Man pages for mensxmachina/BioDataome
Functions used to preprocess datasets stored in BioDataome

compareDsetListColumn wise comparison of a dataset to a list of datasets.
compareDsetsColumn wise comparison of two datasets This function finds...
controlSamplesDiscover control samples from phenotype data in GEO
curateGSERun all steps to download, preprocess and annotate a GEO...
curateRecountRNASeqRun all steps to download, preprocess and annotate an RNASeq...
diseasetoChildrenNodesMap a Disease Ontology (D-O) term to the first children nodes...
diseasetoParentNodesMap a Disease Ontology (D-O) term to the parent nodes in D-O
downloadPhenotypeDownload series matrices from GEO for a given study
downloadPhenotypePlatformDownload series matrix from GEO for a given study and...
downloadRawDownload raw files from GEO for a given study Example:...
downloadRecountDownload gene-level RangedSummarizedExperiment data from...
entrezIDtoGSEFind all GSE ids for a given Entrez query Example: query GEO...
GSEmetadataCreate sample phenotype metadata of a GEO dataset including...
GSEtoDiseaseAnnotate a study (GSE) with a disease term from the Disease...
GSEtoDiseaseGEOAnnotate a study (GSE) with a disease term from the Disease...
preprocessGEOPreprocess CEL files with SCAN
preprocessGEOMethylationPreprocess IDAT files from Illumina HumanMethylation450...
recountIDtoGSEMap a recount dataset ID to GSE ID
mensxmachina/BioDataome documentation built on July 24, 2021, 1:05 p.m.