
Defines functions nn.fhcrc nn lines.fhcrc plot.fhcrc predict.fhcrc print.fhcrc ICER.fhcrc print.summary.fhcrc summary.fhcrc callFhcrc .xtabsDFCheck

Documented in callFhcrc ICER.fhcrc lines.fhcrc nn plot.fhcrc predict.fhcrc print.fhcrc print.summary.fhcrc summary.fhcrc

#' prostata
#' @section Introduction:
#' The packages provides implementations of discrete event simulation in both R
#' and C++.
#' @section Background:
#' Prostata is a natural history model of prostate cancer model which extends
#' the model developed by Ruth Etzioni and colleagues at the
#' [[http://www.fredhutch.org][Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
#' (FHCRC)]]. This is a well validated prostate cancer natural history model
#' developed within the
#' [[http://cisnet.cancer.gov/prostate/profiles.html][Cancer Intervention and
#' Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET)]]. We here provide our extensions of
#' the model with extended states and finer calibration. The model is provided
#' as an R package, depending on our
#' [[https://github.com/mclements/microsimulation][microsimulation]] frame work.
#' We specifically developed this package for modelling the cost-effectiveness
#' of prostate cancer screening, where many (e.g. 10^7) men are followed from
#' birth to death.
#' @section Running the simulation:
#' There are a number of available testing scenarios. They determine testing
#' frequencies and re-testing intervals over calendar period and ages.
#' @docType package
#' @name prostata-package
#' @aliases prostata
#' @author Mark Clements \email{mark.clements@ki.se}
#' @references \url{https://github.com/mclements/prostata}
#' @references \url{https://github.com/mclements/microsimulation}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Rcpp}}
#' @useDynLib prostata, .registration=TRUE
#' @import microsimulation
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp compileAttributes
#' @importFrom utils packageName

if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    pkg <- packageName()
    ## http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/How-to-construct-a-valid-seed-for-l-Ecuyer-s-method-with-given-Random-seed-td4656340.html

    #' @param seed Random seed
    #' @keywords internal
    #' @importFrom microsimulation set.user.Random.seed
    set.user.Random.seed <- function (seed)

    #' @keywords internal
    #' @importFrom microsimulation next.user.Random.substream
    next.user.Random.substream <- function ()

    #' @keywords internal
    #' @importFrom microsimulation user.Random.seed
    user.Random.seed <- function()

#' @title Initial values for the FHCRC model
#' @description Initial values for the FHCRC model
#' @format A list
#' \describe{
#' @details Currently, see the R documentation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname FhcrcParameters
#' @export
FhcrcParameters <- list(
    Andreas = TRUE,               # version for Andreas's CEA paper
    ## panel=FALSE,
    startFullUptake = 1932.0,
    fullUptakePortion = 0.9,
    yearlyUptakeIncrease = 0.03,
    startUptakeMixture = 1945.0,
    endUptakeMixture = 1960.0,
    screeningIntroduced = 1995.0,
    shapeA = 3.8,
    scaleA = 15.0,
    shapeT = 2.16,
    scaleT = 11.7,
    tau2 = 0.0829, # log PSA measurement variance  - normal
    susceptible = 1.0, # portion susceptible
    g0=0.0005, # onset parameter
    g3p = exp(-6.73546100), # T3+ parameter
    gm = exp(-7.46200003), # metastatic parameter
    gc=0.0015, # clinical diagnosis parameter
    thetac=19.1334, # clinical diagnosis parameter after metastatic
    mubeta0=-1.609, # mean of beta0, where beta0 is the log PSA intercept at age 35 years
    sebeta0=0.2384, # SE of beta0
    mubeta1=0.04463, # mean of beta1, where beta1 is the log PSA slope prior to cancer onset
    sebeta1=0.0430, # SE of beta1
    mubeta2=c(0.0397,0.1678, 0.0), # base::grade: the gleason specific change in slope of log PSA after cancer onset
    sebeta2=c(0.0913,0.3968, 0.0), # base::grade: variance of beta2
    rev_mubeta2=c(0.051, 0.129, 0.1678), # ext::grade: same as above for extended gleason grade (6-, 7, 8+)
    rev_sebeta2=c(0.064, 0.087, 0.3968), # ext::grade
    alpha7 = log(0.2), # log of the proportion gleason 7 at age 35
    beta7 = 0.06840404, # slope of log proportion of gleason 7
    alpha8 = log(0.002), # log of the proportion of gleason 8+ at age 35
    beta8 = 0.19894431, # slope of log proportion of gleason 8+
    RR_T3plus=2.0, # prostate cancer mortality rate ratio comparing T3+ with T1-T2, add lit reference
    ## mubeta2.scale=1.0, # cf. 2.1
    ## beta.rho=0.62,
    c_txlt_interaction = 1.0, # treatment lead time interaction, default to no effect
    c_baseline_specific = 1.0, # scale factor on survival, default to no effect
    c_benefit_value0 = 10, # (value -> reduction): 0.04 -> 10%; 0.18 -> 20%; 10 -> 28%, generalised stage-shift parameter
    sxbenefit = 1.0, # hazard rate ratio for screening benefit, defaults to no effect
    c_benefit_type = 0, # 0=stage-shift (=> c_benefit_value0=10), 1=lead-time based (=> c_benefit_value1=0.1)
    c_benefit_value1 = 0.1, # approximate increase in cure for each year of lead-time, used for the lead-time based screening effect
    RP_mortHR = 0.56, # mortality hazard ratio for surgery over watchful-waiting from SPCG-4 Bill-Axelson 2014
    screeningParticipation = 0.75, # probability of actually having the first PSA test
    rescreeningParticipation = 0.95, # probability of actually having the re-screening PSA tests
    biopsyCompliance = 0.856, # Formal biopsy compliance, Schroder ERSPC 2014
    biopsySensitivityTimeProportionT1T2 = 0.5314886, # time portion when T1-T2 cancers are sensitivity to biopsies (expit from calibration). The remaining part, starting at onset, is not detectable.
    studyParticipation = 50.0/260.0, # observed fraction of population who participated in STHLM3 study
    nLifeHistories = 10L, screen = 0L, ## integers
    psaThreshold = 3.0,
    psaThresholdBiopsyFollowUp = 4.0, # revised PSA threshold for negative follow-up screen
    biomarker_model = 1, # biomarker_model = 0 random, biomarker_model = 1 psa/risk based correction of FP
    PSA_FP_threshold_nCa=4.21, # reduce FP in no cancers with PSA threshold
    PSA_FP_threshold_GG6=3.76, # reduce FP in GG 6 with PSA threshold
    PSA_FP_threshold_GG7plus=3, # reduce FP in GG >= 7 with PSA threshold
    panelReflexThreshold = 1.0,
    ## Natural history calibration
    stockholmTreatment = TRUE,
    discountRate.effectiveness = 0.03,
    discountRate.costs = 0.03,
    full_report = 1.0,
    formal_costs = 0.0,
    formal_compliance = 0.0,
    start_screening = 50.0, # start of organised screening
    stop_screening = 70.0,  # end of organised screening
    screening_interval = 2.0, # screening interval for regular_screening and introduced_screening*
    screening_interval1 = 2.0, # screening interval for grs_stratified_age for first age group
    screening_interval2 = 4.0, # screening interval for grs_stratified_age for second age group
    screening_interval_split = 60.0, # age to split screening interval for grs_stratified_age
    introduction_year = 2015.0, # year to start organised screening for introduced_screening*  & cancel the opportunistic testing under stopped_screening
    risk_psa_threshold=1, # PSA threshold for risk-stratified screening
    risk_lower_interval=8, # re-screening interval for lower risk
    risk_upper_interval=4, # re-screening interval for higher risk
    mu0=c(0.00219, 0.000304, 5.2e-05, 0.000139, 0.000141, 3.6e-05, 7.3e-05,
          0.000129, 3.8e-05, 0.000137, 6e-05, 8.1e-05, 6.1e-05, 0.00012,
          0.000117, 0.000183, 0.000185, 0.000397, 0.000394, 0.000585, 0.000448,
          0.000696, 0.000611, 0.000708, 0.000659, 0.000643, 0.000654, 0.000651,
          0.000687, 0.000637, 0.00063, 0.000892, 0.000543, 0.00058, 0.00077,
          0.000702, 0.000768, 0.000664, 0.000787, 0.00081, 0.000991, 9e-04,
          0.000933, 0.001229, 0.001633, 0.001396, 0.001673, 0.001926, 0.002217,
          0.002562, 0.002648, 0.002949, 0.002729, 0.003415, 0.003694, 0.004491,
          0.00506, 0.004568, 0.006163, 0.006988, 0.006744, 0.00765, 0.007914,
          0.009153, 0.010231, 0.011971, 0.013092, 0.013839, 0.015995, 0.017693,
          0.018548, 0.020708, 0.022404, 0.02572, 0.028039, 0.031564, 0.038182,
          0.042057, 0.047361, 0.05315, 0.058238, 0.062619, 0.074934, 0.089776,
          0.099887, 0.112347, 0.125351, 0.143077, 0.153189, 0.179702, 0.198436,
          0.240339, 0.256215, 0.275103, 0.314157, 0.345252, 0.359275, 0.41768,
          0.430279, 0.463636, 0.491275, 0.549738, 0.354545, 0.553846, 0.461538,
    hr_locoregional = transform(expand.grid(age=c(50,60,70), ext_grade=0:2,
                                hr = c(0.2640235, 0.5107137,
                                       1.0917129, 1.9397446,
                                       1.6671078, 1.9372717,
                                       1.7998275, 1.0379953,
                                       1.7205986, 0.8606931,
                                       0.8966157, 1.1941040,
                                       3.6151038, 2.9625742 ,
                                       2.1622938, 1.0185837,
                                       0.9337168, 0.8849155)),
    hr_metastatic = data.frame(age = c(50, 60, 70),
                               hr = c(0.893, 0.779, 0.698)),
    biopsy_sensitivity = data.frame(Year = c(1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992,
                                             1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,
                                             1999, 2000),
                                    Sensitivity = c(0.502, 0.574, 0.642, 0.702,
                                                    0.749, 0.782, 0.803, 0.814,
                                                    0.821, 0.830, 0.844, 0.866,
                                                    0.894, 0.925)),
    rand_biopsy_sensitivityG6 = 1.0,
    neg_biopsy_to_psa=structure(list(age = c(50, 60, 70, 80),
                                     meanlog = c(-0.314249298970759, -0.36332284250614,
                                                 -0.333753007363153, -0.175063351183678),
                                     sdlog = c(0.996188493950768, 0.974965602213158,
                                               1.0490009138328, 1.23085968935057)),
                                .Names = c("age", "meanlog", "sdlog"),
                                row.names = c(NA, -4L),
                                class = "data.frame"),
    neg_biopsy_to_biopsy = structure(list(age = c(50, 60, 70, 80),
                                          meanlog = c(3.05337156798731, 2.65573907207411,
                                                      1.78297474442106, 1.11581637027693),
                                          sdlog = c(2.41326118058954, 2.3225660366395,
                                                    1.86615343381663, 2.04687048711335)),
                                     .Names = c("age", "meanlog", "sdlog"),
                                     row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame"),
    cure_m_CM_to_RP = structure(list(age = c(50, 60, 70, 80),
                                     pnever = c(0.485026452157334, 0.605786246502961,
                                                0.922871191840356, 0.999745963308522),
                                     meanlog = c(1.14257205575071, 1.04021691430639,
                                                 0.519760988362341, 4.35555555555556),
                                     sdlog = c(0.758280639791713, 0.875661155361679,
                                               0.782118228501619, 0.255901426097166)),
                                .Names = c("age", "pnever", "meanlog", "sdlog"),
                                row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame"),
    cure_m_CM_to_RT =structure(list(age = c(50, 60, 70, 80),
                                    pnever = c(0.60082830813107,
                                    meanlog = c(3.14746283053335,
                                    sdlog = c(2.0453909799028,
                               .Names = c("age", "pnever", "meanlog", "sdlog"),
                               row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame"),
    currency_rate = 0.750/9.077, # PPP EU19@2017/Swe@2016 https://data.oecd.org/conversion/purchasing-power-parities-ppp.htm

    ## Should we add cost and dis-utilities for using test characteristics based on prostate volume 7% from supplement

    ## Swedish governmental report on organised PSA testing (p.22):
    ## https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/SiteCollectionDocuments/2018-2-13-halsoekonomisk-analys.pdf
    ## Based on the Swedish south region 2017:
    ## http://sodrasjukvardsregionen.se/avtal-priser/regionala-priser-och-ersattningar-foregaende-ar/
    ## S3M cost from Karolinska University Laboratory (KUL):
    ## https://www.karolinska.se/KUL/Alla-anvisningar/Anvisning/10245
    cost_parameters = c("Invitation" = 7                          # Invitation letter
                        + 7,                                      # Results letter
                        "Formal PSA" = 349                        # test sampling, primary care
                        + 45                                      # PSA analysis
                        + 0 * 1539,                               # No GP primary care
                        "Formal panel" =  349                     # test sampling, primary care
                        + 45                                      # PSA analysis not included in panel price
                        + 2300                                    # From KUL price list
                        + 0 * 1539,                               # No GP for formal
                        "Opportunistic PSA" = 349                 # test sampling, primary care
                        + 45                                      # PSA analysis
                        + 0.2 * 1539,                             # GP primary care
                        "Opportunistic panel" =  349              # test sampling, primary care
                        + 45                                      # PSA analysis not included in panel price
                        + 2300                                    # From KUL price list
                        + 0.2 * 1539,                             # GP primary care
                        "Biopsy" = 4733,                          # Biopsy cost
                        "Assessment" = 1794,                      # Urology assessment
                        "Prostatectomy" = 80000                   # Surgery
                        + 100000 * 0.25                           # Radiation therapy
                        + 1794 * 2                                # Urology visit
                        + 1205 * 2,                               # Nurse visit
                        "Radiation therapy" = 100000              # Radiation therapy
                        + 1794 * 2                                # Urology visit
                        + 1205 * 2,                               # Nurse visit
                        "Active surveillance - yearly" = 1794     # Urology visit
                        + 45 * 2                                  # PSA analysis
                        + 4733 * 0.5,                             # Biopsy
                        "Active surveillance - single MR" = 3090, # Used once for active surveillance
                        "Post-Tx follow-up - yearly" = 349        # PSA test sampling
                        + 45                                      # PSA analysis,
                        + 474,                                    # Telefollow-up by urologist
                        "Cancer death" = 100160 * 3               # Care for spread disease
                        + 68000 * 3,                              # Drugs for spread disease
                        "Polygenic risk stratification" = 250*12, # Callender et al (2021) with exchange rate of approximately 12
                        "Opportunistic DRE" = 349                 # DRE procedure in primary care
                        + 0.2 * 1539),                            # part of primary care visit

    ## Swedish governmental report on organised PSA testing (p.23):
    ## https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/SiteCollectionDocuments/2018-2-13-halsoekonomisk-analys.pdf
    production = data.frame(ages = c(0, 54, 64, 74),
                                rbind(0.878, 0.756, 0.158, 0), # employment portion, full time
                                function(empl) empl
                                * 30.7/40                      # average working hours
                                * 32800*12                     # average salary
                                * 1.485)),                     # including non-optional social fees
    lost_production_years= c("Formal PSA"=2/24/365.25,
                             "Formal panel"=2/24/365.25,
                             "Opportunistic PSA"=2/24/365.25,
                             "Opportunistic panel"=2/24/365.25,
                             "Assessment"=2/24/365.25,         # Urology assessment
                             "Radiation therapy"=8/52,
                             "Active surveillance - yearly"=
                                 1 * 2/24/365.25               # Urology assessment
                             + 2 * 2/24/365.25                 # PSA tests
                             + 0.5 * 2/24/365.25,              # Biopsy
                             "Metastatic cancer"=6/12,
                             "Terminal illness" = 6/12),        # NOTE: potentially add follow-up Tx production losses

    ## Heijnsdijk 2012
    utility_estimates = c("Invitation" = 1,
                          "Formal PSA" = 0.99,
                          "Formal panel" = 0.99,
                          "Opportunistic PSA" = 0.99,
                          "Opportunistic panel" = 0.99,
                          "Biopsy" = 0.90,
                          "Cancer diagnosis" = 0.80,
                          "Prostatectomy part 1" = 0.67,
                          "Prostatectomy part 2" = 0.77,
                          "Radiation therapy part 1" = 0.73,
                          "Radiation therapy part 2" = 0.78,
                          "Active surveillance" = 0.97,
                          "Postrecovery period" = 0.95,
                          "Palliative therapy" = 0.60,
                          "Terminal illness" = 0.40,
                          "Death" = 0.00),
    ## Utility duration is given in years.
    utility_duration = c("Invitation" = 0.0,
                         "Formal PSA" = 1/52,
                         "Formal panel" = 1/52,
                         "Opportunistic PSA" = 1/52,
                         "Opportunistic panel" = 1/52,
                         "Biopsy" = 3/52,
                         "Cancer diagnosis" = 1/12,
                         "Prostatectomy part 1" = 2/12,
                         "Prostatectomy part 2" = 10/12,
                         "Radiation therapy part 1" = 2/12,
                         "Radiation therapy part 2" = 10/12,
                         "Active surveillance" = 7,
                         "Postrecovery period" = 9,
                         "Palliative therapy" = 30/12,
                         "Terminal illness" = 6/12),
    utility_truncate = TRUE, # should utilities be truncated at zero?
    utility_scales = c("UtilityAdditive"=0,"UtilityMultiplicative"=1,"UtilityMinimum"=2), # encoding for the utility scales
    utility_scale = as.double(1), # default scale = UtilityMultiplicative
    includeEventHistories = TRUE,
    includePSArecords = FALSE,
    includeBxrecords = FALSE,
    includeDiagnoses = FALSE,
    MRI_screen = FALSE,           # defines whether MRI pathway is used for screen-positive patients
    MRI_clinical = FALSE,         # defines whether MRI pathway is used for clinically detected cancers
    MRInegSBx=FALSE,              # No SBx for MRI- (by default)
    rescreenDoubleNeg = FALSE,    # defines whether MRI-/Bx- men should move to rescreening (cf. repeat PSA and Bx within ~12 months)
    indiv_reports = FALSE,        # should the cost and standard reports include individual values?
    startReportAge = 0.0,          # Age to start reporting (currently only means_utilities and means_costs)
    weibull_onset = FALSE,        # flag to use Weibull-distributed onset
    weibull_onset_shape = 2,      # shape; values (0,Inf)
    weibull_onset_scale= 40,      # scale; values (0,Inf)
    frailty = FALSE,              # assume a frailty distribution on the onset distribution?
    grs_variance = 0.68,          # Callender et al (2019)
    other_variance = 1.14,        # total variance = 1.82 from Kicinski et al (2011; https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0027130)
    grs_risk_threshold = 0.04     # ten-year risk threshold for GRS-based risk stratified screening
IHE <- list(prtx=data.frame(Age=50.0,DxY=1973.0,G=1:2,CM=0.6,RP=0.26,RT=0.14)) ## assumed constant across ages and periods
ParameterNV <- FhcrcParameters[sapply(FhcrcParameters,class)=="numeric" & sapply(FhcrcParameters,length)==1]
## ParameterIV <- FhcrcParameters[sapply(FhcrcParameters,class)=="integer" & sapply(FhcrcParameters,length)==1]

#' @format A data frame with 15 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{psa}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{age}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{compliance}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname Sweden
#' @export
swedenOpportunisticBiopsyCompliance <- data.frame(
    psa = c(3, 5, 10, 3, 5, 10, 3, 5, 10, 3, 5, 10, 3, 5, 10),
    age = c(40, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 60, 70, 70, 70, 80, 80, 80),
    compliance = c(0.3764045, 0.5680751, 0.7727273, 0.3110770, 0.5726548, 0.7537372, 0.2385155, 0.4814588, 0.6929770, 0.1754264, 0.3685056, 0.5602030, 0.1629213, 0.2697368, 0.5010052))

#' @format A data frame with 15 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{psa}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{age}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{compliance}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname Sweden
#' @export
swedenFormalBiopsyCompliance <- cbind(expand.grid(psa=c(3,5,10),age=seq(40,80,10)),
#' @format A data frame with 24 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{DxY}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Age}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{G}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{CM}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{RP}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{RT}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname Sweden
#' @export
stockholmTreatment <-

secularTrendTreatment2008OR <-

#' @format A data frame with 52 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{age5}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{total_cat}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{shape}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{cure}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{scale}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname Sweden
#' @export
rescreening <- data.frame(age5 = c(30, 30, 30, 30, 35, 35, 35, 35, 40, 40,
                                   40, 40, 45, 45, 45, 45, 50, 50, 50, 50, 55, 55, 55, 55, 60, 60,
                                   60, 60, 65, 65, 65, 65, 70, 70, 70, 70, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80, 80,
                                   80, 80, 85, 85, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90), total_cat = c(0, 1,
                                                                                          3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0,
                                                                                          1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10,
                                                                                          0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10, 0, 1, 3, 10),
                          shape = c(1.04293463521838,
                                    0.825156738737092, 0.899003822110993, 0.589358680965725, 1.05948319345651,
                                    0.895913335495644, 0.84619233996788, 0.636706369588122, 1.16028493785731,
                                    0.97919993225436, 0.68848363112076, 0.667566641635962, 1.25727757690268,
                                    1.11021543939268, 0.717059585208267, 0.724574127291869, 1.3247305288869,
                                    1.18510576695807, 0.858171614262325, 0.749998577524088, 1.3340371479645,
                                    1.20792880820659, 0.920717960779785, 0.852052206426261, 1.32268361303857,
                                    1.24450960892428, 0.988946105418831, 0.919376727690091, 1.31156083562523,
                                    1.26972967056357, 1.03454490825271, 0.954911145157684, 1.27126976718353,
                                    1.26045834296745, 1.06684366805728, 0.968088650561122, 1.18494141305856,
                                    1.20593215449012, 1.05998296831204, 0.989315997334925, 1.12395322065035,
                                    1.13733607943079, 1.04483735235382, 0.988385269358649, 1.1220716456468,
                                    1.09128664878198, 1.01326552242001, 0.948730052972523, 1.08315738475919,
                                    1.09407460180658, 1.05197207574662, 0.978397483932468),
                          cure = c(0.585284664126963,
                                   0.545117838495959, 0.402804166722055, 0.14283955595853, 0.398430641565923,
                                   0.327274451509188, 0.148468826128857, 0.00333583482942569, 0.257384245965907,
                                   0.208165119313289, 0.157385208407254, 0.0696401481749125, 0.166635358789789,
                                   0.133819199845029, 0.0610524867384188, 0.0535645284203467, 0.134003946557746,
                                   0.114600739520109, 0.0537234127141967, 0.0308512461181499, 0.104553332825899,
                                   0.0862550079726627, 0.0399447271614142, 0.0259518317972345, 0.10432761596883,
                                   0.0823122881511086, 0.0355479853523502, 0.0190476453614591, 0.103738700348739,
                                   0.0816458941897609, 0.0412696810847696, 0.0319927106467962, 0.108815314898247,
                                   0.0867189417281315, 0.0472560235806836, 0.0300347697835532, 0.124252895869383,
                                   0.111313062025094, 0.0675699701502124, 0.0373036736422192, 0.15590486866906,
                                   0.153015363026187, 0.0974421665330981, 0.0563274705516883, 0.228204960789236,
                                   0.2051853623161, 0.169506663277659, 0.0887344403643672, 0.334252927026757,
                                   0.295865002768107, 0.24644310712191, 0.151125704749819),
                          scale = c(3.33440594470802,
                                    3.56052439703143, 0.247924244305486, 0.150095610340916, 4.05027295845979,
                                    3.78800058764034, 0.35102275649495, 0.486681740716857, 3.62361340129802,
                                    3.48003996256557, 0.661105185961319, 0.247063080430436, 2.80272048406229,
                                    2.6202749242671, 0.764421647692264, 0.268131101357167, 2.29273349177322,
                                    2.11664063949949, 0.749125964202465, 0.417294230771058, 2.06795900869592,
                                    1.80352742984593, 0.78399749774511, 0.451625737966194, 1.82650979495336,
                                    1.62873839529095, 0.806784448546511, 0.478644431229979, 1.61927028533258,
                                    1.46189762327418, 0.810126410765397, 0.500531738601558, 1.53243134315106,
                                    1.42674067036488, 0.869134221688119, 0.569591312385404, 1.44388696689722,
                                    1.41174931932889, 0.938154963786188, 0.631891327069348, 1.47052388447475,
                                    1.4543783566239, 1.01084363142901, 0.644940081254986, 1.29365253055963,
                                    1.4079170674224, 1.03720449704243, 0.643101192871478, 1.08541958643012,
                                    1.29524623033074, 1.02176143186057, 0.673175882772333))
#' @format A data frame with 136 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cohort}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{pop}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname Sweden
#' @export
pop1 <- data.frame(cohort=as.double(2035:1900),
                   pop=c(rep(17239,32), 16854, 16085, 15504, 15604, 16381, 16705,
                         16762, 16853, 15487, 14623, 14066, 13568, 13361, 13161, 13234,
                         13088, 12472, 12142, 12062, 12078, 11426, 12027, 11963, 12435,
                         12955, 13013, 13125, 13065, 12249, 11103, 9637, 9009, 8828,
                         8350, 7677, 7444, 7175, 6582, 6573, 6691, 6651, 6641, 6268,
                         6691, 6511, 6857, 7304, 7308, 7859, 7277, 8323, 8561, 7173,
                         6942, 7128, 6819, 5037, 6798, rep(6567,46)))
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cohort}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{pop}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{screened}}{double Number screened at baseline}
#'   \item{\code{pscreened}}{double Probability of being screened at baseline}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname cap
#' @export
cap_study <- data.frame(cohort=c(1955,1950,1945,1940),
                        pop=c(55229, 55077,44057,35023),
cap_study <- transform(cap_study, pscreened=screened/pop)
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cohort}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{pop}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname cap
#' @export
cap_control <- data.frame(cohort=c(1955,1950,1945,1940),

#' @title background_utilities
#' @description Swedish background utilities from Burstrom and Rehnberg (2006)
#' @format A data frame with 14 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{lower}}{double lower age}
#'   \item{\code{lower}}{double upper age}
#'   \item{\code{utility}}{double background utility value}
#' @details http://libris.kb.se/bib/10708053?vw=short
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  background_utilities
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname background_utilities
#' @export
background_utilities <-
    data.frame(lower=c(0, 18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
               upper=c(18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 1.0e55),
               utility=c(1, 0.89, 0.89, 0.88, 0.87, 0.84, 0.84, 0.83, 0.83, 0.82, 0.83, 0.81,
                         0.79, 0.74))
#' @title Population for the STHLM3-MRI MRI arm
#' @description Birth cohorts for the study, assuming 2019.5 is the middle of the study
#' @format A data frame with 30 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cohort}}{birt cohort}
#'   \item{\code{pop}}{population count}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  background_utilities
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname STHLM3
#' @export
sthlm3_mri_arm <- data.frame(cohort = 2019 - 45:74,
                             pop = c(1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 20, 28, 23,
                                     34, 44, 37, 48, 58, 59, 60, 71, 60, 71, 79, 76, 71, 79, 91, 95,
                                     77, 83, 54))

#' @title List tables for the simulation
#' \strong{all_cause_mortality}
#' @format A data frame with 12120 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{BirthCohort}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Age}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{AnnualMortality}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Survival}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{biopsy_frequency}
#' @format A data frame with 3 rows and 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{PSA.beg}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{PSA.end}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{X55.59}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{X60.64}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{X65.69}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{X70.74}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{X75.79}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{biopsy_sensitivity}
#' @format A data frame with 14 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Year}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Sensitivity}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{neg_biopsy_to_psa}
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables. Describing the
#'     time to the next PSA test following a negative biopsy. Modelled
#'     as a competing risk with a biopsy. Informed by the Stockholm
#'     PSA and Biopsy Register (SPBR).:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{age}}{integer with age groups}
#'   \item{\code{meanlog}}{double for the mean of a log-normal time to
#'   a PSA test following a negative biopsy.}
#'   \item{\code{sdlog}}{double for the standard deviation of a
#'   log-normal.}
#' }
#' \strong{neg_biopsy_to_biopsy}
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables. Describing the
#'     time to the next biopsy following a negative biopsy. Modelled
#'     as a competing risk with a PSA test. Informed by the Stockholm
#'     PSA and Biopsy Register (SPBR).:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{age}}{integer with age groups}
#'   \item{\code{meanlog}}{double describing the mean of a log-normal}
#'   \item{\code{sdlog}}{double describing the standard deviation of a
#'   log-normal}
#' }
#' \strong{cure_m_CM_to_RP}
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 4 variables. Cure model giving
#'     the probability of not having a radical prostatectomy following
#'     assignment to conservative management (active surveillance &
#'     watchfull waiting). Log-normal distribution of the time to
#'     radical prostatectomy for those that do have that. A future
#'     extension would be to model active surveillance and watchfull
#'     waiting separately:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{age}}{double with age groups}
#' \item{\code{pnever}}{double probability of not having a radical
#' prostatectomy}
#' \item{\code{meanlog}}{double mean of log-normal time to radical
#' prostatectomy}
#' \item{\code{sdlog}}{double standard deviation of log-normal time to
#' radical prostatectomy}
#' }
#' \strong{cure_m_CM_to_RT}
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 4 variables. Cure model giving
#'     the probability of not having a radiation therapy following
#'     assignment to conservative management (active surveillance &
#'     watchfull waiting). Log-normal distribution of the time to
#'     radiation therapy for those that do have that. A future
#'     extension would be to model active surveillance and watchfull
#'     waiting separately:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{age}}{double with age groups}
#' \item{\code{pnever}}{double probability of not having a radical
#' prostatectomy}
#' \item{\code{meanlog}}{double mean of log-normal time to
#' radiation therapy}
#' \item{\code{sdlog}}{double standard deviation of log-normal time to
#' radiation therapy}
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables. Describing the
#'     time to the next biopsy following a negative biopsy. Modelled
#'     as a competing risk with a PSA test. Informed by the Stockholm
#'     PSA and Biopsy Register (SPBR).:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{age}}{integer with age groups}
#'   \item{\code{meanlog}}{double describing the mean of a log-normal}
#'   \item{\code{sdlog}}{double describing the standard deviation of a
#'   log-normal}
#' }
#' \strong{dre}
#' @format A data frame with 4 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{psa.low}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{psa.high}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{sensitivity}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{specificity}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{prob_grade7}
#' @format A data frame with 51 rows and 2 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{slope}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Pr.grade.7.}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{pradt}
#' @format A data frame with 8208 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Tx}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Age}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{DxY}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Grade}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{NoADT}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{ADT}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{prtx}
#' @format A data frame with 2664 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Age}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{DxY}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{G}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{CM}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{RP}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{RT}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{survival_dist}
#' @format A data frame with 42 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Grade}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Time}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Survival}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{survival_local}
#' @format A data frame with 294 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{AgeLow}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{AgeHigh}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Grade}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Time}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Survival}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' \strong{prob_earlystage}
#' @format A data frame with 84 rows and 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{BeginAge}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{EndAge}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{BeginPSA}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{EndPSA}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Grade}}{integer COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{Prob}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}

fhcrcData$biopsyOpportunisticComplianceTable <- swedenOpportunisticBiopsyCompliance
fhcrcData$biopsyFormalComplianceTable <- swedenFormalBiopsyCompliance
fhcrcData$secularTrendTreatment2008OR <- secularTrendTreatment2008OR
## https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/Lists/Artikelkatalog/Attachments/20008/2015-12-26.pdf
fhcrcData$background_utilities <- background_utilities
## fhcrcData$uk_screen_uptake <-
##     data.frame(age = as.double(44:76),
##                H = c(0, 0.00279457395690957, 0.0111782958276383,
##                      0.0251511656121861, 0.0447131833105531, 0.0698643489227393, 0.098027986598169,
##                      0.126627420486267, 0.155662650587033, 0.185133676900467, 0.215040499426569,
##                      0.247663838926632, 0.285284416161949, 0.32790223113252, 0.375517283838344,
##                      0.428129574279422, 0.483488769981715, 0.539344538471183, 0.595696879747827,
##                      0.652545793811647, 0.709891280662642, 0.769265269782334, 0.832199690652243,
##                      0.89869454327237, 0.968749827642714, 1.04236554376328, 1.11776147575895,
##                      1.19315740775462, 1.26855333975029, 1.34394927174596, 1.41934520374163,
##                      1.42934520374163, 1.43934520374163))
#' @title UK rescreening rates
#' @format A data frame with 48 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{age5}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{total_cat}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{shape}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{cure}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#'   \item{\code{scale}}{double COLUMN_DESCRIPTION}
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname uk_rescreening
#' @export
uk_rescreening <- data.frame(age5 = c(30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 50, 50, 50,
                                      50, 50, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 65, 65,
                                      65, 65, 65, 65, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85,
                                      90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90),
                             total_cat = c(0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 0,
                                           3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 0, 3,
                                           4, 6, 10, 20, 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 0, 3, 4,
                                           6, 10, 20),
                             shape = c(1.18510576695807, 0.858171614262325, 0.858171614262325,
                                       0.858171614262325, 0.749998577524088, 0.749998577524088, 1.18510576695807,
                                       0.858171614262325, 0.858171614262325, 0.858171614262325, 0.749998577524088,
                                       0.749998577524088, 1.20792880820659, 0.920717960779785, 0.920717960779785,
                                       0.920717960779785, 0.852052206426261, 0.852052206426261, 1.24450960892428,
                                       0.988946105418831, 0.988946105418831, 0.988946105418831, 0.919376727690091,
                                       0.919376727690091, 1.26972967056357, 1.03454490825271, 1.03454490825271,
                                       1.03454490825271, 0.954911145157684, 0.954911145157684, 1.13733607943079,
                                       1.04483735235382, 1.04483735235382, 1.04483735235382, 0.988385269358649,
                                       0.988385269358649, 1.09128664878198, 1.01326552242001, 1.01326552242001,
                                       1.01326552242001, 0.948730052972523, 0.948730052972523, 1.09407460180658,
                                       1.05197207574662, 1.05197207574662, 1.05197207574662, 0.978397483932468,
                             cure = c(0.114600739520109, 0.0537234127141967,
                                      0.0537234127141967, 0.0537234127141967, 0.0308512461181499, 0.0308512461181499,
                                      0.114600739520109, 0.0537234127141967, 0.0537234127141967, 0.0537234127141967,
                                      0.0308512461181499, 0.0308512461181499, 0.0862550079726627, 0.0399447271614142,
                                      0.0399447271614142, 0.0399447271614142, 0.0259518317972345, 0.0259518317972345,
                                      0.0823122881511086, 0.0355479853523502, 0.0355479853523502, 0.0355479853523502,
                                      0.0190476453614591, 0.0190476453614591, 0.0816458941897609, 0.0412696810847696,
                                      0.0412696810847696, 0.0412696810847696, 0.0319927106467962, 0.0319927106467962,
                                      0.153015363026187, 0.0974421665330981, 0.0974421665330981, 0.0974421665330981,
                                      0.0563274705516883, 0.0563274705516883, 0.2051853623161, 0.169506663277659,
                                      0.169506663277659, 0.169506663277659, 0.0887344403643672, 0.0887344403643672,
                                      0.295865002768107, 0.24644310712191, 0.24644310712191, 0.24644310712191,
                                      0.151125704749819, 0.151125704749819),
                             scale = c(6.58183283712968,
                                       3.56486060274202, 0.96113775302889, 0.784828252112451, 0.937020402040802,
                                       1.59551751310995, 6.58183283712968, 3.56486060274202, 0.96113775302889,
                                       0.784828252112451, 0.937020402040802, 1.59551751310995, 5.47461832642227,
                                       4.85185826844681, 1.19197420365362, 0.960420044179229, 1.12429005910723,
                                       1.6320163836042, 4.5256676489079, 4.92695557504941, 1.37335505106699,
                                       1.08828035047345, 1.16345156553308, 1.88292622499511, 3.88781952822644,
                                       4.07180517697073, 1.814341631623, 1.10397958554216, 1.27491455185655,
                                       2.0730535296673, 1.4543783566239, 1.01084363142901, 1.01084363142901,
                                       1.01084363142901, 0.644940081254986, 0.644940081254986, 1.4079170674224,
                                       1.03720449704243, 1.03720449704243, 1.03720449704243, 0.643101192871478,
                                       0.643101192871478, 1.29524623033074, 1.02176143186057, 1.02176143186057,
                                       1.02176143186057, 0.673175882772333, 0.673175882772333))
#' @title ageStandards
#' @description Age standardisation weights
#' @format A data frame with 18 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{Age}}{integer Left-hand age for five-year age groups to 85+}
#'   \item{\code{Sweden2000}}{double Sweden 2000 standard weights}
#'   \item{\code{World}}{double World standard weights}
#' @details Age groups 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname ageStandards
#' @export
ageStandards <- data.frame(Age = cut(seq(0, 85, 5),
                                     breaks = c(seq(0,85,5), Inf),
                                     right = FALSE),
                           Sweden2000 = c(5.3, 6.9, 6.4, 5.7, 5.9, 6.7, 7.2, 6.9,
                                          6.6, 6.6, 7.6, 6.3, 4.9, 4.3, 4.1, 3.9,
                                          2.6, 2.3),
                           World = c(12.0, 10.0, 9.0, 9.0, 8.0, 8.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0,
                                     6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5))

#' @title dre
#' @description Sensitivity and specificity for digital rectal examination (DRE)
#' @format A data frame with 6 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{psa_low}}{double Left-hand interval for PSA}
#'   \item{\code{se}}{double sensitivity}
#'   \item{\code{sp}}{double specificity}
#' @details See https://doi.org/10.1093/jnci/90.23.1817, table 2.
#' @rdname dre
#' @export
dre = data.frame(psa_low=c(0:4,10),
                 appa=c(19,119,97,89,254,128), # predicted!!
dre = transform(dre, sensitivity=pc/appa, specificity=(dre-appa-(bx-pc))/(dre-appa))

.xtabsDFCheck <- function(df, dim_cols) {
    stopifnot(all(dim_cols %in% names(df)))
    stopifnot(prod(sapply(dim_cols, function(name) length(unique(df[[name]])))) == nrow(df))
## fix pradt: repeated values in 2004
fhcrcData$pradt <- unique(fhcrcData$pradt)

#' @title Define and run simulation
#' @description Function to specify and run the microsimulation. A large number
#'     of simulated men, \code{n}, will cause the simulation to take longer time
#'     but will reduce the stochastic variation particularly for rare events.
#' @param n Integer number of men to simulate. Default: 10
#' @param screen String with one of the following simulated screening scenarios:
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{\code{noScreening}}{no screening test, only diagnosis from symptoms}
#'      \item{\code{randomScreen50to70}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{twoYearlyScreen50to70}}{two-yearly screening from age 50 to 70}
#'      \item{\code{fourYearlyScreen50to70}}{four-yearly screening from age 50 to 70}
#'      \item{\code{screen50}}{one screen at age 50}
#'      \item{\code{screen60}}{one screen at age 60}
#'      \item{\code{screen70}}{one screen at age 70}
#'      \item{\code{screenUptake}}{current testing pattern in Sweden}
#'      \item{\code{stockholm3_goteborg}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{stockholm3_risk_stratified}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{goteborg}}{risk stratified re-screening 2+4 from age 50 to 70}
#'      \item{\code{risk_stratified}}{risk stratified re-screening 4+8 from age 50 to 70}
#'      \item{\code{mixed_screening}}{risk stratified re-screening 2+4 from age 50 to 70 & opportunistic testing for other ages}
#'      \item{\code{regular_screen}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{single_screen}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{introduced_screening_only}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{introduced_screening_preference}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{introduced_screening}}{TBA}
#'      \item{\code{stopped_screening}}{TBA}
#'    } . Default: 'noScreening'
#' @param nLifeHistories Integer with number of men for all events should be
#'     recorded, Default: 10
#' @param seed Integer random number seed, Default: 12345
#' @param panel Boolean to use the Stockholm3 biomarker panel test
#'     characteristics, otherwise PSA is used, Default: FALSE
#' @param flatPop Boolean to set all birth cohorts of equal size, Default: FALSE
#' @param pop Data.frame with two integer columns \code{cohort} with year of the
#'     birth cohorts and \code{pop} with the size of the corresponding birth
#'     cohorts, Default: pop1
#' @param tables List of data.frames to update the tables in fhcrcData, Default:
#'     IHE (NB: fhcrcData$ptrx gets changed below to stockholmTreatment if parameters$stockholmTreatment = TRUE -- which is the default! This implies that IHE is the default when parameters$stockholmTreatment = FALSE)
#' @param debug Boolean to print debugging, Default: FALSE
#' @param parms List to update FhcrcParameters, Default: NULL
#' @param mc.cores Integer with the number of cores to use for the computation,
#'     Default: 1
#' @param cl a cluster object, created by the \code{parallel} package or by the \code{snow}
#'     package.  If NULL, use \code{mclapply} (i.e. does not use the registered
#'     default cluster).
#' @param print.timing Boolean should the required time be printed after the
#'     simulation run, Default: TRUE
#' @param ... TBA
#' @return A fhcrc object
#' @details TBA
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  library(prostata)
#'  sim1 <- callFhcrc(n=1e6, screen="screenUptake", mc.cores=3)
#'  }
#' }
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}
#' @rdname callFhcrc
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
callFhcrc <- function(n=10, screen= "noScreening", nLifeHistories=10,
                      seed=12345, panel=FALSE, flatPop = FALSE, pop = pop1,
                      tables = IHE, debug=FALSE, parms = NULL, mc.cores = 1,
                      cl = NULL,
                      print.timing = TRUE,...) {
    ## save the random number state for resetting later
    state <- RNGstate(); on.exit(state$reset())
    ## yes, we use the user-defined RNG
    call <- match.call()
    ## birth cohorts that should give approximately the number of men alive in Stockholm in 2012
    ## check the input arguments
    screenT <- c("noScreening", "randomScreen50to70",
                 "twoYearlyScreen50to70", "fourYearlyScreen50to70",
                 "screen50", "screen60", "screen70", "screenUptake",
                 "stockholm3_goteborg", "stockholm3_risk_stratified",
                 "goteborg", "risk_stratified", "mixed_screening",
                 "regular_screen", "single_screen",
                 "introduced_screening_only", "introduced_screening_preference",
                 "introduced_screening", "stopped_screening",
                 "cap_control", "cap_study", "sthlm3_mri_arm", "grs_stratified", "grs_stratified_age",
    screen <- match.arg(screen, screenT)
    stopifnot(is.na(n) || is.integer(as.integer(n)))
    ## these enum strings should be moved to C++
    stateT <- c("Healthy","Localised","Metastatic")
    ext_stateT <- c("Healthy","T1_T2","T3plus","Metastatic")
    gradeT <- c("Gleason_le_6","Gleason_7","Gleason_ge_8","Healthy")
    eventT <- c("toLocalised","toMetastatic","toClinicalDiagnosis", "toCancerDeath",
                "toScreenDiagnosis", "toOverDiagnosis", "toOrganised","toTreatment",
                "toCM","toRP", "toRT","toADT","toUtilityChange","toUtilityRemove",
                "toSTHLM3", "toOpportunistic","toT3plus", "toCancelScreens",
                "toYearlyActiveSurveillance", "toYearlyPostTxFollowUp", "toMRI",
                "toPalliative", "toTerminal", "toDRE")
    diagnosisT <- c("NotDiagnosed","ClinicalDiagnosis","ScreenDiagnosis")
    treatmentT <- c("no_treatment","CM","RP","RT")
    psaT <- c("PSA<3","PSA>=3") # not sure where to put this...
    screenIndex <- which(screen == screenT) - 1
    timingfunction <- if (print.timing) function(x) print(system.time(x)) else function(x) x
    ## NB: sample() calls the random number generator (!)
    if (is.vector(pop)) {
        flatPop <- TRUE
        pop <- data.frame(cohort=pop,pop=1)
    if (is.na(n)) {
        cohort <- pop$cohort[rep.int(1:nrow(pop),times=pop$pop)]
        n <- length(cohort)
    } else {
        if (flatPop) {
            cohort <- rep(pop$cohort,each=ceiling(n/nrow(pop))) #Need ceiling so int n=!0
            n <- ceiling(n/nrow(pop)) * nrow(pop) #To get the chunks right
        } else
            cohort <- sample(pop$cohort,n,prob=pop$pop/sum(pop$pop),replace=TRUE)
    cohort <- sort(cohort)
    ## now separate the data into chunks and set the initial random numbers
    if (!is.null(cl)) mc.cores <- length(cl) # HACK
    currentSeed <- user.Random.seed()
    if (mc.cores==1) {
        chunks <- list(cohort)
        ns <- 0
        initialSeeds <- list(currentSeed)
    } else {
        ns <- floor((0:mc.cores)/mc.cores*n)
        chunks <- lapply(1:mc.cores, function(i) cohort[(ns[i]+1):ns[i+1]])
        initialSeeds <- c(list(currentSeed), lapply(ns[-c(1,mc.cores+1)], function(i) advance.substream(currentSeed, i)))
        ns <- ns[-length(ns)]
    ## Minor changes to fhcrcData
    fhcrcData$biopsyOpportunisticComplianceTable <- swedenOpportunisticBiopsyCompliance
    fhcrcData$biopsyFormalComplianceTable <- swedenFormalBiopsyCompliance
    fhcrcData$secularTrendTreatment2008OR <- secularTrendTreatment2008OR
    fhcrcData$rescreening <- rescreening
    fhcrcData$newdre = with(dre, data.frame(psa=psa_low, sensitivity, specificity))
    if (!is.null(tables))
        for (name  in names(tables))
            fhcrcData[[name]] <- tables[[name]]
    updateParameters <- parms
    updateParameters$nLifeHistories <- as.integer(nLifeHistories)
    updateParameters$screen <- as.integer(screenIndex)
    parameter <- FhcrcParameters
    for (name in names(updateParameters)){
        parameter[[name]] <- updateParameters[[name]]
    parameter$g0 <- parameter$g0 / parameter$susceptible
    parameter$cost_parameters <- parameter$currency_rate * parameter$cost_parameters
    parameter$production <- data.frame(ages = parameter$production$ages,
                                       values = parameter$currency_rate * parameter$production$values)
    if (parameter$stockholmTreatment)
        fhcrcData$prtx <- stockholmTreatment
    if (any(.intersection <- (names(parameter) %in% names(fhcrcData))))
        warning("The following tables are being over-written by values from parms: ",
                paste0(names(parameter)[.intersection], collapse=", "))
    temp <- parameter
    parameter <- fhcrcData
    for (name in names(temp))
        parameter[[name]] <- temp[[name]]
    ## table checks
    parameter$rescreening$total <- parameter$rescreening$total_cat
    parameter$prtx$Age <- as.double(parameter$prtx$Age)
    parameter$prtx$DxY <- as.double(parameter$prtx$DxY)
    parameter$prtx$G <- parameter$prtx$G - 1L
    parameter$pradt$Grade <- parameter$pradt$Grade - 1L
    parameter$biopsy_sensitivity$Year <- as.double(parameter$biopsy_sensitivity$Year)
    parameter$neg_biopsy_to_psa$age <- as.double(parameter$neg_biopsy_to_psa$age)
    parameter$neg_biopsy_to_biopsy$age <- as.double(parameter$neg_biopsy_to_biopsy$age)
    parameter$cure_m_CM_to_RP$age <- as.double(parameter$cure_m_CM_to_RP$age)
    parameter$cure_m_CM_to_RT$age <- as.double(parameter$cure_m_CM_to_RT$age)
    parameter$pradt$Age <- as.double(parameter$pradt$Age)
    parameter$pradt$DxY <- as.double(parameter$pradt$DxY)
    ## parameter$biopsyComplianceTable <-
    ##     data.frame(expand.grid(psa=c(4,7,10),age=seq(55,75,by=5)),
    ##                compliance=unlist(parameter$biopsy_frequency[,-(1:2),]))
    parameter$survival_local <-
    parameter$survival_dist <-
    .xtabsDFCheck(parameter$hr_locoregional,c("age","ext_grade","psa10")) # should this be in fhcrcData?
    .xtabsDFCheck(parameter$biopsyOpportunisticComplianceTable, c("psa","age"))
    ## .xtabsDFCheck(parameter$dre,c("psa_low","sensitivity","specificity"))
    ## parameter <- modifyList(fhcrcData, parameter)
    pind <- sapply(parameter,class)=="numeric" & sapply(parameter,length)==1
    bInd <- sapply(parameter,class)=="logical" & sapply(parameter,length)==1
    ## check some parameters for sanity
    if (panel && parameter$rTPF>1) stop("Panel: rTPF>1 (not currently implemented)")
    if (panel && parameter$rFPF>1) stop("Panel: rFPF>1 (not currently implemented)")
    if (parameter$Andreas && parameter$MRI_screen)
        stop("For 'MRI_screen=TRUE', use 'parms=c(prostata:::ShuangParameters, MRI_screen=TRUE)'")
    ## if (panel && parameter$MRI_screen)
    ##     stop("Scenarios for 'panel=TRUE' and 'MRI_screen=TRUE' have not been defined")
    if (parameter$MRI_clinical && !parameter$MRI_screen)
        stop("Scenarios for 'MRI_clinical=TRUE' and 'MRI_screen=FALSE' have not been defined")
    ## now run the chunks separately
    step <- function(i) {
        chunk <- chunks[[i]]
                         panel=panel, # bool
                         debug=debug, # bool
                         otherParameters=parameter[!pind & !bInd]),
    if (is.null(cl)) {
        timingfunction(out <- parallel::mclapply(1:mc.cores, step, mc.cores=mc.cores))
    } else {
        clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(prostata);   RNGkind("user")})
        clusterExport(cl, c("chunks", "initialSeeds", "ns", "panel", "debug", "pind",
                            "bInd", "parameter"), envir=environment())
        timingfunction(out <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:length(cl), step))
    ## Apologies: we now need to massage the chunks from C++
    ## reader <- function(obj) {
    ##   out <- cbind(data.frame(state=enum(obj$state[[1]],stateT),
    ##                           dx=enum(obj$state[[2]],diagnosisT),
    ##                           psa=enum(obj$state[[3]],psaT),
    ##                           cohort=obj$state[[4]]),
    ##                data.frame(obj[-1]))
    ##   out$year <- out$cohort + out$age
    ##   out
    ## }
    ext_state2state <- function(obj) # collapses T-stages to localised
    cbindList <- function(obj) # recursive (not used)
        if (is.list(obj)) do.call("cbind",lapply(obj,cbindList)) else data.frame(obj)
    rbindList <- function(obj) # recursive (not used)
        if (is.list(obj)) do.call("rbind",lapply(obj,rbindList)) else data.frame(obj)
    rbindExtract <- function(obj,name)
        do.call("rbind",lapply(obj, function(obji) data.frame(obji[[name]])))
    reader <- function(obj) {
    ## grab all of the pt, prev, ut, events from summary
    ## pt <- lapply(out, function(obj) obj$summary$pt)
    if (length(out[[1]]$summary) > 0) {
        summary <- lapply(names(out[[1]]$summary),
                          function(name) do.call(rbind,
                                                 lapply(out, function(obj) reader(obj$summary[[name]]))))
        names(summary) <- names(out[[1]]$summary)
        states <- c("state","ext_state","grade","dx","psa","cohort")
        names(summary$prev) <- c(states,"age","count")
        names(summary$pt) <- c(states,"age","pt")
        names(summary$ut) <- c(states,"age","ut")
        names(summary$events) <- c(states,"event","age","n")
        if(FALSE) age <- NULL # To pass false-positive check note
        summary <- lapply(summary,function(obj) within(obj,year <- cohort+age))
        enum(summary$events$event) <- eventT
    else if (length(out[[1]]$shortSummary) > 0) {
        ## use shortSummary
        summary <- lapply(names(out[[1]]$shortSummary),
                          function(name) do.call(rbind,
                                                 lapply(out, function(obj) obj$shortSummary[[name]])))
        names(summary) <- names(out[[1]]$shortSummary)
        states <- "state"
        names(summary$prev) <- c(states,"age","count")
        names(summary$pt) <- c(states,"age","pt")
        names(summary$ut) <- c(states,"age","ut")
        names(summary$events) <- c(states,"event","age","n")
        if(FALSE) age <- NULL # To pass false-positive check note
        if ("cohort" %in% names(summary))
            summary <- lapply(summary,function(obj) within(obj,year <- cohort+age))
        enum(summary$events$event) <- eventT
    else {
        summary <- list()
    ## lifeHistories <- do.call("rbind",lapply(out,function(obj) data.frame(obj$lifeHistories)))
    ## psarecord <- do.call("rbind",lapply(out,function(obj) data.frame(obj$psarecord)))
    ## diagnoses <- do.call("rbind",lapply(out,function(obj) data.frame(obj$diagnoses)))
    ## falsePositives <- do.call("rbind",lapply(out,function(obj) data.frame(obj$falsePositives)))
    ## parameters <- do.call("rbind",lapply(out,function(obj) data.frame(obj$parameters)))
    lifeHistories <- rbindExtract(out,"lifeHistories")
    psarecord <- rbindExtract(out,"psarecord")
    bxrecord <- rbindExtract(out,"bxrecord")
    diagnoses <- rbindExtract(out,"diagnoses")
    falsePositives <- rbindExtract(out,"falsePositives")
    parameters <- rbindExtract(out,"parameters")
    indiv_costs <- do.call(c, lapply(out, "[[", "indiv_costs"))
    indiv_utilities <- do.call(c, lapply(out, "[[", "indiv_utilities"))
    combine.Means <- function(df) {
        n <- sum(df$n)
        sum <- sum(df$sum)
        sumsq <- sum(df$sumsq)
        mean <- sum/n
        var <- n/(n-1)*(sumsq/n-mean*mean)
        sd <- sqrt(var)
        se <- sd/sqrt(n)
    mean_utilities <- combine.Means(df=rbindExtract(out, "mean_utilities"))
    mean_costs <- combine.Means(df=rbindExtract(out, "mean_costs"))
    appendMeans <- function(x) c(x,
                                 mean.sum = x[["sum"]] / x[["n"]],
                                 mean.sumsq = x[["sumsq"]] / x[["n"]])
    natural.history.summary <- data.frame(tmc_minus_t0 = appendMeans(sapply(rbindExtract(out,"tmc_minus_t0"), sum)))
    ## Identifying elements without name which also need to be rbind:ed
    societal.costs <- do.call("rbind",lapply(out,function(obj) data.frame(obj$costs))) #split in sociatal and healthcare perspective
    ## names(costs) <- c("type","item","cohort","age","costs")
    names(societal.costs) <- c("type","item","age","costs")
    societal.costs$type <- factor(ifelse(societal.costs$type,
                                         "Productivity loss",
                                         "Health sector cost")) # societal perspective
    healthsector.costs <- societal.costs[societal.costs["type"] == "Health sector cost", c("item", "age", "costs")] # healthcare perspective
    names(lifeHistories) <- c("id", "ext_state", "ext_grade", "dx", "event", "begin", "end", "year", "psa", "utility")
    enum(lifeHistories$ext_state) <- ext_stateT
    lifeHistories$state <- ext_state2state(lifeHistories$ext_state)
    lifeHistories <- lifeHistories[c(names(lifeHistories)[1], "state", names(lifeHistories)[-1])] # shift col order
    enum(lifeHistories$dx) <- diagnosisT
    enum(lifeHistories$event) <- eventT
    enum(diagnoses$ext_state) <- ext_stateT
    diagnoses$state <- ext_state2state(diagnoses$ext_state)
    enum(diagnoses$ext_grade) <- gradeT
    enum(diagnoses$dx) <- diagnosisT
    enum(diagnoses$tx) <- treatmentT
    enum <- list(stateT = stateT, ext_stateT = ext_stateT, eventT = eventT, screenT = screenT,
                 diagnosisT = diagnosisT, psaT = psaT)
    out <- list(n=n,screen=screen,enum=enum,lifeHistories=lifeHistories,
                parameters=parameters, summary=summary,
                healthsector.costs=healthsector.costs, societal.costs=societal.costs,
                psarecord=psarecord, diagnoses=diagnoses, bxrecord=bxrecord,
                falsePositives=falsePositives, panel=panel, call = call,
    class(out) <- "fhcrc"

## R --slave -e "options(width=200); require(microsimulation); callFhcrc(100,nLifeHistories=1e5,screen=\"screen50\")[[\"parameters\"]]"

#' @title Summarise simulation results
#' @param object PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param from Age from which to report
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname summary.fhcrc
#' @export
summary.fhcrc <- function(object, from=0, ...) {
    if (from<0) {
        warning("from argument should be non-negative - changed to 0")
        from <- 0
    if (from != round(from)) {
        warning("from argument should be integer - changed to round(from)")
        from <- round(from)
    if (from>0) {
        adjust.costs <- (1+object$simulation.parameters$discountRate.costs)^from
        adjust.effectiveness <- (1+object$simulation.parameters$discountRate.effectiveness)^from
        object$n <- sum(subset(object$summary$prev,age==from)$count)
        object$summary$ut <- subset(object$summary$ut, age>=from)
        object$summary$pt <- subset(object$summary$pt, age>=from)
        object$summary$prev <- subset(object$summary$prev, age>=from)
        object$summary$events <- subset(object$summary$events, age>=from)
        object$societal.costs <- subset(object$societal.costs, age>=from)
        object$healthsector.costs <- subset(object$healthsector.costs, age>=from)
    } else {
        adjust.costs <- adjust.effectiveness <- 1
    newobj <- object[c("n","screen")]
                           with(object, list(
                                            discountRate.costs = simulation.parameters$discountRate.costs,
                                            discountRate.effectiveness = simulation.parameters$discountRate.effectiveness,
                                            screening.tests = with(summary$events,
                                                                   sum(n[event == "toScreen"])) / n,
                                            biopsies = with(summary$events,
                                                            sum(n[event %in% c("toScreenInitiatedBiopsy",
                                                                               "toClinicalDiagnosticBiopsy")])) / n,
                                            biopsies.screen.initiated = with(summary$events,
                                                                             sum(n[event %in% c("toScreenInitiatedBiopsy")])) / n,
                                            biopsies.clinical.diagnostic = with(summary$events,
                                                                                sum(n[event %in% c("toClinicalDiagnosticBiopsy")])) / n,
                                            negative.biopsies = with(summary$events,
                                                                     sum(n[event %in% c("toScreenInitiatedBiopsy",
                                                                     - sum(n[event %in% c("toScreenDiagnosis",
                                                                                          "toClinicalDiagnosis")])) / n,
                                            screen.diagnosis = with(summary$events,
                                                                    sum(n[event == "toScreenDiagnosis"])) / n,
                                            clinical.diagnosis = with(summary$events,
                                                                      sum(n[event == "toClinicalDiagnosis"])) / n,
                                            over.diagnosis = with(summary$events,
                                                                  sum(n[event == "toOverDiagnosis"])) / n,
                                            diagnosis = with(summary$events,
                                                             sum(n[event %in% c("toClinicalDiagnosis",
                                                                                "toScreenDiagnosis")])) / n,
                                            cancer.deaths = with(summary$events,
                                                                 sum(n[event == "toCancerDeath"])) / n,
                                            LE = sum(summary$pt$pt) / n,
                                            QALE = sum(summary$ut$ut) / n * adjust.effectiveness,
                                            healthsector.costs = sum(healthsector.costs$costs) / n * adjust.costs,
                                            productivity.loss = tapply(societal.costs$costs,
                                                                       societal.costs$type=="Productivity loss",
                                                                       sum)[["TRUE"]] / n * adjust.costs,
                                            societal.costs = sum(societal.costs$costs) / n * adjust.costs,
                                            healthsector.cost.per.qaly = sum(healthsector.costs$costs) /
                                            productivity.loss.per.qaly = tapply(societal.costs$costs,
                                                                                societal.costs$type=="Productivity loss",
                                                                                sum)[["TRUE"]] /
                                            societal.cost.per.qaly = sum(societal.costs$costs) /

#' @title Minus operator method for \code{summary.fhcrc} objects
#' @description Calculates the difference between two \code{summary.fhcrc}
#'     objects.
#' @param object1 The positive reference \code{summary.fhcrc} object.
#' @param object2 The negative \code{summary.fhcrc} object which is subtracted
#'     from \code{object1}.
#' @return A \code{summary.fhcrc} object representing the difference between the
#'     two compared \code{summary.fhcrc}.
#' @details Calculates the difference between two \code{summary.fhcrc} objects,
#'     e.g. the difference in life expectancy, quality of life etc. The
#'     exceptions are \code{discountRate.costs} and
#'     \code{discountRate.effectiveness} which are required two be the same for
#'     the two scenarios and the original value is returned. If \code{n} has the
#'     same value the original value is returned if they differ a list with both
#'     is returned.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  scenario1 <- summary(callFhcrc(screen = "screenUptake"))
#'  scenario2 <-summary(callFhcrc(screen = "noScreening"))
#'  scenario1 - scenario2
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname summary.fhcrc
#' @export
'-.summary.fhcrc' <- function(object1, object2) {
    if(object1$from != object2$from)
        stop("The two scenarios have different 'from' arguments.")
    if(object1$discountRate.costs != object2$discountRate.costs)
        stop("The two scenarios have different discount rates for the costs.")
    if(object1$discountRate.effectiveness != object2$discountRate.effectiveness)
        stop("The two scenarios have different discount rates for the effectiveness.")
    if(object1$n != object2$n)
        warning("The two scenarios have different number of men.")
    structure(.Data= c(list(n = if(object1$n == object2$n) {object1$n} else {list(object1$n, object2$n)},
                            screen = sprintf("%s-%s", object1$screen, object2$screen),
                            discountRate.costs = object1$discountRate.costs,
                            discountRate.effectiveness = object1$discountRate.effectiveness),
                       ## exempt special elements calc difference on all others
                       sapply(names(object1)[!names(object1) %in% c("n", "screen",
                              function(x) object1[[x]] - object2[[x]],
                              simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)),

#' @title Multiplaction with scalar operator method for \code{summary.fhcrc} objects
#' @description Calculates the results per a number of persons of a
#'     \code{summary.fhcrc} object.
#' @param obj The \code{summary.fhcrc} object.
#' @param perpersons a scalar to multiply the summary results with.
#' @return A \code{summary.fhcrc} object scaled for a number of persons.
#' @details N.b. this is unfortunatly not a commutative
#'     operator. Therefor the first parameter must be the
#'     \code{summary.fhcrc} object and the second parameter a nummeric
#'     scalar.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  ## Example 1
#'  scenario1 <- summary(callFhcrc(screen = "screenUptake"))
#'  scenario1 * 1000 # the summery per thousand persons
#'  ## Example 2
#'  scenario2 <-summary(callFhcrc(screen = "noScreening"))
#'  (scenario1 - scenario2) * 1000 # the difference per thousand persons
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname summary.fhcrc
#' @export
'*.summary.fhcrc' <- function(obj, perpersons) {
        stop("The 'perpersons' variable needs to be a numeric.")
    structure(.Data= c(list(n = ifelse(is.list(obj$n),
                                       list(lapply(obj$n, function(x) x * perpersons)),
                                       obj$n * perpersons),
                            screen = sprintf("(%s)*%d", obj$screen, perpersons),
                            discountRate.costs = obj$discountRate.costs,
                            discountRate.effectiveness = obj$discountRate.effectiveness),
                       ## exempt special elements scale all others
                       lapply(obj[!names(obj) %in% c("n", "screen",
                              function(x) x * perpersons)),

#' @title Divide with scalar operator method for \code{summary.fhcrc} objects
#' @description Calculates the results divided by a denominator \code{summary.fhcrc} object.
#' @param obj The \code{summary.fhcrc} object.
#' @param denominator a scalar to divide the summary results with.
#' @return A \code{summary.fhcrc} object scaled by a denominator.
#' @details N.b. this is unfortunatly not a commutative
#'     operator. Therefor the first parameter must be the
#'     \code{summary.fhcrc} object and the second parameter a nummeric
#'     scalar.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname summary.fhcrc
#' @export
'/.summary.fhcrc' <- function(obj, denominator) {
        stop("The 'denominator' variable needs to be a numeric.")
    structure(.Data= c(list(n = ifelse(is.list(obj$n),
                                       list(lapply(obj$n, function(x) x / denominator)),
                                       obj$n * denominator),
                            screen = sprintf("(%s)/%d", obj$screen, denominator),
                            discountRate.costs = obj$discountRate.costs,
                            discountRate.effectiveness = obj$discountRate.effectiveness),
                       ## exempt special elements scale all others
                       lapply(obj[!names(obj) %in% c("n", "screen",
                              function(x) x / denominator)),

#' @title Print a selection of the summarised simulation
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname print.summary.fhcrc
#' @export
print.summary.fhcrc <- function(x, ...) {
    obj <- x
        "Screening scenario:            %s
Life expectancy:                %f
Discounted QALE:                %f
Discounted health sector costs: %f
Discounted societal costs:      %f
Discounted rate (effect.):      %f
Discounted rate (costs):        %f
", obj$screen, obj$LE, obj$QALE,
obj$healthsector.costs, obj$societal.costs,

#' @param object1 PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param object2 PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param perspective PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: c("societal.costs", "healthsector.costs")
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname ICER.fhcrc
#' @export
ICER.fhcrc <- function(object1, object2,
                       perspective = c("societal.costs",
                                       "healthsector.costs"), from=0, ...) {
    perspective <- match.arg(perspective)
    p1 <- object1$simulation.parameters
    p2 <- object2$simulation.parameters
    stopifnot(p1$discountRate.costs == p2$discountRate.costs)
    stopifnot(p1$discountRate.effectiveness == p2$discountRate.effectiveness)
    summary1 <- summary(object1, from=from, ...)
    summary2 <- summary(object2, from=from, ...)
    out <- list(ICER.QALE=(summary1[[perspective]] - summary2[[perspective]]) /
                    (summary1$QALE - summary2$QALE),
                delta.QALE=summary1$QALE - summary2$QALE,
                delta.costs=summary1[[perspective]] - summary2[[perspective]],
                from=from, perspective=perspective)
    if (p1$discountRate.costs == 0 && p2$discountRate.costs == 0 &&
        p1$discountRate.effectiveness == 0 && p2$discountRate.effectiveness == 0) {
        out <- c(out,
                 list(ICER.LE = (summary1[[perspective]] - summary2[[perspective]]) /
                          (summary1$LE - summary2$LE),
                      delta.LE = summary1$LE - summary2$LE))

#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname print.fhcrc
#' @export
print.fhcrc <- function(x, ...)
    cat(sprintf("FHCRC prostate cancer model with %i individual(s) under scenario '%s'.\n",
                x$n, x$screen),

## TODO: better solve issue below with testing.rate for noScreening scenario
#' @param object PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param scenarios PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: NULL
#' @param type PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: 'incidence.rate'
#' @param group PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: 'age'
#' @param age.breaks PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: NULL
#' @param year.breaks PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: NULL
#' @param cohort.breaks PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: NULL
#' @param age.weights PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: NULL
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @rdname predict.fhcrc
#' @export
predict.fhcrc <- function(object, scenarios=NULL, type = "incidence.rate",
                          group = "age", group.pt = group, age.breaks = NULL, year.breaks = NULL,
                          cohort.breaks = NULL, age.weights = NULL, ...) {
    if(!inherits(object,"fhcrc")) stop("Expecting object to be an fhcrc object")
    if(!(is.null(scenarios) || all(sapply(scenarios,inherits,"fhcrc")) || inherits(object,"fhcrc")))
        stop("Expecting scenarios is NULL, a fhcrc object or a list of fhcrc objects")
    if(is.null(scenarios) && (grepl(".?rate.?ratio$|.?rr$", type, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        stop("More than one simulation object is needed to calculate a rate-ratio")

    ## Stripping of potential rate ratio option before matching
    abbr_type <- match.arg(sub(".?rr$|.?rate.?ratio$",
                               "", type, ignore.case = TRUE),
                           c("incidence.rate", "symptomatic.incidence.rate",
                             "screen.incidence.rate", "overdiagnosis.rate",
                             "testing.rate", "biopsy.rate", "metastasis.rate",
                             "pc.mortality.rate", "allcause.mortality.rate",
                             "prevalence", "ly", "life.years"))

    ## Allowing for several groups
    group <- match.arg(group,
                       c("state", "ext_state", "grade", "dx", "psa", "age", "year", "cohort"),
                       several.ok = TRUE)

    event_types <- switch(abbr_type,
                          incidence.rate = c("toClinicalDiagnosis", "toScreenDiagnosis"),
                          symptomatic.incidence.rate = "toClinicalDiagnosis",
                          screen.incidence.rate = "toScreenDiagnosis",
                          overdiagnosis.rate = "toOverDiagnosis",
                          testing.rate = "toScreen",
                          biopsy.rate = c("toClinicalDiagnosticBiopsy", "toScreenInitiatedBiopsy"),
                          metastasis.rate = "toMetastatic",
                          pc.mortality.rate = "toCancerDeath",
                          allcause.mortality.rate = c("toCancerDeath", "toOtherDeath"))

    interval2break <- function(interval_vector) {
                                            gregexpr("[0-9]+|Inf", interval_vector)))))

    if(FALSE) {age <- year <- cohort <- Freq <- event <- Freq.y <- Freq.x <-
                   scenario.x <- rate.x <- rate.y <- NULL} # To pass false-positive check note

    ## Manipulate input, make sure age.breaks exists from age standardisation
    if(!is.null(age.weights)) age.breaks <- interval2break(age.weights[,1])
    ## Manipulate input, make sure time group exists for specified time interval
    for (scale in c("age", "year", "cohort")) {
        if(!is.null(eval(parse(text = paste(scale, "breaks",sep="."))))) {
            if(!(scale %in% group)) group <- c(group, scale)
            if(!(scale %in% group.pt)) group.pt <- c(group.pt, scale)

    ## fast operations by group using base-R
    ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3685492/r-speeding-up-group-by-operations
    grp_apply = function(XS, INDEX, FUN, ..., simplify=T) {
        FUN = match.fun(FUN)
        if (!is.list(XS))
            XS = list(XS)
        as.data.frame(as.table(tapply(1:length(XS[[1L]]), INDEX, function(s, ...)
            do.call(FUN, c(lapply(XS, `[`, s), list(...))), ..., simplify=simplify)))

    ## Fixes colnames after group operation
    name_grp <- function(x, grp = group) {names(x)[grep("^Var[0-9]+$", names(x))] <- grp; x}

    ## After a group operation the group will become a factor, if the time scale
    ## is not reported as an interval we convert it back to numeric. N.b. This
    ## needs to be called after name_grp().
    numeric_time_scale <- function(df, group) {
        within(df, {
            if("age" %in% group && is.null(age.breaks)) age <- as.numeric(levels(age))[age] #important factor conversion
            if("year" %in% group && is.null(year.breaks)) year <- as.numeric(levels(year))[year] #important factor conversion
            if("cohort" %in% group && is.null(cohort.breaks)) cohort <- as.numeric(levels(cohort))[cohort] #important factor conversion
    categorise_time <- function(df, age.breaks, year.breaks, cohort.breaks) {
        cut_t <- function(time, time.breaks) {
            ## using first column or single vector as breaks
            as.factor(cut(time, breaks = data.frame(time.breaks)[,1],
                          right = FALSE, dig.lab=4, ordered_result = TRUE))
        if(!is.null(age.breaks)) df <- transform(df, age = cut_t(age, age.breaks))
        if(!is.null(year.breaks)) df <- transform(df, year = cut_t(year, year.breaks))
        if(!is.null(cohort.breaks)) df <- transform(df, cohort = cut_t(cohort, cohort.breaks))

    ## For standardising over a time scale e.g. ages
    standardise_time <- function(df, timestr = "age", parstr = "rate",
                                 time.weights = age.weights) {
        if(is.null(time.weights)) {
        } else {
            collapsed_grps <- c(group[!group == timestr], "scenario")
            ## Scale with weight
            weight <- function(time, par, time.weights) {
                par * sapply(t(time), {function(x) time.weights[x == time.weights[,1],2]})
            ## Sum over the groups (at least scenario)
            collapse <- function(df, collapsed_grps, parstr) {
                within(with(df, grp_apply(eval(parse(text = parstr)),
                                          {function(x) eval(parse(text = x))}),
                                          sum, na.rm = TRUE)) ,{
                                                     Freq / sum(time.weights[,2]))
            ## Standardise and rename
                {assign(eval(substitute(parstr)), weight(eval(parse(text =timestr)),
                                                         eval(parse(text = parstr)),
                collapsed_grps, parstr), collapsed_grps), collapsed_grps))

    ## Calculates rates of specific events by specified groups
    calc_rate <- function(object, event_types, group){
        pt <- with(categorise_time(object$summary$pt, age.breaks, year.breaks,
                                                         lapply(as.list(group.pt), function(x) eval(parse(text = x))),
                                                         sum), grp = group.pt), group.pt))
        ## TODO: if subset has no dim replace with zeros, temp fix below:
        if(!any(object$summary$event$event %in% event_types)) {
            stop(paste("The event(s)", paste(event_types, collapse = ", "),
                       "was not found in the", object$screen, "scenario"))
        events <- with(subset(
            categorise_time(object$summary$events, age.breaks, year.breaks,
                            cohort.breaks), event %in% event_types),
                                                  {function(x) eval(parse(text = x))}),
                                                  sum)), group))
        within(merge(pt, events, by = group.pt, all.y = TRUE),{
            rate <- ifelse(is.na(Freq.y) & !is.na(Freq.x), 0, Freq.y/Freq.x) #no events but some pt -> 0
            n <- Freq.y
            pt <- Freq.x

    ## Calculate prevalences by specified groups
    calc_prev <- function(object, group){
        within(with(categorise_time(object$summary$prev, age.breaks,
                                    year.breaks, cohort.breaks),
                                                                 function(x) eval(parse(text = x))), sum)), group)), {
                                                                     prevalence <- Freq/object$n

    ## Calculate life-years by specified groups
    calc_ly <- function(object, group){
        within(with(categorise_time(object$summary$pt, age.breaks,
                                    year.breaks, cohort.breaks),
                                                                 function(x) eval(parse(text = x))), sum)), group)), {
                                                                     ly <- Freq/object$n

    ## Calculates the outcome in the passed function for all
    ## simulation objects in the 'scenarios' list. Then the object
    ## outcome (e.g. rates or prev) are for the scenarios are added as
    ## rows and the scenario name as a column.
    predict_scenarios <- function(scenarios, calc_outcome, ...) {
        do.call(rbind, lapply(scenarios,
        {function(object, ...)
            cbind(calc_outcome(object, ...), scenario = object$screen)}, ...))

    ## Input checks allow for scenarios to be a single fhcrc object or
    ## list of fhcrc objects. Now make sure scenarios is a list.
    if(inherits(scenarios, "fhcrc")) {scenarios <- list(scenarios)}

    ## Rate-ratio if type ends with rate.ratio or RR
    if(grepl(".?rate.?ratio$|.?rr$", type, ignore.case = TRUE)){
        scenario_rates <- standardise_time(predict_scenarios(unique(scenarios),
                                                             event_types, group),
                                           timestr = "age",
                                           parstr = "rate",
                                           time.weights = age.weights)
        reference_rate <- standardise_time(predict_scenarios(list(object),
                                                             event_types, group),
                                           timestr = "age",
                                           parstr = "rate",
                                           time.weights = age.weights)

        ## Alt. check if it is part of the rates
        if(!is.null(age.weights)) group <- group[!group == "age"]
        within(merge(scenario_rates, reference_rate, by = group),{
            scenario <- scenario.x
            rate.ratio <- rate.x/rate.y
            rate.ratio[!is.finite(rate.ratio)] <- NaN

        ## Prevalence if type ends with rate.ratio or RR
    } else if(grepl(".?prev$|.?prevalence$", type, ignore.case = TRUE)){
        standardise_time(predict_scenarios(unique(c(list(object),scenarios)), calc_prev, group),
                         timestr = "age", parstr = "prevalence", time.weights = age.weights)

        ## Life-years if type is ly or life*years
    } else if(grepl("^ly$|^life.?years$", type, ignore.case = TRUE)){
        standardise_time(predict_scenarios(unique(c(list(object),scenarios)), calc_ly, group),
                         timestr = "age", parstr = "LY", time.weights = age.weights)

        ## Defaults to plain rates. If reference object exist add it to
        ## scenario list and remove duplicates.
    } else {
        standardise_time(predict_scenarios(unique(c(list(object),scenarios)), calc_rate, event_types, group),
                         timestr = "age", parstr = "rate", time.weights = age.weights)

#' @param type PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: c("incidence.rate", "testing.rate", "biopsy.rate", "metastasis.rate",
#'    "pc.mortality.rate", "allcause.mortality.rate")
#' @param plot.type PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: 'l'
#' @param add PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: FALSE
#' @param xlab PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: 'Age (years)'
#' @param ylab PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: NULL
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname plot.fhcrc
#' @export
plot.fhcrc <- function(x, type=c("incidence.rate", "testing.rate",
                                 "biopsy.rate", "metastasis.rate",
                       plot.type="l", add=FALSE, xlab="Age (years)",
                       ylab=NULL, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (is.null(ylab)) {ylab <- switch(type,
                                       incidence.rate="Prostate cancer incidence rates per 100,000",
                                       testing.rate="PSA rates per 1000",
                                       biopsy.rate="Biopsies per 1000",
                                       metastasis.rate="Metastatic onset per 100,000",
                                       pc.mortality.rate="Cancer mortality rates per 100,000",
                                       allcause.mortality.rate="All cause mortality rates per 100,000")}
    rates <- predict(object = x, type = type)
    rates$rate = rates$rate*switch(type, testing.rate=1000, biopsy.rate=1000, incidence.rate=1e5, metastasis.rate=1e5,pc.mortality.rate=1e5,allcause.mortality.rate=1e5)
    if (!add) plot(rate~age, data=rates, type=plot.type, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...) else lines(rate~age, data=rates,  ...)

#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname lines.fhcrc
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @export
lines.fhcrc <- function(x,...) {
    plot(x, ..., add=TRUE)

#' @param object1 PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param object2 PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param startAge PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: 50
#' @param stopAge PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: Inf
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @rdname nn.fhcrc
#' @export
nn <- function(object1, object2, startAge = 50, stopAge = Inf, ...){

#' @export
nn.fhcrc <- function(object1, object2, startAge = 50, stopAge = Inf, ...) {
    pNNS <- function(thisScenario) {
             sum(n[event=="toCancerDeath" & age>=startAge
                   & age<stopAge])) / # divided by
    pNND <- function(thisScenario) {
             sum(n[event=="toCancerDeath" & age>=startAge & age<stopAge])) / # divided by
                 sum(n[event %in% c("toScreenDiagnosis","toClinicalDiagnosis")
                       & age>=startAge & age<stopAge]))
    NNS <- 1 / (pNNS(object2) - pNNS(object1)) #number needed to screen to prevent 1 PCa death
    NND <- 1 / (pNND(object2) - pNND(object1)) #number needed to detect to prevent 1 PCa death
    ## Include additional number needed to treat (NNT) [Gulati 2011] to show overdiagnosis?
    structure(.Data = list(NNS=NNS,NND=NND), class = "nn.fhcrc")
mclements/prostata documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 1:20 p.m.