
#' Apply an exponent function if value beyond max threshold
#' This function adjusts the size of values in a numeric vector once value go
#' beyond a certain threshold. The adjustment is done by an exponential 
#' function with the default exponent 0.7. In the context of business tendency
#' surveys this function is often used to lower the influence of very large
#' companies when employment based weighting is used. 
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param weight input numeric vector
#' @param threshold input numeric giving the threshold beyond which exp function should be applied
#' @param exponent input numeric giving the exponent, typically below one as influence of big weights should be declined
#' @return numeric vector of capped weights
#' @example examples/capWeightExample.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{setSizeClass}}
capWeight <- function (weight, threshold = 500, exponent = 0.7) 
  runCapWeight <- function(n,threshold,exponent){
    ret <- n
    if (n > threshold) 
      ret <- threshold + (n - threshold)^exponent
  # vectorize this function
  res <- sapply(weight,runCapWeight,threshold=threshold,exponent=exponent)

#' Replace NA in categorical data
#' This functions replaces NA by the string 
#' subst. The function can easily be used within lapply strutctures.
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param x vector that possibly contains NAs
#' @param subst character string that contains substitution of NA.
#' @example examples/replaceNAExample.R
#' @return factor that contains a level denoted by 'subst' instead of NAs.
replaceNA <- function(x,subst){
  x <- as.character(x)
  x[is.na(x)]  <- subst
  x <- as.factor(x)

#' Set Size Class based on a Quantitative Variable
#' This function is used in survey based research to create 
#' size groups based on a quantitative variable like the number of employees. 
#' Users can specify multiple thresholds that may vary over groups. 
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param df data.frame that contains the basic dataset
#' @param thresholdList list of thresholds, list elements can be vectors if
#' different groups have different thresholds
#' @param sectorColumn character string indicating the column that specifies
#' the groups at across which thresholds could be different. Default is 'all' 
#' meaning all groups have the same thresholds.  
#' @param resultColumn character string containing the name of the resulting
#' column
#' @param size character string containing the name of the quantitative variable.

setSizeClass <- function(df,thresholdList,sectorColumn="all",resultColumn="sClass",
  mx <- max(df[,size])+1
  # all groups have the same size Class threshholds
  if(sectorColumn == "all"){
    df[,resultColumn] <- cut(df[,size],
    # sizeClass thresholds among different groups differ
  } else {
    # split data.frame by group to get n lists of dfs  
    df.split <- split(df,df[,sectorColumn])
    nms <- names(df.split)
    # cut it by breaks and add labels
    li <- lapply(nms,function(x){
    names(li) <- nms
    # output
    out <- lapply(nms,function(x) cbind(df.split[[x]],li[[x]]))
    out <- do.call("rbind",out)
    names(out)[ncol(out)] <- resultColumn

#' calculate the weighted share that corresponds to a particular category
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param dt input data.table with fixed keys
#' @param var input categorical (factor) variable of interest, is basically an additional varying key
#' @param sizeColumn input numeric vector denoting the weight, in BTS typically number of employees
#' @return data.table containing shares according to fixed and variable keys
#' @example examples/calcSharesExample.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{weighByMultiClasses},\link{data.table}} 
calcShares <- function (dt, var, sizeColumn) 
  v <- as.name(var)
  sizeColumn <- as.name(sizeColumn)
  dt[i = !(is.na(eval(v))), j = {
    n <- sum(.SD[, eval(sizeColumn)])
    n1 <- length(.SD[, eval(sizeColumn)])
    .SD[, list(sumTest = sum(eval(sizeColumn)), sumTestTotal = n, 
               AN = length(.SD[, eval(sizeColumn)]),ANTot = n1, share = sum(eval(sizeColumn))/n), 
        by = eval(as.character(v))]
  }, by = key(dt)]

#' Iterate calcShares over multiple groups
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param dt input data.table containing id,group and participant answer information
#' @param keyvector vector containing the categories to group by
#' @param variables vector of categorical variable, typically questions in survey
#' @param weight vector containing quantitative weights, typically number of employees
#' @return list of lists that contains results with groups
#' on the toplevel and variables on the level velow
#' @example examples/calcSharesExample.R 
#' @seealso \code{\link{capWeight},\link{calcShares},\link{burstList}}
weighByMultiClasses <- function (dtable, keyvector, variables, weight) 
  fxdkey <- key(dtable)
  resultList <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(keyvector)) {
    newtab <- dtable[!(is.na(dtable[, get(keyvector[i])])), 
    keys <- c(keyvector[i], fxdkey)
    setkeyv(newtab, keys)
    if (exists("mclapply")) {
      resultList[[i]] <- mclapply(variables, FUN = function(X) {
        do.call(calcShares, list(newtab, X, weight))
    else {
      resultList[[i]] <- lapply(variables, FUN = function(X) {
        do.call(calcShares, list(newtab, X, weight))
    names(resultList[[i]]) <- variables
  names(resultList) <- keyvector
#' draw random variables from a mixed distribution
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param n number of total draws from all distributions
#' @param li named list of random distribution functions that contains 
#' vectors of with corresponding function parameters
#' @param probs vector of drawing probabilities from different functions
#' which has to be the same length as list
#' @return vec vector of random variables 
#' @example examples/drawFromMixedExample.R
drawFromMixed <- function(n,li,p){
  stopifnot(length(li) == length(p))
  stopifnot(sum(p) == 1)
  distrShare <- sample(1:length(li),n,replace=T,prob=p)
  x <- table(distrShare)
  li <- mapply(c,li,x)
  res <- lapply(names(li),function(X) do.call(X,args=li[[X]]))
  names(res) <- names(li)

#' generate sample panel
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param n number of observations
#' @param q number of questions
#' @param freq character string indicating frequency,
#' can be "annually", "quarterly", "monthly". Supports fuzzy unabmigous strings.
#' @param start vector containing year,period
#' @param end vector containing year,period'
#' @param seed for reproducible random number generation
#' @param rng of the categorical scale default 1-3 
#' @param weight vector of weights, if of greater length than 
#' n, a sample of length n is drawn, default is set to 1 (equal weights)
#' @return data.frame that represents BTS typical data
#' @example examples/generateRandomExample.R
generateSamplePanel <- function(n,q,freq,start,end,seed=1,
  uid <- 1:n
    plength <- (end-start)+1
    uid <- rep(uid,plength)
    year <- rep(start:end,each=n)
    df <- cbind(uid,year)
    qmat <- as.data.frame(matrix(round(runif(n*q,
    df <- cbind(df,qmat)
    names(df)[-c(1,2)] <- paste("question",1:q,sep="_")   
  } else if(!is.na(pmatch(freq,"quarterly"))){
      stopifnot(length(start) == 2)
      stopifnot(length(end) == 2)
      plength <- ((end[1]-start[1])*4)+(end[2]-start[2])
      gr1 <- expand.grid(1:n,
      o <- order(gr1$Var2,gr1$Var3,gr1$Var1)
      gr2 <- gr1[o,]
      row.names(gr2) <- 1:nrow(gr2)
      fl <- as.numeric(row.names(gr2[gr2$Var2 == start[1] &
                                       gr2$Var3 == start[2],][1,]))
      ll <- as.numeric(row.names(gr2[gr2$Var2 == end[1] &
                                       gr2$Var3 == end[2],][n,]))
      gr2 <- gr2[fl:ll,]
      qmat <- as.data.frame(matrix(round(runif(nrow(gr2)*q,
      df <- cbind(gr2,qmat)
      names(df) <- c("uid","year","period",paste("question",1:q,sep="_"))
  } else if(!is.na(pmatch(freq,"monthly"))){
    stopifnot(length(start) == 2)
    stopifnot(length(end) == 2)
    gr1 <- expand.grid(1:n,
    o <- order(gr1$Var2,gr1$Var3,gr1$Var1)
    gr2 <- gr1[o,]
    row.names(gr2) <- 1:nrow(gr2)
    fl <- as.numeric(row.names(gr2[gr2$Var2 == start[1] &
                                     gr2$Var3 == start[2],][1,]))
    ll <- as.numeric(row.names(gr2[gr2$Var2 == end[1] &
                                     gr2$Var3 == end[2],][n,]))
    gr2 <- gr2[fl:ll,]
    qmat <- as.data.frame(matrix(round(runif(nrow(gr2)*q,
    df <- cbind(gr2,qmat)
    names(df) <- c("uid","year","period",paste("question",1:q,sep="_"))    
  if(length(weight) != 1){
    wtable <- as.data.frame(cbind(uid,sample(weight,n,replace=T)))
    names(wtable) <- c("uid","weight")
    df <- merge(df,wtable,by="uid")
  } else {
    df$weight <- weight

#' generateRandomGroups
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param n number of groups, ranges from 1-26 as groups are denoted by letters
#' @param uid vector of uid to assign random groups to
#' @return data.frame that can be merged with a dataset
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateSamplePanel}}
#' @example examples/generateRandomExample.R
generateRandomGroups <- function(n,uid,variables=LETTERS){
  grps <- variables[1:n]
  df <- data.frame(group=sample(grps,length(uid),replace=T),
                   uid = uid)

#' add random NAs to a data.frame
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param df input
#' @param protected are cols of the data.frames which need to be proteced from random NAs
#' @param number of NAs that should be introduced. 
#' @param seed for reproducible random number generation
#' @return data.frame that contains several random NAs within its questions
#' @example examples/generateRandomExample.R 
generateRandomNAs <- function(df,protected,numberOfNAs,seed){
    qmat <- as.matrix(df[,-protected])
  } else {
    qmat <- as.matrix(df[,match(protected,names(df))])
  n <- nrow(qmat)
  q <- ncol(qmat)
  stopifnot((n*q) > numberOfNAs)
  positions <- 1:(n*q)
  draw <- sample(positions,numberOfNAs,replace=F)
  qmat[draw] <- NA
  qmat <- as.data.frame(qmat)
  res <- cbind(df[,protected],qmat)

#' split list of results by factor
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param li list that should be splitted, typically a list of results generated by weighByMultiClasses
#' @param fac a factor to split by
#' @return a list of data.frames obtained by splitting
#' @seealso \code{\link{burstList}}
splitList <- function(li,fac){
  res <- lapply(li,function(x) split.data.frame(x,f=getElement(x,fac)))

#' burst a list into data.frames representing univariate time series
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param resultList list of results generated by weighByMultiClasses
#' @return list of data.frames, data.frames contain exactly one variable
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcShares},\link{weighByMultiClasses},
#' \link{splitList}}
#' @example examples/burstListExample.R
burstList <- function(resultList){
  n <- names(resultList)
  res <- lapply(n,function(x) splitList(resultList[[x]],fac=x))

#' linearize nested lists
#' This function un-nests a list and stores the result into a named list with 
#' all elements on the first depth level. The function is recursive and its 
#' input is only limited by the maximum nesting level R allows for. 
#' @author Akhil Behl <akhilsbehl@@gmail.com>, Matthias Bannert
#' <bannert@@kof.ethz.ch>
#' @param nList input nested List
#' @param linearizeDataFrames logical to indicate whether data.frames should be linearized too
#' @param nameSep character to seperate different list elements
#' @param forceNames logical to indicate whether original names should be removed and
#' sequential numbers should be used
#' @return a linear list whose names hold the information containing in the 
#' nesting of the input list
#' @references This function was originally created by Akhil Behl and was
#' only slightly modified by the author of this package.
#' The original code can be found on his website: 
#' https://sites.google.com/site/akhilsbehl/geekspace/articles/r/linearize_nested_lists_in_r
#' @example examples/linearizeNestedListExample.R
linearizeNestedList <- function (nList, linearizeDataFrames=FALSE,
                                 nameSep=".", forceNames=FALSE) {
  # some checks
  stopifnot(is.character(nameSep), length(nameSep) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.logical(linearizeDataFrames), length(linearizeDataFrames) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.logical(forceNames), length(forceNames) == 1)
  if (! is.list(nList)) return(nList)
  # If no names or forNames is TRUE on the top-level list coerce names.
  # Recursion shall handle naming at all levels.
  if (is.null(names(nList)) | forceNames == TRUE)
    names(nList) <- as.character(1:length(nList))
  # What to do if object is simply a data.frame 
  # a) just return it 
  if (is.data.frame(nList) & linearizeDataFrames == FALSE)
  # b) store it in list format, so it gets linearized 
  # like a list
  if (is.data.frame(nList) & linearizeDataFrames == TRUE)
  # Book-keeping code to employ a while loop.
  A <- 1
  B <- length(nList)
  # We use a while loop to deal with the fact that the length of the nested
  # list grows dynamically in the process of linearization.
  while (A <= B) {
    element <- nList[[A]]
    eName <- names(nList)[A]
    if (is.list(element)) {
      # Before and After to keep track of the status of the top-level trunk
      # below and above the current element.
      if (A == 1) {
        before <- NULL
      } else {
        before <- nList[1:(A - 1)]
      if (A == B) {
        after <- NULL
      } else {
        after <- nList[(A + 1):B]
      # data.frame handling
      if (is.data.frame(element)) {
        if (linearizeDataFrames == TRUE) {
          # `jump` takes care of how much the list shall grow in this step.
          jump <- length(element)
          nList[[A]] <- NULL
          # Generate or coerce names as need be.
          if (is.null(names(element)) | forceNames == TRUE)
            names(element) <- as.character(1:length(element))
          # Just throw back as list since dataframes have no nesting.
          element <- as.list(element)
          # Update names
          names(Element) <- paste(eName, names(element), sep=nameSep)
          # Plug the branch back into the top-level trunk.
          nList <- c(before, element, after)
        jump <- 1
        # else = it's not a data.frame!
      } else {
        nList[[A]] <- NULL
        # Go recursive! :)
        if (is.null(names(element)) | forceNames == TRUE)
          names(element) <- as.character(1:length(element))
        element <- linearizeNestedList(element, linearizeDataFrames,
                                       nameSep, forceNames)
        names(element) <- paste(eName, names(element), sep=nameSep)
        jump <- length(element)
        nList <- c(before, element, after)
      # else = element is not a list anymore 
    } else {
      jump <- 1
    # Update book-keeping variables.
    A <- A + jump
    B <- length(nList)

#' Add tskey attribute to every data.frame in a list of data.frames
#' This function appends an attribute named tskey to every data.frame in 
#' a given named list of data.frames. List names are used as
#' tskey values. This small function could also be integrated to 
#' the big linearize function
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param li named list of data.frames
#' @example examples/linearizeNestedListExample.R
for.setattr <- function(li,key="tskey"){
  for (i in seq_along(li)) 
    setattr(li[[i]], name = key, value = names(li[i]))
#' Turn Names Generated from the Aggregation Process into valid tskeys
#' This function is yet quite specific and works only with a list of 
#' timeseries storen in multiple separate date.frames. Currently the 
#' function has no example yet. 
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param nms character vector that typically contains the names of a
#'  list of data.frames
#'  @param country character country code
#'  @param provider character string to identify data provider in a country
#'  @param survey character string to identify the data
#'  @return character string containing a valid gateveys tskey
#'  @seealso \code{\link{for.setattr},\link{linearizeNestedList}}
checkKeys <- function(nms,country,provider,survey,li){
  nms <- names(li)
  rootChunk <- unlist(strsplit(nms,"\\.[0-9]"))
  items <- regexec("\\.[0-9]",nms)
  matches <- regmatches(nms,items)
  n <- nchar(matches)[1]
  items <- substr(unlist(matches),n,n)
  keys <- paste(paste(country,provider,survey,rootChunk,sep="."),

#' Count NAs 
#' This function counts NAs. It is designed to find NAs per column in survey based data. 
#' Best used when used with ldply. 
#' @author Matthias Bannert
#' @param x vector that potentially contains NAs
#' @return y line named row vector
#' @example examples/countNAsExample.R
countNAs <- function(x){
  y <- table(is.na(x))
  n <- as.character(deparse(substitute(x)))
  n <- strsplit(n,"\\$")[[1]][2]
  stopifnot(length(y) %in% c(1,2))
  if(length(y) == 1) {    
    nm <- names(y)
    y <- c(y,0)
    if (nm == "FALSE") {
      names(y) <- c("FALSE","TRUE")
      y <- t(y)
    else {names(y) <- c("TRUE","FALSE")
          y <- t(as.matrix(y))
          # make sure that FALSE is always first
          # this is important if you ldply this function!!
          y <- t(y[,c(2,1)])
    rownames(y) <- n
    y <- cbind(y,sum(y))    
    colnames(y)[3] <- "Total"
  if(length(y) == 2){        
    y <- t(as.matrix(y))
    y <- cbind(y,sum(y))
    rownames(y) <- n
    colnames(y)[3] <- "Total"
mbannert/gateveys documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:23 p.m.