
Defines functions saveValuesFromLongFormat meltTimes meltConcentrations meltBatchCodes saveLabelsFromLongFormat saveStatesFromLongFormat

Documented in meltBatchCodes meltConcentrations meltTimes saveLabelsFromLongFormat saveStatesFromLongFormat saveValuesFromLongFormat

#' Save states from a long format
#' This function saves states to the database specified in \code{\link{applicationSettings}}
#' @param entityData a data.frame, including one column named 'stateGroupIndex', one that matches idColumn, and one of the form 'entityID'
#' @param entityKind a string, the kind of the state, limited to "protocol", "experiment", "analysisgroup", "treatmentgroup", "subject", "container", "itxcontainercontainer"
#' @param stateGroups a list of lists, each of which includes details about how to save states (TODO link later)
#' @param stateGroupIndices an integer vector of indices to use from stateGroups
#' @param idColumn a string, the name of the column used to separate states (often stateID)
#' @param recordedBy a string, the name of the person recording the data
#' @param lsTransaction an integer, the id of the lsTransaction
#' @param  testMode A boolean marking if the function should return JSON instead of saving values
#' @return A data.frame with columns "entityStateId" and "entityStateVersion", which are often added back to the original data.frame
#' @keywords save, format, stateGroups
#' @export

saveStatesFromLongFormat <- function(entityData, entityKind, stateGroups, idColumn, recordedBy, lsTransaction, stateGroupIndices = NULL, testMode=FALSE) {

  if (is.null(stateGroupIndices)) {
    stateGroupIndices <- which(sapply(stateGroups, getElement, "entityKind") == entityKind)
    # This exists because labels were added, it removes indices for labels
    realStateGroups <- which(sapply(stateGroups, function(x) !is.null(x$stateType)))
    stateGroupIndices <- stateGroupIndices[stateGroupIndices %in% realStateGroups]
    if (length(stateGroupIndices)==0) stopUser("No valid stateGroups")
  createRawOnlyLsState <- function(entityData, stateGroups, entityKind, recordedBy, lsTransaction) {
    lsType <- stateGroups[[entityData$stateGroupIndex[1]]]$stateType
    lsKind <- stateGroups[[entityData$stateGroupIndex[1]]]$stateKind
    lsState <- switch(
      "analysisgroup" = {createAnalysisGroupState(analysisGroup = list(id=entityData$analysisGroupID[1], version=0),
      "subject" = {createSubjectState(subject = list(id=entityData$subjectID[1], version=0),
      "treatmentgroup" = {createTreatmentGroupState(treatmentGroup = list(id=entityData$treatmentGroupID[1], version=0),
      "container" = {createContainerState(container = list(id=entityData$containerID[1], version=0),
      itxcontainercontainer = {createContainerContainerInteractionState(
        itxContainerContainer = list(id=entityData$itxContainerContainerID[1], version = 0),
      itxsubjectcontainer = {createSubjectContainerInteractionState(
        itxSubjectContainer = list(id=entityData$itxSubjectContainerID[1], version = 0),
      stopUser(paste("Configuration Error: Unrecognized entityKind:", entityKind)))
  lsStates <- dlply(.data=entityData[entityData$stateGroupIndex %in% stateGroupIndices,], .variables=idColumn, .fun=createRawOnlyLsState, 
                        stateGroups=stateGroups, entityKind=entityKind, recordedBy=recordedBy, lsTransaction=lsTransaction)
  originalStateIds <- names(lsStates)
  names(lsStates) <- NULL
  if (testMode) {
    lsStates <- lapply(lsStates, function(x) {x$recordedDate <- 1381939115000; return (x)})
  } else {
    savedLsStates <- saveAcasEntities(lsStates, paste0(entityKind, "states"))
  lsStateIds <- sapply(savedLsStates, getElement, "id")
  lsStateVersions <- sapply(savedLsStates, getElement, "version")
  entityStateTranslation <- data.frame(entityStateId = lsStateIds, 
                                       originalStateId = originalStateIds, 
                                       entityStateVersion = lsStateVersions)
  stateIdAndVersion <- entityStateTranslation[match(entityData[[idColumn]], 
                                              c("entityStateId", "entityStateVersion")]

#' Save labels from a long format
#' This function saves labels to the database specified in \code{\link{applicationSettings}}
#' @param entityData a data.frame, including one column named 'stateGroupIndex', one that matches idColumn, and one of the form 'entityID'
#' @param entityKind a string, the kind of the state, limited to "protocol", "experiment", "analysisgroup", "treatmentgroup", "subject", "container", "itxcontainercontainer"
#' @param stateGroups a list of lists, each of which includes details about how to save states (TODO link later)
#' @param stateGroupIndices an integer vector of indices to use from stateGroups
#' @param idColumn a string, the name of the column used to separate states (often stateID)
#' @param recordedBy a string, the name of the person recording the data
#' @param lsTransaction an integer, the id of the lsTransaction
#' @param labelPrefix a string, prefixed to all labels
#' @return NULL
#' @keywords save, format, stateGroups, label, labels
#' @export
saveLabelsFromLongFormat <- function(entityData, entityKind, stateGroups, idColumn, recordedBy, lsTransaction, stateGroupIndices = NULL, labelPrefix = NULL) {
  if (is.null(stateGroupIndices)) {
    stateGroupIndices <- which(sapply(stateGroups, getElement, "entityKind") == entityKind)
    labelStateGroups <- which(sapply(stateGroups, function(x) !is.null(x$labelType)))
    stateGroupIndices <- stateGroupIndices[stateGroupIndices %in% labelStateGroups]
  labelData <- entityData[entityData$stateGroupIndex %in% stateGroupIndices, ]
  createRawOnlyLsLabel <- function(entityData, stateGroups, entityKind, recordedBy, lsTransaction, labelPrefix) {
    lsType <- stateGroups[[entityData$stateGroupIndex[1]]]$labelType
    lsKind <- stateGroups[[entityData$stateGroupIndex[1]]]$labelKind
    labelTextValueKind <- stateGroups[[entityData$stateGroupIndex[1]]]$labelText
    labelText <- if(is.na(entityData$stringValue[entityData$valueKind == labelTextValueKind][1])) {
      entityData$numericValue[entityData$valueKind == labelTextValueKind][1]
    } else {
      entityData$stringValue[entityData$valueKind == labelTextValueKind][1]
    if(!is.null(labelPrefix)) {
      labelText <- paste0(labelPrefix, "_", labelText)
    lsLabel <- switch(
      "analysisgroup" = {createAnalysisGroupLabel(analysisGroup = list(id=entityData$analysisGroupID[1], version=0),
                                                  labelText = labelText,
      "subject" = {createSubjectLabel(subject = list(id=entityData$subjectID[1], version=0),
                                      labelText = labelText,
      "treatmentgroup" = {createTreatmentGroupLabel(treatmentGroup = list(id=entityData$treatmentGroupID[1], version=0),
                                                    labelText = labelText,
      "container" = {createContainerLabel(container = list(id=entityData$containerID[1], version=0),
                                          labelText = labelText,
      interaction = {createInteractionLabel(interaction = list(id=entityData$interactionID[1], version = 0),
                                            labelText = labelText,
      stopUser(paste("Configuration Error: Unrecognized entityKind:", entityKind)))
  lsLabels <- dlply(.data=labelData, .variables=idColumn, .fun=createRawOnlyLsLabel, 
                    stateGroups=stateGroups, entityKind=entityKind, recordedBy=recordedBy, lsTransaction=lsTransaction, labelPrefix=labelPrefix)
  names(lsLabels) <- NULL
  savedLsLabels <- saveAcasEntities(lsLabels, paste0(entityKind, "labels"))

#' Turns a batchCode column into rows in a long format
#' @param entityData a data frame with data
#' @param batchCodeStateIndices a numeric vector of indices in the stateGroupIndexColumn which should have batchCodes melted
#' @param replacedFakeBatchCode deprecated: a character vector of fake batch id's that were replaced, marking invalid batch codes
#' @param optionalColumns Columns to include in output (if available). Often the entityID is needed for saving later
#' @details Does not work with data.table.
#' entityData must have columns "batchCode", "stateID", "stateGroupIndex".
#' If "batchCode" is missing, will return an empty data.frame.
#' publicData is always set to TRUE.
#' In longFormatSave.R
#' @return A data frame with rows for all code values
meltBatchCodes <- function(entityData, batchCodeStateIndices, replacedFakeBatchCode = NULL, optionalColumns = c("treatmentGroupID", "analysisGroupID", "stateVersion")) {
  # Check for missing batchCode
  output <- data.frame()
  if (is.null(entityData$batchCode) || all(is.na(entityData$batchCode))) {
  neededColumns <- c("batchCode", "stateID", "stateGroupIndex")
  if (!all(neededColumns %in% names(entityData))) {stop("Internal error: missing needed columns")}
  usedColumns <- c(neededColumns, optionalColumns[optionalColumns %in% names(entityData)])
  # It will run once, mostly. So it is a for loop
  for (index in batchCodeStateIndices) {
#     if(is.null(replacedFakeBatchCode)) {
      batchCodeValues <- unique(entityData[entityData$stateGroupIndex==index, usedColumns])
#       fakeBatchCodeValues <- data.frame()
#     } else {
      #batchCodeValues <- unique(entityData[entityData$stateGroupIndex==index, c("batchCode", "stateID", "stateVersion", "stateGroupIndex", "publicData", "originalBatchCode")])
      #fakeBatchCodeValues <- batchCodeValues[batchCodeValues$originalBatchCode %in% replacedFakeBatchCode, ]
      #batchCodeValues <- batchCodeValues[!(batchCodeValues$originalBatchCode %in% replacedFakeBatchCode), ]
#     }
    if (nrow(batchCodeValues) > 0) {
      names(batchCodeValues)[1] <- "codeValue"
      batchCodeValues$valueType <- "codeValue"
      batchCodeValues$valueKind <- "batch code"
      batchCodeValues$publicData <- TRUE
      output <- rbind.fill(output, batchCodeValues)
#     if (nrow(fakeBatchCodeValues) > 0) {
#       names(fakeBatchCodeValues)[names(fakeBatchCodeValues) == "originalBatchCode"] <- "codeValue"
#       fakeBatchCodeValues$valueType <- "codeValue"
#       fakeBatchCodeValues$valueKind <- "batch code"
#       fakeBatchCodeValues$batchCode <- NULL
#       output <- rbind.fill(output, fakeBatchCodeValues)
#     }

#' Turns concentration columns into rows in a long format
#' @param entityData a data frame with data, must include rows "concentration" and "concentrationUnit"
#' @param entityKind the current acas entityKind (in racas::acasEntityHierarchyCamel)
meltConcentrations <- function(entityData, entityKind = "treatmentGroup") {
  parentEntityKind <- parentAcasEntity(entityKind, "camel")
  parentEntityID <- paste0(parentEntityKind, "ID")
  createConcentrationRows <- function(entityData) {
    if(any(is.na(entityData$concentration))) {
    } else {
      output <- data.frame(batchCode = entityData$batchCode[1], 
                           valueKind = "tested concentration", 
                           valueType = "numericValue",
                           numericValue = entityData$concentration[1],
                           valueUnit = entityData$concentrationUnit[1],
                           stateID = entityData$stateID[1],
                           stateGroupIndex = entityData$stateGroupIndex[1],
                           publicData = entityData$publicData[1],
                           valueKindAndUnit = paste("INTERNAL---tested concentration", 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if(!is.null(entityData[[parentEntityID]]) && !is.na(entityData[[parentEntityID]])) {
        output[[parentEntityID]] <- entityData[[parentEntityID]][1]
  output <- ddply(.data=entityData, .variables = c("stateID"), .fun = createConcentrationRows)

#' Turns time columns into rows in a long format
#' @param entityData a data frame with data, must include rows "time" and "timeUnit"
#' @param entityKind the current acas entityKind (in racas::acasEntityHierarchyCamel)
meltTimes <- function(entityData, entityKind = "treatmentGroup") {
  parentEntityKind <- parentAcasEntity(entityKind, "camel")
  parentEntityID <- paste0(parentEntityKind, "ID")
  createTimeRows <- function(entityData) {
    if(any(is.na(entityData$time))) {
    } else {
      output <- data.frame(batchCode = entityData$batchCode[1], 
                           valueKind = "time", 
                           valueType = "numericValue",
                           numericValue = entityData$time[1],
                           valueUnit = entityData$timeUnit[1],
                           stateID = entityData$stateID[1],
                           stateGroupIndex = entityData$stateGroupIndex[1],
                           publicData = entityData$publicData[1],
                           valueKindAndUnit = paste("INTERNAL---time", 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if(!is.null(entityData[[parentEntityID]]) && !is.na(entityData[[parentEntityID]])) {
        output[[parentEntityID]] <- entityData[[parentEntityID]][1]
  output <- ddply(.data=entityData, .variables = c("stateID"), .fun = createTimeRows)

#' saves "raw only" values
#' Saves values from a specific format
#' @param entityData A data frame that includes columns:
#'    \describe{
#'    \item{stateGroupIndex}{Integer vector marking the index of the state group for each row}
#'    \item{operatorType}{String: the type of the operator}
#'    \item{unitType}{String: the type of the unit}
#'     \item{stateID}{An integer that is the ID of the state for each value}
#'     \item{valueType}{A string of "stringValue", "dateValue", or "numericValue"}
#'     \item{valueKind}{A string value ofthe kind of value}
#'     \item{publicData}{Boolean: Marks if each value should be hidden}
#'     \item{stateVersion}{An integer that is the version of the state for each value}
#'     \item{stringValue}{String: a string value (optional)}
#'     \item{codeValue}{String: a code, such as a batch code (optional)}
#'     \item{fileValue}{String: a code that refers to a file, or a path extension of the blueimp public folder (optional)}
#'     \item{urlValue}{String: a url (optional)}
#'     \item{numericValue}{Number: a number (optional)}
#'     \item{dateValue}{A Date value (optional)}
#'     \item{valueOperator}{String: The operator for each value (optional)}
#'     \item{valueUnit}{String: The units for each value (optional)}
#'     \item{clobValue}{String: for very long strings (optional)}
#'     \item{blobValue}{Anything: no case that exists right now (optional)}
#'     \item{concentration}{Numeric: concentration, usually of a batch code (optional)}
#'     \item{concUnit}{String: unit of concentration (optional)}
#'     \item{numberOfReplicates}{Integer: The number of replicates (optional)}
#'     \item{uncertainty}{Numeric: the uncertainty (optional)}
#'     \item{uncertaintyType}{String: the type of uncertainty, such as standard deviation (optional)}
#'     \item{comments}{String: mainly used for filenames (fileValue is filled with codes) (optional)}
#'     \item{codeType}{String: type of the codeValue (optional)}
#'     \item{codeKind}{String: kind of the codeValue (optional)}
#'     \item{codeOrigin}{String: origin of the codeValue (optional)}
#'     }
#' @param  entityKind          String: the kind of the state, allowed values are: "protocol", "experiment", "analysisgroup", 
#' "subject", "treatmentgroup", "container", "itxcontainercontainer", "itxsubjectcontainer"
#' @param  stateGroups          A list of lists, each of which includes details about how to save states
#' @param  stateGroupIndices    An integer vector of the indices to use from stateGroups (others are removed)
#' @param  lsTransaction        An id of an lsTransaction
#' @param  testMode             A boolean marking if the function should return JSON instead of saving values
#' @param recordedBy String: the username recording the data
#' @return A list of value objects (lists)
#' @details All numericValues of Inf will be have their stringValue set to
#'   "infinite" as Inf can't be stored in the database. Code in longFormatSave.R
saveValuesFromLongFormat <- function(entityData, entityKind, stateGroups = NULL, lsTransaction, recordedBy, stateGroupIndices = NULL, testMode=FALSE) {

  if (any(!(c("stateGroupIndex", "valueType", "valueKind", "publicData", "stateVersion") %in% names(entityData)))) {
    stopUser("Missing input columns in entityData")
  if (any(is.na(entityData$stateID[entityData$stateGroupIndex %in% stateGroupIndices]))) {
    stopUser("Internal error: No stateID can be NA")
  if (any(entityData$numericValue == Inf, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    entityData$stringValue[entityData$numericValue == Inf] <- "infinite"
    entityData$numericValue[entityData$numericValue == Inf] <- NA
  factorColumns <- vapply(entityData, is.factor, c(TRUE))
  entityData[factorColumns] <- lapply(entityData[factorColumns], as.character)
  if (is.null(stateGroupIndices)) {
    stateGroupIndices <- which(sapply(stateGroups, getElement, "entityKind") == entityKind)
    # This exists because labels were added, it removes indices for labels
    realStateGroups <- which(sapply(stateGroups, function(x) !is.null(x$stateType)))
    stateGroupIndices <- stateGroupIndices[stateGroupIndices %in% realStateGroups]
  entityData$rowID <- 1:(nrow(entityData))
  createLocalStateValue <- function(entityData, lsTransaction, recordedBy) {
    if (!is.null(entityData$dateValue)) {
      dateValue <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(entityData$dateValue,origin="1970-01-01"), "%s"))*1000
    } else {
      dateValue <- NA
    getNullSafe <- function(x) {if(is.character(x) && !is.na(x)) {x} else {NULL}}
    stateValue <- createStateValue(
      lsState = list(id=entityData$stateID, version = entityData$stateVersion),
      lsType = if (entityData$valueType %in% c("stringValue", "fileValue", "urlValue", "dateValue", "clobValue", "blobValue", "numericValue", "codeValue", "inlineFileValue")) {
      } else {"numericValue"},
      lsKind = entityData$valueKind,
      stringValue = if (is.character(entityData$stringValue) && !is.na(entityData$stringValue)) {entityData$stringValue} else {NULL},
      dateValue = if(!is.na(dateValue)) {dateValue} else {NULL},
      clobValue = if(is.character(entityData$clobValue) && !is.na(entityData$clobValue)) {entityData$clobValue} else {NULL},
      blobValue = if(!is.null(entityData$blobValue) && !is.na(entityData$blobValue)) {entityData$blobValue} else {NULL},
      codeValue = if(is.character(entityData$codeValue) && !is.na(entityData$codeValue)) {entityData$codeValue} else {NULL},
      fileValue = if(is.character(entityData$fileValue) && !is.na(entityData$fileValue)) {entityData$fileValue} else {NULL},
      urlValue = if(is.character(entityData$urlValue) && !is.na(entityData$urlValue)) {entityData$urlValue} else {NULL},
      concentration = if(is.numeric(entityData$concentration) && !is.na(entityData$concentration)) {entityData$concentration} else {NULL},
      concUnit = if(is.character(entityData$concUnit) && !is.na(entityData$concUnit)) {entityData$concUnit} else {NULL},
      valueOperator = if(is.character(entityData$valueOperator) && !is.na(entityData$valueOperator)) {entityData$valueOperator} else {NULL},
      operatorType = if(is.character(entityData$operatorType) && !is.na(entityData$operatorType)) {entityData$operatorType} else {NULL},
      numericValue = if(is.numeric(entityData$numericValue) && !is.na(entityData$numericValue)) {entityData$numericValue} else {NULL},
      valueUnit = if(is.character(entityData$valueUnit) && !is.na(entityData$valueUnit)) {entityData$valueUnit} else {NULL},
      unitType = if(is.character(entityData$unitType) && !is.na(entityData$unitType)) {entityData$unitType} else {NULL},
      publicData = entityData$publicData,
      lsTransaction = lsTransaction,
      numberOfReplicates = if(is.numeric(entityData$numberOfReplicates) && !is.na(entityData$numberOfReplicates)) {entityData$numberOfReplicates} else {NULL},
      uncertainty = if(is.numeric(entityData$uncertainty) && !is.na(entityData$uncertainty)) {entityData$uncertainty} else {NULL},
      uncertaintyType = if(is.character(entityData$uncertaintyType) && !is.na(entityData$uncertaintyType)) {entityData$uncertaintyType} else {NULL},
      recordedBy = recordedBy,
      comments = getNullSafe(entityData$comments),
      codeType = getNullSafe(entityData$codeType),
      codeKind = getNullSafe(entityData$codeKind),
      codeOrigin = getNullSafe(entityData$codeOrigin)
  entityValues <- plyr::dlply(.data = entityData[entityData$stateGroupIndex %in% stateGroupIndices, ], 
                        .variables = .(rowID), 
                        .fun = createLocalStateValue, 
                        lsTransaction = lsTransaction,
                        recordedBy = recordedBy)
  names(entityValues) <- NULL

  if (testMode) {
    entityValues <- lapply(entityValues, function(x) {x$recordedDate <- 42; return (x)})
  } else {
    savedEntityValues <- saveAcasEntities(entityValues, paste0(entityKind, "values"))

#' Links new subjects to old containers
#' Tests for both containers created by other experiments and for ones created by an experiment of the same name (reloads)
#' @param entityData data.frame: must have columns stringValue, stateGroupIndices, numericValue
#' @param stateGroups a list of state (and label) groups
#' @param labelPrefix a string, often the experiment name. If NULL (default), only exact matches are checked
#' @param stateGroupIndices numeric vector, use to list indices rather than having them automatically be found
#' @param testModeData a data frame of test data, testMode happends when not null
#' @return a list of two data frames, one with new data and one with old- the old only has subjectID and containerID
#' @details If there are both prefixed and unprefixed labels that match, the prefixed labels will have precedence
linkOldContainers <- function(entityData, stateGroups, labelPrefix = NULL, stateGroupIndices = NULL, testModeData = NULL) {
  # Get stateGroupIndices if not provided
  if (is.null(stateGroupIndices)) {
    stateGroupIndices <- which(sapply(stateGroups, getElement, "entityKind") == "container")
    labelStateGroups <- which(sapply(stateGroups, function(x) !is.null(x$labelType)))
    stateGroupIndices <- stateGroupIndices[stateGroupIndices %in% labelStateGroups]
  # Get labels
  labelData <- entityData[entityData$stateGroupIndex %in% stateGroupIndices, ]
  labelVector <- pmax(labelData$stringValue, labelData$numericValue, na.rm=T)
  # Handle empty data
  if (nrow(labelData) == 0) {
    return(list(entityData=entityData, matchingLabelData=data.frame(containerID=numeric(), subjectID=numeric())))
  # Add prefix
  if(!is.null(labelPrefix)) {
    prefixedLabelVector <- paste0(labelPrefix, "_", labelVector)
  } else {
    prefixedLabelVector <- labelVector
  labelData$prefixedStringValue <- prefixedLabelVector
  # Get data or accept testModeData
  if (is.null(testModeData)) {
    noPrefixLabels <- getContainerByLabelText(labelVector)
    prefixLabels <- getContainerByLabelText(prefixedLabelVector)
    oldLabelsList <- c(noPrefixLabels, prefixLabels)
    oldLabels <- ldply(oldLabelsList, function(x) {
      return(data.frame(containerID=x$id, labelText = x$lsLabels[[1]]$labelText, stringsAsFactors=F))
  } else {
    oldLabels <- testModeData
  matchingLabelData <- labelData[labelData$stringValue %in% oldLabels$labelText | labelData$prefixedStringValue %in% oldLabels$labelText, ]
  #Note: order matters: the prefixLabels will have precedence
  matchingLabelData$containerID <- oldLabels$containerID[match(matchingLabelData$stringValue, oldLabels$labelText)]
  if (nrow(matchingLabelData) > 0) {
    matchingLabelData$containerID[is.na(matchingLabelData$containerID)] <- oldLabels$containerID[match(matchingLabelData$prefixedStringValue, oldLabels$labelText)]
  entityData <- entityData[!(entityData$subjectID %in% matchingLabelData$subjectID), ]
  if (is.null(matchingLabelData$containerID)) {
    matchingLabelData$containerID <- numeric()
  #simplify to needed columns
  matchingLabelData <- matchingLabelData[, c("subjectID", "containerID")]
  return(list(entityData=entityData, matchingLabelData=matchingLabelData))

saveStatesFromExplicitFormat <- function(entityData, entityKind, testMode=FALSE) {
  #TODO: should allow containers or interactions
  idColumn = "stateID"
  entityID = paste0(entityKind, "ID")
  entityVersion = paste0(entityKind, "Version")
  acasServerEntity <- changeEntityMode(entityKind, "camel", "lowercase")
  # If no version given, assume version 0
  if (!(entityVersion %in% names(entityData))) {
    entityData[[entityVersion]] <- 0
  if (!(idColumn %in% names(entityData))) {
    stop(paste0("Internal Error: ", idColumn, " must be a column in entityData"))
  if (!(entityKind %in% racas::acasEntityHierarchyCamel)) {
    stop("Internal Error: entityKind must be in racas::acasEntityHierarchyCamel")
  if (!(entityID %in% names(entityData))) {
    stop("Internal Error: ", entityID, " must be included in entityData")
  createExplicitLsState <- function(entityData, entityKind) {
    # TODO: add stateType and StateKind to meltBatchCodes
    lsType <- entityData$stateType[1]
    lsKind <- entityData$stateKind[1]
    lsState <- list(lsType = entityData$stateType[1],
                    lsKind = entityData$stateKind[1],
                    recordedBy = entityData$recordedBy[1],
                    lsTransaction = entityData$lsTransaction[1])
    # e.g. lsState$analysisGroup <- list(id=entityData$analysisGroupID[1], version=0)
    lsState[[entityKind]] <- list(id = entityData[[entityID]][[1]], version = entityData[[entityVersion]][1])
  lsStates <- dlply(.data=entityData, .variables=idColumn, .fun=createExplicitLsState, entityKind=entityKind)
  originalStateIds <- names(lsStates)
  names(lsStates) <- NULL
  if (testMode) {
    lsStates <- lapply(lsStates, function(x) {x$recordedDate <- 1381939115000; return (x)})
  } else {
    savedLsStates <- saveAcasEntities(lsStates, paste0(acasServerEntity, "states"))
  if (!is.list(savedLsStates) || length(savedLsStates) != length(lsStates)) {
    stop ("Internal error: the roo server did not respond correctly to saving states")
  lsStateIds <- sapply(savedLsStates, getElement, "id")
  lsStateVersions <- sapply(savedLsStates, getElement, "version")
  entityStateTranslation <- data.frame(entityStateId = lsStateIds, 
                                       originalStateId = originalStateIds, 
                                       entityStateVersion = lsStateVersions)
  stateIdAndVersion <- entityStateTranslation[match(entityData[[idColumn]], 
                                              c("entityStateId", "entityStateVersion")]

saveValuesFromExplicitFormat <- function(entityData, entityKind, testMode=FALSE) {
  ### static variables
  #TODO: should allow containers or interactions
  idColumn = "stateID"
  acasServerEntity <- changeEntityMode(entityKind, "camel", "lowercase")
  #create a uniqueID to split on
  entityData$uniqueID <- 1:(nrow(entityData))
  optionalColumns <- c("fileValue", "urlValue", "codeValue", "numericValue", "dateValue",
                       "valueOperator", "valueUnit", "clobValue", "blobValue", "numberOfReplicates",
                       "uncertainty", "uncertaintyType", "comments")
  missingOptionalColumns <- Filter(function(x) !(x %in% names(entityData)),
  entityData[missingOptionalColumns] <- NA
  ### Error Checking
  requiredColumns <- c("valueType", "valueKind", "publicData", "stateVersion", "stateID")
  if (any(!(requiredColumns %in% names(entityData)))) {
    stop("Internal Error: Missing input columns in entityData, must have ", paste(requiredColumns, collapse = ", "))
  # Turns factors to character
  factorColumns <- vapply(entityData, is.factor, c(TRUE))
  entityData[factorColumns] <- lapply(entityData[factorColumns], as.character)
  if (is.character(entityData$dateValue)) {
    entityData$dateValue[entityData$dateValue == ""] <- NA
    entityData$dateValue <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(entityData$dateValue,origin="1970-01-01"), "%s"))*1000
  } else if (is.numeric(entityData$dateValue)) {
    # No change
  } else if (is.null(entityData$dateValue) || all(is.na(entityData$dateValue))) {
    entityData$dateValue <- as.character(NA)
  } else {
    stop("Internal Error: unrecognized class of entityData$dateValue: ", class(entityData$dateValue))
  ### Helper function
  createLocalStateValue <- function(valueData) {
    stateValue <- with(valueData, {
        lsState = list(id = stateID, version = stateVersion),
        lsType = if (valueType %in% c("stringValue", "fileValue", "urlValue", "dateValue", "clobValue", "blobValue", "numericValue", "codeValue")) {
        } else {"numericValue"},
        lsKind = valueKind,
        stringValue = if (is.character(stringValue) && !is.na(stringValue)) {stringValue} else {NULL},
        dateValue = if(is.numeric(stringValue)) {dateValue} else {NULL},
        clobValue = if(is.character(clobValue) && !is.na(clobValue)) {clobValue} else {NULL},
        blobValue = if(!is.null(blobValue) && !is.na(blobValue)) {blobValue} else {NULL},
        codeValue = if(is.character(codeValue) && !is.na(codeValue)) {codeValue} else {NULL},
        fileValue = if(is.character(fileValue) && !is.na(fileValue)) {fileValue} else {NULL},
        urlValue = if(is.character(urlValue) && !is.na(urlValue)) {urlValue} else {NULL},
        valueOperator = if(is.character(valueOperator) && !is.na(valueOperator)) {valueOperator} else {NULL},
        operatorType = if(is.character(operatorType) && !is.na(operatorType)) {operatorType} else {NULL},
        numericValue = if(is.numeric(numericValue) && !is.na(numericValue)) {numericValue} else {NULL},
        valueUnit = if(is.character(valueUnit) && !is.na(valueUnit)) {valueUnit} else {NULL},
        unitType = if(is.character(unitType) && !is.na(unitType)) {unitType} else {NULL},
        publicData = publicData,
        lsTransaction = lsTransaction,
        numberOfReplicates = if(is.numeric(numberOfReplicates) && !is.na(numberOfReplicates)) {numberOfReplicates} else {NULL},
        uncertainty = if(is.numeric(uncertainty) && !is.na(uncertainty)) {uncertainty} else {NULL},
        uncertaintyType = if(is.character(uncertaintyType) && !is.na(uncertaintyType)) {uncertaintyType} else {NULL},
        recordedBy = recordedBy,
        comments = if(is.character(comments) && !is.na(comments)) {comments} else {NULL}
  entityValues <- plyr::dlply(.data = entityData, 
                              .variables = .(uniqueID), 
                              .fun = createLocalStateValue)
  names(entityValues) <- NULL
  if (testMode) {
    entityValues <- lapply(entityValues, function(x) {x$recordedDate <- 42; return (x)})
  } else {
    savedEntityValues <- saveAcasEntities(entityValues, paste0(acasServerEntity, "values"))

#' Turns a batchCode column into rows in a long format
#' @param entityData a data frame with data
#' @details Does not work with data.table. entityData must have columns 
#'   "tempStateId", "tempId", "stateType", "stateKind". If "batchCode" is
#'   missing, will return an empty data.frame. publicData is always set to TRUE.
#'   For use with Tsv saves.
#' @return A data frame with rows for all code values
meltBatchCodes2 <- function(entityData) {
  # Check for empty batchCode
  output <- data.frame()
  if (is.null(entityData$batchCode) || all(is.na(entityData$batchCode))) {
  optionalColumns <- c("lsTransaction", "recordedBy", "concentration", "concUnit", "parentId", "tempParentId")
  neededColumns <- c("batchCode", "tempStateId", "tempId", "stateType", "stateKind")
  if (!all(neededColumns %in% names(entityData))) {stop("Internal error: missing needed columns")}
  usedColumns <- c(neededColumns, optionalColumns[optionalColumns %in% names(entityData)])
  batchCodeValues <- unique(entityData[, usedColumns])
  names(batchCodeValues)[1] <- "codeValue"
  batchCodeValues$valueType <- "codeValue"
  batchCodeValues$valueKind <- "batch code"
  batchCodeValues$publicData <- TRUE
  batchCodeValues <- batchCodeValues[!is.na(batchCodeValues$codeValue), ]

#' Turns concentration columns into rows in a long format
#' @param entityData a data frame with data, must include rows 
#' "concentration", "concentrationUnit", "tempStateId", 
#' "parentId", "tempId", "stateType", "stateKind"
#' For use with Tsv saves
meltConcentrations2 <- function(entityData) {
  if(all(is.na(entityData$concentration))) {
  optionalColumns <- c("lsTransaction", "recordedBy", "time", "timeUnit")
  neededColumns <- c("concentration", "concentrationUnit", "tempStateId", "parentId", "tempId", "stateType", "stateKind")
  if (!all(neededColumns %in% names(entityData))) {stop("Internal error: missing needed columns")}
  usedColumns <- c(neededColumns, optionalColumns[optionalColumns %in% names(entityData)])
  createConcentrationRows <- function(entityData) {
    output <- unique(entityData[, usedColumns])
    if (nrow(output) > 1) stop("Non-unique concentrations in a tempStateId")
    if(any(is.na(entityData$concentration))) {
    output$numericValue <- output$concentration
    output$unitKind <- output$concentrationUnit
    output$valueUnit <- output$concentrationUnit
    output$valueKind <- "tested concentration"
    output$valueType <- "numericValue"
    output$publicData <- TRUE
    output$concentration <- NULL
    output$concentrationUnit <- NULL
  output <- ddply(.data=entityData, .variables = c("tempStateId"), .fun = createConcentrationRows)

#' Turns time columns into rows in a long format
#' @param entityData a data frame with data, must include rows 
#' "time", "timeUnit", "tempStateId", 
#' "parentId", "tempId", "stateType", "stateKind"
#' For use with Tsv saves
meltTimes2 <- function(entityData) {
  if(all(is.na(entityData$time))) {
  optionalColumns <- c("lsTransaction", "recordedBy")
  neededColumns <- c("time", "timeUnit", "tempStateId", "parentId", "tempId", "stateType", "stateKind")
  if (!all(neededColumns %in% names(entityData))) {stop("Internal error: missing needed columns")}
  usedColumns <- c(neededColumns, optionalColumns[optionalColumns %in% names(entityData)])
  createTimeRows <- function(entityData) {
    output <- unique(entityData[, usedColumns])
    if (nrow(output) > 1) stop("Non-unique times in a tempStateId")
    if(any(is.na(entityData$time))) {
    output$numericValue <- output$time
    output$unitKind <- output$timeUnit
    output$valueKind <- "time"
    output$valueType <- "numericValue"
    output$publicData <- TRUE
    output$time <- NULL
    output$timeUnit <- NULL
  output <- ddply(.data=entityData, .variables = c("tempStateId"), .fun = createTimeRows)
mcneilco/racas documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 9:27 p.m.