
#     Leave these commands at the beginning.  They will refresh the session.               #

#      Here is the user defined variable section.                                          #

#----- Paths. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
args         <- commandArgs(TRUE)
arg.runtype  <- as.character(args[])

if (length(args) > 1){
cat("Only one directory is supported now \n")

if (length(args)==0) {
  cat("No arguments were passed, defaulting to lianas \n")
run.type    = arg.runtype

here           = getwd()     # Current directory.
there          = paste(here,"/../",run.type[1],sep='')     # Directory where analyses/history are
srcdir         = here  # Source  directory.
outroot        = paste(there,"/figures",sep='')  # Directory for figures

#----- Time options. ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
monthbeg       = 01   # First month to use
yearbeg        = 2000    # First year to consider
yearend        = 2050    # Maximum year to consider    = T         # Should I reload partially loaded data?
#sasmonth.short = c(2,5,8,11)  # Months for SAS plots (short runs)
sasmonth.short = c(2,4,6,8,10,12)  # Months for SAS plots (short runs)
sasmonth.long  = c(2,4,6,8,10,12)  # Months for SAS plots (short runs)
#sasmonth.long  = 5            # Months for SAS plots (long runs)
#nyears.long    = 800           # Runs longer than this are considered long runs.

#----- Name of the simulations. -----------------------------------------------------------#
myplaces       = c("paracou")

#----- Plot options. ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
outform        = c("pdf")            # Formats for output file.  Supported formats are:
                                        #   - "X11"    - for printing on screen
                                        #   - "quartz" - for printing on Mac OS screen
                                        #   - "eps"    - for postscript printing
                                        #   - "png"    - for PNG printing
                                        #   - "tif"    - for TIFF printing
                                        #   - "pdf"    - for PDF printing
depth          = 96                     # PNG resolution, in pixels per inch
paper          = "letter"               # Paper size, to define the plot shape
ptsz           = 16                     # Font size.
lwidth         = 2.5                    # Line width
plotgrid       = TRUE                   # Should I plot the grid in the background? 
sasfixlimits   = FALSE                  # Use a fixed scale for size and age-structure
                                        #    plots? (FALSE will set a suitable scale for
                                        #    each plot)
fcgrid         = TRUE                   # Include a grid on the filled contour plots?
ncolshov       = 200                    # Target number of colours for Hovmoller diagrams.
hovgrid        = TRUE                   # Include a grid on the Hovmoller plots?
legwhere       = "topleft"              # Where should I place the legend?
inset          = 0.01                   # Inset between legend and edge of plot region.
scalleg        = 0.40                   # Expand y limits by this relative amount to fit
                                        #    the legend
cex.main       = 0.8                    # Scale coefficient for the title
theta          = 315.                   # Azimuth for perspective projection
phi            = 30.                    # Vertical angle for perspective projection
ltheta         = -210.                  # Azimuth angle for light
shade          = 0.125                  # Shade intensity
expz           = 0.5                    # Expansion factor for Z axis
cexmin         = 0.5                    # Minimum "head" size of the lollipop
cexmax         = 3.0                    # Maximum "head" size of the lollipop
ylnudge        = 0.05                   # Nudging factor for ylimit
ptype          = "l"                    # Type of plot
ptyped         = "p"                    # Type of plot
ptypeb         = "o"                    # Type of plot
drought.mark   = FALSE          # Put a background to highlight droughts?
drought.yeara  = 1605         # First year that has drought
drought.yearz  = 1609         # Last year that has drought
months.drought = c(12,1,2,3)        # Months with drought
ibackground    = 0           # Background settings (check load_everything.r)
plot.nplant.hystogram = T   # Plot custom dbh distribution (works but bad implementation, correct or remove)

#------ Miscellaneous settings. -----------------------------------------------------------#
slz.min             = -5.0         # The deepest depth that trees access water.
idbh.type           = 3   # Type of DBH class
# 1 -- Every 10 cm until 100cm; > 100cm
# 2 -- 0-10; 10-20; 20-35; 35-50; 50-70; > 70 (cm)
# 3 -- 0-10; 10-35; 35-55; > 55 (cm)
klight              = 0.8     # Weighting factor for maximum carbon balance = 1.0 # Correction factor to be applied to growth and
                                   #   storage respiration
iallom              = 3      # Allometry to use

analy.path       = paste(there,"analy",sep='/')  # analysis folder
com.list         = list.files(analy.path, pattern = "*-Q-*")
if(length(run.type) > 1) com.list = com.list[duplicated(com.list)]
if(length(com.list) < 24){ stop("ERROR: two few files in analysis folder") }
#                     Keep only full years                                                 #
# first year of available data in the folder
if ( yearbeg = min(sub('\\-.*','',sub("^.*?Q-","",com.list)))
# last year if available data in the folder
if ( yearend = max(sub('\\-.*','',sub("^.*?Q-","",com.list)))

yearbeg = as.integer(yearbeg)        # convert yeara to factor
yearend = as.integer(yearend)        # convert yearz to factor

#----- Load some packages and scripts. ----------------------------------------------------#

#----- Set how many formats we must output. -----------------------------------------------#
outform = tolower(outform)
nout    = length (outform)

#----- Avoid unecessary and extremely annoying beeps. -------------------------------------#

#----- Load observations. -----------------------------------------------------------------#
#obsrfile = file.path(srcdir,"LBA_MIP.v8.RData")

#----- Define plot window size ------------------------------------------------------------#
size = plotsize(proje=FALSE,paper=paper)

#---- Create the main output directory in case there is none. -----------------------------#
if (! file.exists(outroot)) dir.create(outroot)

#     Big place loop starts here...                                                        #
#for (place in myplaces){
#----- Retrieve default information about this place and set up some variables. --------#
thispoi = locations(where=place,here=there,yearbeg=yearbeg,yearend=yearend
inpref  = thispoi$pathin
outmain = file.path(outroot,place)
outpref = file.path(outmain,"yearly")
lieu    = thispoi$lieu
iata    = thispoi$iata
suffix  = thispoi$iata
yeara   = thispoi$yeara
yearz   = thispoi$yearz
meszz   = thispoi$monz

   #     Make sure we only deal with full years.                                           #
   if (monthbeg >  1) yeara = yeara + 1
   if (meszz    < 12) yearz = yearz - 1
   monthbeg = 1
   meszz    = 12
   if (yeara > yearz){
      cat(" - Yeara:  ",yeara,"\n")
      cat(" - Yearz:  ",yearz,"\n")
      cat(" - Prefix: ",inpref,"\n")
      cat(" - Invalid years, will not process data...","\n")
   }#end if

   #----- Create the directories in case they don't exist. --------------------------------#
   if (! file.exists(outmain)) dir.create(outmain)
   if (! file.exists(outpref)) dir.create(outpref)

   #----- Decide how frequently the cohort-level variables should be saved. ---------------#
   if ((yearend - yearbeg + 1) <= nyears.long){
      sasmonth   = sasmonth.short
      plot.ycomp = TRUE
      sasmonth   = sasmonth.long
#      plot.ycomp = FALSE
      plot.ycomp = TRUE
   }#end if

   #----- Print a banner to entretain the user. -------------------------------------------#
   cat(" + Post-processing output from ",lieu,"...","\n")

   #     Flush all variables that will hold the data.                                      #
   ntimes      = (yearz-yeara-1)*12+meszz+(12-monthbeg+1)
   nyears      =  yearz-yeara+1

   #      Make the RData file name, then we check whether we must read the files again     #
   # or use the stored RData.  Notice that the path is the same for plot_ycomp.r and       #
   # plot_monthly, so you don't need to read in the data twice.                            #
   #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#  = file.path(there,"rdata_month")
   if (! file.exists( dir.create(
   ed22.rdata  = file.path(,paste("M",place,"RData",sep="."))
   ed22.status = file.path(,paste("Mstatus_",place,".txt",sep=""))
   if ( && file.exists(ed22.rdata)){
      #----- Load the modelled dataset. ---------------------------------------------------#
      cat("   - Loading previous session...","\n")
      tresume = datum$ntimes + 1
      if (ntimes > datum$ntimes){
         datum   = update.monthly( new.ntimes = ntimes
                                 , old.datum  = datum
                                 , montha     = monthbeg
                                 , yeara      = yeara
                                 , inpref     = inpref
                                 , slz.min    = slz.min
                                 )#end update.monthly
      }#end if
      cat("   - Starting new session...","\n")
      tresume    = 1
      datum      = create.monthly( ntimes  = ntimes
                                 , montha  = monthbeg
                                 , yeara   = yeara
                                 , inpref  = inpref
                                 , slz.min = slz.min
                                 )#end create.monthly
   }#end if

   #     Check whether we have anything to update.                                         #
   complete = tresume > ntimes

   #----- Copy some dimensions to scalars. ------------------------------------------------#
   nzg        = datum$nzg
   nzs        = datum$nzs
   ndcycle    = datum$ndcycle
   isoilflg   = datum$isoilflg
   slz        = datum$slz
   slxsand    = datum$slxsand
   slxclay    = datum$slxclay
   ntext      = datum$ntext
   soil.prop  = datum$soil.prop
   dslz       = datum$dslz
   soil.depth = datum$soil.depth
   soil.dry   = datum$soil.dry
   soil.poro  = datum$soil.poro
   ka         = datum$ka
   kz         = datum$kz

   #     Loop over all times in case there is anything new to be read.                     #
   if (! complete){

      #     This function will read the files.                                             #
      datum = read.q.files(datum=datum,ntimes=ntimes,tresume=tresume,sasmonth=sasmonth)

      #------ Save the data to the R object. ----------------------------------------------#
      cat(" + Saving data to ",basename(ed22.rdata),"...","\n")
   }#end if (! complete)
   #----- Update status file with latest data converted into R. ---------------------------#
   #latest = paste(datum$year[ntimes],datum$month[ntimes],sep=" ")
   #dummy  = write(x=latest,file=ed22.status,append=FALSE)

   #----- Make some shorter versions of some variables. -----------------------------------#
   mfac   = datum$month
   yfac   = datum$year
   emean  = datum$emean
   emsqu  = datum$emsqu
   qmean  = datum$qmean
   qmsqu  = datum$qmsqu
   szpft  = datum$szpft
   lu     = datum$lu
   patch  = datum$patch
   cohort = datum$cohort

   #     Consolidate the yearly means for the long-term dynamics (the PFT and DBH/PFT      #
   # stuff).                                                                               #
   cat ("    - Finding the annual statistics for multi-dimensional variables...","\n")
   cat ("      * Aggregating the annual mean of PFT-DBH variables...","\n")
   for (vname in names(szpft)){
      szpft[[vname]] = qapply(X=szpft[[vname]],INDEX=yfac,DIM=1,FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE)
   }#end for
   #----- LU arrays.   The "+1" column contains the total. --------------------------------#
   cat ("      * Aggregating the annual mean of LU variables...","\n")
   for (vname in names(lu)){
      lu   [[vname]] = qapply(X=lu   [[vname]],INDEX=yfac,DIM=1,FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE)
   }#end for

   #      Here we find the monthly means for month, then compute the standard deviation.   #
   cat ("    - Finding the monthly and annual means...","\n")
   cat ("      * Aggregating the monthly mean and standard deviation...","\n")
   mmean = list()
   msdev = list()
   ymean = list()
   ysdev = list()
   for (vname in names(emean)){
      if (vname %in% c("soil.temp","soil.water","soil.mstpot","soil.extracted")){
         mmean[[vname]] = qapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=mfac, DIM=1, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
         msdev[[vname]] = qapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=mfac, DIM=1, FUN=sd  , na.rm=TRUE)
         ymean[[vname]] = qapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=yfac, DIM=1, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
         ysdev[[vname]] = qapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=yfac, DIM=1, FUN=sd  , na.rm=TRUE)
      }else if (vname %in% c("rain","runoff","intercepted","wshed")){
         mmean[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=mfac, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
         msdev[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=mfac, FUN=sd  , na.rm=TRUE)
         ymean[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=yfac, FUN=sum , na.rm=TRUE)
         ysdev[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=yfac, FUN=sd  , na.rm=TRUE)
         mmean[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=mfac, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
         msdev[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=mfac, FUN=sd  , na.rm=TRUE)
         ymean[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=yfac, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
         ysdev[[vname]] = tapply(X=emean[[vname]], INDEX=yfac, FUN=sd  , na.rm=TRUE)
      }#end if

      #----- Fix the bad data. ------------------------------------------------------------#
      bad.mmean = ! is.finite(mmean[[vname]])
      bad.msdev = ! is.finite(msdev[[vname]])
      bad.ymean = ! is.finite(ymean[[vname]])
      bad.ysdev = ! is.finite(ysdev[[vname]])
      mmean[[vname]][bad.mmean] = NA
      msdev[[vname]][bad.msdev] = 0.
      ymean[[vname]][bad.ymean] = NA
      ysdev[[vname]][bad.ysdev] = 0.
   }#end for

   #      Here we find the Mean diurnal cycle for each month, then compute the standard    #
   # deviation.                                                                            #
   cat ("    - Aggregating the annual mean and std. dev. of the diurnal cycle...","\n")
   umean = list()
   usdev = list()
   for (vname in names(qmean)){
      umean[[vname]] = qapply(qmean[[vname]],INDEX=yfac,DIM=1,FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE)
      usdev[[vname]] = qapply(qmean[[vname]],INDEX=yfac,DIM=1,FUN=sd  ,na.rm=TRUE)
      bad.umean      = ! is.finite(umean[[vname]])
      bad.usdev      = ! is.finite(usdev[[vname]])
      umean[[vname]][bad.umean] = NA
      usdev[[vname]][bad.usdev] = 0.
   }#end for

   #     Remove all elements of the DBH/PFT class that do not have a single valid cohort   #
   # at any given time.                                                                    #
   empty =$nplant) | szpft$nplant == 0
   for (vname in names(szpft)) szpft[[vname]][empty] = NA

   #     Convert mortality and recruitment so it is scaled between 0 and 100%.             #
   szpft$mort          = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$mort         )      )
   szpft$dimort        = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$dimort       )      )
   szpft$ncbmort       = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$ncbmort      )      )
   szpft$recrpft       = 100. * (      exp(  szpft$recr         ) - 1.0)
   szpft$agb.mort      = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$agb.mort     )      )
   szpft$agb.dimort    = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$agb.dimort   )      )
   szpft$agb.ncbmort   = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$agb.ncbmort  )      )
   szpft$agb.recrpft   = 100. * (      exp(  szpft$agb.recr     ) - 1.0)
   szpft$bsa.mort      = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$bsa.mort     )      )
   szpft$bsa.dimort    = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$bsa.dimort   )      )
   szpft$bsa.ncbmort   = 100. * (1.0 - exp(- szpft$bsa.ncbmort  )      )
   szpft$bsa.recrpft   = 100. * (      exp(  szpft$bsa.recr     ) - 1.0)

   #----- Find which PFTs, land uses and transitions we need to consider ------------------#
  pftave  = apply( X      = szpft$agb[,ndbh+1,]
                  , MARGIN = 2
                  , FUN    = mean
                  , na.rm  = TRUE
                  )#end apply
   luave   = apply( X      = lu$agb 
                  , MARGIN = 2
                  , FUN    = mean
                  , na.rm  = TRUE
                  )#end apply
   distave = apply(X=lu$dist,MARGIN=c(2,3),FUN=mean)
   selpft  = is.finite(pftave ) & pftave  > 0.
   sellu   = is.finite(luave  ) & luave   > 0.
   seldist = is.finite(distave) & distave > 0.
   n.selpft  = sum(selpft )
   n.sellu   = sum(sellu  )
   n.seldist = sum(seldist)

   #      Define a suitable scale for diurnal cycle...                                     #
   thisday = seq(from=0,to=ndcycle,by=1) * 24 / ndcycle
   uplot = list()
   uplot$levels = c(0,4,8,12,16,20,24)
   uplot$n      = 7
   uplot$scale  = "hours"
   uplot$padj   = rep(0,times=uplot$n)

   #      Define a suitable scale for soil profile layers...                               #
   znice  = -pretty.log(-slz,n=8)
   znice  = sort(c(znice,slz[1],slz[nzg]))
   sel    = znice >= slz[1] & znice <= slz[nzg]
   znice  = znice[sel]
   zat    = -log(-znice)
   nznice = length(znice)
   znice  = sprintf("%.2f",znice)

   #      Define a suitable scale for monthly means...                                     #
   montmont  = seq(from=1,to=12,by=1)
   mplot  = list()
   mplot$levels = montmont
   mplot$labels = capwords(mon2mmm(montmont))
   mplot$n      = 12
   mplot$scale  = "months"
   mplot$padj   = rep(0,times=mplot$n)

   #      Plotting section begins here...                                                  #
   cat ("    - Plotting figures...","\n")

#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #      Time series by PFT.  (tspft folder)                                              #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    for (v in sequence(ntspftdbh)){
#       thistspft   = tspftdbh[[v]]
#       vnam        = thistspft$vnam
#       description = thistspft$desc
#       unit        = thistspft$e.unit
#       plog        = thistspft$plog
#       plotit      = thistspft$pft
#       #----- Check whether the user wants to have this variable plotted. ------------------#
#       if (plotit && any(selpft)){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Check whether the time series directory exists.  If not, create it.          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir = file.path(outpref,"tspft")
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          cat("      +",description,"time series for all PFTs...","\n")
#          #----- Load variable -------------------------------------------------------------#
#          if (vnam %in% names(szpft)){
#             thisvar = szpft[[vnam]][,ndbh+1,]
#             if (plog){
#                #----- Eliminate non-positive values in case it is a log plot. -------------#
#                badlog          = is.finite(thisvar) & thisvar <= 0
#                thisvar[badlog] = NA
#             }#end if
#          }else{
#             thisvar = matrix(NA,ncol=npft+1,nrow=nyears)
#          }#end if
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Loop over output formats. -------------------------------------------------#
#          for (o in sequence(nout)){
#             fichier = file.path(outdir,paste0(vnam,"-",suffix,".",outform[o]))
#             if(outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                   ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#                tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                    ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                          ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                   ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }#end if
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #     Find the limit, make some room for the legend, and in case the field is  #
#             # a constant, nudge the limits so the plot command will not complain.          #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             xlimit = pretty.xylim(u = datum$toyear    ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#             #manfredo 574 instead of ylimit = pretty.xylim(u = thisvar[,selpft],fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog )
#             ylimit = pretty.xylim(u = thisvar[selpft],fracexp=0.2,is.log=plog )
#             if (plog){
#                xylog    = "y"
#                ydrought = c( exp(sqrt(ylimit[1]^3/ylimit[2]))
#                            , exp(sqrt(ylimit[2]^3/ylimit[1]))
#                            )#end c
#             }else{
#                xylog    = ""
#                ydrought = c( ylimit[1] - 0.5 * diff(ylimit),ylimit[2] + 0.5 * diff(ylimit) )
#             }#end if
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Plot settings. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#             letitre = paste(description,lieu,sep=" - ")
#             ley     = desc.unit(desc=description,unit=unit)
#             cols    = pft$colour[selpft]
#             legs    = pft$name  [selpft]
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #     Split the plot into two windows.                                         #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(par.user)
#             layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #      First plot: legend.                                                     #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#             plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#             legend( x      = "bottom"
#                   , inset  = 0.0
#                   , legend = legs
#                   , col    = cols
#                   , lwd    = lwidth
#                   , ncol   = min($ncol,3)
#                   , title  = expression(bold("Plant Functional Type"))
#                   , xpd    = TRUE
#                   , bty    = "n"
#                   )#end legend
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #      Main plot.                                                              #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#             plot.window(xlim=xlimit,ylim=ylimit,log=xylog)
#             axis(side=1)
#             axis(side=2,las=1)
#             box()
#             #title(main=letitre,xlab="Year",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7,log=xylog)
#             title(main=letitre,xlab="Year",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7)
#             if (drought.mark){
#                for (n in sequence(ndrought)){
#                   rect(xleft  = drought[[n]][1],ybottom = ydrought[1]
#                       ,xright = drought[[n]][2],ytop    = ydrought[2]
#                       ,col    = grid.colour,border=NA)
#                }#end for
#             }#end if
#             #----- Plot grid. -------------------------------------------------------------#
#             if (plotgrid){ 
#                abline(v=axTicks(side=1),h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#             }#end if
#             #----- Plot lines. ------------------------------------------------------------#
#             for (n in sequence(npft+1)){
#                if (selpft[n]){
#                   lines(datum$toyear,thisvar[,n],type="l",col=pft$colour[n],lwd=lwidth)
#                }#end if
#             }#end for
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Close the device. ------------------------------------------------------#
#             if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                locator(n=1)
#             }else{
#             }#end if
#             dummy=clean.tmp()
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          } #end for outform
#       }#end if (tseragbpft)
#    } #end for tseries
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #      Time series by DBH, by PFT.  (tsdbh folder)                                      #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #----- Find the PFTs to plot. ----------------------------------------------------------#
#    pftuse  = which(apply($nplant),MARGIN=3,FUN=sum,na.rm=TRUE) == 0.)
#    pftuse  = pftuse[pftuse != (npft+1)]
#    for (v in sequence(ntspftdbh)){
#       thistspftdbh   = tspftdbh[[v]]
#       vnam        = thistspftdbh$vnam
#       description = thistspftdbh$desc
#       unit        = thistspftdbh$e.unit
#       plog        = thistspftdbh$plog
#       plotit      = thistspftdbh$pftdbh
#       #----- Load variable ----------------------------------------------------------------#
#       if (vnam %in% names(szpft)){
#          thisvar = szpft[[vnam]]
#          if (plog){
#             xylog="y"
#             badlog = is.finite(thisvar) & thisvar <= 0
#             thisvar[badlog] = NA
#          }else{
#             xylog=""
#          }#end if
#       }else{
#          thisvar = array(NA,dim=c(nyears,ndbh+1,npft+1))
#       }#end if
#       #----- Check whether the user wants to have this variable plotted. ------------------#
#       if (plotit && length(pftuse) > 0 && any(is.finite(thisvar))){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Check whether the time series directory exists.  If not, create it.          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir = file.path(outpref,"tsdbh")
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          outvar = file.path(outdir,vnam)
#          if (! file.exists(outvar)) dir.create(outvar)
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          cat("      +",description,"time series for DBH class...","\n")
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Find the limit, make some room for the legend, and in case the field is a   #
#          # constant, nudge the limits so the plot command will not complain.               #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          xlimit = pretty.xylim(u=datum$toyear     ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#          ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=thisvar[,,pftuse],fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog)
#          if (plog){
#             xylog    = "y"
#             ydrought = c( exp(sqrt(ylimit[1]^3/ylimit[2]))
#                         , exp(sqrt(ylimit[2]^3/ylimit[1]))
#                         )#end c
#          }else{
#             xylog    = ""
#             ydrought = c( ylimit[1] - 0.5 * diff(ylimit),ylimit[2] + 0.5 * diff(ylimit) )
#          }#end if
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #       Loop over plant functional types.                                         #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          for (p in pftuse){
#             pftlab = paste0("pft-",sprintf("%2.2i",p))
#             cat("        - ",pft$name[p],"\n")
#             #----- Loop over output formats. ----------------------------------------------#
#             for (o in sequence(nout)){
#                #----- Open file. ----------------------------------------------------------#
#                fichier = file.path( outvar
#                                   , paste0(vnam,"-",pftlab,"-",suffix,".",outform[o])
#                                   )#end file.path
#                if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                   X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                   quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                   png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                      ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#                   tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                       ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                   postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                             ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                   pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                      ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#                }#end if
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #-----  Plot annotation. ---------------------------------------------------#
#                letitre = paste(description,pft$name[p],lieu,sep=" - ")
#                ley     = desc.unit(desc=description,unit=unit)
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #     Split the plot into two windows.                                      #
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                par(par.user)
#                layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #      First plot: legend.                                                  #
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#                plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#                legend( x      = "bottom"
#                      , inset  = 0.0
#                      , bg     = background
#                      , legend = dbhnames
#                      , col    = dbhcols
#                      , ncol   = min($ncol,3)
#                      , title  = expression(bold("DBH class"))
#                      , lwd    = lwidth
#                      , xpd    = TRUE
#                      , bty    = "n"
#                      )#end legend
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #      Main plot.                                                           #
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#                plot.window(xlim=xlimit,ylim=ylimit,log=xylog)
#                axis(side=1)
#                axis(side=2,las=1)
#                box()
#                title(main=letitre,xlab="Year",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7)
#                if (drought.mark){
#                   for (n in sequence(ndrought)){
#                      rect(xleft  = drought[[n]][1],ybottom = ydrought[1]
#                          ,xright = drought[[n]][2],ytop    = ydrought[2]
#                          ,col    = grid.colour,border=NA)
#                   }#end for
#                }#end if
#                #----- Plot grid. ----------------------------------------------------------#
#                if (plotgrid){ 
#                   abline(v=axTicks(side=1),h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#                }#end if
#                #----- Plot lines. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#                for (d in seq(from=1,to=ndbh+1,by=1)){
#                   lines(datum$toyear,thisvar[,d,p],type="l",col=dbhcols[d],lwd=lwidth)
#                }#end for
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #----- Close the device. ---------------------------------------------------#
#                if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                   locator(n=1)
#                }else{
#                }#end if
#                dummy=clean.tmp()
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             }#end for outform
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          }#end for (p in pftuse)
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#       }#end if (tseragbpft)
#       #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    } #end for tseries
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #   Plot the comparison between observations and model. (ycomp folder)                  #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    cat("    + Year-by-year comparisons of monthly means...","\n")
#    for (cc in sequence(ncompmodel)){
#       #----- Retrieve variable information from the list. ---------------------------------#
#       compnow      = compmodel[[cc]]
#       vname        = compnow$vnam  
#       description  = compnow$desc  
#       unit         = compnow$unit  
#       plotsd       = compnow$plotsd
#       lcolours     = compnow$colour
#       errcolours   = compnow$errcol
#       angle        = compnow$angle
#       dens         = compnow$dens
#       llwd         = compnow$lwd
#       shwd         = compnow$shwd
#       ltype        = compnow$type
#       plog         = compnow$plog
#       legpos       = compnow$legpos
#       plotit       = compnow$mmean
#       plotit       = ( plotit && vname %in% names(emean) && vname %in% names(mmean)
#                               && plot.ycomp )
#       if (plotit){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Copy the observations to a scratch variable.                                 #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          thisvar     = emean [[vname]]
#          thismean    = mmean [[vname]]
#          if (length(msdev[[vname]]) == 0){
#             thissdev = 0. * thismean
#          }else{
#             thissdev = msdev[[vname]]
#          }#end if
#          mod.x       = montmont
#          mod.ylow    = thismean - thissdev
#          mod.yhigh   = thismean + thissdev
#          mod.x.poly  = c(mod.x,rev(mod.x))
#          mod.y.poly  = c(mod.ylow,rev(mod.yhigh))
#          mod.keep    = is.finite(mod.y.poly)
#          mod.x.poly  = mod.x.poly[mod.keep]
#          mod.y.poly  = mod.y.poly[mod.keep]
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Check whether the time series directory exists.  If not, create it.          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir   = file.path(outpref,"ycomp")
#          outvar   = file.path(outdir,vname)
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          if (! file.exists(outvar)) dir.create(outvar)
#          cat("      - ",description,"comparison...","\n")
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Find the plot range. ------------------------------------------------------#
#          if (plotsd){
#             ylimit    = range(c(mod.ylow,mod.yhigh,thisvar),na.rm=TRUE)
#          }else{
#             ylimit    = range(thisvar,na.rm=TRUE)
#          }#end if
#          #----- Expand the upper range in so the legend doesn't hide things. --------------#
#          ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=ylimit,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Loop over all years, and make one plot per year.                            #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          for (y in sequence(nyears)){
#             #----- Retrieve the year and the variable for this year. ----------------------#
#    = datum$toyear[y]
#             cyear    = sprintf("%4.4i",
#             var.year = thisvar[yfac ==]
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Load variable ----------------------------------------------------------#
#             letitre = paste0(description," - ",lieu,"\n","Monthly mean - ",cyear)
#             ley     = desc.unit(desc=description,unit=unit)
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Loop over formats. -----------------------------------------------------#
#             for (o in sequence(nout)){
#                fichier = file.path(outvar,paste0(vname,"-",cyear,".",outform[o]))
#                if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                   X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                   quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                   png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                      ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#                   tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                       ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                   postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                             ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                   pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                      ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#                }#end if
#                #----- Split plot into two windows. ----------------------------------------#
#                par(par.user)
#                layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #------ First plot: the legend. --------------------------------------------#
#                par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#                plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#                if (plotsd){
#                   legend( x       = "bottom"
#                         , inset   = 0.0
#                         , legend  = c(cyear,paste0("Mean: ",yeara,"-",yearz))
#                         , fill    = errcolours
#                         , angle   = angle
#                         , density = dens
#                         , lwd     = llwd
#                         , col     = lcolours
#                         , bg      = background
#                         , title   = expression(bold("Shaded areas = 1 SD"))
#                         , cex     = cex.ptsz
#                         , pch     = 16
#                         , xpd     = TRUE
#                         , bty     = "n"
#                         )#end legend
#                }else{
#                   legend( x      = "bottom"
#                         , inset  = 0.0
#                         , legend = c(cyear,paste0("Mean: ",yeara,"-",yearz))
#                         , col    = lcolours
#                         , lwd    = llwd
#                         , cex    = cex.ptsz
#                         , pch    = 16
#                         , xpd    = TRUE
#                         , bty    = "n"
#                         )#end legend
#                }#end if
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #------ Second plot: the comparison. ---------------------------------------#
#                par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#                plot.window(xlim=range(montmont),ylim=ylimit,log=plog)
#                if (plotgrid){ 
#                   abline(v=mplot$levels,h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#                }#end if
#                if (plotsd){
#                   polygon(x=mod.x.poly,y=mod.y.poly,col=errcolours[2],angle=angle[2]
#                          ,density=dens[1],lty="solid",lwd=shwd[1])
#                }#end if
#                points(x=montmont,y=var.year,col=lcolours[1],lwd=llwd[1],type=ltype
#                      ,pch=16,cex=1.0)
#                points(x=montmont,y=thismean,col=lcolours[2],lwd=llwd[2],type=ltype
#                      ,pch=16,cex=1.0)
#                axis(side=1,at=mplot$levels,labels=mplot$labels,padj=mplot$padj)
#                axis(side=2,las=1)
#                title(main=letitre,xlab="Time",ylab=ley,cex.main=cex.main)
#                box()
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #----- Close plotting window. ----------------------------------------------#
#                if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                   locator(n=1)
#                }else{
#                }#end if
#                dummy=clean.tmp()
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             }#end for outform
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          }#end for years
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#       }#end if plotit
#       #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    }#end for ncompare
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #      Time series by LU.  (tslu folder)                                                #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    for (v in sequence(ntslu)){
#       thistslu    = tslu[[v]]
#       vnam        = thistslu$vnam
#       description = thistslu$desc
#       unit        = thistslu$unit
#       plog        = thistslu$plog
#       plotit      = thistslu$plt
#       #----- Check whether the user wants to have this variable plotted. ------------------#
#       if (plotit && any(sellu)){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Check whether the time series directory exists.  If not, create it.          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir = file.path(outpref,"tslu")
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          cat("      +",description,"time series for all LUs...","\n")
#          #----- Load variable -------------------------------------------------------------#
#          thisvar = lu[[vnam]]
#          if (plog){
#             #----- Eliminate non-positive values in case it is a log plot. ----------------#
#             thisvar[thisvar <= 0] = NA
#          }#end if
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Loop over output formats. -------------------------------------------------#
#          for (o in sequence(nout)){
#             fichier = file.path(outdir,paste0(vnam,"-",suffix,".",outform[o]))
#             if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                   ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#                tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                    ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                          ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }else if(outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                   ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }#end if
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #     Find the limit, make some room for the legend, and in case the field is  #
#             # a constant, nudge the limits so the plot command will not complain.          #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             xlimit = pretty.xylim(u = datum$toyear ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#             ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=thisvar[,sellu],fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog)
#             if (plog){
#                xylog    = "y"
#                ydrought = c( exp(sqrt(ylimit[1]^3/ylimit[2]))
#                            , exp(sqrt(ylimit[2]^3/ylimit[1]))
#                            )#end c
#             }else{
#                xylog    = ""
#                ydrought = c( ylimit[1] - 0.5 * diff(ylimit),ylimit[2] + 0.5 * diff(ylimit) )
#             }#end if
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Plot settings. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#             letitre = paste(description,lieu,sep=" - ")
#             ley     = desc.unit(desc=description,unit=unit)
#             cols    = lucols[sellu]
#             legs    = lunames[sellu]
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #     Split the plot into two windows.                                         #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(par.user)
#             layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #      First plot: legend.                                                     #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#             plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#             legend( x      = "bottom"
#                   , inset  = 0.0
#                   , legend = legs
#                   , col    = cols
#                   , lwd    = lwidth
#                   , ncol   = min(3,$ncol)
#                   , title  = expression(bold("Land use type"))
#                   , xpd    = TRUE
#                   , bty    = "n"
#                   )#end legend
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #      Main plot.                                                              #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#             plot.window(xlim=xlimit,ylim=ylimit,log=xylog)
#             axis(side=1)
#             axis(side=2,las=1)
#             box()
#             title(main=letitre,xlab="Year",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7)
#             if (drought.mark){
#                for (n in sequence(ndrought)){
#                   rect(xleft  = drought[[n]][1],ybottom = ydrought[1]
#                       ,xright = drought[[n]][2],ytop    = ydrought[2]
#                       ,col    = grid.colour,border=NA)
#                }#end for
#             }#end if
#             #----- Plot grid. -------------------------------------------------------------#
#             if (plotgrid){ 
#                abline(v=axTicks(side=1),h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#             }#end if
#             #----- Plot lines. ------------------------------------------------------------#
#             for (n in sequence(nlu+1)){
#                if (sellu[n]){
#                   lines(datum$toyear,thisvar[,n],type="l",col=lucols[n],lwd=lwidth)
#                }#end if
#             }#end for
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Close the device. ------------------------------------------------------#
#             if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                locator(n=1)
#             }else{
#             }#end if
#             dummy=clean.tmp()
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          }#end for outform
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#       }#end if (tseragbpft)
#       #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    }#end for tseries
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #   Plot disturbance rate by disturbance transition.    (distrurb-gyf.pdf file)         #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    if (tserdist && any(seldist)){
#       cat("      + Disturbance rate time series for all disturbances...","\n")
#       for (o in sequence(nout)){
#          fichier = file.path(outpref,paste0("disturb-",suffix,".",outform[o]))
#          if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#             X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#          }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#             quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#          }else if(outform[o] %in% "png"){
#             png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#          }else if(outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#             tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                 ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#          }else if(outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#             postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                       ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#          }else if(outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#             pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#          }#end if
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Find the limit, make some room for the legend, and in case the field is a   #
#          #  constant, nudge the limits so the plot command will not complain.              #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          xlimit   = pretty.xylim(u=datum$toyear,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#          ylimit   = NULL
#          n        = 0
#          mylucols = NULL
#          mylulegs = NULL
#          for (jlu in sequence(nlu)){
#             for (ilu in sequence(nlu)){
#                n = n + 1
#                if (seldist[ilu,jlu]){
#                   ylimit   = c(ylimit,lu$dist[,ilu,jlu])
#                   mylucols = c(mylucols,distcols [n])
#                   mylulegs = c(mylulegs,distnames[n])
#                }#end if
#             }#end for
#          }#end for
#          ylimit   = pretty.xylim(u=ylimit,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#          ydrought = c(ylimit[1] - 0.5 * diff(ylimit), ylimit[2] + 0.5 * diff(ylimit))
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Plot settings. ------------------------------------------------------------#
#          letitre = paste("Disturbance rates",lieu,sep=" - ")
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Split the plot into two windows.                                            #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          par(par.user)
#          layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #      First plot: legend.                                                        #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#          plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#          legend( x      = "bottom"
#                , inset  = 0.0
#                , bg     = background
#                , legend = mylulegs
#                , col    = mylucols
#                , lwd    = lwidth
#                , ncol   = min(3,$ncol)
#                , title  = expression(bold("Transition"))
#                , xpd    = TRUE
#                , bty    = "n"
#                )#end legend
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #      Main plot.                                                                 #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#          plot.window(xlim=xlimit,ylim=ylimit,log=xylog)
#          axis(side=1)
#          axis(side=2,las=1)
#          box()
#          title( main     = letitre
#               , xlab     = "Year"
#               , ylab     = desc.unit(desc="Disturbance rate",unit=untab$oneoyr)
#               , cex.main = 0.7
#               )#end title
#          if (drought.mark){
#             for (n in sequence(ndrought)){
#                rect(xleft  = drought[[n]][1],ybottom = ydrought[1]
#                    ,xright = drought[[n]][2],ytop    = ydrought[2]
#                    ,col    = grid.colour,border=NA)
#             }#end for
#          }#end if
#          #----- Plot grid. ----------------------------------------------------------------#
#          if (plotgrid){ 
#             abline(v=axTicks(side=1),h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#          }#end if
#          #----- Plot lines. ---------------------------------------------------------------#
#          n = 0
#          for (jlu in sequence(nlu)){
#             for (ilu in sequence(nlu)){
#                n = n + 1
#                if (seldist[ilu,jlu]){
#                   lines(datum$toyear,lu$dist[,ilu,jlu],type="l"
#                        ,col=distcols[n],lwd=lwidth)
#                }#end if
#             }#end for
#          }#end for
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Close the device. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#          if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#             locator(n=1)
#          }else{
#          }#end if
#          dummy=clean.tmp()
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#       } #end for outform
#       #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    }#end if
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #   Plot the time series diagrams showing annual means.   (theme_ymean folder)          #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    cat("      * Plot time series of groups of variables...","\n")
#    for (hh in sequence(ntheme)){
#       #----- Retrieve variable information from the list. ---------------------------------#
#       themenow     = theme[[hh]]
#       vnames       = themenow$vnam  
#       description  = themenow$desc  
#       lcolours     = themenow$colour
#       llwd         = themenow$lwd
#       ltype        = themenow$type
#       plog         = themenow$plog
#       prefix       = themenow$prefix
#       group        = themenow$title 
#       unit         = themenow$unit  
#       legpos       = themenow$legpos
#       plotit       = themenow$ymean
#       ylimit.fix   = themenow$ymean.lim
#       if (plotit){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Check whether the time series directory exists.  If not, create it.          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir = file.path(outpref,"theme_ymean")
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          cat("      +",group,"time series...","\n")
#          #----- Define the number of layers. ----------------------------------------------#
#          nlayers   = length(vnames)
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Find the limit, make some room for the legend, and in case the field is a   #
#          # constant, nudge the limits so the plot command will not complain.               #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          xlimit   = pretty.xylim(u=datum$toyear,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
#          if (any(! is.finite(ylimit.fix))){
#             ylimit    = NULL
#             for (l in sequence(nlayers)){
#                thisvar = ymean[[vnames[l]]]
#                ylimit  = range(c(ylimit,thisvar),na.rm=TRUE)
#             }#end for
#             ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=ylimit,fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog)
#          }else{
#             ylimit = ylimit.fix
#          }#end if
#          if (plog) {
#             xylog    = "y"
#             ydrought = c( exp(sqrt(ylimit[1]^3/ylimit[2]))
#                         , exp(sqrt(ylimit[2]^3/ylimit[1]))
#                         )#end c
#          }else{
#             xylog    = ""
#             ydrought = c(ylimit[1]-0.5*diff(ylimit),ylimit[2]+0.5*diff(ylimit))
#          }#end if
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Check if the directory exists.  If not, create it.                          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Loop over formats. --------------------------------------------------------#
#          for (o in sequence(nout)){
#             #------ Open file. ------------------------------------------------------------#
#             fichier = file.path(outdir,paste0(prefix,"-",suffix,".",outform[o]))
#             if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                   ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "tiff"){
#                tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                   ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                          ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                   ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }#end if
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Plot settings. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#             letitre = paste0(" Time series: ",group,"\n",lieu)
#             ley     = desc.unit(desc=group,unit=unit)
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #     Split the plot into two windows.                                         #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(par.user)
#             layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #      First plot: legend.                                                     #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#             plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#             legend( x      = "bottom"
#                   , inset  = 0.0
#                   , legend = description
#                   , col    = lcolours
#                   , lwd    = llwd
#                   , ncol   = min(3,$ncol)
#                   , xpd    = TRUE
#                   , bty    = "n"
#                   )#end legend
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #      Main plot.                                                              #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#             plot.window(xlim=xlimit,ylim=ylimit,log=xylog)
#             axis(side=1)
#             axis(side=2,las=1)
#             box()
#             title(main=letitre,xlab="Year",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7)
#             if (drought.mark){
#                for (n in sequence(ndrought)){
#                   rect(xleft  = drought[[n]][1],ybottom = ydrought[1]
#                       ,xright = drought[[n]][2],ytop    = ydrought[2]
#                       ,col    = grid.colour,border=NA)
#                }#end for
#             }#end if
#             #----- Plot grid. -------------------------------------------------------------#
#             if (plotgrid){ 
#                abline(v=axTicks(side=1),h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#             }#end if
#             #----- Plot lines. ------------------------------------------------------------#
#             for (l in sequence(nlayers)){
#                thisvar = ymean[[vnames[l]]]
#                points(x=datum$toyear,y=thisvar,col=lcolours[l],lwd=llwd[l],type=ltype
#                      ,pch=16,cex=0.8)
#             }#end for
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Close the device. ------------------------------------------------------#
#             if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                locator(n=1)
#             }else{
#             }#end if
#             dummy=clean.tmp()
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          } #end for outform
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#       }#end if plotit
#       #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    }#end for ntser
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #   Plot the climatology of the mean diurnal cycle.   (theme_qmean folder)              #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    cat("      * Plot mean diel for groups of variables...","\n")
#    for (hh in sequence(ntheme)){
#       #----- Retrieve variable information from the list. ---------------------------------#
#       themenow     = theme[[hh]]
#       vnames       = themenow$vnam
#       description  = themenow$desc
#       lcolours     = themenow$colour
#       llwd         = themenow$lwd
#       ltype        = themenow$type
#       plog         = themenow$plog
#       prefix       = themenow$prefix
#       group        = themenow$title
#       unit         = themenow$unit
#       legpos       = themenow$legpos
#       ylimit.fix   = themenow$qmean.lim
#       plotit       = themenow$qmean && plot.ycomp
#       if (plog){ 
#          xylog = "y"
#       }else{
#          xylog = ""
#       }#end if
#       if (plotit){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #    Check whether the time series directory exists.  If not, create it.          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir   = file.path(outpref,"theme_qmean")
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          outtheme = file.path(outdir,prefix)
#          if (! file.exists(outtheme)) dir.create(outtheme)
#          cat("      +",group," diurnal cycle...","\n")
#          #----- Define the number of layers. ----------------------------------------------#
#          nlayers   = length(vnames)
#          xlimit    = range(thisday)
#          if (any(! is.finite(ylimit.fix))){
#             ylimit    = NULL
#             for (l in sequence(nlayers)) ylimit  = c(ylimit,umean[[vnames[l]]])
#             ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=ylimit,fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog)
#          }else{
#             ylimit = ylimit.fix
#          }#end if
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #      Loop over all months.                                                      #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          yplot = as.numeric(dimnames(umean[[vnames[1]]])[[1]])
#          for (yy in seq_along(yplot)){
#             cyear    = sprintf("%4.4i",yplot[yy])
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #     Check if the directory exists.  If not, create it.                       #
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             #----- Loop over formats. -----------------------------------------------------#
#             for (o in sequence(nout)){
#                #------ Open file. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#                fichier = file.path( outtheme
#                                   , paste0(prefix,"-",cyear,"-",suffix,".",outform[o])
#                                   )#end file.path
#                if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                   X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                   quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                   png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                      ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#                   tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                       ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                   postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                             ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#                }else if (outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                   pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                      ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#                }#end if
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #----- Plot settings. ------------------------------------------------------#
#                letitre = paste0(group," - ",lieu,"\n","Mean diurnal cycle - ",cyear)
#                ley     = desc.unit(desc=group,unit=unit)
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #     Split the plot into two windows.                                      #
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                par(par.user)
#                layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#                #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #      First plot: legend.                                                  #
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#                plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#                legend( x      = "bottom"
#                      , inset  = 0.0
#                      , legend = description
#                      , col    = lcolours
#                      , lwd    = llwd
#                      , ncol   = min(3,$ncol)
#                      , xpd    = TRUE
#                      , bty    = "n"
#                      )#end legend
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #      Main plot.                                                           #
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#                plot.window(xlim=xlimit,ylim=ylimit,log=xylog)
#                axis(side=1,at=uplot$levels,labels=uplot$labels,padj=uplot$padj)
#                axis(side=2,las=1)
#                box()
#                title(main=letitre,xlab="Year",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7)
#                #----- Plot grid. ----------------------------------------------------------#
#                if (plotgrid){ 
#                   abline(v=uplot$levels,h=axTicks(side=2),col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#                }#end if
#                #----- Plot lines. ---------------------------------------------------------#
#                for (l in sequence(nlayers)){
#                   thisvar = umean[[vnames[l]]]
#                   thisvar = cbind(thisvar[,ndcycle],thisvar)
#                   points(x=thisday,y=thisvar[yy,],col=lcolours[l]
#                         ,lwd=llwd[l],type=ltype,pch=16)
#                }#end for
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#                #----- Close the device. ---------------------------------------------------#
#                if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                   locator(n=1)
#                }else{
#                }#end if
#                dummy=clean.tmp()
#                #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#             } #end for outform
#             #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          }#end for pmon
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#       }#end if plotit
#       #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    }#end for ntser
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #   Plot the climatology of the soil properties.   (soil_ymean folder)                  #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    for (v in sequence(nsoilplot)){
#       #----- Retrieve variable information from the list. ---------------------------------#
#       thisclim    = soilplot[[v]]
#       vnam        = thisclim$vnam
#       description = thisclim$desc
#       unit        = thisclim$unit
#       vcscheme    = thisclim$csch
#       pnlog       = thisclim$pnlog
#       plotit      = thisclim$ymean
#       if (plotit){
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #     Check if the directory exists.  If not, create it.                          #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          outdir  =  file.path(outpref,"soil_ymean")
#          if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#          cat("      + Climatology profile of ",description,"...","\n")
#          #----- Find the number of rows and columns, and the axes. ------------------------#
#          monaxis  = sort(unique(datum$year))
#          soilaxis = slz
#          nmon     = length(monaxis)
#          nsoil    = nzg
#          #----- Convert the vector data into an array. ------------------------------------#
#          vararr  = ymean[[vnam]]
#          #----- Copy the first and the last year to make the edges buffered. --------------#
#          first    = vararr[1,]
#          first    = c(first,first[nzg],first[nzg])
#          last     = vararr[nyears,]
#          last     = c(last[1],last[1],last)
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Bind first and last year to the array, to make the edges buffered. --------#
#          varbuff  = cbind(vararr[,1],vararr,vararr[,nzg])
#          varbuff  = rbind(last,varbuff,first)
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #   Expand the month and year axes.                                               #
#          #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          yearaxis = c(min(datum$toyear)-1,datum$toyear,max(datum$toyear)+1)
#          soilaxis = -log(-1.0 * c( slz[1]*(slz[1]/slz[2])
#                                  , soilaxis
#                                  , slz[nzg]*(slz[nzg]/slz[nzg-1]) ))
#          if (pnlog){
#             vrange  = range(varbuff,na.rm=TRUE)
#             vlevels = pretty.log(x=vrange,n=ncolshov)
#             vnlev   = length(vlevels)
#          }else{
#             vrange  = range(varbuff,na.rm=TRUE)
#             vlevels = pretty(x=vrange,n=ncolshov)
#             vnlev   = length(vlevels)
#          }#end if
#          #----- Loop over formats. --------------------------------------------------------#
#          for (o in sequence(nout)){
#             fichier = file.path(outdir,paste0(vnam,"-",suffix,".",outform[o]))
#             if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#                X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#                quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "png"){
#                png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                   ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent")
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "tif"){
#                tiff(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                    ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth,bg="transparent",compression="lzw")
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#                postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                          ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }else if (outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#                pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                   ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#             }#end if
#             letitre = paste0(description,"\n",lieu)
#             ley     = desc.unit(desc="Soil depth",unit=untab$m)
#             lacle   = desc.unit(desc=NULL,unit=unit)
#             par(par.user)
#             sombreado(x=yearaxis,y=soilaxis,z=varbuff,levels=vlevels,nlevels=vnlev
#                      ,color.palette=get(vcscheme)
#                      ,plot.title=title(main=letitre,xlab="Month",ylab=ley,cex.main=0.7)
#                      ,key.title=title(main=lacle,cex.main=0.8)
#                      ,key.log=pnlog
#                      ,plot.axes={axis(side=1)
#                                  axis(side=2,at=zat,labels=znice)
#                                  if (hovgrid){
#                                     abline(h=zat,v=axTicks(1),col=grid.colour,lty="dotted")
#                                  }#end if hovgrid
#                                 }#end plot.axes
#                      )
#             if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#                locator(n=1)
#             }else{
#             }#end if
#             dummy = clean.tmp()
#          } #end for outform
#       }#end if plotit
#    }#end for nhov
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    #      Bar plot by DBH class.    (barplot_dbh folder)                                   #
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    cat("    + Bar plot by DBH classes...","\n")
#    pftuse      = which(apply(X=szpft$nplant,MARGIN=3,FUN=sum,na.rm=TRUE) > 0.)
#    pftuse      = pftuse[pftuse != (npft+1)]
#    npftuse     = length(pftuse)
#    pftname.use = pft$name  [pftuse]
#    pftcol.use  = pft$colour[pftuse]
#    my.avg = 0
#    for (v in sequence(ntspftdbh)){
#      #----- Load settings for this variable.----------------------------------------------#
#      thisbar     = tspftdbh[[v]]
#      vnam        = thisbar$vnam
#      description = thisbar$desc
#      unit        = thisbar$e.unit
#      stacked     = thisbar$stack
#      plotit      = thisbar$bar.plot # && plot.ycomp 
#      plog        = thisbar$plog
#      if (plog){
#        stacked = FALSE
#        xylog   = "y"
#      }else{
#        xylog   = ""
#      }#end if
#      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#      #      Check whether to plot this 
#      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#      if (plotit){
#        cat("      - ",description,"...","\n")
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #     Retrieve the variable, and keep only the part that is usable.               #
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        thisvnam                  = szpft[[vnam]]
#        thisvnam                  = thisvnam [,,pftuse]
#        thisvnam                  = thisvnam [,-(ndbh+1),]
#        thisvnam[] = 0.
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #      Find the limits for the plots.  We use the same axis so it is easier to    #
#        # compare different times.                                                        #
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        if (stacked){
#          ylimit   = c(0,max(apply(X=thisvnam,MARGIN=c(1,2),FUN=sum,na.rm=TRUE)))
#        }else{
#          ylimit   = range(x=thisvnam,na.rm=TRUE)
#        }#end if
#        ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=ylimit,fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog)
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #     Check if the directory exists.  If not, create it.                          #
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        barplotdir = file.path(outpref,"barplot_dbh")
#        if (! file.exists(barplotdir)) dir.create(barplotdir)
#        outdir = file.path(barplotdir,vnam)
#        if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        #      Loop over all possible months.                                             #
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        for (y in sequence(nyears)){
#          #----- Find which year we are plotting. ---------------------------------------#
#          cyear     = sprintf("%4.4i",datum$toyear[y])
#          yy        = as.numeric(cyear)
#          #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          #----- Loop over output formats. ----------------------------------------------#
#          for (o in sequence(nout)){
#            #------ Open the plot. -----------------------------------------------------#
#            fichier = file.path( outdir
#                                 , paste0(vnam,"-",cyear,"-",suffix,".",outform[o])
#            )#end file.path
#            if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
#              X11(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#            }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
#              quartz(width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz)
#            }else if (outform[o] %in% "png"){
#              png(filename=fichier,width=size$width*depth,height=size$height*depth
#                  ,pointsize=ptsz,res=depth)
#            }else if (outform[o] %in% "eps"){
#              postscript(file=fichier,width=size$width,height=size$height
#                         ,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#            }else if (outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
#              pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                  ,width=size$width,height=size$height,pointsize=ptsz,paper=size$paper)
#            }#end if
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            #----- Split plotting area into two. ---------------------------------------#
#            par(par.user)
#            layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            #----- Plot the legend. ----------------------------------------------------#
#            par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#            plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#            legend( x      = "bottom"
#                    , inset  = 0.0
#                    , legend = pftname.use
#                    , fill   = pftcol.use
#                    , ncol   = min(3,$ncol)
#                    , title  = expression(bold("Plant functional type"))
#                    , cex    = cex.ptsz
#                    , bg     = background
#                    , xpd    = TRUE
#            )
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            #------ Set up the title and axis labels. ----------------------------------#
#            letitre = paste0(lieu,"\n",description," - Year : ",cyear)
#            lexlab  = "DBH Classes"
#            leylab  = desc.unit(desc=description,unit=unit)
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            #------ Correct data matrix for log plot (0s create problems, NAs not) -----#
#            if (xylog == "y"){
#              temp = thisvnam[y,,]
#              temp[temp==0] = NA
#              thisvnam[y,,] = temp
#            }
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#           #------- Plot all monthly means together. ------------------------------------#
#            par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#            barplot(height=t(thisvnam[y,,]),names.arg=dbhnames[1:ndbh],width=1.0,
#                    main=letitre,xlab=lexlab,ylab=leylab,ylim=ylimit * 1.05,
#                    legend.text=FALSE, beside=(! stacked),col=pftcol.use,log=xylog,
#                    border=grey.fg,xpd=FALSE,cex.main=cex.main,las=1)
#            if (plotgrid & (! stacked)){
#              xgrid=0.5+(1:ndbh)*(1+npftuse)
#              abline(v=xgrid,col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#            }
#            box()
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            if( v == 24 & plot.nplant.hystogram & y >= (nyears-100)){
#              #
#              xylog   = ""
#              ylimit=c(0,140.0)
#              mytable = thisvnam[y,,]
#              mytable[] = 0.0
#              my.avg=my.avg + mytable
#              if (y == nyears){
#         #multiply by ha conversion and divide by 100 (=nyears) (hence *100)
#                my.avg = my.avg*100
#                exp_lianas_dist       = c(1000,117.1,53.594,28.79,15.454,
#                                          12.631,9.331,5.552,5.357,3.728,
#                                          2.816,1.188,0.754,0.573,0.5,0.5
#                                          ,0.5)
#                exp_lianas_dist_err   = exp_lianas_dist * 0.3 + 2
#                exp_lianas_undist     = c(1000,52,31.831,20.801,10.735,
#                                          10.29,5.996,4.11,2.701,2.258,
#                                          1.814,1.369,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
#                                          ,0.5)
#                exp_lianas_undist_err = exp_lianas_undist * 0.4 + 2
#                my.avg[,1] = exp_lianas_dist
#                my.avg[,2] = exp_lianas_undist
#                my.avg=my.avg[,-3]
#                er_mat = matrix(c(exp_lianas_dist_err, exp_lianas_undist_err), nrow = 17)
#                er_mat = cbind (er_mat,NA)
#                er_mat [2,2] = er_mat[2,2] * 1.3
#                fichier=paste(outroot,"/paracou/yearly/barplot_dbh/nplant/average.pdf",sep='')
#                pdf(file=fichier,onefile=FALSE
#                  ,width=8.8,height=6.8,pointsize=16,paper="special")
#              #----- Split plotting area into two. ---------------------------------------#
#              par(par.user)
#              layout(mat=rbind(2,1),heights=c(5,1))
#              #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#              #----- Plot the legend. ----------------------------------------------------#
#              par(mar=c(0.1,4.6,0.1,2.1))
#              plot.window(xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#              legend( x      = "bottom"
#                      , inset  = 0.0
#                      , legend = c("Disturbed plots","Undistrurbed plots","Model")
#                      , fill   = c("#D3D3D3","#838B8B","#1E64C8")
#                      , ncol   = min(3,$ncol)
#                      , title  = expression(bold("Type"))
#                      , cex    = cex.ptsz
#                      , bg     = background
#                      , xpd    = TRUE
#              )
#              #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#              #------ Set up the title and axis labels. ----------------------------------#
#              lexlab  = "DBH Classes"
#              leylab  = desc.unit(desc="Plant density",unit="p*l*a*n*t^phantom(1)*h*a^{-1}")
#              #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#              pftcol.use = c("#D3D3D3","#838B8B","#1E64C8")
#              #------- Plot all monthly means together. ------------------------------------#
#              par(mar=c(4.1,4.6,4.1,2.1))
#              mynames = c("<2", "2-3", "3-4", "4-5", "5-6", "6-7", "7-8", 
#                "8-9", "9-10", "10-11", "11-12", "  12-13", "13-14", 
#                "14-15", "15-16", "16-20", ">20")
#              lexlab="DBH Classes [cm]"
#              barx = barplot(height=t(my.avg),names.arg=mynames,width=1.0,
#                      main="Diameter distribution",xlab=lexlab,ylab=leylab,ylim=ylimit,
#                      legend.text=FALSE, beside=(! stacked),col=pftcol.use,log="",
#                      border=grey.fg,xpd=FALSE,cex.main=cex.main,las=1)
#              if (plotgrid & (! stacked)){
#                npftuse=3
#                xgrid=0.5+(1:ndbh)*(1+npftuse)
#                abline(v=xgrid,col=grid.colour,lty="solid")
#              }
#              arrows(barx, y0=t(my.avg)-t(er_mat)/2 , y1=t(my.avg)+t(er_mat) / 2, barx, length=0)
# #             arrows(barx, y1=t(my.avg)+t(er_mat), barx, height=t(my.avg), angle=90, code=1, length=0)
#              box()
#              #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            }
#            }
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            #     Close the device.                                                     #
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#            if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
#              locator(n=1)
#            }else{
#            }#end if
#            dummy = clean.tmp()
#            #---------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#          } #end for outform
#          #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#        }#end for
#        #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#      }#end if
#      #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#    }#end for
#    #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

   #    Plot the 3-D size and age structure of various variables.  (sas folder)            #
   #for (v in sequence(ntspftdbh)){
      #----- Retrieve variable information from the list. ---------------------------------#
      thissas     = tspftdbh[[v]]
      vnam        = thissas$vnam
      description = thissas$desc
      unit        = thissas$i.unit
      plotit      = thissas$sas
      plog        = thissas$plog

      #----- If this variable is to be plotted, then go through this if block. ------------#
      if (plotit){

         cat("      + Size and age structure plot: ",description,"...","\n")

         #     Check if the directory exists.  If not, create it.                          #
         sasdir = file.path(outpref,"sas")
         if (! file.exists(sasdir)) dir.create(sasdir)
         outdir = file.path(sasdir,vnam)
         if (! file.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)

         #----- Load this list into "thislist". -------------------------------------------#
         varco =  cohort[[vnam]]

         #      Loop over all times.                                                       #
         for (ww in names(cohort$age)){

            #----- Find which year we are plotting. ---------------------------------------#
            cmonth   = substring(ww,7,8)
            thisyear = substring(ww,2,5)
            mm       = as.numeric(cmonth)
            yy       = as.numeric(thisyear)
            thisyear = as.character(yy - 350)

         mxww   = numeric()
         myww   = numeric()
         mzww   = numeric()
         mpchww = numeric()
         mcolww = numeric()
         mcexww = numeric()

            #----- Retrieve variable list, age, DBH, and PFT for this year. ---------------#
            ageww   = cohort$age   [[ww]]
            if (any(ageww <= 0,na.rm=TRUE)){
               minww = min(ageww,na.rm=TRUE)
               ageww = ageww - minww + 0.01
            }#end if
            dbhww    = cohort$dbh   [[ww]]
            pftww    = cohort$pft   [[ww]]
            varww    = varco        [[ww]]
            popww    = cohort$nplant[[ww]] * cohort$area[[ww]]

            #     We only plot the SAS figures when the polygon is not an absolute desert. #
            if (any (!{
               #      Find the range.  If the user wants the range to be fixed, then use   #
               # the global range, otherwise, simply use the range for this year.          #
               if (sasfixlimits){
                  xlimit = pretty.xylim(u=unlist(cohort$age),fracexp=0.0,is.log=TRUE )
                  ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=unlist(cohort$dbh),fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
                  zlimit = pretty.xylim(u=unlist(varco)     ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog )
                  popmin = min(unlist(cohort$nplant * cohort$area), na.rm=TRUE)
                  popmax = max(unlist(cohort$nplant * cohort$area), na.rm=TRUE)
                  xlimit = pretty.xylim(u=ageww             ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=TRUE )
                  ylimit = pretty.xylim(u=dbhww             ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=FALSE)
                  zlimit = pretty.xylim(u=varww             ,fracexp=0.0,is.log=plog )
                  popmin = min(popww  ,na.rm=TRUE)
                  popmax = max(popww  ,na.rm=TRUE)
               }#end if

               #----- Define the scale-dependent population size. -------------------------#
               cexww = cexmin + (cexmax - cexmin) * log(popww/popmin) / log(popmax/popmin)

               #----- Define the floor location. ------------------------------------------#
               if ((zlimit[1] > 0) != (zlimit[2] > 0)){
                  floor3d = 0.
               }else if (zlimit[1] > 0){
                  floor3d = zlimit[1]
                  floor3d = zlimit[2]
               }#end if

xlimit = c(0.1, 300)
ylimit = c(0.01, 130)
zlimit = c(0.4999, 34.999)
xlimit.stat = c(-2.5, 300)
ylimit.stat = c(0.01, 130)
zlimit.stat = c(0.4999, 34.999)
floor3d = 0.0

               #----- Define the grid information for the 3-D plot. -----------------------#
               xlabels = pretty.log(xlimit,n=5)
               ylabels = pretty(ylimit,n=5)
               zlabels = if(plog){pretty.log(zlimit,n=5)}else{pretty(zlimit,n=5)}
               xat     = log(xlabels)
               yat     = ylabels
               zat     = if(plog){log(zlabels)}else{zlabels}
               xlimit  = range(x=xat)
               ylimit  = range(x=yat)
               zlimit  = range(x=zat)
               xfloor  = seq(from=xlimit[1],to=xlimit[2],length.out=16)
               yfloor  = seq(from=ylimit[1],to=ylimit[2],length.out=16)
               zfloor  = matrix(floor3d,nrow=length(xfloor),ncol=length(yfloor))

               #----- Expand the lines to make the lollipops. -----------------------------#
               ncohnow = length(varww)
               ageww   = rep(ageww,each=3)
               dbhww   = rep(dbhww,each=3)
               pftww   = rep(pftww,each=3)
               varww   = as.vector( rbind( rep(floor3d,times=ncohnow)
                                         , varco[[ww]]
                                         , rep(NA,times=ncohnow)
                                         )#end rbind
                                  )#end as.vector
               xww     = log(ageww)
               yww     = dbhww
               zww     = if(plog){log(varww)}else{varww}
               pchww   = rep(c(NA,16,NA),times=ncohnow)
               cexww   = rep(cexww,each=3)
               colww   = pft$colour[pftww]

               pftin   = sort(unique(cohort$pft[[ww]]))
               colleg  = pft$colour[pftin]
               pftleg  = pft$name  [pftin]

               #   Plot annotation.                                                        #
               letitre = paste(description," - ",lieu
                              ,"\n Time :",mlist[mm],"/",thisyear,sep=" ")
               lexlab  = desc.unit(desc="Gap age",unit=untab$yr)
               leylab  = desc.unit(desc="DBH",unit=untab$cm)
               lezlab  = desc.unit(desc=description,unit=unit)

               #----- Loop over output formats. -------------------------------------------#
               for (o in sequence(nout)){
                  #----- Open file. -------------------------------------------------------#
                  fichier = file.path( outdir
                                     , paste0( vnam,"-",thisyear,"-",cmonth,"-",suffix
                                             )#end paste0
                                     )#end file.path
                  if (outform[o] %in% "x11"){
                  }else if (outform[o] %in% "quartz"){
                  }else if(outform[o] %in% "png"){
                  }else if(outform[o] %in% "tif"){
                  }else if(outform[o] %in% "eps"){
                  }else if(outform[o] %in% "pdf"){
                  }#end if

                  #----- Split the domain into 2. -----------------------------------------#

                  #     Plot legend.                                                       #
                  legend( x      = "center"
                        , inset  = 0.0
                        , legend = pftleg
                        , fill   = colleg
                        , ncol   = min(4,$ncol)
                        , title  = expression(bold("Plant functional type"))
                        , cex    = cex.ptsz
                        , xpd    = TRUE
                        , bty    = "n"
                        )#end legend

                  #     Plot the 3-D plot.                                                 #
                  pout = perspx( x         = xfloor
                               , y         = yfloor
                               , z         = zfloor
                               , xlim      = xlimit
                               , ylim      = ylimit
                               , zlim      = zlimit
                               , theta     = theta
                               , phi       = phi
                               , col       = gcol
                               , expand    = expz
                               , ticktype  = "detailed"
                               , border    = NA
                               , shade     = shade
                               , ltheta    = ltheta
                               , main      = letitre
                               , cex.main  = 0.8*cex.ptsz
                               , axes      = FALSE
                               )#end perspx
                  #----- Add axes. --------------------------------------------------------#

for (i in sequence(length(xww))){

  if (xww[i] %wr% xlimit.stat && yww[i] %wr% ylimit.stat){
    mxww   = c(mxww  ,   xww[i])
    myww   = c(myww  ,   yww[i])
    mzww   = c(mzww  ,   zww[i])
    mpchww = c(mpchww, pchww[i])
    mcolww = c(mcolww, colww[i])
    mcexww = c(mcexww, cexww[i])

                  #----- Add the cohorts. -------------------------------------------------#
                  lines (trans3d(x=mxww,y=myww,z=mzww,pmat=pout),type="l",col=grey.fg,lwd=2)

                  #----- Add the cohorts. -------------------------------------------------#
                 # lines (trans3d(x=xww,y=yww,z=zww,pmat=pout),type="l",col=grey.fg,lwd=2)
                 # points(trans3d(x=xww,y=yww,z=zww,pmat=pout),type="p",pch=pchww
                 #       ,col=colww,cex=cexww)

                  #----- Close the device. ------------------------------------------------#
                  if (outform[o] %in% c("x11","quartz")){
                  }#end if
                  dummy = clean.tmp()
               }#end for outform
            }#end if
         }#end for nameco
      }#end if
   #}#end for npsas
#}#end for places
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.