################## qe-series of ML wrappers ####################
# this qe*() series is inspired ggplot2::qplot; here 'qe' is for
# "quick-explore"
# the functions provide wrappers with a uniform interface, for
# quick and convenient fitting and prediction; for any given method,
# not all options are offered in the wrapper version
# intended for quick exploration only;l sophisticated use
# should use the original functions, not these
# each has a predict() method, again with a fairly uniform interface
# some have plot() methods
# qe*() arguments:
# data: dataframe, training set; class labels col is a factor; other
# columns may be factors
# yName: column name for outcome variable; vector indicates
# regression, factor classification
# possible algorithm-specific options
# allDefaults: if TRUE, take all the defaults of the wrapped
# function, e.g. e1071::svm()
# holdout: size of holdout set, if any
# value:
# see individual functions below
# predict() arguments:
# object: output from q*()
# newx: data frame of points to be predicted
# possible options
# value: R list with components as follows:
# classification case:
# ypreds: R factor instance of predicted class labels, one element f
# for each row of newx
# conditprobs: vector/matrix of class probabilities; in the 2-class
# case, a vector, the probabilities of Y = 1
# regression case:
# vector of predicted values
# a note on predictors/features that are R factors:
# In e.g. lm(), suppose some of the predictors are factors. Internally
# lm() will convert these to dummy variables, alleviating the user of
# that burden. However, it can create problems in using the fitted
# model to predict new cases, say newx.
# Here newx must be a data frame (even if it has only one row), with
# column names matching those of the the training data frame. But the
# types must match too, and in particular, for factors the levels must
# match. This can be tricky.
# Our solution here is to have the qe*() functions include one row of
# the input data in the output object; the utility getRow1() does this.
# Then in the paired predict.qe*(), we call another utility,
# setTrainFactors() to make the factor levels match. This is done by
# temporarily tacking newx onto the saved input row, resulting in a data
# frame that preserves the structure of the original data, then deleted
# that saved row.
#################### the qe*() functions #######################
####################### qeLogit() ##############################
# qeLogit: generate estimated regression functions
# arguments: see above
# value:
# list of glm() output objects, one per class, and some misc.
qeLogit <-
yNameSave <- yName
data <- stats::na.exclude(data)
dataY <- data[[yName]]
classif <- is.factor(dataY)
if (!classif) {print('for classification problems only'); return(NA)}
yLevels <- levels(dataY)
# might make a macro of this, but different ftns seem to need
# different treatment
if (classif && length(yLevels == 2)) {
if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal))
yLevels <- levels(dataY)
if(length(yLevels) == 2) {
whichYes <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
noYVal <- yLevels[3 - whichYes]
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,classif=TRUE,makeYdumms=TRUE)
xy <- xyc$xy
x <- xyc$x
yDumms <- xyc$yDumms
y <- xyc$y
classNames <- xyc$classNames
ncxy <- ncol(xy)
nx <- ncol(x)
nydumms <- ncxy - nx
# check for 2-class case
if (nydumms == 2) {
tmp <-
if (!is.null(holdout)) dataY[-holdIdxs] else dataY
# tmp is an R factor
tmp <- ifelse(tmp == yesYVal,1,0)
yDumms <- data.frame(y=tmp)
empirClassProbs <- mean(tmp)
} else {
empirClassProbs <- colMeans(yDumms)
outlist <-
# One-vs-All setup, with doGlm() applied to each subanalysis
doGlm <- function(colI)
tmpDF <- cbind(x,yDumms[,colI])
names(tmpDF)[nx+1] <- 'yDumm'
glmout <- glm(yDumm ~ .,data=tmpDF,family=binomial)
nSubanalyses <-
if (nydumms == 2) 1 else nydumms
outlist$glmOuts <- lapply(1:nSubanalyses,doGlm)
outlist$classif <- classif
outlist$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
outlist$nClasses <- nydumms
outlist$yesYVal <- yesYVal
if (nydumms == 2) outlist$noYVal <- noYVal
class(outlist) <- c('qeLogit')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
outlist$yName <- yNameSave
# predict.qeLogit: predict Ys from new Xs
# arguments: see above
# value: object of class 'qeLogit'; see above for components
predict.qeLogit <- function(object,newx,...)
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
# get probabilities for each class
glmOuts <- object$glmOuts
g <- function(glmOutsElt) predict(glmOutsElt,newx,type='response')
probs <- sapply(glmOuts,g)
if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
# if > 2 classes, separate logits for the m classes will not
# necessrily sum to 1, so normalize
if (object$nClasses > 2) {
sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)
probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
classNames <- object$classNames
colnames(probs) <- classNames
predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
} else {
predClasses <- ifelse(probs >= 0.5,object$yesYVal,object$noYVal)
####################### qeMultniomLogit() ##############################
### qeMultinomLogit <- function(data,yName,holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
### require(mlogit)
### classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
### if (!classif) stop('for classification problems only')
### if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
### frml <- paste0(yName,' ~ .')
### frml <- as.formula(frml)
### mnlogout <- mlogit(frml,data)
### if (classif) mnlogout$classNames <- classNames
### mnlogout$classif <- classif
### mnlogout$trainRow1 <- trainRow1
### class(mnlogout) <- c('qeMultinomLogit',class(mnlogout))
### if (!is.null(holdout)) {
### predictHoldout(knnout)
### mnlogout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
### } else mnlogout$holdIdxs <- NULL
### mnlogout
### }
####################### qeLin() ################################
# in regression case, simply wraps ordinary lm()
# in classification case, uses multivariate (i.e. vector Y) lm() for
# classification; faster than glm(), and may be useful as a rough tool
# if the goal is prediction, esp. if have some quadratic terms, which
# would make the linear approximation better
# arguments: see above
# value: object of class 'qeLin' -- lm() output object, plus misc.
qeLin <- function(data,yName,noBeta0=FALSE,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
if (classif) {
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,classif=TRUE,makeYdumms=TRUE)
xy <- xyc$xy
classNames <- xyc$classNames
# check for numeric class names
yNames <- paste0(classNames,collapse=',')
} else {
xy <- data
yNames <- yName
minus1 <- if (noBeta0) ' -1' else ''
cmd <- paste0('lmout <- lm(cbind(',yNames,') ~ .',minus1,',data=xy)')
lmout$classif <- classif
lmout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
class(lmout) <- c('qeLin',class(lmout))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
ycol <- preds <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
lmout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
if (!classif) {
summ <- summary(lmout)
lmout$R2 <- summ$r.squared
lmout$adjR2 <- summ$adj.r.squared
lmout$holdoutR2 <- cor(preds,tst[,ycol])^2
lmout$yName <- yNameSave
# arguments: see above
# value: see above
predict.qeLin <- function(object,newx,useTrainRow1=TRUE,...) {
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
if (useTrainRow1) newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
preds <- predict(object,newx)
if (!object$classif) return(preds)
probs <- pmax(preds,0)
probs <- pmin(probs,1)
if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
probsums <- apply(probs,1,sum)
probs <- probs * 1/probsums
predClasses <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
predClasses <- colnames(preds)[predClasses]
######################### qeKNNtmp() #################################
# will be revised qeKNN
# seems to work in all 3 cases: regression, classif binary Y, classif
# categorical Y; need to revise predict()
# arguments: see above, plus
# k: number of nearest neighbors
# scaleX: if TRUE, features will be centered and scaled; note that
# this means the features must be numeric
# smoothingFtn: as in kNN(); 'mean' or 'loclin'
# expandVars,expandVals: e.g. expandVars element = 3 and
# expandVals = 0.2 means give variable 3 a weight of 0.2
# instead of 1.0 in the distance function
# value: see above
# see note in kNN() man pg
qeKNN <- function(data,yName,k=25,scaleX=TRUE,
yNameSave <- yName
trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
x <- data[,-ycol]
if (is.null(ncol(x))) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
origY <- y
# housekeeping for classification case
if (is.factor(y)) {
classif <- TRUE
yLevels <- levels(y)
classif2 <- length(yLevels) == 2
if (classif2) {
if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal))
whichYes <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
noYVal <- yLevels[3 - whichYes]
} else noYVal <- NULL
} else {
noYVal <- NULL
classif <- FALSE
classif2 <- FALSE
if (classif) {
if (classif2) {
yToAvg <- as.integer(y == yesYVal)
nYcols <- 1
else {
yToAvg <- regtools::factorsToDummies(y)
nYcols <- ncol(yToAvg)
} else {
yToAvg <- y
nYcols <- 1
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
# splitData(holdout,newData); no, write separate code for qeKNN
nHold <- holdout
# cat('holdout set has ',nHold, 'rows\n')
holdIdxs <- sample(1:nrow(x),nHold)
xTst <- x[holdIdxs,]
x <- x[-holdIdxs,]
if (classif2 || !classif) {
yTst <- yToAvg[holdIdxs]
yToAvg <- yToAvg[-holdIdxs]
else {
yTst <- yToAvg[holdIdxs,]
yToAvg <- yToAvg[-holdIdxs,]
tst <- cbind(xTst,yTst)
tst <- as.data.frame(tst)
trn <- cbind(x,yToAvg)
if (classif && !classif2) ycol <- (ncol(x)+1):(ncol(x)+nYcols)
else ycol <- ncol(trn)
# if holdout, x,y are now the training set
xm <- as.matrix(x)
if (scaleX) {
xm <- scale(xm)
ctr <- attr(xm,'scaled:center')
scl <- attr(xm,'scaled:scale')
scalePars <- list(ctr=ctr,scl=scl)
} else scalePars <- NULL
if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
# convert expandVars, expandVals according to possible creation of
# dummies
dta <- xm[,expandVars,drop=FALSE]
dta <- rbind(expandVals,dta)
dta <- as.data.frame(dta)
tmp <- regtools::factorsToDummies(dta,omitLast=TRUE)
expandVars <- colnames(tmp)
expandVals <- tmp[1,]
# convert expandVars from names to column numbers (not efficient, but
# quick anyway)
for (i in 1:length(expandVars)) {
j <- which(expandVars[i] == colnames(x))
expandVars[i] <- j
# col numbers are character strings, change to numbers
expandVars <- as.numeric(expandVars)
xm <- newMultCols(xm,expandVars,expandVals)
# set scaleX to FALSE; scaling, if any, has already been done
knnout <- regtools::kNN(xm,yToAvg,newx=NULL,k,scaleX=FALSE,classif=classif,
knnout$classif <- classif
knnout$classif2 <- classif2
knnout$yesYVal <- yesYVal
knnout$noYVal <- noYVal
knnout$scalePars <- scalePars
knnout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
knnout$trainRow1 <- trainRow1
if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
knnout$expandVars <- expandVars
knnout$expandVals <- expandVals
# class(knnout) <- c('qeKNNtmp','kNN')
class(knnout) <- c('qeKNN','kNN')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
yName <- 'yTst'
knnout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
} else knnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
knnout$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qeKNN <- function(object,newx,newxK=1,...)
class(object) <- 'kNN'
if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
classif <- object$classif
classif2 <- object$classif2
if (!is.numeric(newx) && !is.null(object$factorsInfo))
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,object$factorsInfo)
if (is.data.frame(newx)) newx <- as.matrix(newx)
if (is.vector(newx)) {
nr <- 1
} else {
nr <- nrow(newx)
newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=nr)
if (!is.null(object$scalePars)) {
ctr <- object$scalePars$ctr
scl <- object$scalePars$scl
newx <- scale(newx,ctr,scl)
if (!is.null(object$expandVars))
newx <- regtools::multCols(newx,object$expandVars,object$expandVals)
preds <- predict(object,newx,newxK)
if (!object$classif) return(preds)
if (object$classif2) {
probs <- preds
predClasses <- round(probs)
yesYVal <- object$yesYVal
noYVal <- object$noYVal
predClasses[predClasses == 1] <- yesYVal
predClasses[predClasses == 0] <- noYVal
probs <- as.vector(probs)
predClasses <- as.vector(predClasses)
# multiclass case
predClassIdxs <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
predClasses <- colnames(preds)[predClassIdxs]
### ######################### qeKNN() #################################
### # arguments: see above, plus
### # k: number of nearest neighbors
### # scaleX: if TRUE, features will be centered and scaled; note that
### # this means the features must be numeric
### # smoothingFtn: as in kNN(); 'mean' or 'loclin'
### # expandVars,expandVals: e.g. expandVars element = 3 and
### # expandVals = 0.2 means give variable 3 a weight of 0.2
### # instead of 1.0 in the distance function
### # value: see above
### # see note in kNN() man pg
### qeKNN <- function(data,yName,k=25,scaleX=TRUE,
### smoothingFtn=mean,yesYVal=NULL,expandVars=NULL,expandVals=NULL,
### holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
### checkForNonDF(data)
### trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
### classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
### if (classif) {
### y <- data[,yName]
### yLevels <- levels(y)
### if (length(yLevels) > 2)
### stop('use regtools::kNN directly for multiclass case')
### if (is.null(yesYVal))
### stop('must specify yesYVal')
### whichYes <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
### noYVal <- yLevels[3 - whichYes]
### } else noYVal <- NULL
### ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
### if (classif) data[,ycol] <- as.integer(data[,ycol] == yesYVal)
### holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
### if (!is.null(holdout)) {
### splitData(holdout,data)
### y <- data[-holdIdxs,ycol]
### x <- data[-holdIdxs,-ycol]
### } else {
### x <- data[,-ycol]
### y <- data[,ycol]
### }
### # if holdout, x,y are now the training set
### if (!allNumeric(x)) {
### x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
### factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
### } else factorsInfo <- NULL
### xm <- as.matrix(x)
### if (scaleX) {
### xm <- scale(xm)
### ctr <- attr(xm,'scaled:center')
### scl <- attr(xm,'scaled:scale')
### scalePars <- list(ctr=ctr,scl=scl)
### } else scalePars <- NULL
### if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
### # convert expandVars, expandVals according to possible creation of
### # dummies
### dta <- xm[,expandVars,drop=FALSE]
### dta <- rbind(expandVals,dta)
### dta <- as.data.frame(dta)
### tmp <- regtools::factorsToDummies(dta,omitLast=TRUE)
### expandVars <- colnames(tmp)
### expandVals <- tmp[1,]
### # convert expandVars from names to column numbers (not efficient, but
### # quick anyway)
### for (i in 1:length(expandVars)) {
### j <- which(expandVars[i] == colnames(x))
### expandVars[i] <- j
### }
### # col numbers are character strings, change to numbers
### expandVars <- as.numeric(expandVars)
### xm <- newMultCols(xm,expandVars,expandVals)
### }
### # set scaleX to FALSE; scaling, if any, has already been done
### knnout <- regtools::kNN(xm,y,newx=NULL,k,scaleX=FALSE,classif=classif,
### smoothingFtn=smoothingFtn)
### knnout$classif <- classif
### knnout$yesYVal <- yesYVal
### knnout$noYVal <- noYVal
### knnout$scalePars <- scalePars
### knnout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
### knnout$trainRow1 <- trainRow1
### if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
### knnout$expandVars <- expandVars
### knnout$expandVals <- expandVals
### }
### class(knnout) <- c('qeKNN','kNN')
### if (!is.null(holdout)) {
### predictHoldout(knnout)
### knnout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
### } else knnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
### knnout
### }
newMultCols <- function (x,cols,vals) {
partx <- x[,cols,drop=FALSE]
nvals <- length(vals)
x[,cols] <- partx %*% diag(vals,nrow=nvals,ncol=nvals)
### predict.qeKNN <- function(object,newx,newxK=1,...)
### {
### class(object) <- 'kNN'
### if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
### classif <- object$classif
### if (!is.null(object$factorsInfo))
### newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,object$factorsInfo)
### if (is.data.frame(newx)) newx <- as.matrix(newx)
### if (is.vector(newx)) {
### nr <- 1
### } else {
### nr <- nrow(newx)
### }
### newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=nr)
### if (!is.null(object$scalePars)) {
### ctr <- object$scalePars$ctr
### scl <- object$scalePars$scl
### newx <- scale(newx,ctr,scl)
### }
### if (!is.null(object$expandVars))
### newx <- regtools::multCols(newx,object$expandVars,object$expandVals)
### preds <- predict(object,newx,newxK)
### if (!object$classif) return(preds)
### probs <- preds
### predClasses <- round(probs)
### yesYVal <- object$yesYVal
### noYVal <- object$noYVal
### predClasses[predClasses == 1] <- yesYVal
### predClasses[predClasses == 0] <- noYVal
### list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
### }
######################### qeRF() #################################
# random forests, from the package 'randomForest'
# arguments: see above, plus
# ntree: number of trees to generate
# minNodeSize: minimum number of data points in a node
# mtry: number of variables randomly tried at each split
# value: see above
qeRF <- function(data,yName,nTree=500,minNodeSize=10,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName,'~ .'))
rfout <- randomForest::randomForest(frml,data=data,
rfout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
rfout$classif <- classif
rfout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
class(rfout) <- c('qeRF','randomForest')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
rfout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
rfout$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qeRF <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- 'randomForest'
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
classif <- object$classif
if (classif) {
probs <- predict(object,newx,type='prob')
res <- collectForReturn(object,probs)
} else {
res <- predict(object,newx,type='response')
plot.qeRF <- function(x,...)
######################### qeRFranger() #################################
# if wish to specify a set of features to be less likely to be involved
# in node splitting, so specify in deweightPars, and R list.
# For instance, list(age=0.2,gender=0.5)
# All this goes into the ranger()'s 'split.select.weights' argument.
# This is done by scaling the weights in deweightPars: Initially, all
# the weights are 1.0 except for those in deweightPars; then all is
# scaled to sum to 1.0.
qeRFranger <- function(data,yName,nTree=500,minNodeSize=10,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
yvec <- data[,ycol]
yLevels <- levels(yvec)
if (is.factor(yvec) && length(levels(yvec)) == 2) {
if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal))
whichYes <- which(yvec == yesYVal)
yvec <- as.character(yvec)
yvec[whichYes] <- '1'
yvec[-whichYes] <- '0'
yvec <- as.factor(yvec)
data[,ycol] <- yvec
} else {
if (!(yesYVal %in% yLevels)) stop('invalid yesYVal')
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName,'~ .'))
if (!is.null(deweightPars)) {
dataNames <- names(data)
yCol <- which(dataNames == yName)
xNames <- dataNames[-yCol]
numX <- length(xNames)
wts <- rep(1,numX)
names(wts) <- xNames
deweightNames <- names(deweightPars)
deweightVals <- unlist(deweightPars)
wts[deweightNames] <- deweightVals
wts <- wts / sum(wts)
split.select.weights <- wts
} else split.select.weights <- NULL
rfrout <- ranger::ranger(frml,data=data,num.trees=nTree,mtry=mtry,
rfrout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
rfrout$classif <- classif
rfrout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
rfrout$yesYVal <- yesYVal
class(rfrout) <- c('qeRFranger','ranger')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
rfrout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
rfrout$yName <- yNameSave
qerfranger <- qeRFranger
predict.qeRFranger <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- 'ranger'
if (is.null(object$importance.mode)) object$importance.mode <- 'none'
classif <- object$classif
res <- predict(object, newx, type = "response")$predictions
if (classif) {
res <- collectForReturn(object,res)
######################### qeRFgrf() #################################
# random forests, from the package 'grf'
# arguments: see above, plus
# ntree: number of trees to generate
# minNodeSize: minimum number of data points in a node
# value: see above
qeRFgrf <- function(data,yName,nTree=2000,minNodeSize=5,
if (!is.null(quantls) && !is.null(holdout))
stop('in quantile case, holdout should be NULL')
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
x <- data[,-ycol]
# change factors, if any, to dummies
if (!regtools::allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::toAllNumeric(x)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
# start the computation
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=TRUE,classif=classif,makeYdumms=TRUE)
x <- as.matrix(xyc$x)
y <- xyc$y
if (!classif) {
rfout <-
if (is.null(quantls)) {
if (!ll)
} else {
} else {
lvls <- levels(y)
ydumms <- regtools::factorToDummies(y,yName,omitLast=(length(lvls)==2))
doGRF <- function(i)
if (!ll)
grfOuts <- lapply(1:ncol(ydumms),doGRF)
names(grfOuts) <- colnames(ydumms)
rfout <- list(grfOuts=grfOuts,classNames=lvls)
rfout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
rfout$classif <- classif
rfout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
rfout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
rfout$quantls <- quantls
if (is.null(quantls)) {
class(rfout) <- c('qeRFgrf','regression_forest')
} else {
class(rfout) <- c('qeRFgrf','quantile_forest')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
rfout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
rfout$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qeRFgrf<- function(object,newx,...)
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
classif <- object$classif
if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) {
## newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
if (classif) {
grfOuts <- object$grfOuts
# do OVA on the various classes
getProbs <- function(grfOut) {
tmp <- predict(grfOut,newx)
probs <- sapply(grfOuts,getProbs)
# if newx has just one row, make it the proper matrix
if (is.vector(probs)) {
probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
# special case of 2 classes; did not run grf on the other class
if (ncol(probs) == 1) {
tmp <- 1 - probs[,1]
probs <- cbind(probs,tmp)
colnames(probs)[2] <- 'other'
sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)
probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
predClasses <- object$classNames[predClasses]
res <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
## probs <- predict(x,newx,type='prob')
## res <- collectForReturn(x,probs)
} else {
if (is.null(object$quantls)) {
class(object) <- 'regression_forest'
res <- predict(object,newx)
res <- as.matrix(res)[,1]
} else {
class(object) <- 'quantile_forest'
res <- predict(object,newx)
res <- res$predictions
######################### qeSVM() #################################
#arguments: see above, plus
# gamma: scale param, e.g. sd of radial basis ftn
# cost: the SVM "C" parameter penalizing nonseparable data
# kernel: the ones offered by e1071::svm(), i.e. 'linear',
# 'polynomial', 'radial basis' and 'sigmoid'
# degree: only specifiable for polynomial kernel
#value: see above
qeSVM <- function (data, yName, gamma = 1, cost = 1, kernel = "radial",
degree = 2, allDefaults = FALSE, holdout = floor(min(1000,
0.1 * nrow(data))))
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (!classif) {
print("for classification problems only")
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout))
splitData(holdout, data)
frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName, "~ ."))
svmout <- if (allDefaults)
e1071::svm(frml, data = data, probability = TRUE)
else e1071::svm(frml, data = data, cost = cost, gamma = gamma,
kernel = kernel, degree = degree, decision.values = TRUE,
probability = TRUE)
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
svmout$x <- data[, -ycol, drop = FALSE]
y <- data[, ycol]
svmout$data <- data
svmout$yName <- yName
svmout$ycol <- ycol
svmout$classNames <- levels(y)
svmout$classif <- classif
svmout$formula <- frml
svmout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data, yName)
class(svmout) <- c("qeSVM", class(svmout))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
svmout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
svmout$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qeSVM <- function (object, newx,...)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
newx <- setTrainFactors(object, newx)
preds <- predict(object, newx, decision.values = TRUE,probability=TRUE)
probs <- attr(preds,'probabilities')
attributes(preds) <- NULL
predClasses <- object$classNames[preds]
res <- list(predClasses = predClasses, probs = probs)
# plot.qeSVM <- function(object,formula)
# {
# classNames <- object$classNames
# class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
# formula <- object$formula
# formula <- as.formula(formula)
# plot(object,object$data,formula)
# }
######################### qeGBoost() #################################
# gradient boosting
# arguments: see above, plus
# nTree: number of trees
# minNodeSize: minimum number of data points per tree node
# learnRate: learning rate:
# value: see above
qeGBoost <- function(data,yName,nTree=100,minNodeSize=10,learnRate=0.1,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
outlist <- list(classif=classif)
if (classif) { # classification case
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,classif=classif,makeYdumms=TRUE)
xy <- xyc$xy
x <- xyc$x
yDumms <- xyc$yDumms
y <- xyc$y
classNames <- xyc$classNames
nClass <- length(classNames)
ncxy <- ncol(xy)
nx <- ncol(x)
nydumms <- ncxy - nx
empirClassProbs <- colMeans(yDumms)
outlist <- c(outlist,list(x=x,y=y,classNames=classNames,
doGbm <- function(colI)
tmpDF <- cbind(x,yDumms[,colI])
names(tmpDF)[nx+1] <- 'yDumm'
gbmout <- gbm::gbm(yDumm ~ .,data=tmpDF,distribution='bernoulli',
outlist$gbmOuts <- lapply(1:nydumms,doGbm)
} else { # regression case
cmd <- paste0('gbmout <- gbm::gbm(',yName)
cmd <- paste0(cmd,' ~ .,data=data,distribution="gaussian",')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,'n.trees=',nTree,',')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,'n.minobsinnode=',minNodeSize,',')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,'shrinkage=',learnRate,')')
gbmout <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
outlist$gbmOuts <- gbmout
outlist$nTree <- nTree
outlist$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
class(outlist) <- c('qeGBoost')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
outlist$yName <- yNameSave
# arguments: see above
# value: object of class 'qeGBoost'; see above for components
predict.qeGBoost <- function(object,newx,newNTree=NULL,...)
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
gbmOuts <- object$gbmOuts
if (is.null(newNTree)) {
nTree <- object$nTree
} else nTree <- newNTree
if (object$classif) {
# get probabilities for each class;
# NOTE: we have a choice of 'link' and 'response', not much
# difference between the two; from man page, we are getting
# probabilities, OVA ones for us
g <- function(gbmOutsElt)
probs <- sapply(gbmOuts,g)
if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
classNames <- object$classNames
colnames(probs) <- classNames
# normalize
sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)
probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
res <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
} else {
res <- predict(object$gbmOuts,newx,n.trees=nTree)
class(res) <- 'qeGBoost'
# graph to explore best number of trees
plot.qeGBoost <- function(x,...)
######################### qeLightGBoost() #################################
# lightGBM
# arguments: see above, plus
# nTree: number of trees
# minNodeSize: minimum number of data points per tree node
# learnRate: learning rate:
# value: see above
qeLightGBoost <- function(data,yName,nTree=100,minNodeSize=10,learnRate=0.1,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (classif) stop('classification cases not implemented yet')
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
x <- data[,-ycol]
y <- data[,ycol]
x.save <- x
if (!allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
trnx <- trn
tstx <- tst
trny <- y[-holdIdxs]
tsty <- y[holdIdxs]
} else {
trnx <- x
trny <- y
tstx <- NULL
tsty <- NULL
# convert to lightGBM binned form
trnxm <- as.matrix(trnx)
lgbData <- lightgbm::lgb.Dataset(data=trnxm,label=trny)
outlist <-
# regression case
params <- list(min_data_in_leaf=minNodeSize,learning_rate=learnRate)
cmd <-
'lgbout <- lightgbm::lgb.train(params=params,data=lgbData,obj="regression",'
cmd <- paste0(cmd,'nrounds=nTree)')
lgbout <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
outlist$lgbout <- lgbout
outlist$nTree <- nTree
outlist$trainRow1 <- data[1,-ycol]
class(outlist) <- c('qelightGBoost')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
# predictHoldout(outlist)
if (inherits(tstx,'data.frame')) tstx <- as.matrix(tstx)
preds <- predict(outlist$lgbout,tstx)
outlist$holdoutPreds <- preds
outlist$testAcc <- mean(abs(preds - tsty))
outlist$baseAcc <- mean(abs(tsty - mean(tsty)))
outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
outlist$yName <- yNameSave
# arguments: see above
# value: object of class 'qeLightGBoost'; see above for components
predict.qeLightGBoost <- function(object,newx,...)
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,factorsInfo=object$factorsInfo)
lgbout <- object$lgbout
######################### qeAdaBoost() #################################
# Ada Boost
# arguments: see above, plus
# treeDepth: depth of tree to create
# nRounds: number of boosting rounds to use
# rpartControl: see man page for 'rpart.control' (min node size etc.)
# value: see above
qeAdaBoost <- function(data,yName,treeDepth=3,nRounds=100,rpartControl=NULL,
yNameSave <- yName
if (!is.factor(data[[yName]])) stop('for classification problems only')
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
outlist <- list()
# factors to dummies, both for x and y
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=TRUE,classif=TRUE,makeYdumms=TRUE)
xy <- xyc$xy
x <- xyc$x
yDumms <- xyc$yDumms
y <- xyc$y
factorsInfo <- xyc$factorsInfo
outlist$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
if (!is.null(factorsInfo)) attr(outlist,'factorsInfo') <- factorsInfo
classNames <- xyc$classNames
nClass <- length(classNames)
ncxy <- ncol(xy)
nx <- ncol(x)
nydumms <- ncxy - nx
empirClassProbs <- colMeans(yDumms)
outlist <- c(outlist,list(x=x,y=y,classNames=classNames,
# OVA, one AdaBoost op per class
xMatrix <- as.matrix(x)
doAdaBoost <- function(colI)
yi <- 2 * yDumms[,colI] - 1
adaboostout <-
outlist$abOuts <- lapply(1:nydumms,doAdaBoost)
outlist$treeDepth <- treeDepth
outlist$nRounds <- nRounds
outlist$rpartControl <- rpartControl
outlist$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
class(outlist) <- c('qeAdaBoost')
outlist$classif <- TRUE
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
outlist$yName <- yNameSave
# arguments: see above
# value: object of class 'qeAdaBoost'; see above for components
predict.qeAdaBoost <- function(object,newx,newNTree=NULL,...)
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
factorsInfo <- object$factorsInfo
if (!is.null(factorsInfo))
xyc <- getXY(newx,NULL,TRUE,FALSE,factorsInfo)
newx <- xyc$x
abOuts <- object$abOuts
if (is.null(newNTree)) {
nTree <- object$nTree
} else nTree <- newNTree
# get probabilities for each class;
# NOTE: we have a choice of 'prob' and 'response'; the latter
# assumes a logit model, not so good, but the latter won't work
# well in the OVA context here
# the OVA process
g <- function(abOutsElt)
probs <- sapply(abOuts,g)
if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
classNames <- object$classNames
colnames(probs) <- classNames
# normalize
sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)
probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
res <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
class(res) <- 'qeAdaBoost'
# graph to explore best number of trees
plot.qeGBoost <- function(x,...)
######################### qeNeural() #################################
# neural networks, using TensorFlow/Keras
# arguments: see above, plus
# hidden, vector of number of units per layer, numeric or string
# (numbers sep by commas)
# nEpoch, number of epochs
# acts,conv,xShape: as in krsFit
qeNeural <- function(data,yName,hidden=c(100,100),nEpoch=30,
yNameSave <- yName
# for use with qeRT(), hidden could be a string
if (is.character(hidden))
hidden <- as.numeric(strsplit(hidden,',')[[1]])
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
x <- data[,-ycol]
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
y <- data[,ycol]
if (classif) {
classNames <- levels(y)
yFactor <- y
y <- as.numeric(as.factor(y)) - 1
} else {
classNames <- NULL
yFactor <- NULL
krsout <- regtools::krsFit(x,y,hidden,acts=acts,learnRate=learnRate,
krsout$classif <- classif
krsout$x <- x
krsout$y <- y
krsout$yFactor <- yFactor
krsout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
class(krsout) <- c('qeNeural',class(krsout))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
krsout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
krsout$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qeNeural <- function(object,newx=NULL,k=NULL,...)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
if (nrow(newx) == 1) { # kludge!; Tensorflow issue
kludge1row <- TRUE
newx <- rbind(newx,newx)
} else kludge1row <- FALSE
if (!is.null(object$factorsInfo)) {
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
preds <- predict.krsFit(object,newx)
probs <- attr(preds,'probs') # may be NULL
if (kludge1row) preds <- preds[1]
if (!object$classif) {
} else {
classNames <- object$classNames
preds <- classNames[preds+1]
if (kludge1row) probs <- probs[1,]
origProbs <- probs
if (!is.null(k)) {
# not ideal, but no apparent easy way to get this during
# training phases
trnScores <- predict.krsFit(object,object$x)
trnScores <- attr(trnScores,'probs')
newScores <- matrix(probs,ncol=length(classNames))
probs <- knnCalib(object$yFactor,trnScores,newScores,k)
outlist <- list(predClasses=preds,probs=probs,origProbs=origProbs)
### removing, to avoid CRAN issues
### ######################### qeNeuralNet() #################################
### # neural networks, wrapping 'neuralnet' package
### # arguments: see above, plus
### # hidden, vector of units per hidden layer
### qeNeuralNet <- function(data,yName,hidden=c(5),
### holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
### classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
### requireNamespace('neuralnet')
### if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
### ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
### x <- data[,-ycol]
### if (!is.numeric(x)) {
### x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
### factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
### } else factorsInfo <- NULL
### y <- data[,ycol]
### if (classif) {
### classNames <- levels(y)
### linear.output <- FALSE
### } else {
### classNames <- NULL
### linear.output <- TRUE
### }
### frml <- paste0(yName,' ~ .')
### data <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y))
### names(data)[ncol(data)] <- yName
### nnout <- neuralnet::neuralnet(frml,data=data,hidden=hidden,
### linear.output=linear.output)
### nnout$classif <- classif
### nnout$classNames=classNames
### nnout$factorsInfo=factorsInfo
### nnout$x <- x
### nnout$y <- y
### class(nnout) <- c('qeNeuralNet',class(nnout))
### if (!is.null(holdout)) {
### predictHoldout(nnout)
### nnout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
### }
### nnout
### }
### predict.qeNeuralNet <- function(x,newx=NULL,k=NULL)
### {
### class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
### ### newx <- setTrainFactors(x,newx)
### if (!is.null(x$factorsInfo)) {
### newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
### factorsInfo=x$factorsInfo)
### }
### preds <- predict(x,newx)
### probs <- attr(preds,'probs') # may be NULL
### if (!x$classif) {
### preds
### } else {
### classNames <- x$classNames
### preds <- classNames[preds+1]
### origProbs <- probs
### if (!is.null(k)) {
### # not ideal, but no apparent easy way to get this during
### # training phases
### trnScores <- regools::predict.krsFit(x,x$x)
### trnScores <- attr(trnScores,'probs')
### newScores <- matrix(probs,ncol=length(classNames))
### probs <- knnCalib(x$yFactor,trnScores,newScores,k)
### }
### outlist <- list(predClasses=preds,probs=probs,origProbs=origProbs)
### outlist
### }
### }
######################### qePolyLin() #################################
qePolyLin <- function(data,yName,deg=2,maxInteractDeg=deg,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (classif) {print('currently not for classification problems'); return(NA)}
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
factorsInfo <- NULL; xm <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
data <- cbind(xm,y)
data <- as.data.frame(data)
names(data)[ncol(data)] <- yName
qeout <- regtools::penrosePoly(d=data,yName=yName,deg=deg,maxInteractDeg)
qeout$x <- x
qeout$y <- y
qeout$classif <- classif
qeout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
qeout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
class(qeout) <- c('qePolyLin',class(qeout))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
qeout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
qeout$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qePolyLin <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- 'penrosePoly'
if (ncol(object$x) == 1) {
newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
names(newx) <- names(object$x)
newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
predict.qePoly <- function()
print('use qePolyLin')
######################### qePolyLASSO() #################################
qePolyLASSO <- function(data,yName,deg=2,maxInteractDeg=deg,alpha=0,
yNameSave <- yName
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
polyout <- polyreg::getPoly(x,deg,maxInteractDeg)
glmx <- as.matrix(polyout$xdata)
fam <- if (classif) 'multinomial' else 'gaussian'
glmout <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(glmx,y,alpha=alpha,family=fam)
res <- list(polyout=polyout,glmout=glmout,
class(res) <- 'qePolyLASSO'
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
res$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
res$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qePolyLASSO <- function(object,newx,...)
if (nrow(newx) == 1) {
oneRow <- TRUE
newx <- rbind(newx, newx)
else oneRow <- FALSE
fittedPolyOut <- object$polyout
polyout <- polyreg::getPoly(newx,deg=object$deg,
fittedGlm <- object$glmout
newx <- as.matrix(polyout$xdata)
preds <- predict(fittedGlm,newx,type='response')
if (object$classif) {
probs <- preds
maxCols <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
predClasses <- object$classNames[maxCols]
} else preds
######################### qePolyLog() #################################
# logit form of qePolyLin
qePolyLog <- function(data,yName,deg=2,maxInteractDeg=deg,
yNameSave <- yName
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
xy <- data[,c(setdiff(1:ncol(data),ycol),ycol)]
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (!classif) stop('for classification problems')
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
# if (!checkPkgVersion('polyreg','0.7'))
# stop('polyreg must be of version >= 1.7')
qeout <- polyreg::polyFit(xy,deg,maxInteractDeg,use='glm')
qeout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
qeout$classif <- classif
class(qeout) <- c('qePolyLog',class(qeout))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
qeout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
qeout$yName <- yName
predict.qePolyLog <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- 'polyFit'
predClasses <- predict(object,newx)
probs <- attr(predClasses,'prob')
attributes(predClasses) <- NULL
list(predClasses=predClasses, probs=probs)
######################### qeLASSO() #################################
qeLASSO <- function(data,yName,alpha=1,holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
yNameSave <- yName
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
y <- data[,ycol]
x <- data[,-ycol]
factorsInfo <- NULL; xm <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
classif <- is.factor(y)
# if (classif) stop('currently not handling classification case')
fam <- if (classif) 'multinomial' else 'gaussian'
ym <- as.matrix(y)
qeout <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x=xm,y=ym,alpha=alpha,family=fam)
qeout$x <- x
qeout$y <- y
qeout$classif <- classif
qeout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
if (classif) qeout$classNames <- levels(y)
# index of the "best" lambda
qeout$lambda.whichmin <-
which(qeout$lambda == qeout$lambda.min)
if (!classif) { # classification case hard due to multiple glm()'s
# for i-th lambda value, place beta-hat in column i+1
qeout$betaHatVecs <- as.matrix(qeout$glmnet.fit$beta)
# when, if ever, did each variable enter?
tmp <- apply(qeout$betaHatVecs,1,function(rw) which(rw != 0)[1])
qeout$whenEntered <- sort(tmp)
} else {
qeout$betaHatVecs <- NA
qeout$whenEntered <- NA
qeout$coefs <- coef(qeout)
coefMatrix <-
if (!classif) as.matrix(qeout$coefs) else as.matrix(qeout$coefs[[1]])
nonZeroIdxs <- which(coefMatrix != 0)
nonZeroNames <- names(coefMatrix[nonZeroIdxs,])[-1] # exclude beta0
newdata <- xm[,nonZeroNames]
newdata <- cbind(newdata,ym)
newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
names(newdata)[ncol(newdata)] <- names(data)[ycol]
qeout$newData <- newdata
if (!classif) {
glmout <- qeout$glmnet.fit
bestIdx <- which.min(glmout$lambda)
class(qeout) <- c('qeLASSO',class(qeout))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
qeout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
qeout$yName <- yNameSave
qelasso <- qeLASSO
predict.qeLASSO <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
if (!object$classif) return(predict(object,newx))
# classif case
classNames <- object$classNames
tmp <- predict(object,newx,type='response')
tmp <- tmp[,,1,drop=TRUE]
# dropped too far?
# if (is.vector(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,ncol=ncol(object$x))
if (is.vector(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,nrow=1)
colnames(tmp) <- classNames
maxCols <- apply(tmp,1,which.max)
predClasses <- object$classNames[maxCols]
plot.qeLASSO <- function(x,...)
### to facilitate CRAN adherence, temporarily removed
### ######################### qeIso() #################################
### # isotonic regression
### qeIso <- function(data,yName,isoMethod='isoreg',
### holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
### if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
### ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
### y <- data[,ycol]
### if (!is.numeric(y)) stop('cannot be used in classification problems')
### if (ncol(data) > 2) stop('for single features only')
### x <- data[,-ycol]
### if (!is.numeric(x)) stop('x must be numeric')
### xorder <- order(x)
### xs <- x[xorder]
### ys <- y[xorder]
### if (isoMethod == 'isoreg') {
### isout <- Iso:::isoreg(xs,ys)
### isout$regests <- isout$yf[rank(x)]
### } else if (isoMethod == 'pava') {
### requireNamespace('Iso')
### }
### if (!is.null(holdout)) {
### predictHoldout(isout)
### isout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
### }
### isout$x <- x
### isout$xs <- xs
### isout$y <- y
### class(isout) <- c('qeIso',class(isout))
### isout
### }
### predict.qeIso <- function(x,newx)
### {
### # will need to know where newx is within the original x vector
### xs <- x$xs
### yf <- x$yf
### idxs <- findInterval(newx,xs)
### # could improve using interpolation
### x$y[idxs]
### }
######################### qePCA() #################################
# PCA preprocess for qe*-series functions, including for prediction
# could have instead made PCA an argument in each qe*(), but this is cleaner
# the additional argument here is pcaProp, the proportion of variance desired
# for the principal components
qePCA <- function(data,yName,qeName,opts=NULL,pcaProp,
yNameSave <- yName
# eventual return value
res <- list()
res$scaleX <- FALSE # already scaled via prcomp()
# error checks
if (is.character(data)) data <- get(data)
if (!is.character(qeName)) stop('specify function name, not the function')
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
x <- data[,-ycol]
if (!regtools::allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::toAllNumeric(x)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
res$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
res$classif <- is.factor(y)
tmp <- regtools::doPCA(x,pcaProp)
newData <- tmp$newData
pcaout <- tmp$pcaout
numPCs <- tmp$numPCs
y <- data[[yName]]
newData[[yName]] <- y
# now call the request
# we've already scaled during PCA, so don't now
cmd <- buildQEcall(qeName,'newData',yName,opts=opts,holdout=holdout)
qeOut <- eval(parse(text=cmd))
res$qeOut <- qeOut
res$testAcc <- qeOut$testAcc
res$baseAcc <- qeOut$baseAcc
res$confusion <- qeOut$confusion
res$pcaout <- pcaout
res$numPCs <- numPCs
res$trainRow1 <- qeOut$trainRow1
class(res) <- 'qePCA'
res$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qePCA <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) {
# newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
newx <- predict(object$pcaout,newx)
if (is.vector(newx)) {
newxnames <- names(newx)
newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=1)
} else newxNames <- colnames(newx)
numPCs <- object$numPCs
newx <- newx[,1:numPCs,drop=FALSE]
newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
colnames(newx) <- newxNames[1:numPCs]
######################### qeUMAP() #################################
# UMAP preprocess for selected qe*-series functions, including for prediction
# the additional argument is nComps, the number of components in the
# transformed X
qeUMAP <- function(data,yName,qeName,opts=NULL,
yNameSave <- yName
umap <- NULL # avoid err msg later; umap actually set here:
# requireNamespace('umap')
# eventual return value
res <- list()
res$scaleX <- scaleX
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
if (!regtools::allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::toAllNumeric(x)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
res$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
res$classif <- is.factor(y)
# add more flexibility later
umdf <- umap::umap.defaults
if (!is.null(nComps)) umdf$n_components <- nComps
if (!is.null(nNeighbors)) umdf$n_neighbors <- nNeighbors
tmp <- umap::umap(x,config=umdf)
UMAPnames <- paste0('U',1:ncol(tmp$layout)) # need for later use in factors
colnames(tmp$layout) <- UMAPnames
newDFrame <- as.data.frame(tmp$layout)
newDFrame$y <- y
# now call the request
cmd <- paste0(qeName,'(newDFrame,"y",holdout=')
cmd <- if (is.null(holdout))
paste0(cmd,'NULL)') else paste0(cmd,holdout,')')
qeOut <- eval(parse(text=cmd))
res$qeOut <- qeOut
res$testAcc <- qeOut$testAcc
res$baseAcc <- qeOut$baseAcc
res$confusion <- qeOut$confusion
res$UMAPout <- tmp
res$UMAPnames <- UMAPnames
res$nComps <- nComps
res$trainRow1 <- qeOut$trainRow1
res$nColX <- ncol(x)
class(res) <- 'qeUMAP'
res$yName <- yNameSave
predict.qeUMAP <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) {
## newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
if (is.vector(newx)) {
newx <- matrix(newx,ncol=object$nColX)
newx <- predict(object$UMAPout,newx)
newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
# names(newx) <- object$UMAPnames
########################### qeTS #################################
# time series wrappers for the qe*-series, including for prediction
# the additional argument is lag, the number of recent values to use in
# predicting the next
# currently only numeric univariate time series are supported
qeTS <- function(lag,data,qeName,opts=NULL,
if (inherits(data,'data.frame')) {
if (ncol(data) > 1)
stop('multivariate time series not supported')
# convert to vector
data <- data[,1]
# convert to "rectangular" form
tx <- regtools::TStoX(data,lag)
tx <- as.data.frame(tx)
yName <- names(tx)[ncol(tx)]
# now call the ML function, forming the call in string form first
cmd <- paste0(qeName,'(tx,','"',yName,'",')
if (!is.null(opts)) cmd <- paste0(cmd,opts,',')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,'holdout=holdout')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,')')
cmdout <- eval(parse(text=cmd))
res <- list(lag=lag,cmdout=cmdout,testAcc=cmdout$testAcc)
class(res) <- c('qeTS',class(cmdout))
predict.qeTS <- function(object,newx,...)
if (is.vector(newx)) {
newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=1)
newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
lag <- object$lag
if (ncol(newx) != lag)
stop('newx must have length "lag" or "lag" columns')
# text classification
# mainly a wrapper for regtools::textToXY()
# arguments:
# data: as in other qe* functions, but with the "Y" column
# consisting of a character vector, with one element storing an
# entire document in a single string
# yName: as in other qe* functions
# kTop: number of most-frequent words to use
# stopWords: stop lists to use
# qeName: qe-series function to use
# opts: optional arguments for that function
# holdout: as with the other qe-series functions
qeText <- function(data,yName,kTop=50,
yNameSave <- yName
if (ncol(data) > 2) stop('must have only 1 text column and 1 label column')
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
if (!is.factor(y)) stop('y must be an R factor')
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
res <- list() # ultimately, the return value
textToXYout <- regtools::textToXY(data[,3-ycol],data[,ycol],kTop,stopWords)
## textToXYout$y <- data[,2] # convert back to factor
res$textToXYout <- textToXYout
# form data for ML call
qeData <- textToXYout$x
qeData <- as.data.frame(qeData)
qeData <- cbind(qeData,y[-holdIdxs])
# names(qeData)[ncol(qeData)] <- yName
ncx <- ncol(qeData) - 1
names(qeData) <- paste0('keyword',1:ncx)
names(qeData)[ncx+1] <- 'label'
# yName <- names(data)[2]
# now call the ML function, forming the call in string form first
cmd <- paste0(qeName,'(qeData,','"label",')
if (!is.null(opts)) cmd <- paste0(cmd,opts,',')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,',holdout=NULL')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,')')
cmdout <- eval(parse(text=cmd))
res$cmdout <- cmdout
res$classif <- TRUE
class(res) <- 'qeText'
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
res$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
res$yName <- yNameSave
qetext <- qeText
predict.qeText <- function(object,newDocs,...)
xyout <- object$textToXYout
if (!is.vector(newDocs)) newDocs <- as.vector(newDocs[,1])
newDocsOut <- regtools::textToXYpred(xyout,newDocs)
newDocsOut <- as.data.frame(newDocsOut)
names(newDocsOut) <- paste0('keyword',1:ncol(newDocsOut))
################### utilities for qe*() #########################
# see note on factor features at top of this file
setTrainFactors <- function(x,newx)
tmp <- rbind(x$trainRow1,newx)
newx <- tmp[-1,,drop=FALSE]
# see note on factor features at top of this file
getRow1 <- function(data,yName)
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
# some predict.qe*() functions call this for cleanup at end; see
# list() below for values; intended for settings in which the base
# algorithm returns probabilities, from which this function will
# computed predicted classes
collectForReturn <- function(x,probs)
classNames <- x$classNames
colnames(probs) <- classNames
predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
# common code for qeLogit(), qeLin() etc.
# preprocesses the input, returning new data frame xy, containing
# possibly new x and/or y
# x same unless xMustNumeric is TRUE and x contains factors, in which
# case x is processed by factorsToDummies
# y changes to dummies if classif and makeYdumms is set
# if yName is null, check features only
getXY <- function(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif,
if (is.vector(data) && is.null(yName)) data <- data.frame(data)
if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop('must be a data frame')
if (!is.null(yName)) {
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
y <- data[,ycol]
} else y <- ycol <- NULL
if (classif && !is.factor(y)) stop('Y must be a factor')
if (!is.null(y)) {
x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
} else x <- data
# check for non-numeric cols in x, if necessary
if (xMustNumeric) {
xClasses <- regtools::getDFclasses(x)
if (any(xClasses=='logical') || any(xClasses=='character')) {
print('character or logical variables currently not allowed')
print('change to factors'); return(NA)
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
if (classif && !is.null(yName) && makeYdumms) {
yDumms <- regtools::factorsToDummies(y,omitLast=FALSE,factorsInfo=NULL)
classNames <- levels(y)
colnames(yDumms) <- classNames
xy <- cbind(x,yDumms)
} else {
yDumms <- NULL
classNames <- NULL
xy <- NULL
if (classif && !is.null(yName) && !makeYdumms) classNames <- levels(y)
###################### compareQE() #############################
# arguments
# data: as in qe*()
# yName as in qe*()
# qeFtnList: character vector of qe*() functions to be run
# nReps: number of repetetions per qe*() function
# seed: random number seed, applied to each qe*() function
# compare several qe*(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps)!
compareQE <- function(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps,seed=9999)
nQe <- length(qeFtnList)
meanAcc <- vector(length=nQe)
for (i in 1:length(qeFtnList)) {
cmd <- paste0(qeFtnList[i],'(data,yName)')
ma <- replicate(nReps,eval(parse(text=cmd))$testAcc)
meanAcc[i] <- mean(ma)
######################### qeFT() #############################
# qe*(() wrapper fof fineTuning()
# arguments
# data: as in qe*()
# yName: as in qe*()
# qeftn: quoted name of qe*() function to be used
# pars: R list, with named elements specifying values of parameters
# nTst: number of parameter combinations (see fineTuning())
# nXval: number of cross-val folds per parameter combination (see
# fineTuning())
qeFT <- function(data,yName,qeftn,pars,nCombs=NULL,nTst,nXval,showProgress=TRUE)
theCall <- function(dtrn,dtst,cmbi)
cmbiNames <- names(cmbi)
qecall <- qeftn
qecall <- paste0(qecall,'(data=data,yName=yName')
for (i in 1:length(cmbi)) {
tmp <- unlist(cmbi[i])
if (!is.numeric(tmp)) {
# make sure that a character parameter remains quoted
tmp <- paste0('"',tmp,'"')
qecall <- paste0(qecall,',',cmbiNames[i],'=',tmp)
qecall <- paste0(qecall,',holdout=NULL)')
qeout <- eval(parse(text=qecall))
ycol <- which(names(dtst) == yName)
tstY <- dtst[,ycol]
tstX <- dtst[,-ycol]
if (is.numeric(tstY)) { # regression case
preds <- predict(qeout,tstX)
prederr <- abs(tstY - preds)
} else { # classification case
preds <- predict(qeout,tstX)$predClasses
return(mean(preds != tstY))
z <- regtools::fineTuning(data,pars,theCall,
class(z) <- c('qeFT','tuner')
plot.qeFT <- function(x,...)
######################### qeDT() #################################
# decision trees, wrapper to party::ctree(
# arguments: see above, plus
# alpha: threshold for p-value
# minsplt: minimum number of data points in a node
# minbucket: minimum number of data points in a terminal node
# mtry: number of variables randomly tried at each split
# maxdepth: maximum number of levels to tree
# value: see above
qeDT <- function(data,yName,
mincriterion <- 1 - alpha
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName,'~ .'))
ctrl <- party::ctree_control(mincriterion=mincriterion,minsplit=minsplit,
ctout <- party::ctree(frml,data=data,controls=ctrl)
dtout <- list(ctout=ctout)
dtout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
dtout$classif <- classif
dtout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
# info on terminal nodes (tnodes) and all nodes
whr <- ctout@where # tnode membership for each data point
dtout$termNodes <- sort(unique(whr)) # IDs of tnodes in tree
dtout$termNodeMembers <-
split(1:nrow(data),whr) # which data in which tnodes
dtout$termNodeCounts <-
sapply(dtout$termNodeMembers,length) # count in each tnode
dtout$nTermNodes <- length(dtout$termNodes)
dtout$nNodes <- max(dtout$termNodes)
class(dtout) <- c('qeDT','party')
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
dtout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
predict.qeDT <- function(object,newx,...)
ctout <- object$ctout
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
tmp <- predict(ctout,newx)
if (object$classif) list(predClasses=tmp)
else tmp
plot.qeDT <- function(x,...)
print.qeDT <- function(x,...)
###################### qeCompare() #############################
# compare several qe*(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps)!
# arguments
# data: as in qe*()
# yName: as in qe*()
# qeFtnList: character vector of qe*() functions to be run
# nReps: number of repetetions per qe*() function
# opts: R list, giving optional arguments for the qe*()
# seed: random number seed, applied to each qe*() function
# compare several qe*(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps)!
qeCompare <- function(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps,opts=NULL,seed=9999)
nQe <- length(qeFtnList)
meanAcc <- vector(length=nQe)
for (i in 1:length(qeFtnList)) {
ftn <- qeFtnList[i]
cmd <- paste0(ftn,'(data,yName')
if (!is.null(opts)) {
opt <- opts[[ftn]]
if (!is.null(opt))
cmd <- paste0(cmd,',',opt)
cmd <- paste0(cmd,')')
cmd <- paste0(cmd,'$testAcc')
ma <- replicate(nReps,eval(parse(text=cmd)))
meanAcc[i] <- mean(ma,na.rm=TRUE)
###################### qeROC() #############################
# will plot ROC, print AUC; for classification problems
# arguments:
# dataIn: data frame that was input to a qe* ML function
# qeOut: return object from qe* ML functions
# yLevelName: name of the class to be considered positive
qeROC <- function(dataIn,qeOut,yLevelName)
if (!qeOut$classif) stop("for classification problems only")
holdout <- dataIn[qeOut$holdIdxs,]
yName <- qeOut$yName
holdY <- holdout[[yName]]
ys <- as.numeric(holdY == yLevelName)
if (length((ys)) == 0) stop('yLevelName not found')
probs <- qeOut$holdoutPreds$probs
if (is.null(probs)) stop('no holdoutPreds$probs')
if (is.vector(probs) || nrow(probs) == 1 || ncol(probs) == 1) {
probs <- as.vector(probs)
} else if (yLevelName %in% colnames(probs)) {
probs <- probs[,yLevelName]
} else {
colName <- paste0(yName,'.',yLevelName)
if (colName %in% colnames(probs)) {
probs <- probs[,colName]
else probs <- probs[,paste0('dfr.',yLevelName)]
# pROC::roc(ys,probs,plot=T)
pred <- ROCR::prediction(probs,ys)
perf <- ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr","fpr",colorkey.relwidth=1.0)
alphVals <- perf@alpha.values[[1]]
# expand <- 1 / min(alphVals)
# perf@alpha.values[[1]] <- expand*perf@alpha.values[[1]]
# perf@alpha.name <- paste('Cutoffs expansion factor =',expand)
qerocOut <- list(rocrOut=perf)
tmp <- ROCR::performance(pred, measure = "auc")
qerocOut$auc <- tmp@y.values[[1]]
###################### qeToweranNA() #############################
# prediction for data having NAs; see
# https://github.com/matloff/toweranNA
####################### qeXGBoost()() ##############################
# XGBoost
# arguments: see above, plus
# nRounds: number of boosting rounds
# params: R list of tuning parameters; see documentation fo
# xgboost::xgboost()
qeXGBoost <- function(data,yName,nRounds=250,
trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
if (classif) {
y <- data[,yName]
yLevels <- levels(y)
tmp <- as.integer(y) - 1
data[,yName] <- tmp
objective <- 'multi:softprob'
} else {
yLevels <- NULL
params$objective <- objective
if (classif) params$num_class <- length(yLevels)
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
y <- data[-holdIdxs,ycol]
x <- data[-holdIdxs,-ycol]
} else {
x <- data[,-ycol]
y <- data[,ycol]
# if holdout, x,y are now the training set
if (!allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
xm <- as.matrix(x)
xgbOut <- xgboost::xgboost(data=xm,label=y,nrounds=nRounds,
class(xgbOut) <- c('qeXGBoost','xgb.Booster')
xgbOut$classif <- classif
xgbOut$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
xgbOut$yLevels <- yLevels
xgbOut$yName <- yName
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
tst[,ycol] <- tst[,ycol] + 1
xgbOut$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
else xgbOut$holdIdxs <- NULL
predict.qeXGBoost <- function(object,x,...)
if (!allNumeric(x))
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE,
else x <- as.matrix(x)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
preds <- predict(object,x)
if (object$classif) {
preds <- t(matrix(preds,ncol=nrow(x)))
colnames(preds) <- object$yLevels
predClassIdxs <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
predClasses <- object$yLevels[predClassIdxs]
preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=preds)
####################### qeDeepnet()() ##############################
# Deepnet
# using almost all available arguments from the wrappee, but not
# allowing regression cases, on which the package seems to behave
# erraticly
qeDeepnet <- function(data,yName,hidden=c(10),activationfun='sigm',
trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (!classif) stop('set up for classification problems only')
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
y <- data[,yName]
yLevels <- levels(y)
y <- regtools::factorsToDummies(y,omitLast=FALSE)
output <- 'sigm'
if (!allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
holdIdxs <- sample(1:nrow(data),holdout)
tsty <- y[holdIdxs]
tstx <- x[holdIdxs,,drop=FALSE]
trny <- y[-holdIdxs]
trnx <- x[-holdIdxs,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
trnx <- x
trny <- y
# if holdout, x,y are now the training set
xm <- as.matrix(x)
nnOut <- deepnet::nn.train(x=xm,y=y,hidden=hidden,
class(nnOut) <- c('qeDeepnet')
nnOut$classif <- classif
nnOut$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
nnOut$yLevels <- yLevels
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
preds <- predict(nnOut,tstx)
nnOut$testAcc <- mean(preds$predClasses != data[holdIdxs,ycol])
nnOut$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
else nnOut$holdIdxs <- NULL
predict.qeDeepnet <- function(object,newx,...)
if (!allNumeric(newx))
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
else newx <- as.matrix(newx)
probs <- deepnet::nn.predict(object,newx)
colnames(probs) <- object$yLevels
predClassIdxs <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
predClasses <- object$yLevels[predClassIdxs]
####################### qeNCVreg() ##############################
# wrappers for ncvreg package, "nonconves regularization"
# qeNCVreg <- function(data,yName,
qeNCVregCV <- function(data,yName,
gamma=switch(penalty, SCAD=3.7,3),alpha=1,
if (!is.null(cluster))
stop('currently cluster computation is not implemented')
trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (family=='binomial' && !classif)
stop('binomial case needs factor Y')
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
if (classif) {
# stop('classification case under construction')
family <- 'binomial'
y <- data[,yName]
yLevels <- levels(y)
if (length(yLevels) != 2)
stop('only 2-class problems are handled as of now')
if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
if (setequal(yLevels,c(0,1))) {
yesYVal <- '1'
noYVal <- '0'
} else {
yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
noYVal <- yLevels[2]
'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal))
} else {
yesyval <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
noYVal <- yLevels[3-yesyval]
tmp <- as.integer(y == yesYVal)
data[,yName] <- tmp
} else {
yLevels <- NULL
yesYVal <- NULL
noYVal <- NULL
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
y <- data[-holdIdxs,ycol]
x <- data[-holdIdxs,-ycol]
} else {
x <- data[,-ycol]
y <- data[,ycol]
# if holdout, x,y are now the training set
if (!allNumeric(x)) {
x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
} else factorsInfo <- NULL
xm <- as.matrix(x)
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
trnx <- xm
trny <- y
tstx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(data[holdIdxs,-ycol],omitLast=TRUE,
tsty <- data[holdIdxs,ycol]
cvout <- ncvreg::cv.ncvreg(xm,y,
# cluster=cluster,
cvoutBig <- list(cvout=cvout,classif=classif,
class(cvoutBig) <- 'qeNCVregCV'
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
cvoutBig$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
else cvoutBig$holdIdxs <- NULL
i <- which(cvout$fit$lambda == cvout$lambda.min)
cvoutBig$finalBetaHat <- cvout$fit$beta[,i]
predict.qeNCVregCV <- function(object,newx,...)
if (!is.matrix(newx)) {
newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast = TRUE,
factorsInfo = object$factorsInfo)
cvout <- object$cvout
classif <- object$classif
type <- if (!classif) 'link' else 'response'
preds <- as.numeric(predict(cvout,newx,type=type))
if (!object$classif) return(preds)
tmp <- list(probs=preds)
predYs <- round(preds)
predClasses <- ifelse(predYs,object$yesYVal,object$noYVal)
plot.qeNCVregCV <- function(x,...)
qencvregcv <- qeNCVregCV
####################### qeParallel() ##############################
# arguments:
# data, yName: as in the typical qe*() functions
# qeFtnName: name of the qe*() function, e.g. 'qeRF'
# cls: cluster in the sense of 'parallel' package; if not of class
# 'cluster', this is either a positive integer, indicating the
# desired number of cores, or a character vector, indicating the
# machines on which the cluster is to be formed
# dataName: name of the 'data' argument; code will be distributed
# across the cluster, under this name, unless 'cls' is of
# 'cluster' class, in which case the data is assumed already
# distributed
# libs: list of library needing to be loaded for the qe* ftn
# holdout: as in other qe* functions (no default here, as the data
# is not explicitly an argument)
# needless to say, the above structures are intended to avoid wasted
# duplication; e.g. if cls already exists, don't recreate it (the data
# would also be distributed a new, unnecessarily)
qeParallel <- function(data,yName,qeFtnName,dataName,opts=NULL,cls=1,
if (!inherits(cls,'cluster')) {
cls <- parallel::makeCluster(cls)
newCLS <- TRUE
} else newCLS <- FALSE
### data <- get(dataName)
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
splitData(holdout, data) # trn, tst; data <- trn
if (newCLS) {
### assign(dataName,data)
### if (length(grep('holdout=NULL',nodeCmd)) == 0)
### stop('qeFtn call must include holdout=NULL, no spaces')
nodeCmd <- paste0(qeFtnName,
if (!is.null(opts)) nodeCmd <- paste0(nodeCmd,',',opts)
nodeCmd <- paste0(nodeCmd,')')
clsOut <- partools::doclscmd(cls,nodeCmd)
clsOut$cls <- cls
clsOut$classif <- clsOut[[1]]$classif
clsOut$libs <- libs
class(clsOut) <- 'qeParallel'
nClust <- length(cls)
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
if (!is.null(libs))
for (lb in libs) getSuggestedLib(lb)
# predict locally, not distrib; less efficient
ycol <- which(names(tst) == yName)
tstx <- tst[, -ycol, drop = FALSE]
retVals <- clsOut[1:nClust]
if (!clsOut$classif) {
preds <- sapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,tstx))
preds <- rowMeans(preds)
clsOut$testAcc <- mean(abs(tst[,ycol] - preds))
} else {
preds <- lapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,tstx)$probs)
probsAvg <- Reduce('+',preds) / nClust
winners <- apply(probsAvg,1,which.max)
guesses <- colnames(probsAvg)[winners]
clsOut$testAcc <- mean(tst[,ycol] != guesses)
qepar <- qeParallel
predict.qeParallel <- function(object,newx,...)
if (!is.null(object$libs))
for (lb in object$libs) getSuggestedLib(lb)
nClust <- length(object$cls)
retVals <- object[1:nClust]
if (!object$classif) {
preds <- sapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,newx))
# classif case
preds <- lapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,newx)$probs)
probsAvg <- Reduce('+',preds) / nClust
winners <- apply(probsAvg,1,which.max)
# assess feature importance in the given setting (data, yName, qeFtn) by
# fitting the model p times, leaving out one feature each time
# holdout is done nReps times for each variable; 'opts' refers to
# nondefault argument values for qeFtn; not implemented yet
qeLeaveOut1Var <- function(data,yName,qeFtnName,nReps,opts=list())
# full model
fullTestAcc <- get(qeFtnName)(data,yName)$testAcc
yCol <- which(names(data) == yName)
output <- vector(length=ncol(data)-1)
names(output) <- names(data)[-yCol]
j <- 1
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
if (i != yCol) {
datai <- data[,-i]
cmd <- sprintf('%s(datai,"%s")$testAcc',qeFtnName,yName)
# output[j] <- replicMeans(nReps,cmd)
tmp <- replicate(nReps,evalr(cmd))
output[j] <- mean(tmp)
j <- j + 1
output <- c(fullTestAcc,output)
names(output)[1] <- 'full'
######################### qeRpart() #################################
# decision trees, wrapper to rpart::rpart, one of the early CART
# implementations
# arguments: see above, plus
# alpha: threshold for p-value
# minsplt: minimum number of data points in a node
# minbucket: minimum number of data points in a terminal node
# mtry: number of variables randomly tried at each split
# maxdepth: maximum number of levels to tree
# value: see above
qeRpart <- function(data,yName,minBucket=10,
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
rp <- rpart::rpart
xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
# cmd <- sprintf("rpart::rpart(%s ~.,data=data,control=list(minbucket=%d))",
# yName,minBucket)
# rpout <- evalr(cmd)
frmla <- as.formula(paste0(yName,' ~ .'))
rpout <- rpart::rpart(frmla,data=data,control=list(minbucket=minBucket))
rpout$classif <- classif
rpout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
rpout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
class(rpout) <- c('qeRpart','rpart')
predict.qeRpart <- function(object,newx,...)
class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
tmp <- predict(object,newx)
if (object$classif) list(predClasses=tmp)
else tmp
plot.qeRpart <- function(x,
class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
print.qeDT <- function(x,...)
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