# The code for fctCalcISO7933 is based on the code in BASIC presented in the standard ISO 7933
# Function: fctCalcISO7933 ################
#' Heat Strain Indices based on ISO 7933
#' @param accl a numeric value presenting state of acclimation [100 if acclimatised subject, 0 otherwise]
#' @param posture a numeric value presenting posture of person [sitting=1, standing=2, crouching=3]
#' @param Ta a numeric value presenting air temperature in [degrees celsius]
#' @param Pa a numeric value presenting partial water vapour pressure [kPa]
#' @param Tr a numeric value presenting mean radiant temperature in [degrees celsius]
#' @param Va a numeric value presenting air velocity in [m/s]
#' @param Met a numeric value presenting metabolic rate in [W/(m*m)]
#' @param Icl a numeric value presenting static thermal insulation of clothing [clo]
#' @param THETA a numeric value presenting angle between walking direction and wind direction in [degrees]
#' @param Walksp a numeric value presenting walking speed in [m/s]
#' @param Duration a numeric value presenting the duration of the work sequence in [min]
#' @param weight a numeric value presenting the body mass in [kg]
#' @param height a numeric value presenting the body height in [m]
#' @param DRINK a numeric value presenting if workers can drink as they want [1 if they can drink without restriction, 0 if restricted]
#' @param Adu a numeric value presenting body surface area according to Du Bois [m*m]
#' @param spHeat a numeric value presenting specific body heat [(W/(m*m))/K]
#' @param SWp a numeric value presenting predicted sweat rate [W/(m*m)]
#' @param Tre a numeric value presenting rectal temperature [degrees celsius]
#' @param Tcr a numeric value presenting temperature of body core [degrees celsius]
#' @param Tsk a numeric value presenting skin temperature at start [degrees celsius]
#' @param Tcreq a numeric value presenting temperature of body core dependent on energy metabolism [degrees celsius]
#' @param Work a numeric value presenting effective mechanical power [W/(m*m)]
#' @param imst a numeric value presenting static moisture permeability index [-]
#' @param Ap a numeric value presenting fraction of the body surface covered by the reflective clothing [-]
#' @param Fr a numeric value presenting emissivity of the reflective clothing [-]
#' @param defspeed a numeric value presenting if walking speed entered [1 if walking speed entered, 0 otherwise]
#' @param defdir a numeric value presenting if walking direction entered [1 if walking direction entered, 0 otherwise]
#' @param HR a numeric value presenting humidity ratio [g/kg]
#' @param pb a numeric value presenting normal barometric pressure in [Pa]
#' @usage
#' calcIso7933(accl, posture, Ta, Pa, Tr, Va, Met, Icl, THETA, Walksp, Duration,
#' weight, height, DRINK, Adu, spHeat, SWp, Tre, Tcr, Tsk, Tcreq, Work, imst,
#' Ap, Fr, defspeed, defdir, HR, pb)
#' @description
#' \code{calcISO7933} calculates Tre, SWtotg, Dlimtre, Dlimloss50 and Dlimloss95 based
#' on ISO 7933. It additionally provides intermediate results from the
#' calculation: Cres, Eres, Ep, SWp, Texp, Tskeq, Tsk, wp
#' @details All variables must have the same length 1.
#' @note In case one of the variables is not given, a standard value according
#' to ISO 7933 will be taken.
#' @author The code for calcISO7933 is based on the code in BASIC presented in
#' Addendum E of EN ISO 7933. The translation into R-language conducted by Michael Kleber.
#' @references
#' ISO 7933 (2004) Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Analytical determination and
#' interpretation of heat stress using calculation of the predicted heat strain
#' Malchaire, Piette, Kampmann, Mehnert, Gebhardt, Havenith, Den Hartog, Holmer, Parsons, Alfano, Griefahn (2000) <doi:10.1016/S0003-4878(00)00030-2>
#' Malchaire, Kampmann, Havenith, Mehnert, Gebhardt (2000) <doi:10.1007/s004200050420>
#' @return \code{calcISO7933} returns a data.frame with the following items: \cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Tre final} rectal temperature [degrees Celsius] \cr
#' \cr
#' \code{SWtotg} total water loss [g]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Dlimtre} time when limit for rectal temperature is reached [min]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Dlimloss50} time when limit for water loss Dmax50 (7.5 percent of
#' body mass of an average person) is reached [min]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Dlimloss95} time when limit for water loss Dmax95 (5 percent of body
#' mass of 95 percent of the working people) is reached [min]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Cres} convective heat flow at respiration [W/(m*m)]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Eres} evaporative heat flow at respiration [W/(m*m)]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Ep} predicted evaporative heat flow [W/(m*m)]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{SWp} predicted sweating rate [W/(m*m)]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Texp} temperature of the exhaled air [degrees Celsius]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Tskeq} skin Temperature in equilibrium [degrees Celsius]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Tsk} skin Temperature at the minute [degrees Celsius]\cr
#' \cr
#' \code{wp} predicted skin wettedness [-]\cr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Calculation of a single set of values.
#' calcIso7933(accl = 100, posture = 2, Ta = 35, Pa = 4, Tr = 35, Va = 0.3, Met = 150,
#' Icl = 0.5, THETA = 0, Walksp = 0, Duration = 480)
#' calcIso7933(100,2,35,4,35,0.3,150,0.5,0,0,480)
#' ## Using several rows of data:
#' accl <- 100
#' posture <- 2
#' Ta <- c(40,35)
#' Pa <- c(2.5,4)
#' Tr <- c(40,35)
#' Va <- 0.3
#' Met <- 150
#' Icl <- 0.5
#' THETA <- 0
#' Walksp <- 0
#' Duration <- 480
#' maxLength <- max(sapply(list(accl, posture, Ta, Pa, Tr, Va, Met, Icl, THETA,
#' Walksp, Duration), length))
#' PHI <- sapply(seq(maxLength), function(x) {calcIso7933(accl, posture, Ta[x],
#' Pa[x], Tr[x], Va, Met, Icl, THETA, Walksp, Duration) } )
calcIso7933 <- function(accl, posture, Ta, Pa, Tr, Va, Met, Icl, THETA, Walksp, Duration, weight, height, DRINK, Adu, spHeat, SWp, Tre, Tcr, Tsk, Tcreq, Work, imst, Ap, Fr, defspeed, defdir, HR, pb){
# The user must make sure that, at this point in the programme,
# the following parameters are available.
# Standard values must be replaced by actual values if necessary.
# The water replacement is supposed to be sufficient so that the workers can drink freely (DRINK=1), otherwise the value DRINK=0 must be used
# from code in standard
weight <- 75 # body mass kilograms
warning("weight set to default 75 kg")
# from code in standard
height <- 1.8 # body height meters
warning("height set to default 1.8 m")
DRINK <- 1 # workers can drink as they want
warning("DRINK set to default 1")
# from code in standard
Adu <- 0.202 * (weight ^ 0.425) * (height ^ 0.725)
warning("Adu calculated by default with height and weight")
# from code in standard
# c_sp ist spHeat - spezifische Koerperwaerme [(W/m2)/K]
spHeat <- 57.83 * weight / Adu
warning("spHeat (=c_sp) calculated by default with Adu and weight")
# from code in standard
SWp <- 0
warning("Swp set to default 0")
# from code in standard
Tcr <- 36.8
warning("Tcr set to default 36.8")
# from code in standard
Tre <- Tcr
warning("Tre set to Tcr")
# from code in standard
Tcreq <- Tcr
warning("Tcreq set equal Tcr")
Tsk <- 34.1
warning("Tsk set to default 34.1")
# following lines from code in standard
SWtot <- 0
TskTcrwg <- .3
Dlimtre <- 0
Dlimloss50 <- 0
Dlimloss95 <- 0
Dmax50 <- 0.075 * weight * 1000
Dmax95 <- 0.05 * weight * 1000
# Core temperature as a function of the metabolic rate: time constant: 10 minutes
ConstTeq <- exp(-1 / 10)
# Skin Temperature: time constant: 3 minutes
ConstTsk <- exp(-1 / 3)
# Sweat rate: time constant: 10 minutes
ConstSW <- exp(-1 / 10)
Duration <- 480 # the duration of the work sequence in minutes
warning("Duration set to standard of 480 minutes")
## setting default values originally in the for loop
Ta <- 40 #air temperature degrees celsius
warning("Ta set to default of 40 degrees celsius")
Tr <- Ta #mean radiant temperature degrees celsius
warning("Tr set by default to Ta")
Pa <- 2.5 #partial water vapour pressure kilopascals
warning("Pa set by default to 2.5 kilopascals")
pb <- 101325 # normal barometric pressure in [Pa]
warning("Pa calculated by humidity ratio and standard pressure of 101325 Pa")
Pa <- HR/1000/(0.622+HR/1000)*pb/1000
Va <- 0.3 #air velocity metres per second
warning("Va set by default to 0.3 metres per second")
Met <- 150 #metabolic rate Watts per square meter
warning("Met set by default to 150 Watts per square meter")
Work <- 0 #effective mechanical power Watts per square metre
warning("Work set by default to 0 Watts per square metre")
posture <- 2 #posture = 1 sitting, = 2 standing, = 3 crouching
warning("posture set by default to 2 = standing")
Icl <- 0.5 #static thermal insulation clo
warning("Icl set by default to 0.5 clo")
imst <- 0.38 #static moisture permeability index dimensionless
warning("imst set by default to 0.38")
Ap <- 0.54 #fraction of the body surface covered by the reflective clothing dimensionless
warning("Ap set by default to 0.54")
Fr <- 0.97 #emissivity of the reflective clothing dimensionless (by default: Fr=0.97)
warning("Fr set by default to 0.97")
#code =100 if acclimatised subject, 0 otherwise
accl <- 100
warning("accl set by default to 100 = acclimated subject")
THETA <- 0 #angle between walking direction and wind direction degrees
defdir <- 0 #code =1 if walking direction entered, 0 otherwise
warning("THETA set by default to 0")
defdir <- 1
Walksp <- 0 #walking speed metres per second
defspeed <- 0 #code =1 if walking speed entered, 0 otherwise
warning("Walksp set by default to 0")
if (Walksp == 0)
defspeed <- 0
defspeed <- 1
## start of for loop
for (time in 1:Duration)
Tsk0 <- Tsk
Tre0 <- Tre
Tcr0 <- Tcr
Tcreq0 <- Tcreq
TskTcrwg0 <- TskTcrwg
# The user must make sure that, at this point in the programme,
# the following parameters are available. In order for the user
# to test rapidly the programme, the data for the first case
# in annex E of the ISO 7933 standard are introduced.
# Ta = 40 #air temperature degrees celsius
# Tr = 40 #mean radiant temperature degrees celsius
# Pa = 2.5 #partial water vapour pressure kilopascals
# Va = 0.3 #air velocity metres per second
# Met = 150 #metabolic rate Watts per square meter
# Work = 0 #effective mechanical power Watts per square metre
# posture = 2 #Posture posture = 1 sitting, = 2 standing, = 3 crouching
# Icl = 0.5 #static thermal insulation clo
# imst = 0.38 #static moisture permeability index dimensionless
# Ap = 0.54 #fraction of the body surface covered by the reflective clothing dimensionless
# Fr = 0.97 #emissivity of the reflective clothing dimensionless (by default: Fr=0.97)
#Ardu dimensionless
# defspeed = 0 #code =1 if walking speed entered, 0 otherwise
# Walksp = 0 #walking speed metres per second
# defdir = 0 #code =1 if walking direction entered, 0 otherwise
# THETA = 0 #angle between walking direction and wind direction degrees
# accl = 100: #code =100 if acclimatised subject, 0 otherwise
# code from standard
# Effective radiating area of the body
if (posture == 1)
{ Ardu <- 0.7 }
if (posture == 2)
{ Ardu <- 0.77 }
if (posture == 3)
{ Ardu <- 0.67}
SWmax <- (Met - 32) * Adu
if (SWmax > 400)
{ SWmax <- 400 }
if (SWmax < 250)
{ SWmax <- 250 }
# For acclimatised subjects (accl=100), the maximum Sweat Rate is greater by 25%
if (accl >= 50)
{ SWmax <- SWmax * 1.25 }
if (accl < 50)
{ Wmax <- 0.85 }
{ Wmax <- 1 }
# from code in standard
Tcreqm <- 0.0036 * Met + 36.6
# Core temperature at this minute, by exponential averaging
Tcreq <- Tcreq0 * ConstTeq + Tcreqm * (1 - ConstTeq)
# Heat storage associated with this core temperature increase during the last minute
dStoreq <- spHeat * (Tcreq - Tcreq0) * (1 - TskTcrwg0)
# Skin Temperature in equilibrium
# Clothed model
Tskeqcl <- 12.165 + .02017 * Ta + .04361 * Tr + .19354 * Pa - .25315 * Va
Tskeqcl <- Tskeqcl + .005346 * Met + .51274 * Tre
# Nude model
Tskeqnu <- 7.191 + .064 * Ta + .061 * Tr + .198 * Pa - .348 * Va
Tskeqnu <- Tskeqnu + .616 * Tre
# Value at this minute, as a function of the clothing insulation
if (Icl >= 0.6)
{ Tskeq <- Tskeqcl }
if (Icl <= 0.2)
{ Tskeq <- Tskeqnu }
# Interpolation between the values for clothed and nude subjects, if 0.2 < clo < 0.6
if (Icl > 0.2 && Icl < 0.6)
Tskeq <- Tskeqnu + 2.5 * (Tskeqcl - Tskeqnu) * (Icl - 0.2)
# Skin Temperature at this minute, by exponential averaging
Tsk <- Tsk0 * ConstTsk + Tskeq * (1 - ConstTsk)
# Saturated water vapour pressure at the surface of the skin
Psk <- 0.6105 * exp(17.27 * Tsk / (Tsk + 237.3))
# Static clothing insulation
Iclst <- Icl * 0.155
# Clothing area factor
fcl <- 1 + 0.3 * Icl
# Static boundary layer thermal insulation in quiet air
Iast <- 0.111
# Total static insulation
Itotst <- Iclst + Iast / fcl
# Relative velocities due to air velocity and movements
if (defspeed > 0)
if (defdir == 1)
# Unidirectional walking
Var <- abs(Va - Walksp * cos(3.14159 * THETA / 180))
# Omni-directional walking
if (Va < Walksp)
{ Var <- Walksp }
{ Var <- Va }
# Stationary or undefined speed
Walksp <- 0.0052 * (Met - 58)
if (Walksp > 0.7)
Walksp <- 0.7
Var <- Va
# Dynamic clothing insulation
# Clothing insulation correction for wind (Var) and walking (Walksp)
Vaux <- Var
if (Var > 3)
Vaux <- 3
Waux <- Walksp
if (Walksp > 1.5)
Waux <- 1.5
CORcl <- 1.044 * exp((0.066 * Vaux - 0.398) * Vaux + (0.094 * Waux - 0.378) * Waux)
if (CORcl > 1)
CORcl <- 1
CORia <- exp((0.047 * Var - 0.472) * Var + (0.117 * Waux - 0.342) * Waux)
if (CORia > 1)
CORia <- 1
CORtot <- CORcl
if (Icl <= 0.6)
CORtot <- ((0.6 - Icl) * CORia + Icl * CORcl) / 0.6
Itotdyn <- Itotst * CORtot
IAdyn <- CORia * Iast
Icldyn <- Itotdyn - IAdyn / fcl
# Permeability index
# Correction for wind and walking
CORe <- (2.6 * CORtot - 6.5) * CORtot + 4.9
imdyn <- imst * CORe
if (imdyn > 0.9)
imdyn <- 0.9
# Dynamic evaporative resistance
Rtdyn <- Itotdyn / imdyn / 16.7
# Heat exchanges through respiratory convection and evaporation
# temperature of the expired air
Texp <- 28.56 + 0.115 * Ta + 0.641 * Pa
Cres <- 0.001516 * Met * (Texp - Ta)
Eres <- 0.00127 * Met * (59.34 + 0.53 * Ta - 11.63 * Pa)
# Mean temperature of the clothing: Tcl
# Dynamic convection coefficient
Z <- 3.5 + 5.2 * Var
if (Var > 1)
Z <- 8.7 * Var ^ 0.6
Hcdyn <- 2.38 * abs(Tsk - Ta) ^ 0.25
if (Z > Hcdyn)
Hcdyn <- Z
auxR <- 0.0000000567 * Ardu
FclR <- (1 - Ap) * 0.97 + Ap * Fr
Tcl <- Tr + 0.1
### # Tcl Iteration by GOTO replaced through repeat statement
# Radiation coefficient
Hr <- FclR * auxR * ((Tcl + 273) ^ 4 - (Tr + 273) ^ 4) / (Tcl - Tr)
Tcl1 <- ((fcl * (Hcdyn * Ta + Hr * Tr) + Tsk / Icldyn)) / (fcl * (Hcdyn + Hr) + 1 / Icldyn)
if (abs(Tcl - Tcl1) <= 0.001)
Tcl <- (Tcl + Tcl1) / 2
# Convection and Radiation heat exchanges
Conv <- fcl * Hcdyn * (Tcl - Ta)
Rad <- fcl * Hr * (Tcl - Tr)
# Maximum Evaporation Rate
Emax <- (Psk - Pa) / Rtdyn
# Required Evaporation Rate
Ereq <- Met - dStoreq - Work - Cres - Eres - Conv - Rad
# Required wettedness
wreq <- Ereq / Emax
# Required Sweat Rate
# If no evaporation required: no sweat rate
if (Ereq <= 0)
Ereq <- 0
SWreq <- 0
# If evaporation is not possible, sweat rate is maximum
if (Emax <= 0)
Emax <- 0
SWreq <- SWmax
# If required wettedness greater than 1.7: sweat rate is maximum
if (wreq >= 1.7)
wreq <- 1.7
SWreq <- SWmax
# Required evaporation efficiency
Eveff <- (1 - wreq ^ 2 / 2)
if (wreq > 1)
Eveff <- (2 - wreq) ^ 2 / 2
SWreq <- Ereq / Eveff
if (SWreq > SWmax)
SWreq <- SWmax
# Predicted Sweat Rate, by exponential averaging
SWp <- SWp * ConstSW + SWreq * (1 - ConstSW)
if (SWp <= 0)
Ep <- 0
SWp <- 0
# Predicted Evaporation Rate
k <- Emax / SWp
wp <- 1
if (k >= 0.5)
wp <- -k + sqrt(k * k + 2)
if (wp > Wmax)
wp <- Wmax
Ep <- wp * Emax
# Heat Storage
dStorage <- Ereq - Ep + dStoreq
Tcr1 <- Tcr0
# Iteration of TskTcr GOTO replaced by repeat statement
# Skin - Core weighting
TskTcrwg <- 0.3 - 0.09 * (Tcr1 - 36.8)
if (TskTcrwg > 0.3)
TskTcrwg <- 0.3
if (TskTcrwg < 0.1)
TskTcrwg <- 0.1
Tcr <- dStorage / spHeat + Tsk0 * TskTcrwg0 / 2 - Tsk * TskTcrwg / 2
Tcr <- (Tcr + Tcr0 * (1 - TskTcrwg0 / 2)) / (1 - TskTcrwg / 2)
if (abs(Tcr - Tcr1) <= 0.001)
Tcr1 <- (Tcr1 + Tcr) / 2
Tre <- Tre0 + (2 * Tcr - 1.962 * Tre0 - 1.31) / 9
if (Dlimtre == 0 && Tre >= 38)
Dlimtre <- time
# Total water loss rate during the minute (in W / m-2)
SWtot <- SWtot + SWp + Eres
SWtotg <- SWtot * 2.67 * Adu / 1.8 / 60
if (Dlimloss50 == 0 && SWtotg >= Dmax50)
Dlimloss50 <- time
if (Dlimloss95 == 0 && SWtotg >= Dmax95)
Dlimloss95 <- time
if (DRINK == 0)
Dlimloss95 <- Dlimloss95 * 0.6
Dlimloss50 <- Dlimloss95
# End of loop on duration
#Dlim computation
if (Dlimloss50 == 0)
Dlimloss50 <- Duration
if (Dlimloss95 == 0)
Dlimloss95 <- Duration
if (Dlimtre == 0)
Dlimtre <- Duration
# end of function
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