
Defines functions virtualPop

Documented in virtualPop

#' @title Virtual fish population
#' @param K.mu mean K (growth parameter from von Bertalanffy growth function) 
#' @param K.cv coefficient of variation on K
#' @param Linf.mu mean Linf (infinite length parameter from von Bertalanffy growth function)
#' @param Linf.cv coefficient of variation on Linf
#' @param ts summer point (range 0 to 1) (parameter from seasonally oscillating von Bertalanffy growth function)
#' @param C strength of seasonal oscillation (range 0 to 1) (parameter from seasonally oscillating von Bertalanffy growth function)
#' @param LWa length-weight relationship constant 'a' (W = a*L^b). Model assumed length in cm and weight in kg.
#' @param LWb length-weight relationship constant 'b' (W = a*L^b). Model assumed length in cm and weight in kg.
#' @param Lmat length at maturity (where 50\% of individuals are mature)
#' @param wmat width between 25\% and 75\% quantiles for Lmat
#' @param rmax parameter for Beverton-Holt stock recruitment relationship (see \code{\link[fishdynr]{srrBH}})
#' @param beta parameter for Beverton-Holt stock recruitment relationship (see \code{\link[fishdynr]{srrBH}})
#' @param repro_wt weight of reproduction (vector of monthly reproduction weight) 
#' @param M natural mortality
#' @param harvest_rate Fishing mortality (i.e. 'F')
#' @param L50 minimum length of capture (in cm). Where selectivity equals 0.5. Assumes logistic ogive typical of trawl net selectivity.
#' @param wqs width of selectivity ogive (in cm)
#' @param bin.size resulting bin size for length frequencies (in cm)
#' @param timemin time at start of simulation (in years). Typically set to zero.
#' @param timemax time at end of simulation (in years).
#' @param timemin.date date corresponding to timemin (of "Date" class)
#' @param tincr time increment for simulation (default = 1/12; i.e. 1 month)
#' @param N0 starting number of individuals
#' @param fished_t times when stock is fished
#' @param lfqFrac fraction of fished stock that are sampled for length frequency data (default = 0.1).
#' @param progressBar Logical. Should progress bar be shown in console (Default=TRUE)
#' @description See \code{\link[fishdynr]{dt_growth_soVB}} for information on growth function.
#' The model creates variation in growth based on a mean phi prime value for the population,
#' which describes relationship between individual Linf and K values. See Vakily (1992) 
#' for more details. 
#' @return a list containing growth parameters and length frequency object
#' @references 
#' Vakily, J.M., 1992. Determination and comparison of bivalve growth, 
#' with emphasis on Thailand and other tropical areas. WorldFish.
#' Munro, J.L., Pauly, D., 1983. A simple method for comparing the growth 
#' of fishes and invertebrates. Fishbyte 1, 5-6.
#' Pauly, D., Munro, J., 1984. Once more on the comparison of growth 
#' in fish and invertebrates. Fishbyte (Philippines).
#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @importFrom stats rlnorm runif
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats qnorm rnorm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' res <- virtualPop(rmax = 1e4)
#' names(res)
#' op <- par(mfcol=c(2,1), mar=c(4,4,1,1))
#' plot(N ~ dates, data=res$pop, t="l", ylim=c(0, max(N)))
#' plot(B ~ dates, data=res$pop, t="l", ylim=c(0, max(B)), ylab="B, SSB")
#' lines(SSB ~ dates, data=res$pop, t="l", lty=2)
#' par(op) 
#' pal <- colorRampPalette(c("grey30",5,7,2), bias=2)
#' with(res$lfqbin, image(x=dates, y=midLengths, z=t(catch), col=pal(100)))
#' ### biased results with single monthly sample
#' inds <- res$inds[[1]]
#' plot(mat ~ L, data = inds, pch=".", cex=5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05))
#' fit <- glm(mat ~ L, data = inds, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#' summary(fit)
#' newdat <- data.frame(L = seq(min(inds$L), max(inds$L), length.out=100))
#' newdat$pmat <- pmat_w(newdat$L, Lmat = 40, wmat=40*0.2)
#' pred <- predict(fit, newdata=newdat, se.fit=TRUE)
#' # Combine the hypothetical data and predicted values
#' newdat <- cbind(newdat, pred)
#' # Calculate confidence intervals
#' std <- qnorm(0.95 / 2 + 0.5)
#' newdat$ymin <- fit$family$linkinv(newdat$fit - std * newdat$se.fit)
#' newdat$ymax <- fit$family$linkinv(newdat$fit + std * newdat$se.fit)
#' newdat$fit <- fit$family$linkinv(newdat$fit)  # Rescale to 0-1
#' plot(mat ~ L, data = inds, pch=".", cex=5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05))
#' lines(pmat ~ L, newdat, col=8, lty=3)
#' polygon(
#'   x = c(newdat$L, rev(newdat$L)),
#'   y = c(newdat$ymax, rev(newdat$ymin)),
#'   col = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
#'   border = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3)
#' )
#' lines(fit ~ L, newdat, col=2)
#' lrPerc <- function(alpha, beta, p) (log(p/(1-p))-alpha)/beta
#' ( L50 <- lrPerc(alpha=coef(fit)[1], beta=coef(fit)[2], p=0.5) )
#' lines(x=c(L50,L50,0), y=c(-100,0.5,0.5), lty=2, col=2)
#' text(x=L50, y=0.5, labels = paste0("L50 = ", round(L50,2)), pos=4, col=2 )
#' ### all samples combined
#' inds <- do.call("rbind", res$inds)
#' plot(mat ~ L, data = inds, pch=".", cex=5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05))
#' fit <- glm(mat ~ L, data = inds, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#' summary(fit)
#' newdat <- data.frame(L = seq(min(inds$L), max(inds$L), length.out=100))
#' newdat$pmat <- pmat_w(newdat$L, Lmat = 40, wmat=40*0.2)
#' pred <- predict(fit, newdata=newdat, se.fit=TRUE)
#' # Combine the hypothetical data and predicted values
#' newdat <- cbind(newdat, pred)
#' # Calculate confidence intervals
#' std <- qnorm(0.95 / 2 + 0.5)
#' newdat$ymin <- fit$family$linkinv(newdat$fit - std * newdat$se.fit)
#' newdat$ymax <- fit$family$linkinv(newdat$fit + std * newdat$se.fit)
#' newdat$fit <- fit$family$linkinv(newdat$fit)  # Rescale to 0-1
#' plot(mat ~ L, data = inds, pch=".", cex=5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.05))
#' lines(pmat ~ L, newdat, col=8, lty=3)
#' polygon(
#'   x = c(newdat$L, rev(newdat$L)),
#'   y = c(newdat$ymax, rev(newdat$ymin)),
#'   col = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3),
#'   border = adjustcolor(2, alpha.f = 0.3)
#' )
#' lines(fit ~ L, newdat, col=2)
#' lrPerc <- function(alpha, beta, p) (log(p/(1-p))-alpha)/beta
#' ( L50 <- lrPerc(alpha=coef(fit)[1], beta=coef(fit)[2], p=0.5) )
#' lines(x=c(L50,L50,0), y=c(-100,0.5,0.5), lty=2, col=2)
#' text(x=L50, y=0.5, labels = paste0("L50 = ", round(L50,2)), pos=4, col=2 )
virtualPop <- function(
tincr = 1/12,
K.mu = 0.5, K.cv = 0.1,
Linf.mu = 80, Linf.cv = 0.1,
ts = 0.5, C = 0.75,
LWa = 0.01, LWb = 3,
Lmat = 40, wmat = 8,
rmax = 10000, beta = 1,
repro_wt = c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
M = 0.7, harvest_rate = M, 
L50 = 0.25*Linf.mu, wqs = L50*0.2,
bin.size = 1,
timemin = 0, timemax = 10, timemin.date = as.Date("1980-01-01"),
N0 = 5000,
fished_t = seq(timemin+5,timemax,tincr),
lfqFrac = 1,
progressBar = TRUE

# times
timeseq <- seq(from=timemin, to=timemax, by=tincr)
if(!zapsmall(1/tincr) == length(repro_wt)) stop("length of repro_wt must equal the number of tincr in one year")
repro_wt <- repro_wt/sum(repro_wt)
repro_t <- rep(repro_wt, length=length(timeseq)) 

# make empty lfq object
lfq <- vector(mode="list", length(timeseq))
names(lfq) <- timeseq

indsSamp <- vector(mode="list", length(timeseq))
names(indsSamp) <- timeseq

# Estimate tmaxrecr
tmaxrecr <- (which.max(repro_wt)-1)*tincr

# mean phiprime
phiprime.mu = log10(K.mu) + 2*log10(Linf.mu)

# required functions ------------------------------------------------------

make.inds <- function(
	id = NaN, A = 1, L = 0, W = NaN, mat = 0,
	K = NaN, Winf = NaN, Linf = NaN, phiprime = NaN,
	F = NaN, Z = NaN, 
	Fd = 0, alive = 1
  inds <- data.frame(
    id = id,
    A = A,
    L = L,
    W = W,
    Lmat = LWa*L^LWb,
    mat = mat,
    K = K,
    Linf = Linf,
    Winf = Winf,
    phiprime = phiprime,
    F = F,
    Z = Z,
    Fd = Fd,
    alive = alive
  lastID <<- max(inds$id)

equilibrium.inds <- function(){
  params <- list(
    amax = NULL,
    growthFun = "growth_soVB",
    K = K.mu,
    Linf = Linf.mu,
    t0 = 0,
    ts = ts, 
    C = C,
    LWa = LWa, 
    LWb = LWb,
    L50 = L50,
    wqs = wqs,
    selectFun = "logisticSelect",
    Lmat = Lmat, 
    wmat = wmat,
    matFun = "pmat_w",
    M = M,
    F = harvest_rate,
    N0 = 1
  # calculate spawning biomass per recruit
  CS <- cohortSim(params = params, t_incr = tincr)
  SBrecr <- sum( CS$SBt*rep(repro_wt, length=length(CS$t)) )
  params$amax <- CS$amax
  # estimate recruitment size (N0i) resulting in equilibrium
  dN0i <- 1e6
  N0i <- N0
  tmp <- rep(NaN, 1e6)
  counter <- 1
  while(sqrt(dN0i^2) > 1){
    N0i2 <- round(srrBH(rmax = rmax, beta = beta, SB = SBrecr*N0i))
    dN0i <- N0i2 - N0i
    N0i <- N0i2
    tmp[counter] <- dN0i
    counter <- counter + 1
  # SBrecr*N0i # spawning biomass
  recr.t <- seq(0, 1, by=tincr)
  recr.t <- recr.t[-length(recr.t)]
  indsi <- data.frame(
    Linf = Linf.mu * rlnorm(n = N0i, meanlog = 0, sdlog = Linf.cv),
    K = K.mu * rlnorm(n = N0i, meanlog = 0, sdlog = K.cv),
    t0 = sample(recr.t-1, size = N0i, replace = T, prob = repro_wt)
  indsi$C <- params$C
  indsi$ts <- params$ts
  # # improve vectorization later
  # paramsi <- as.data.frame(params, stringsAsFactors = F)
  # for(i in seq(ncol(paramsi))){
  #   if(!names(params)[i] %in% names(indsi)){indsi[names(params)[i]] <- paramsi[,i]}
  # }
  # head(indsi)
  # indsi.list <- split(indsi, seq(nrow(indsi)))
  # indsi.list <- lapply(indsi.list, function(x){as.list(x)})
  # inds.list <- apply(indsi, 1, function(x){as.list(x)})
  # inds.list[[1]]
  # as.list(indsi.list[[1]])
  # times <- apply(indsi, function(x){seq(0, CS$amax)-as.numeric(x["t0"])})

  Ai <- NaN*seq(nrow(indsi)) # age
  Li <- NaN*seq(nrow(indsi)) # length
  for(j in seq(nrow(indsi))){
    paramsi <- params
    incl <- match(names(indsi), names(paramsi))
    paramsi[incl] <- indsi[j,]
    paramsi$t <- seq(0, CS$amax)-paramsi$t0
    # growth
    args.incl <- which(names(paramsi) %in% names(formals(get(paramsi$growthFun))))
    paramsi$Lt <- do.call(get(paramsi$growthFun), paramsi[args.incl])
    # selectivity
    args.incl <- which(names(paramsi) %in% names(formals(get(paramsi$selectFun))))
    paramsi$St <- do.call(get(paramsi$selectFun), paramsi[args.incl])
    # Mortality
    paramsi$Zt <- paramsi$M + paramsi$F*paramsi$St
    paramsi$pSurv <- exp(-paramsi$Zt*paramsi$t)
    classi <- sample(seq(paramsi$t), size = 1, prob = paramsi$pSurv)
    Ai[j] <- paramsi$t[classi]
    Li[j] <- paramsi$Lt[classi]
  # hist(Li)
  hist(Ai, breaks = seq(0, CS$amax+1))
  inds <- make.inds(
    id = seq(N0i),
    Linf = indsi$Linf,
    K = indsi$K,
    L = Li,
    A = Ai

express.inds <- function(inds){
  inds$Linf <- ifelse(is.na(inds$Linf), Linf.mu * rlnorm(nrow(inds), 0, Linf.cv), inds$Linf)
  inds$K <- ifelse(is.na(inds$K), K.mu * rlnorm(nrow(inds), 0, K.cv), inds$K) 
  # inds$K <- 10^(phiprime.mu - 2*log10(inds$Linf)) * rlnorm(nrow(inds), 0, K.cv)
  inds$Winf <- LWa*inds$Linf^LWb
  inds$W <- LWa*inds$L^LWb
  inds$phiprime <- log10(inds$K) + 2*log10(inds$Linf)
  inds$Lmat <- rnorm(nrow(inds), mean=Lmat, sd=wmat/diff(qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))))

grow.inds <- function(inds){
	# grow
  L2 <- dt_growth_soVB(Linf = inds$Linf, K = inds$K, ts = ts, C = C, L1 = inds$L, t1 = t-tincr, t2 = t)
  # update length and weight
	inds$L <- L2
	inds$W <- LWa*inds$L^LWb
	# age inds
	inds$A <- inds$A + tincr

mature.inds <- function(inds){
	# p <- pmat_w(inds$L, Lmat, wmat) # probability of being mature at length L
	# p1t <- 1-((1-p)^tincr)
	# inds$mat <- ifelse(runif(nrow(inds)) < p1t | inds$mat == 1, 1, 0)
  inds$mat <- ifelse((inds$L > inds$Lmat | inds$mat == 1), 1, 0)

death.inds <- function(inds){
  pSel <- logisticSelect(inds$L, L50, wqs)
  inds$F <- pSel * Fmax
  inds$Z <- M + inds$F
	pDeath <- 1 - exp(-inds$Z*tincr)
	dead <- which(runif(nrow(inds)) < pDeath)
	# determine if natural or fished
	if(length(dead) > 0){
	  inds$alive[dead] <- 0
	  tmp <- cbind(inds$F[dead], inds$Z[dead])
	  # Fd=1 for fished individuals; Fd=0, for those that died naturally
	  Fd <- apply(tmp, 1, FUN=function(x){sample(c(0,1), size=1, prob=c(M/x[2], x[1]/x[2]) )})
  	inds$Fd[dead] <- Fd

remove.inds <- function(inds){
  dead <- which(inds$alive == 0)
  if(length(dead)>0) {inds <- inds[-dead,]}

reproduce.inds <- function(inds){
	# reproduction can only occur of population contains >1 mature individual
	if(repro > 0 & sum(inds$mat) > 0){
		#calc. SSB
	  SSB <- sum(inds$W*inds$mat)
	  n.recruits <- ceiling(srrBH(rmax, beta, SSB) * repro)
		# make recruits 
		offspring <- make.inds(
			id = seq(lastID+1, length.out=n.recruits)
		# express genes in recruits
		offspring <- express.inds(offspring)	
		#combine all individuals
		inds <- rbind(inds, offspring)

record.inds <- function(inds, ids=1:10, rec=NULL){
	if(is.null(rec)) {
		rec <- vector(mode="list", length(ids))
		names(rec) <- ids
		inds <- inds
	} else {
		ids <- as.numeric(names(rec))
	if(length(rec) > 0) {
		inds.rows.rec <- which(!is.na(match(inds$id, ids)))
		if(length(inds.rows.rec) > 0){
			for(ii in inds.rows.rec){
				match.id <- match(inds$id[ii], ids)
				if(is.null(rec[[match.id]])) {
					rec[[match.id]] <- inds[ii,]
				} else {
					rec[[match.id]] <- rbind(rec[[match.id]], inds[ii,])

# run model ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Initial population
lastID <- 0

# if(initializePop){
#   inds <- equilibrium.inds()
#   inds <- express.inds(inds)
#   inds$mat <- as.numeric(inds$L > inds$Lmat)
# } else {
  inds <- make.inds(
  inds <- express.inds(inds)
# }

# results object
res <- list()
res$pop <- list(
  dates = yeardec2date( date2yeardec(timemin.date) + (timeseq - timemin) ),
	N = NaN*timeseq,
	B = NaN*timeseq,
	SSB = NaN*timeseq

# simulation
if(progressBar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1, max=length(timeseq), style=3)
for(j in seq(timeseq)){
  t <- timeseq[j]
  # harvest rate applied? lfq sampled?
  if(length(fished_t) == 0){
    Fmax <- 0
    lfqSamp <- 0
  } else {
    if(min(sqrt((t-fished_t)^2)) < 1e-8){
      Fmax <- harvest_rate
      lfqSamp <- 1
    } else {
      Fmax <- 0
      lfqSamp <- 0
  repro <- repro_t[j]
	# population processes
	inds <- grow.inds(inds)
	inds <- mature.inds(inds)
	inds <- reproduce.inds(inds)
	inds <- death.inds(inds)
    samp <- try( sample(seq(inds$L), ceiling(sum(inds$Fd)*lfqFrac), prob = inds$Fd), silent = TRUE)
    # tmp <- try( sample(inds$L, ceiling(sum(inds$Fd)*lfqFrac), prob = inds$Fd), silent = TRUE)
    if(class(samp) != "try-error"){
      lfq[[j]] <- inds$L[samp]
      indsSamp[[j]] <- inds[samp,]
	inds <- remove.inds(inds)
	# update results
	res$pop$N[j] <- nrow(inds)
	res$pop$B[j] <- sum(inds$W)
	res$pop$SSB[j] <- sum(inds$W*inds$mat)
	if(progressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)

if(progressBar) close(pb)

# Export data -------------------------------------------------------------

# Trim and Export 'lfq'
lfq2 <- lfq[which(sapply(lfq, length) > 0)]

# binned version of lfq
dates <- yeardec2date( date2yeardec(timemin.date) + (as.numeric(names(lfq2)) - timemin) )
Lran <- range(unlist(lfq2))
Lran[1] <- floor(Lran[1])
Lran[2] <- (ceiling(Lran[2])%/%bin.size + ceiling(Lran[2])%%bin.size + 1) * bin.size
bin.breaks <- seq(Lran[1], Lran[2], by=bin.size)
bin.mids <- bin.breaks[-length(bin.breaks)] + bin.size/2
res$lfqbin <- list(
  sample.no = seq(bin.mids),
  midLengths = bin.mids,
  dates = dates,
  catch = sapply(lfq2, FUN = function(x){
    hist(x, breaks=bin.breaks, plot = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)$counts

# individuals
indsSamp <- indsSamp[which(sapply(indsSamp, length) > 0)]
res$inds <- indsSamp

# record mean parameters
res$growthpars <- list(
  K = K.mu,
  Linf = Linf.mu,
  C = C,
  ts = ts,
  phiprime = phiprime.mu,
  tmaxrecr = tmaxrecr


} # end of function
marchtaylor/fishdynr documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:27 a.m.