
Defines functions MapTaxaObs

Documented in MapTaxaObs

#' Taxa Observation Maps
#' Map taxonomic observations in Maryland.  Inputs are 3 GIS shapefiles
#' (State, County, and Hydrology) for Maryland, Observations (taxa names and
#' Lat/Longs), and #' a crosswalk table of taxa names and map names.  Input
#' files are assumed to be Excel with the data on the first worksheet.
#' The example data is fish but can be used for benthic macroinvertebrates as
#' well.
#' Maps are output as PNG.  There is a flag for "only" matches between the data
#' and the crosswalk table (this is the default).
#' There is also a "verbose" flag for printing status messages to the user (this
#'  is the default).
#' Tests for existence of Data, GIS directories and required files. On failure,
#' stops and prints missing directories/files to screen.
#' The R libraries rgdal, sf, and readxl are required for this function.
#' @param obs Excel file containing 3 columns: TaxaName, Latitude83, Longitude83
#' @param xWalk Crosswalk (Excel file) of taxa names between taxa name in
#' occurence file and file name outputs for maps.  Three columns (CommonName,
#' Species, MapName).
#' @param dirMain Path for folder containing obs and xwalk. Optional.
#' Default = getwd().
#' @param onlymatches Flag for mapping obs taxa matching xwalk taxa, or all
#' taxa. Optional. Default = TRUE.
#' @param dirData Subdirectory of "dir" specified above with data files.
#' Default = "Data"
#' @param dirGIS Subdirectory of "dir" specified above with GIS files.
#' Default = "GIS"
#' @param dirMaps Subdirectory of "dir" specified above for map outputs.
#' Default = "Maps"
#' @param verbose Boolean value for including feedback to the user that the
#' script is working.  Default = TRUE.
#' @return Saves the maps and a dataframe of observed taxa not matching xwalk
#' taxa to the dirMaps folder.
#' @examples
#' # Set Working Directory
#' wd <- tempdir()
#' # Create Example Data if Needed
#' ## Create Directories
#' myDir.create <- file.path(wd, "Data")
#' ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create) == FALSE
#'        , dir.create(myDir.create)
#'        , "Directory already exists")
#' myDir.create <- file.path(wd,"GIS")
#' ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create) == FALSE
#'        , dir.create(myDir.create)
#'        , "Directory already exists")
#' myDir.create <- file.path(wd,"Maps")
#' ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create) == FALSE
#'        , dir.create(myDir.create)
#'        , "Directory already exists")
#' ## Create Data
#' ### Taxa Data
#' myFiles <- c("AllFish_95to16.xls", "TaxaMapsCrossWalk20170731.xlsx")
#' file.copy(file.path(find.package("MBSStools", .libPaths())
#'          , "extdata"
#'          , myFiles),
#' file.path(wd, "Data", myFiles))
#' ### GIS
#' unzip(file.path(find.package("MBSStools", .libPaths()), "extdata", "MD_GIS.zip")
#'       , exdir = file.path(wd, "GIS"))
#' # Inputs
#' obs     <- "AllFish_95to16.xls"
#' xWalk   <- "TaxaMapsCrossWalk20170731.xlsx"
#' dirMain <- tempdir()
#' # Create maps
#' MapTaxaObs(obs, xWalk, dirMain)
#' @export
MapTaxaObs <- function(obs
                       , xWalk
                       , dirMain = getwd()
                       , onlymatches = TRUE
                       , dirData = "Data"
                       , dirGIS = "GIS"
                       , dirMaps = "Maps"
                       , verbose = TRUE
                       ) {
    # 0. QC
    boo_QC <- FALSE
      # Copy files
      # Set Working Directory
      wd <- tempdir()
      # Create Example Data if Needed
      ## Create Directories
      myDir.create <- file.path(wd, "Data")
      ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create) == FALSE
            , dir.create(myDir.create)
            , "Directory already exists")
      myDir.create <- file.path(wd, "GIS")
      ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create) == FALSE
             , dir.create(myDir.create)
             , "Directory already exists")
      myDir.create <- file.path(wd, "Maps")
             , dir.create(myDir.create)
             , "Directory already exists")
      ## Create Data
      ### Taxa Data
      myFiles <- c("AllFish_95to16.xls", "TaxaMapsCrossWalk20170731.xlsx")
      file.copy(file.path(path.package("MBSStools"), "extdata", myFiles)
                , file.path(wd, "Data", myFiles))
      ### GIS
      utils::unzip(file.path(path.package("MBSStools"), "extdata", "MD_GIS.zip"),
            exdir=file.path(wd, "GIS"))
      # Function Inputs
      obs         <- "AllFish_95to16.xls"
      xWalk       <- "TaxaMapsCrossWalk20170731.xlsx"
      dirMain     <- tempdir()
      onlymatches <- TRUE
      dirData     <- "Data"
      dirGIS      <- "GIS"
      dirMaps     <- "Maps"
      verbose     <- TRUE
      i           <- 1
      # shell.exec(dirMain)
    }## IF ~ boo_QC ~ END

    # 2021-01-10
    # Define missing variables
    # bindings for global variables -----
    CommonName <- MapName <- shp_strata_bugs <- shp_strata_fish <-
      shp_strata_msw <- NULL

    # 1. Define Parameters ####
    #mainDir <- dir
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
    }## IF ~ verbose ~ END

    sh.state  <- "MD_State_Boundary.shp"
    sh.coast  <- "MD_Coast_Hydrology.shp"
    sh.county <- "MD_Boundary_County_Detailed.shp"

    all.taxa <- file.path(dirMain, dirData ,obs)
    taxa.lu <- file.path(dirMain, dirData, xWalk)

    # 2. Testing ####
    # Test for existence of required data subdirectory and data files
    fl.files <-"\n"
    if (!utils::file_test("-d", file.path(dirMain, dirData))) {
        if (utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirData))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
        , "Path can't be created because a file with that name already exists."
                              , sep = "\n")
        } else {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "Data subdirectory does not exist."
                              , sep = "\n")
    } else {
        if (!utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirData, obs))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "Observation file does not exist."
                              , sep="\n")
        if (!utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirData, xWalk))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "Crosswalk file does not exist."
                              , sep = "\n")

    # Test for existence of required data subdirectory and data files
    if (!utils::file_test("-d", file.path(dirMain, dirGIS))) {##IF.dirGIS.START
        if (utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirGIS))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
        , "Path can't be created because a file with that name already exists."
                              , sep = "\n")
        } else {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "GIS subdirectory does not exist."
                              , sep = "\n")
    } else {
        if (!utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirGIS, sh.state))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "State boundary shapefile does not exist."
                              , sep = "\n")
        if (!utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirGIS, sh.coast))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "Coast boundary shapefile does not exist."
                              , sep = "\n")
        if (!utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirGIS, sh.county))) {
            fl.files <- paste(fl.files
                              , "County boundary shapefile does not exist."
                              , sep = "\n")

    if (fl.files != "\n") {##IF.!=.START

    # Make the Maps subdirectory if it doesn't exist
    if (!utils::file_test("-d", file.path(dirMain, dirMaps))) {
        if (utils::file_test("-f", file.path(dirMain, dirMaps))) {
            stop("Path can't be created because a file with that name already
        } else {
            dir.create(file.path(dirMain, dirMaps))

    # 3. Read Data ####
    # Read in Taxon observations
    df.taxa.obs <- readxl::read_excel(all.taxa
                                      , sheet = 1
                                      , col_names = TRUE
                                      , skip = 0)
    df.taxa.obs <- as.data.frame(df.taxa.obs)
    df.taxa.obs[, 1] <- tolower(df.taxa.obs[, 1])
    #df.taxa.obs <- as.data.frame(cbind(tolower(df.taxa.obs[,"TaxaName"])
    #, df.taxa.obs[,2:3]))
    colnames(df.taxa.obs)[1] <- "CommonName"

    # Read in TaxaMapsCrossWalk.xlsx
    df.lu.taxa <- readxl::read_excel(taxa.lu
                                     , sheet = 1
                                     , col_names = TRUE
                                     , skip = 0)
    df.lu.taxa <- as.data.frame(df.lu.taxa[, c("CommonName", "MapName")])
    df.lu.taxa[, "CommonName"] <- tolower(df.lu.taxa[, "CommonName"])
    # df.lu.taxa <- as.data.frame(cbind(tolower(df.lu.taxa[,"CommonName"])
    # colnames(df.lu.taxa)[1:2] <- c("CommonName","MapName")

    # 4. Munge Data ####
    # Compare TaxaName to CommonName
    taxa.names <- as.vector(df.lu.taxa[,"CommonName"])
    matches <- as.vector(df.taxa.obs[,"CommonName"]) %in% taxa.names
    df.taxa.nomatch <- as.data.frame(unique(sort(df.taxa.obs[
    colnames(df.taxa.nomatch)[1] <- "CommonName"
    df.taxa.match <- as.data.frame(unique(sort(df.taxa.obs[
    colnames(df.taxa.match)[1] <- "CommonName"

    if (onlymatches == TRUE) {
        # Create a data frame of common names and filenames for matching taxa
        map.taxa <- subset(df.lu.taxa, CommonName %in% df.taxa.match[
                           select = c(CommonName, MapName))
    } else {
        map.taxa.match <- subset(df.lu.taxa, CommonName %in% df.taxa.match[
                            select = c(CommonName, MapName))
        taxa.nomatch <- subset(df.taxa.obs, CommonName %in% df.taxa.nomatch[
                            select = CommonName)
        map.taxa.nomatch <- as.data.frame(unique(sort(taxa.nomatch$CommonName)))
        map.taxa.nomatch <- cbind(map.taxa.nomatch, as.data.frame(paste0("zzz_",
        colnames(map.taxa.nomatch) <- c("CommonName","MapName")
        map.taxa <- rbind(map.taxa.match, map.taxa.nomatch)

    # 5. Mapping ####
    ppi <- 72
    dsn <- file.path(dirMain, dirGIS)
    # state     <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = dsn
    #                             , layer = "MD_State_Boundary"
    #                             , verbose=verbose)
    # coastline <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = dsn
    #                             , layer = "MD_Coast_Hydrology"
    #                             , verbose=verbose)
    # counties  <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = dsn
    #                             , layer = "MD_Boundary_County_Detailed"
    #                             , verbose=verbose)

    # sf version
    state     <- sf::st_read(dsn = dsn
                                , layer = "MD_State_Boundary")
    coastline <- sf::st_read(dsn = dsn
                                , layer = "MD_Coast_Hydrology")
    counties  <- sf::st_read(dsn = dsn
                                , layer = "MD_Boundary_County_Detailed")

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(map.taxa))) {
      taxon <- as.character(map.taxa$CommonName[i])
      filename <- map.taxa$MapName[i]
      df.taxon.sites <- subset(df.taxa.obs, df.taxa.obs[,"CommonName"] == taxon)
      df.taxon.sites <- subset(df.taxon.sites
                               , !is.na(df.taxon.sites["Latitude83"]))
      grDevices::png(file = file.path(dirMain
                                      , dirMaps
                                      , paste0(filename, ".png"))
                     , width = 8.5 * ppi
                     , height = 5.5 * ppi
                     , pointsize = 12
                     , bg = "white")
             , col="white"
             , border = "gray")
             , add = TRUE
             , col = "light blue"
             , border=FALSE)
             , add = TRUE
             , col = "white"
             , border = "darkslategray"
             , lwd = 0.5)
        #xy <- df.taxon.sites[,2:3]
        proj.sites <- rgdal::project(cbind(df.taxon.sites$Longitude83
                                           , df.taxon.sites$Latitude83)
        "+proj=lcc +lat_1=39.45 +lat_2=38.3 +lat_0=37.66666666666666 +lon_0=-77
                +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")
        graphics::points(proj.sites[, 1]
                         , proj.sites[, 2]
                         , pch = 21
                         , col = "black"
                         , bg = "green"
                         , cex = 1.0)
      # user feedback
      if (verbose == TRUE) {##IF.verbose.START
        message(paste0("Saving map "
                       , i
                       , " of "
                       , nrow(map.taxa)
                       , "; "
                       , taxon
                       , "."))
    # 6. Clean up ####
    # Number on Non-Matches
    n.nomatch <- nrow(df.taxa.nomatch)
    # Save Non-Matches and inform user
    if (n.nomatch == 0) {
      message(paste0("There are no non-matching taxa names."))
    } else {
      file.output <- file.path(dirMain, dirMaps, "Taxa.NoMatch.csv")
      utils::write.csv(df.taxa.nomatch, file.output)
      message(paste0("There are "
                     , n.nomatch
    , " non-matching taxa names.
    The non-matches are saved in a table with the maps."))
leppott/MBSStools documentation built on April 8, 2024, 9:57 p.m.