#' Estimate Score Distribution
#' Estimates the score distribution to compute the standard error
#' associated with the linking error. This function requires PIAAC data.
#' @param piaac_data The PIAAC dataset. It must contain plausible values and the Weight0 variable.
#' @param by A categorical variable used to estimate different score distributions.
#' @param pvs_names A character vector specifying the names of the plausible value columns.
#' @param weights The Weight0 variable from the PIAAC dataset.
#' @import kde1d
#' @import data.table
#' @author Manuel Reif
#' @export
estimate_score_distr <- function(piaac_data,
by = "GENDER_rec",
weights = "SPFWT0"){
density_list = lapply(pvs_names, function(pvx){
score_kernels = piaac_data[, .(fn = .(kde1d(get(pvx),
weights = get(weights)))),
by = by]
attr(density_list, "by") = by
attr(density_list, "pvs_names") = pvs_names
#' Estimate Density Values
#' This function estimates the density values of the score distribution,
#' by using the empirical distribution fitted by means of `estimate_score_distr`.
#' @param x_values We want the density to specific x_values. In PIAAC this are
#' the proficiency scores.
#' @param density_list This is the result of `estimate_score_distr`.
#' @author Manuel Reif
#' @export
estimate_score_dens_value <- function(x_values,
by = attr(density_list, "by")
durch = seq_along(density_list)
dens_value_list = lapply(durch, function(du) {
xth_density = density_list[[du]]
dens_values = xth_density[, .(density = dkde1d(x = x_values, obj = fn[[1]]),
x_values = x_values,
durch = du), by = by]
dens_value_dt <- data.table::rbindlist(dens_value_list)
dens_value_dt_agg = dens_value_dt[, .(mean_dens = mean(density)),
by = c(by, "x_values")]
attr(dens_value_dt_agg, "by") = by
diff_character <- function(x){
x_lagged = vector(mode = "character", length = length(x) - 1)
for(i in 2:length(x)){
x_lagged[i-1] = paste(x[i-1], "-", x[i])
#' Estimate the Linking Error
#' Take the density values and the linking error (one value for each dimension)
#' and estimate the level dependent linking error which is the basis for the
#' latter estmation of the "linking error considering" Standard Error!
#' @param estimated_dens Result of: `estimate_score_dens_value`.
#' @param linking_error One Number.
#' @author Manuel Reif
estimate_LE <- function(estimated_dens, linking_error, levlab){
by = attr(estimated_dens, "by")
dens_diffs = estimated_dens[, .(dens_diff = diff(mean_dens),
cat_diff = diff_character(x_values),
names = levlab), by = by]
dens_diffs[, LE := linking_error * abs(dens_diff)]
create_by_variables = function(dataset1, dataset2){
d1 = dataset1 %>% data.table
d2 = dataset2 %>% data.table
cn1 = colnames(d1)
v1 = lapply(cn1, function(cn_akt){
d1[,get(cn_akt)] %>% unique
cn2 = colnames(d2)
v2 = lapply(cn2, function(cn_akt){
d2[,get(cn_akt)] %>% unique
by_x = c()
by_y = c()
vec_numb = 1
for(i in seq_along(cn1)){
for(a in seq_along(cn2)){
if(identical(v1[[i]] %>% sort, v2[[a]] %>% sort)){
by_x[vec_numb] = cn1[i]
by_y[vec_numb] = cn2[a]
vec_numb = vec_numb + 1
res = list(by_x = by_x, by_y = by_y)
#' Compare Levels between cycles
#' Compare Levels between cycles
#' @param by A categorical variable used to estimate different score distributions.
#' @param svydat_cycle1 svydat_cycle1
#' @param svydat_cycle2 svydat_cycle2
#' @param data4score Data to estimate the Score Distirbution. Data from Cylcle 2
#' is recommanded.
#' @param weights Weight0 to weight the Score Distribution.
#' @param pvs_names A character vector specifying the names of the plausible value columns.
#' @param CATDEF Argument from `svyPVlevel`
#' @param levlab Labels of Levels
#' @param LE_global Linking Error for Literacy or Numercy depending on the pvs_names
#' @author Manuel Reif
#' @export
compare_cycle_levels = function(by,
cat("estimating cycle 1\n")
res1 <- svyPVlevel(by = by,
svydat = svydat_cycle1,
pvs = pvs_names,
levlab = levlab)
cat("estimating cycle 2\n")
res2 <- svyPVlevel(by = by,
svydat = svydat_cycle2,
pvs = pvs_names,
levlab = levlab)
cat("estimating LE and merging\n")
grouping_variables = all.vars(by[[2]]) %>% as.character()
res1dt = res1 %>% data.table
res2dt = res2 %>% data.table
score_distr = estimate_score_distr(piaac_data = data4score,
by = grouping_variables,
pvs_names = pvs_names, weights = weights)
dens_point_est = estimate_score_dens_value(x_values = CATDEF,
density_list = score_distr)
linking_error <- estimate_LE(estimated_dens = dens_point_est,
linking_error = LE_global,
levlab = levlab)
by_var1 = create_by_variables(res1, res2)
by_var2 = create_by_variables(res2, linking_error)
ON1 = setNames(by_var1$by_x, by_var1$by_y)
ON2 = setNames(by_var2$by_y, by_var2$by_x)
### big merging party
res1dt[res2dt, Proportion_c2 := i.Proportion, on = ON1]
res1dt[res2dt, Proportion.SE_c2 := i.Proportion.SE, on = ON1]
res1dt[linking_error, LE := i.LE, on = ON2]
res1dt[, Prop_diff := Proportion - Proportion_c2]
res1dt[, ges_SE := sqrt(Proportion.SE^2 + Proportion.SE_c2^2 + LE^2)]
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