Defines functions runSALSA1D

Documented in runSALSA1D

#' Running SALSA for continuous one-dimensional covariates.
#' This function finds spatially adaptive knot locations for one or more continuous one-dimensional covariates.  
#' @param initialModel The best fitting \code{CReSS} model with no continuous covariates specified.  This must be a model of class \code{glm}.
#' @param salsa1dlist Vector of objects required for \code{runSALSA1D}: \code{fitnessMeasure}, \code{minKnots_1d}, \code{maxKnots_1d}, \code{startKnots_1d} \code{degree}, \code{maxIterations} \code{gap}. 
#' @param varlist Vector of variable names for the covariates required for knot selection
#' @param factorlist vector of factor variables specified in \code{initialModel}.  Specified so that a check can be made that there are non-zero counts in all levels of each factor. Uses the function \code{checkfactorlevelcounts}. Default setting is NULL.
#' @param predictionData The data for which predictions are to be made. Column names must correspond to the data in \code{initialModel}. If predictionData is not specified (\code{NULL}), then the range of the data is used to create the smooth terms.
#' @param splineParams List object containing information for fitting splines to the covariates in \code{varlist}. If not specified (\code{NULL}) this object is created and returned. See \code{\link{makesplineParams}} for details.
#' @param datain Data used to fit the initial Model.
#' @param removal (Default: \code{FALSE}). Logical stating whether a selection procedure should be done to choose smooth, linear or removal of covariates.  If \code{FALSE} all covariates are returned and smooth. If \code{TRUE} then cross-validation is used to make model selection choices. The folds are specified by a column in the dataset called \code{foldid}.
#' @param panelid Vector denoting the panel identifier for each data point (if robust standard errors are to be calculated). Defaults to data order index if not given.
#' @param suppress.printout (Default: \code{FALSE}. Logical stating whether to show the analysis printout.
#' @param logfile (Default: \code{FALSE}). Logical stating whether to store a log file of the analysis printout.
#' @details
#' There must be columns called \code{response} (response variable) and \code{foldid} (for cross-validation calculation) in the data used in the initial model to be fitted. If the data is proportion, then there should be two columns called \code{successess} and \code{failures}.
#' The object \code{salsa1dlist} contains parameters for the \code{runSALSA1D} function.
#' \code{fitnessMeasure}. The criterion for selecting the `best' model.  Available options: AIC, AIC_c, BIC, QIC_b, cv.gamMRSea (use cv.opts in salsa1dlist to specify seed, folds, cost function (Defaults: \code{cv.opts=list(cv.gamMRSea.seed=357, K=10, cost=function(y, yhat) mean((y - yhat)^2))}).
#'    \code{minKnots_1d}. Minimum number of knots to be tried.
#'    \code{maxKnots_1d}. Maximum number of knots to be tried.
#'    \code{startKnots_1d}. Starting number of knots (spaced at quantiles of the data).
#'    \code{degree}. The degree of the B-spline. Does not need to be specified if \code{splineParams} is a parameter in \code{runSALSA1D}.
#'    \code{maxIterations}.The exchange/improve steps will terminate after maxIterations if still running.
#'    \code{gaps}. The minimum gap between knots (in unit of measurement of explanatory), usually set to zero.
#'    \code{splines}. Specify the spline basis for each term.  Choose one of "bs" (B-spline), "cc" (cyclic-cubic) or "ns" (natural spline).
#' \code{minKnots_1d}, \code{maxKnots_1d}, \code{startKnots_1d} and \code{gaps} are vectors the same length as \code{varlist}.  This enables differing values of these parameters for each covariate.
#'  The initial model contains all the factor level covariates and any covariates of interest that are not specified in the \code{varlist} argument of \code{runSALSA1D} 
#' \emph{Note:} The algorithm may remove variables in \code{varlist} but not the variables in \code{factorlist}.  If there is no better model than with a knot at the mean, the output will include that covariate with a knot at the mean.  The best model with a given smooth term is tested both against a model with the term as linear or removed. Cross-Validation is used in the selection process.
#' @return
#' A list object is returned containing 4 elements:
#' \item{bestModel}{A model object of class \code{gam.MRSea} from the best model fitted}
#' \item{modelFits1D}{A list object with an element for each new term fitted to the model.  The first element is a model fitted with a knot at the mean for each of the covariates (startmodel) in \code{varlist}.  Within the first element, the current fit and formula of the start model.  
#' The second element is the result of SALSA on the first term in \code{varlist}.  Within this element:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{term}: term of interest
#' \item \code{kept}: Statement of whether the term is kept in the model (yes- initial knots, yes - new knots, yes -linear or no)
#' \item \code{basemodelformula}: the resulting model formula.  If \code{kept=yes} or \code{kept=linear} then the term of interest is included in the model otherwise it is removed.
#' \item \code{knotSelected}: the knots chosen for the term of interest (NA if term removed or linear)
#' \item \code{baseModelFits}: fit statistics for the resulting formula
#' \item \code{modelfits}: fit statistics for the model with the term included (same as resulting formula if \code{kept=yes})
#' } 
#' This continues till all covariates in \code{varlist} have been through SALSA.}
#' \item{fitstat}{The final fit statistic of \code{bestModel}.  The type of statistic was specified in \code{salsa1dlist}.}
#' \item{keptvarlist}{The covariates from \code{varlist} that have been retained in the model}
#' @references Walker, C.; M. Mackenzie, C. Donovan and M. O'Sullivan. SALSA - a Spatially Adaptive Local Smoothing Algorithm. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(2):179-191, 2010
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' data(ns.data.re)
#' # load prediction data
#' data(ns.predict.data.re)
#' varlist=c('DayOfMonth')
#' # set initial model without the spline terms in there 
#' # (so all other non-spline terms)
#' ns.data.re$response<- ns.data.re$birds
#' initialModel<- glm(response ~ 1 + offset(log(area)), 
#'                     family='quasipoisson',data=ns.data.re)
#' #set some input info for SALSA
#' salsa1dlist<-list(fitnessMeasure = 'QBIC', 
#'                   minKnots_1d=c(1), 
#'                   maxKnots_1d = c(3), 
#'                   startKnots_1d = c(1), 
#'                   degree=c(2),
#'                   gaps=c(0))
#' # run SALSA
#' salsa1dOutput<-runSALSA1D(initialModel = initialModel,
#'                          salsa1dlist = salsa1dlist,
#'                          varlist = varlist,
#'                          predictionData = ns.predict.data.re,
#'                          datain = ns.data.re)
#' @author Lindesay Scott-Hayward, University of St Andrews; Cameron Walker, Department of Engineering Science, University of Auckland.
#' @export
runSALSA1D<-function(initialModel, salsa1dlist, varlist, factorlist=NULL, predictionData=NULL, varlist_cyclicSplines=NULL, splineParams=NULL, datain, removal=FALSE, panelid=NULL, suppress.printout=FALSE, logfile = FALSE){
  if(class(initialModel)[1]!='glm' & class(initialModel)[1]!='gamMRSea') stop('Class of model not supported.  Please use glm or gamMRSea')
  if(!is.null(varlist_cyclicSplines)) stop('This parameter is depreciated.  Please specify spline type in the salsa1dlist object')
  # check for response variable
  if(is.null(factorlist)==F & fam=='other'){
    # check factor level counts:
    checkfactorlevelcounts(factorlist, initialModel$data, initialModel$y)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SET UP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # set parameters for SALSA
  winHalfWidth = 0
    data <- data.frame(data)
    cat("\n model data converted from tibble to data frame\n")
  if(sum(abs(dim(data)-dim(datain)))>0) stop('Data dimensions do not match the data in initialModel')
    if(is.null(data$response)) stop('data does not contain response column')  
    if(is.null(data$successes)) stop('data does not contain successes column')
    if(is.null(data$failures)) stop('data does not contain failures column')
   if(initialModel$family$family == "Tweedie"){
     p <- get("p", environment(initialModel$family$variance))
     link.power <- get("link.power", environment(initialModel$family$variance))
     if(p == 0) stop("Tweedie power parameter set to 0, please use Gaussian distribution instead")
     if(p == 1) stop("Tweedie power parameter set to 1, please use Quasi-Poisson distribution instead")
     if(p == 2) stop("Tweedie power parameter set to 2, please use Gamma distribution instead")
     # edit model call to include the number for p
     tex = paste("update(initialModel, . ~ . , family = tweedie(var.power=", p, ", link.power = ", link.power,"))")
     initialModel = eval(parse(text = tex))
  # check parameters in salsa1dlist are same length as varlist
  if(length(varlist)!=length(salsa1dlist$minKnots_1d)) stop('salsa1dlist$minKnots_1d not same length as varlist')
  if(length(varlist)!=length(salsa1dlist$maxKnots_1d)) stop('salsa1dlist$maxKnots_1d not same length as varlist')
  if(length(varlist)!=length(salsa1dlist$startKnots_1d)) stop('salsa1dlist$startKnots_1d not same length as varlist')
  if(length(varlist)!=length(salsa1dlist$degree)) stop('salsa1dlist$degree not same length as varlist')
  if(length(varlist)!=length(salsa1dlist$gaps)) stop('salsa1dlist$gaps not same length as varlist')
  #if(is.null(data$foldid)) stop('no column called "foldid" in data')
  if(is.null(salsa1dlist$cv.opts$cost)){salsa1dlist$cv.opts$cost<-function(y, yhat) mean((y - yhat)^2)}
  if(is.null(salsa1dlist$gaps)){salsa1dlist$gaps <- rep(0,length=length(varlist))}
  if(is.null(salsa1dlist$splines)){salsa1dlist$splines <- rep("bs",length=length(varlist))}
        initialModel$cvfolds<-getCVids(data, folds=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$K, block=panelid, seed=seed.in)  
  if(is.null(panelid) & removal==TRUE){
      initialModel$cvfolds<-getCVids(data, folds=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$K, block=panelid, seed=seed.in)
  printout <- ifelse(suppress.printout == TRUE & logfile == FALSE, F, T)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    splineParams<-makesplineParams(data, varlist, predictionData, salsa1dlist$degree,  salsa1dlist$splines)
    # check whats in varlist and splineParams to see if they match
      for(i in 1:length(varlist)){
        varID[i]<-grep(varlist[i], splineParams)
  terms1D <- list(length(varlist))
  #counter<-1 # needed to loop through cyclics if more than one
    for(i in 2:(length(varlist)+1)){
    if(salsa1dlist$splines[(i-1)] == "cc"){
      terms1D[[(i-1)]]<- paste("smooth.construct(s(", varlist[(i-1)], ", bs='cc', k=(length(splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$knots))+2), knots = list(",varlist[(i-1)], "=as.numeric(c(splineParams[[",varID[(i-1)], "]]$bd[1], splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$knots, splineParams[[",varID[(i-1)], "]]$bd[2]))), data=data.frame(",varlist[(i-1)],"))$X[,-1]", sep="")
      splineParams[[i]]$knots<-eval(parse(text=paste('quantile(data$', varlist[(i-1)], ', probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))', sep='')))
      if(salsa1dlist$splines[(i-1)] == "bs"){
        terms1D[[(i-1)]]<- paste("bs(", varlist[(i-1)], ", knots = splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$knots, degree=splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$degree, Boundary.knots=splineParams[[",varID[(i-1)], "]]$bd)", sep='')  
      if(salsa1dlist$splines[(i-1)] == "ns"){
        terms1D[[(i-1)]]<- paste("ns(", varlist[(i-1)], ", knots = splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$knots, Boundary.knots=splineParams[[",varID[(i-1)], "]]$bd)", sep='')  
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # initial model is all variables in varlist with knots at locations in splineParams and NO 2D smooth
    baseModel <- eval(parse(text=paste("gamMRSea(cbind(successes,failures) ~ ", paste(formula(initialModel)[3],sep=""), "+", paste(terms1D, collapse="+"),", family =", family,"(link=", link,"), data = data)", sep='')))
      baseModel <- eval(parse(text = paste("gamMRSea(response ~ ", 
                                           paste(formula(initialModel)[3], sep = ""), "+", 
                                           paste(terms1D, collapse = "+"), ", family =", 
                                           paste0(initialModel$call[grep("tweedie", initialModel$call)]),
                                           ", data = data)", sep = "")))  
      baseModel <- eval(parse(text = paste("gamMRSea(response ~ ", 
                                           paste(formula(initialModel)[3], sep = ""), "+", 
                                           paste(terms1D, collapse = "+"), 
                                           ", family =", family,
                                           "(link=", link,
                                           "), data = data)", sep = "")))
    baseModel$cvfolds <- initialModel$cvfolds
    cv_initial <- cv.gamMRSea(data, baseModel, K=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$K, cost=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$cost, s.eed = seed.in)$delta[2]
  # re-fit base model with max knots allowed to get best estimate of dispersion parameter
  if(salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure=='QAIC' | salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure=='QAICc' | salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure=='QBIC'){
    for(i in 2:(length(varlist)+1)){
      eval(parse(text=paste("splineParams[[", i, "]]$knots<-seq(min(splineParams[[", i,"]]$explanatory),max(splineParams[[", i,"]]$explanatory),length=(salsa1dlist$maxKnots_1d[",(i-1),"])+2)[2:(salsa1dlist$maxKnots_1d[",(i-1),"]+1)]", sep='')))
    dispersion_Model<-update(baseModel, .~.)
    dispersion_Model$varshortnames <- varlist
    salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure<-c(salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure, summary(dispersion_Model)$dispersion)
    # return the splineParams object back to the original
    if(dispersion_Model$conv==FALSE) stop('Model to get dispersion parameter, with max knots evenly spaced did not converge.  Use fewer max knots or change fitness measure.')
    # update the modelling to use the poisson family. The dispersion has been calculated and will be used by the get.measure function.
      baseModel<-eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, round(response) ~., family=",substitute(family), "(link=", substitute(link),"))", sep='')))
      baseModel<-eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, .~., family=",substitute(family), "(link=", substitute(link),"))", sep='')))
  # # temporary fix
  # baseModel$splineParams <- splineParams
  fitStat<-get.measure(salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure,'NA',baseModel, initDisp, salsa1dlist$cv.opts, printout)$fitStat
  # # temporary fix
  # baseModel$splineParams <- NULL
  modelFits1D <- list((length(varlist)+1))
  modelFits1D[[1]] <- list(term = 'startmodel', kept=NULL, basemodelformula = baseModel$call, knotsSelected = NULL, tempfits = c(CV = cv_initial, fitStat=fitStat))
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ loop through 1D covar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if(suppress.printout & logfile){
  starttime = proc.time()
  timings<- vector(length=length(varlist))
  for (i in 2:(length(varlist)+1)){
    explanatory <- splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$explanatory
      response<-cbind(data$successes, data$failures)
    bd <- splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$bd   # i is the location of covar in varid +1 (2d has 1st entry in spline params)
    gap <- (salsa1dlist$gaps[(i-1)])
    term<- terms1D[[(i-1)]]
    interactionTerm<-NULL  #(salsa1dlist$interactionTerm[(i-1)])
    baseModel <- eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, .~. -", term, ")", sep="")))
      cv_without<-cv.gamMRSea(data, baseModel, K=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$K, cost=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$cost, s.eed = seed.in)$delta[2] 
      fitStat_without<-get.measure(salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure,'NA', baseModel, initDisp, salsa1dlist$cv.opts, printout)$fitStat  
    if(length(grep(varlist[(i-1)], baseModel$formula))>0){stop(paste('Multiple instances of covariate in model. Remove ',splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$covar , ' before proceeding', sep=''))}
    if(salsa1dlist$splines[(i-1)] == "cc"){spl<- "cc"}
    if(salsa1dlist$splines[(i-1)] == "bs"){spl="bs"}
    if(salsa1dlist$splines[(i-1)] == "ns"){spl="ns"}
    if(spl == "cc"){salsa1dlist$minKnots_1d[(i-1)] <- 3; salsa1dlist$startKnots_1d[(i-1)]<-3}
    sttime<- proc.time()[3]
    output <- return.reg.spline.fit(response,explanatory,splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$degree,salsa1dlist$minKnots_1d[(i-1)],salsa1dlist$maxKnots_1d[(i-1)],salsa1dlist$startKnots_1d[(i-1)], gap, winHalfWidth, salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure, maxIterations=100, baseModel=baseModel, bd=bd, spl=spl, interactionTerm=interactionTerm, cv.opts=salsa1dlist$cv.opts, splineParams = splineParams, printout=printout)
    timings[(i-1)]<- proc.time()[3] - sttime
    thisFit <- output$output[2] 
    # update spline parameters if fit statistic for updated knots is better than for one knot at the mean.
    #if (thisFit < fitStat) {
    splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots= sort(output$aR)
    # update best model to have new knot locations and covariate back in model
    tempModel<- eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, .~. +", term, ")", sep="")))
    # calculate a cv score here too
      cv_with<- cv.gamMRSea(data=data, tempModel, K=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$K, cost=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$cost)$delta[2]  
        cat('Fitting Linear Model...')    
    tempModel_lin<- eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, . ~. +",varlist[(i-1)] , ")", sep="")))
    cv_linear<- cv.gamMRSea(data=data, tempModel_lin, K=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$K, cost=salsa1dlist$cv.opts$cost, s.eed = seed.in)$delta[2]
    cvid<-which(c(cv_initial, cv_with, cv_without, cv_linear)==min(na.omit(c(cv_initial, cv_with, cv_without, cv_linear))))
      modelcoeffs<-c(basecoef,length(coef(tempModel)),base_wo_coeff, length(coef(tempModel_lin)))
      cat('Choosing smooth vs linear model...')
      # initial model is best - keep term but with original knots
      fitStat = fitStat
      splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots<- tempinitialknots
      baseModel<-update(tempModel, .~.)
      varkeepid<-c(varkeepid, i)
      varkeepsmid<-c(varkeepsmid, i)
      kept='YES - initial'
      # model with covariate with new knots is best
      fitStat = thisFit
      splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots= sort(output$aR)
      baseModel<-update(tempModel, .~.)
      varkeepid<-c(varkeepid, i)
      varkeepsmid<-c(varkeepsmid, i)
      kept='YES - new knots'
        # model with parameter removed is best
        fitStat = fitStat_without
        splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots<- 'NA'
        baseModel<-update(baseModel, .~.)
        # model with parameter linear is best
        splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots<- 'NA'
        baseModel<-update(tempModel_lin, .~.)
        fitStat = get.measure(salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure,'NA', baseModel, initDisp, salsa1dlist$cv.opts, printout)$fitStat
        varkeepid<-c(varkeepid, i)
        kept='YES - linear'
#       cvid<-which(c(cv_initial, cv_with)==min(cv_initial, cv_with))
#       if(cvid==1){
#         # initial model is best - keep term but with original knots
#         fitStat = fitStat
#         splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots<- tempinitialknots
#         baseModel<-update(tempModel, .~.)
#         cv_initial<-cv_initial
#         varkeepid<-c(varkeepid, i)
#         kept='YES - initial'
#       }
#      if(cvid==2){
        # model with covariate with new knots is best
        fitStat = thisFit
        splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots= sort(output$aR)
        baseModel<-update(tempModel, .~.)
        varkeepid<-c(varkeepid, i)
        varkeepsmid<-c(varkeepsmid, i)
        kept='YES - new knots'
#      }      
    modelFits1D[[i]] <- list(term = term, kept=kept, basemodelformula = baseModel$call, knotsSelected = splineParams[[varID[(i-1)]]]$knots, baseModelFits = c(CV = cv_initial, fitStat = fitStat), modelfits = c(CV = cv_with, fitStat = thisFit))
  # turn the model data back into what came in
  #outTerms <- list(length(varlist_cyclicSplines))
  if(origfamily == "Tweedie"){
    outModel<-eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, .~., family =", paste0(initialModel$call[grep("tweedie", initialModel$call)]),")",  sep='')))
    outModel<-eval(parse(text=paste("update(baseModel, .~., family=",substitute(origfamily), "(link=", substitute(link),"))",  sep='')))
  eval(parse(text=paste(substitute(datain),"<-data", sep="" )))
  #  for(i in 2:(length(varlist)+1)){
  # outTerms[[counter]]<-paste("as.matrix(data.frame(gam(response ~ s(", varlist[varID[(i-1)]-1], ", bs='cc', k=(length(splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$knots) +2)), knots = list(",varlist[varID[(i-1)]-1], "=c(splineParams[[",varID[(i-1)], "]]$bd[1], splineParams[[", varID[(i-1)], "]]$knots, splineParams[[",varID[(i-1)], "]]$bd[2])), data=",substitute(datain),", fit=F)$X[,-1]))", sep="")  
  outModel<-eval(parse(text=paste("update(outModel, ~ ., data=", substitute(datain),", splineParams=splineParams)", sep="")))
  #    counter<-counter+1
  #   }
  class(outModel)<-c('gamMRSea', class(outModel))
  if(salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure[1]=='QAIC' | salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure[1]=='QAICc' | salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure[1]=='QBIC'){
    fitStatlist<-list(fitStat=fitStat, CV = cv_initial, chat=salsa1dlist$fitnessMeasure[2])  
    fitStatlist<-list(fitStat=fitStat, CV = cv_initial)  
  outModel<-make.gamMRSea(outModel, gamMRSea=TRUE)
  if(suppress.printout & logfile){
 if(length(keptvarlist)==0) keptvarlist<-"none"
  return(list(bestModel=outModel, modelFits1D=modelFits1D, fitStat=fitStatlist, keptvarlist = keptvarlist))
lindesaysh/MRSea documentation built on May 11, 2024, 11:30 p.m.