
Defines functions bids_parse_files

Documented in bids_parse_files

#' Extract the filenames from a PET BIDS study
#' This function returns a data frame of the files for each measurement in a
#' PET BIDS study, its path, and what it is.
#' @param studypath The BIDS study path for the main study.
#' @return A data frame of the files, what they are, and where they are
#' @export
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filedata <- bids_parse_files(studypath)
#' }
bids_parse_files <- function(studypath) {

  extensions = paste(c('*.nii.gz', "*.tsv", "*.json"), collapse="|")

  files <- fs::dir_info(studypath, recurse = T, type = "file",
                        glob = extensions)

  files$path_relative <- fs::path_rel(files$path, studypath)

  attributes <- dplyr::select(files, path_absolute=path, path=path_relative) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(extension  = fs::path_ext(path)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(path, "^derivatives/")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(path, "^code/")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(path, "^phenotype/")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(path, "^sourcedata/")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(attr  = purrr::map(path, bids_filename_attributes)) %>%
    tidyr::unnest(cols=all_of("attr")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(extension = ifelse( extension=="gz" &
                                      grepl(".nii.gz", path),
                                      "nii.gz", extension)) %>%

  if(!("sub" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$sub <- "01"

  if(!("ses" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$ses <- "01"

  if(!("task" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$task <- "rest"

  if(!("trc" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$trc <- "trc"

  # This seems to have actually been removed: this should be deprecated!
  if(!("acq" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$acq <- "acq"

  if(!("run" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$run <- "01"

  if(!("rec" %in% colnames(attributes))) {
    attributes$rec <- "rec"

  # Test
  # attributes <- bind_rows(attributes, attributes[1,])
  # attributes$sub[7] <- NA

  # Inheritance

  # Here I split the files off where information isn't provided to apply to
  # multiple files by inheritance

  attributes_ultra <- tidyr::expand_grid(
    sub = unique(na.omit(attributes$sub)),
    ses = unique(na.omit(attributes$ses)),
    task = unique(na.omit(attributes$task)),
    trc = unique(na.omit(attributes$trc)),
    acq = unique(na.omit(attributes$acq)),
    run = unique(na.omit(attributes$run)),
    rec = unique(na.omit(attributes$rec))

  attributes_completed <- suppressMessages(
    attributes %>%
      split(seq(nrow(.))) %>%
      purrr::map(., ~.x %>%
                   dplyr::select(dplyr::where(~!all(is.na(.x)))) %>%
                   dplyr::inner_join(attributes_ultra)) %>%
      dplyr::bind_rows() %>%

  # attributes_complete <- attributes %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(extension=="json" | extension=="tsv" | extension=="nii.gz" ) %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(!is.na(sub) &
  #                 !is.na(ses) &
  #                 !is.na(task) &
  #                 !is.na(trc) &
  #                 !is.na(acq) &
  #                 !is.na(run) &
  #                 !is.na(rec)) %>%
  #   dplyr::select(dplyr::where(~!all(is.na(.x)))) # remove totally empty
  # attributes_inherit <- attributes %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(extension=="json" | extension=="tsv" | extension=="nii.gz" ) %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(is.na(sub) |
  #                 is.na(ses) |
  #                 is.na(task) |
  #                 is.na(trc) |
  #                 is.na(acq) |
  #                 is.na(run) |
  #                 is.na(rec))
  # # Sometimes, the attributes are incompletely provided for the PET images,
  # # resulting in the PET files ending up in attributes_inherit. So this completes
  # # their attributes, and brings them back to attributes_complete
  # if(nrow(attributes_inherit) > 0) {
  #   attributes_inherit <- attributes_inherit %>%
  #     dplyr::mutate(attr_ic_id = 1:dplyr::n())  # create identifier column
  #   attributes_incompletepet <- attributes_inherit %>%
  #     dplyr::filter(measurement=="pet") %>%
  #     dplyr::filter(extension=="json" | extension=="tsv" | extension=="nii.gz") %>%
  #     dplyr::mutate(
  #       ses = bids_complete_attribute(ses, "ses", "01"),
  #       task = bids_complete_attribute(task, "task", "rest"),
  #       trc = bids_complete_attribute(trc, "trc", "trc"),
  #       acq = bids_complete_attribute(acq, "acq", "acq"),
  #       run = bids_complete_attribute(run, "run", "01"),
  #       rec = bids_complete_attribute(rec, "rec", "rec")
  #     ) %>%
  #     dplyr::select(dplyr::where(~!all(is.na(.x)))) # remove totally empty
  #   attributes_inherit <- suppressMessages(
  #     attributes_inherit %>%
  #       dplyr::anti_join(attributes_incompletepet %>%
  #                          dplyr::select(attr_ic_id))) %>%
  #     dplyr::select(dplyr::where(~!all(is.na(.x)))) %>%  # remove totally empty
  #     dplyr::select(-attr_ic_id)
  #   attributes_incompletepet <- attributes_incompletepet %>%
  #     dplyr::select(-attr_ic_id)
  #   attributes_complete <- attributes_complete %>%
  #     dplyr::bind_rows(attributes_incompletepet)
  # }
  # # Note to future self: The idea with the inheritance here is to assign things
  # # which have multiple matches to the corresponding fields. So, blood data,
  # # for instance can be matched to multiple reconstruction types of the PET
  # # data. To accomplish this, I remove measurement and extension from the
  # # matching. However, I feel like the inheritance might have originally been
  # # for something else. If problems occur, check here.
  # if(nrow(attributes_inherit) > 0) {
  #   ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50483890/dplyr-join-na-match-to-any
  #   attributes_inherit_completed <- suppressMessages(
  #     attributes_inherit %>%
  #       split(seq(nrow(.))) %>%
  #       purrr::map_dfr(
  #         ~purrr::modify_if(.,is.na,~NULL) %>%
  #             dplyr::inner_join(.,
  #               dplyr::select(attributes_complete,
  #                               -path_absolute,
  #                               -path,
  #                               -extension,
  #                               -measurement)))) %>%
  #     dplyr::distinct()
  #   attributes <- dplyr::bind_rows(attributes_complete,
  #                                  attributes_inherit_completed)
  # } else {
  #   attributes <- attributes_complete
  # }

  measurements <- attributes_completed %>%
    dplyr::group_by(sub, ses, task, acq, trc, run, rec) %>%
    tidyr::nest() %>%
    dplyr::rename(filedata = data) %>%



# bids_complete_attribute <- function(attr_vec, attr_name, attr_replacement) {
#   if( sum( is.na(attr_vec)) > 0 ) {
#     warning(paste0(
#       "The ", attr_name, " attribute is incomplete, and has been automatically ",
#       "completed for some PET measurements missing this attribute. ",
#       "It has been replaced with \"", attr_replacement, "\". ",
#       "Please check that this does not conflict with anything."
#     ))
#     attr_vec[is.na(attr_vec)] <- attr_replacement
#   }
#   return(attr_vec)
# }

#' Extract BIDS attributes from filenames and file paths
#' Get all the stuff into a table
#' @param filename The filename and filepath of the relevant file. Recommended
#' to provide the relative path within the studypath.
#' @return A tibble containing all the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bids_filename_attributes(
#'    "sub-01/ses-01/pet/sub-01_ses-01_recording-continuous_blood.json")
bids_filename_attributes <- function(filename) {

  attr <- stringr::str_match_all(filename, "([a-z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*)[/_]")[[1]]
  attr_val <- stringr::str_match(attr[,2], "([a-z0-9]*)-([a-zA-Z0-9]*)")
  attr_vals <- tibble::tibble(
    attribute = attr_val[,2],
    value = attr_val[,3]

  attr_vals <- attr_vals[!duplicated(
    attr_vals$attribute, fromLast = T),]

  attr_vals$measurement <- stringr::str_match(filename, "\\_([a-z]*)\\.")[,2]

  tidyr::spread(attr_vals, attribute, value)

#' Extract blood data from BIDS study folder
#' Extracts the Data section of the blooddata object
#' @param filedata A table of the file data, created using bids_parse_files()
#' @return Data from these files: the Data section of the blooddata object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bd_dat <- bids_parse_blood(filedata)
#' }
bids_parse_blood <- function(filedata) {

  if(!("blood" %in% filedata$measurement)) {

  ### Get the filenames ###

  json_pet <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="pet" & extension=="json") %>%

  json_blood_discrete <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="blood" &
                    extension=="json" &
                    recording=="manual") %>%

  tsv_blood_discrete <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="blood" &
                    extension=="tsv" &
                    recording=="manual") %>%

  json_blood_cont <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="blood" &
                    extension=="json" &
                    recording=="autosampler") %>%

  tsv_blood_cont <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="blood" &
                    extension=="tsv" &
                    recording=="autosampler") %>%

  ### Get the data ###

  jsondat_blood_discrete <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_blood_discrete)

  # Read data

  ## Discrete
  if( jsondat_blood_discrete$PlasmaAvail | jsondat_blood_discrete$WholeBloodAvail ) {

    # Checks
    if( length(json_blood_discrete) == 0 ) {
      stop("No manual blood JSON found")
    if( length(tsv_blood_discrete) == 0 ) {
      stop("No manual blood TSV file found")

    tsvdat_blood_discrete  <- read.delim(tsv_blood_discrete, sep = "\t") %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(time)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(everything(), ~ifelse(.x=="n/a",
                                                      yes = NA,
                                                      no = .x))) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(everything(), as.numeric)) %>%

  ## Continuous
  if( length(json_blood_cont) > 0 ) {

    # Checks
    if( length(json_blood_cont) == 0 ) {
      stop("No autosampler blood JSON found")
    if( length(tsv_blood_cont) == 0 ) {
      stop("No autosampler blood TSV file found")

    jsondat_blood_cont <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_blood_cont)
    tsvdat_blood_cont  <- read.delim(tsv_blood_cont, sep = "\t") %>%

  ## Get Metabolite
  if( jsondat_blood_discrete$MetaboliteAvail ) {

    pf <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_discrete, time,
                           starts_with("metabolite_")) %>%

    pf_desc <- jsondat_blood_discrete[names(pf)]

    names(pf) <- gsub("metabolite_", "", names(pf))
    names(pf) <- gsub('\\_(\\w?)', '\\U\\1', names(pf), perl = TRUE)

    names(pf_desc) <- gsub("metabolite_", "", names(pf_desc))
    names(pf_desc) <- gsub('\\_(\\w?)', '\\U\\1', names(pf_desc), perl = TRUE)

  ## Get Plasma
  if( jsondat_blood_discrete$PlasmaAvail ) {

    plasma <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_discrete, time,
                            activity = plasma_radioactivity) %>%

    plasma_desc <- jsondat_blood_discrete[c("time", "plasma_radioactivity")]
    names(plasma_desc)[2] <- "activity"

  ## Get Discrete Whole Blood
  if( jsondat_blood_discrete$WholeBloodAvail ) {

    blood_discrete <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_discrete, time,
                            activity = whole_blood_radioactivity) %>%

    blood_discrete_desc <- jsondat_blood_discrete[c("time",
    names(blood_discrete_desc)[2] <- "activity"

  ## Get Continuous Whole Blood
  if( length(json_blood_cont) > 0 ) {

    blood_cont <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_cont, time,
                                    activity = whole_blood_radioactivity) %>%

    blood_cont_desc <- jsondat_blood_cont[c("time","whole_blood_radioactivity")]
    names(blood_cont_desc)[2] <- "activity"

  ## Edge cases

  ### No plasma, but only whole blood: use blood instead of plasma
  if( !jsondat_blood_discrete$PlasmaAvail &
      jsondat_blood_discrete$WholeBloodAvail ) {

    plasma <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_discrete, time,
                            activity = whole_blood_radioactivity) %>%

    plasma_desc <- jsondat_blood_discrete[c("time","whole_blood_radioactivity")]
    names(plasma_desc)[2] <- "activity"
    plasma_desc$activity$Description <- paste(
      "Whole blood used as no plasma available.",

  ### No whole blood, only plasma: use plasma as blood
  if( jsondat_blood_discrete$PlasmaAvail & !jsondat_blood_discrete$WholeBloodAvail ) {

    blood_discrete <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_discrete, time,
                            activity = plasma_radioactivity) %>%

    blood_discrete_desc <- jsondat_blood_discrete[c("time",
    names(blood_discrete_desc)[2] <- "activity"
    blood_discrete_desc$activity$Description <- paste(
      "Plasma used as no whole blood available.",

  ### No metabolite, but blood/plasma: metab=1
  if( !jsondat_blood_discrete$MetaboliteAvail &
      (jsondat_blood_discrete$WholeBloodAvail | jsondat_blood_discrete$PlasmaAvail) ) {

    pf <- dplyr::select(tsvdat_blood_discrete, time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(parentFraction = 1)

    pf_desc <- list(time = jsondat_blood_discrete$time)
    pf_desc$parentFraction <- list(Description =
                                     "All set to 1 because no metabolite data available",
                                   Units = "arbitrary")

  ### Arrange the Data ###

  MetaboliteData <- jsondat_blood_discrete[grep("Metabolite", names(jsondat_blood_discrete))]
  names(MetaboliteData) <- gsub("Metabolite", "", names(MetaboliteData))
  MetaboliteData$Values <- pf
  MetaboliteData <- c(MetaboliteData, pf_desc)

  PlasmaData <- jsondat_blood_discrete[grep("Plasma", names(jsondat_blood_discrete))]
  names(PlasmaData) <- gsub("Plasma", "", names(PlasmaData))
  PlasmaData$Values <- plasma
  PlasmaData <- c(PlasmaData, plasma_desc)

  DBloodData <- jsondat_blood_discrete[grep("WholeBlood", names(jsondat_blood_discrete))]
  names(DBloodData) <- gsub("WholeBlood", "", names(DBloodData))
  DBloodData$Values <- blood_discrete
  DBloodData <- c(DBloodData, blood_discrete_desc)

  if( length(json_blood_cont) > 0 ) {
    CBloodData <- jsondat_blood_cont[grep("WholeBlood", names(jsondat_blood_cont))]
    names(CBloodData) <- gsub("WholeBlood", "", names(CBloodData))

    CBloodData$Values <- blood_cont
    CBloodData <- c(CBloodData, blood_cont_desc)
    CBloodData$Avail = TRUE
  } else {
    CBloodData <- list()
    CBloodData$Avail = FALSE

  ### Unit conversions ###

  # Metabolite

  if( MetaboliteData$time$Units != "s" ) {
    if( MetaboliteData$time$Units == "min" ) {
      MetaboliteData$Values$time <- MetaboliteData$Values$time * 60
      MetaboliteData$time$Units <- "s"
    } else {
      stop(paste("Unrecognised time units for metabolite:",

  # This check seems irrelevant: I've removed it
  # if( MetaboliteData$parentFraction$Units != "arbitrary" ) {
  #     stop(paste("Unrecognised parentFraction units for Metabolite:",
  #                MetaboliteData$parentFraction$Units))
  # }

  # Checking the scaling between 0 and 1, or percentages
  if( !all(MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction >= 0 &
          MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction <= 1) ) {

    # Not all between 0 and 1

    ### If they're (probably) scaled between 0 and 100, no error
    if( all(MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction >= 0 &
            MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction <= 100) &
        max(MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction > 50) ) {

      MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction <- MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction / 100

      warning(paste0("It seems your parent fraction values are scaled between 0",
                    " and 100. They have been rescaled between 0 and 1 by diving",
                     " by 100. Please check whether this is correct."))
    } else {

      ### Error if they're not 0-1 or 0-100
      warning(paste0("Parent fraction values should be scaled between 0 and 1.\n",
                     "Anomalies detected in ", basename(json_blood_discrete), "\n",
                     "Parent Fraction ranges from ",
                     min(MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction)," to ",
                     max(MetaboliteData$Values$parentFraction)," .\n\n"))


  # Plasma

  if( PlasmaData$time$Units != "s" ) {
    if( PlasmaData$time$Units == "min" ) {
      PlasmaData$Values$time <- PlasmaData$Values$time * 60
      PlasmaData$time$Units <- "s"
    } else {
      stop(paste("Unrecognised time units for Plasma:",

  plasmarad <- get_units_radioactivity(PlasmaData$activity$Units)

  if( plasmarad$rad != "kBq" ) {
    PlasmaData$Values$activity <- unit_convert(PlasmaData$Values$activity,
                                               plasmarad$rad, "kBq")

  if( !(plasmarad$vol %in% c("ml", "cc", "mL") )) {
    stop(paste("Unrecognised activity units for Plasma:",
               ": units should be in kBq/ml"))

  PlasmaData$activity$Units <- "kBq/ml"

  # Blood Discrete

  if( DBloodData$time$Units != "s" ) {
    if( DBloodData$time$Units == "min" ) {
      DBloodData$Values$time <- DBloodData$Values$time * 60
      DBloodData$time$Units <- "s"
    } else {
      stop(paste("Unrecognised time units for BloodDiscrete:",

  dbloodrad <- get_units_radioactivity(DBloodData$activity$Units)

  if( dbloodrad$rad != "kBq" ) {
    DBloodData$Values$activity <- unit_convert(DBloodData$Values$activity,
                                               dbloodrad$rad, "kBq")

  if( !(dbloodrad$vol %in% c("ml", "cc", "mL") )) {
    stop(paste("Unrecognised activity units for BloodDiscrete:",
               ": units should be in kBq/ml"))

  DBloodData$activity$Units <- "kBq/ml"

  # Blood Continuous

  if( CBloodData$Avail ) {

    if( CBloodData$time$Units != "s" ) {
      if( CBloodData$time$Units == "min" ) {
        CBloodData$Values$time <- CBloodData$Values$time * 60
        CBloodData$time$Units <- "s"
      } else {
        stop(paste("Unrecognised time units for BloodContinuous:",

    cbloodrad <- get_units_radioactivity(CBloodData$activity$Units)

    if( cbloodrad$rad != "kBq" ) {
      CBloodData$Values$activity <- unit_convert(CBloodData$Values$activity,
                                                 cbloodrad$rad, "kBq")

    if( !(cbloodrad$vol %in% c("ml", "cc", "mL") )) {
      stop(paste("Unrecognised activity units for BloodContinuous:",
                 ": units should be in kBq/ml"))

    CBloodData$activity$Units <- "kBq/ml"


  ### Output ###

  bids_data <- list(
    Blood = list(
      Discrete = DBloodData,
      Continuous = CBloodData),
    Plasma = PlasmaData,
    Metabolite = MetaboliteData



#' Create a blooddata object from BIDS data
#' This function takes a set of files from one measurement of a BIDS-structured
#' study, reads in the data, and creates a blooddata file.
#' @param filedata A table of the file data, created using bids_parse_files()
#' @return A blooddata object
#' @export
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bd <- bids_create_blooddata(filedata)
#' }
bids_create_blooddata <- function(filedata) {

  bids_data <- bids_parse_blood(filedata)

  blooddata <- list(
    Data = bids_data,
    Models = list(
      Blood = list(Method = "interp", Data = NULL),
      BPR = list(Method = "interp", Data = NULL),
      parentFraction = list(Method = "interp", Data = NULL),
      AIF = list(Method = "interp", Data = NULL)
    TimeShift = 0

  blooddata <- rapply(blooddata, function(x) ifelse(x == "true", TRUE, x),
                      how = "replace")
  blooddata <- rapply(blooddata, function(x) ifelse(x == "false", FALSE, x),
                      how = "replace")

  class(blooddata) <- "blooddata"



bids_parse_pettimes <- function(filedata) {

  if(!("pet" %in% filedata$measurement)) {

  ### Get the filenames ###

  json_pet <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="pet" & extension=="json") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(jsondat_pet = purrr::map(
      path_absolute, jsonlite::fromJSON

  ### Extract the data ###

  jsondat_pet <- purrr::flatten(json_pet$jsondat_pet)

  tacdata <- tibble::tibble(
    start = jsondat_pet$FrameTimesStart,
    dur = jsondat_pet$FrameDuration,
    time = start + 0.5*dur
  ) %>%



bids_parse_petinfo <- function(filedata) {

  if(!("pet" %in% filedata$measurement)) {

  ### Get the filenames ###

  json_pet <- filedata %>%
    dplyr::filter(measurement=="pet" & extension=="json") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(jsondat_pet = purrr::map(
      path_absolute, jsonlite::fromJSON

  ### Extract the data ###

  jsondat_pet <- purrr::flatten(json_pet$jsondat_pet)



#' Parse the contents of a PET BIDS study
#' This function parses a PET BIDS study, and returns a nested tibble with the
#' relevant information nested appropriately.
#' @param studypath The BIDS study path for the main study.
#' @return A data frame of the files, what they are, and where they are
#' @export
#' @author Granville J Matheson, \email{mathesong@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' studydata <- bids_parse_study(studypath)
#' }
bids_parse_study <- function(studypath) {

  measurements <- bids_parse_files(studypath) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(ses, sub, task, acq)

  measurements$petinfo <- purrr::map(measurements$filedata,

  measurements$blooddata <- purrr::map(measurements$filedata,

  measurements$tactimes <- purrr::map(measurements$filedata,

  measurements <- dplyr::filter(measurements, !is.na(tactimes))



# join_by_nonmissing <- function(tbl_complete, tbl_incomplete) {
#   tbl_incomp_sep <- tbl_incomplete %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(idx = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(idx) %>%
#     tidyr::nest(matchdata=-idx) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(matchdata = purrr::map(matchdata,
#                                          ~Filter(function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
#                                                  .x)))
#   tbl_incomp_sep_joined <- suppressMessages( tbl_incomp_sep %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(matchdata = purrr::map(matchdata,
#                                          ~dplyr::left_join(.x, tbl_complete))) )
#   tbl_incomp_sep_joined %>%
#     dplyr::ungroup() %>%
#     dplyr::select(-idx) %>%
#     tidyr::unnest(matchdata)
# }
mathesong/kinfitr documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 11:07 p.m.