Man pages for mathesong/kinfitr
Kinetic Modelling of PET Time Activity Curves

bd_addfitAdd a model fit to a blooddata object
bd_addfitparsAdd model fit parameters to a blooddata object
bd_addfittedAdd fitted values from another fit to a blooddata object
bd_blood_dispcorPerform Dispersion Correction on a blooddata object
bd_create_inputCreate an input object from a blooddata object
bd_extractExtract data from blooddata objects
bd_getdataCreate an input object from a blooddata object.
bd_tidy_timesTidy time information for blooddata operations
bids_create_blooddataCreate a blooddata object from BIDS data
bids_filename_attributesExtract BIDS attributes from filenames and file paths
bids_parse_bloodExtract blood data from BIDS study folder
bids_parse_filesExtract the filenames from a PET BIDS study
bids_parse_studyParse the contents of a PET BIDS study
blmod_expBlood Model: Exponential
blmod_exp_startparsCreate starting parameters for an exponential blood model
blmod_fengBlood Model: Feng
blmod_fengconvBlood Model: FengConv
blmod_fengconv_modelConvolved Feng model for fitting of arterial input functions
blmod_fengconvplusBlood Model: FengConv plus a rise term
blmod_fengconvplus_modelConvolved Feng model for fitting of arterial input functions...
blmod_feng_modelFeng model for fitting of arterial input functions
blmod_feng_startparsCreate starting parameters for an Feng blood model
blmod_splinesBlood Model: Splines
blmod_tidyinputBlood Model: Tidy inputs
blmod_triexp_modelTri-exponential model for fitting of arterial input functions
blood_dispcorPerform dispersion correction on blood data collected using...
blood_interpInterpolate Blood Curves
blood_smoothSmooth continuous blood data
bloodstream_import_aifparsImport bloodstream AIF fitted parameters
bloodstream_import_inputfunctionsImport bloodstream input functions
coef_kinfitExtract coefficients
create_blooddata_bidsCreate a blooddata object from BIDS data
create_blooddata_componentsCreate a blooddata object from data vectors
decay_correctPerform Decay Correction of TAC values
decay_uncorrectReverse Decay Correction of TAC values
feng_1tc_tacFeng input model convolved with a 1TC IRF
feng_1tc_tac_modelModel: Feng input model convolved with a 1TC IRF
fix_multstartparsCheck and fix multstart parameters
frame_cumsumCumulative integral over frames
frtmFull Reference Tissue Model
frtm_modelModel: Full Reference Tissue Model
get_seEstimate the standard error of parameters using the delta...
kinfit_convolveConvolution Function
lin2tcmLinear Two Tissue Compartment Model
lin2tcm_inpshiftProfileProfile the inpshift using the linearised 2TCM
LoganplotLogan Plot
Logan_tstarTstar Finder: Logan Plot
ma1Ichise Multilinear Analysis 1
ma1_tstarTstar Finder: Ichise Multilinear Analysis 1
ma2Ichise Multilinear Analysis 2
maxpercresMaximum Percentage Residual
metab_exponentialFit an Exponential Function for Modelling Parent Fraction.
metab_exponential_modelExponential Function Model for Parent Fraction
metab_gammaFit the Gamma Function for Modelling Parent Fraction.
metab_gamma_modelGamma Function for Parent Fraction
metab_hillFit a Hill Function to Model Parent Fraction
metab_hill_modelHill Function Model for Parent Fraction
metab_invgammaFit the Inverted Gamma Function for Modelling Parent...
metab_invgamma_modelInverse Gamma Function Model for Parent Fraction
metab_powerFit a Power Function for Modelling Parent Fraction.
metab_power_modelPower Model for Parent Fraction
metab_sigmoidFit a sigmoid function for Parent Fraction.
metab_sigmoid_modelSigmoid Model for Parent Fraction
mlLoganplotMultilinear Logan Plot
mlLogan_tstarTstar Finder: Multilinear Logan Plot
mrtm1Ichise's Multilinear Reference Tissue Model
mrtm1_tstarTstar Finder: MRTM1
mrtm2Ichise's Multilinear Reference Tissue Model 2
mrtm2_tstarTstar Finder: MRTM2
oldbids_jsonOld BIDS specification JSON Data
onetcmOne Tissue Compartment Model
onetcm_fitDelay_modelModel: One Tissue Compartment Model with Delay
onetcm_modelModel: One Tissue Compartment Model
PatlakplotPatlak Plot
Patlak_tstarTstar Finder: Patlak Plot
pbr28PBR28 Test-Retest Data
pipePipe operator
plot_1tcmfitPlot: One Tissue Compartment Model
plot_2tcm1kfitPlot: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping
plot_2tcmfitPlot: Two Tissue Compartment Model
plot_blooddataPlot a blooddata object
plot.blooddataPlot blood data
plot_feng_1tc_tacfitPlot Feng input model convolved with a 1TC IRF fit
plot_frtmfitPlot: Full Reference Tissue Model
plot_inptac_fitPlot the Timings of the TAC and Arterial Input Function from...
plot_inptac_timingsPlot the Timings of the TAC and Arterial Input Function
plot_inputPlot input
plot.interpbloodPlot interpolated blood
plot_kinfitPlot Kinetic Model Fit: Generic Function
plot.kinfitPlot kinetic model fit
plot_lin2tcmfitPlot: Linear 2TCM
plot_LoganfitPlot: Logan Plot
plot_ma1fitPlot: Ichise Multilinear Analysis 1
plot_ma2fitPlot: Ichise Multilinear Analysis 2
plot_mlLoganfitPlot: Multilinear Logan Plot
plot_mrtm1fitPlot: MRTM1
plot_mrtm2fitPlot: MRTM2
plot_PatlakfitPlot: Patlak Plot
plot_refLoganfitPlot: Non-Invasive Logan Plot
plot_refmlLoganfitPlot: Non-Invasive Multilinear Logan Plot
plot_refPatlakfitPlot: Patlak Reference Tissue Model
plot_residualsPlot Residuals of a Model
plot_SIMEfitPlot: SIME
plot_srtm2fitPlot: Simplified Reference Tissue Model 2
plot_srtmfitPlot: Simplified Reference Tissue Model
plot_srtm_vfitPlot: Simplified Reference Tissue Model with Blood Volumes
predict_blmodPredict Blood Model Values: Generic Function
predict.blmodPredict Blood Model Values
predict_blood_expPredicted values for tri-exponential fits
predict_blood_fengPredicted values for Feng fits
predict_blood_fengconvPredicted values for Fengconv fits
predict_blood_fengconvplusPredicted values for Fengconvplus fits
predict_blood_splinesPredicted values for blood splines
refLoganNon-Invasive Logan Plot
refLogan_tstarTstar Finder: Non-Invasive Logan Plot
refmlLoganNon-Invasive Multilinear Logan Plot
refmlLogan_tstarTstar Finder: Non-Invasive Multilinear Logan Plot
refPatlakPatlak Reference Tissue Model
refPatlak_tstarTstar Finder: Patlak Reference Tissue Model
shift_timingsShift timings of TAC and Input
shift_timings_dfShift timings of several TACs and Input
SIMESimultaneous Estimation of Non-Displaceable Binding (SIME)
SIME_modelModel: SIME
simrefSimulated Reference Tissue Dataset
srtmSimplified Reference Tissue Model
srtm2Simplified Reference Tissue Model 2
srtm2_modelModel: Simplified Reference Tissue Model 2
srtm_modelModel: Simplified Reference Tissue Model
srtm_vSimplified Reference Tissue Model with Blood Volumes
srtm_v_modelModel: Simplified Reference Tissue Model with Blood Volumes
SUVStandardised Uptake Value
tidyinput_artTidy Up for Models with Arterial Input
tidyinput_refTidy Up for Reference Region Methods
twotcmTwo Tissue Compartment Model
twotcm1kTwo Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible Trapping
twotcm1k_fitDelay_modelModel: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible...
twotcm1k_modelModel: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Irreversible...
twotcm_fitDelay_modelModel: Two Tissue Compartment Model with Delay
twotcm_modelModel: Two Tissue Compartment Model
unit_convertConvert between different units of radioactivity
update_blooddataUpdate an old blooddata object to the new structure
weights_createCreate weights using durations and counts
weights_create_bidsCreate weights from BIDS data
mathesong/kinfitr documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 11:07 p.m.