
Defines functions hmi

Documented in hmi

#' hmi: Hierarchical Multilevel Imputation.
#' The user has to pass his data to the function.
#' Optionally he passes his analysis model formula so that \code{hmi} runs the imputation model
#' in line with his analysis model formula.\cr
#' And of course he can specify some parameters for the imputation routine
#' (like the number of imputations and iterations and the number of iterations
#' within the Gibbs sampling).\cr
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} with all variables appearing in \code{model_formula}.
#' @param model_formula A \code{\link[stats]{formula}} used for the analysis model.
#' Currently the package is designed to handle formula used in
#' \code{lm}, \code{glm} and \code{lmer}.
#' @param additional_variables A character with names of variables (separated by "+", like "x8+x9")
#' that should be included in the imputation model as fixed effects variables,
#' but not in the analysis model.
#' An alternative would be to include such variable names into the \code{model_formula}
#' an run a reduced analysis model with \code{hmi_pool} or the functions provide by \code{mice}.
#' @param M An integer defining the number of imputations that should be made.
#' @param maxit An integer defining the number of times the imputation cycle
#' (imputing \eqn{x_1|x_{-1}} then \eqn{x_2|x_{-2}}, ... and finally \eqn{x_p|x_{-p}}) shall be repeated.
#' The task of checking convergence is left to the user, by evaluating the chainMean and chainVar!
#' @param nitt An integer defining number of MCMC iterations (see \code{MCMCglmm}).
#' @param burnin An integer for the desired number of
#' Gibbs samples that shall be regarded as burnin.
#' @param thin An integer to set the thinning interval range. If thin = 1,
#' every iteration of the Gibbs-sampling chain will be kept. For highly autocorrelated
#' chains, that are only examined by few iterations (say less than 1000),
#' the \code{geweke.diag} might fail to detect convergence. In such cases it is
#' essential to look a chain free from autocorelation.
#' @param mn An integer defining the minimum number of individuals per cluster.
#' @param spike A numeric value saying to which value the semi-continuous data might be heaped.
#' Or a list with with such values and names identical to the variables with heaps
#' (see \code{list_of_spikes_maker} for details.) In versions ealier to 0.9.0 it was called \code{heap}.
#' @param heap Use spike instead. \code{heap} is only included due to backwards compatibility
#' and will be removed with version 1.0.0
#' @param rounding_degrees A numeric vector with the presumed rounding degrees. Or a list with rounding degrees,
#' where each list element has the name of a rounded continuous variable. Such a list can be generated
#' using \code{list_of_rounding_degrees_maker(data)}.
#' @param list_of_types a list where each list element has the name of a variable
#' in the data.frame. The elements have to contain a single character denoting the type of the variable.
#' See \code{get_type} for details about the variable types.
#' With the function \code{list_of_types_maker}, the user can get the framework for this object.
#' In most scenarios this is should not be necessary.
#' One example where it might be necessary is when only two observations
#' of a continuous variable are left - because in this case \code{get_type}
#' interpret is variable to be binary. Wrong is it in no case.
#' @param pool_with_mice A Boolean indicating whether the user wants to pool the \code{M} data sets by mice
#' using his \code{model_formula}. The default value is \code{FALSE} because this tampers the
#' \code{mids} object as it adds an argument \code{pooling} not found in "normal" \code{mids} objects
#' generated by \code{mice}.
#' @return The function returns a \code{mids} object. See \code{mice} for further information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my.formula <- Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days|Subject)
#' my_analysis <- function(complete_data){
#'  # In this list, you can write all the parameters you are interested in.
#'  # Those will be averaged.
#'  # So make sure that averaging makes sense and that you only put in single numeric values.
#'  parameters_of_interest <- list()
#'  # ---- write in the following lines, what you are interetest in to do with your complete_data
#'  # the following lines are an example where the analyst is interested in the fixed intercept
#'  # and fixed slope and the random intercepts variance,
#'  # the random slopes variance and their covariance
#'  my_model <- lmer(my.formula, data = complete_data)
#'  parameters_of_interest[[1]] <- fixef(my_model)[1]
#'  parameters_of_interest[[2]] <- fixef(my_model)[2]
#'  parameters_of_interest[[3]] <- VarCorr(my_model)[[1]][1, 1]
#'  parameters_of_interest[[4]] <- VarCorr(my_model)[[1]][1, 2]
#'  parameters_of_interest[[5]] <- VarCorr(my_model)[[1]][2, 2]
#'  names(parameters_of_interest) <- c("beta_intercept", "beta_Days", "sigma0", "sigma01", "sigma1")
#'  # ---- do change this function below this line.
#'  return(parameters_of_interest)
#' }
#' require("lme4")
#' require("mice")
#' data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
#' test <- sleepstudy
#' test[sample(1:nrow(test), size = 20), "Reaction"] <- NA
#' hmi_imp <- hmi(data = test, model_formula = my.formula, M = 5, maxit = 1)
#' hmi_pool(mids = hmi_imp, analysis_function = my_analysis)
#' #if you are interested in fixed effects only, consider pool from mice:
#' pool(with(data = hmi_imp, expr = lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject))))
#' }
#' @export
hmi <- function(data,
                model_formula = NULL,
                additional_variables = NULL,
                M = 5,
                maxit = NULL,
                nitt = 25000,
                burnin = 5000,
                thin = 20,
                mn = 1,
                spike = 0,
                heap = NULL,
                rounding_degrees = c(1, 10, 100, 1000),
                list_of_types = NULL,
                pool_with_mice = TRUE){
  options(error = expression(NULL))
    heap <- spike
    warning("To avoid confusion with  >>heap<< when writing about the >>rounding_degrees>>,
            >>heap<< was renamed to >>spike<<.")

    tmp_list_of_types <- list_of_types_maker(data, rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees)
    if(!is.list(list_of_types)) stop("We need list_of_types to be a list.")
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(sort(names(list_of_types)), sort(colnames(data))))){
      stop("At least one variable in list_of_types isn't found in data or vica versa.")

    if(any(lapply(list_of_types, class) != "character")){
      stop("We need the elements of list_of_types to be of class character.")

    if(any(lapply(list_of_types, length) != 1)){
      stop("We need that each element of list_of_types only contains one character.")

    tmp_list_of_types <- list_of_types

  my_data <- data

  if(is.matrix(my_data)) stop("We need your data in a data.frame (and not a matrix).")

  if(!is.data.frame(my_data)) stop("We need your data in a data.frame.")

  if(any(apply(my_data, 1, function(x) all(is.na(x))))){
      warning("Some observations have a missing value in every variable.
              This can increase your estimate's variance.
              We strongly suggest to remove those observations.")

  if(any(apply(my_data, 2, function(x) all(is.na(x))))){
    warning("Some variables have a missing values in every observation.
            Remove those variables from your data.frame (e.g. by setting them to NULL).")

  # recode "-Inf;Inf" in interval data to NA
  #intervals from -Inf to Inf shall be recoded as NA.
  for(j in 1:ncol(my_data)){
    data[, j] <- sna_interval(my_data[, j])
    my_data[, j] <- sna_interval(my_data[, j])

  #get missing rates
  missing_rates <- apply(my_data, 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))/nrow(my_data)

  # it's not necessary to divide by nrow(my_data),
  # but we keep this for more intuitive debugging

  #get variables with missings
  incomplete_variables <- names(my_data)[missing_rates > 0]
  variables_to_impute <- union(incomplete_variables,
                               names(tmp_list_of_types)[tmp_list_of_types == "roundedcont" |
                                                          tmp_list_of_types == "interval"])

  # Set a default value of maxit.
  # This default value should be 1 in case of only one variable to impute.
  # (In such cases the imputation cycle cannot further converge, so 1 is efficient.)
  # In the other cases, it is set to 5.
    if(length(variables_to_impute) <= 1){
      maxit <- 1
      maxit <- 5

  #Check nitt. To check whether nitt is a whole number, the example from ?integer is used.
  is.wholenumber <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol

  if(!is.wholenumber(nitt) | nitt < 1){
    warning("nitt must be an integer >= 1")

  if(any(missing_rates > 0.9)){
    many_NAs <- names(my_data)[missing_rates > 0.9]

    writeLines(paste("The variable(s) >>",
                     paste(many_NAs, collapse = " and "),
"<< have missing rates above 90%.
This can result in instable imputation results for this variable
and later in failing imputation routines for other variables (like count variables).
How do you want to proceed: \n
                     [c]ontinue using these variables
                     or [e]xiting the imputation?"))

    proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")
    if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)


  # # # # # # # # # # #  get the formula elements (fe) and do consistency checks  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  constant_variables <- apply(my_data, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) == 1)
  if(sum(constant_variables) >= 2){
    print(paste("Your data has two or more constant variables: ",
                paste(names(my_data)[constant_variables], collapse = ", "),
                ". For the imputation we kept only the first to avoid multicolinearity.", sep = ""))
    my_data[, names(my_data)[constant_variables][-1]] <- NULL

  # Searches for intercepts
  # In a model there a three ways to specify an intercept:
  # 1: Explicitly by writing ~ 1 + X1 + ...
  # 2: Implicitly by writing ~ X1 + ...
  # 3: By refering to an exisiting intercept variable
  # (eg. if called "Int"): ~ X1 + Int + ...
  model_formula_org <- model_formula
    model_has_intercept <- TRUE
      model_formula <- stats::as.formula(format(model_formula))
      model_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(format(model_formula), additional_variables, sep = "+"))

    model_has_intercept <- fixed_intercept_check(model_formula) |
      random_intercept_check(model_formula) |
      any(names(which(constant_variables)) %in% all.vars(stats::delete.response(stats::terms(lme4::nobars(model_formula)))))
  dataset_has_intercept <- any(constant_variables)

      #nothing to do in this case: just use this intercept
      #in the case an intercept is needed but not present in the data: add an intercept
      # generate a variable name that is guaranteed not used in the data
      # by adding something to the longest variable name.

      intercept_varname <- paste("Intercept_",
              colnames(my_data)[which.max(nchar(colnames(my_data)))], sep = "")

      my_data[, intercept_varname] <- 1
      #We decided always to include an intercept, even if the analysis model excludes one
      #for the target variable. Reason: For the imputation of another (co)variable,
      #it is not clear if the user also want to exclude an intercept.
      #And we think an intercept is generally beneficial.
      #The following code might be used if intercepts should be excluded:
      #intercept_varname <- names(which(constant_variables))
      #warning(paste("We droped the constant variable >>", intercept_varname,
      #"<< in the imputation process as the model_formula excluded an intercept.", sep = ""))
      #my_data[, intercept_varname] <- NULL
      #nothing to do in this case

  constant_variables <- apply(my_data, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) == 1)

  if(sum(constant_variables) >= 2){
    print(paste("Your data has two or more constant variables: ",
                paste(names(my_data)[constant_variables], collapse = ", "),
                ". For the imputation we kept only the first to avoid multicolinearity.", sep = ""))
    my_data[, names(my_data)[constant_variables][-1]] <- NULL

  variable_names_in_data <- colnames(my_data)
  fe <- extract_varnames(model_formula = model_formula,
                         constant_variables = constant_variables,
                         variable_names_in_data = variable_names_in_data)

  # check if all fix effects covariates are available in the data set

  if(all(fe$fixedeffects_varname != "") & !all(fe$fixedeffects_varname %in% names(my_data))){
    writeLines(paste("We didn't find >>",
                  paste(fe$fixedeffects_varname[!fe$fixedeffects_varname %in% names(my_data)],
                        collapse = " and "),
                  "<< in your data. How do you want to proceed: \n
[c]ontinue with ignoring the model_formula an running a single level imputation
or [e]xiting the imputation?"))

    proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")
    if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)
    #if the model_formula is ignored every extracted value of the model_formula is ignored...
    model_formula <- NULL
    fe[1:length(fe)] <- ""
    #... and every variable is used as a fixed effects variable, because in this case a single level imputation
    #on every variable is run
    fe$fixedeffects_varname <- colnames(my_data)

  # check if all random effects covariates are available in the data set
  if(all(fe$randomeffects_varname != "") & !all(fe$randomeffects_varname %in% names(my_data))){

    writeLines(paste("We didn't find >>",
                     paste(fe$randomeffects_varname[!fe$randomeffects_varname %in% names(my_data)],
                           collapse = " and "),
                     "<<in your data. How do you want to proceed: \n
                     [c]ontinue with ignoring the model_formula an running a single level imputation
                     or [e]xiting the imputation?"))

    proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")

    if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)
    model_formula <- NULL
    fe[1:length(fe)] <- ""
    fe$fixedeffects_varname <- colnames(my_data)

  if(all(c("0", "1") %in% fe$randomeffects_varname)){
    warning("Your model_formula includes 0 for no random intercept and 1 for a random intercept at the same time.
            Please decide whether you want a random intercept or not.")

  #it could be the case that the user specifies several cluster ids.
  #As the tool doesn't support this yet, we stop the imputation routine.
  if(length(fe$clID_varname) >= 2){
    writeLines("The package only supports one cluster ID in the model_formula. \n
How do you want to proceed: \n
                     [c]ontinue with ignoring the model_formula an running a single level imputation
                     or [e]xiting the imputation?")

    proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")
    if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)
    model_formula <- NULL
    fe[1:length(fe)] <- ""
    fe$fixedeffects_varname <- colnames(my_data)

  #check whether the formula matches the data
  if(fe$clID_varname != "" & !(fe$clID_varname %in% names(my_data))){
    writeLines(paste("We didn't find", fe$clID_varname,
                     "in your data. How do you want to proceed: \n
                     [c]ontinue with ignoring the model_formula an running a single level imputation
                     or [e]xiting the imputation?"))

    proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")
    if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)
    model_formula <- NULL
    fe[1:length(fe)] <- ""
    fe$fixedeffects_varname <- colnames(my_data)

  #check whether the constant variable in the dataset are labbeld "1" if this is the label of the
  #intercept variable in the model formula.
    if((any(fe$fixedeffects_varname == "1") &
        variable_names_in_data[constant_variables] != "1")|
       (any(fe$randomeffects_varname == "1") &
        variable_names_in_data[constant_variables] != "1")){
      warning(paste("Your model_formula includes '1' for an intercept.
                          The constant variable in your data is named ", variable_names_in_data[constant_variables], ".
                          Consider naming the variable also '1' or 'Intercept'.", sep = ""))

  #make sure that the intercept variable exist, and has the value 1
  if(fe$intercept_varname != ""){
    my_data[, fe$intercept_varname] <- 1

  if(fe$clID_varname != ""){
    my_data[, fe$clID_varname] <- as.factor(my_data[, fe$clID_varname])

  #generate interaction variable(s), which will be updated after each imputation of a variable
  interaction_names <- list()
  if(fe$interactions != ""){

    for(i in 1:length(fe$interactions)){
      #get the product of the interaction variables
      interaction <- apply(my_data[, strsplit(fe$interactions[i], ":")[[1]], drop = FALSE], 1, prod)
      #get a name for the interaction
      tmp_interaction_name <- paste("Interaction_", i, "_",
                                    sep = "")
      #add the interaction to the dataset
      my_data[, tmp_interaction_name] <- interaction

      #This step has to be repeated after each imputation of a variable.
      #To avoid ever groing names, we fix the names of the interaction variables in a list
      interaction_names[[i]] <- tmp_interaction_name

  ###########################  MERGE SMALL CLUSTERS ####################
  if(fe$clID_varname != ""){

    tab_1 <- table(my_data[, fe$clID_varname])

    if(!is.numeric(mn)) stop("mn has to be an integer (whole number).")
    if(mn %% 1 != 0) stop("mn has to be an integer (whole number).")

    #merge small clusters to a large big cluster
    if(any(tab_1  < mn)){
      writeLines(paste(sum(tab_1 < mn), "clusters have less than", mn, "observations.",
                       "How do you want to proceed: \n
                       [c]ontinue with merging these clusters with others
                       or [e]xiting the imputation?"))

      proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")
      if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)

      # The procedure is the following:
      # 1. determine the smallest and the second smallest cluster.
      # 2. take the observations of the smallest cluster and combine it with observations of the second smallest cluster.
      #  this is be done by giving both clusters the name "[name of second smallest cluster] forced merge".
      # 3. repeat with 1 until there is no invalid cluster left
      while(any(tab_1 < mn)){

        #step 1: determine the smallest and the second smallest cluster.
        smallest_cluster <- tab_1[tab_1 == sort(as.numeric(tab_1))[1]][1]
        tab_1_without_smallest_cluster <- tab_1[names(tab_1) != names(smallest_cluster)]
        second_smallest_cluster <- tab_1_without_smallest_cluster[tab_1_without_smallest_cluster == sort(as.numeric(tab_1_without_smallest_cluster))[1]][1]

        #step 2: new cluster name
        new_name <-  names(second_smallest_cluster)

        levels(my_data[, fe$clID_varname])[levels(my_data[, fe$clID_varname]) == names(smallest_cluster)] <- new_name
        levels(my_data[, fe$clID_varname])[levels(my_data[, fe$clID_varname]) == names(second_smallest_cluster)] <- new_name
        #step 3: repeat.

        tab_1 <- table(my_data[, fe$clID_varname])



    if(length(tab_1) <= 2){
      writeLines("The package currently requires more than two clusters\n
                  How do you want to proceed: \n
                  [c]ontinue with ignoring the model_formula an running a single level imputation
                  or [e]xiting the imputation?")

      proceed <- readline("Type 'c' or 'e' into the console and press [enter]: ")
      if(proceed == "e") return(NULL)
      model_formula <- NULL
      fe[1:length(fe)] <- ""
      fe$fixedeffects_varname <- colnames(my_data)



  ########################################   START THE IMPUTATION #####################

  # get the variable types:
  rounding_degrees_tmp <- rounding_degrees
  types <- array(dim = ncol(my_data))

  for(j in 1:ncol(my_data)){
      rounding_degrees_tmp <- rounding_degrees[[colnames(my_data)[j]]]
     types[j] <- get_type(my_data[, j], rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees_tmp)

  categorical <- types == "categorical"
    for(catcount in 1:sum(categorical)){
      my_data[, names(my_data)[categorical][catcount]] <-
        as.factor(my_data[, names(my_data)[categorical][catcount]])


  NA_locator <- is.na(my_data)
  ####################   Preparation for setting up a mids-object
  alldata <- list()#this object saves the M datasets.
  my_chainMean <- array(dim = c(length(variables_to_impute), maxit, M))
  dimnames(my_chainMean) <-  list(variables_to_impute,
                                  paste("Chain", 1:M))

  my_chainVar <- my_chainMean

  cat("Imputation progress:\n")
  cat("0%   20%  40%  60%  80%  100%\n")
  progress_plot <- "----|----|----|----|----|"
  tickts_drawn <- 0

    tmp_list_of_types <- list_of_types_maker(my_data, rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees)
    #Note: here it can happen that a variable in the original_data is assumed to be
    #semicont, but after the first imputation it is considered to be continuous.
    #Therefore we update the list of types absed on the data_before
    #and not on the original data.
    tmp_list_of_types <- list_of_types

  #initialize the list for the chains of Gibbs-samplings
  gibbs <- list()

  for(i in 1:M){
    gibbs[[paste("imputation", i, sep = "")]] <- list()

    for(l1 in 1:maxit){

      #do the imputation cycle
      tmp <- imputationcycle(data_before = my_data,
                             original_data = data,
                             NA_locator = NA_locator,
                             fe = fe,
                             interaction_names = interaction_names,
                             list_of_types = tmp_list_of_types,
                             nitt = nitt,
                             burnin = burnin,
                             thin = thin,
                             mn = mn,
                             heap = heap,
                             rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees)

      my_data <- tmp$data_after
      gibbs[[paste("imputation", i, sep = "")]][[paste("cycle", l1, sep = "")]] <-

        tmp_list_of_types <- list_of_types_maker(data, rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees)
        #Note: here it can happen that a variable in the original_data is assumed to be
        #semicont, but after the first imputation it is considered to be continuous.
        #Therefore we update the list of types absed on the data_before
        #and not on the original data.
        tmp_list_of_types <- list_of_types

      incomplete_variables <- colnames(NA_locator)[colSums(NA_locator) > 0]
      variables_to_impute <- union(incomplete_variables,
                                   names(tmp_list_of_types)[tmp_list_of_types == "roundedcont" |
                                                              tmp_list_of_types == "interval"])
      #evaluate the imputed variables
      for(l2 in variables_to_impute){

        to_evaluate <- my_data[is.na(data[, l2]), l2, drop = TRUE]
        #for some variable types these imputed data coonet be directly evaluated by taking the mean.
        # For example categorical variables (including binary variables which might not be 0-1 coded but
        # for example "m"-"f".)

        #in other variables (interval and rounded continuous) not only the missing variables,
        # but all values which received a new value shall be evaluated.

        #Therefore the types of the variables are needed


            rounding_degrees_tmp <- rounding_degrees[[l2]]
            rounding_degrees_tmp <- rounding_degrees
          tmp_type <- get_type(data[, l2], rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees_tmp)
          tmp_type <- list_of_types[[l2]]

        if(tmp_type == "roundedcont"){
          eval_index <-
            apply(outer(decompose_interval(interval = data[, l2])[, "precise"], rounding_degrees[-1], '%%') == 0, 1, any) |
            !is.na(decompose_interval(interval = data[, l2])[, "lower_imprecise"]) | is.na(data[, l2])

          to_evaluate <- my_data[eval_index, l2, drop = TRUE]

        if(tmp_type == "interval"){
          eval_index <- !is.na(decompose_interval(interval = data[, l2])[, "lower_imprecise"]) | is.na(data[, l2])

          to_evaluate <- my_data[eval_index, l2, drop = TRUE]

        if(tmp_type == "binary" |
           tmp_type == "categorical" | tmp_type == "ordered_categorical"){
          eval_index <- is.na(data[, l2])
          to_evaluate <- as.numeric(as.factor(my_data[, l2]))[eval_index]

        my_chainMean[l2, l1, i] <- mean(to_evaluate)
        my_chainVar[l2, l1, i] <- stats::var(to_evaluate)

    #Show the progress of the imputation:
    progress <- floor((i/M) / 0.04)
    if(progress > tickts_drawn){
                 start = tickts_drawn + 1, stop = progress))
      tickts_drawn <- progress

    #Store the data, but only those variables that were also in the original data,
    #even if they were droped because of colinearity.
    #An added intercept variable wont be exported.
    alldata[[i]] <- data
    variables_to_export <- colnames(my_data) %in% colnames(data)
    alldata[[i]][, variables_to_export] <- my_data[, variables_to_export, drop = FALSE]

  # -------------- SET UP MIDS OBJECT  --------------

  imp_hmi <- stats::setNames(vector("list", ncol(data)), colnames(data))
  method <- unlist(list_of_types_maker(data))
  names(method) <- colnames(data)

  for(l2 in variables_to_impute){

    ##get the number of missing values in each incomplete variable
    # interval data are treated as missing
      rounding_degrees_tmp <- rounding_degrees[[l2]]
      rounding_degrees_tmp <- rounding_degrees

    if(get_type(data[, l2], rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees_tmp) == "interval" |
       get_type(data[, l2], rounding_degrees = rounding_degrees_tmp) == "roundedcont"){
      data[, l2] <- NA
    n_mis_j <- sum(is.na(data[, l2]))
    imp_hmi[[l2]] <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = n_mis_j, ncol = M,
                                          dimnames = list(NULL, 1:M)))
    for(i in 1:M){
      # save only the imputed values of each variable across the different imputation runs.
      # remember: alldata is a list with M elements, each element contains the whole data.frame
      # which is the original dataframe, where the NAs have been replaced by imputed values.

      # We want imputed_values to be a data.frame, so that we can store its colname
      var_of_interest <- alldata[[i]][, l2, drop = FALSE]
      imputed_values <- var_of_interest[is.na(data[, l2]), , drop = FALSE]
      imp_hmi[[l2]][, i] <- imputed_values
      rownames(imp_hmi[[l2]]) <- rownames(imputed_values)


  nmis <- apply(is.na(data), 2, sum)

  predictorMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(data), ncol = ncol(data))
  rownames(predictorMatrix) <- colnames(data)
  colnames(predictorMatrix) <- colnames(data)

  predictorMatrix[variables_to_impute, ] <- 1
  diag(predictorMatrix) <- 0

  visitSequence <- (1:ncol(data))[apply(is.na(data), 2, any)]
  names(visitSequence) <- colnames(data)[visitSequence]

  loggedEvents <- data.frame(it = 0, im = 0, co = 0, dep = "",
                             meth = "", out = "")

  #Not supported yet
  form <- vector("character", length = ncol(data))
  post <- vector("character", length = ncol(data))

  midsobj <- list(call = call, data = data,
                  m = M, nmis = nmis, imp = imp_hmi, method = method,
                  predictorMatrix = predictorMatrix, visitSequence = visitSequence,
                  form = form, post = post, seed = NA, iteration = maxit,
                  lastSeedValue = .Random.seed,
                  chainMean = my_chainMean,
                  chainVar = my_chainVar,
                  loggedEvents = loggedEvents)

  oldClass(midsobj) <- "mids"

  # If the user wants to use mice as a pooling function, and not hmi_pool,
  # we conduct the pooling right away using the model_formula given by the user
  # ! Note: here we add something not found in mids-objects from mice !
  if(pool_with_mice & !is.null(model_formula_org)){
    if(fe$clID_varname == ""){ # if no cluster ID was found, run a single level model
      midsobj$pooling <- mice::pool(with(data = midsobj,
                                         expr = stats::lm(formula = formula(format(model_formula_org)))))

    }else{ # otherwise a multilevel model
      midsobj$pooling <- mice::pool(with(data = midsobj,
                                         expr = lme4::lmer(formula = format(model_formula_org))))


  #In addition to classical mids objects we add the chains of the gibbs-samplings from MCMCglmm.
  midsobj$gibbs <- gibbs
  midsobj$gibbs_para <- c(nitt, burnin, thin)


matthiasspeidel/hmi documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 4:37 p.m.