## R package rmgarch by Alexios Ghalanos Copyright (C) 2008-2013.
## This file is part of the R package rmgarch.
## The R package rmgarch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## The R package rmgarch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
.cgarchhessian = function(f, pars, arglist, fname)
cluster = arglist$cluster
dccN = arglist$dccN
arglist$returnType = "llh"
fx = f(pars, arglist)
.eps = .Machine$double.eps
n = length(pars)
# Compute the stepsize (h)
h = .eps ^ (1/3) * pmax( abs( pars ), 1 )
xh = pars + h
h = xh - pars
ee = as.matrix( diag( h ) )
# Compute forward and backward steps
g = vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
if( !is.null(cluster) ){
clusterEvalQ(cluster, require(rmgarch))
clusterExport(cluster, c("pars", "ee", "arglist", "n", "fname"),
envir = environment())
tmp = parLapply(cluster, as.list(1:n), fun = function(i){
tmpg = eval(parse(text = paste(fname, "( pars = pars + ee[, i], arglist)", sep = "")))
return( tmpg )
# sfStop() we'll stop it further down
g = as.numeric( unlist(tmp) )
} else{
tmp = lapply(as.list(1:n), FUN = function(i){
if(arglist$verbose) cat(paste("Evaluating StepValue ",i," out of ",n,"\n",sep=""))
tmpg = f( pars = pars + ee[, i], arglist)
return( tmpg )
g = as.numeric( unlist(tmp) )
H = h %*% t( h )
if( !is.null(cluster) ){
clusterEvalQ(cluster, require(rmgarch))
clusterExport(cluster, c("pars", "H", "ee", "n", "dccN",
"g", "fx", "fname", "arglist"), envir = environment())
tmp = parLapply(cluster, as.list(1:n), fun = function(i){
Htmp = H
for(j in (n - dccN + 1):n){
if(i <= j){
Htmp[i, j] = eval(parse(text = paste("(",fname, "( pars = pars + ee[, i] + ee[, j], arglist) - g[i] - g[j] + fx) / Htmp[i, j]", sep = "")))
Htmp[j, i] = Htmp[i, j]
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in (n - dccN + 1):n){
if(i <= j){
H[i, j] = tmp[[i]][i, j]
H[j, i] = tmp[[i]][j, i]
} else{
tmp = lapply(as.list(1:n), FUN = function(i){
Htmp = H
for(j in (n - dccN + 1):n){
if(i <= j){
Htmp[i, j] = (f( pars = pars + ee[, i] + ee[, j], arglist) - g[i] - g[j] + fx) / Htmp[i, j]
Htmp[j, i] = Htmp[i, j]
for(i in 1:n){
for(j in (n - dccN + 1):n){
if(i <= j){
H[i, j] = tmp[[i]][i, j]
H[j, i] = H[i, j]
newH = H[(n - dccN + 1):n, ]
H = newH
.cgarchmakefitmodel1 = function(f, arglist, timer, message, fname)
.eps = .Machine$double.eps
cluster = arglist$cluster
eval.se = arglist$eval.se
fitlist = arglist$fitlist
m = arglist$m
midx = arglist$midx
eidx = arglist$eidx
dccN = arglist$dccN
ipars = arglist$ipars
estidx = arglist$estidx
cnames = arglist$cnames
mpars = arglist$mpars
model = arglist$model
maxgarchOrder = model$maxgarchOrder
resids = residuals(fitlist)
sigmas = sigma(fitlist)
# resids = resids[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
# sigmas = sigmas[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
pars = mpars[which(eidx==1, arr.ind = TRUE)]
arglist$returnType = "ALL"
sol = f(pars, arglist)
likelihoods = sol$lik
loglikelihood = sol$llh
Rtout = sol$Rt
Qtout = sol$Qt
N = dim(resids)[1]
np = length(pars)
Ht = array( 0, dim = c(m, m, N) )
stdresid = matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = m)
if( !is.null(cluster) ){
clusterExport(cluster, c("sigmas", "Rtout", "resids"), envir = environment())
tmp = parLapply(cluster, as.list(1:N), fun = function(i){
tmph = diag( sigmas[i, ] ) %*% Rtout[[i]] %*% diag( sigmas[i, ] )
zz = eigen( tmph )
sqrtzz = ( zz$vectors %*% diag( sqrt( zz$values ) ) %*% solve( zz$vectors ) )
tmpz = as.numeric( resids[i, ] %*% solve( sqrtzz ) )
return( list( H = tmph, Z = tmpz ) )
for(i in 1:N){
Ht[,,i] = tmp[[i]]$H
stdresid[i,] = tmp[[i]]$Z
} else{
tmp = lapply(as.list(1:N), FUN = function(i){
tmph = diag( sigmas[i, ] ) %*% Rtout[[i]] %*% diag( sigmas[i, ] )
zz = eigen( tmph )
sqrtzz = ( zz$vectors %*% diag( sqrt( zz$values ) ) %*% solve( zz$vectors ) )
tmpz = as.numeric( resids[i, ] %*% solve( sqrtzz ) )
return( list( H = tmph, Z = tmpz ) )
for(i in 1:N){
Ht[,,i] = tmp[[i]]$H
stdresid[i,] = tmp[[i]]$Z
arglist$stdresid = stdresid
arglist$Ht = Ht
A = zeros( np, np )
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cvar = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$cvar
workingsize = dim(cvar)[1]
A[(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1)), (tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = solve(cvar)
tidx = tidx + workingsize
if(arglist$verbose) cat("\n\nCalculating Standard Errors, this can take a while\n")
otherA = .cgarchhessian(f = f, pars = pars, arglist, fname)
A[(np - dccN + 1):np, ] = otherA
jointscores = zeros(N, np)
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cf = fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[,4]==1,1]
workingsize = length(cf)
# head(fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores, 22)
scx = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores
# scx = scx[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
jointscores[,(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = scx
tidx = tidx + workingsize
## CONTINUE here
#Now all we need to do is calculate the scores form the dcc estimator and we have everything
h = pmax( abs( ipars[estidx,1]/2 ), 1e-2 ) * .eps^(1/3)
hplus = ipars[estidx,1] + h
hminus = ipars[estidx,1] - h
likelihoodsplus = zeros( N, dccN )
likelihoodsminus = zeros( N, dccN )
zparsplus = zparsminus = pars
for(i in 1:dccN){
hparameters1 = ipars[estidx,1]
hparameters2 = ipars[estidx,1]
hparameters1[i] = hplus[i]
hparameters2[i] = hminus[i]
# recombine
zparsplus[(np-dccN+1):np] = hparameters1
zparsminus[(np-dccN+1):np] = hparameters2
arglist$returnType = "lik"
LHT1 = f(pars = zparsplus, arglist)
LHT2 = f(pars = zparsminus, arglist)
likelihoodsplus[, i] = LHT1
likelihoodsminus[, i] = LHT2
sctemp = likelihoodsplus - likelihoodsminus
DCCscores = matrix(NA, ncol = dim(sctemp)[2], nrow = dim(sctemp)[1])
sdtemp = 2 * repmat( t( h ), N, 1 )
for(i in 1:dim(sctemp)[2]){
DCCscores[,i] = sctemp[,i] / sdtemp[,i]
jointscores[, (np-dccN+1):np] = DCCscores
B = cov( jointscores )
A = A/ (N)
dcccvar = ( solve( A ) %*% B %*% solve( A ) ) / N
se.coef = sqrt(diag(abs(dcccvar)))
tval = as.numeric( pars/se.coef )
pval = 2* ( 1 - pnorm( abs( tval ) ) )
matcoef = matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars), ncol = 4)
matcoef[, 1] = pars
matcoef[, 2] = se.coef
matcoef[, 3] = tval
matcoef[, 4] = pval
allnames = NULL
for(i in 1:m){
allnames = c(allnames, paste("[",cnames[i],"].", rownames(eidx[eidx[,i]==1,i, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
garchnames = allnames
dccnames = rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE])
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
} else{
allnames = garchnames
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
dimnames(matcoef) = list(allnames, c(" Estimate",
" Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
} else{
se.coef = rep(NA, length(pars))
tval = rep(NA, length(pars))
pval = rep(NA, length(pars))
matcoef = matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars), ncol = 4)
matcoef[, 1] = pars
allnames = NULL
for(i in 1:m){
allnames = c(allnames, paste("[",cnames[i],"].", rownames(eidx[eidx[,i]==1,i, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
garchnames = allnames
dccnames = rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE])
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
} else{
allnames = garchnames
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
dimnames(matcoef) = list(allnames, c(" Estimate",
" Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
dcccvar = NULL
jointscores = NULL
cfit = list()
cfit$coef = pars
names(cfit$coef) = allnames
cfit$matcoef = matcoef
cfit$garchnames = garchnames
cfit$dccnames = dccnames
cfit$cvar = dcccvar
cfit$scores = jointscores
cfit$H = Ht
cfit$stdresid = stdresid
cfit$timer = timer
cfit$convergence = 0
cfit$message = message
return( cfit )
.cgarchmakefitmodel2 = function(f, arglist, timer, message, fname)
.eps = .Machine$double.eps
cluster = arglist$cluster
eval.se = arglist$eval.se
fitlist = arglist$fitlist
m = arglist$m
midx = arglist$midx
eidx = arglist$eidx
ipars = arglist$ipars
estidx = arglist$estidx
cnames = arglist$cnames
mpars = arglist$mpars
model = arglist$model
method = model$modeldesc$cor.method
maxgarchOrder = model$maxgarchOrder
resids = residuals(fitlist)
sigmas = sigma(fitlist)
# resids = resids[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
# sigmas = sigmas[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
pars = mpars[which(eidx==1, arr.ind = TRUE)]
arglist$returnType = "ALL"
sol = f(pars, arglist)
likelihoods = sol$lik
loglikelihood = sol$llh
Rt = sol$R
N = dim(resids)[1]
np = length(pars)
Ht = array( 0, dim = c(m, m, N) )
stdresid = matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = m)
if( !is.null(cluster) ){
clusterExport(cluster, c("sigmas", "Rt", "resids"), envir = environment())
tmp = parLapply(cluster, as.list(1:N), fun = function(i){
tmph = diag( sigmas[i, ] ) %*% Rt %*% diag( sigmas[i, ] )
zz = eigen( tmph )
sqrtzz = ( zz$vectors %*% diag( sqrt( zz$values ) ) %*% solve( zz$vectors ) )
tmpz = as.numeric( resids[i, ] %*% solve( sqrtzz ) )
return( list( H = tmph, Z = tmpz ) )
for(i in 1:N){
Ht[,,i] = tmp[[i]]$H
stdresid[i,] = tmp[[i]]$Z
} else{
tmp = lapply(as.list(1:N), FUN = function(i){
tmph = diag( sigmas[i, ] ) %*% Rt %*% diag( sigmas[i, ] )
zz = eigen( tmph )
sqrtzz = ( zz$vectors %*% diag( sqrt( zz$values ) ) %*% solve( zz$vectors ) )
tmpz = as.numeric( resids[i, ] %*% solve( sqrtzz ) )
return( list( H = tmph, Z = tmpz ) )
for(i in 1:N){
Ht[,,i] = tmp[[i]]$H
stdresid[i,] = tmp[[i]]$Z
arglist$stdresid = stdresid
arglist$Ht = Ht
#assign("stdresid", stdresid, envir = garchenv)
#assign("Ht", Ht, envir = garchenv)
if(method == "ML" || model$modeldesc$distribution == "mvt"){
dccN = arglist$npars
arglist$dccN = dccN
A = zeros( np, np )
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cvar = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$cvar
workingsize = dim(cvar)[1]
A[(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1)), (tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = solve(cvar)
tidx = tidx + workingsize
if(arglist$verbose) cat("\n\nCalculating Standard Errors, this can take a while\n")
otherA = .cgarchhessian(f = f, pars = pars, arglist, fname)
A[(np - dccN + 1):np, ] = otherA
jointscores = zeros(N, np)
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cf = fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[,4]==1,1]
workingsize = length(cf)
# head(fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores, 22)
scx = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores
# scx = scx[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
jointscores[,(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = scx
tidx = tidx + workingsize
h = pmax( abs( ipars[estidx,1]/2 ), 1e-2 ) * .eps^(1/3)
hplus = ipars[estidx,1] + h
hminus = ipars[estidx,1] - h
likelihoodsplus = zeros( N, dccN )
likelihoodsminus = zeros( N, dccN )
zparsplus = zparsminus = pars
for(i in 1:dccN){
hparameters1 = ipars[estidx,1]
hparameters2 = ipars[estidx,1]
hparameters1[i] = hplus[i]
hparameters2[i] = hminus[i]
# recombine
zparsplus[(np-dccN+1):np] = hparameters1
zparsminus[(np-dccN+1):np] = hparameters2
arglist$returnType = "lik"
LHT1 = f(pars = zparsplus, arglist)
LHT2 = f(pars = zparsminus, arglist)
likelihoodsplus[, i] = LHT1
likelihoodsminus[, i] = LHT2
sctemp = likelihoodsplus - likelihoodsminus
DCCscores = matrix(NA, ncol = dim(sctemp)[2], nrow = dim(sctemp)[1])
sdtemp = 2 * repmat( t( h ), N, 1 )
for(i in 1:dim(sctemp)[2]){
DCCscores[,i] = sctemp[,i] / sdtemp[,i]
jointscores[, (np-dccN+1):np] = DCCscores
B = cov( jointscores )
A = A/ (N)
dcccvar = ( solve( A ) %*% B %*% solve( A ) ) / N
se.coef = sqrt(diag(abs(dcccvar)))
tval = as.numeric( pars/se.coef )
pval = 2* ( 1 - pnorm( abs( tval ) ) )
matcoef = matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars), ncol = 4)
matcoef[, 1] = pars
matcoef[, 2] = se.coef
matcoef[, 3] = tval
matcoef[, 4] = pval
allnames = NULL
for(i in 1:m){
allnames = c(allnames, paste("[",cnames[i],"].", rownames(eidx[eidx[,i]==1,i, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
garchnames = allnames
dccnames = rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE])
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
} else{
allnames = garchnames
dimnames(matcoef) = list(allnames, c(" Estimate"," Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
} else{
jointscores = zeros(N, np)
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cf = fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[,4]==1,1]
workingsize = length(cf)
# head(fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores, 22)
scx = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores
# scx = scx[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
jointscores[,(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = scx
tidx = tidx + workingsize
B = cov( jointscores )
A = A/ (N)
dcccvar = ( solve( A ) %*% B %*% solve( A ) ) / N
se.coef = sqrt(diag(abs(dcccvar)))
tval = as.numeric( pars/se.coef )
pval = 2* ( 1 - pnorm( abs( tval ) ) )
matcoef = matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars), ncol = 4)
matcoef[, 1] = pars
matcoef[, 2] = se.coef
matcoef[, 3] = tval
matcoef[, 4] = pval
allnames = NULL
for(i in 1:m){
allnames = c(allnames, paste("[",cnames[i],"].", rownames(eidx[eidx[,i]==1,i, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
garchnames = allnames
dccnames = rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE])
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
} else{
allnames = garchnames
dimnames(matcoef) = list(allnames, c(" Estimate", " Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
} else{
A = zeros( np, np )
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cvar = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$cvar
workingsize = dim(cvar)[1]
A[(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1)), (tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = solve(cvar)
tidx = tidx + workingsize
#cat("\n\nCalculating Standard Errors, this can take a while\n")
#otherA = .cgarchhessian(f = f, pars = pars, garchenv = garchenv, fname)
#A[(np - dccN + 1):np, ] = otherA
jointscores = zeros(N, np)
tidx = 1
for(i in 1:m){
cf = fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[fitlist@fit[[i]]@model$pars[,4]==1,1]
workingsize = length(cf)
# head(fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores, 22)
scx = fitlist@fit[[i]]@fit$scores
# scx = scx[-c(1:maxgarchOrder), , drop = FALSE]
jointscores[,(tidx:(tidx + workingsize - 1))] = scx
tidx = tidx + workingsize
## CONTINUE here
#Now all we need to do is calculate the scores form the dcc estimator and we have everything
B = cov( jointscores )
A = A/ (N)
dcccvar = ( solve( A ) %*% B %*% solve( A ) ) / N
se.coef = sqrt(diag(abs(dcccvar)))
tval = as.numeric( pars/se.coef )
pval = 2* ( 1 - pnorm( abs( tval ) ) )
matcoef = matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars), ncol = 4)
matcoef[, 1] = pars
matcoef[, 2] = se.coef
matcoef[, 3] = tval
matcoef[, 4] = pval
allnames = NULL
for(i in 1:m){
allnames = c(allnames, paste("[",cnames[i],"].", rownames(eidx[eidx[,i]==1,i, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
garchnames = allnames
dccnames = NULL
dimnames(matcoef) = list(allnames, c(" Estimate", " Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
} else{
se.coef = rep(NA, length(pars))
tval = rep(NA, length(pars))
pval = rep(NA, length(pars))
matcoef = matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars), ncol = 4)
matcoef[, 1] = pars
allnames = NULL
for(i in 1:m){
allnames = c(allnames, paste("[",cnames[i],"].", rownames(eidx[eidx[,i]==1,i, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
garchnames = allnames
dccnames = rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE])
allnames = c(garchnames, paste("[Joint]", rownames(eidx[eidx[,m+1]==1,m+1, drop = FALSE]), sep = ""))
} else{
allnames = garchnames
dimnames(matcoef) = list(allnames, c(" Estimate", " Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
dcccvar = NULL
jointscores = NULL
cgarchfit = list()
cgarchfit$coef = pars
names(cgarchfit$coef) = allnames
cgarchfit$matcoef = matcoef
cgarchfit$garchnames = garchnames
cgarchfit$dccnames = dccnames
cgarchfit$cvar = dcccvar
cgarchfit$scores = jointscores
cgarchfit$H = Ht
cgarchfit$stdresid = stdresid
cgarchfit$timer = timer
cgarchfit$convergence = 0
cgarchfit$message = message
return( cgarchfit )
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