
#' Generate bar plot to summarize response outcome by subgroups
#' This function generates bar plots to compare response outcome summarization (e.g. response rate) across different groups
#' (e.g. treatment arm, biomarker variable, demographics variable, full population vs bep, etc.)
#' @author Alexey Pronin \email{pronin.alexey@gene.com}, Ning Leng \email{leng.ning@gene.com}, and previous team members (see DESCRIPTION)
#' @param outcome.var column name of the response variable (e.g. best overall response).
#' entries with missing rsp value will be ignored in analysis.
#' @param binary whether summarize the response rate by responder/nonresponder (if binary=TRUE),
#' or by its original category (e.g. PD/SD/PR/CR). If binary is TRUE, responder categories
#' and nonresponder categories should be specified in rsp.response and rsp.nonresponse (all values in the outcome column
#' should be included in rsp.response and rsp.nonresponse),
#' at the same time rsp.levels will be ignored. If binary is FALSE, rsp.levels should be
#' specified to provide order of the categories. At the same time rsp.response and
#' rsp.nonresponse will be ignored.
#' @param rsp.response categories that should be considered as responder.
#' @param rsp.nonresponse categories that should be considered as non responder.
#' @param rsp.levels vector that indicates how to sort the response categories. This parameter will be ignored if binary is TRUE.
#' @param rsp.name Display name for the responders. Default is "rsp".
#' @param col color for different categories
#' @param plot.count default is FALSE. By default percentages will be shown.
#' If it is TRUE, will show counts instead
#' @param trt column name that indicates treatment variable. If this is not NULL,
#' the program will summarize the response outcome within each treatment arm.
#' @param trt.name treatment name to display
#' @param show.combine.trt if this is TRUE, will show summarization of combined data across treatment arms as well
#' @param compare.bep.itt whether want to generate two groups of bars to compare the summary statistics
#' in full population (e.g. ITT) vs in BEP. If this is TRUE, paramemeter bep should be specified. If this is FALSE,
#' parameters bep, bep.name, itt.name, bep.indicator will be ignored
#' @param compare.var whether want to generate multiple groups of bars to compare the summary statistics
#' in subgroups defined by var (e.g. categorical demographics or biomarker variable)
#' . If this is TRUE, paramemeter var should be specified. If this is FALSE,
#' parameters var, var.name, show.combine.var will be ignored
#' @param show.combine.var if this is TRUE, will show summarization of combined data across var levels as well
#' @param main main title of the barplot. Default is "Association of biomarker expression with response rate".
#' @param sub footnote under the bar plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param cex cex
#' @param digits see \code{\link{pdf}}. Number of digits to display for the response rate.
#' @param horiz whether show barplot horizontally
#' @param pdf.name name of output pdf file. If it's NULL, the plots will be displayed but not saved as pdf. Default is "rsp.barplot.pdf".
#' @param pdf.param list of parameters that define pdf graphics device. See \code{\link{pdf}}. Default is \code{list(width=6, height=4.5)}.
#' @param par.param list of parameters that define graphcial parameters. See \code{\link{par}}. Default is \code{list(mar=c(4,4,3,2))}.
#' @inheritParams SummaryVars
#' @inheritParams PlotTabForestBiomarker
#' @return a bar plot that summarizes response outcome
#' @examples
#' data(input)
#' PlotRspBar (input, outcome.var="Response",
#'            binary=TRUE,
#'            rsp.response=c("CR","PR"),
#'            rsp.nonresponse=c("SD", "PD","NON CR/PD","NE",NA),
#'            trt="Arm",
#'            compare.var=TRUE,
#'            var="KRAS.mutant")
#' @export

PlotRspBar <- function(data, outcome.var,
                       rsp.response = c("CR","PR"),
                       rsp.nonresponse = c("SD", "PD","NON CR/PD","NE"),
                       rsp.levels=c("CR", "PR","SD","NON CR/PD", "PD","NE"),
                       rsp.name = "Rsp",
                       trt=NULL, trt.name =NULL, show.combine.trt=TRUE,
                       compare.bep.itt=FALSE, bep = NULL, bep.name = NULL, itt.name="Full",bep.indicator=1,
                       compare.var=FALSE, var=NULL, var.name=NULL, show.combine.var=TRUE, horiz=FALSE,
                       main="Association of response rate",
                       par.param=NULL) {

      if(binary==FALSE) col <- colorRampPalette(c("tomato","deepskyblue"))(length(rsp.levels))
      if(binary==TRUE) col <- c("tomato","gray")
  stopifnot(class(data) == "data.frame")
  if(!all(c(var, trt, bep,outcome.var) %in% colnames(data)))stop("outcome.var, var, trt and bep should have matched column names in the input data!")

    data <- data[!is.na(data[,outcome.var]),]
    message(paste("entries with missing outcome.var are removed!", nrow(data),"entries left"))

  if(compare.bep.itt & is.null(bep)){
    compare.bep.itt <- FALSE
    message("compare.bep.itt=TRUE but bep is not specified. Reset test.bep as FALSE")
  if(compare.var & is.null(var)){
    compare.var <- FALSE
    message("compare.var=TRUE but bep is not specified. Reset test.bep as FALSE")

    stop("all unique values in outcome.var column should be included in rsp.response or rsp.nonresponse!")
    stop("all unique values in outcome.var column should be included in rsp.levels!")

  # generate response
    data$rspvar <- factor(ifelse(data[,outcome.var]%in%rsp.response,rsp.name,paste0("non-",rsp.name)),levels=c(rsp.name,paste0("non-",rsp.name)))
  if(!binary) data$rspvar <- factor(data[,outcome.var], levels=rsp.levels)

  data$sectionvar <- data$trtvar <- rep("All", length(data$rspvar))

    if(is.null(bep.name))bep.name <- bep
    data.bep <- subset(data, data[,bep]%in%bep.indicator)
    data.0 <- data
    data <- rbind(data,data.bep)
    data$sectionvar <- c(rep(itt.name,nrow(data.0)), rep(bep.name, nrow(data.bep)))
    data$sectionvar <- factor(data$sectionvar, levels=c(itt.name, bep.name))

    if(is.null(var.name))var.name <- var

    var.levs <- levels(factor(data[,var]))
    data$sectionvar <- factor(paste0(var.name,"(",data[,var],")"), levels=paste0(var.name,"(",var.levs,")"))

    data$trtvar <- factor(data[,trt])

  section.levels <- levels(factor(data$sectionvar))
  trt.levels <- levels(factor(data$trtvar))

  tab.list <- sapply(section.levels,function(i){
      table(subset(data, sectionvar==i & trtvar==j)$rspvar)
    }, simplify=TRUE)

  tab.list0 <- tab.list
  # If more than one trt level, add an 'All' row
  if(length(trt.levels)>1 & show.combine.trt) for(i in section.levels){
    tab.list[[i]] <- cbind(tab.list[[i]], rowSums(tab.list[[i]]))
    colnames(tab.list[[i]])[ncol(tab.list[[i]])] <- "All"

  tab.list1 <- tab.list
  # Add a 'All' row for var
    if(length(section.levels)>1 & show.combine.var){
      tab.list[[length(tab.list)+1]] <- matrix(
      rownames(tab.list[[length(tab.list)]]) <- rownames(tab.list[[1]])
      colnames(tab.list[[length(tab.list)]]) <- colnames(tab.list[[1]])
      names(tab.list) [length(tab.list)]<- "All"

  n.in.section <- ncol(tab.list[[1]])
  n.section <- length(tab.list)

  if(!(n.in.section==1&n.section==1))for(i in 1:n.section) colnames(tab.list[[i]]) <- paste0(names(tab.list)[i],":", colnames(tab.list[[i]]))

  tab.table <- do.call(cbind, tab.list)
  if(is.null(dim(tab.table)))tab.table <- matrix(tab.table, ncol=1, dimnames=list(rownames(tab.list[[1]]),"All")

    plottab <- t(t(tab.table)/colSums(tab.table))
    space <- intersect((1:(n.section-1))*n.in.section +1, 1:ncol(plottab))
    myspace <- rep(0.2, ncol(plottab))
    myspace[space] <- 0.8
    if(n.in.section==1&n.section==1)myspace <- .2

    if(binary)bi.txt <- paste(paste("N=",colSums(tab.table,na.rm=TRUE),sep=""),
                    paste("; ",rsp.name,"=",round(plottab[rsp.name,],digits+2)*100,"%",sep=""), sep="")
    else bi.txt <- paste("N=",colSums(tab.table,na.rm=TRUE),sep="")
    max.bi.txt <- max(nchar(bi.txt))
    max.name.txt <- max(nchar(colnames(plottab)))

    # Parameters for the pdf file if it's created.
     if (is.null(pdf.param$height)) {
        pdf.param$height <- 8

    if (is.null(pdf.param$width)) {
        pdf.param$width <- 8
    # Define par parameters
    if(is.null(par.param$mar)) {
        p1 <- max(5,.5*max.name.txt)
        p2 <- max(5.5,.55*max.bi.txt)
        if(horiz)par.param$mar <- c(5,p1,4,p2)
        if(!horiz) par.param$mar <- c(p1,4,p2,5)

    if(is.null(par.param$font.axis)) {
        par.param$font.axis <- 3

    PlotParam(pdf.name, pdf.param, par.param)

    num.axis <- ifelse(horiz,4,3)
    label.axis <- ifelse(horiz,3,4)
    perc.axis <- ifelse(horiz,1,2)

      xlab <- ifelse(horiz,"(%)","")
      ylab <- ifelse(horiz,"","(%)")
      bb <- barplot(plottab*100, horiz=horiz, col=col, space=myspace,
                  names=colnames(plottab),las=2, axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,
      xlab <- ifelse(horiz,"count","")
      ylab <- ifelse(horiz,"","count")
      bb <- barplot(tab.table, horiz=horiz, col=col, space=myspace,
                                names=colnames(plottab),las=2, axes=FALSE,  xlab=xlab,

    axis(perc.axis, las=1)

    if (binary) {
        axis(num.axis, at=bb, bi.txt,
             las=2, cex.axis=0.8*cex, line=-0.5, tick=F)
    } else {
        axis(num.axis, at=bb, bi.txt, las=2, cex.axis=0.8*cex, line=-0.5, tick=F)


    myoutcome.levels <- levels(data$rspvar)
    n.levels <- nlevels(data$rspvar)
    xmax0 <- 100
    if(plot.count) xmax0 <- max(colSums(tab.table))
    xmax <- xmax0
    if(binary)xmax <- xmax0/3
    nn <- nchar(myoutcome.levels)
    nn.unit <- xmax/sum(nn)
    tmp <- 0
    for (kk in 1:n.levels) {
      mtext(myoutcome.levels[kk], col=col[kk], side=label.axis, outer=FALSE, at=tmp, adj=0, las=3)
      tmp <- tmp +  nn.unit*nn[kk]

   # abline(h=bb[space]/2+bb[space-1]/2)

    if (!is.null(sub)) {
        mtext(sub, side=1, outer=FALSE, cex=0.8*cex, line=4, adj=0)


out <- list(count=t(tab.table), perc=t(plottab))
lengning/gClinBiomarker documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:55 p.m.