
Defines functions estimate_performance

Documented in estimate_performance

#' Estimate psychometric parameters of an identification system given the observed scores
#'  of the identified students using bootstrapping to provide uncertainty estimates.
#' @return This function stimates the psychometric parameters of an identification system
#'  given the observed scores of the identified students. This function calculates statistics
#'  using the \code{\link{estimate_valid}} function with bootstrapping. The resulting
#'  nomination validity (\code{valid}) estimates are passed to the
#'  \code{\link{marginal_psychometrics}} function in order to calculate the implied
#'  performance statistics.
#'  At least 500 bootstrapped samples are suggested. This can take a while.
#' @param x Numeric vector of observed scores.
#' @param id.rate The proportion of students who have been identified. Range (0, 1). Must
#'  be less than or equal to \code{nom.rate}.
#' @param nom.rate The proportion of students who have been nominated. Range (0, 1). Used to
#'  calculate the nomination cutoff.
#' @param reps The number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param relyt Confirmatory test reliability coefficient. Range (0,1]. Must not be exactly 0.
#'  Used in the calculation of sensitivity. Defaults to 1, in which case the reported
#'  sensitivity is relative to a universal screening system and does not include sensitivity
#'  loss from imperfect test reliability. If <1, the test reliability is included in the
#'  sensitivity calculation.
#' @param pop.mean The known general population mean of the x. Defaults to 0.
#' @param pop.sd The known general population standard deviation of the x.
#'  Defaults to 1.
#' @param adjust Number that controls the amount of smoothing in the density
#'   estimation. Defaults to 1.0, which has been found to work well in simulation.
#' @param CI The confidence limit. Must be between 0 and 1. Defaults to .95.
#' @examples
#' # generate some data
#' set.seed(123)
#' x <- r_identified(
#'   n = 300, test.cutoff = .9, valid = .5,
#'   nom.cutoff = .9
#' )
#' # calculate the identification rate implied by the system parameters
#' id.rate <- marginal_psychometrics(
#'   test.cutoff = .9, valid = .5,
#'   nom.cutoff = .9
#' )$identification.rate
#' # calculate the nomination rate implied by the system parameters
#' nom.rate <- marginal_psychometrics(
#'   test.cutoff = .9, valid = .5,
#'   nom.cutoff = .9
#' )$nom.rate
#' # estimate the system parameters with 200 bootstrapped samples
#' #  this uses one CPU
#' a <- estimate_performance(
#'   x = x, id.rate = id.rate,
#'   nom.rate = nom.rate, reps = 200
#' )
#' a
#' # plot the results for each parameter
#' plot(a)
#' # plot with histograms
#' plot(a, type = "hist")
#' # the width argument controls the x-limits
#' plot(a, type = "hist", width = .0)
#' # for type="density", the bandwidth is adjustable
#' #  (default is 1.2, see ?density for details)
#' plot(a, type = "density", width = .05, adjust = .5)
#' plot(a, type = "density", width = .05, adjust = 1.5)
#' @export

estimate_performance <- function(x, id.rate, nom.rate, reps, relyt = 1, pop.mean = 0,
                                 pop.sd = 1, adjust = 1.0, CI = .95) {

  # remove any missing values in x and convert it to a vector
  x <- as.numeric(unlist(na.omit(x)))

  # standardize the scores wrt the population mean and sd
  x <- (x - pop.mean) / pop.sd

  a <- boot_estimate_valid(
    x = x, reps = reps, id.rate = id.rate,
    nom.rate = nom.rate, adjust = adjust

  a <- matrix(a, ncol = 1)
  # a contains the samples returned from boot

  a <- na.omit(a)

  # boundary estimates usually indicate convergence problems
  for (i in 1:length(a)) {
    if ((min(abs(a[i, ] - c(.999))) == 0) ||
      (min(abs(a[i, ] - c(.001))) == 0)) {
      a[i, ] <- NA

  test.cutoff <- pnorm(min(x))
  nom.cutoff <- 1 - nom.rate

  a <- na.omit(a)
  a <- matrix(c(
    rep(test.cutoff, times = length(a)),
    rep(relyt, times = length(a)),
    valid = a,
    rep(nom.cutoff, times = length(a))
  ), ncol = 4)

  # b contains the result of feeding the samples in a to the marginal_psychometrics
  #  function (calc sensitivity etc)
  b <- mapply(marginal_psychometrics,
    test.cutoff = test.cutoff, relyt = relyt,
    valid = a[, 3], nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff
  )[1:4, ] # drop estimated id.rate
  b <- matrix(unlist(b), nrow = nrow(a), ncol = 4, byrow = T)

  if (relyt != 1) {
    b[, 1] <- b[, 1] * marginal_psychometrics(test.cutoff, relyt = relyt)$sensitivity
    note <- "Sensitivity is achieved sensitivity accounting for test reliability."
  } else {
    note <- "Since the test reliability was not specified, the sensitivity value is interpreted as relative to universal screening. Achieved sensitivity is dependent on the test reliability."
  # summary[c(3,5,8,1,4),]
  nms <- c(
    "test.cutoff", "relyt", "valid", "nom.cutoff",
    "sensitivity", "IIR", "nom.rate", "nom.passrate"

  # object samples is a data frame containing all the sampled values
  samples <- data.frame(cbind(a, b))
  names(samples) <- nms

  # calculate the means, SEs, and CI boundaries
  means <- matrix(apply(samples, 2, mean, na.rm = T), ncol = 1)
  stderr <- matrix(apply(samples, 2, sd, na.rm = T), ncol = 1)
  CI_ll <- matrix(means + qnorm((1 - CI) / 2) * stderr, ncol = 1)
  CI_ul <- matrix(means + qnorm(1 - ((1 - CI) / 2)) * stderr, ncol = 1)

  # create the summary object for printing
  summary <- round(cbind(means, stderr, CI_ll, CI_ul), 5)
  summary <- data.frame(summary)
  row.names(summary) <- nms

  names(summary) <- c(
    "Estimate", "StdErr", paste0("CI.", CI * 100, ".lower"),
    paste0("CI.", CI * 100, ".upper")
  # fixed values should have NAs for stderr and CIs
  # id.rate is known and therefore fixed
  summary[c(1, 2, 4, 7), c(2:4)] <- NA

  # re-order the rows
  summary <- summary[c(3, 5, 8, 1, 4), ]

  if (reps < 500) {
    warning("A minimum of 500 reps is suggested for trustworthy standard errors and confidence intervals.")

  if (nrow(samples) < reps) {
    warning(paste0(reps - nrow(samples), " of ", reps, " bootstrapped estimates did not converge."))

  output <- list(samples = samples, summary = summary, note = note)
  class(output) <- c("est_performance", "list")
  # don't print the samples or the boot output
  attr(output, "hidden") <- c("samples")

mcbeem/giftedCalcs documentation built on May 3, 2022, 3:34 a.m.