chr, verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = BPPARAM

    ## Identify which bases pass the cutoff
    if (verbose) {
            "loadCoverage: applying the cutoff to the merged data"

    ## Rename the object to a name that will make more sense later
    varname <- paste0(mapSeqlevels(chr, "UCSC"), "CovInfo")

    # @param sampleNames Column names to be used the samples
    sampleNames <- .advanced_argument("sampleNames", names(files), ...)

    assign(varname, filterData(
        data = data, cutoff = cutoff, index = NULL,
        colnames = sampleNames, filter = filter, ...

    ## Save if output is specified
    if (!is.null(output)) {
        ## Automatic output name
        if (output == "auto") {
            output <- paste0(varname, ".Rdata")

        ## Print output name
        if (verbose) {
                Sys.time(), "loadCoverage: saving the output file",

        ## Save the DataFrame
        save(list = varname, file = output, compress = "gzip")

    ## Done

## GenomicFiles functions for BAM/BigWig files
.bamMAPPER <- function(range, file, chr, verbose, drop.D.ranges, ...) {
    param <- ScanBamParam(which = range, flag = .runFunFormal(
    .loadCoverageBAM(file, param, chr, verbose, drop.D.ranges)

.REDUCER <- function(mapped, ...) {
    Reduce("+", mapped)

.loadCoverageBAM <- function(file, param, chr, verbose, drop.D.ranges) {
    if (verbose) {
            Sys.time(), "loadCoverage: loading BAM file",

    ## Read the BAM file and get the coverage. Extract only the
    ## one for the chr in question.
    output <- coverage(readGAlignments(file, param = param),
        drop.D.ranges = drop.D.ranges

    ## Done

.loadCoverageBigWig <- function(range, file, chr, verbose) {
    if (verbose) {
            Sys.time(), "loadCoverage: loading BigWig file",

    ## Read the BAM file and get the coverage. Extract only the
    ## one for the chr in question.

    ## Based on http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/web-query/
    ## and https://github.com/leekgroup/recount/commit/8da982b309e2d19638166f263057d9f85bb64e3f
    N.TRIES <- 3L
    while (N.TRIES > 0L) {
        output <- tryCatch(
            import(file, selection = reduce(range), as = "RleList"),
            error = identity
        if (!inherits(output, "error")) {
        Sys.sleep(runif(n = 1, min = 2, max = 5))
        N.TRIES <- N.TRIES - 1L
    if (N.TRIES == 0L) stop(conditionMessage(output))

    ## Done
lcolladotor/derfinder documentation built on May 10, 2023, 11:07 p.m.