
#' Generate KM curve(s) for full population or subgroups defined by single factor or multiple factors
#' The function generates KM curves for full population or subgroups. The subgroups may be defined as a single factor or multiple factors.
#' @author Ning Leng \email{leng.ning@gene.com}, Alexey Pronin \email{pronin.alexey@gene.com}, and previous team members (see DESCRIPTION)
#' @param bep name of the column which indicates subpopulation (e.g. biomarker evaluable population)
#' If parameter bep is not defined, the KM curve(s) will be draw using all samples.
#' If bep is defined, the KM curve(s) will be draw using only samples in BEP.
#' @param varlist name (or names) of the column which indicates the subgroups (e.g. treatment group). It is supposed to be a vector.
#' This is an alternative option for specifying variable of interest (instead of specifying trt and var).
#' trt and var will be ignored if varlist is not NULL.
#' Compare to specifying trt and var, user can input any numbers of variables to varlist (a vector of column names).
#' Any specified column is expected to be categorical. If one column is in character class and var.levels is not specified,
#' it will be converted to a factor by factor() function. If varlist.levels is defined, the column will be converted to
#' a factor following the level order in varlist.levels.
#' In the legend, the subgroups will be ordered based on the order of factor levels.
#' The parameter varlist can also be a vector of multiple column names.
#' @param varlist.levels levels in the subgroups. It should be a vector if the parameter varlist is a single column name.
#' It should be a list if more than one columns are specified in the prarameter varlist.
#' The elements in the list should match the columns defined in parameter varlist.
#' Each element of the list should contain a vector, elements in the vector defines levels of the corresponding column.
#' @param varlist.labels preferred labels for the varlist.
#' varlist.levels should be provided if subgroupd.labels is specified. The order in varlist.labels should match varlist.levels.
#' It should be a vector if the parameter varlist is a single column name.
#' It should be a list if more than one columns are specified in the prarameter varlist.
#' The elements in the list should match the columns defined in parameter varlist.
#' Each element of the list should contain a vector, elements in the vector defines labels of the corresponding column.
#' @param plot.nrisk whether show number of patients at risk at the below the graph. If it is specified as TRUE, number of patients
#' at risk will be summarized by subgroup.
#' @param nrisk.interval interval to summarize number of patients at risk . Default is to summarize every 2 (months)
#' @param cex.nrisk font size for the number of patients at risk.
#' @param plot.grid whether show horizontal grids
#' @param grids horizontal grids
#' @param plot.legend whether show legend
#' @param legend.loc,legend.x,legend.y legend location. a single keyword from the list "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right" and "center".
#' @param plot.median whether show median TTE of each subgroup. (won't show if median TTE is NA)
#' @param median.cex font size of marked median. This parameter will be ignored if plot.median=FALSE
#' @param xlim,ylab,xlab,main,col,lty,lwd,sub,ylim see \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param y.percentage whether show percentage in y axis (0-100) or probability (0-1). Default is probability
#' @param return.data if it is TRUE, input data frame will be returned. If var is cont., an additional column called
#' var_group will be added to the data form, which stores the dichotomized values
#' @param surv.conf.type type of confidence interval. Default is "plain". See survfit
#' @param var.levels,var.labels parameter for old versions, please dont use
#' @param  ... additional parameters for \code{\link{plot}}
#' @note This function generates KM curve(s) for full population (when parameter var is not defined)
#' or var (when parameter var is defined).
#' @importFrom graphics plot axis mtext grid box polygon lines legend
#' @importFrom survival survfit
#' @inheritParams CompareKM
#' @inheritParams SummarySingle
#' @inheritParams PlotTabForestBiomarker
#' @examples
#' data(input)
#' sample.data <- input
#' PlotKM(data=sample.data, tte="OS",cens="OS.event", main="OS ITT by treatment", var="Arm")
#' @export

PlotKM <- function(data, tte, cens,
                   trt=NULL, var=NULL,
                   percentile.cutoff=0.5,quantile.type=2,cutoff.digits=2,equal.in.high = TRUE,
                   varlist=NULL, varlist.levels=NULL, varlist.labels=NULL,
                   bep=NULL, bep.indicator=1,
                   plot.nrisk=TRUE, nrisk.interval=2, cex.nrisk=.8,
                   plot.grid=TRUE, grids=seq(0,1,0.1), plot.legend=TRUE,legend.loc="topright", legend.x=NULL, legend.y=NULL,
                   col=NULL, lty=NULL, lwd=3,surv.conf.type="plain",
                   xlab="Months To Event Or Censoring", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=NULL,  ylab="Survival Probability",
                   main="",sub="", plot.median=FALSE,median.cex=.8,digits=2,y.percentage=FALSE,
                   pdf.name=NULL, pdf.param=list(height=5), par.param=list(mar=c(12,9,3,2)), return.data=FALSE,
                   var.levels=NULL, var.labels=NULL){

        message("more than one elements in 'var', trt parameter will be ignored")
        varlist <- var
        varlist.levels <- var.levels
        varlist.labels <- var.labels
        var <- trt <- NULL
        message("'varlist' is specified, trt and var parameters will be ignored")

    stopifnot(class(data) == "data.frame")
    if(!is.null(bep))if(! bep %in% colnames(data))stop("bep should in column names in the input data!")
    if(!is.null(var))if(! all(c(trt,var,varlist) %in% colnames(data)))stop("names in 'var','trt','var.list' should be in column names in the input data!")
    if(!is.null(bep))data <- data[which(data[,bep]==bep.indicator),]

    var.store <- var
    percentile.footnote <- NULL
    if(!is.null(numerical.cutoff)) {
      percentile.cutoff <- NULL
      message("numerical cutoff specified")
    ll <- c(trt,var,varlist)
        whichNA <- sapply(data[ll],function(i)which(is.na(i)))
        whichNA.v <- unique(unlist(whichNA))
            data <- data[-whichNA.v,]
            message("entries who have NA in trt, var, or varlist are removed")

    # in the cases when trt and var are specified - creat var.list
    if(!is.null(trt)) varlist <- trt
        possible.class <-c("categorical","numeric")
            if(class(data[,var])%in%c("numeric","integer"))var.class <- "numeric"
            if(class(data[,var])%in%c("logical"))class(data[,var]) <- "character"
            if(class(data[,var])%in%c("character","factor"))var.class <- "categorical"
        data$bm.tmp <- rep(NA, length(data[[1]]))
                percentile.cutoff <- sort(unique(c(0,1,percentile.cutoff)))
                for(i in 2:length(percentile.cutoff)){
                    qt1 <- round(quantile(data[[var]], percentile.cutoff[i-1], type=quantile.type),cutoff.digits)
                    qt2 <- round(quantile(data[[var]], percentile.cutoff[i], type=quantile.type),cutoff.digits)
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>=qt1 & data[[var]]< qt2)]<- paste0(var.name,"[",percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100," - ",percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%)")
                            if(i==2)percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote, percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100,"%: ",qt1,". ")
                            percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote,percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%: ",qt2,". ")
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>=qt1 & data[[var]]<= qt2)] <- paste0(var.name,"[",percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100," - ",percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%]")
                            if(i==2)percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote,percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100,"%: ",qt1,". ")
                            percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote, percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%: ",qt2,". ")
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>qt1 & data[[var]]<= qt2)] <- paste0(var.name,"(",percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100," - ",percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%]")
                            if(i==2)percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote, percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100,"%: ",qt1,". ")
                            percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote,percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%: ",qt2,". ")
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>=qt1 & data[[var]]<= qt2)] <- paste0(var.name,"[",percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100," - ",percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%]")
                            if(i==2)percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote,percentile.cutoff[i-1]*100,"%: ",qt1,". ")
                            percentile.footnote <- paste0(percentile.footnote, percentile.cutoff[i]*100,"%: ",qt2,". ")


                numerical.cutoff <- sort(unique(c(min(data[[var]]),max(data[[var]]),numerical.cutoff)))
                for(i in 2:length(numerical.cutoff)){
                    qt1 <- numerical.cutoff[i-1]
                    qt2 <- numerical.cutoff[i]
                    if(i==2)qt1 <- qt1 - 10^(-cutoff.digits)
                    if(i==length(numerical.cutoff)) qt2 <- qt2 + 10^(-cutoff.digits)
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>=qt1 & data[[var]]< qt2)]  <- paste0(var.name,"[",numerical.cutoff[i-1]," - ",numerical.cutoff[i],")")
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>=qt1 & data[[var]]<= qt2)] <- paste0(var.name,"[",numerical.cutoff[i-1]," - ",numerical.cutoff[i],"]")
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>qt1 & data[[var]]<= qt2)] <- paste0(var.name,"(",numerical.cutoff[i-1]," - ",numerical.cutoff[i],"]")
                            data$bm.tmp[which(data[[var]]>=qt1 & data[[var]]<= qt2)] <- paste0(var.name,"[",numerical.cutoff[i-1]," - ",numerical.cutoff[i],"]")
            var <- paste0(var,"_groups")
            data[,var] <- data$bm.tmp
        varlist <- c(varlist,var)

    if(!is.null(varlist.labels) & is.null(varlist.levels)) stop("varlist.levels should be provided if varlist.labels is specified!")

            stop(paste("number of elements in varlist.levels should match number of unique values in",varlist ))

            stop(paste("number of elements in varlist.labels should match number of unique values in",varlist ))


            stop(paste("number of elements in varlist.levels should match number of column names in parameter 'varlist'"))

            stop(paste("number of elements in varlist.labels should match number of column names in parameter 'varlist'"))

        for(i in 1:length(varlist)){

                stop(paste("number of elements in varlist.levels should match number of unique values in",varlist[i] ))

                stop(paste("number of elements in varlist.labels should match number of unique values in",varlist[i] ))


    var.ori <- varlist
    var.levels <- varlist.levels
    var.labels <- varlist.labels
    var <- "tmp.subgroup"
    n.subs <- length(var.ori)
    if(n.subs==0) data$tmp.subgroup <- ""
    if(n.subs==1) data$tmp.subgroup <- data[[var.ori]]
    if(n.subs>1) data$tmp.subgroup <-  apply(data[,var.ori],1,function(i)paste0(i,collapse=","))

        tmp.levels <- sapply(data[,var.ori],function(i)levels(factor(i)), simplify=FALSE)
        if(n.subs>1)data[,var] <- factor(data[,var], levels = apply(expand.grid(tmp.levels[n.subs:1])[,n.subs:1],1,function(i)paste0(i,collapse=",")))
        if(n.subs<=1)data[,var] <- factor(data[,var])
        if(length(var.ori)>1) var.levels <- apply(expand.grid(var.levels[n.subs:1])[,n.subs:1],1,function(i)paste0(i,collapse=","))
        data[,var] <- factor(data[,var], levels=var.levels)
        if(!is.null(var.labels)) {
            if(length(var.ori)>1) var.labels <- apply(expand.grid(var.labels[n.subs:1])[,n.subs:1],1,function(i)paste0(i,collapse=","))
            levels(data[,var]) <- var.labels

    if(is.null(par.param$mar))par.param$mar <- c(12,9,3,2)

    col.v <- c("blue","red","darkgreen","brown","darkgrey","skyblue","purple","cyan","pink","orange")
    strat.vec <- data[,var]
    nlev <- nlevels(strat.vec)
        if(is.null(col)) {
            col <-  col.v[1:nlev]
            if(!is.null(var.store)) col <- rep(1,nlev) # when only bm is specified, use different line types
            lty <- 1
            if(!is.null(var.store)) lty <- 1:nlev # when only bm is specified, use different line types
    # if more than one factors, use color to distinguish first several factors and use lty to distingush the last factor
    if(n.subs>1) {
        nfirst <- length(unique(apply(data[,var.ori[-length(var.ori)], drop=FALSE],1,function(i)paste0(i,collapse=","))))
        nlast <- length(unique(data[,var.ori[length(var.ori)]]))
        if(is.null(col))col <- col.v[rep(1:nfirst, each=nlast)]
        if(is.null(lty))lty <- rep(1:nlast, nfirst)

    if(is.null(var.labels))var.labels <- levels(strat.vec)

    fit <- survfit(as.formula(paste("Surv(",tte,",",cens,") ~ ", var)),conf.type=surv.conf.type, data=data)

    # xlim
        xlim2 <- max(data[,tte],na.rm=TRUE)*1.05
            xlim1 <- -0.5
            xlim1 <- 0
        xlim <- c(xlim1, xlim2)

    if(plot.nrisk) {
        fit2 <- fit
        time.pt <- seq(0,xlim[2],nrisk.interval)
        ix = 0
        n.risk <- c()
        if(nlev==1) fit2$strata <- length(fit$n.risk)
        for (kk in 1:(length(fit2$strata)))
            fit.n.risk = fit2$n.risk[(ix+1) : (ix+fit2$strata[kk])]
            fit.time = fit2$time[(ix+1) : (ix+fit2$strata[kk])]
            tmp = findInterval(time.pt, fit.time)
            n.risk <- rbind(n.risk, ifelse(tmp<length(fit.time), fit.n.risk[tmp+1], 0))
            ix = ix + fit2$strata[kk]
        dimnames(n.risk)[[2]] = time.pt

        if(par.param$mar[1] < 4+nlev) par.param$mar[1] <- 4+ nlev

    if(nlev>1)meds <- summary(fit)$table[,"median"]
    if(nlev==1)meds <- summary(fit)$table["median"]

    PlotParam(pdf.name, pdf.param, par.param)

    plot(fit,col=col,lwd=lwd,xlab="", ylab=ylab,lty=lty,
         main=main, sub=sub, axes=FALSE, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, conf.int=F, mark.time=TRUE)

    mtext(xlab,side=1, line=2)

    if(y.percentage==FALSE)axis(2,at=seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],0.1), seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],0.1),las=2); abline(h=0, col="gray")
    if(y.percentage==TRUE)axis(2,at=seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],0.1), seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],0.1)*100,las=2); abline(h=0, col="gray")

    if(plot.grid) abline(h=grids, col="gray",lty=3)
    if(plot.legend & nlev > 1){
        if(!is.null(legend.loc))legend(legend.loc,paste0(var.labels,", MST ", round(meds,digits)), lwd=2, col=col, lty=lty, bg="white")
        if(is.null(legend.loc))legend(x=legend.x, y=legend.y,paste0(var.labels,", MST ", round(meds,digits)), lwd=2, col=col, lty=lty, bg="white")
    i <- 1
        for(i in 1:nlev){
            mtext(side=1, at=xlim[1]-1.2, line=i+3,text=levels(strat.vec)[i],col=col[i],adj=1,cex=cex.nrisk*3/4)
            mtext(side=1, at=time.pt, line=i+3,text=n.risk[i,],col=col[i],cex=cex.nrisk)
    if(!is.null(percentile.footnote))mtext(side=1, at=xlim[1]-1.2, line=i+6,text=percentile.footnote,cex=0.8)

        lines(c(0,max(meds, na.rm=T)),c(.5,.5), col="gray", lty=2)
        jj <- 0
        for(i in 1:nlev){
                text(x=meds[i],y=0.05+(ylim[1]+(diff(ylim)/10)*jj),labels=paste0(var.labels[i],"\nmedian ",round(meds[i], digits)), col=col[i],cex=median.cex)
                lines(c(meds[i],meds[i]), c(0,.5),lty=3, lwd=1, col=col[i])
                jj <- jj+1
                text(x=xlim[1]+(diff(xlim)/10),y=0.05+(ylim[1]+(diff(ylim)/10)*jj),labels=paste0(var.labels[i],"\nmedian NA"), col=col[i],cex=median.cex)
                jj <- jj+1

    if (length(all_labels()) == 0) {

    out <- ""
    if(return.data)out <- data
lengning/gClinBiomarker documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:55 p.m.