##' A simple wrapper for the QC of 15N labelling. The respective
##' QC items are the distribution of PSM incorporation rates,
##' distribution of log2 fold-changes and number of identified
##' features. See the vignette for details.
##' @title N15 labelling QC report
##' @param object An \code{MSnSet} to be quality controlled.
##' @param fcol The name of the feature variables for the protein
##' identifiers (accession numbers for example), the peptide
##' sequences, the number of unique peptides for each identified
##' protein, the variable modifications identified on the peptides
##' and the N15 incorporation rate. These must be provided in
##' that order. Defaults are \code{Protein_Accession},
##' \code{Peptide_Sequence}, \code{Number_Of_Unique_Peptides},
##' \code{Variable_Modifications}, and \code{inc}.
##' @param inctr The minimum level of median incorporation rate to set
##' the QC item status to \code{TRUE}. Default is 97.5.
##' @param lfctr The range of accepted median PSM log2 fold-change for
##' the QC item status to be set to \code{TRUE}. Default is
##' \code{c(-0.5, 0.5)}.
##' @param type The type of report to be saved. If missing (default),
##' no report is generated. See \code{\link{qcReport}} for
##' details.
##' @param reportname The name of the report, in case a \code{type} is
##' defined. If missing (default), the report will be names
##' \code{n15qcreport} followed by the generation data and time.
##' @return Invisibly returns the resulting \code{QcMetrics} instance.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
n15qc <- function(object,
fcol = c("Protein_Accession",
inctr = 97.5,
lfctr = c(-0.5, 0.5),
reportname) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MSnSet"))
stopifnot(all(fcol %in% MSnbase::fvarLabels(object)))
## incorporation rate QC metric
qcinc <- QcMetric(name = "15N incorporation rate")
qcdata(qcinc, "inc") <- MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[5]]
qcdata(qcinc, "tr") <- inctr
status(qcinc) <- median(qcdata(qcinc, "inc")) > qcdata(qcinc, "tr")
show(qcinc) <- function(object) {
qcshow(object, qcdata = FALSE)
cat(" QC threshold:", qcdata(object, "tr"), "\n")
cat(" Incorporation rate\n")
print(summary(qcdata(object, "inc")))
plot(qcinc) <- function(object) {
inc <- qcdata(object, "inc")
tr <- qcdata(object, "tr")
lab <- "Incorporation rate"
dd <- data.frame(inc = qcdata(qcinc, "inc"))
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dd, ggplot2::aes(factor(""), inc)) +
ggplot2::geom_jitter(colour = "#4582B370", size = 3) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(fill = "#FFFFFFD0",
colour = "#000000", outlier.size = 0) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = tr, colour = "red",
linetype = "dotted", size = 1) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "", y = "Incorporation rate")
## summarise data
MSnbase::fData(object)$modseq <- ## pep seq + PTM
paste(MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[2]],
MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[4]], sep = "+")
pep <- MSnbase::combineFeatures(object,
as.character(MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[2]]),
"median", verbose = FALSE)
modpep <- MSnbase::combineFeatures(object,
"median", verbose = FALSE)
prot <- MSnbase::combineFeatures(object,
as.character(MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[1]]),
"median", verbose = FALSE)
## calculate log fold-change
qclfc <- QcMetric(name = "Log2 fold-changes")
qcdata(qclfc, "lfc.psm") <-
log2(MSnbase::exprs(object)[,"unlabelled"] / MSnbase::exprs(object)[, "N15"])
qcdata(qclfc, "lfc.pep") <-
log2(MSnbase::exprs(pep)[,"unlabelled"] / MSnbase::exprs(pep)[, "N15"])
qcdata(qclfc, "lfc.modpep") <-
log2(MSnbase::exprs(modpep)[,"unlabelled"] / MSnbase::exprs(modpep)[, "N15"])
qcdata(qclfc, "lfc.prot") <-
log2(MSnbase::exprs(prot)[,"unlabelled"] / MSnbase::exprs(prot)[, "N15"])
qcdata(qclfc, "explfc") <- lfctr
status(qclfc) <-
median(qcdata(qclfc, "lfc.psm")) > qcdata(qclfc, "explfc")[1] &
median(qcdata(qclfc, "lfc.psm")) < qcdata(qclfc, "explfc")[2]
show(qclfc) <- function(object) {
qcshow(object, qcdata = FALSE)
cat(" QC thresholds:", qcdata(object, "explfc"), "\n")
cat(" * PSM log2 fold-changes\n")
print(summary(qcdata(object, "lfc.psm")))
cat(" * Modified peptide log2 fold-changes\n")
print(summary(qcdata(object, "lfc.modpep")))
cat(" * Peptide log2 fold-changes\n")
print(summary(qcdata(object, "lfc.pep")))
cat(" * Protein log2 fold-changes\n")
print(summary(qcdata(object, "lfc.prot")))
plot(qclfc) <- function(object) {
x <- qcdata(object, "explfc")
plot(density(qcdata(object, "lfc.psm")),
main = "", sub = "", col = "red",
ylab = "", lwd = 2,
xlab = expression(log[2]~fold-change))
lines(density(qcdata(object, "lfc.modpep")),
col = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
lines(density(qcdata(object, "lfc.pep")),
col = "blue", lwd = 2)
lines(density(qcdata(object, "lfc.prot")),
col = "orange")
abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
abline(v = 0, lty = "dotted")
rect(x[1], -1, x[2], 1, col = "#EE000030",
border = NA)
abline(v = median(qcdata(object, "lfc.psm")),
lty = "dashed", col = "blue")
c("PSM", "Peptides", "Modified peptides", "Proteins"),
col = c("red", "steelblue", "blue", "orange"), lwd = 2,
bty = "n")
## number of features
qcnb <- QcMetric(name = "Number of features")
qcdata(qcnb, "count") <- c(
PSM = nrow(object),
ModPep = nrow(modpep),
Pep = nrow(pep),
Prot = nrow(prot))
qcdata(qcnb, "peptab") <-
table(MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[2]])
qcdata(qcnb, "modpeptab") <-
qcdata(qcnb, "upep.per.prot") <-
MSnbase::fData(object)[, fcol[3]]
show(qcnb) <- function(object) {
qcshow(object, qcdata = FALSE)
print(qcdata(object, "count"))
plot(qcnb) <- function(object) {
par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1))
layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4), ncol = 3))
barplot(qcdata(object, "count"), horiz = TRUE, las = 2)
barplot(table(qcdata(object, "modpeptab")),
xlab = "Modified peptides")
barplot(table(qcdata(object, "peptab")),
xlab = "Peptides")
barplot(table(qcdata(object, "upep.per.prot")),
xlab = "Unique peptides per protein ")
qcm <- QcMetrics(qcdata = list(qcinc, qclfc, qcnb))
metadata(qcm) <- list(File = MSnbase::fileNames(object),
Experiment = Biobase::experimentData(object))
if (!missing(type)) {
if (missing(reportname))
reportname <- paste("n15qcreport",
format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"),
sep = "_")
qcReport(qcm, reportname, type = type,
title = "15N Quality Control")
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