
Defines functions LL.ODP.SIGMA2 d2LL.ODPdt2 dLL.ODPdt LL.ODP d2G.weibulldtheta2 dG.weibulldtheta G.weibull d2G.loglogisticdtheta2 dG.loglogisticdtheta G.loglogistic Table68 Table64 Table65 vcov.clark plot.clark print.ClarkCapeCod summary.ClarkCapeCod print.ClarkLDF summary.ClarkLDF ClarkCapeCod ClarkLDF

Documented in ClarkCapeCod ClarkLDF plot.clark print.ClarkCapeCod print.ClarkLDF summary.ClarkCapeCod summary.ClarkLDF Table64 Table65 Table68 vcov.clark

# Clark method from 2003 eForum paper
# Author: Daniel Murphy
# Date: October 31, 2010 - 2011
# Includes:
#   LDF and Cape Cod methods
#   Two growth functions -- loglogistic and weibull
#   print method: displays the table on p. 65 of the paper
#   plot method: displays 3 residual plots, QQ-plot with 
#       results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test.

# Organization:
#   "LDF" and "CapeCod" scripts that accept the data (a matrix)
#       and arguments to flag:
#           Does the matrix hold cumulative or incremental data?
#           In the case of the Cape Code method, a premium vector
#               whose length = nrow(data)
#           Should the analysis be conducted based on the average
#               date of loss within the origin period?
#           What is the maximum age to which losses should be projected?
#           What growth function should be utilized?
#   print, plot, summary, and other methods
#   Functions
#       Definition of "function class with derivatives"
#           Generics to access the derivatives of a function
#       Definition of growth function class with derivatives with respect to
#           the second, parameter argument
#       Loglogistic growth function
#       Weibull growth function
#       Loglikelihood function under Clark's ODP assumption
#       Function to calculate SIGMA2
#       Expected value (MU) functions
#           LDF Method
#           Cape Cod Method
#       Reserve Functions
#           LDF Method
#           Cape Cod Method
#require(actuar) # for its fast loglogistic function!

ClarkLDF <- function(Triangle,
        cumulative = TRUE,
        maxage = Inf,
        adol = TRUE,
        adol.age = NULL,
        origin.width = NULL,
        G = "loglogistic"
        ) {
    # maxage represents the age to which losses are projected at Ultimate
    # adol.age is the age within an origin period of the 
    #   average date of loss (adol.age); only relevant if adol=TRUE
    # origin.width is the width of an origin period; only relevant if adol=TRUE
    if (!is.character(G))
        stop("Growth function G must be the character name of a growth function")
    if (length(G)>1L)
        stop("Only one growth function can be specified")
    G <- switch(G,
         loglogistic = loglogistic,
         weibull = weibull,
         stop(paste("Growth function '", G, "' unrecognized", sep=""))
    if (!is.matrix(Triangle)) stop("ClarkLDF expects Triangle in matrix format")
    nr <- nrow(Triangle)
    if (ncol(Triangle) < 4L) stop("matrix must have at least 4 columns")

    dev <- as.numeric(colnames(Triangle))
    if (length(dev)<1 | any(is.na(dev))) stop("non-'age' column name(s)")
    if (any(dev[-1L]<=head(dev, -1L))) stop("ages must be strictly increasing")
    if (tail(dev, 1L) > maxage[1L]) stop("'maxage' must not be less than last age in triangle")
    # 'workarea' stores intermediate calculations
#    workarea <- new.env()
    workarea <<- new.env()

    if (!inherits(Triangle, "triangle")) Triangle <- as.triangle(Triangle)

    # Save the origin, dev names
    origins <- rownames(Triangle)
    devs <- colnames(Triangle)
    # Save user's names for 'origin' (row) and 'dev' (column), if any
    dimnms <- c("origin", "dev")
    if (!is.null(nm<-names(dimnames(Triangle)))) 
        # If only one name specified by user, other will be NA
        dimnms[!is.na(nm)] <- nm[!is.na(nm)]

    # Calculate the age.from/to's and maxage based on adol setting.
    Age.to <- dev
    if (adol) {
        if (is.null(origin.width)) {
            agediff <- diff(Age.to)
            if (!all(abs(agediff-agediff[1L])<sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) 
                warning("origin.width unspecified, but varying age differences; check reasonableness of 'Table64$AgeUsed'")
            origin.width <-  mean(agediff)
        if (is.null(adol.age)) # default is half width of origin period
            adol.age <- origin.width / 2
        # rudimentary reasonableness checks of adol.age
        if (adol.age < 0) 
            stop("age of average date of loss cannot be negative")
        if (adol.age >= origin.width) 
            stop("age of average date of loss must be < origin.width (ie, within origin period)")
        ## For all those ages that are before the end of the origin period,
        ## we will assume that the average date of loss of the
        ## partial period is proportional to the age
        early.age <- Age.to < origin.width
        Age.to[!early.age] <- Age.to[!early.age] - adol.age
        Age.to[early.age] <- Age.to[early.age] * (1 - adol.age / origin.width)
        colnames(Triangle) <- Age.to
        maxage.used <- maxage - adol.age
    else {
        if (!is.null(adol.age))
            stop("adol.age is specified but adol is FALSE")
        if (!is.null(origin.width))
            stop("origin.width is specified but adol is FALSE")
        maxage.used <- maxage
    Age.from <- c(0, head(Age.to, -1L))

    # Let's scale the Triangle asap.
    # Just as Clark uses SIGMA2 to scale to model with ODP, we will scale
    #   losses by a large amount so that the scaled losses and the growth 
    #   function  parameters are in a closer relative magnitude. Otherwise, 
    #   the Fisher Information matrix may not invert.
    CurrentValue <- getLatestCumulative(if (cumulative) Triangle else incr2cum(Triangle))
    Uinit <- if (is.logical(tryCatch(checkTriangle(Triangle), error = function(e) FALSE))) CurrentValue
        if (cumulative) predict(chainladder(Triangle))[,ncol(Triangle)] 
        else predict(chainladder(incr2cum(Triangle)))[,ncol(Triangle)]
    workarea$magscale <- magscale <- max(Uinit)
    Triangle <- Triangle / magscale
    CurrentValue <- CurrentValue / magscale
    Uinit <- Uinit / magscale

    # Save age from/to's of current diagonal
    CurrentAge <- getLatestCumulative({ # as labeled, prior to adol adjustment
        z <- col(Triangle)
        array(dev[z], dim(Triangle))
    CurrentAge.from <- getLatestCumulative(array(Age.from[z], dim(Triangle)))
    CurrentAge.used <- CurrentAge.to <- getLatestCumulative(array(Age.to[z], dim(Triangle)))

    # Turn loss matrix into incremental losses, if not already
    if (cumulative) Triangle <-cum2incr(Triangle)

    # Create the "long format" data.frame as in Table 1.1 of paper.
    Table1.1 <- as.data.frame(as.triangle(Triangle))
    Table1.1$origin <- seq.int(nr)
    Table1.1$dev <- rep(seq.int(ncol(Triangle)), each=nr)
    Table1.1$Age.from <- rep(Age.from, each=nr)
    Table1.1$Age.to <- rep(Age.to, each=nr)
    Table1.1 <- Table1.1[!is.na(Table1.1[[3L]]),]
    # "prime" 'workarea' with initial data
    workarea$origin   <- Table1.1$origin # origin year (index) of the observation
    workarea$io <- outer(workarea$origin, 1:nr, `==`) # T/F flag: is obs in origin year=column
    workarea$value    <- as.numeric(Table1.1$value)
    workarea$Age.from <- Table1.1$Age.from
    workarea$Age.to   <- Table1.1$Age.to
    workarea$dev      <- devs[Table1.1$dev]
    workarea$nobs     <- nobs <- nrow(Table1.1)
    workarea$np       <- np   <- nr + G@np

    # Calc starting values for the parameters, call optim
    theta <- c(structure(Uinit, names=origins), G@initialGuess(workarea))
    # optim returns the maximum (optimal) value of LL.ODP in the 
    #   list value 'value'; call that value valopt.
    # Any value of theta that gives a value of LL.ODP(theta) that is
    #   less than valopt is a "suboptimal" solution.
    S <- optim(
        par = theta,
        LL.ODP, # function to be maximized (fmscale=-1)
        gr = dLL.ODPdt,     ## much faster with gradient function 
        lower = c(rep(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), nr), G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea)),
        upper = c(rep(Inf, nr), G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea)),
        control = list(
            parscale=c(Uinit, 1, 1),

    if (S$convergence>0) {
        msg <- "Maximum likelihood solution not found."
        if (S$convergence == 1)
            msg<-paste(msg,"Max interations (100000) reached.")
        else msg<-paste(msg,"'convergence' code=",S$convergence)

    # Pull the parameters out of the solution list
    theta <- S$par
    K  <- np - G@np
    K1 <- seq.int(K)
    U <- thetaU <- theta[K1]
    thetaG <- tail(theta, G@np)
    if (any(G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea) == thetaG | G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea) == thetaG)) {
        warning("Solution constrained at growth function boundary! Use results with caution!\n\n")
    # Calculate the SIGMA2 "scaling parameter"
    SIGMA2 <- workarea$SIGMA2 <- LL.ODP.SIGMA2(workarea)


    # Expected value of reserves, all origin years
    R <- R.LDF(theta, G, CurrentAge.to, maxage, oy=1:nr)
    # Alternatively, by developing current diagonal
    #   For LDF formula, see table at top of p. 64
    g <- G(CurrentAge.used, thetaG)
    g.maxage <- G(maxage.used, thetaG)
    ldf <- 1 / g
    ldf.truncated <- g.maxage / g
    R.ldf.truncated <- (ldf.truncated - 1) * CurrentValue

    gammar2 <- R * SIGMA2
    gammar <- sqrt(gammar2)


    # Calculate the Fisher Information matrix = matrix of
    #   2nd partial derivatives of the LL fcn w.r.t. all parameters
    workarea$FI <- FI <- structure(
        d2LL.ODPdt2(S$par, MU.LDF, G, workarea),
        dimnames = list(names(S$par), names(S$par))

    # array to "unscale" FI
    FImult <- array(
        c(rep(c(rep(1/magscale, K), rep(1, G@np)), K), 
          rep(c(rep(1, K), rep(magscale, G@np)), G@np)),
        c(np, np)

    # Let's see if FI will invert
    if (rcond(FI) < .Machine$double.eps) { # No
        message("Fisher Information matrix is computationally singular (condition number = ",
                format(1/rcond(FI), digits=3, scientific=TRUE), 
                ")\nParameter risk estimates not available"
        # Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
        #   for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
        dR <- NA
        # Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
        VCOV.R <- NA
        # Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
        # Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum  over
        #   entire matrix (see below).
        deltar2 <- rep(NA, nr)
        deltar  <- rep(NA, nr)
        # Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
        totalr2 <- rep(NA, nr)
        totalr  <- rep(NA, nr)
        # AY Total row
        CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
        R.sum <- sum(R)
        R.ldf.truncated.sum <- sum(R.ldf.truncated)
        gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
        gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
        deltar2.sum <- NA
        deltar.sum <- NA
        totalr2.sum <- NA
        totalr.sum = NA
    else {
        # Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
        #   for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
        dR <- dfdx(R.LDF, theta, G, CurrentAge.to, maxage.used, oy=1:nr)
        # Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
        VCOV.R <- -workarea$SIGMA2 * t(dR) %*% solve(FI, dR)

        # Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
        # Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum  over
        #   entire matrix (see below).
        deltar2 <- diag(VCOV.R)
        # Hessian only approximates the covariance matrix; no guarantee
        #   that the matrix is positive (semi)definite.
        # If find negative diagonal variances, set them to zero, 
        #   issue a warning.
        ndx <- deltar2<0
        if (any(ndx)) {
            if (sum(ndx)>1L) msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced 'negative variances' for the following origin years (values set to zero):\n"
            else msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the following origin year (value set to zero):\n"
            df2 <- data.frame(
                Origin = origins[ndx], 
                Reserve = R.ldf.truncated[ndx] * magscale, 
                ApproxVar = deltar2[ndx] * magscale^2, 
                RelativeVar = deltar2[ndx] * magscale / R.ldf.truncated[ndx]
            df2 <- format(
                    data.frame(Origin="Origin",Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
                    format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
            msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
            deltar2[ndx] <- 0 
        deltar  <- sqrt(deltar2)
        # Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
        totalr2 <- gammar2 + deltar2
        totalr  <- sqrt(totalr2)
        # AY Total row
        CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
        R.sum <- sum(R)
        R.ldf.truncated.sum <- sum(R.ldf.truncated)
        gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
        gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
        deltar2.sum <- sum(VCOV.R)
        if (deltar2.sum<0) {
            msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the Total row (value set to zero):\n"
            df2 <- data.frame(
                Reserve = R.ldf.truncated.sum * magscale, 
                ApproxVar = deltar2.sum * magscale^2, 
                RelativeVar = deltar2.sum * magscale / R.ldf.truncated.sum
            df2 <- format(
                    data.frame(Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
                    format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
            msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
            deltar2.sum <- 0 
        deltar.sum <- sqrt(deltar2.sum)
        totalr2.sum <- gammar2.sum + deltar2.sum
        totalr.sum = sqrt(totalr2.sum)

    # KEY: Mixed case: origin year (row level) amounts
    #      all-lower-case: workarea (observation level) amounts
    #      all-upper-case: model parameters
            method = "LDF",
            growthFunctionName = G@name,
            Origin = origins,
            CurrentValue = CurrentValue * magscale,
            CurrentAge = CurrentAge,
            CurrentAge.used = CurrentAge.used,
            MAXAGE = maxage,
            MAXAGE.USED = maxage.used,
            FutureValue = R.ldf.truncated * magscale,
            UltimateValue = (CurrentValue + R.ldf.truncated) * magscale,
            ProcessSE = gammar * magscale,
            ParameterSE = deltar * magscale,
            StdError = totalr * magscale,
            Total = list(
                Origin = "Total",
                CurrentValue = CurrentValue.sum * magscale,
                FutureValue = R.ldf.truncated.sum * magscale,
                UltimateValue = (CurrentValue.sum + R.ldf.truncated.sum) * magscale,
                ProcessSE = gammar.sum * magscale,
                ParameterSE = deltar.sum * magscale,
                StdError = totalr.sum * magscale
            PAR = c(unclass(S$par)) * c(rep(magscale, K), rep(1, G@np)),
            THETAU = thetaU * magscale,
            THETAG = thetaG,
            GrowthFunction = g,
            GrowthFunctionMAXAGE = g.maxage,
            SIGMA2 = c(unclass(SIGMA2)) * magscale,
            Ldf = ldf,
            LdfMAXAGE = 1/g.maxage,
            TruncatedLdf = ldf.truncated,
            FutureValueGradient = dR * c(rep(1, K), rep(magscale, G@np)),
            origin = workarea$origin,
            age = workarea$dev,
            fitted = workarea$mu * magscale,
            residuals = workarea$residuals * magscale,
            stdresid = workarea$residuals/sqrt(SIGMA2*workarea$mu),
            FI = FI * FImult,
            value = S$value,
            counts = S$counts
        class=c("ClarkLDF", "clark", "list")

ClarkCapeCod <- function(Triangle,
        cumulative = TRUE,
        maxage = Inf,
        adol = TRUE,
        adol.age = NULL,
        origin.width = NULL,
        G = "loglogistic"
        ) {
    # maxage represents the age to which losses are projected at Ultimate
    # adol.age is the age within an origin period of the 
    #   average date of loss (adol.age); only relevant if adol=TRUE
    # origin.width is the width of an origin period; only relevant if adol=TRUE
    if (!is.character(G))
        stop("Growth function G must be the character name of a growth function")
    if (length(G)>1L)
        stop("Only one growth function can be specified")
    G <- switch(G,
         loglogistic = loglogistic,
         weibull = weibull,
         stop(paste("Growth function '", G, "' unrecognized", sep=""))
    if (!is.matrix(Triangle)) stop("ClarkCapeCod expects Triangle in matrix format")
    nr <- nrow(Triangle)
    if (ncol(Triangle) < 4L) stop("matrix must have at least 4 columns")

    # Recycle Premium, limit length, as necessary
    Premium <- c(Premium)
    if (length(Premium) == 1L) Premium <- rep(Premium, nr)
    if (length(Premium)!=nr) {
        warning('Mismatch between length(Premium)=', length(Premium), ' and nrow(Triangle)=', nrow(Triangle), '. Check results!')
        if (length(Premium) < nr) Premium <- rep(Premium, nr)
        if (length(Premium) > nr) Premium <- Premium[seq.int(nr)]

    dev <- as.numeric(colnames(Triangle))
    if (length(dev)<1 | any(is.na(dev))) stop("non-'age' column name(s)")
    if (any(dev[-1L]<=head(dev, -1L))) stop("ages must be strictly increasing")
    if (tail(dev, 1L) > maxage[1L]) stop("'maxage' must not be less than last age in triangle")
    # 'workarea' stores intermediate calculations
#    workarea <- new.env()
    workarea <<- new.env()

    if (!inherits(Triangle, "triangle")) Triangle <- as.triangle(Triangle)

    # Save the origin, dev names
    origins <- rownames(Triangle)
    devs <- colnames(Triangle)
    # Save user's names for 'origin' (row) and 'dev' (column), if any
    dimnms <- c("origin", "dev")
    if (!is.null(nm<-names(dimnames(Triangle)))) 
        # If only one name specified by user, other will be NA
        dimnms[!is.na(nm)] <- nm[!is.na(nm)]

    # Calculate the age.from/to's and maxage based on adol setting.
    Age.to <- dev
    if (adol) {
        if (is.null(origin.width)) {
            agediff <- diff(Age.to)
            if (!all(abs(agediff-agediff[1L])<sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) 
                warning("origin.width unspecified, but varying age differences; check reasonableness of 'Table64$AgeUsed'")
            origin.width <-  mean(agediff)
        if (is.null(adol.age)) # default is half width of origin period
            adol.age <- origin.width / 2
        # rudimentary reasonableness checks of adol.age
        if (adol.age < 0) 
            stop("age of average date of loss cannot be negative")
        if (adol.age >= origin.width) 
            stop("age of average date of loss must be < origin.width (ie, within origin period)")
        ## For all those ages that are before the end of the origin period,
        ## we will assume that the average date of loss of the
        ## partial period is proportional to the age
        early.age <- Age.to < origin.width
        Age.to[!early.age] <- Age.to[!early.age] - adol.age
        Age.to[early.age] <- Age.to[early.age] * (1 - adol.age / origin.width)
        colnames(Triangle) <- Age.to
        maxage.used <- maxage - adol.age
    else {
        if (!is.null(adol.age))
            stop("adol.age is specified but adol is FALSE")
        if (!is.null(origin.width))
            stop("origin.width is specified but adol is FALSE")
        maxage.used <- maxage
    Age.from <- c(0, head(Age.to, -1L))

    # Triangle does not need to be scaled for Cape Cod method.
    CurrentValue <- getLatestCumulative(if (cumulative) Triangle else incr2cum(Triangle))

    ELRinit <- if (is.logical(tryCatch(checkTriangle(Triangle), error = function(e) FALSE))) 1.000
        else sum(if (cumulative) predict(chainladder(Triangle))[,ncol(Triangle)] 
                 else predict(chainladder(incr2cum(Triangle)))[,ncol(Triangle)]) / sum(Premium)

    # Save age from/to's of current diagonal
    CurrentAge <- getLatestCumulative({
        z <- col(Triangle)
        array(dev[z], dim(Triangle))
    CurrentAge.from <- getLatestCumulative(array(Age.from[z], dim(Triangle)))
    CurrentAge.used <- CurrentAge.to <- getLatestCumulative(array(Age.to[z], dim(Triangle)))

    # Turn loss matrix into incremental losses, if not already
    if (cumulative) Triangle <-cum2incr(Triangle)

    # Create the "long format" data.frame as in Table 1.1 of paper.
    Table1.1 <- as.data.frame(as.triangle(Triangle))
    Table1.1$origin <- seq.int(nr)
    Table1.1$P   <- rep(Premium, ncol(Triangle))
    Table1.1$dev <- rep(seq.int(ncol(Triangle)), each=nr)
    Table1.1$Age.from <- rep(Age.from, each=nr)
    Table1.1$Age.to <- rep(Age.to, each=nr)
    Table1.1 <- Table1.1[!is.na(Table1.1[[3L]]),]
    # "prime" workarea with initial data
    workarea$origin   <- Table1.1$origin # origin year (index) of the observation
#    workarea$io <- outer(workarea$origin, 1:nr, `==`) # not used for CC, but leave in anyway
    workarea$value    <- as.numeric(Table1.1$value)
    workarea$P        <- Table1.1$P
    workarea$Age.from <- Table1.1$Age.from
    workarea$Age.to   <- Table1.1$Age.to
    workarea$dev      <- devs[Table1.1$dev]
    workarea$nobs     <- nobs <- nrow(Table1.1)
    workarea$np       <- np   <- 1L + G@np

    # Calc starting values for the parameters, call optim
    theta <- c(ELR=ELRinit, G@initialGuess(workarea))
    S <- optim(
        par = theta,
        LL.ODP, # function to be maximized (fmscale=-1)
        gr = dLL.ODPdt,     ## much faster with gradient function 
        lower = c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea)),
        upper = c(10, G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea)),
        control = list(
    if (S$convergence>0) {
        msg <- "Maximum likelihood solution not found."
        if (S$convergence == 1)
            msg<-paste(msg,"Max interations (100000) reached.")
        else msg<-paste(msg,"'convergence' code=",S$convergence)

    # Pull the parameters out of the solution list
    theta <- S$par
    K  <- np - G@np
    K1 <- seq.int(K)
    ELR <- theta[1L]
    thetaG <- tail(theta, G@np)
    if (any(G@LBFGSB.lower(workarea) == thetaG | G@LBFGSB.upper(workarea) == thetaG)) 
        warning("Solution constrained at growth function boundary! Use results with caution!\n\n")
    # Calculate the SIGMA2 "scaling parameter"
    SIGMA2 <- workarea$SIGMA2 <- LL.ODP.SIGMA2(workarea)


    # Expected value of reserves
    R <- R.CapeCod(theta, Premium, G, CurrentAge.used, maxage.used)#, workarea)
    g <- G(CurrentAge.used, thetaG)
    g.maxage <- G(maxage.used, thetaG)
    ldf <- 1 / g
    ldf.truncated <- g.maxage / g

    gammar2 <- R * SIGMA2
    gammar <- sqrt(gammar2)


    # Calculate the Fisher Information matrix = matrix of
    #   2nd partial derivatives of the LL fcn w.r.t. all parameters
    workarea$FI <- FI <- structure(
        d2LL.ODPdt2(S$par, MU.CapeCod, G, workarea),
        dimnames = list(names(S$par), names(S$par))

    # Let's see if FI will invert
    if (rcond(FI) < .Machine$double.eps) { # No
        message("Fisher Information matrix is computationally singular (condition number = ",
                format(1/rcond(FI), digits=3, scientific=TRUE), 
                ")\nParameter risk estimates not available"
        # Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
        #   for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
        dR <- NA
        # Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
        VCOV.R <- NA
        # Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
        # Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum  over
        #   entire matrix (see below).
        deltar2 <- rep(NA, nr)
        deltar  <- rep(NA, nr)
        # Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
        totalr2 <- rep(NA, nr)
        totalr  <- rep(NA, nr)
        # AY Total row
        CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
        Premium.sum <- sum(Premium)
        R.sum <- sum(R)
        gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
        gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
        deltar2.sum <- NA
        deltar.sum <- NA
        totalr2.sum <- NA
        totalr.sum = NA
    else {
        # Calculate the gradient matrix, dR = matrix of 1st partial derivatives
        #   for every origin year w.r.t. every parameter
        dR <- dfdx(R.CapeCod, theta, Premium, G, CurrentAge.to, maxage.used)#, workarea)
        # Delta Method => approx var/cov matrix of reserves
        VCOV.R <- -workarea$SIGMA2 * t(dR) %*% solve(FI, dR)
        # Origin year parameter risk estimates come from diagonal entries
        # Parameter risk for sum over all origin years = sum  over
        #   entire matrix (see below).
        deltar2 <- diag(VCOV.R)
        # Hessian only approximates the covariance matrix; no guarantee
        #   that the matrix is positive (semi)definite.
        # If find negative diagonal variances, set them to zero, 
        #   issue a warning.
        ndx <- deltar2<0
        if (any(ndx)) {
            if (sum(ndx)>1L) msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced 'negative variances' for the following origin years (values set to zero):\n"
            else msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the following origin year (value set to zero):\n"
            df2 <- data.frame(
                Origin = origins[ndx], 
                Reserve = R[ndx],# * magscale, 
                ApproxVar = deltar2[ndx],# * magscale^2, 
                RelativeVar = deltar2[ndx] / R[ndx]# * magscale / R[ndx]
            df2 <- format(
                    data.frame(Origin="Origin",Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
                    format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
            msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
            deltar2[ndx] <- 0 
        deltar  <- sqrt(deltar2)
        # Total Risk = process risk + parameter risk
        totalr2 <- gammar2 + deltar2
        totalr  <- sqrt(totalr2)
        # AY Total row
        CurrentValue.sum <- sum(CurrentValue)
        Premium.sum <- sum(Premium)
        R.sum <- sum(R)
        gammar2.sum <- sum(gammar2)
        gammar.sum = sqrt(gammar2.sum)
        deltar2.sum <- sum(VCOV.R)
        if (deltar2.sum<0) {
            msg <- "The parameter risk approximation produced a 'negative variance' for the Total row (value set to zero):\n"
            df2 <- data.frame(
                Reserve = R.sum,# * magscale, 
                ApproxVar = deltar2.sum,# * magscale^2, 
                RelativeVar = deltar2.sum / R.sum# * magscale / R.sum
            df2 <- format(
                    data.frame(Reserve="Reserve", ApproxVar="ApproxVar", RelativeVar="RelativeVar"),
                    format(df2, big.mark=",", digits=3)
            msg <- c(msg, apply(df2, 1, function(x) paste(paste(x, collapse=" "), "\n")))
            deltar2.sum <- 0 
        deltar.sum <- sqrt(deltar2.sum)
        totalr2.sum <- gammar2.sum + deltar2.sum
        totalr.sum = sqrt(totalr2.sum)

    # KEY: Mixed case: origin year (row level) amounts
    #      all-lower-case: workarea (observation level) amounts
            method = "CapeCod",
            growthFunctionName = G@name,
            Origin = origins,
            Premium = Premium,
            CurrentValue = CurrentValue,
            CurrentAge = CurrentAge,
            CurrentAge.used = CurrentAge.used,
            MAXAGE = maxage,
            MAXAGE.USED = maxage.used,
            FutureValue = R,
            UltimateValue = CurrentValue + R,
            ProcessSE = gammar,
            ParameterSE = deltar,
            StdError = totalr,
            Total = list(
                Origin = "Total",
                Premium = Premium.sum,
                CurrentValue = CurrentValue.sum,
                FutureValue = R.sum,
                UltimateValue = CurrentValue.sum + R.sum,
                ProcessSE = gammar.sum,
                ParameterSE = deltar.sum,
                StdError = totalr.sum
            ELR = ELR,
            THETAG = thetaG,
            GrowthFunction = g,
            GrowthFunctionMAXAGE = g.maxage,
            FutureGrowthFactor = g.maxage - g,
            SIGMA2=c(unclass(SIGMA2)),# * magscale,
            Ldf = ldf,
            LdfMAXAGE = 1/g.maxage,
            TruncatedLdf = ldf.truncated,
            FutureValueGradient = dR,
            origin = workarea$origin,
            age = workarea$dev,
            fitted = workarea$mu,# * magscale,
            residuals = workarea$residuals,# * magscale,
            stdresid = workarea$residuals/sqrt(SIGMA2*workarea$mu),
            FI = FI,
            value = S$value,
            counts = S$counts
        class=c("ClarkCapeCod", "clark", "list")


summary.ClarkLDF <- function(object, ...) {
    origin <- c(object$Origin, object$Total$Origin)
        Origin = origin,
        CurrentValue = c(object$CurrentValue, object$Total$CurrentValue),
        Ldf = c(object$TruncatedLdf, NA),
        UltimateValue = c(object$UltimateValue, object$Total$UltimateValue),
        FutureValue = c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
        StdError = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError),
        CV = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError) / c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
        row.names = origin,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

print.ClarkLDF <- function(x, Amountdigits=0, LDFdigits=3, CVdigits=3, row.names=FALSE, ...) {
    y <- summary(x)
    z <- structure(data.frame(y[1], 
        format(round(y[[2]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","),
        Ldf = c(head(format(round(y[[3]], LDFdigits)), -1), ""), 
        format(round(y[[4]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","), 
        format(round(y[[5]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","), 
        format(round(y[[6]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","), 
        formatC(100*round(y[[7]], CVdigits), format="f", digits=CVdigits-2),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        names = c(names(y)[1:6], "CV%")
    print(z, row.names = row.names, ...)

summary.ClarkCapeCod <- function(object, ...) {
    origin <- c(object$Origin, object$Total$Origin)
        Origin = origin,
        CurrentValue = c(object$CurrentValue, object$Total$CurrentValue),
        Premium = c(object$Premium, object$Total$Premium),
        ELR = c(rep(object$ELR, length(object$Premium)), NA),
        FutureGrowthFactor = c(object$FutureGrowthFactor, NA),
        FutureValue = c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
        UltimateValue = c(object$UltimateValue, object$Total$UltimateValue),
        StdError = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError),
        CV = c(object$StdError, object$Total$StdError) / c(object$FutureValue, object$Total$FutureValue),
        row.names = origin,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

print.ClarkCapeCod <- function(x, Amountdigits=0, ELRdigits=3, Gdigits=4, CVdigits=3, row.names=FALSE, ...) {
    y <- summary(x)
    z <- structure(data.frame(y[1], 
        format(round(y[[2]], Amountdigits), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE), 
        format(round(y[[3]], Amountdigits), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE), 
        c(head(formatC(round(y[[4]], ELRdigits), digits=ELRdigits, format="f"), -1), ""), 
        c(head(formatC(round(y[[5]],   Gdigits), digits=  Gdigits, format="f"), -1), ""), 
        format(round(y[[6]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","), 
        format(round(y[[7]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","), 
        format(round(y[[8]], Amountdigits), big.mark=","), 
        formatC(100*round(y[[9]], CVdigits), format="f", digits=CVdigits-2),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        names = c(names(y)[1:8], "CV%")
    print(z, row.names = FALSE, ...)

plot.clark <- function(x, ...) {
    # We will plot the residuals as functions of
    #   1. origin
    #   2. age (at end of development period)
    #   3. fitted value (observe heteroscedasticity)
    # The y-values of the plots are the x$stdresid's
    # 4th plot shows results of normality test
    op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2),         # 4 plots on one page
              oma = c(0, 0, 5, 0))  # outer margins necessary for page title
        x$stdresid,ylab="standardized residuals",
        main="By Origin")
    z <- lm(x$stdresid~x$origin)
    abline(z, col="blue")
        ylab="standardized residuals",
        main="By Projected Age")
    age <- as.numeric(x$age)
    z <- lm(x$stdresid~age)
    abline(z, col="blue")
        x$stdresid,ylab="standardized residuals",
        xlab="Expected Value",
        main="By Fitted Value")
    z <- lm(x$stdresid~x$fitted)
    abline(z, col="blue")
    # Normality test
    ymin <- min(x$stdresid)
    ymax <- max(x$stdresid)
    yrange <- ymax - ymin
    sprd <- yrange/10
    qqline(x$stdresid, col="blue")
    N <- min(length(x$stdresid),5000) # 5000=shapiro.test max sample size
    shap.p <- shapiro.test(sample(x$stdresid,N))
    shap.p.value <- round(shap.p$p.value,5)
    text(xmin, ymax - sprd, paste("Shapiro-Wilk p.value = ", shap.p.value, ".", sep=""), cex=.7, adj=c(0,0))
#    text(xmin, ymax - 2*sprd, paste(ifelse(shap.p.value<.05,"Should reject",
#                                              "Cannot reject"),
#                      "ODP hypothesis"), cex=.7, adj=c(0,0))
#    text(xmin, ymax - 3*sprd,expression(paste("at ",alpha," = .05 level.",sep="")), cex=.7, adj=c(0,0))

    # Finally, the overall title of the page of plots    
            "Standardized Residuals\nMethod: ", 
            paste("Clark", x$method, sep=""), 
            "; Growth function: ", 
        outer = TRUE, 
        cex = 1.5

vcov.clark <- function(object, ...) {
    if (rcond(object$FI)<.Machine$double.eps) { # Fisher Information matrix will not invert
        message("Fisher Information matrix is computationally singular (condition number = ",
                format(1/rcond(object$FI), digits=3, scientific=TRUE), 
                ")\nCovariance matrix is not available."

Table65 <- function(x) { # Form "report table" as on p. 65 of paper
        Origin = c(x$Origin, x$Total$Origin),
        CurrentValue = c(x$CurrentValue, x$Total$CurrentValue),
        FutureValue = c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue),
        ProcessSE = c(x$ProcessSE, x$Total$ProcessSE),
        ProcessCV = 100 * round(c(x$ProcessSE, x$Total$ProcessSE) / c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue), 3),
        ParameterSE = c(x$ParameterSE, x$Total$ParameterSE),
        ParameterCV = 100 * round(c(x$ParameterSE, x$Total$ParameterSE) / c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue), 3),
        StdError = c(x$StdError, x$Total$StdError),
        TotalCV = 100 * round(c(x$StdError, x$Total$StdError) / c(x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue), 3),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Table64 <- function(x) {
    if (!inherits(x, "ClarkLDF")) {
        warning(sQuote(deparse(substitute(x))), " is not a ClarkLDF model.")
        Origin = c("", x$Origin, x$Total$Origin),
        CurrentValue = c(NA, x$CurrentValue, x$Total$CurrentValue),
        CurrentAge = c(x$MAXAGE, x$CurrentAge, NA),
        AgeUsed = c(x$MAXAGE.USED, x$CurrentAge.used, NA),
        GrowthFunction = c(x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE, x$GrowthFunction, NA),
        Ldf = c(x$LdfMAXAGE, x$Ldf, NA),
        TruncatedLdf = c(1.0, x$TruncatedLdf, NA),
        LossesAtMaxage = c(NA, x$CurrentValue + x$FutureValue, x$Total$CurrentValue + x$Total$FutureValue),
        FutureValue = c(NA, x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

Table68 <- function(x) {
    if (!inherits(x, "ClarkCapeCod")) {
        warning(sQuote(deparse(substitute(x))), " is not a ClarkCapeCod model.")
        Origin = c("", x$Origin, x$Total$Origin),
        Premium = c(NA, x$Premium, x$Total$Premium),
        CurrentAge = c(x$MAXAGE, x$CurrentAge, NA),
        AgeUsed = c(x$MAXAGE.USED, x$CurrentAge.used, NA),
        GrowthFunction = c(x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE, x$GrowthFunction, NA),
        FutureGrowthFactor = x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE - c(x$GrowthFunctionMAXAGE, x$GrowthFunction, NA),
        PremiumxELR = x$ELR * c(NA, x$Premium, x$Total$Premium),
        FutureValue = c(NA, x$FutureValue, x$Total$FutureValue),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE


# Function Classes


# First, a function-or-NULL virtual class
setClassUnion("funcNull", c("function","NULL"))

# Functions stemming from this class have one argument, x
    # By issuing the name of the instance of this class, you will get
    #   the function as defined when the instance was created.
    contains = "function",
    representation = representation(
        # partial derivative function, vector of length = length(x)
        dfdx = "funcNull",
        # 2nd partial derivative function, vector of length = length(x)
        d2fdx2 = "funcNull"

# Generics to return the 1st & 2nd partial derivatives 
setGeneric("dfdx", function(f, ...) standardGeneric("dfdx"))
setMethod("dfdx", "dfunction", function(f, ...) f@dfdx(...))
setGeneric("d2fdx2", function(f, ...) standardGeneric("d2fdx2"))
setMethod("d2fdx2", "dfunction", function(f, ...) f@d2fdx2(...))

# Generic "change-in-function" method
setGeneric("del", function(f, from, to, ...) standardGeneric("del"))
setMethod("del", "function", function(f, from, to, ...) f(to, ...) - f(from, ...))


# Functions stemming from this class have two arguments:
#   x = age/lag/time at which the function will be evaluated
#   theta = vector of parameters
# Growth function's derivatives will be with respect to 2nd argument --
#   't' stands for 'theta' = vector of parameters -- which is different
#   from dfunction class whose derivatives are w.r.t. 1st argument
    # By issuing the name of the instance of this class, you will get
    #   the function as defined when the instance was created.
    contains = "function",
    representation = representation(
        name = "character", 
        # number of parameters (length of theta)
        np = "integer", 
        # function to return initial parameters before running optim
        initialGuess = "funcNull", 
        # function to return lower "L-BFGS-B" constraint
        LBFGSB.lower = "funcNull", 
        # function to return upper "L-BFGS-B" constraint
        LBFGSB.upper = "funcNull", 
        # partial derivative function, vector of length np
        dGdt = "funcNull",
        # 2nd partial derivative function, np x np matrix
        d2Gdt2 = "funcNull"


G.loglogistic <- function(x, theta) {
    if (any(theta <= 0)) return(rep(0, length(x)))
    pllogis(x, shape = theta[1], scale = theta[2])

dG.loglogisticdtheta <- function(x, theta) {
    if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
        if (length(x) > 1L) array(0, dim = c(2L, length(x)))
        else numeric(2L)
    y <- pllogis(x, shape = theta[1], scale = theta[2])
    y1y <- y * (1-y)
    logxtheta <- log(x/theta[2])
    dy <- structure(
            y1y * logxtheta,
            -y1y * theta[1] / theta[2]
        dimnames = list(names(x), names(theta))
    dy[is.na(dy)] <- 0

d2G.loglogisticdtheta2 <- function(x, theta) {
    if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
        array(0, dim = if (length(x) > 1L) c(length(x), 4L) else c(2L, 2L))
    y <- pllogis(x, shape = theta[1], scale = theta[2])
    y1y <- y * (1-y)
    oneMinus2y <- 1 - 2 * y
    logxtheta <- log(x/theta[2])
    dyomega <- y1y * logxtheta
    A <- dyomega * logxtheta * oneMinus2y
    B <- -y1y / theta[2] * (1 + theta[1] * logxtheta * oneMinus2y)
    C <- y1y * theta[1] / theta[2]^2 * (1 + theta[1] * oneMinus2y)
    d2y <- if (length(x)>1L) structure(cbind(A, B, B, C), dimnames = list(
                outer(names(theta), names(theta), paste, sep=":")))
           else array(c(A, B, B, C), dim = c(2L, 2L), dimnames = list(
                names(theta), names(theta)))
    d2y[is.na(d2y)] <- 0

loglogistic <- new("GrowthFunction", 
    name = "loglogistic",
    np = 2L,
    initialGuess = function(env) c(
        omega = 2, 
        theta = median(env$Age.to, na.rm=TRUE)
    LBFGSB.lower = function(env) c(
        omega = .01,
        theta = min(c(.5, env$Age.to))
    LBFGSB.upper = function(env) c(
        omega = Inf,
        theta = Inf
    dGdt = dG.loglogisticdtheta,
    d2Gdt2 = d2G.loglogisticdtheta2


G.weibull <- function(x, theta) {
    if (any(theta <= 0)) return(rep(0, length(x)))
    om <- unname(theta[1L])
    th <- unname(theta[2L])
    y <- 1 - exp(-(x/th)^om)
    y[is.na(y)] <- 0

dG.weibulldtheta <- function(x, theta) {
    if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
        if (length(x) > 1L) array(0, dim = c(2L, length(x)))
        else numeric(2L)
    om <- theta[1L]
    th <- theta[2L]
    xth <- x / th
    u   <- xth^om
    # dydom <- exp(-u) * u * log(u) / om
    # dydth <- -exp(-u) * u * om / th
    v <- exp(-u) * u
    dydom <- v * log(xth)
    dydth <- -v * om / th
    # Sandwich columns together.
    dtheta <- cbind(dydom, dydth)
    # If x <= 0, Inf, derivative = 0 by definition  (log returns NA)
    dtheta[is.na(dtheta)] <- 0

d2G.weibulldtheta2 <- function(x, theta) {
    if (any(theta <= 0)) return(
        array(0, dim = if (length(x) > 1L) c(length(x), 4L) else c(2L, 2L))
    om <- theta[1L]
    th <- theta[2L]
    xth  <- x/th
    u    <- xth^om
    logu <- log(u)
    u1   <- 1 - u
    v    <- exp(-u) * u
    dydom <- v * log(xth)
    dydthpositive <- v * om / th

    d2ydom2 <- 2 * dydom * u1
    d2ydth2 <- dydthpositive * (1 + om * u1) / th
    d2ydomdth <- -v * (1 + logu * u1) / th

    ndx <- x<=0 | is.infinite(x)
    d2ydom2[ndx] <- 0
    d2ydth2[ndx] <- 0
    d2ydomdth[ndx] <- 0
    if (length(x)>1L)
        # Create a matrix where each column holds an observation's
        #   d2 matrix "stretched out" into a vector of length 4
        cbind(d2ydom2, d2ydomdth, d2ydomdth, d2ydth2)
    else array(
        c(d2ydom2, d2ydomdth, d2ydomdth, d2ydth2),
        dim = c(2L, 2L),
        dimnames=list(names(theta), names(theta))

weibull <- new("GrowthFunction", 
    name = "weibull",
    np = 2L,
    initialGuess = function(env) c(
        omega = (om<-1.5),
        theta = max(env$Age.to, na.rm=TRUE) * (log(1/.05))^(-1/om) # 95% developed at current max age
    LBFGSB.lower = function(env) c(
        omega = .01,                     # a small number -- must be positive
        theta = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)# a small number -- must be positive
    LBFGSB.upper = function(env) c(
        omega = 2,# 8 -- too high an exponent can lead to overflows
        theta = 2 * max(env$Age.to)
    dGdt = dG.weibulldtheta,
    d2Gdt2 = d2G.weibulldtheta2


LL.ODP <- function(theta, MU, G, workarea) {
    # Calculate the expected value of all observations, store in workarea.
    MU(theta, G, workarea)
    if (any(workarea$mu < 0)) { # should not happen if G's formed correctly
        msg <- c("Maximum likelihood search failure!\n",
                "Search area bounds need to be tailored to this growth function and data.\n",
                paste("Growth function parameters at point of failure: ",
                    paste(tail(theta, G@np), collapse=", "),
                paste("Ages: ",
                    paste(unique(workarea$Age.to), collapse=", "),
                "Contact package author."
    # It would not be unreasonable for a G to generate zero expected losses.
    # Since log(0)=Inf but optim must have finite values to work with, set
    #   mu to be a very small number. 
    # Also, a faster way to test for zero would be on the unique ages
    #   rather than on all the ages in workarea.
    workarea$mu[workarea$mu < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
    # Do ODP-model calc for all observations, add them up.
    sum(workarea$value * log(workarea$mu) - workarea$mu)

dLL.ODPdt <- function(theta, MU, G, workarea) {
    # Calculate the gradient for all observations, store in workarea.
    # Create workarea$dmudt
    dfdx(MU, theta, G, workarea)
    # ... and an intermediate value used in second derivative
    workarea$cmuminus1 <- workarea$value/workarea$mu-1
    # Return a vector of column sums
    colSums(workarea$cmuminus1 * workarea$dmudt)  

d2LL.ODPdt2 <- function(theta, MU, G, workarea) {
    # Calculate all the 2nd derivatives of MU
    d2fdx2(MU, theta, G, workarea)
    # Calculate the hessian matrix for every observation, store as a 
    #   row in a matrix with # rows = # obs, add up all the 
    #   matrices, and reshape.
    # For each obs, the hessian matrix is the matrix of second partial 
    #   derivatives of LL. The first term is the product of the 
    #   ("stretched out") matrix of second partial derivatives of the 
    #   MU function and the quantity cit/mu-1 (paper's notation).
    #   The second term is the outer product of (not the square of --
    #   we need a matrix not a vector) two first partial derivatives
    #   of the MU function times the quantity cit/mu^2.
    y <- colSums(
                 workarea$cmuminus1 * workarea$d2mudt2 -
                (workarea$value/(workarea$mu^2)) *
                    t(vapply(1:workarea$nobs, function(i)
                        c(outer(workarea$dmudt[i, ], workarea$dmudt[i, ])),
                        vector("double", length(theta)^2)
    dim(y) <- rep(length(theta), 2)

LL.ODP.SIGMA2 <- function(workarea) {
    workarea$residuals <- workarea$value-workarea$mu
    return(workarea$SIGMA2 <- 
        sum(workarea$residuals^2/workarea$mu) / (workarea$nobs-workarea$np)


MU.LDF <- new("dfunction",
    # theta    = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
    # G        = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
    # workarea = environment where intermediate values are stored
    function(theta, G, workarea) {
        lent <- length(theta)
        workarea$thetaU      <- theta[1L:(lenu<-lent-G@np)]
        workarea$thetaG      <- theta[(lenu+1):lent]
        workarea$u  <- workarea$thetaU[workarea$origin] ## or thetaU %*% workarea$io
        workarea$delG <- del(G, workarea$Age.from, workarea$Age.to, workarea$thetaG)
        workarea$mu <- workarea$u * workarea$delG
    dfdx = function(theta, G, workarea) {
        workarea$deldG <- del(G@dGdt, workarea$Age.from, workarea$Age.to, workarea$thetaG)
        # Sandwich
        workarea$dmudt <- cbind(
            workarea$delG * workarea$io,
            workarea$u * workarea$deldG
    d2fdx2 = function(theta, G, workarea) {
        # Separately calculate the four submatrices for each obs:
        #   d2MUdthetaU2, d2MUdthetaUdthetaG, t(d2MUdthetaUdthetaG), and dtMUdthetaG2
        # Bind them into one hessian matrix for each obs.
        if (!exists("deldG", env=workarea)) stop("gr=NULL? Must run the derivatives.")
        # The result of the following will be a matrix with a row for 
        #   every observation. Each row is the hessian matrix for
        #   that observation, "stretched out" into a row vector.
        U2 <- array(0, rep(length(workarea$thetaU), 2))
        workarea$d2mudt2 <- t(vapply(1L:workarea$nobs, function(i) {
            # Cross partials of thetaU and thetaG: 10x1 %*% 1x2 = 10x2
            crossPartials.UG <- workarea$io[i, ] %*% t(workarea$deldG[i, ])
            # Cross partials of thetaG and thetaG
            crossPartials.GG <- workarea$u[i] * del(G@d2Gdt2, workarea$Age.from[i], workarea$Age.to[i], workarea$thetaG)
            c(rbind(cbind(U2, crossPartials.UG),
                  cbind(t(crossPartials.UG), crossPartials.GG)))
            }, vector("double", length(theta)^2)))


MU.CapeCod <- new("dfunction",
    # theta    = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
    # G        = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
    # workarea = environment where intermediate values are stored
    function(theta, G, workarea) {
        workarea$ELR         <- theta[1L]
        workarea$thetaG      <- theta[2L:length(theta)]
        workarea$u  <- workarea$ELR * workarea$P
        workarea$delG <- del(G, workarea$Age.from, workarea$Age.to, workarea$thetaG)
        workarea$mu <- workarea$u * workarea$delG
    dfdx = function(theta, G, workarea) {
        workarea$deldG <- del(G@dGdt, workarea$Age.from, workarea$Age.to, workarea$thetaG)
        # Sandwich
        workarea$dmudt <- cbind(
            workarea$P * workarea$delG,
            workarea$u * workarea$deldG
    d2fdx2 = function(theta, G, workarea) {
        # Separately calculate the four submatrices for each obs:
        #   d2MUdELR2, d2MUdELRdthetaG, t(d2MUdELRdthetaG), and dtMUdthetaG2
        # Bind them into one hessian matrix for each obs.
        if (!exists("deldG", env=workarea)) stop("gr=NULL? Must run the derivatives.")
        # The result of the following will be a matrix with a row for 
        #   every observation. Each row is the hessian matrix for
        #   that observation, "stretched out" into a column vector.
        ELR2 <- 0.0
        workarea$d2mudt2 <- t(vapply(seq.int(workarea$nobs), function(i) {
            # Cross partials of thetaU and thetaG: 10x1 %*% 1x2 = 10x2
            crossPartials.ELRG <- t(workarea$deldG[i, ])
            # Cross partials of thetaG and thetaG
            crossPartials.GG <- workarea$u[i] * del(G@d2Gdt2, workarea$Age.from[i], workarea$Age.to[i], workarea$thetaG)
            c(rbind(c(ELR2, crossPartials.ELRG),
                    cbind(t(crossPartials.ELRG), crossPartials.GG)))
            }, vector("double", length(theta)^2)))


#   Functions to calculate the "reserve" (future development)
#       and partial derivatives under the two methods.

R.LDF <- new("dfunction",
    # theta    = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
    # G        = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
    # from = age from after which losses are unpaid
    # to   = "ultimate" age. Could be a scalar
    # oy       = vector of origin years indices for selecting entries in thetaU
    function(theta, G, from, to, oy){
        lent   <- length(theta)
        thetaU <- theta[1L:(K <- lent - G@np)]
        thetaG <- theta[(K+1):lent]
        thetaU[oy] * del(G, from, to, thetaG)
    dfdx = function(theta, G, from, to, oy){
        # R is a vector valued function (think "column matrix").
        # Taking the partials adds a new dimension ... put at beginning
        #   with rows corresponding to the parameters.
        # So dR is a matrix valued function where ncols=length(from)
        #   and nrow = length(theta)
        # 'to' can be a scalar (e.g., maxage)
        if (length(to)<2L) to <- rep(to, length.out=length(from))
        if (length(to)!=length(from)) stop("Unequal 'from', 'to'")
        lent   <- length(theta)
        thetaU <- theta[1L:(K <- lent - G@np)]
        thetaG <- theta[(K+1):lent]
        # dR
        # |A 0 0 . 0 | A: partial of R_ay wrt thetaU
        # |0 A 0 . . | B: partial of R_ay wrt thetaG
        # |0 0 .   . |
        # |. . . A 0 |
        # |0 0 . 0 A |
        # |B B ... B |
        ##  Number of rows (~ parameters) is fixed
        ##  Number of columns (~ origin years) can vary
            del(G, from, to, thetaG) * outer(oy, 1L:K, `==`),
            t(thetaU[oy] * del(G@dGdt, from, to, thetaG))
    d2fdx2 = NULL # not needed at this point

R.CapeCod <- new("dfunction",
    # theta    = vector of parameters: U followed by omega and theta
    # G        = growth function (eg, loglogistic or weibull)
    # from = age from after which losses are unpaid
    # to   = "ultimate" age. Could be a scalar
    # oy       = vector of origin years indices for selecting entries in thetaU
    function(theta, Premium, G, from, to){
        ELR         <- theta[1L]
        thetaG      <- theta[2L:length(theta)]
        ELR * Premium * del(G, from, to, thetaG )
    dfdx = function(theta, Premium, G, from, to){
        # R is a vector valued function (think "column matrix").
        # Taking the partials adds a new dimension ... put at beginning
        #   with rows corresponding to the parameters.
        # So dR is a matrix valued function where ncols=length(from)
        #   and nrow = length(theta)
        # 'to' can be a scalar (e.g., maxage)
        if (length(to)<2L) to <- rep(to, length.out=length(from))
        if (length(to)!=length(from)) stop("Unequal 'from', 'to'")
        ELR         <- theta[1L]
        thetaG      <- theta[2L:length(theta)]
        # dR
        # |A| A: partial of R_ay wrt ELR
        # |B| B: partial of R_ay wrt thetaG
        ##  Rows ~ origin years (variable), columns ~ parameters (fixed)
            ELR = Premium * del(G, from, to, thetaG),
            t(ELR * Premium * del(G@dGdt, from, to, thetaG))
    d2fdx2 = NULL # not needed at this point

.prn <- function (
  x, txt, file = "") 
    # Based on code by Frank Harrell, Hmisc package, licence: GPL >= 2
  calltext <- as.character(sys.call())[2]
  if (file != "") 
    sink(file, append = TRUE)
  if (!missing(txt)) {
    if (nchar(txt) + nchar(calltext) + 3 > .Options$width) 
      calltext <- paste("\n\n  ", calltext, sep = "")
    else txt <- paste(txt, "   ", sep = "")
    cat("\n", txt, calltext, "\n\n", sep = "")
  else cat("\n", calltext, "\n\n", sep = "")
  if (file != "") 
mages/ChainLadder documentation built on July 29, 2023, 7:40 p.m.