
Defines functions .qleError .isError .checkfun .checkOptions .qsOpts .addQscoreOptions .getDefaultGLoptions .getDefaultLOCoptions .setControls getDefaultOptions cverrorTx crossValTx updateCV prefitCV .qdAlloc .qdDealloc .checkArguments searchMinimizer multiSearch qle print.qle print.QSResult .rejectSampling nextLOCsample qscoring updateQLmodel

Documented in crossValTx getDefaultOptions multiSearch nextLOCsample prefitCV print.qle print.QSResult qle qscoring searchMinimizer

# Copyright (C) 2017 Markus Baaske. All Rights Reserved.
# This code is published under the GPL (>=3).
# File: 	qsOpt.R
# Date:  	20/10/2017
# Author: 	Markus Baaske
# Functions for Quasi-likelihood based estimation as well as
# the quasi-scoring as a local root finding method 

.qleError <- function(subclass = NULL,
		        message = "", call = as.list(sys.call(-1))[[1]],
		 		error=NULL, ...) {
	 args <- list(...)
	 if(length(args) > 0L && any(is.null(names(args))))
	   stop("Additional arguments must have names.")
		list(message = .makeMessage(message), call = call),
	 class = c(subclass, c("error","condition")), error = error)

.isError <- function(x) {	
	( "error" %in% class(x) ||
	  !is.null(attr(x,"error")) || isTRUE(attr(x,"error")) ||
	  inherits(x, "error") || inherits(x, "try-error") 

# internal function to check 
# the arguments `args` with
# function `fun` 
.checkfun <- function(fun, args, hide.args = NULL, remove = NULL, check.default=TRUE) {	
	funname <- deparse(substitute(fun)) 
	if( !is.function(fun) )
	  stop(paste0(funname, " must be a function\n"))
	flist <- formals(fun)
	# remove `...`
	if("..." %in% names(formals(fun))) {
	  flist <- flist[-which(names(formals(fun))=="...")]
  	  if("..." %in% names(args))
	    args <- args[-which(names(args)=="...")]
    if ( length(flist) > 0L ) {		
		fnms  <- if(!is.null(remove)) names(flist)[-remove] else names(flist) 
		rnms  <- names(args)				
		m1 <- match(fnms, rnms)
		if(length(m1) == 0L && length(rnms) > 0L) {
		  for(i in 1:length(rnms)) {
			stop(paste0("Argument `",rnms, "` passed but not required in function `",
		if(anyNA(m1)) {
			mx1 <- which(is.na(m1))			
				mx1 <- mx1[!(mx1 %in% which(nzchar(flist)))]
			if(length(mx1) > 0L && !is.null(hide.args))
		      mx1 <- mx1[-which(mx1==pmatch(hide.args,fnms))]
		    if(length(mx1) > 0L) {
			 for( i in 1:length(mx1)){
				stop(paste0(funname, " requires argument `",
						fnms[mx1[i]], "` which has not been passed.\n"))
		m2 <- match(rnms, fnms)
			mx2 <- which(is.na(m2))
			for( i in 1:length(mx2)){
				stop(paste0("Argument `",rnms[mx2[i]], "` passed but not required in function `",

.checkOptions <- function(optlist, opts) {
		stop("Options should be a list of named arguments.")
	if (!is.list(opts) || "" %in% names(opts))
		stop("Argument 'opts' must be a list of named (character) elents.")
	optnames <- (names(opts) %in% names(optlist))
	if (!all(optnames)) {
		unames <- as.list(names(opts)[!(optnames)])
		stop(paste(c("Unknown arguments in 'opts': ",do.call("paste", c(unames, sep = ", "))), collapse=" "))
	return (0)

.qsOpts <- function(options = list(), xdim = 1L, pl = 0L) {
	opts <- .addQscoreOptions(xdim)
	opts$pl <- pl
	if(length(options) > 0L) {
	 namc <- match.arg(names(options), choices = names(opts), several.ok = TRUE)
	 if (!is.null(namc))
	 opts[namc] <- options[namc]
	# invert scaling constants
	txid <- which(opts$xscale != 1)
	 opts$xscale[txid] <- 1/opts$xscale[txid] 
	tfid <- which(opts$fscale != 1)
	 opts$fscale[tfid] <- 1/opts$fscale[tfid]

.addQscoreOptions <- function(xdim) {
	list( "ftol_stop" = 1e-10,								# also used to select best roots
		  "xtol_rel"  = 1e-7,
		  "grad_tol"  = 1e-5,
		  "ftol_rel"  = 1e-8,
		  "ftol_abs"  = 1e-6,								# only for local minima if grad_tol reached as a more restrictive check
		  "score_tol" = 1e-4,								# also used to select best roots
		  "slope_tol" = 1e-4,
		  "maxiter"   = 100,
		  "xscale" = rep(1,xdim),							# scaling independent variables, e.i. parameter theta
		  "fscale" = rep(1,xdim),							# and function values, i.e. QS components 
		  "pl" = 0L)

.getDefaultGLoptions <- function(xdim) {
	list("stopval" = .Machine$double.eps,			 		# global stopping value
		 "C_max"   = 1e-3,
		 "xtol_rel" = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
		 "maxiter" = 100,									# max number of global iterations
		 "maxeval" = 100,									# max number of global and local iterations
		 "sampleTol" = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,			# minimum (euclidean) distance between samples		 
		 "nsample" = (xdim+1)*2000,							# number of global random samples
		 "NmaxRel" = 5,		 
		 "NmaxCV" = 3,		 
		 "NmaxSample" = 3,
		 "NmaxLam" = 3,
		 "NmaxQI" = 3,		 		 
		 "Nmaxftol"= 3,
		 "nstart" = 25)										# number of starting points for multistart version at global phase

.getDefaultLOCoptions <- function(xdim) {
	list("ftol_rel" = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3),
		 "ftol_abs"	= .Machine$double.eps^0.5,			   # whether local minimizer is numerically zero
		 "lam_max" = 1e-2,								   # less restrictive
		 "pmin" = 0.05,									   # minimum accepted probability of coverage of sample points within search domain
		 "weights" = c(0.005,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.995),   # only for sampling with criterion `score`
		 "nsample" = (xdim+1)*1000,						   # number of local random samples
		 "perr_tol" = rep(0.05,xdim),					   # empirical error is 5% smaller than predicted error by inverse QI
		 "nobs"=100,									   # sampling size (root testing)
		 "alpha" = 0.05,							       # significance level testing a root		 
		 "eta" = c(0.025,0.05),							   # c("decrease"=0.05,"increase"=0.075) additive step size	
		 "nfail" = 3,									   # number of failed (not yet improved) iterations until next decrease of weights 
		 "nsucc" = 3,									   # number of successful iterations until next increase of weights 
		 "nextSample" = "score",						   # default selection criterion
		 "useWeights" = TRUE,							   # do not dynamically adjust weights and cycle through the weights								   
		 "test" = FALSE)								   # do not test approximate root		 

.setControls <- function(globals,locals) {
	defaults <- c("C_max","lam_max","xtol_rel","stopval","sampleTol",
	optlist <- c(globals,locals,"score_tol")
	namc <- match.arg(names(optlist), choices = defaults, several.ok = TRUE)
	ctls <- data.frame(cbind("cond" = unlist(optlist[namc]),
						     "val" = 0, "tmp"=0, "stop" = 0,
							 "count" = c(1,globals$NmaxCV,globals$NmaxRel,1,1,
			row.names = namc, check.names = FALSE)
	# init some controls	
	ctls["sampleTol","val"] <- 1E100
	ctls[c("C_max","lam_max"),"val"] <- rep(1,2)		
	return (ctls)

#' @name getDefaultOptions
#' @title Print default options for optimization
#' @description Print default options for global and local optimization in function \code{\link{qle}}
#' @param xdim 		dimension of the unknown model parameter
#' @return List of options.
#' @details The function returns a lists of available options
#'  for functions \code{\link{qscoring}} and \code{\link{qle}}.
#' @examples
#' getDefaultOptions(xdim=2)
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname getDefaultOptions
#' @export
getDefaultOptions <- function(xdim) {
	  stop("`xdim` mus be a numeric value.")
	list("qscoring" = .addQscoreOptions(xdim),
		 "qle_local_opts" = .getDefaultLOCoptions(xdim),
		 "qle_global_opts" = .getDefaultGLoptions(xdim))

## Internal, not exported
## 'points' is best chosen as matrix
cverrorTx <- function(points, Xs, dataT, cvm, Y, type, cl = NULL) {	
	# extract full predictions	
	dfx <- as.data.frame(extract(Y,type="mean"))
	useMax <- (attr(cvm,"type") == "max")
	dfs2 <-
	 if(useMax) {
	 } else NULL
	# number of fitted cov models equals 
	# number of blocks for jackknife variance
	n <- length(cvm)
	np <- nrow(dfx)			

    # prediction function for CV
	statsCV <- function(covT,points,Xs,dataT) {				
		 id <- attr(covT,"id")
	L <- tryCatch(
		  doInParallel(cvm, statsCV, points=points, Xs=Xs, dataT=dataT, cl=cl)
			,error = function(e) {
				msg <- .makeMessage("Cross-validation prediction failed: ",
	# on error
	 lapply(1:length(L[[1]]), function(i) {
		##  index i (i=1,...,p) is over statistics
		##  index k is over prefitted covariance models with exactly (n-1) points
		y <- do.call(cbind,lapply(L,function(mod) mod[[i]]))
			"cve" =	{
				m.cvjack <- n*dfx[,i]-(n-1)*y
				cv <- apply(m.cvjack,1,
							function(x) {
								xn <- mean(x)
				if(useMax) {
				} else cv		
			 "scve" = { 										# standardized (by kriging variance) cross-validation error				 
				   stop("Standardized jackknife variance calculation only if number of samples equals number of models.")				   	
 					 sigK <- sapply(1:length(cvm),
							 function(k) {
								 mod <- cvm[[k]]
								 id <- attr(mod,"id")
								 varKM(mod[[i]],points[k,], Xs[-id,],dataT[-id,i])								 
			 "msd" = { rowMeans((y - dfx[,i])^2) },				# CV based mean squared deviation (prediction uncertainty)
	 		 "rmsd" = { sqrt(rowMeans((y - dfx[,i])^2)) },		# CV based root mean squared deviation (prediction uncertainty)
			 "acve" = {											# average CV errors at sample points (model validity) to assess the bias in estimation
				  stop("Average cross-validation error calculation only available if the number of sample points equals the number of CV models.")			  	 
				  # should be approximately zero for all statisitcs i=1,...,p
				  # for no systematic over- or under estimation of statistics
			 "mse" = {											# average mean squared CV errors at sample points (model validity)
				  stop("Cross-validation MSE calculation can be computed only if number of samples equals the number of CV models.")		  	 	
			 "ascve" = {											# standardized CV based mse by kriging variances 
				 if(n!=np)										    # at sample points (model validity)
				   stop("Standardized cross-validation MSE can be computed only if number of samples equals number of CV models.")			     	 
				   sigK <- sapply(1:length(cvm),
							 function(k) {
								mod <- cvm[[k]]
								id <- attr(mod,"id")
								varKM(mod[[i]],points[k,], Xs[-id,],dataT[-id,i])										
			 "sigK" = { 										# standardized (by kriging variance) cross-validation error				 
				 stop("Leave-one-out kriging variance is only available if the number of sample points equals the number of CV models.")				   	
						 function(k) {
							 mod <- cvm[[k]]
							 id <- attr(mod,"id")
							 varKM(mod[[i]],points[k,], Xs[-id,],dataT[-id,i])								 

#' @name crossValTx 
#' @title Prediction variances by cross-validation
#' @description The function estimates the prediction variances by a cross-validation approach (see vignette) applied to
#'  each sample means of the involved statistics. 
#' @param qsd   	object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param cvm		list of prefitted covariance models from function \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @param theta		optional, default \code{NULL}, list or matrix of points where to estimate prediction variances
#' @param type		name of prediction variance measure 
#' @param cl	    cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class "\code{MPIcluster}", "\code{SOCKcluster}", "\code{cluster}"
#' @return A matrix of estimated prediction variances for each point given by the argument \code{theta} (rows)
#'  and for each statistic (columns).  
#' @details	Other than the kriging prediction variance, which solely depends on interdistances of sample points
#'  and estimated covariance parameters of some assumed to be known spatial covariance structure, the cross-validation
#'  based approach (see [4] and the vignette) even takes into account the predicted values at `\code{theta}` and thus can be seen as a more robust
#'  measure of variability between different spatial locations. By default, `\code{theta}` equals the current sampling set 
#'  stored in the object `\code{qsd}`.
#'  If we set the error `\code{type}` equal to "\code{cve}", the impact on the level of accuracy (predicting at unsampled
#'  points) is measured by the \emph{delete-k jackknifed variance} of prediction errors. This approach does not require further
#'  simulations as a measure of uncertainty for predicting the sample means of statistics at new candidate points accross the parameter space.
#'  Note that if the attribute \code{attr(cvm,"type")} equals "\code{max}", then the maximum of kriging and CV-based prediction
#'  variances is returned. 
#'  In addition, other measures of prediction uncertainty are available, such as the \emph{root mean square deviation}
#'  (\code{rmsd}) and \emph{mean square deviation} (\code{msd}) or the \emph{standardized cross-validation error}
#'  (\code{scve}). The details are explained in the vignette. In order to assess the predictive quality of possibly
#'  different covariance structures (also depending on the initial sample size), including the comparison of different
#'  sizes of initial sampling designs, the following measures [8] are
#'  also available for covariance model validation and adapted to the cross-validation approach here by using an
#'  \emph{average cross-validation error} (\code{acve}), the \emph{mean square error} (\code{mse}) or the
#'  \emph{average standardized cross-validation error} (\code{ascve}). These last measures can only be computed in case the total number
#'  of sample points equals the number of leave-one-out covariance models. This requires to fit each cross-validation
#'  covariance model by \code{\link{prefitCV}} using the option `\code{reduce}`=\code{FALSE} which is then based on exactly
#'  one left out point. Also, we can calculate the kriging variance at the left-out sample points if we set the option `\code{type}`
#'  equal to "\code{sigK}". 
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' # design matrix and statistics
#' X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[,1:2])
#' Tstat <- qsd$qldata[grep("^mean.",names(qsd$qldata))]
#' # construct but do not re-estimate
#' # covariance parameters by REML for CV models
#' qsd$cv.fit <- FALSE
#' cvm <- prefitCV(qsd)
#' theta0 <- c("mu"=2,"sd"=1)
#' # get mean squared deviation using cross-validation at theta0 
#' crossValTx(qsd, cvm, theta0, type = "msd")
#' # and kriging variance  
#' varKM(qsd$covT,theta0,X,Tstat) 	 
#' @seealso \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname crossValTx
#' @export
crossValTx <- function(qsd, cvm, theta = NULL, 
		          type = c("rmsd","msd","cve","scve","acve","mse","ascve","sigK"),
				    cl = NULL)
    type <- match.arg(type)
	dx <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	Xs <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(dx)])
	# set sample points as default
	# points to predict the CV error
	 theta <- Xs
	# dataT has to be list (of class data.frame)
	dataT <- qsd$qldata[(dx+1):(dx+length(qsd$covT))]
			Y <- estim(qsd$covT,theta,Xs,dataT,krig.type="var")
			# cross-validation variance/RMSE of statistics
			cv <- cverrorTx(theta,Xs,dataT,cvm,Y,type,cl)
		}, error = function(e) {
			msg <- .makeMessage("Could not calculate cross-validation variance: ",

## Internal
##	  i is numeric vector of indices of left out points
updateCV <- function(i, qsd, fit, ...) {
	covT <- qsd$covT
	qsd$qldata <- qsd$qldata[-i,]	# keep ith observations (k-fold CV)

	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	Xs <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	fitit <- (fit && !(nrow(Xs) %% qsd$nfit))

	cvm <- lapply(1:length(covT),
			function(j) {
				xm <- covT[[j]]					
				xm$start <- xm$param[xm$free]				
				  xm$fix.nugget <- xm$fix.nugget[-i]
				if(fitit) {
				  xm$dataT <- qsd$qldata[[xdim+j]]
	if(fitit) {
	  res <- lapply(cvm, doREMLfit, Xs=Xs, ...)
	  if(!inherits(res,"error")) {
	  } else {		
		 msg <- message("Could not update covariance parameters because `REML` failed.")
    } else {

#' @name prefitCV 
#' @title Covariance parameter estimation for cross-validation 
#' @description The function constructs a list of covariance models of statistics in order to estimate the prediction error
#'  variances by a cross-validation (CV) approach at unsampled points. 
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param reduce	  if \code{TRUE} (default), reduce the number of covariance models to refit
#' @param type		  type of prediction variances, "\code{cv}" (default), see \code{\link{qle}}
#' @param control	  control arguments for REML estimation passed to \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}  	
#' @param cl	      cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class "\code{MPIcluster}", "\code{SOCKcluster}", "\code{cluster}"
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE}, print intermediate output
#' @return A list of certain length depending on the current sample size (number of evaluated points).
#'  Each list element corresponds to a (reduced) number of sample points with at most \eqn{k} points
#'  (see details) left out for fitting the covariance models. 
#' @details Using the CV-based approach (see vignette) for estimating the prediction variances 
#' 	might require a refit of covariance parameters of each statistic based on leaving out a certain number of sample points.
#'  The covariance models can be refitted if `\code{fit}` equals \code{TRUE} and otherwise are simply updated without fitting which
#'  saves some computational resources. The number of points left out is dynamically adjusted depending on the number
#'  of sample points in order to prevent the main estimation algorithm to fit as many models as there are points already evaluated.  
#'  For CV the number \eqn{n_c} of covariance models still to fit, that is, the number of partitioning sets of sample points, is limited by
#'  \eqn{n_c\leq n}, with maximum \eqn{k} sampling points deleted from the full sample set with overall \eqn{n} sample points such that
#'  \eqn{n=n_c k} (see vignette for further details). 
#' @examples 
#'   data(normal)
#'   # without re-estimation of covariance parameters, default is TRUE
#'   qsd$cv.fit <- FALSE  
#'   cvm <- prefitCV(qsd)
#' @seealso \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname prefitCV
#' @export
prefitCV <- function(qsd, reduce = TRUE, type = c("cv","max"),
		              control = list(),	cl = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
	N <- nrow(qsd$qldata)
	p <- if(reduce) {
		 } else 1
	nb <- floor(p*N)
	k <- ceiling(N/nb) # block size
	S <-
	 if((N-k) >= qsd$minN){
        Ni <- seq_len(N) 
		split(Ni, sort(Ni%%nb))
	 } else stop(paste0("Total number of points must be at least ",qsd$minN," for cross-validation."))
	fit <- isTRUE(qsd$cv.fit)
    type <- match.arg(type)
	# Leave-k-Out CV
		 if(length(control) > 0L) {		
			opts <- nloptr::nl.opts()
			opts[names(control)] <- control
		 } else {
			opts <- attr(qsd,"opts")		
		   structure(doInParallel(S, updateCV, qsd=qsd, fit=fit, 
						opts=opts, cl=cl, verbose=verbose),

	  },error = function(e) {
		 msg <- paste0("Prefitting covariance models failed.\n")

# internal, alloc C structure
# Also for QL, a pre-set (inverse) variance matrix can be supplied by VTX
# No predictions variances here (done at C level), theta is only needed
# for the weighted version of avergage variance approximation
.qdAlloc <- function(qsd, Sigma = NULL, ..., inverted = FALSE, cvm = NULL) {	
	X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim"))])
	useSigma <- (!is.null(Sigma) && qsd$var.type == "const")
	if(qsd$var.type != "kriging" && is.null(Sigma)){
		if(qsd$var.type %in% c("wcholMean","wlogMean")){
			nms <- names(list(...))
			if(!all( c("W","theta") %in% nms))
			 message(paste0("Found `var.type`=\"",qsd$var.type, "\" but no weighting matrix `W` or estimate `theta` was supplied!."))		
		Sigma <- covarTx(qsd,...,cvm=cvm)[[1]]$VTX	
	} else if(useSigma && !inverted){
		# Only for constant Sigma, which is used as is!
		Sigma <- try(gsiInv(Sigma),silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(Sigma,"try-error")) {
			msg <- paste0("Inversion of constant variance matrix failed.")
	# init QL data and kriging models	
	qlopts <- list("varType"=qsd$var.type,
	 # return TRUE for success othewise signal error

# internal, free memory
.qdDealloc <- function() {

.checkArguments <- function(qsd, x0=NULL, Sigma = NULL, ...) {
	if(class(qsd) != "QLmodel"){
	   stop("`qsd` object must be of class `QLmodel`.")
   	if(!is.null(x0)) {
	    if(!is.numeric(x0) || anyNA(x0))
		  stop("Starting point must be numeric vector.")
		# bounds checks
		if( length(qsd$lower)!=length(x0) || length(qsd$upper)!=length(x0))
			stop("Length of 'x0' does not match 'lower' or 'upper' bounds length.")	
		if(any(x0<qsd$lower) || any(x0>qsd$upper))
			stop("At least one element in 'x0' does not match bound constraints. Please check!")
		if(nrow(Sigma)!=length(qsd$covT) )
		 stop("Dimensions of `Sigma` must match the number of statistics.\n")
		# even for `qle` we can use a kind of constant Sigma but do not need to
		# invert it. In this case prediction variances are always used at C level
		# Sigma is inverted after adding these as diagonal terms 	  	 
		if(qsd$var.type == "kriging"){
			stop("`Sigma` must be `NULL` if using kriging approximation of variance matrix.")	    
		} else if(qsd$var.type == "const" && qsd$criterion == "qle")
			stop("`Sigma` cannot be used as a constant variance matrix for criterion `qle`.")			
	} else if(qsd$var.type == "kriging" && is.null(qsd$covL))
		stop("Covariance models for kriging variance matrix must be given, see function `setQLdata`.")	
	  else if(qsd$var.type == "const") 
		stop("`Sigma` must not be NULL for `const` variance matrix approximation.")

#' @name searchMinimizer
#' @title Minimize a criterion function 
#' @description The function searches for a root of the quasi-score vector or minimizes one of the criterion functions.
#' @param x0		  (named) numeric vector, the starting point
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param method	  names of possible minimization routines (see details) 
#' @param opts		  list of control arguments for quasi-scoring iteration, see \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @param control 	  list of control arguments passed to the auxiliary routines
#' @param ...		  further arguments passed to \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param obs		  numeric vector of observed statistics, overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}`
#' @param info		  additional information at found minimizer
#' @param check		  logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param pl		  numeric value (>=0), the print level 
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output
#' @details The function provides an interface to local and global numerical minimization routines
#'  using the approximate quasi-deviance (QD) or Mahalanobis distance (MD) as an objective function.
#'  The function does not require additional simulations to find an approximate minimizer or root. The
#'  numerical iterations always take place on the fast to evaluate criterion function approximations.
#'  The main purpose is to provide an entry point for minimization without the
#'  need of sampling new candidate points for evaluation. This is particularly useful if we search
#'  for a "first-shot" minimizer. 
#'  The criterion function is treated as a deterministic (non-random) function during minimization
#'  (or root finding) whose surface depends on the sample points. Because of the typical nonconvex nature of the
#'  criterion functions one cannot expect a global minimizer by applying any local search method like,
#'  for example, the scoring iteration \code{\link{qscoring}}.
#'  Therfore, if the scoring iteration or some other available method gets stuck in a possibly local
#'  minimum of the criterion function showing at least some kind of numerical convergence we use such
#'  minimizer as it is and finish the search, possibly being unlucky, having not found an approximate root
#'  of the quasi-score vector (or minimum of the Mahalanobis distance). If there is no convergence practically,
#'  the search is restarted by switching to the next user supplied minimization routine defined in `\code{method}`. 
#'  \subsection{Choice of auxiliary minimization methods}{  
#'  Besides the local quasi-scoring (QS) iteration, `\code{method}` equal to "\code{qscoring}", the following
#'  (derivative-free) auxiliary methods from the \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} package are available for minimizing
#'  both criterion functions:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 	  \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{bobyqa}}, \code{\link[nloptr]{cobyla}} and \code{\link[nloptr]{neldermead}}}
#'    \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{direct}}, global search with a locally biased version named \code{directL}}
#' 	  \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{lbfgs}},  for minimizing the MD with constant `\code{Sigma}` only}
#' 	  \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}, as the general optimizer, which allows to use further methods}
#'  }
#'  Using quasi-scoring first, which is only valid for minimizing the QD function, is always a good idea since we might have done
#'  a good guess already being close to an approximate root. If it fails we switch to any of the above alternative methods
#'  (e.g. \code{\link[nloptr]{bobyqa}} as the default method) or eventually - in some real hard situations - to the
#'  method `\code{direct}` or its locally biased version `\code{directL}`. The order of processing is determined
#'  by the order of appearance of the names in the argument `\code{method}`. Any method available from package `\code{nloptr}` can be
#'  chosen. In particular, setting \code{method="nloptr"} and `\code{control}` allows to choose a multistart algorithm such
#'  as \code{\link[nloptr]{mlsl}}.
#'  Only if there are reasonable arguments against quasi-scoring, such as expecting a local
#'  minimum rather than a root first or an available limited computational budget, we can always apply
#'  the direct search method `\code{direct}` leading to a globally exhaustive search. Note that we must always supply a starting
#'  point `\code{x0}`, which could be any vector valued parameter of the parameter space unless method `\code{direct}` is
#'  chosen. Then `\code{x0}` is still required but ignored as a starting point since it uses the "center point" of
#'  the (hyper)box constraints internally. In addition, if CV models `\code{cvm}` are given, the CV based prediction variances
#'  are inherently used during consecutive iterations of all methods. This results in additional computational efforts
#'  due to the repeated evaluations of the statistics to calculate these variances during each new iteration.  
#' }
#' @return A list as follows
#' 	  \item{par}{solution vector}
#' 	  \item{value}{objective value}
#' 	  \item{method}{applied method}
#' 	  \item{convergence}{termination code}
#' 	  \item{score}{if applicable, quasi-score vector (or gradient of MD)}
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' searchMinimizer(c("mu"=2.5,"sd"=0.2),qsd,method=c("qscoring","bobyqa"),verbose=TRUE) 
#' @seealso \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}, \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @rdname searchMinimizer
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @export
#' @importFrom nloptr direct directL cobyla bobyqa lbfgs neldermead
searchMinimizer <- function(x0, qsd, method = c("qscoring","bobyqa","direct"),
					 opts = list(), control = list(), ...,  
					   obs = NULL, info = TRUE, check = TRUE, 
					     pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(pl) && pl >= 0L )
	x0 <- 
	 else unlist(x0)
    fun.name <- ""
	nms <- names(x0)	
	# current sample points
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	if(xdim != length(x0))
	 stop("Dimension of `x0` does not match.")
	# may overwrite (observed) statistics	
	if(!is.null(obs)) {
		obs <- unlist(obs)
		if(anyNA(obs) | any(!is.finite(obs)))
			warning("`NA`, `NaN` or `Inf` values detected in argument `obs`.")
		if(!is.numeric(obs) || length(obs)!=length(qsd$covT))
		  stop("Object `obs` must be a (named) numeric vector or list of length equal to the number of given statistics in `qsd`.")
		qsd$obs <- obs

	S0 <-
	 if(qsd$criterion != "qle"){
		m1 <- pmatch("qscoring",method)
		if(!is.na(m1)) {
		  method <- method[-m1]
		  message(.makeMessage("Scoring not available for criterion `mahal`, using `",method,"` instead.\n"))
	    if(length(method) == 0L)
		  stop("Only a single local search method is specified: ")
	 	fun.name <- method[1]
	 } else {
		fun.name <- "qscoring"
		m1 <- pmatch(fun.name,method)
		  method <- c("qscoring",method[-m1])		
		   }, error = function(e) {	e }
		} else NULL
    if(!is.null(S0) && (.isError(S0) || S0$convergence < 0L)){
	   if(pl > 0L) { 
		 msg <- .makeMessage("Minimization by `",fun.name,"` did not converge: ")
		  msg <- c(msg, paste0(" (status=",S0$convergence,")") )
			msg <- c(msg, conditionMessage(S0)) 
	   if(pl >= 10L){
	   	   message("Failed minimization: \n\n")
	   method <- method[-1]
			message("No convergence and only one method supplied.")
	if(is.null(S0) || S0$convergence < 0L) {	  	
	  S0 <- 
			if(length(control) == 0L){
			  control <- list("stopval"=0,"maxeval"=1000,
			# alloc C level
			 stop("Could not allocate C memory and construct QL model.")
			fn <-
				"qle" = { function(x) .Call(C_qDValue,x) },
				"mahal" = { function(x) .Call(C_mahalValue,x) }
		 	repeat {
				if(!is.na(method[1])) {
					if(pl > 0L)
					  cat(paste0("Using method: ",method[1],"...\n"))
					fun.name <- method[1]					
				} else {
					return(.qleError(message="No convergence and only one method supplied: ",
							call = sys.call(),
							   error = if(inherits(S0,"error")) conditionMessage(S0) else NULL,
							   	S0=S0, method = method[1]))	
			 	S0 <-
								"direct" = {
									direct(fn, lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control)
								"directL" = {
									directL(fn, lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control)
								"lbfgs" = {									
									if(qsd$criterion != "mahal" || qsd$var.type == "kriging")
									  stop("`lbfgs` only for criterion `mahal` using a constant `Sigma` or an average variance approximation.")
										  fn = function(x) {
												 val <- fn(x)
												   list("objective" = val, 
														"gradient" = -attr(val,"score")))
										lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control)
								"nloptr" = {
										control["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA"
										message(paste0("Using default derivative-free method: ",control$algorithm))									
									ret <- do.call(nloptr::nloptr, list(x0, eval_f=fn, lb=qsd$lower,
													ub=qsd$upper, opts=control))
									fun <- try(get(fun.name),silent=TRUE)
									if(inherits(fun,"try-error") || !is.function(fun))
									   stop(paste0("Unknown function call: ",fun.name,".\n"))									
								    # default call to `nloptr`
								    do.call(fun, list(x0, fn, lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control))								
					  }, error = function(e) {e})
				if(!inherits(S0,"error") && S0$convergence >= 0L) {				
				} else {
					msg <- .makeMessage("Minimization failed by: ",fun.name,".")
					message(msg, if(inherits(S0,"error")) conditionMessage(S0) else "",sep=" ")
				  	method <- method[-1]
		}, error = function(e) {
			 msg <- .makeMessage("Surrogate minimization failed: ",
		}, finally = { 
			   stop("Could not release C memory.")
 	  names(S0$par) <- nms     
    if(class(S0) != "QSResult") {	 
	  S0 <- structure(
		qd <-
				if(qsd$criterion == "mahal")
			}, error = function(e) {
				 msg <- .makeMessage("Error in criterion function: ",
	 		S0 <- structure(
					  c(S0,qd[[1]][which(!(names(qd[[1]]) %in% names(S0)))]),
					 Sigma = attr(qd,"Sigma"),
				   class = "QSResult")				 	
	 	} else { 
			return(structure(S0, error = qd))
	  cat(paste0("Successful minimization by: ",fun.name," (status=",S0$convergence,")","\n\n"))
	  if(pl >= 10L){

#' @name multiSearch
#' @title A multistart version of local searches for parameter estimation
#' @description  The function is multistart version of \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} which selects the best
#' 	root of the quasi-score (if there is any) or a local minimum from all found minima according to the criteria described in the vignette.
#' @param xstart 	numeric, \code{NULL} default, list, vector or matrix of starting parameters
#' @param qsd		object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param ...    	arguments passed to \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} 
#' @param nstart 	number of random samples from which to start local searches (if `\code{xstart}`=\code{NULL}, then ignored)
#' @param optInfo 	logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to store original local search results
#' @param cl 	 	cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class "\code{MPIcluster}", "\code{SOCKcluster}", "\code{cluster}"
#' @param verbose	if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output
#' @details The function performs a number of local searches depending which local method `\code{method}` was passed to
#'  \code{\link{searchMinimizer}}. Either the starting points are given by `\code{xstart}` or are generated as an augmented 
#'  design based on the sample set stored in `\code{qsd}`. The function evaluates all found solutions and selects the one which 
#'  is best according to the criteria defined in the vignette.
#' @return Object of class \code{QSResult} and attribute `\code{roots}`, e.t. the matrix of estimated parameters for which any of
#'  the available minimization methods has been successfully applied. If `code{optInfo}` is \code{TRUE}, then the originally estimtation reuslts
#'  are also returned. The best solution is stored as an attribute named `\code{par}` if any could have been found.
#' @seealso \code{\link{checkMultRoot}}
#' @examples 
#'  data(normal)
#'  x0 <- c("mu"=3.5,"sigma"=1.5)
#'  S0 <- multiSearch(xstart=x0,qsd,method=c("qscoring","bobyqa"),
#'            opts=list("ftol_stop"=1e-9,"score_tol"=1e-3),nstart=4,
#'             optInfo=TRUE,verbose=TRUE)
#'  roots <- attr(S0,"roots")
#'  id <- attr(roots,"id")
#'  stopifnot(!is.na(id)) 
#'  id  # index of best root found in matrix roots
#'  attr(roots,"par")  # the final parameter estimate w.r.t. id
#' @rdname multiSearch
#' @author M. Baaske 
#' @export 
multiSearch <- function(xstart=NULL, qsd, ..., nstart=10, optInfo=FALSE, cl=NULL, verbose=FALSE){
		X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim"))])
		Xs <- try(multiDimLHS(N=nstart,qsd$lower,qsd$upper,X=X,
		  message("Could not generate random starting points in function `multiDimLHS`.")
	    else if(!is.null(xstart))
		 xstart <- rbind(xstart,Xs)
	    else xstart <- Xs
	 stop("No starting points given for local searches.")
	 xstart <- .ROW2LIST(xstart)
	opt.args <- list(...)
	RES <- do.call(doInParallel,
				cl=cl, qsd=qsd), opt.args)) 
 	# do not evaluate solution for just a single parameter
    if(length(RES) == 1L){
		  message("We do not compare or evaluate the root criteria when only a single solution is available.")
		return (RES[[1]])
	# check results again
	ok <- which(sapply(RES,function(x) !.isError(x) & x$convergence >= 0L))
	if(length(ok) == 0L){
		msg <- .makeMessage("All local searches have errors or did not converge.")
	} else if(length(ok) < length(RES)){
		message(paste0("A total of ",length(RES)-length(ok)," local searches have errors or did not converge."))							
	hasError <- which(!(1:length(RES) %in% ok))
	if(length(hasError) > 0L)	
	 message(paste0("A total of ",length(hasError)," local searches failed."))
	roots <- .evalRoots(RES[ok])
	if(.isError(roots)) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Could not evaluate best results of local searches")
		attr(roots,"optInfo") <- RES
	id <- attr(roots,"id")
		msg <- .makeMessage("Could not find any root.")
		attr(roots,"optInfo") <- RES
		"roots"=if(optInfo) roots else NULL,
		"optRes"=if(optInfo) RES else NULL,				

#' @name qle
#' @title Simulated quasi-likelihood parameter estimation
#' @description  This is the main function of the simulated quasi-likelihood estimation (QLE) approach. 
#' @param qsd			object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param sim		    simulation function, see details
#' @param ...			further arguments passed to the simulation function `\code{sim}` 
#' @param nsim			optional, number of simulation replications at each new sample point,
#'  					`\code{qsd$nsim}` (default)
#' @param x0 			optional, numeric vector of starting parameters
#' @param obs			optional, numeric vector of observed statistics, overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}`
#' @param Sigma			optional, constant variance matrix estimate of statistics (see details) 
#' @param global.opts	options for global search phase
#' @param local.opts	options for local search phase
#' @param method		vector of names of local search methods	
#' @param qscore.opts   list of control arguments passed to \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @param control		list of control arguments passed to any of the routines defined in `\code{method}` 
#' @param errType		type of prediction variances, choose one of "\code{kv,cv,max}" (see details)
#' @param multistart	logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to search for local minimia or roots from multiple starting points at global phase  
#' @param pl			print level, use \code{pl}>0 to print intermediate results
#' @param cl			cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class "\code{MPIcluster}", "\code{SOCKcluster}", "\code{cluster}" 
#' @param iseed			integer seed, \code{NULL} (default) for default seeding of the random number generator (RNG) stream for each worker in the cluster
#' @param plot 			if \code{TRUE}, plot newly sampled points (for 2D-parameter estimation problems only)
#' @return List of the following objects:
#' 	  \item{par}{ final parameter estimate}
#' 	  \item{value}{ value of criterion function}
#'    \item{ctls}{ a data frame with values of stopping conditions}
#'    \item{qsd}{ final \code{\link{QLmodel}} object, including all sample points
#' 				  and covariance models}
#' 	  \item{cvm}{ CV fitted covariance models}
#'    \item{why}{ names of stopping conditions matched}
#'	  \item{final}{ final local minimization results of the criterion function, see \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} }
#'	  \item{score}{ quasi-score vector or gradient of the Mahalanobis distance}
#' 	  \item{convergence}{ logical, whether the iterates converged, see details} 	  
#'  Attributes: 	 
#'  \item{tracklist}{ an object (list) of class \code{QDtrack} containing the local minimization results,
#'     evaluated sample points and the status of the corresponding iteration}    
#'  \item{optInfo}{ a list of arguments related to the estimation procedure:}
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{x0:}{ starting parameter vector}
#' 	  \item{W:}{ final weighting matrix (equal to quasi-information matrix at \code{theta}) used for both variance
#' 			 average approximation, if applicable, and as the predicted variance for (local) sampling of new candidate points
#' 			 according to a multivariate normal distribution with this variance and the current root as the mean parameter.}
#'    \item{theta:}{ the parameter corresponding to \code{W}, typically an approximate root or local minimzer} 
#' 	  \item{last.global:}{ logical, whether last iteration sampled a point globally}
#' 	  \item{minimized:}{ whether last local minimization was successful}
#' 	  \item{useCV:}{ logical, whether the CV approach was applied}
#' 	  \item{method:}{ name of final search method applied}
#'    \item{nsim:}{ number of simulation replications at each evaluation point}
#' 	  \item{iseed}{ the seed to initialize the RNG}
#'  }
#' @details
#'  The function sequentially estimates the unknown model parameter. Basically, the user supplies a simulation function `\code{sim}`
#'  which must return a vector of summary statistics (as the outcome of model simulations) and expects a vector of parameters
#'  as its first argument. Further arguments can be passed by the `\code{\ldots}` argument. The object
#'  `\code{qsd}` aggregates the type of variance matrix approximation, the data frame of observed and simulated data, the
#'  initial sample points and the covariance models of the involved statistics (see \code{\link{QLmodel}}). In addition, it defines
#'  the criterion function by `\code{qsd$criterion}`, which is either used to monitor the sampling process or minimized itself. The user
#'  also has the option to choose among different types of prediction variances: either "\code{kv}" (kriging variances), "\code{cv}"
#'  (CV variances) or the maximum of both, by "\code{max}", are available.
#'  \subsection{Criterion functions}{The QD criterion function follows the quasi-likelihood estimation principle (see vignette)
#'  and seeks a solution to the quasi-score equation. Besides, the Mahalanobis distance (MD) as an alternative (simulation-based)
#'  criterion function has a more direct interpretation. It can be seen as a (weighted or generalized) least squares criterion
#'  depending on the employed type of variance matrix approximation. For this reason, we support several types of variance matrix
#'  approximations. In particular, given `\code{Sigma}` and setting `\code{qsd$var.type}` equal to "\code{const}" treats `\code{Sigma}`
#'  as a constant estimate throughout the whole estimation procedure. Secondly, if `\code{Sigma}` is supplied and used as
#'  an average variance approximation (see \code{\link{covarTx}}), it is considered an initial variance matrix approximation and
#'  recomputed each time an approximate (local) minimizer of the criterion function is found. This is commonly known as an iterative update
#'  strategy of variance matrices in the context of GMM estimation. Opposed to this, setting `\code{qsd$var.type}` equal to
#'  "\code{kriging}" corresponds to continuously updating the variance matrix each time a new criterion function value is
#'  required at any point of the parameter space. In this way the algorithm can also be seen as a simulated version of a least squares
#'  method or even as a special case of a \emph{simulated method of moments} (see, e.g. [3]). Note that some input combinations
#'  concerning the variance approximation types are not applicable since the criterion "\code{qle}", which uses the
#'  QD criterion function, does not support a constant variance matrix at all.
#'  }
#'  \subsection{Monte Carlo (MC) hypothesis testing}{ The algorithm sequentially evaluates promising local minimizers of the criterion function during
#'  the local phase in order to assess the plausibility of being an approximate root of the corresponding quasi-score vector. We use essentially
#'  the same MC test procedure as in \code{\link{qleTest}}. First, having found a local minimum of the test statistic, i.e. the criterion
#'  function, given the data, new observations are simulated w.r.t. to the local minimizer and the algorithm re-estimates the approximate roots for each
#'  observation independently. If the current minimizer is accepted as an approximate root at the significance level `\code{local.opts$alpha}`, then the algorithm stays
#'  in its local phase and continues sampling around the current minimizer accoring to its asymptotic variance (measured by the inverse of the
#'  predicted quasi-information) and uses the additional simulations to improve the current kriging approximations. Otherwise we switch to the global phase and
#'  do not consider the current minimizer as an approximate root.
#'  This procedure also allows for a stopping condition derived from the reults of the MC test. We can compare the estimated mean squared error (MSE) with the
#'  predicted error of the approximate root by its relative difference and terminate in case this value drops below a user-defined bound `\code{perr_tol}`
#'  (either as a scalar value or numeric vector of length equal to the dimension of the unknown parameter). A value close to zero suggests a good match of both
#'  error measures. The testing procedure is disabled by default. Use `\code{local.opts$test=TRUE}` for testing approximate roots. A value of the criterion function smaller
#'  than `\code{local.opts$ftol_abs}` indicates that the corresponding minimizer could be an approximate root. Otherwise the last evaluation point is used as
#'  a starting point for next local searches which mimics a random multistart type minimization over the next iterations of the algorithm. This behaviour is
#'  also implemented for results of the above MC test when the local minimizer is not accepted as an approximate root. Note that this approach has the
#'  potential to escape regions where the criterion function value is quite low but, however, is not considered trustworthy in relation to the upper bound
#'  `\code{local.opts$ftol_abs}` or the results of the MC test procedure.
#'  If one of the other termination criteria is met in conjunction with a neglectable value of the criterion function, we
#'  say that the algorithm successfully terminated and converged to a local minimizer of the criterion function which could be an approximate root of the quasi-score
#'  vector. We then can perform a goodness-of-fit test in order to assess its plausibility (see \code{\link{qleTest}}) and quantify the empirical and predicted
#'  estimation error. If we wish to improve the final estimate the algorithm allows for a simple warm start strategy though not yet as an fully automated
#'  procedure. The algorithm can be easily restarted based on the final result of the preceeding run. We only need to extract the object
#'  `\code{OPT$qsd}` as an input argument to function \code{\link{qle}} again. 
#'  }
#'  \subsection{Sampling new points}{Our QLE approach dynamically switches from a \emph{local} to a \emph{global search phase} and vise versa for
#'  sampling new promising candidates for evaluation, that is, performing new simulations of the statistical model. Depending on the current value of the criterion
#'  function three different sampling criteria are used to select next evaluation points which aim on potentially improving the quasi-score
#'  or criterion function approximation. If a local minimizer of the criterion function has been accepted as an approximate root, then a local search
#'  tries to improve its accuracy. The next evaluation point is either selected according to a weighted minimum-distance criterion (see [2] and vignette),
#'  for the choice `\code{nextSample}` equal to "\code{score}", or by maximizing the weighted variance of the quasi-score vector in
#'  case `\code{nextSample}` is equal to "\code{var}". In all other cases, for example, if identifiable roots of the QS could not be found
#'  or the (numerical) convergence of the local solvers failed, the global phase of the algorithm is invoked and selects new potential
#'  candidates accross the whole search space based on a weighted selection criterion. This assigns large weights to candidates
#'  with low criterion function values and vise versa. During both phases the cycling between local and global candidates is
#'  controlled by the weights `\code{global.opts$weights}` and `\code{locals.opts$weights}`, respectively. Besides this, the smaller
#'  the weights the more the candidates tend to be globally selected and vice versa during the global phase. Within the local phase,
#'  weights approaching one result in selecting candidates close to the current minimizer of the criterion
#'  function. Weights approximately zero maximize the minimum distance between candidates and previously sampled points and
#'  thus densely sample the search space almost everywhere if the algorithm is allowed to run infinitely. The choice of weights
#'  is somewhat ad hoc but may reflect the users preference on guiding the whole estimation more biased towards either a local
#'  or global search. In addition the local weights can be dynamically adjusted if `\code{useWeights}` is \code{FALSE}
#'  depending on the current progress of estimation. In this case the first weight given by `\code{locals.opts$weights}` is 
#'  initially used for this kind of adjustment.   
#'  }
#'  Some notes: For a 2D parameter estimation problem the function can visualize the sampling and selection process, which
#'  requires an active 2D graphical device in advance. The function can also be run in an cluster environment
#'  using the `\code{parallel}` package. Make sure to export all functions to the cluster environment `\code{cl}` beforehand,
#'  loading required packages on each cluster node, which are used in the simulation function
#'  (see \code{\link{clusterExport}} and \code{\link{clusterApply}}).
#'  If no cluster object is supplied, a local cluster is set up based on forking (under Linux) or as a socket connection
#'  for other OSs. One can also set an integer seed value `\code{iseed}` to initialize each worker, see \code{\link{clusterSetRNGStream}},
#'  for reproducible results of estimation in case a local cluster is used, i.e. \code{cl=NULL} and option \code{mc.cores>1}. If
#'  using a prespecified cluster object \code{cl}, then the user is responsible for seeding whereas the seed can be stored
#'  in the return value as well, see attribute `\code{optInfo}$iseed`.  
#'  The following controls `\code{local.opts}` for the local search phase are available:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{ftol_rel}:}{ upper bound on relative change in criterion function values}
#'   \item{\code{lam_max}:}{ upper bound on the maximum eigenvalue of the generalized eigenvalue decomposition of
#' 		the quasi-information matrix and estimated interpolation error (variance) of quasi-score.
#'  	This stops the main iteration sampling new locations following the idea that in this case
#' 		the quasi-score interpolation error has dropped below the estimated precision at best measured by
#' 		quasi-information matrix for `\code{global.opts$NmaxLam}` consecutive iterates.}
#' 	 \item{\code{pmin}:}{ minimum required probability that a new random candidate sample falls inside the parameter
#'                space. Dropping below this value triggers a global phase sampling step. This might indicate
#' 				  that the inverse of the quasi-information matrix does not sufficiently reflect the variance
#' 				  of the current parameter estimate due to a sparse sample or the (hyper)box constraints of the
#' 				  parameter space could be too restrictive.}
#' 	 \item{\code{nsample}:}{ sampling size of candidate locations at the local phase}
#' 	 \item{\code{weights}:}{ vector of weights, \eqn{0\leq\code{weights}\leq 1}, for local sampling}
#' 	 \item{\code{useWeights}:} {logical, if \code{FALSE} (default), dynamically adjust the weights, see vignette}
#'	 \item{\code{ftol_abs}:}{ upper bound on the function criterion: values smaller trigger the local phase
#'    treating the current minimzer as an approximate root otherwise forces the algorithm to switch to the global phase and vice versa.}
#'   \item{\code{eta}:}{ values for decrease and increase of the local weights, which is intended to faciliate convergence
#' 		 while sampling new points more and more around the current best parameter estimate.} 
#' 	 \item{\code{alpha}:}{ significance level for computation of empirical quantiles of one of the test statistics, that is,
#'          testing a parameter to be a	root of the quasi-score vector in probability.}
#'   \item{perr_tol}{ upper bound on the relative difference of the empirical and predicted error of an approximate root}
#'   \item{\code{nfail}:}{ maximum number of consecutive failed iterations}
#'   \item{\code{nsucc}:}{ maximum number of consecutive successful iterations}
#'   \item{\code{nextSample}:}{ either "\code{score}" (default) or "\code{var}" (see details)} 
#'   }
#'  The following controls `\code{global.opts}` for the global search phase are available:   
#' 	\itemize{
#'   \item{\code{stopval}:}{ stopping value related to the criterion function value, the main iteration terminates
#' 				     as soon as the criterion function value drops below this value. This might be preferable to a time consuming
#' 					 sampling procedure if one whishes to simply minimize the criterion function or find a first
#' 					 approximation to the unknown model parameter.}
#'   \item{\code{C_max}:}{ upper bound on the relative maximum quasi-score interpolation error. The algorithm terminates
#' 					its value drops below after a number of `\code{global.opts$NmaxCV}` consecutive iterations.}
#' 	 \item{\code{xtol_rel}:}{ relative change of found minimizer of the criterion function or root of quasi-score.}
#' 	 \item{\code{maxiter}:}{ maximum allowed global phase iterations }
#' 	 \item{\code{maxeval}:}{ maximum allowed global and local iterations }
#' 	 \item{\code{sampleTol}:}{ minimum allowed distance between sampled locations at global phase}	
#' 	 \item{\code{weights}:}{ vector of \eqn{\code{weights}>0} for global sampling}
#'   \item{\code{nsample}:}{ sampling size of candidate locations at the global phase}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxRel}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterates until stopping according to `\code{xtol_rel}`}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxCV}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterates until stopping according to `\code{C_max}`}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxSample}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping according to `\code{sampleTol}`}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxLam}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping for which the generalized eigenvalue of the variance
#' 		 of the quasi-score vector within the kriging approximation model and its total variance measured by the quasi-information matrix
#'       at some estimated parameter drops below the upper bound `\code{local.opts$lam_max}` }
#'   \item{\code{NmaxQI}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping for which the relative difference of the empirical error
#'      and predicted error of an approximate root drops below `\code{perr_tol}`}
#'   \item{\code{Nmaxftol}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping for which the relative change in the values
#'    of the criterion function drops below `\code{local.opts$ftol_rel}`}
#'  }
#' @seealso \code{\link{mahalDist}}, \code{\link{quasiDeviance}}, \code{\link{qleTest}} 
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' # main estimation with new evaluations
#' # (simulations of the statistical model)
#' OPT <- qle(qsd,qsd$simfn,nsim=10,
#' 		    global.opts=list("maxeval"=1),
#'  		local.opts=list("test"=FALSE))
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname qle
#' @useDynLib qle, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_"
#' @export 
#' @import parallel stats
#' @importFrom graphics points
qle <- function(qsd, sim, ... , nsim, x0 = NULL, obs = NULL,
		        Sigma = NULL, global.opts = list(), local.opts = list(),
				  method = c("qscoring","bobyqa","direct"),
				   qscore.opts = list(), control = list(),
				    errType = "kv", multistart=FALSE, pl = 0, 
					 cl = NULL, iseed = NULL, plot=FALSE)
	# print information 	
	.printInfo = function(){		
		if(pl > 0L) {
			nmax <- nglobal+nlocal
			if(nmax >= maxEval || nglobal >= maxIter)
			  cat("Final results: \n\n")
   		    cat("Total evaluations...",nmax,"\n")						
			cat("Criterion value.....",formatC(ft, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=","),"\n\n")
			cat("Current iterate: \n\n")
			print.default(formatC(signif(as.numeric(xt), digits=8), digits=8, format="fg", flag="#"),
					print.gap = 4, quote = FALSE)
			if(!is.null(Stest) && !.isError(Stest)){
			 qt <- attr(Stest$test,"qt")
			 cat("Criterion value < ",names(qt),"quantile: ",formatC(ft, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=","))
			 cat(paste0(" <",formatC(qt, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=",")),"\n")			 

	.showConditions = function() {
		if(pl > 1L) {
		    cat("Iterations......",paste0("global=",nglobal,", local=",nlocal,"\n"))
			cat("Sampling:.......",paste0(if(status[["global"]]>1L) "global" else "local", " (status=",status[["global"]],")\n"))
			cat("Local search:...",paste0(ifelse(status[["minimized"]],"success","failed"),"\n"))			
				cat("weight factor:..",w,"\n")
			df <- as.data.frame(
					 c(formatC(signif(as.numeric(x),digits=6),digits=6,format="fg", flag="#"),formatC(signif(f,digits=4),digits=4,format="e")),
					 c(formatC(signif(as.numeric(xt),digits=6),digits=6,format="fg", flag="#"),formatC(signif(ft,digits=4),digits=4,format="e")),
					 c(formatC(signif(as.numeric(Snext$par),digits=6),digits=6,format="fg", flag="#"),formatC(signif(Snext$value,digits=4),digits=4,format="e"))))
			dimnames(df) <- list(c(names(x0),"value"),c("Start","Estimate", "Sample"))
			print(format(df, digits=6),
				print.gap = 2, right=FALSE, quote = FALSE)	
			# other conditions
			# max of quasi-score depends on whether criterion was minimized (local) or not
			cat("Current stopping conditions: \n\n")			
			cond <- 
			 if(status[["minimized"]]) {
			   	c("|score_max|" = max(abs(S0$score)))				
			 } else c("|score_max|" = max(abs(Snext$score)))
			cond <-
		 	print.default(format(cond, digits = 4, justify="left"),
							print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
			if(pl > 2L) {
				if(!is.null(Stest) && !.isError(Stest)){
				   cat("MC testing: \n\n")
	if(!is.numeric(pl) || pl < 0L)
	  stop("Print level `pl` must be some positive numeric value.")	
	  nsim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"nsim")  	
	if(is.null(nsim) || !is.numeric(nsim))
	  stop("Number of simulations must be given.")
	 # may overwrite (observed) statistics	
	 if(!is.null(obs)) {
		  obs <- unlist(obs)
		  if(anyNA(obs) | any(!is.finite(obs)))
			  warning("`NA`, `NaN` or `Inf` values detected in argument `obs`.")
		  if(!is.numeric(obs) || length(obs)!=length(qsd$covT))
			  stop("Object `obs` must be a (named) numeric vector or list of length equal to the number of given statistics in `qsd`.")
		  qsd$obs <- obs
    # wrapping simulator function
    sim <- match.fun(sim)	
	# silently remove not required
	args <- list(...)
	simFun <-
		 function(x) {
    # set default starting point
	x0 <-
	   (qsd$lower + qsd$upper)/2 
     else if(is.list(x0) || is.vector(x0)) {		
	 } else { stop("Starting vector 'x0' must be list or a numeric vector.") }
    # check here 
	# clean or invert Sigma if supplied
		if(qsd$var.type == "kriging"){
			Sigma <- NULL
			message("Ignoring `Sigma` because kriging approximation of variance matrix is set.")
		} else if(qsd$var.type == "const") {
			Sigma <- try(gsiInv(Sigma),silent=TRUE)
				stop("Failed to invert initial estimate `Sigma` as a constant variance matrix.")		
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	# available local optimization method(s) to choose
	nlopt.fun <- c("cobyla","bobyqa","neldermead",
	all.local <- 
	 if(qsd$criterion == "qle") {		
	 } else nlopt.fun	
	# quasi-score options
	qscore.opts <- .qsOpts(qscore.opts,xdim)

	loc <- pmatch(method,all.local)
	if(length(loc) == 0L || anyNA(loc)) {
		stop(paste0("Invalid local method(s) for criterion `mahal`. Choose one or more of: ",
						paste(all.local, collapse = ", ")))
	mid <- pmatch("qscoring",method)
	if(!is.na(mid) ) {
		# if using 'qscoring' method always try it first
		 method <- c("qscoring",method[-mid])		
	# get initial design points
	X <- data.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	nstart <- nrow(X)
	xnames <- colnames(X)
	# list of consistency checks
	tmplist <- NULL
	tracklist <- structure(list(),class="QDtrack")
	# set 'globals'
	globals <- .getDefaultGLoptions(xdim)
	if(length(global.opts) > 0L) {
		globals[names(global.opts)] <- global.opts				
	## set 'locals'
	locals <- .getDefaultLOCoptions(xdim)
	if(length(local.opts) > 0L) {
		locals[names(local.opts)] <- local.opts	
	# setting controls as data frame
	ctls <- .setControls(globals,locals)
	# data frame for storing relative estimation error deviation
	# add to `ctls` if testing is enabled
	perr <- 
	 if(locals$test) {
		locals$perr_tol <- rep(locals$perr_tol,length.out=xdim)  
	  data.frame(cbind("cond" = locals$perr_tol, "val" = rep(Inf,xdim),
			"tmp" = rep(Inf,xdim), "stop" = rep(0,xdim), "count" = rep(globals$NmaxQI,xdim)),
		  row.names = xnames, check.names = FALSE)
	 } else NULL

	# local weights
	if(any(locals$weights > 1L) || any(locals$weights < 0L))
		stop("Weights for local sampling must be
			in the interval [0,1] for sampling criterion `score`!")	
	mWeights <- length(locals$weights)
	# global weights	
	if(any(globals$weights < 0L))
	  stop("Weights for global sampling must be positive!")
  	mWeightsGL <- length(globals$weights)
	# parallel options: seeding
	# the seed is stored if given
	noCluster <- is.null(cl)
			type <- if(Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Linux")
						"FORK" else "PSOCK"
			cores <- getOption("mc.cores",1L)
			if(cores > 1L) 
			  try(cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores,type=type),silent=FALSE)
		    # re-initialize in any case (see `set.seed`)		    
			} else noCluster <- FALSE
	},error = function(e)  {
		noCluster <- FALSE
		message(.makeMessage("Could not initialize cluster."))
 	# select criterion function	
	criterionFun <- 
			"mahal" = {				  		  
				  function(x,...) {				  
			 "qle" = {				  
			 }, { stop("Unknown criterion function!") }
	## loop init	
	nglobal <- nlocal <- 0L
	EPS <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
	# miniumum distance of sampling candidates
	# to previously sampled points
	eps <- 0.001*prod(abs(qsd$upper-qsd$lower))^(1/xdim)
	# set starting values global/local weights
	maxIter <- globals$maxiter 	# number of global iterations
	maxEval <- globals$maxeval	# amount of evaluation of sample locations
	## record iteration status
	status <- list("global"=0L, "minimized"=FALSE) 
	# first time CV:
	# this is also for testing 
	# before iterating many times 
	cvm <- NULL
	errId <- pmatch(errType,c("kv","cv","max"))
	if(anyNA(errId) || length(errId)!=1L)
	  stop("Invalid argument `errType`. Please choose one of `kv`, `cv`, `max`")
    # initialize	
	info <- reset <- TRUE	
	W <- theta <- Stest <- NULL
	QD <- criterionFun(x0)	
	  return(.qleError(message="Could not compute criterion function.",
		call=match.call(), error=QD))
	xt <- x <- xold <- x0 									# xt: current, x: starting point, xold: old, x0: initial point
	ft <- f <- fold <- QD[[1]]$value						# see above!
	Snext <- c(QD[[1]],"fval"=f)
	# but then reset so it can be computed again
	if(qsd$var.type != "const")
	 Sigma <- NULL
	dummy <- 
				# refit
				if(useCV <- (errId > 1)) {
					if(pl > 0L)
					 cat("Update cross-validation covariance models...\n")
					cvm <- try(prefitCV(qsd,type=errType,cl=cl),silent=TRUE) 
					if(.isError(cvm)) {						
						cvm <- NULL
						message("Prefit of CV models failed during final surrogate minimization.")			
				# either start a (multistart) local search
				if(multistart && status[["global"]] > 1L){
					# always include last sample point `x` as a starting point
					S0 <- multiSearch(x, qsd, method, qscore.opts, control,
							Sigma=Sigma, W=W, theta=theta, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm,
							 check=FALSE, pl=0L, nstart=globals$nstart,
							  cl=cl, verbose=pl>0L)
					 message("Could not complete multistart local search.")										
				} else {
				    S0 <- searchMinimizer(x, qsd, method, qscore.opts, control,
					    	Sigma=Sigma, W=W, theta=theta, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm,
								check=FALSE, pl=pl, verbose=pl>0L)
				# store local minimization results
				tmplist <- list("S0"=S0)				
				# Set current iterate to last sampled point in case of no convergence
				# during the global phase, eventually a sampled point 'Snext' also becomes
				# a minimizer after a number of steps cycling through the vector of global weights						
				if(!.isError(S0) && S0$convergence >= 0L){					
					 I <- S0$I
					xt <- S0$par
					ft <- S0$value					 
					varS <- S0$varS					
					status[["minimized"]] <- TRUE					
				} else {														
					I  <- Snext$I
					xt <- Snext$par
					ft <- Snext$value
					varS <- Snext$varS					
					status[["minimized"]] <- FALSE					
			    # current iteration did not stop 
			    # choose next type of phase: pure local or global				
				if(status[["minimized"]]){											# found a local minimizer
					if(S0$convergence == 1L){										# found root of quasi-score
						status[["global"]] <- 0L									# start local phase
					} else if(ft < locals$ftol_abs){								# found approximate root
						 if(pl > 0L)
						   cat("Testing local minimizer...\n")
					     Stest <-
								  newObs <- simQLdata(simFun, nsim=locals$nobs, X=rbind(xt), cl=cl, verbose=pl>0)
									  stop(paste(c("Cannot generate data at approximate root: \n\t ",
															  format(xt, digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " "))				  
								  # test for an approximate root (based on criterion function)
								  .rootTest(xt, ft, I, newObs[[1]], locals$alpha, qsd$criterion,
										  qsd, method, qscore.opts, control, Sigma=Sigma, W=W,
										  theta=theta, cvm=cvm, cl=cl)	
							  }, error = function(e){
								  msg <- .makeMessage("Testing approximate root failed: ",
						  # store results in temporary list for failure analysis
						  tmplist <- c(tmplist,list("Stest"=Stest))						  
						  # set status
						  status[["global"]] <-
								  msg <- paste(c("Cannot test approximate root at: \n\t ",
												  format(xt, digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " ")
								  2L															# switch to global in case of error
							  } else if(attr(Stest$test,"passed")) { 1L }						# found approximate root  
							    else 2L 														# did not pass the test	
					    } else { status[["global"]] <- 0L } 											
					} else { status[["global"]] <- 2L }
				} else {
					status[["global"]] <- 2L										
					# Though we might have found a local minimizer, we do not
					# sample there because we trust the selection criteria
					# which additionally considers point-interdistances. 
					# We start the next local search from the current sample point
					# and thus imitate some kind of random multistart local search.
				# find new sample point
				Snext <- 
						if(status[["global"]] < 2L){
							# weighting matrix for variance
							# average approximation and local sampling
							W <- I 	 		
							# and its inverse is used as the variance
							# of theta for sampling from MVN
							theta <- xt	 	
							# found approximate root
							# stopping conditions for
							# relative estimation error deviation (see qleTest)							
							if(locals$test && !is.null(Stest) && !.isError(Stest)) {
								perr["val"] <- attr(Stest,"relED")	
								 message("Cannot test stopping conditions while testing local minimizer. `NAs` detected.")
								else if( any(perr["val"] < perr["cond"]) ){									 # can be a vector for each component of the parameter					        
									perr["stop"] <- perr["stop"] + as.integer(perr["val"] < perr["cond"])	 # and count separately for each one
									if(any(perr["stop"] >= globals$NmaxQI))											
								} else { perr["stop"] <- rep(0L,xdim) }										 # reset	
							# generate local candidates							
							Y <- nextLOCsample(W,theta,
							if(.isError(Y)) {
								status[["global"]] <- 2L
								message(.makeMessage("Sampling local candidates failed. Try global sampling."))								
							} else {							
								# get min distances
		    					dists <- .min.distXY(X,Y)
								# remove too close sample candidates							
								idx <- which(dists < eps)					
								if(length(idx) > 0L){
									Y <- Y[-idx,,drop=FALSE]
									if(nrow(Y) < floor(0.1*length(dists))) {											
										msg <- paste("Number of local candidates is less than 10% of sample size:, "
												,nrow(Y)," try global sampling now.")
										status[["global"]] <- 2L
									dists <- dists[-idx]
								# sampling might cause switch to global phase
								if(status[["global"]] < 2L){		 
									 nlocal <- nlocal + 1L
									 dmin <- min(dists)
									 dmax <- max(dists)									 
									 id <- 
									     "score" = {			
											 # use user defined weights
											   if(locals$useWeights) {										
												  k <- nlocal %% mWeights
												  w <- ifelse(k != 0L,
														  locals$weights[mWeights] )
											   } else {
												if(ft < 0.9999*fold || ctls["lam_max","val"] < ctls["lam_max","tmp"])													 
													 ctls["nfail","val"] <- 0L
													 ctls["nsucc","val"] <- ctls["nsucc","val"] + 1L												
												 } else {
													 ctls["nsucc","val"] <- 0L
													 ctls["nfail","val"] <- ctls["nfail","val"] + 1L												
													 reset <- FALSE
													 w <- locals$weights[1]													 
												 # update weights									
												 if(ctls["nfail","val"] > 0L && 
												  !(ctls["nfail","val"] %% ctls["nfail","cond"])){											 											 
													 w <- max(w-locals$eta[1],0)
												 } else if(ctls["nsucc","val"] > 0L && 
														 !(ctls["nsucc","val"] %% ctls["nsucc","cond"])){										 
													 w <- min(w+locals$eta[2],1)
											  # minimize ballanced criterion
										  	  # criterion funtion values at candidates
										  	  # Sigma is re-calculated here at theta)
											  fd <- criterionFun(Y,value.only=2L)
											  if(.isError(fd) || !is.numeric(fd)){
												  stop(paste("Criterion function evaluation failed: ",fd))
											  smin <- min(fd)
											  smax <- max(fd)
											  sw <- if(abs(smax-smin) < EPS) 1 
												 	 else (fd-smin)/(smax-smin)	
											  dw <- if(abs(dmax-dmin) < EPS) 1		
													 else (dmax-dists)/(dmax-dmin)
											  which.min( w*sw + (1-w)*dw )								
										  "var" = {						
											  # maximize trace criterion
											  # (same for quasi-deviance and mahalanobis distance)
											  # Sigma is re-calculated here at theta
											  fd <- criterionFun(Y,value.only=3L)								  
											  dw <- if(abs(dmax-dmin) < EPS) 1		
													   else (dists-dmin)/(dmax-dmin)
											  which.max( fd*dw )
						} # end local sampling
						# start global sampling
						if(status[["global"]] > 1L){							
							reset <- TRUE							
							W <- theta <- NULL   										# no weighting in global phase		
							nglobal <- nglobal + 1L
							# sample new candidates
							Y <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(X)),
							  		function(i) {
							colnames(Y) <- xnames					
							dists <- .min.distXY(X,Y)									# check for minimum distance between sample points
							idx <- which(dists < eps)
							if(length(idx) > 0L)	{
								Y <- Y[-idx,,drop=FALSE]
								if(nrow(Y) < floor(0.1*length(dists))) {										
							 	   message(.makeMessage("Number of candidates ",nrow(Y)," is not enough to proceed sampling."))									 											
								dists <- dists[-idx]
							# quasi-deviance or Mahalanobis distance as
							# a criterion for global sampling
							fval <- criterionFun(Y,value.only=TRUE)									  																		
							if(.isError(fval) || !is.numeric(fval)){
							  stop(paste("Criterion function evaluation failed: ",fval))
							# next sampling location							
							fmin <- min(fval)
							fmax <- max(fval)
							k <- nglobal %% mWeightsGL
							w <- ifelse(k != 0L, globals$weights[k], globals$weights[mWeightsGL] )
							fd <- if(abs(fmax-fmin) < EPS) 1 
							      	else (fval-fmin)/(fmax-fmin)							
							# next sampling point
							id <- which.max( exp(-w*fd) * dists )
						} # end global					
						if(!is.numeric(id) || length(id) == 0L)
						  stop("Could not find index of selection candidate.")
					    # compute criterion function at new sample point						
						c( criterionFun(Y[id,])[[1]],"fval"=fd[id] )						
					}, error = function(e) {						
						msg <- .makeMessage("Sampling new candidates failed: ",
				# criterion at selected point `Snext`
				tracklist <- c(tracklist,
				# next sampling location				
				# optional: plot iterates (2D) 
				if(plot && xdim < 3L) {
					p <- rbind(Snext$par,xt)
					if(xdim == 1L) 
					 p <- cbind(p,c(0,0))					 
					cols <- if(status[["global"]]>1L) "blue" else "green"
					if(status[["global"]] == 1L){
					} else try(points(p[2,,drop=FALSE],pch=21,cex=0.5,col="magenta",bg="magenta"))
				# ---------------- check stopval only for global phase -------------------------
				if(status[["global"]] && ft < ctls["stopval","cond"]) 
					ctls["stopval","stop"] <- 1L 													
				# Minimum sampling distance reached ?
				dm <- attr(.check.distAll(X,xTol=ctls["sampleTol","cond"]),"min")
				if(dm < ctls["sampleTol","val"])
				  ctls["sampleTol","val"] <- dm
				if(dm < ctls["sampleTol","cond"]) {
					ctls["sampleTol","stop"] <- ctls["sampleTol","stop"] + 1L				
				} else {  ctls["sampleTol","stop"] <- 0L }					  
				# -------------------- check xtol and ftol ----------------------------
				ctls["xtol_rel","val"] <- max(abs(xt-xold)/pmax(abs(xold),1.0))
				if( ctls["xtol_rel","val"] < ctls["xtol_rel","cond"]) {
					ctls["xtol_rel","stop"] <- ctls["xtol_rel","stop"] + 1L					
				} else { ctls["xtol_rel","stop"] <- 0L }
				# ftol_rel (global and local) (low priority)
				ctls["ftol_rel","val"] <- abs(ft-fold)/max(abs(fold),EPS)
				if( ctls["ftol_rel","val"] < ctls["ftol_rel","cond"]) {
					ctls["ftol_rel","stop"] <- ctls["ftol_rel","stop"] + 1L					
				} else { ctls["ftol_rel","stop"] <- 0L }				
				# generalized EVD (either based on CV or Kriging variances)
				ctls["lam_max","tmp"] <- ctls["lam_max","val"]
				ctls["lam_max","val"] <- max(geneigen(varS,I,only.values=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
				# generalized eigenvalues
				if( ctls["lam_max","val"] < ctls["lam_max","cond"]) {
					ctls["lam_max","stop"] <- ctls["lam_max","stop"] + 1L									
				} else { ctls["lam_max","stop"] <- 0L }
				# Maximum prediction variance of the quasi-score vector:
				# either CV based or evaluated by kriging variances.				
				if(qsd$krig.type == "var") {
					ctls["C_max","tmp"] <- ctls["C_max","val"]				
					ctls["C_max","val"] <- max(diag(varS))
					test <- abs(ctls["C_max","val"]-ctls["C_max","tmp"])/ctls["C_max","tmp"]
					if(test < ctls["C_max","cond"]) {
						ctls["C_max","stop"] <- ctls["C_max","stop"] + 1L
						if(ctls["C_max","stop"] >= globals$NmaxCV) {
							ctls["C_max","val"] <- test							
					} else { ctls["C_max","stop"] <- 0L }
				# show info
				# print stopping conditions				
				# update current iterate
				if(status[["global"]] > 1L){
					xold <- xt
					fold <- ft	
					x <- Snext$par
					f <- Snext$value					
				} else {
					x <- xold <- xt
					f <- fold <- ft											
				# ----------------- maximum iterations/evaluations -----------------------------
                # If stopping at global phase, then the current sample point
				# at maximum weight corresponds to a sampled minimum of the
                # criterion function if not locally minimized.
				if(nglobal >= maxIter){
					if(status[["global"]] > 1L){
						if(w == max(globals$weights)){  		# stop if minimum of criterion function is sampled
							ctls["maxiter","stop"] <- 1L
						    xt <- x; ft <- f					# set to globally sampled point
							status[["minimized"]] <- FALSE
					} else ctls["maxiter","stop"] <- 1L 
				} else if((nglobal+nlocal) >= maxEval){
					if(status[["global"]] > 1L){
						if(w == max(globals$weights)) { 		# stop if minimum of criterion function is sampled
							ctls["maxeval","stop"] <- 1L
							xt <- x; ft <- f					# set to globally sampled point
							status[["minimized"]] <- FALSE
					} else ctls["maxeval","stop"] <- 1L 
				# stop main loop
				if(any(ctls[,"stop"] >= ctls[,"count"])) break;
				# simulate at new locations
				# new simulations, qsd$nsim is default
				newSim <-
						simQLdata(simFun, nsim=nsim, X=Snext$par, cl=cl, verbose=pl>0L),
						error = function(e) {
							msg <- .makeMessage("Simulating the model failed: ",conditionMessage(e))
					tracklist[[length(tracklist)]]$newSim <- newSim
					msg <- paste(c("Cannot simulate data at candidate point: \n\t ",
					  format(Snext$par, digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " ")

				# update QL
				qsd <-
				 if(status[["minimized"]] && locals$test &&
					!is.null(Stest) && !.isError(newObs)) {				
					  # `d`= sample point, `x` is a local minimum
					  updateQLmodel(qsd, rbind("d"=Snext$par,"x"=xt), 
							 fit=TRUE, cl=cl, verbose=pl>0L)					 
				 } else {
					  updateQLmodel(qsd, Snext$par, newSim,						 
							 fit=TRUE, cl=cl, verbose=pl>0L)
				# check results of kriging
					msg <- paste(c("Cannot update QL model at candidate point: \n\t ",
						     format(as.numeric(Snext$par), digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " ")				 			    
					e <- attr(qsd,"error")
					  msg <- c(msg, conditionMessage(e))
				Stest <- NULL
				# update X sample			
				X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])				
			}																				# end main loop
		}, error = function(e) {
			msg <- .makeMessage("Current iteration stopped unexpectedly: ",
					 "final" = S0,															# local results
				tracklist = tracklist,				
				optInfo = list("x0"=x0,
							   "last.global"=(status[["global"]] == 2L),
				class = c("qle","error"), call = sys.call(), error=e)	
		}, finally = {
		  if(noCluster) {
				message("Error in stopping cluster.")
		  	} else {
				cl <- NULL				
	) # end outer tryCatch	
	# stop on error 
 	# Last iteration was done at global phase, so try to minimize again
	# either from the last sample point since it this most local supposed to
	# small for high (global) weights or by a multistart approach.
 	if(status[["global"]] == 2L){
			# always include last sample point `x` as a starting point
			S0 <- multiSearch(x, qsd, method, qscore.opts, control,
					Sigma=Sigma, W=W, theta=theta, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm,
					 check=FALSE, pl=0L, nstart=globals$nstart,
					cl=cl, verbose=pl>0L)
				message("Could not complete multistart local search.")										
		} else {
			S0 <- searchMinimizer(x, qsd, method, qscore.opts, control,
					Sigma=Sigma, W=W, theta=theta, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm,
					 check=FALSE, pl=pl, verbose=pl>0L)
	   	# overwrite last sample point if local minimization was successful
		if(!.isError(S0) && S0$convergence >= 0L){					
			xt <- S0$par
			ft <- S0$value					 
			status[["minimized"]] <- TRUE					
		# store local minimization results as these are overwritten now
		# where `Snext` does not change anymore, however, add it
		tracklist <- c(tracklist,
        # show results (update) 
	## only for estimte theta=(xt,ft)	
	ctls["stopval",c(2,4)] <- c(ft,ft < ctls["stopval","cond"])	
	ctls["maxiter",c(2,4)] <- c(nglobal,nglobal >= maxIter)
	ctls["maxeval",c(2,4)] <- c(nglobal+nlocal, nglobal+nlocal >= maxEval)	

	# remove `nfail`, `nsucc`
	ctls <-
	 if(.isError(S0)) {
	   message("Last search results have errors. Please see list element `\"final\")`.")	   
	 } else {	  	
		val <- max(abs(S0$score))
		ctls <- rbind(ctls[1:8,-3],   												# remove `tmp` column
		    	as.data.frame(cbind("cond" = qscore.opts$score_tol,
			 				        "val" = val ,
									"stop" = as.integer(val < qscore.opts$score_tol),
									"count" = 1L),
		   		     row.names = ifelse(qsd$criterion == "qle","score","grad"),
	   			check.names = FALSE))							  	
    # names of active stopping conditions		
	arg.names <- row.names(ctls[which(ctls[,"stop"] >= ctls[,"count"]),])
			 "final" = S0,			 												# local results (NULL if `last.global` is TRUE)
			 "convergence"=(status[["minimized"]] && length(arg.names) > 0L)),	 	
		tracklist = tracklist,		
		optInfo = list("x0"=x0,
		 class = "qle", call = sys.call())  	

#' @name print.qle
#' @title print results of class \code{qle}
#' @description S3 method to print the results from \code{\link{qle}}.
#' @param x      object of class \code{qle} from \code{\link{qle}}
#' @param pl 	 numeric (positive) value, the print level (higher values give more information)
#' @param digits number of digits to display
#' @param ... 	 ignored, additional arguments
#' @rdname print.qle
#' @method print qle
#' @export 
print.qle <- function(x, pl = 2, digits = 5,...){	
	  stop(.makeMessage("Estimation result has errors.","\n"))	
	  stop("Method is only for objects of class `qle`.")
    if(!is.numeric(pl) || pl < 0L )
	  stop("Print level must be a positive numeric value.")
	if(pl > 0L) {
	  	if(x$qsd$criterion == "mahal")
		 cat("Mahalanobis distance: \n\n",x$value,"\n\n")
		 cat("Quasi-deviance: \n\n",x$value,"\n\n")
		print.default(formatC(signif(x$par, digits = digits), digits = digits, format="fg", flag="#"),
				print.gap = 4, quote = FALSE)
		if(pl > 1L) {			
			if(x$convergence >= 0L) {
				by <- x$ctls[x$why,"val"]
				names(by) <- x$why
				cat("Convergence: ")
				if("maxeval" %in% x$why)
				  cat("maximum evaluations reached.\n\n")
			    else cat("\n\n")
				print.default(formatC(by, format="e", digits=digits), right=FALSE, print.gap=2,
			} else cat("(None of convergence criteria matched.)\n\n")
  	if(pl > 1L) {
		nsim <- unlist(x$ctls["maxeval","val"])*attr(x,"optInfo")$nsim	
		cat("Evaluations: ",unlist(x$ctls["maxeval","val"])," (simulations: ",nsim,")\n\n")
		cat("Variance approximation type: ",x$qsd$var.type,"\n")	
	if(pl > 2L) {
		if(!.isError(x$final)) {
			cat("\n\n ***  Final results *** \n\n\n")			
		if(x$qsd$var.type != "kriging"){
			W <- attr(x,"optInfo")$W
			if(!is.null(W)) {
				cat("Weighting matrix: \n\n W = \n\n")

#' @name print.QSResult
#' @title print results of class \code{QSResult}
#' @description S3 method to print the results from \code{\link{qscoring}}.
#' @param x  		object of type \code{QSResult} from \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @param pl		numeric positive value, the print level (higher values give more information) 
#' @param digits 	number of digits to display
#' @param ... 	    ignored, additional arguments
#' @rdname print.QSResult
#' @method print QSResult
#' @export 
print.QSResult <- function(x, pl = 1, digits = 5,...) {	
	  stop(.makeMessage("Quasi-scoring iteration had errors.","\n"))
	  stop("Method is only for objects of class `QSResult`.")	
    if(!is.numeric(pl) || pl < 0L )
	 stop("Print level must be a positive numeric value.")
	cat(paste0("Local method:\n\n `",x$method,"`\n\n"))		
	cat("Start: \n\n")
	print.default(formatC(signif(x$start, digits = digits), digits = digits, format="fg", flag="#"),
			print.gap = 4, quote = FALSE)
	cat("Solution: \n\n")
	print.default(formatC(signif(x$par, digits = digits), digits = digits, format="fg", flag="#"),
			print.gap = 4, quote = FALSE)
	if(x$criterion == "qle")
    else cat("Mahalanobis-distance:\n\n",x$value,"\n\n")
	msg <- unlist(strsplit(paste(x$message, "\n" ),':'))
		if(x$criterion == "qle") {
		} else cat("Gradient:\n\n")
		print.default(formatC(signif(x$score, digits=8), digits=8, format="fg", flag="#"),
				print.gap = 4, quote = FALSE)				
	if(pl > 1L) {
		Sigma <- attr(x,"Sigma")		
		if(!is.null(Sigma)) {	
			cat("\nApproximation of variance matrix: \n\n Sigma = \n\n")

# Rejection sampling using `rmvnorm` to draw
# from the multivariate normal distribution and
# reject those samples which do not fall into the domain
.rejectSampling <- function(N, p, x, S, lb, ub, maxTry = 1e+6){
	doN <- N
	ntry <- 0L
	nMax <- 1e+8
	Y <- matrix(double(0L),ncol=length(x))
	colnames(Y) <- names(x)
	while(N > 0L){			  
		nNew <- ifelse (N/p > nMax, N, ceiling(max(N/p,100)))
		X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nNew, mean=x, sigma=S)		
		id <- apply(X,1,function(x) all(x>lb & x<ub))
		naccept <- sum(id)		
		if (naccept == 0L) {		  
		  if(ntry > maxTry) {
		  	warning(paste0("Maximum iterations reached in rejection sampling. Could not sample ",N," points."))
		  ntry <- ntry + 1L
		naccept <- min(naccept, N)		
		Y <- rbind(Y,X[which(id)[1:naccept],,drop = FALSE])		
		N <- N - naccept 
	return( structure(Y, success = NROW(Y) > 0.9*doN, ntry = ntry) )

#' @name nextLOCsample
#' @title Generate a random sample of points
#' @description Generate a random sample of points as a set of candidates for evaluation 
#' @param S			    variance matrix of sample points (usually chosen as the information matrix)
#' @param x			    an approximate root as the mean value if the MVN distribution
#' @param n				number of points to sample
#' @param lb			vector of lower bounds of the hypercube
#' @param ub			vector of upper bounds of the hypercube
#' @param pmin			minimum required probability to cover the hypercube (parameter space)
#' @param invert	    optional, \code{invert=FALSE} (default) for no inversion of `\code{S}`
#' @return Matrix of sampled locations.
#' @details The function generates a random sample of points with mean and variance given by `\code{x}`
#' 	 and `\code{S}`, respectively, according to a (truncated) multivariate normal distribution (using
#'   rejection sampling) to match the parameter space given by the lower and upper bound vectors. 	 
#' @examples
#'  X <- nextLOCsample(matrix(c(1,0,0,1),nr=2), c(0,0), 10, c(-0.5,-0.5), c(0.5,0.5))
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname nextLOCsample
#' @importFrom mvtnorm pmvnorm rmvnorm
#' @export
nextLOCsample <- function(S, x, n, lb, ub, pmin = 0.05, invert = FALSE) {
	  S <- try(gsiInv(S),silent=TRUE)
	if(.isError(S)) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Failed to invert matrix.")
	if(anyNA(S) || !is.matrix(S))
		warning("Variance matrix has `NaN` values. A matrix?")
	if( rcond(S) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
	  warning(" Variance matrix is nearly ill conditioned.")
	  if( (is.pos = .isPosDef(X)) != 0L )
		 return(.qleError(message=.makeMessage("Variance matrix not positive definite: ",is.pos),
				  call=match.call(), S=structure(S,is.pos=is.pos))) 
	# Akzeptanzrate p aus der Multivariaten Normalverteilung bestimmen	
	p <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower=lb, upper=ub, mean=x, sigma=S)
	if (p < pmin) {
	   msg <- .makeMessage(sprintf("Sampling local candidates is too inefficient (p=%.6f).", p))
	   return(.qleError(message=msg,call=match.call(),error=p) )
	# sampling
	X <- try(.rejectSampling(n, p, x, S, lb, ub),silent=TRUE)
	if(inherits(X,"try-error") || !attr(X,"success")) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Rejection sampling failed.")
	return ( structure(X, p = p) )			

#' @name qscoring
#' @title Quasi-scoring iteration
#' @description The function solves the quasi-score equation by a root finding algorithm similar to Fisher's scoring iteration.
#' @param qsd    	object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param x0		(named) numeric vector, the starting parameter
#' @param opts		quasi-scoring options, see details
#' @param Sigma	    a pre-specified variance matrix estimate
#' @param ...	    further arguments passed to function \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param inverted  currently ignored
#' @param check		logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param cvm		list of covariance models for cross-validation (see \code{\link{prefitCV}})
#' @param Iobs	    logical, \code{FALSE} default, whether to compute observed quasi-information matrix
#' @param pl	    numeric, print level, use \code{pl}>0 to give intermediate output  	
#' @param verbose   \code{FALSE} (default), otherwise print intermediate output
#' @return List of results of quasi-scoring iteration.
#'  \item{convergence}{ integer, why scoring iterations stopped}
#'  \item{message}{ string, corrsponding to `\code{convergence}`}
#'  \item{iter}{ number of iterations}
#'  \item{value}{ quasi-deviance value}
#'  \item{par}{ solution vector}
#'  \item{score}{ quasi-score vector}
#'  \item{I}{ quasi-information matrix}
#'  \item{start}{ starting point}
#'  \item{method}{ simply: "\code{qscoring}"}
#'  \item{criterion}{ equal to "\code{qle}"} 
#' @details The function implements a step-length controlled quasi-scoring iteration with simple bound
#'  constraints (see, e.g. [1,3]) specifically tailored for quasi-likelihood parameter estimation. Due to the typical
#'  nonconvex nature of the (unknown and not further specified) quasi-likelihood function as an objective
#'  function one needs some kind of globalization strategy in order to stabilize the descent step and to avoid a premature
#'  termination. Therfore, we use the quasi-deviance function as a monitor function (see vignette) though it does not
#'  inherit all of the appreciable properties of a true objective function such as among others, for example,
#'  identifying appropriate descent directions. However, these are general numerical obsticles in case of pure root
#'  finding algorithms and need to be addressed elsewhere. 
#'  \subsection{Quasi-scoring under uncertainty}{ 
#'  The quasi-scoring iteration covers both kinds of prediction variances, kriging-based and those by a CV approach, which account for
#'  the uncertainty induced by the quasi-score approximation model. By default kriging variances
#'  are included in the computation during all iterations. If fitted covariance models `\code{cvm}` are supplied by the user
#'  in advance (see \code{\link{prefitCV}}), the variances of prediction errors of each statistic are separately evaluated by the proposed CV
#'  approach for each new point. For the price of relatively high computational costs those prediction variances
#'  are intended to increase the robustness against false roots due to simulation and approximation errors of the quasi-score function.
#'  Opposed to this, the user also has the option to carry out a "pure version" of quasi-scoring without accounting for
#'  these errors. This can be set earlier as an option in \code{\link{QLmodel}}. See also \code{\link{covarTx}} and
#'  \code{\link{mahalDist}} for details on how to choose the variance matrix approximation of the statistics.
#'  }
#'  The following algorithmic options, which can be set by `\code{opts}`, are available:
#'  \itemize{
#'   	\item{\code{ftol_stop}:}{ minimum value of the quasi-deviance for stopping the scoring iteration}
#' 		\item{\code{ftol_abs}:}{ minimum value of the quasi-deviance which is used as a reference value for a local minimizer}
#' 		\item{\code{xtol_rel}, \code{ftol_rel}:}{ see \code{\link{qle}} }
#' 		\item{\code{grad_tol}:}{ upper bound on the quasi-score vector components,
#' 				 testing for a local minimum of the quasi-deviance in case of a line search failure}
#' 		\item{\code{score_tol}:}{ upper bound on the quasi-score vector components, testing for an approximate root}
#'      \item{\code{maxiter}:}{ maximum allowed number of iterations}
#' 		\item{\code{xscale}:}{ numeric, default is vector of 1, typical magnitudes of vector components of `\code{x0}`, e.g. order of upper bounds of the parameter space}
#'      \item{\code{fscale}:}{ numeric, default is vector of 1, typical magnitudes of quasi-score components}
#' 	    \item{\code{pl}:}{ print level (>=0), use \code{pl}=10 to print individual
#' 							 iterates and further values}
#'  } 
#' @examples 
#' data(normal)
#' QS <- qscoring(qsd,x0=c("mu"=3.5,"sigma"=0.5),
#'          opts=list("score_tol"=1e-4))
#' @seealso \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname qscoring
#' @export
qscoring <- function(qsd, x0, opts = list(), Sigma = NULL, ...,
			    	  inverted = FALSE, check = TRUE, cvm = NULL, 
				 	   Iobs = TRUE, pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE)
 	stopifnot(is.numeric(pl) && pl >= 0L )
	  stop("Quasi-scoring is only valid for criterion `qle`.")
    xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
  	X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])  		
	if(qsd$var.type != "kriging" && is.null(Sigma)){
		# Only mean covariance matrix is estimated here. 
		# Adding prediction variances (kriging/CV) at C level		
		if(qsd$var.type %in% c("wcholMean","wlogMean")){
			nms <- names(list(...))
			if(!all( c("W","theta") %in% nms))
			 message(paste0("Found `var.type`=\"",qsd$var.type, "\" but no weighting matrix `W` or estimate `theta` was supplied!."))		
		Sigma <- covarTx(qsd,...,cvm=cvm)[[1]]$VTX		
	# set quasi-scoring options
	opts <- .qsOpts(opts,xdim,pl)
	qlopts <- list("varType"=qsd$var.type,					  
	try(.Call(C_QSopt, x0, qsd, qlopts, X, Sigma, cvm, opts), silent=TRUE)	

## intern only
## Conduct next simulations,
## and update covariance models
updateQLmodel <- function(qsd, Xnew, newSim, fit = TRUE, cl = NULL, verbose = FALSE ){	
	 cat("Setup next data...\n")
	nextData <-
			error = function(e) {
				msg <- .makeMessage("Construction of quasi-likelihood data failed: ",
	# combine to new data and update
	  cat("Update covariance models...\n")	
mbaaske/qle documentation built on May 27, 2019, midnight