
Defines functions print.qeDT plot.qeRpart predict.qeRpart qeRpart qeLeaveOut1Var predict.qeParallel qeParallel plot.qeNCVregCV predict.qeNCVregCV qeNCVregCV predict.qeDeepnet qeDeepnet predict.qeXGBoost qeXGBoost qeROC qeCompare print.qeDT plot.qeDT predict.qeDT qeDT plot.qeFT qeFT compareQE getXY collectForReturn getRow1 setTrainFactors predict.qeText qeText predict.qeTS qeTS predict.qeUMAP qeUMAP predict.qePCA qePCA plot.qeLASSO predict.qeLASSO qeLASSO predict.qePolyLog qePolyLog predict.qePolyLASSO qePolyLASSO predict.qePoly predict.qePolyLin qePolyLin predict.qeNeural qeNeural plot.qeGBoost predict.qeAdaBoost qeAdaBoost predict.qeLightGBoost qeLightGBoost plot.qeGBoost predict.qeGBoost qeGBoost predict.qeRFgrf qeRFgrf predict.qeRFranger qeRFranger plot.qeRF predict.qeRF qeRF predict.qeKNN qeKNN predict.qeLin qeLin predict.qeLogit qeLogit

Documented in plot.qeLASSO plot.qeRF plot.qeRpart predict.qeAdaBoost predict.qeDeepnet predict.qeGBoost predict.qeKNN predict.qeLASSO predict.qeLightGBoost predict.qeLin predict.qeLogit predict.qeNCVregCV predict.qeNeural predict.qeParallel predict.qePCA predict.qePoly predict.qePolyLin predict.qePolyLog predict.qeRF predict.qeRFgrf predict.qeRFranger predict.qeRpart predict.qeText predict.qeTS predict.qeUMAP qeAdaBoost qeCompare qeDeepnet qeDT qeFT qeGBoost qeKNN qeLASSO qeLeaveOut1Var qeLightGBoost qeLin qeLogit qeNCVregCV qeNeural qeParallel qePCA qePolyLASSO qePolyLin qePolyLog qeRF qeRFgrf qeRFranger qeROC qeRpart qeText qeTS qeUMAP qeXGBoost

##################  qe-series of ML wrappers  #################### 

# this qe*() series is inspired ggplot2::qplot; here 'qe' is for
# "quick-explore"

# the functions provide wrappers with a uniform interface, for
# quick and convenient fitting and prediction; for any given method, 
# not all options are offered in the wrapper version

# intended for quick exploration only;l sophisticated use
# should use the original functions, not these

# each has a predict() method, again with a fairly uniform interface

# some have plot() methods

# qe*() arguments:

#    data:  dataframe, training set; class labels col is a factor; other
#       columns may be factors
#    yName:  column name for outcome variable; vector indicates
#       regression, factor classification 
#    possible algorithm-specific options
#    allDefaults:  if TRUE, take all the defaults of the wrapped
#       function, e.g. e1071::svm()
#    holdout:  size of holdout set, if any

# value:

#    see individual functions below

# predict() arguments:

#    object:  output from q*()
#    newx:  data frame of points to be predicted
#    possible options
# value:  R list with components as follows:
#    classification case:

#       ypreds:  R factor instance of predicted class labels, one element f
#          for each row of newx 
#       conditprobs:  vector/matrix of class probabilities; in the 2-class
#          case, a vector, the probabilities of Y = 1
#    regression case:

#       vector of predicted values

# a note on predictors/features that are R factors:

# In e.g. lm(), suppose some of the predictors are factors. Internally
# lm() will convert these to dummy variables, alleviating the user of
# that burden.  However, it can create problems in using the fitted
# model to predict new cases, say newx.

# Here newx must be a data frame (even if it has only one row), with
# column names matching those of the the training data frame.  But the
# types must match too, and in particular, for factors the levels must
# match.  This can be tricky.

# Our solution here is to have the qe*() functions include one row of
# the input data in the output object; the utility getRow1() does this.
# Then in the paired predict.qe*(), we call another utility,
# setTrainFactors() to make the factor levels match.  This is done by
# temporarily tacking newx onto the saved input row, resulting in a data
# frame that preserves the structure of the original data, then deleted
# that saved row.

####################  the qe*() functions  #######################

#######################  qeLogit()  ##############################

# qeLogit: generate estimated regression functions

# arguments:  see above

# value:

#    list of glm() output objects, one per class, and some misc.

qeLogit <- 
   yNameSave <- yName
   data <- stats::na.exclude(data)
   dataY <- data[[yName]]
   classif <- is.factor(dataY)
   if (!classif) {print('for classification problems only'); return(NA)}
   yLevels <- levels(dataY)
   # might make a macro of this, but different ftns seem to need
   # different treatment
   if (classif && length(yLevels == 2)) {
      if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
         yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
            'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal)) 
   yLevels <- levels(dataY)
   if(length(yLevels) == 2) {
      whichYes <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
      noYVal <- yLevels[3 - whichYes]
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,classif=TRUE,makeYdumms=TRUE) 
   xy <- xyc$xy
   x <- xyc$x
   yDumms <- xyc$yDumms
   y <- xyc$y
   classNames <- xyc$classNames
   ncxy <- ncol(xy)
   nx <- ncol(x)
   nydumms <- ncxy - nx
   # check for 2-class case
   if (nydumms == 2) {
      tmp <- 
         if (!is.null(holdout)) dataY[-holdIdxs] else dataY
      # tmp is an R factor
      tmp <- ifelse(tmp == yesYVal,1,0)
      yDumms <- data.frame(y=tmp)
      empirClassProbs <- mean(tmp)
   } else {
      empirClassProbs <- colMeans(yDumms)
   outlist <- 
   # One-vs-All setup, with doGlm() applied to each subanalysis
   doGlm <- function(colI) 
      tmpDF <- cbind(x,yDumms[,colI])
      names(tmpDF)[nx+1] <- 'yDumm'
      glmout <- glm(yDumm ~ .,data=tmpDF,family=binomial)
   nSubanalyses <- 
      if (nydumms == 2) 1 else nydumms
   outlist$glmOuts <- lapply(1:nSubanalyses,doGlm)
   outlist$classif <- classif
   outlist$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   outlist$nClasses <- nydumms
   outlist$yesYVal <- yesYVal
   if (nydumms == 2) outlist$noYVal <- noYVal
   class(outlist) <- c('qeLogit')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   outlist$yName <- yNameSave

# predict.qeLogit: predict Ys from new Xs

# arguments:  see above

# value:  object of class 'qeLogit'; see above for components
predict.qeLogit <- function(object,newx,...) 
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   # get probabilities for each class
   glmOuts <- object$glmOuts
   g <- function(glmOutsElt) predict(glmOutsElt,newx,type='response') 
   probs <- sapply(glmOuts,g)
   if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)

   # if > 2 classes, separate logits for the m classes will not
   # necessrily sum to 1, so normalize

   if (object$nClasses > 2) {
      sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)  
      probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
      classNames <- object$classNames
      colnames(probs) <- classNames
      predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max) 
      predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
   } else {
      predClasses <- ifelse(probs >= 0.5,object$yesYVal,object$noYVal)

#######################  qeMultniomLogit()  ##############################

### qeMultinomLogit <- function(data,yName,holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
###    require(mlogit)
###    classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
###    if (!classif) stop('for classification problems only')
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
###    frml <- paste0(yName,' ~ .')
###    frml <- as.formula(frml)
###    mnlogout <- mlogit(frml,data)
###    if (classif) mnlogout$classNames <- classNames
###    mnlogout$classif <- classif
###    mnlogout$trainRow1 <- trainRow1
###    class(mnlogout) <- c('qeMultinomLogit',class(mnlogout))
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) {
###       predictHoldout(knnout)
###       mnlogout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
###    } else mnlogout$holdIdxs <- NULL
###    mnlogout
### }

#######################  qeLin()  ################################

# in regression case, simply wraps ordinary lm()

# in classification case, uses multivariate (i.e. vector Y) lm() for
# classification; faster than glm(), and may be useful as a rough tool
# if the goal is prediction, esp. if have some quadratic terms, which
# would make the linear approximation better 

# arguments:  see above
# value:  object of class 'qeLin' -- lm() output object, plus misc.

qeLin <- function(data,yName,noBeta0=FALSE,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   if (classif) {
      xyc <- getXY(data,yName,classif=TRUE,makeYdumms=TRUE)
      xy <- xyc$xy
      classNames <- xyc$classNames
      # check for numeric class names
      yNames <- paste0(classNames,collapse=',')
   } else {
      xy <- data
      yNames <- yName
   minus1 <- if (noBeta0) ' -1' else ''
   cmd <- paste0('lmout <- lm(cbind(',yNames,') ~ .',minus1,',data=xy)')
   lmout$classif <- classif 
   lmout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   class(lmout) <- c('qeLin',class(lmout))
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      ycol <- preds <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
      lmout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
      if (!classif) {
         summ <- summary(lmout)
         lmout$R2 <- summ$r.squared
         lmout$adjR2 <- summ$adj.r.squared
         lmout$holdoutR2 <- cor(preds,tst[,ycol])^2
   lmout$yName <- yNameSave

# arguments:  see above

# value:  see above

predict.qeLin <- function(object,newx,useTrainRow1=TRUE,...) {
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
   if (useTrainRow1) newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   preds <- predict(object,newx)
   if (!object$classif) return(preds)
   probs <- pmax(preds,0)
   probs <- pmin(probs,1)
   if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
   probsums <- apply(probs,1,sum)
   probs <- probs * 1/probsums
   predClasses <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
   predClasses <- colnames(preds)[predClasses]

#########################  qeKNNtmp()  #################################

# will be revised qeKNN

# seems to work in all 3 cases: regression, classif binary Y, classif
# categorical Y; need to revise predict()

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     k: number of nearest neighbors
#     scaleX: if TRUE, features will be centered and scaled; note that
#        this means the features must be numeric
#     smoothingFtn: as in kNN(); 'mean' or 'loclin'
#     expandVars,expandVals:  e.g. expandVars element = 3 and
#        expandVals = 0.2 means give variable 3 a weight of 0.2
#        instead of 1.0 in the distance function

# value:  see above

# see note in kNN() man pg
qeKNN <- function(data,yName,k=25,scaleX=TRUE,
   yNameSave <- yName
   trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x <- data[,-ycol]
   if (is.null(ncol(x))) x <- matrix(x,ncol=1)
   origY <- y

   # housekeeping for classification case
   if (is.factor(y)) {
      classif <- TRUE
      yLevels <- levels(y)
      classif2 <- length(yLevels) == 2
      if (classif2) {
         if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
            yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
               'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal)) 
         whichYes <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
         noYVal <- yLevels[3 - whichYes]
      } else noYVal <- NULL
   } else {
      noYVal <- NULL
      classif <- FALSE
      classif2 <- FALSE
   if (classif) {
      if (classif2) {
         yToAvg <- as.integer(y == yesYVal)
         nYcols <- 1
       else  {
         yToAvg <- regtools::factorsToDummies(y)
         nYcols <- ncol(yToAvg)
   } else {
      yToAvg <- y
      nYcols <- 1

   if (!is.numeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo') 
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL

   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      # splitData(holdout,newData); no, write separate code for qeKNN
      nHold <- holdout
      # cat('holdout set has ',nHold, 'rows\n')
      holdIdxs <- sample(1:nrow(x),nHold)

      xTst <- x[holdIdxs,]
      x <- x[-holdIdxs,]
      if (classif2 || !classif) {
         yTst <- yToAvg[holdIdxs]
         yToAvg <- yToAvg[-holdIdxs]
      else {
         yTst <- yToAvg[holdIdxs,]
         yToAvg <- yToAvg[-holdIdxs,]
      tst <- cbind(xTst,yTst)
      tst <- as.data.frame(tst)
      trn <- cbind(x,yToAvg)
      if (classif && !classif2) ycol <- (ncol(x)+1):(ncol(x)+nYcols)
      else ycol <- ncol(trn)
   # if holdout, x,y are now the training set
   xm <- as.matrix(x)

   if (scaleX) {
      xm <- scale(xm)
      ctr <- attr(xm,'scaled:center')
      scl <- attr(xm,'scaled:scale')
      scalePars <- list(ctr=ctr,scl=scl)
   } else scalePars <- NULL
   if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
      # convert expandVars, expandVals according to possible creation of
      # dummies
      dta <- xm[,expandVars,drop=FALSE]
      dta <- rbind(expandVals,dta)
      dta <- as.data.frame(dta)
      tmp <- regtools::factorsToDummies(dta,omitLast=TRUE)
      expandVars <- colnames(tmp)
      expandVals <- tmp[1,]
      # convert expandVars from names to column numbers (not efficient, but
      # quick anyway)
      for (i in 1:length(expandVars)) {
         j <- which(expandVars[i] == colnames(x))
         expandVars[i] <- j
      # col numbers are character strings, change to numbers
      expandVars <- as.numeric(expandVars)
      xm <- newMultCols(xm,expandVars,expandVals)

   # set scaleX to FALSE; scaling, if any, has already been done
   knnout <- regtools::kNN(xm,yToAvg,newx=NULL,k,scaleX=FALSE,classif=classif,
   knnout$classif <- classif
   knnout$classif2 <- classif2
   knnout$yesYVal <- yesYVal
   knnout$noYVal <- noYVal
   knnout$scalePars <- scalePars
   knnout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   knnout$trainRow1 <- trainRow1
   if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
      knnout$expandVars <- expandVars
      knnout$expandVals <- expandVals
   # class(knnout) <- c('qeKNNtmp','kNN')
   class(knnout) <- c('qeKNN','kNN')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      yName <- 'yTst'
      knnout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   } else knnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
   knnout$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qeKNN <- function(object,newx,newxK=1,...)
   class(object) <- 'kNN'
   if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   classif <- object$classif
   classif2 <- object$classif2

   if (!is.numeric(newx) && !is.null(object$factorsInfo)) 
      newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,object$factorsInfo)

   if (is.data.frame(newx)) newx <- as.matrix(newx)

   if (is.vector(newx)) {
      nr <- 1
   } else {
      nr <- nrow(newx)
   newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=nr)

   if (!is.null(object$scalePars)) {
      ctr <- object$scalePars$ctr
      scl <- object$scalePars$scl
      newx <- scale(newx,ctr,scl)

   if (!is.null(object$expandVars)) 
      newx <- regtools::multCols(newx,object$expandVars,object$expandVals)

   preds <- predict(object,newx,newxK)

   if (!object$classif) return(preds)

   if (object$classif2) {
      probs <- preds
      predClasses <- round(probs) 
      yesYVal <- object$yesYVal
      noYVal <- object$noYVal
      predClasses[predClasses == 1] <- yesYVal
      predClasses[predClasses == 0] <- noYVal
      probs <- as.vector(probs)
      predClasses <- as.vector(predClasses)

   # multiclass case
   predClassIdxs <- apply(preds,1,which.max) 
   predClasses <- colnames(preds)[predClassIdxs]


### #########################  qeKNN()  #################################
### # arguments:  see above, plus
### #     k: number of nearest neighbors
### #     scaleX: if TRUE, features will be centered and scaled; note that
### #        this means the features must be numeric
### #     smoothingFtn: as in kNN(); 'mean' or 'loclin'
### #     expandVars,expandVals:  e.g. expandVars element = 3 and
### #        expandVals = 0.2 means give variable 3 a weight of 0.2
### #        instead of 1.0 in the distance function
### # value:  see above
### # see note in kNN() man pg
### qeKNN <- function(data,yName,k=25,scaleX=TRUE,
###    smoothingFtn=mean,yesYVal=NULL,expandVars=NULL,expandVals=NULL,
###    holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
###    checkForNonDF(data)
###    trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
###    classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
###    if (classif) {
###       y <- data[,yName]
###       yLevels <- levels(y)
###       if (length(yLevels) > 2)
###          stop('use regtools::kNN directly for multiclass case')
###       if (is.null(yesYVal)) 
###          stop('must specify yesYVal')
###       whichYes <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
###       noYVal <- yLevels[3 - whichYes]
###    } else noYVal <- NULL
###    ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
###    if (classif) data[,ycol] <- as.integer(data[,ycol] == yesYVal)
###    holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) {
###       splitData(holdout,data)
###       y <- data[-holdIdxs,ycol]
###       x <- data[-holdIdxs,-ycol]
###    } else {
###       x <- data[,-ycol]
###       y <- data[,ycol]
###    }
###    # if holdout, x,y are now the training set
###    if (!allNumeric(x)) {
###       x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
###       factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo') 
###    } else factorsInfo <- NULL
###    xm <- as.matrix(x)
###    if (scaleX) {
###       xm <- scale(xm)
###       ctr <- attr(xm,'scaled:center')
###       scl <- attr(xm,'scaled:scale')
###       scalePars <- list(ctr=ctr,scl=scl)
###    } else scalePars <- NULL
###    if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
###       # convert expandVars, expandVals according to possible creation of
###       # dummies
###       dta <- xm[,expandVars,drop=FALSE]
###       dta <- rbind(expandVals,dta)
###       dta <- as.data.frame(dta)
###       tmp <- regtools::factorsToDummies(dta,omitLast=TRUE)
###       expandVars <- colnames(tmp)
###       expandVals <- tmp[1,]
###       # convert expandVars from names to column numbers (not efficient, but
###       # quick anyway)
###       for (i in 1:length(expandVars)) {
###          j <- which(expandVars[i] == colnames(x))
###          expandVars[i] <- j
###       }
###       # col numbers are character strings, change to numbers
###       expandVars <- as.numeric(expandVars)
###       xm <- newMultCols(xm,expandVars,expandVals)
###    }
###    # set scaleX to FALSE; scaling, if any, has already been done
###    knnout <- regtools::kNN(xm,y,newx=NULL,k,scaleX=FALSE,classif=classif,
###       smoothingFtn=smoothingFtn)
###    knnout$classif <- classif
###    knnout$yesYVal <- yesYVal
###    knnout$noYVal <- noYVal
###    knnout$scalePars <- scalePars
###    knnout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
###    knnout$trainRow1 <- trainRow1
###    if (!is.null(expandVars)) {
###       knnout$expandVars <- expandVars
###       knnout$expandVals <- expandVals
###    }
###    class(knnout) <- c('qeKNN','kNN')
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) {
###       predictHoldout(knnout)
###       knnout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
###    } else knnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
###    knnout
### }

newMultCols <- function (x,cols,vals) {
   partx <- x[,cols,drop=FALSE]
   nvals <- length(vals)
   x[,cols] <- partx %*% diag(vals,nrow=nvals,ncol=nvals)

### predict.qeKNN <- function(object,newx,newxK=1,...)
### {
###    class(object) <- 'kNN'
###    if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
###    classif <- object$classif
###    if (!is.null(object$factorsInfo)) 
###       newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,object$factorsInfo)
###    if (is.data.frame(newx)) newx <- as.matrix(newx)
###    if (is.vector(newx)) {
###       nr <- 1
###    } else {
###       nr <- nrow(newx)
###    } 
###    newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=nr)
###    if (!is.null(object$scalePars)) {
###       ctr <- object$scalePars$ctr
###       scl <- object$scalePars$scl
###       newx <- scale(newx,ctr,scl)
###    }
###    if (!is.null(object$expandVars)) 
###       newx <- regtools::multCols(newx,object$expandVars,object$expandVals)
###    preds <- predict(object,newx,newxK)
###    if (!object$classif) return(preds)
###    probs <- preds
###    predClasses <- round(probs) 
###    yesYVal <- object$yesYVal
###    noYVal <- object$noYVal
###    predClasses[predClasses == 1] <- yesYVal
###    predClasses[predClasses == 0] <- noYVal
###    list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
### }

#########################  qeRF()  #################################

# random forests, from the package 'randomForest'

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     ntree: number of trees to generate
#     minNodeSize: minimum number of data points in a node
#     mtry: number of variables randomly tried at each split

# value:  see above
qeRF <- function(data,yName,nTree=500,minNodeSize=10,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
   frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName,'~ .'))
   rfout <- randomForest::randomForest(frml,data=data,
   rfout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
   rfout$classif <- classif
   rfout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   class(rfout) <- c('qeRF','randomForest')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      rfout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   rfout$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qeRF <- function(object,newx,...)
   class(object) <- 'randomForest'
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   classif <- object$classif
   if (classif) {
      probs <- predict(object,newx,type='prob')
      res <- collectForReturn(object,probs)
   } else {
      res <- predict(object,newx,type='response')

plot.qeRF <- function(x,...) 

#########################  qeRFranger()  #################################

# if wish to specify a set of features to be less likely to be involved
# in node splitting, so specify in deweightPars, and R list.
# For instance, list(age=0.2,gender=0.5)

# All this goes into the ranger()'s 'split.select.weights' argument.
# This is done by scaling the weights in deweightPars:  Initially, all
# the weights are 1.0 except for those in deweightPars; then all is
# scaled to sum to 1.0.

qeRFranger <- function(data,yName,nTree=500,minNodeSize=10,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   yvec <- data[,ycol]
   yLevels <- levels(yvec)
   if (is.factor(yvec) && length(levels(yvec)) == 2) {
         if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
            yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
               'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal)) 
            whichYes <- which(yvec == yesYVal)
            yvec <- as.character(yvec)
            yvec[whichYes] <- '1'
            yvec[-whichYes] <- '0'
            yvec <- as.factor(yvec)
            data[,ycol] <- yvec
         } else {
            if (!(yesYVal %in% yLevels)) stop('invalid yesYVal')
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
   frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName,'~ .'))
   if (!is.null(deweightPars)) {
      dataNames <- names(data)
      yCol <- which(dataNames == yName)
      xNames <- dataNames[-yCol]
      numX <- length(xNames)
      wts <- rep(1,numX)
      names(wts) <- xNames
      deweightNames <- names(deweightPars)
      deweightVals <- unlist(deweightPars)
      wts[deweightNames] <- deweightVals
      wts <- wts / sum(wts)
      split.select.weights <- wts
   } else split.select.weights <- NULL
   rfrout <- ranger::ranger(frml,data=data,num.trees=nTree,mtry=mtry,
   rfrout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
   rfrout$classif <- classif
   rfrout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   rfrout$yesYVal <- yesYVal
   class(rfrout) <- c('qeRFranger','ranger')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      rfrout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   rfrout$yName <- yNameSave


qerfranger <- qeRFranger

predict.qeRFranger <- function(object,newx,...) 
   class(object) <- 'ranger'
   if (is.null(object$importance.mode)) object$importance.mode <- 'none'
   classif <- object$classif
   res <- predict(object, newx, type = "response")$predictions
   if (classif) {
       res <- collectForReturn(object,res)

#########################  qeRFgrf()  #################################

# random forests, from the package 'grf'

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     ntree: number of trees to generate
#     minNodeSize: minimum number of data points in a node

# value:  see above
qeRFgrf <- function(data,yName,nTree=2000,minNodeSize=5,
   if (!is.null(quantls) && !is.null(holdout))
      stop('in quantile case, holdout should be NULL')
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])

   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   x <- data[,-ycol]

   # change factors, if any, to dummies
   if (!regtools::allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::toAllNumeric(x)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL

   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)

   # start the computation
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=TRUE,classif=classif,makeYdumms=TRUE)
   x <- as.matrix(xyc$x)
   y <- xyc$y
   if (!classif) {
      rfout <- 
         if (is.null(quantls)) {
            if (!ll) 
         } else {
   } else {
      lvls <- levels(y)
      ydumms <- regtools::factorToDummies(y,yName,omitLast=(length(lvls)==2))
      doGRF <- function(i) 
         if (!ll)
      grfOuts <- lapply(1:ncol(ydumms),doGRF)
      names(grfOuts) <- colnames(ydumms)
      rfout <- list(grfOuts=grfOuts,classNames=lvls)
   rfout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
   rfout$classif <- classif
   rfout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   rfout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   rfout$quantls <- quantls
   if (is.null(quantls)) {
      class(rfout) <- c('qeRFgrf','regression_forest')
   } else {
      class(rfout) <- c('qeRFgrf','quantile_forest')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      rfout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   rfout$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qeRFgrf<- function(object,newx,...)
  newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
  classif <- object$classif
  if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) {
     ## newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
     newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
  if (classif) {
     grfOuts <- object$grfOuts
     # do OVA on the various classes
     getProbs <- function(grfOut) {
        tmp <- predict(grfOut,newx)
     probs <- sapply(grfOuts,getProbs)

     # if newx has just one row, make it the proper matrix
     if (is.vector(probs)) {
        probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
     # special case of 2 classes; did not run grf on the other class
     if (ncol(probs) == 1) {
        tmp <- 1 - probs[,1]
        probs <- cbind(probs,tmp)
        colnames(probs)[2] <- 'other'
     sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)  
     probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
     predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max) 
     predClasses <- object$classNames[predClasses]
     res <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
     ## probs <- predict(x,newx,type='prob')
     ## res <- collectForReturn(x,probs)
  } else {
     if (is.null(object$quantls)) {
        class(object) <- 'regression_forest'
        res <- predict(object,newx)
        res <- as.matrix(res)[,1]
     } else {
        class(object) <- 'quantile_forest'
        res <- predict(object,newx)
        res <- res$predictions

######################### qeSVM()  #################################


#arguments:  see above, plus

#    gamma: scale param, e.g. sd of radial basis ftn
#    cost: the SVM "C" parameter penalizing nonseparable data
#    kernel: the ones offered by e1071::svm(), i.e. 'linear',
#       'polynomial', 'radial basis' and 'sigmoid'
#    degree: only specifiable for polynomial kernel

#value:  see above

qeSVM <- function (data, yName, gamma = 1, cost = 1, kernel = "radial",
    degree = 2, allDefaults = FALSE, holdout = floor(min(1000,
        0.1 * nrow(data))))
   yNameSave <- yName
    classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
    if (!classif) {
        print("for classification problems only")
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
    if (!is.null(holdout))
        splitData(holdout, data)
    frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName, "~ ."))
    svmout <- if (allDefaults)
        e1071::svm(frml, data = data, probability = TRUE)
    else e1071::svm(frml, data = data, cost = cost, gamma = gamma,
        kernel = kernel, degree = degree, decision.values = TRUE,
        probability = TRUE)
    ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
    svmout$x <- data[, -ycol, drop = FALSE]
    y <- data[, ycol]
    svmout$data <- data
    svmout$yName <- yName
    svmout$ycol <- ycol
    svmout$classNames <- levels(y)
    svmout$classif <- classif
    svmout$formula <- frml
    svmout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data, yName)
    class(svmout) <- c("qeSVM", class(svmout))
    if (!is.null(holdout)) {
        svmout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
    svmout$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qeSVM <- function (object, newx,...) 
    class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
    newx <- setTrainFactors(object, newx)
    preds <- predict(object, newx, decision.values = TRUE,probability=TRUE)
    probs <- attr(preds,'probabilities')
    attributes(preds) <- NULL
    predClasses <- object$classNames[preds]
    res <- list(predClasses = predClasses, probs = probs)

# plot.qeSVM <- function(object,formula) 
# {
#    classNames <- object$classNames
#    class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
#    formula <- object$formula
#    formula <- as.formula(formula)
#    plot(object,object$data,formula)
# }

#########################  qeGBoost()  #################################

# gradient boosting

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     nTree: number of trees
#     minNodeSize: minimum number of data points per tree node
#     learnRate: learning rate: 

# value:  see above
qeGBoost <- function(data,yName,nTree=100,minNodeSize=10,learnRate=0.1,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   outlist <- list(classif=classif)
   if (classif) {   # classification case
      xyc <- getXY(data,yName,classif=classif,makeYdumms=TRUE) 
      xy <- xyc$xy
      x <- xyc$x
      yDumms <- xyc$yDumms
      y <- xyc$y
      classNames <- xyc$classNames
      nClass <- length(classNames)
      ncxy <- ncol(xy)
      nx <- ncol(x)
      nydumms <- ncxy - nx
      empirClassProbs <- colMeans(yDumms)
      outlist <- c(outlist,list(x=x,y=y,classNames=classNames,
      doGbm <- function(colI) 
         tmpDF <- cbind(x,yDumms[,colI])
         names(tmpDF)[nx+1] <- 'yDumm'
         gbmout <- gbm::gbm(yDumm ~ .,data=tmpDF,distribution='bernoulli',
      outlist$gbmOuts <- lapply(1:nydumms,doGbm)
   } else {   # regression case
      cmd <- paste0('gbmout <- gbm::gbm(',yName)
      cmd <- paste0(cmd,' ~ .,data=data,distribution="gaussian",')
      cmd <- paste0(cmd,'n.trees=',nTree,',')
      cmd <- paste0(cmd,'n.minobsinnode=',minNodeSize,',')
      cmd <- paste0(cmd,'shrinkage=',learnRate,')')
      gbmout <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
      outlist$gbmOuts <- gbmout
   outlist$nTree <- nTree
   outlist$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   class(outlist) <- c('qeGBoost')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   outlist$yName <- yNameSave

# arguments:  see above
# value:  object of class 'qeGBoost'; see above for components
predict.qeGBoost <- function(object,newx,newNTree=NULL,...) 
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   gbmOuts <- object$gbmOuts
   if (is.null(newNTree)) {
      nTree <- object$nTree
   } else nTree <- newNTree
   if (object$classif) {
      # get probabilities for each class; 
      # NOTE: we have a choice of 'link' and 'response', not much
      # difference between the two; from man page, we are getting
      # probabilities, OVA ones for us
      g <- function(gbmOutsElt) 
      probs <- sapply(gbmOuts,g)
      if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
      classNames <- object$classNames
      colnames(probs) <- classNames
      # normalize
      sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)  
      probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
      predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max) 
      predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
      res <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
   } else {
      res <- predict(object$gbmOuts,newx,n.trees=nTree)
   class(res) <- 'qeGBoost'

# graph to explore best number of trees

plot.qeGBoost <- function(x,...) 

#########################  qeLightGBoost()  #################################

# lightGBM 

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     nTree: number of trees
#     minNodeSize: minimum number of data points per tree node
#     learnRate: learning rate: 

# value:  see above
qeLightGBoost <- function(data,yName,nTree=100,minNodeSize=10,learnRate=0.1,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   if (classif) stop('classification cases not implemented yet')  
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)

   x <- data[,-ycol]
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x.save <- x
   if (!allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL

   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      trnx <- trn
      tstx <- tst
      trny <- y[-holdIdxs]
      tsty <- y[holdIdxs]
   } else {
      trnx <- x
      trny <- y
      tstx <- NULL
      tsty <- NULL
   # convert to lightGBM binned form 
   trnxm <- as.matrix(trnx)
   lgbData <- lightgbm::lgb.Dataset(data=trnxm,label=trny)

   outlist <- 

   # regression case
   params <- list(min_data_in_leaf=minNodeSize,learning_rate=learnRate)
   cmd <- 
    'lgbout <- lightgbm::lgb.train(params=params,data=lgbData,obj="regression",'
   cmd <- paste0(cmd,'nrounds=nTree)')
   lgbout <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   outlist$lgbout <- lgbout
   outlist$nTree <- nTree
   outlist$trainRow1 <- data[1,-ycol]
   class(outlist) <- c('qelightGBoost')

   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      # predictHoldout(outlist)
      if (inherits(tstx,'data.frame')) tstx <- as.matrix(tstx)
      preds <- predict(outlist$lgbout,tstx)
      outlist$holdoutPreds <- preds
      outlist$testAcc <- mean(abs(preds - tsty))
      outlist$baseAcc <- mean(abs(tsty - mean(tsty)))
      outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   outlist$yName <- yNameSave

# arguments:  see above
# value:  object of class 'qeLightGBoost'; see above for components

predict.qeLightGBoost <- function(object,newx,...) 
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,factorsInfo=object$factorsInfo)
   lgbout <- object$lgbout

#########################  qeAdaBoost()  #################################

# Ada Boost

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     treeDepth: depth of tree to create
#     nRounds: number of boosting rounds to use 
#     rpartControl: see man page for 'rpart.control' (min node size etc.)

# value:  see above
qeAdaBoost <- function(data,yName,treeDepth=3,nRounds=100,rpartControl=NULL,
   yNameSave <- yName
   if (!is.factor(data[[yName]])) stop('for classification problems only')
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   outlist <- list()

   # factors to dummies, both for x and y
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=TRUE,classif=TRUE,makeYdumms=TRUE) 
   xy <- xyc$xy
   x <- xyc$x
   yDumms <- xyc$yDumms
   y <- xyc$y
   factorsInfo <- xyc$factorsInfo
   outlist$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   if (!is.null(factorsInfo)) attr(outlist,'factorsInfo') <- factorsInfo
   classNames <- xyc$classNames
   nClass <- length(classNames)
   ncxy <- ncol(xy)
   nx <- ncol(x)
   nydumms <- ncxy - nx
   empirClassProbs <- colMeans(yDumms)
   outlist <- c(outlist,list(x=x,y=y,classNames=classNames,

   # OVA, one AdaBoost op per class
   xMatrix <- as.matrix(x)
   doAdaBoost <- function(colI) 
      yi <- 2 * yDumms[,colI] - 1
      adaboostout <- 
   outlist$abOuts <- lapply(1:nydumms,doAdaBoost)
   outlist$treeDepth <- treeDepth
   outlist$nRounds <- nRounds
   outlist$rpartControl <- rpartControl
   outlist$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   class(outlist) <- c('qeAdaBoost')
   outlist$classif <- TRUE
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      outlist$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   outlist$yName <- yNameSave

# arguments:  see above
# value:  object of class 'qeAdaBoost'; see above for components
predict.qeAdaBoost <- function(object,newx,newNTree=NULL,...) 
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   factorsInfo <- object$factorsInfo
   if (!is.null(factorsInfo))
      xyc <- getXY(newx,NULL,TRUE,FALSE,factorsInfo)
   newx <- xyc$x
   abOuts <- object$abOuts
   if (is.null(newNTree)) {
      nTree <- object$nTree
   } else nTree <- newNTree
      # get probabilities for each class; 
      # NOTE: we have a choice of 'prob' and 'response'; the latter
      # assumes a logit model, not so good, but the latter won't work
      # well in the OVA context here
      # the OVA process
      g <- function(abOutsElt) 
      probs <- sapply(abOuts,g)
      if (is.vector(probs)) probs <- matrix(probs,nrow=1)
      classNames <- object$classNames
      colnames(probs) <- classNames
      # normalize
      sumprobs <- apply(probs,1,sum)  
      probs <- (1/sumprobs) * probs
      predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max) 
      predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]
      res <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
   class(res) <- 'qeAdaBoost'

# graph to explore best number of trees

plot.qeGBoost <- function(x,...) 

#########################  qeNeural()  #################################

# neural networks, using TensorFlow/Keras 

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     hidden, vector of number of units per layer, numeric or string
#        (numbers sep by commas)
#     nEpoch, number of epochs
#     acts,conv,xShape:  as in krsFit

qeNeural <- function(data,yName,hidden=c(100,100),nEpoch=30,
   yNameSave <- yName
   # for use with qeRT(), hidden could be a string
   if (is.character(hidden)) 
      hidden <- as.numeric(strsplit(hidden,',')[[1]])

   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   x <- data[,-ycol]
   if (!is.numeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL
   y <- data[,ycol]
   if (classif) {
      classNames <- levels(y)
      yFactor <- y
      y <- as.numeric(as.factor(y)) - 1
   } else {
      classNames <- NULL
      yFactor <- NULL
   krsout <- regtools::krsFit(x,y,hidden,acts=acts,learnRate=learnRate,
   krsout$classif <- classif
   krsout$x <- x
   krsout$y <- y
   krsout$yFactor <- yFactor
   krsout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   class(krsout) <- c('qeNeural',class(krsout))
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      krsout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   krsout$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qeNeural <- function(object,newx=NULL,k=NULL,...)
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   if (nrow(newx) == 1) {  # kludge!; Tensorflow issue
      kludge1row <- TRUE
      newx <- rbind(newx,newx)
   } else kludge1row <- FALSE
   if (!is.null(object$factorsInfo)) {
      newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
   preds <- predict.krsFit(object,newx)
   probs <- attr(preds,'probs')  # may be NULL
   if (kludge1row) preds <- preds[1]
   if (!object$classif) {
   } else {
      classNames <- object$classNames
      preds <- classNames[preds+1]
      if (kludge1row) probs <- probs[1,]

      origProbs <- probs
      if (!is.null(k)) {
         # not ideal, but no apparent easy way to get this during 
         # training phases
         trnScores <- predict.krsFit(object,object$x)
         trnScores <- attr(trnScores,'probs')
         newScores <- matrix(probs,ncol=length(classNames))
         probs <- knnCalib(object$yFactor,trnScores,newScores,k)

      outlist <- list(predClasses=preds,probs=probs,origProbs=origProbs)

### removing, to avoid CRAN issues
### #########################  qeNeuralNet()  #################################
### # neural networks, wrapping 'neuralnet' package 
### # arguments:  see above, plus
### #     hidden, vector of units per hidden layer
### qeNeuralNet <- function(data,yName,hidden=c(5),
###    holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
###    classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
###    requireNamespace('neuralnet')
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
###    ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
###    x <- data[,-ycol]
###    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
###       x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
###       factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
###    } else factorsInfo <- NULL
###    y <- data[,ycol]
###    if (classif) {
###       classNames <- levels(y)
###       linear.output <- FALSE
###    } else {
###       classNames <- NULL
###       linear.output <- TRUE
###    }
###    frml <- paste0(yName,' ~ .')
###    data <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y))
###    names(data)[ncol(data)] <- yName
###    nnout <- neuralnet::neuralnet(frml,data=data,hidden=hidden,
###       linear.output=linear.output)
###    nnout$classif <- classif
###    nnout$classNames=classNames
###    nnout$factorsInfo=factorsInfo
###    nnout$x <- x
###    nnout$y <- y
###    class(nnout) <- c('qeNeuralNet',class(nnout))
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) {
###       predictHoldout(nnout)
###       nnout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
###    }
###    nnout
### }
### predict.qeNeuralNet <- function(x,newx=NULL,k=NULL)
### {
###    class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
###    ### newx <- setTrainFactors(x,newx)
###    if (!is.null(x$factorsInfo)) {
###       newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
###          factorsInfo=x$factorsInfo)
###    }
###    preds <- predict(x,newx)
###    probs <- attr(preds,'probs')  # may be NULL
###    if (!x$classif) {
###       preds
###    } else {
###       classNames <- x$classNames
###       preds <- classNames[preds+1]
###       origProbs <- probs
###       if (!is.null(k)) {
###          # not ideal, but no apparent easy way to get this during 
###          # training phases
###          trnScores <- regools::predict.krsFit(x,x$x)
###          trnScores <- attr(trnScores,'probs')
###          newScores <- matrix(probs,ncol=length(classNames))
###          probs <- knnCalib(x$yFactor,trnScores,newScores,k)
###       }
###       outlist <- list(predClasses=preds,probs=probs,origProbs=origProbs)
###       outlist
###    } 
### }

#########################  qePolyLin()  #################################

qePolyLin <- function(data,yName,deg=2,maxInteractDeg=deg,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   if (classif) {print('currently not for classification problems'); return(NA)}
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
   factorsInfo <- NULL; xm <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   data <- cbind(xm,y)
   data <- as.data.frame(data)
   names(data)[ncol(data)] <- yName

   qeout <- regtools::penrosePoly(d=data,yName=yName,deg=deg,maxInteractDeg)
   qeout$x <- x
   qeout$y <- y
   qeout$classif <- classif
   qeout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   qeout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   class(qeout) <- c('qePolyLin',class(qeout))
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      qeout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   qeout$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qePolyLin <- function(object,newx,...)
   class(object) <- 'penrosePoly'
   if (ncol(object$x) == 1) {
      newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
      names(newx) <- names(object$x)
   newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
   newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,

predict.qePoly <- function() 
   print('use qePolyLin')

#########################  qePolyLASSO()  #################################

qePolyLASSO <- function(data,yName,deg=2,maxInteractDeg=deg,alpha=0,
   yNameSave <- yName
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
   polyout <- polyreg::getPoly(x,deg,maxInteractDeg)
   glmx <- as.matrix(polyout$xdata)
   fam <- if (classif) 'multinomial' else 'gaussian'
   glmout <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(glmx,y,alpha=alpha,family=fam)
   res <- list(polyout=polyout,glmout=glmout,
   class(res) <- 'qePolyLASSO'
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      res$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   res$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qePolyLASSO <- function(object,newx,...)
   if (nrow(newx) == 1) {
       oneRow <- TRUE
       newx <- rbind(newx, newx)
   else oneRow <- FALSE
   fittedPolyOut <- object$polyout
   polyout <- polyreg::getPoly(newx,deg=object$deg,
   fittedGlm <- object$glmout
   newx <- as.matrix(polyout$xdata)
   preds <- predict(fittedGlm,newx,type='response')
   if (object$classif) {
      probs <- preds
      maxCols <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
      predClasses <- object$classNames[maxCols]
   } else preds

#########################  qePolyLog()  #################################

# logit form of qePolyLin

qePolyLog <- function(data,yName,deg=2,maxInteractDeg=deg,
   yNameSave <- yName
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   xy <- data[,c(setdiff(1:ncol(data),ycol),ycol)]
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   if (!classif) stop('for classification problems')

   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {

   # if (!checkPkgVersion('polyreg','0.7'))
   #    stop('polyreg must be of version >= 1.7')
   qeout <- polyreg::polyFit(xy,deg,maxInteractDeg,use='glm')
   qeout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   qeout$classif <- classif
   class(qeout) <- c('qePolyLog',class(qeout))
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      qeout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   qeout$yName <- yName

predict.qePolyLog <- function(object,newx,...)
   class(object) <- 'polyFit'
   predClasses <- predict(object,newx)
   probs <- attr(predClasses,'prob')
   attributes(predClasses) <- NULL 
   list(predClasses=predClasses, probs=probs)

#########################  qeLASSO()  #################################

qeLASSO <- function(data,yName,alpha=1,holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
   yNameSave <- yName
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x <- data[,-ycol]
   factorsInfo <- NULL; xm <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   classif <- is.factor(y)
   # if (classif) stop('currently not handling classification case')
   fam <- if (classif) 'multinomial' else 'gaussian'
   ym <- as.matrix(y)
   qeout <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x=xm,y=ym,alpha=alpha,family=fam)
   qeout$x <- x
   qeout$y <- y
   qeout$classif <- classif
   qeout$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   if (classif) qeout$classNames <- levels(y)
   # index of the "best" lambda
   qeout$lambda.whichmin <- 
      which(qeout$lambda == qeout$lambda.min)
   if (!classif) {  # classification case hard due to multiple glm()'s
      # for i-th lambda value, place beta-hat in column i+1
      qeout$betaHatVecs <- as.matrix(qeout$glmnet.fit$beta)
      # when, if ever, did each variable enter?
      tmp <- apply(qeout$betaHatVecs,1,function(rw) which(rw != 0)[1])
      qeout$whenEntered <- sort(tmp)
   } else {
      qeout$betaHatVecs <- NA
      qeout$whenEntered <- NA

   qeout$coefs <- coef(qeout)
   coefMatrix <- 
      if (!classif) as.matrix(qeout$coefs) else as.matrix(qeout$coefs[[1]])
   nonZeroIdxs <- which(coefMatrix != 0)
   nonZeroNames <- names(coefMatrix[nonZeroIdxs,])[-1]  # exclude beta0
   newdata <- xm[,nonZeroNames]
   newdata <- cbind(newdata,ym)
   newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
   names(newdata)[ncol(newdata)] <- names(data)[ycol]
   qeout$newData <- newdata

   if (!classif) {
      glmout <- qeout$glmnet.fit
      bestIdx <- which.min(glmout$lambda)

   class(qeout) <- c('qeLASSO',class(qeout))
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      qeout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   qeout$yName <- yNameSave

qelasso <- qeLASSO

predict.qeLASSO <- function(object,newx,...) 
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
   newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
   newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,

   if (!object$classif) return(predict(object,newx))
   # classif case
   classNames <- object$classNames
   tmp <- predict(object,newx,type='response')
   tmp <- tmp[,,1,drop=TRUE]
   # dropped too far?
   # if (is.vector(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,ncol=ncol(object$x))
   if (is.vector(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,nrow=1)
   colnames(tmp) <- classNames
   maxCols <- apply(tmp,1,which.max)
   predClasses <- object$classNames[maxCols]

plot.qeLASSO <- function(x,...) 

### to facilitate CRAN adherence, temporarily removed
### #########################  qeIso()  #################################
### # isotonic regression
### qeIso <- function(data,yName,isoMethod='isoreg', 
###    holdout=floor(min(1000,0.1*nrow(data))))
### {
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
###    ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
###    y <- data[,ycol]
###    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop('cannot be used in classification problems')
###    if (ncol(data) > 2) stop('for single features only')
###    x <- data[,-ycol]
###    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop('x must be numeric')
###    xorder <- order(x)
###    xs <- x[xorder]
###    ys <- y[xorder]
###    if (isoMethod == 'isoreg') {
###       isout <- Iso:::isoreg(xs,ys)
###       isout$regests <- isout$yf[rank(x)]
###    } else if (isoMethod == 'pava') {
###       requireNamespace('Iso')
###    }
###    if (!is.null(holdout)) {
###       predictHoldout(isout)
###       isout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
###    }
###    isout$x <- x
###    isout$xs <- xs
###    isout$y <- y
###    class(isout) <- c('qeIso',class(isout))
###    isout
### }
### predict.qeIso <- function(x,newx)
### {
###    # will need to know where newx is within the original x vector
###    xs <- x$xs
###    yf <- x$yf
###    idxs <- findInterval(newx,xs)
###    # could improve using interpolation
###    x$y[idxs]
### }

#########################  qePCA()  #################################

# PCA preprocess for qe*-series functions, including for prediction

# could have instead made PCA an argument in each qe*(), but this is cleaner

# the additional argument here is pcaProp, the proportion of variance desired
# for the principal components

qePCA <- function(data,yName,qeName,opts=NULL,pcaProp,
   yNameSave <- yName
   # eventual return value
   res <- list()
   res$scaleX <- FALSE  # already scaled via prcomp()

   # error checks
   if (is.character(data)) data <- get(data)
   if (!is.character(qeName)) stop('specify function name, not the function')

   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x <- data[,-ycol]
   if (!regtools::allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::toAllNumeric(x)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL
   res$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   res$classif <- is.factor(y)
   tmp <- regtools::doPCA(x,pcaProp)
   newData <- tmp$newData
   pcaout <- tmp$pcaout
   numPCs <- tmp$numPCs
   y <- data[[yName]]
   newData[[yName]] <- y

   # now call the request
   # we've already scaled during PCA, so don't now 
   cmd <- buildQEcall(qeName,'newData',yName,opts=opts,holdout=holdout)
   qeOut <- eval(parse(text=cmd))

   res$qeOut <- qeOut
   res$testAcc <- qeOut$testAcc
   res$baseAcc <- qeOut$baseAcc
   res$confusion <- qeOut$confusion
   res$pcaout <- pcaout
   res$numPCs <- numPCs
   res$trainRow1 <- qeOut$trainRow1
   class(res) <- 'qePCA'
   res$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qePCA <- function(object,newx,...)
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
   if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) {
      # newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
      newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
   newx <- predict(object$pcaout,newx)
   if (is.vector(newx)) {
      newxnames <- names(newx)
      newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=1)
   } else newxNames <- colnames(newx)
   numPCs <- object$numPCs
   newx <- newx[,1:numPCs,drop=FALSE]
   newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
   colnames(newx) <- newxNames[1:numPCs]

#########################  qeUMAP()  #################################

# UMAP preprocess for selected qe*-series functions, including for prediction

# the additional argument is nComps, the number of components in the
# transformed X

qeUMAP <- function(data,yName,qeName,opts=NULL,
   yNameSave <- yName
   umap <- NULL  # avoid err msg later; umap actually set here:
   # requireNamespace('umap')

   # eventual return value
   res <- list()
   res$scaleX <- scaleX  
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
   if (!regtools::allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::toAllNumeric(x)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL
   res$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   res$classif <- is.factor(y)
   # add more flexibility later
   umdf <- umap::umap.defaults
   if (!is.null(nComps)) umdf$n_components <- nComps
   if (!is.null(nNeighbors)) umdf$n_neighbors <- nNeighbors
   tmp <- umap::umap(x,config=umdf)
   UMAPnames <- paste0('U',1:ncol(tmp$layout))  # need for later use in factors
   colnames(tmp$layout) <- UMAPnames
   newDFrame <- as.data.frame(tmp$layout)
   newDFrame$y <- y

   # now call the request
   cmd <- paste0(qeName,'(newDFrame,"y",holdout=')
   cmd <- if (is.null(holdout)) 
      paste0(cmd,'NULL)') else paste0(cmd,holdout,')')
   qeOut <- eval(parse(text=cmd))

   res$qeOut <- qeOut
   res$testAcc <- qeOut$testAcc
   res$baseAcc <- qeOut$baseAcc
   res$confusion <- qeOut$confusion
   res$UMAPout <- tmp
   res$UMAPnames <- UMAPnames
   res$nComps <- nComps
   res$trainRow1 <- qeOut$trainRow1
   res$nColX <- ncol(x)
   class(res) <- 'qeUMAP'
   res$yName <- yNameSave

predict.qeUMAP <- function(object,newx,...)
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
   if (!regtools::allNumeric(newx)) {
      ## newx <- regtools::charsToFactors(newx)
      newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
   if (is.vector(newx)) {
      newx <- matrix(newx,ncol=object$nColX)

   newx <- predict(object$UMAPout,newx)
   newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
   # names(newx) <- object$UMAPnames

###########################  qeTS  #################################

# time series wrappers for the qe*-series, including for prediction

# the additional argument is lag, the number of recent values to use in
# predicting the next

# currently only numeric univariate time series are supported

qeTS <- function(lag,data,qeName,opts=NULL,
   if (inherits(data,'data.frame')) {
      if (ncol(data) > 1)
         stop('multivariate time series not supported')
      # convert to vector
      data <- data[,1]

   # convert to "rectangular" form
   tx <- regtools::TStoX(data,lag)
   tx <- as.data.frame(tx)
   yName <- names(tx)[ncol(tx)]

   # now call the ML function, forming the call in string form first
   cmd <- paste0(qeName,'(tx,','"',yName,'",')
   if (!is.null(opts)) cmd <- paste0(cmd,opts,',')
   cmd <- paste0(cmd,'holdout=holdout')
   cmd <- paste0(cmd,')')
   cmdout <- eval(parse(text=cmd))

   res <- list(lag=lag,cmdout=cmdout,testAcc=cmdout$testAcc)
   class(res) <- c('qeTS',class(cmdout))

predict.qeTS <- function(object,newx,...)
   if (is.vector(newx)) {
      newx <- matrix(newx,nrow=1)
      newx <- as.data.frame(newx)
   lag <- object$lag
   if (ncol(newx) != lag) 
      stop('newx must have length "lag" or "lag" columns')

# text classification

# mainly a wrapper for regtools::textToXY()

# arguments:

#    data: as in other qe* functions, but with the "Y" column
#       consisting of a character vector, with one element storing an
#       entire document in a single string
#    yName: as in other qe* functions
#    kTop: number of most-frequent words to use
#    stopWords: stop lists to use
#    qeName: qe-series function to use
#    opts: optional arguments for that function
#    holdout: as with the other qe-series functions

qeText <- function(data,yName,kTop=50,
   yNameSave <- yName
   if (ncol(data) > 2) stop('must have only 1 text column and 1 label column')

   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   y <- data[,ycol]
   if (!is.factor(y)) stop('y must be an R factor')
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {

   res <- list()  # ultimately, the return value

   textToXYout <- regtools::textToXY(data[,3-ycol],data[,ycol],kTop,stopWords)
   ## textToXYout$y <- data[,2]  # convert back to factor
   res$textToXYout <- textToXYout

   # form data for ML call
   qeData <- textToXYout$x
   qeData <- as.data.frame(qeData)
   qeData <- cbind(qeData,y[-holdIdxs])
   # names(qeData)[ncol(qeData)] <- yName
   ncx <- ncol(qeData) - 1
   names(qeData) <- paste0('keyword',1:ncx)
   names(qeData)[ncx+1] <- 'label'
   # yName <- names(data)[2]

   # now call the ML function, forming the call in string form first
   cmd <- paste0(qeName,'(qeData,','"label",')
   if (!is.null(opts)) cmd <- paste0(cmd,opts,',')
   cmd <- paste0(cmd,',holdout=NULL')
   cmd <- paste0(cmd,')')
   cmdout <- eval(parse(text=cmd))
   res$cmdout <- cmdout
   res$classif <- TRUE
   class(res) <- 'qeText'
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      res$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   res$yName <- yNameSave

qetext <- qeText

predict.qeText <- function(object,newDocs,...) 
   xyout <- object$textToXYout
   if (!is.vector(newDocs)) newDocs <- as.vector(newDocs[,1])
   newDocsOut <- regtools::textToXYpred(xyout,newDocs)
   newDocsOut <- as.data.frame(newDocsOut)
   names(newDocsOut) <- paste0('keyword',1:ncol(newDocsOut))

###################  utilities for qe*()  #########################

# see note on factor features at top of this file
setTrainFactors <- function(x,newx) 
   tmp <- rbind(x$trainRow1,newx)
   newx <- tmp[-1,,drop=FALSE]

# see note on factor features at top of this file
getRow1 <- function(data,yName) 
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)

# some predict.qe*() functions call this for cleanup at end; see
# list() below for values; intended for settings in which the base
# algorithm returns probabilities, from which this function will
# computed predicted classes
collectForReturn <- function(x,probs) 
   classNames <- x$classNames
   colnames(probs) <- classNames
   predClasses <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
   predClasses <- classNames[predClasses]

# common code for qeLogit(), qeLin() etc. 

# preprocesses the input, returning new data frame xy, containing
# possibly new x and/or y

# x same unless xMustNumeric is TRUE and x contains factors, in which
# case x is processed by factorsToDummies 

# y changes to dummies if classif and makeYdumms is set

# if yName is null, check features only

getXY <- function(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif,
   if (is.vector(data) && is.null(yName)) data <- data.frame(data)
   if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop('must be a data frame')
   if (!is.null(yName)) {
      ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
      y <- data[,ycol]
   } else y <- ycol <- NULL
   if (classif && !is.factor(y)) stop('Y must be a factor')
   if (!is.null(y)) {
      x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
   } else x <- data
   # check for non-numeric cols in x, if necessary
   if (xMustNumeric) {
      xClasses <- regtools::getDFclasses(x)
      if (any(xClasses=='logical') || any(xClasses=='character')) {
         print('character or logical variables currently not allowed')
         print('change to factors'); return(NA)
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL
   if (classif && !is.null(yName) && makeYdumms) {
      yDumms <- regtools::factorsToDummies(y,omitLast=FALSE,factorsInfo=NULL)
      classNames <- levels(y)
      colnames(yDumms) <- classNames
      xy <- cbind(x,yDumms)
   } else {
      yDumms <- NULL
      classNames <- NULL
      xy <- NULL
   if (classif && !is.null(yName) && !makeYdumms) classNames <- levels(y)


######################  compareQE()  #############################

# arguments

#    data: as in qe*()
#    yName as in qe*()
#    qeFtnList: character vector of qe*() functions to be run
#    nReps: number of repetetions per qe*() function
#    seed: random number seed, applied to each qe*() function

# compare several qe*(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps)!

compareQE <- function(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps,seed=9999)
   nQe <- length(qeFtnList)
   meanAcc <- vector(length=nQe)
   for (i in 1:length(qeFtnList)) {
      cmd <- paste0(qeFtnList[i],'(data,yName)')
      ma <- replicate(nReps,eval(parse(text=cmd))$testAcc)
      meanAcc[i] <- mean(ma)

#########################  qeFT()  #############################

# qe*(() wrapper fof fineTuning()

# arguments
#    data: as in qe*()
#    yName: as in qe*()
#    qeftn: quoted name of qe*() function to be used
#    pars: R list, with named elements specifying values of parameters
#    nTst: number of parameter combinations (see fineTuning())
#    nXval: number of cross-val folds per parameter combination (see 
#       fineTuning())

qeFT <- function(data,yName,qeftn,pars,nCombs=NULL,nTst,nXval,showProgress=TRUE)

   theCall <- function(dtrn,dtst,cmbi)
      cmbiNames <- names(cmbi)
      qecall <- qeftn
      qecall <- paste0(qecall,'(data=data,yName=yName')
      for (i in 1:length(cmbi)) {
         tmp <- unlist(cmbi[i])
         if (!is.numeric(tmp)) {
            # make sure that a character parameter remains quoted
            tmp <- paste0('"',tmp,'"')
         qecall <- paste0(qecall,',',cmbiNames[i],'=',tmp)
      qecall <- paste0(qecall,',holdout=NULL)')
      qeout <- eval(parse(text=qecall))
      ycol <- which(names(dtst) == yName)
      tstY <- dtst[,ycol]
      tstX <- dtst[,-ycol]
      if (is.numeric(tstY)) {  # regression case
         preds <- predict(qeout,tstX)
         prederr <- abs(tstY - preds)
      } else {  # classification case
         preds <- predict(qeout,tstX)$predClasses
         return(mean(preds != tstY))

   z <- regtools::fineTuning(data,pars,theCall,
   class(z) <- c('qeFT','tuner')

plot.qeFT <- function(x,...) 

#########################  qeDT()  #################################

# decision trees, wrapper to party::ctree(

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     alpha: threshold for p-value
#     minsplt: minimum number of data points in a node
#     minbucket: minimum number of data points in a terminal node
#     mtry: number of variables randomly tried at each split
#     maxdepth: maximum number of levels to tree

# value:  see above
qeDT <- function(data,yName,
   mincriterion <- 1 - alpha
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
   frml <- stats::as.formula(paste(yName,'~ .'))
   ctrl <- party::ctree_control(mincriterion=mincriterion,minsplit=minsplit,
   ctout <- party::ctree(frml,data=data,controls=ctrl)
   dtout <- list(ctout=ctout)
   dtout$classNames <- xyc$classNames
   dtout$classif <- classif
   dtout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   # info on terminal nodes (tnodes) and all nodes
   whr <- ctout@where  # tnode membership for each data point
   dtout$termNodes <- sort(unique(whr))  # IDs of tnodes in tree
   dtout$termNodeMembers <- 
      split(1:nrow(data),whr)  # which data in which tnodes
   dtout$termNodeCounts <- 
      sapply(dtout$termNodeMembers,length)  # count in each tnode
   dtout$nTermNodes <- length(dtout$termNodes)  
   dtout$nNodes <- max(dtout$termNodes)
   class(dtout) <- c('qeDT','party')
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      dtout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs

predict.qeDT <- function(object,newx,...)
   ctout <- object$ctout
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   tmp <- predict(ctout,newx)
   if (object$classif) list(predClasses=tmp)
   else tmp

plot.qeDT <- function(x,...) 

print.qeDT <- function(x,...) 

######################  qeCompare()  #############################

# compare several qe*(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps)!

# arguments

#    data: as in qe*()
#    yName: as in qe*()
#    qeFtnList: character vector of qe*() functions to be run
#    nReps: number of repetetions per qe*() function
#    opts: R list, giving optional arguments for the qe*()
#    seed: random number seed, applied to each qe*() function

# compare several qe*(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps)!

qeCompare <- function(data,yName,qeFtnList,nReps,opts=NULL,seed=9999)
   nQe <- length(qeFtnList)
   meanAcc <- vector(length=nQe)
   for (i in 1:length(qeFtnList)) {
      ftn <- qeFtnList[i]
      cmd <- paste0(ftn,'(data,yName')
      if (!is.null(opts)) {
         opt <- opts[[ftn]]
         if (!is.null(opt)) 
            cmd <- paste0(cmd,',',opt)
      cmd <- paste0(cmd,')')
      cmd <- paste0(cmd,'$testAcc')
      ma <- replicate(nReps,eval(parse(text=cmd)))
      meanAcc[i] <- mean(ma,na.rm=TRUE)

######################  qeROC()  #############################

# will plot ROC, print AUC; for classification problems

# arguments:

#    dataIn:  data frame that was input to a qe* ML function
#    qeOut:  return object from qe* ML functions
#    yLevelName:  name of the class to be considered positive

qeROC <- function(dataIn,qeOut,yLevelName) 
   if (!qeOut$classif) stop("for classification problems only")
   holdout <- dataIn[qeOut$holdIdxs,]
   yName <- qeOut$yName
   holdY <- holdout[[yName]]
   ys <- as.numeric(holdY == yLevelName)
   if (length((ys)) == 0) stop('yLevelName not found')
   probs <- qeOut$holdoutPreds$probs
   if (is.null(probs)) stop('no holdoutPreds$probs')
   if (is.vector(probs) || nrow(probs) == 1 || ncol(probs) == 1) {
     probs <- as.vector(probs)
   } else if (yLevelName %in% colnames(probs)) {
      probs <- probs[,yLevelName]
   } else {
      colName <- paste0(yName,'.',yLevelName)
      if (colName %in% colnames(probs)) {
         probs <- probs[,colName]
      else probs <- probs[,paste0('dfr.',yLevelName)]

   # pROC::roc(ys,probs,plot=T)
   pred <- ROCR::prediction(probs,ys)
   perf <- ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr","fpr",colorkey.relwidth=1.0)
   alphVals <- perf@alpha.values[[1]]
   # expand <- 1 / min(alphVals)
   # perf@alpha.values[[1]] <- expand*perf@alpha.values[[1]]
   # perf@alpha.name <- paste('Cutoffs expansion factor =',expand)
   qerocOut <- list(rocrOut=perf)
   tmp <- ROCR::performance(pred, measure = "auc")
   qerocOut$auc <- tmp@y.values[[1]]

######################  qeToweranNA()  #############################

# prediction for data having NAs; see 
# https://github.com/matloff/toweranNA

#######################  qeXGBoost()()  ##############################

# XGBoost

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     nRounds: number of boosting rounds
#     params: R list of tuning parameters; see documentation fo
#        xgboost::xgboost()
qeXGBoost <- function(data,yName,nRounds=250,
   trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   if (classif) {
      y <- data[,yName]
      yLevels <- levels(y)
      tmp <- as.integer(y) - 1
      data[,yName] <- tmp
      objective <- 'multi:softprob'
   } else {
      yLevels <- NULL

   params$objective <- objective
   if (classif) params$num_class <- length(yLevels)
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      y <- data[-holdIdxs,ycol]
      x <- data[-holdIdxs,-ycol]
   } else {
      x <- data[,-ycol]
      y <- data[,ycol]
   # if holdout, x,y are now the training set
   if (!allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo') 
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL

   xm <- as.matrix(x)
   xgbOut <- xgboost::xgboost(data=xm,label=y,nrounds=nRounds,
   class(xgbOut) <- c('qeXGBoost','xgb.Booster')

   xgbOut$classif <- classif
   xgbOut$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   xgbOut$yLevels <- yLevels
   xgbOut$yName <- yName

   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      tst[,ycol] <- tst[,ycol] + 1
      xgbOut$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   else xgbOut$holdIdxs <- NULL



predict.qeXGBoost <- function(object,x,...) 
   if (!allNumeric(x)) 
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE,
   else x <- as.matrix(x)
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
   preds <- predict(object,x)
   if (object$classif) {
      preds <- t(matrix(preds,ncol=nrow(x)))
      colnames(preds) <- object$yLevels
      predClassIdxs <- apply(preds,1,which.max)
      predClasses <- object$yLevels[predClassIdxs]
      preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=preds)

#######################  qeDeepnet()()  ##############################

# Deepnet

# using almost all available arguments from the wrappee, but not
# allowing regression cases, on which the package seems to behave
# erraticly
qeDeepnet <- function(data,yName,hidden=c(10),activationfun='sigm',
   trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   if (!classif) stop('set up for classification problems only')
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   x <- data[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
   y <- data[,yName]
   yLevels <- levels(y)
   y <- regtools::factorsToDummies(y,omitLast=FALSE)
   output <- 'sigm'
   if (!allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo') 
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL

   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      holdIdxs <- sample(1:nrow(data),holdout)
      tsty <- y[holdIdxs]
      tstx <- x[holdIdxs,,drop=FALSE]
      trny <- y[-holdIdxs]
      trnx <- x[-holdIdxs,,drop=FALSE]
   } else {
      trnx <- x
      trny <- y
   # if holdout, x,y are now the training set

   xm <- as.matrix(x)
   nnOut <- deepnet::nn.train(x=xm,y=y,hidden=hidden, 
   class(nnOut) <- c('qeDeepnet')

   nnOut$classif <- classif
   nnOut$factorsInfo <- factorsInfo
   nnOut$yLevels <- yLevels

   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      preds <- predict(nnOut,tstx)
      nnOut$testAcc <- mean(preds$predClasses != data[holdIdxs,ycol])
      nnOut$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   else nnOut$holdIdxs <- NULL



predict.qeDeepnet <- function(object,newx,...) 
   if (!allNumeric(newx)) 
      newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast=TRUE,
   else newx <- as.matrix(newx)
   probs <- deepnet::nn.predict(object,newx)
   colnames(probs) <- object$yLevels
   predClassIdxs <- apply(probs,1,which.max)
   predClasses <- object$yLevels[predClassIdxs]

#######################  qeNCVreg()  ##############################

# wrappers for ncvreg package, "nonconves regularization"

# qeNCVreg <- function(data,yName,
qeNCVregCV <- function(data,yName,
   gamma=switch(penalty, SCAD=3.7,3),alpha=1,
   if (!is.null(cluster)) 
      stop('currently cluster computation is not implemented')
   trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   if (family=='binomial' && !classif) 
      stop('binomial case needs factor Y')
   ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   if (classif) {
      # stop('classification case under construction')
      family <- 'binomial'
      y <- data[,yName]
      yLevels <- levels(y)
      if (length(yLevels) != 2) 
         stop('only 2-class problems are handled as of now')
      if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
         if (setequal(yLevels,c(0,1))) {
            yesYVal <- '1'
            noYVal <- '0'
         } else {
            yesYVal <- yLevels[1]
            noYVal <- yLevels[2]
            'no value specified for yesYVal, default used: ',yesYVal)) 
      } else {
         yesyval <- which(yLevels == yesYVal)
         noYVal <- yLevels[3-yesyval]
      tmp <- as.integer(y == yesYVal)
      data[,yName] <- tmp
   } else {
      yLevels <- NULL
      yesYVal <- NULL
      noYVal <- NULL

   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      y <- data[-holdIdxs,ycol]
      x <- data[-holdIdxs,-ycol]
   } else {
      x <- data[,-ycol]
      y <- data[,ycol]
   # if holdout, x,y are now the training set
   if (!allNumeric(x)) {
      x <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
      factorsInfo <- attr(x,'factorsInfo')
   } else factorsInfo <- NULL

   xm <- as.matrix(x)
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      trnx <- xm
      trny <- y
      tstx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(data[holdIdxs,-ycol],omitLast=TRUE,
      tsty <- data[holdIdxs,ycol]

   cvout <- ncvreg::cv.ncvreg(xm,y,
      # cluster=cluster,

   cvoutBig <- list(cvout=cvout,classif=classif,
   class(cvoutBig) <- 'qeNCVregCV'

   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
       cvoutBig$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   else cvoutBig$holdIdxs <- NULL

   i <- which(cvout$fit$lambda == cvout$lambda.min)
   cvoutBig$finalBetaHat <- cvout$fit$beta[,i]

predict.qeNCVregCV <- function(object,newx,...) 
   if (!is.matrix(newx)) {
      newx <- regtools::factorsToDummies(newx,omitLast = TRUE, 
         factorsInfo = object$factorsInfo)

   cvout <- object$cvout
   classif <- object$classif
   type <- if (!classif) 'link' else 'response'
   preds <- as.numeric(predict(cvout,newx,type=type))
   if (!object$classif) return(preds)
   tmp <- list(probs=preds)
   predYs <- round(preds)
   predClasses <- ifelse(predYs,object$yesYVal,object$noYVal)

plot.qeNCVregCV <- function(x,...) 

qencvregcv <- qeNCVregCV

#######################  qeParallel()  ##############################

# arguments:

#    data, yName: as in the typical qe*() functions
#    qeFtnName: name of the qe*() function, e.g. 'qeRF'
#    cls: cluster in the sense of 'parallel' package; if not of class
#       'cluster', this is either a positive integer, indicating the
#       desired number of cores, or a character vector, indicating the
#       machines on which the cluster is to be formed
#    dataName: name of the 'data' argument; code will be distributed
#       across the cluster, under this name, unless 'cls' is of
#       'cluster' class, in which case the data is assumed already 
#       distributed
#    libs: list of library needing to be loaded for the qe* ftn
#    holdout: as in other qe* functions (no default here, as the data
#       is not explicitly an argument)

# needless to say, the above structures are intended to avoid wasted
# duplication; e.g. if cls already exists, don't recreate it (the data
# would also be distributed a new, unnecessarily)

qeParallel <- function(data,yName,qeFtnName,dataName,opts=NULL,cls=1,

   if (!inherits(cls,'cluster')) {
      cls <- parallel::makeCluster(cls)
      newCLS <- TRUE
   } else newCLS <- FALSE

   ### data <- get(dataName)
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      splitData(holdout, data)  # trn, tst; data <- trn

   if (newCLS) {
      ### assign(dataName,data)

   ### if (length(grep('holdout=NULL',nodeCmd)) == 0)
   ###    stop('qeFtn call must include holdout=NULL, no spaces')

   nodeCmd <- paste0(qeFtnName,
   if (!is.null(opts)) nodeCmd <- paste0(nodeCmd,',',opts)
   nodeCmd <- paste0(nodeCmd,')')

   clsOut <- partools::doclscmd(cls,nodeCmd)
   clsOut$cls <- cls
   clsOut$classif <- clsOut[[1]]$classif
   clsOut$libs <- libs
   class(clsOut) <- 'qeParallel'

   nClust <- length(cls)
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {

      if (!is.null(libs)) 
         for (lb in libs) getSuggestedLib(lb)

      # predict locally, not distrib; less efficient
      ycol <- which(names(tst) == yName) 
      tstx <- tst[, -ycol, drop = FALSE]
      retVals <- clsOut[1:nClust]
      if (!clsOut$classif) {
         preds <- sapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,tstx))
         preds <- rowMeans(preds)
         clsOut$testAcc <- mean(abs(tst[,ycol] - preds))
      } else {
         preds <- lapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,tstx)$probs)
         probsAvg <- Reduce('+',preds) / nClust
         winners <- apply(probsAvg,1,which.max)
         guesses <- colnames(probsAvg)[winners]
         clsOut$testAcc <- mean(tst[,ycol] != guesses)




qepar <- qeParallel

predict.qeParallel <- function(object,newx,...) 
   if (!is.null(object$libs)) 
      for (lb in object$libs) getSuggestedLib(lb)

   nClust <- length(object$cls)
   retVals <- object[1:nClust]
   if (!object$classif) {
      preds <- sapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,newx))
   # classif case
   preds <- lapply(retVals,function(cElt) predict(cElt,newx)$probs)
   probsAvg <- Reduce('+',preds) / nClust
   winners <- apply(probsAvg,1,which.max)

# assess feature importance in the given setting (data, yName, qeFtn) by
# fitting the model p times, leaving out one feature each time

# holdout is done nReps times for each variable; 'opts' refers to
# nondefault argument values for qeFtn; not implemented yet

qeLeaveOut1Var <- function(data,yName,qeFtnName,nReps,opts=list()) 
   # full model
   fullTestAcc <- get(qeFtnName)(data,yName)$testAcc
   yCol <- which(names(data) == yName)
   output <- vector(length=ncol(data)-1)
   names(output) <- names(data)[-yCol]
   j <- 1
   for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
      if (i != yCol) {
         datai <- data[,-i]
         cmd <- sprintf('%s(datai,"%s")$testAcc',qeFtnName,yName)
         # output[j] <- replicMeans(nReps,cmd)
         tmp <- replicate(nReps,evalr(cmd))
         output[j] <- mean(tmp)
         j <- j + 1
   output <- c(fullTestAcc,output)
   names(output)[1] <- 'full'

#########################  qeRpart()  #################################

# decision trees, wrapper to rpart::rpart, one of the early CART
# implementations

# arguments:  see above, plus

#     alpha: threshold for p-value
#     minsplt: minimum number of data points in a node
#     minbucket: minimum number of data points in a terminal node
#     mtry: number of variables randomly tried at each split
#     maxdepth: maximum number of levels to tree

# value:  see above
qeRpart <- function(data,yName,minBucket=10,
   classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
   holdIdxs <- tst <- trn <- NULL  # for CRAN "unbound globals" complaint
   if (!is.null(holdout)) splitData(holdout,data)
   rp <- rpart::rpart
   xyc <- getXY(data,yName,xMustNumeric=FALSE,classif=classif)
   # cmd <- sprintf("rpart::rpart(%s ~.,data=data,control=list(minbucket=%d))",
   #    yName,minBucket)
   # rpout <- evalr(cmd)
   frmla <- as.formula(paste0(yName,' ~ .'))
   rpout <- rpart::rpart(frmla,data=data,control=list(minbucket=minBucket))
   rpout$classif <- classif
   rpout$trainRow1 <- getRow1(data,yName)
   if (!is.null(holdout)) {
      rpout$holdIdxs <- holdIdxs
   class(rpout) <- c('qeRpart','rpart')

predict.qeRpart <- function(object,newx,...)
   class(object) <- class(object)[-1] 
   newx <- setTrainFactors(object,newx)
   tmp <- predict(object,newx)
   if (object$classif) list(predClasses=tmp)
   else tmp

plot.qeRpart <- function(x,
   class(x) <- class(x)[-1] 

print.qeDT <- function(x,...) 
matloff/qeML documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 10:15 a.m.