
# Uses bi-linear interpolation to regrid one field onto the next
# First the routine computes a set of weight, then performs a matrix multiplication
# to map the original data onto the new grid.
# The weights are based on the distance between points, taking longitude & latitude
# and use distAB() to estimate the geographical distance in km.
# X(i,j) is a i-j matrix containing the data on a grid with i logitudes and j latitudes
# X(i,j) -> Y(k,l)
# Y = beta X
# beta(i*j,k*l)
#  ( Y(1,1) )   (beta(1,1), beta(2,1), beta(3,1), ... ) ( X(1,1) )
#  ( Y(1,2) ) = (beta(1,2), beta(2,2), beta(3,2), ... ) ( X(1,2) )
#  ( .....  )   (beta(1,3), beta(2,3), beta(3,3), ... ) ( X(1,3) )
# Most of the elements in Beta are zero, and only 4 weights are needed to compute
# the interpolated value within a grid with 4 values at the corners.
# THe weights are estimated first, and are then applied to each time slice through
# a sparse matrix multiplication (hence keeking track of indices).
# The weights are derived according to:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation
# R.E. Benestad, 
# rasmus.benestad@met.no

sparseMproduct <- function(beta,x) {
  # b contains the weights and i the indexes
  b <- beta[1:4]; i <- beta[5:8]
  ok <- (i > 0)
  y <- sum(b[ok]*x[i][ok])  

regrid <- function(x,is,...)

regrid.weights <- function(xo,yo,xn,yn,verbose=FALSE) {

  lindist <- function(x,X) {
    # This function works for non-oerlapping coordinates:
    I <- 1:length(X)
    lt <- X < x; gt <- X > x
    if ( (sum(lt)>0) & (sum(gt)>0) ) {
      i1 <-  max(I[lt]); i2 <- min(I[gt])
      x1 <- X[i1]; x2 <- X[i2]
      dx <- x2 - x1
      w1 <- x2 - x
      w2 <- x - x1
      output <- c(w1,w2,i1,i2,x,x1,x2,dx)
    } else output <- c(NA,NA,1,1,x,NA,NA,diff(X)[1])
    names(output) <- c("w1","w2","i1","i2","x","x1","x2","dx")
  t1 <- Sys.time()
  nx <- length(xn); ny <- length(yn)
  nxo <- length(xo)
  dim(xn) <- c(nx,1)
  nyo <- length(yo)
  dim(yn) <- c(ny,1)
  # Split the search for weights in two:
  # 1) Find the overlapping coordinates:
  if (verbose) print(paste("Set up weights: nx=",nx,"ny=",ny))
  Wx <- matrix(rep(0,nx*8),8,nx)         # REB 29.01.2014
  Wy <- matrix(rep(0,ny*8),8,ny)
  rownames(Wx) <- c("w1","w2","i1","i2","x","x1","x2","dx")
  rownames(Wy) <- c("w1","w2","i1","i2","x","x1","x2","dx")
  olx <- is.element(xn,xo); dx <- min(diff(xo))
  oly <- is.element(yn,yo); dy <- min(diff(yo))
#  print(c(sum(olx),sum(oly),length(olx),length(oly),dx,dy))
  if (sum(olx)>0) {
     II <- (1:nxo)[is.element(xo,xn)]
     Wxol <- rbind(rep(1,sum(olx))*dx, rep(0,sum(olx)),  # Weights
                   II,    II+1,                          # indices
                   xn[olx],    xn[olx],   xn[olx]+dx,
     #str(Wxol); str(Wx)
     # Ensure that the indexing doesn't go beyond matrix size
     ifix <- Wxol[4,] > nxo
     if (sum(ifix)>0) Wxol[4,ifix] <- nxo
     Wx[,olx] <- Wxol[,]
  if (sum(oly)>0) {
     JJ <-  (1:nyo)[is.element(yo,yn)]
     Wyol <- rbind(rep(1,sum(oly))*dy,  rep(0,sum(oly)),   # Weights
                   JJ,     JJ+1,                           # indices
                   yn[oly],     yn[oly],   yn[oly]+dy,
     #str(Wyol); str(Wy)
      # Ensure that the indexing doesn't go beyond matrix size
     jfix <- Wyol[4,] > nyo
     if (sum(jfix)>0) Wyol[4,jfix] <- nyo
     Wy[,oly] <- Wyol[,]
   #print(dim(Wx)); print(dim(Wy))
  # 2) Find the non-overlapping coordinates: no 
#  Wx <- apply(xn,1,lindist,xo) 
#  Wy <- apply(yn,1,lindist,yo)
  if (verbose) print("Non-overlapping coordinates")
  xno <- xn[!olx]; dim(xno) <- c(sum(!olx),1)
  yno <- yn[!oly]; dim(yno) <- c(sum(!oly),1)
  if (sum(!olx)>0) {
    Wxno <- apply(xno,1,lindist,xo) # REB 29.01.2014
    Wx[,!olx] <- Wxno[,]
  if (sum(!oly)>0) {
    Wyno <- apply(yno,1,lindist,yo)  # REB 29.01.2014              
    #str(Wxno); str(Wx)
    Wy[,!oly] <- Wyno[,]
  #print(dim(Wx)); print(dim(Wy))
  if (verbose) print("test: colsums: sum of weights should be 1")
  if (verbose) {
    if (dim(Wx)[2]>1) print(colSums(Wx[1:2,])/Wx[8,]) else
    if (dim(Wx)[2]>1) print(colSums(Wy[1:2,])/Wy[8,]) else
  if (verbose) {print(table(Wy[1,],Wy[2,])); print(table(Wy[3,],Wy[4,]))}  
  srty <- order(rep(Wy[5,],nx))
  beta <- cbind(rep(Wx[1,],ny)*rep(Wy[1,],nx)[srty],
  denom <- rep(Wx[8,],ny)*rep(Wy[8,],nx)[srty]
  beta <- beta/denom

  indx <- cbind(rep(Wx[3,],ny)+(rep(Wy[3,],nx)[srty]-1)*nxo,
  beta[!is.finite(indx)] <- 0
  indx[!is.finite(indx)] <- 1
  attr(beta,'index') <- indx
  attr(beta,'Wx') <- Wx
  attr(beta,'Wy') <- Wy
  t2 <- Sys.time()
  if (verbose) {print("Computation time:"); print(t2 - t1)}

regrid.default <- function(x,is,verbose=FALSE,...) {

regrid.field <- function(x,is,approach="field",clever=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {

  if (approach=="eof2field") {
    y <- regrid.eof2field(x,is)
  #print("regrid.field ")
  x <- sp2np(x)
  # The coordinates which to grid: lon.new & lat.new
  if ( (is.data.frame(is)) | (is.list(is)) ) {lon.new <- is[[1]]; lat.new <- is[[2]]} else
  if ( (inherits(is,'station')) | (inherits(is,'field')) | (inherits(is,'eof')) ) {
    lon.new <- attr(is,'longitude'); lat.new <- attr(is,'latitude')
  greenwich <- attr(x,'greenwich')
  if (verbose) print(paste('greenwich=',greenwich))
  # REB 13.05.2014
  if ( (min(lon.new) < 0) & (max(lon.new) <= 180) ) x <- g2dl(x,greenwich=FALSE) else
  if ( (min(lon.new) > 0) & (max(lon.new) <= 360) ) x <- g2dl(x,greenwich=FALSE) else
     stop(paste('Bad longitude range: ',min(lon.new),'-',max(lon.new))) 
  if (verbose) {print("New coordinates"); print(lon.new); print(lat.new)}

  #print("regrid.field before subset:");print(lon(x)); print(lat(x));print("---")
  x <- subset(x,is=list(lon=c(floor(min(lon.new))-2,ceiling(max(lon.new))+2),
  if (verbose) {print("regrid.field after subset:");print(lon(x));print(lat(x));print("---")}
  if (verbose) {print("Longitude range"); print(range(lon.new)); print(range(lon(x)))}
  if (verbose) {print("Latitude range"); print(range(lat.new)); print(range(lat(x)))}
  mlon <- MATCH(attr(x,'longitude'), lon.new)
  mlat <- MATCH(attr(x,'latitude'),  lat.new)
  #print(mlon); print(mlat)
  # If thhose corordinates are the same as the original data, then
  # return with the original data:
  if ( sum(is.na(c(mlon,mlat))) ==0 ) {
    if (verbose) print(summary(mlon,mlat))
     if ( max( c(diff(mlon),diff(mlat)) ) == 1) return(x)
  if (verbose) print(paste("regrid.field: from",
# Apply the grid-based subset - only use the nearest longitudes/latitudes
#  for the regridding. 

  nx <- length(attr(x,'longitude')); ny <- length(attr(x,'latitude'))

# Clever solution (not default): fix edge problems...  
  if (clever) {
    if (nx < length(attr(x,'longitude'))) {
      lonj2w <- rep(NA,nx); lonj2e <- lonj2w
      latj2n <- rep(NA,ny); latj2s <- latj2n
      for (i in 1:nx) {
        lonj2w[i] <- max(lon.new[lon.new <= attr(x,'longitude')[i]])
        lonj2e[i] <- min(lon.new[lon.new >= attr(x,'longitude')[i]])
      lon.old <- union(lonj2w,lonj2e)
    } else lon.old <- attr(x,'longitude')
    if (ny < length(attr(x,'latitude'))) {
      for (j in 1:ny) {
        latj2s[j] <- max(lat.new[lat.new <= attr(x,'latitude')[j]])
        latj2n[j] <- min(lat.new[lat.new >= attr(x,'latitude')[j]])
      lat.old <- union(latj2s,latj2n)
    } else lat.old <- attr(x,'latitude')
  } else {
    lon.old <- attr(x,'longitude')
    lat.old <- attr(x,'latitude')
  #print(lon.old); print(lat.old)
  if (verbose) print(paste("subsample the original grid and use",length(lon.old),
                      "longitudes and",length(lat.old),"latitudes"))
  #print("union:"); print(union(attr(x,'longitude'),lon.nearest))

  # What does this do?
  # x <- subset(x,is=list(i=lon.old,j=lat.old))
#  beta <- regrid.weights(lon.old,lat.old,lon.new,lat.new,verbose=verbose)
  beta <- regrid.weights(lon.old,lat.old,lon.new,lat.new,verbose=verbose)
  if (verbose) {print("Weight matrix");  print(dim(beta))}
  d <- dim(x)
  X <- x; 
  D <- c(length(lon.new),length(lat.new))
  y <- matrix(rep(NA,D[1]*D[2]*d[1]),D[1]*D[2],d[1])

  if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
  for (i in 1:d[1]) {
    #if (verbose) cat(".")
    if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i/d[1])  
    #z <- apply(cbind(beta,attr(beta,'index')),1,sparseMproduct,coredata(x[i,]))
    #if (verbose) print(c(i,d[1],length(z),length(y[,i]),NA,dim(x),dim(y)))
    #y[,i] <- z
    M <- as.matrix(X[i,attr(beta,"index")])
    dim(M) <- c(D[1] * D[2],4)
    y[, i] <- rowSums(as.matrix(beta) * M)      
  #print("set attributes:")
  y <- zoo(t(y),order.by=index(x))
  class(y) <- class(x)
  #mostattributes(y) <- attributes(x)
  #nattr <- softattr(x,ignore=c('longitude','latitude','dimensions'))
  #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
  #  attr(y,nattr[i]) <- attr(x,nattr[i])
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon.new
  attr(y,'latitude') <- lat.new
  attr(y,'dimensions') <- c(D,d[1])
  if (verbose) print(paste("New dimensions:",attr(y,'dimensions')[1],"x",
             attr(y,'dimensions')[2],"x",attr(y,'dimensions')[3] ))
  #attr(y,'history') <- c(attr(y,'history'),'regrid.field')
  #attr(y,'date-stamp') <- date()
  #attr(y,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

  if (attr(y,'greenwich') != greenwich) y <- g2dl(y,greenwich)

regrid.matrix <- function(x,is,verbose=FALSE) {
# assumes that dimensions of x are [x,y,(t)] and that the coordinates are
# provided as attributes as in field
  d <- dim(x)
  if (length(d)==2) d <- c(d,1)  # if only 2-dimensional maps, then one dimension of 1 is added
  lon.old <- lon(x)
  lat.old <- lat(x)

  if ( (is.data.frame(is)) | (is.list(is)) )
    {lon.new <- is[[1]]; lat.new <- is[[2]]} else
  if ( (inherits(is,'station')) | (inherits(is,'field')) |
      (inherits(is,'eof')) ) {
    lon.new <- attr(is,'longitude'); lat.new <- attr(is,'latitude')
  } else if (is.matrix(is) & !is.null(attr(is,'longitude')) &
             !is.null(attr(is,'latitude'))) {
    lon.new <- attr(is,'longitude'); lat.new <- attr(is,'latitude')
  if (is.null(lon.old) | is.null(lat.old) | is.null(lon.new) | is.null(lat.new)) return(NULL)

  beta <- regrid.weights(lon.old,lat.old,lon.new,lat.new,verbose=verbose)
  if (verbose) {print("Weight matrix");  print(dim(beta)); print(attr(beta,"index"))}
  X <- x;
  dim(X) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
  D <- c(length(lon.new),length(lat.new))
  y <- matrix(rep(NA,D[1]*D[2]*d[3]),D[1]*D[2],d[3])
  for (i in 1:d[3]) {
    if (verbose) cat(".")
    M <- as.matrix(X[attr(beta,"index"),i])
    dim(M) <- c(D[1] * D[2],4)
    y[, i] <- rowSums(as.matrix(beta) * M)      
  if (d[3]>1) dim(y) <- c(D[1],D[2],d[3]) else
              dim(y) <- c(D[1],D[2])
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon.new
  attr(y,'latitude') <- lat.new
  attr(y,'dimensions') <- dim(y)
  if (verbose) print(paste("New dimensions:",attr(y,'dimensions')[1],"x",
             attr(y,'dimensions')[2],"x",attr(y,'dimensions')[3] ))
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

regrid.eof <- function(x,is,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (is.list(is)) {lon.new <- is[[1]]; lat.new <- is[[2]]} else
  if ( (inherits(is,'station')) | (inherits(is,'field')) | (inherits(is,'eof')) ) {
    lon.new <- attr(is,'longitude'); lat.new <- attr(is,'latitude')
  lon.old <- attr(x,'longitude'); lat.old <- attr(x,'latitude')

  greenwich <- attr(x,'greenwich')
  if ( greenwich & (min(lon.new < 0)) ) x <- g2dl(x,greenwich=FALSE)
  if (sum(is.na(c( MATCH(lon.old, lon.new),
                   MATCH(lat.old, lat.new) ))) == 0) return(x)
  if (verbose) print(paste("regrid.field: from",length(lon.old),"x",

  beta <- regrid.weights(lon.old,lat.old,lon.new,lat.new)
  X <- attr(x,'pattern')
  d <- dim(X)
  dim(X) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
  D <- c(length(lon.new),length(lat.new))
  Y <- matrix(rep(NA,D[1]*D[2]*d[3]),D[1]*D[2],d[3])
  for (i in 1:d[3]) {
#    z <- apply(cbind(beta,attr(beta,'index')),1,sparseMproduct,coredata(X[i,]))
#   print(c(i,d[1],length(z),length(y[,i]),NA,dim(X),dim(y)))
#    Y[,i] <- z
 #   old lines
 #z <- apply(b, 1, sparseMproduct, X[, i])
 #print(c(i, d[1], length(z), length(Y[, i]), NA, dim(X), dim(Y)))
 #Y[, i] <- z
 # New lines
    M <- as.matrix(X[attr(beta,"index"),i])
    dim(M) <- c(D[1] * D[2],4)
    Y[, i] <- rowSums(as.matrix(beta) * M)      
    #print(c(i, d[1], length(z), length(Y[, i]), NA, dim(X), dim(Y)))
    #Y[, i] <- z
  #print("set attributes:")

  y <- x
  if (attr(y,'greenwich') != greenwich) y <- g2dl(y,greenwich)
  #mostattributes(y) <- attributes(x)
  #nattr <- softattr(x,ignore=c('longitude','latitude','dimensions'))
  #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
  #  attr(y,nattr[i]) <- attr(x,nattr[i])
  #dim(Y) <- c(D[1],D[2],d[3])
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  Y ->  attr(y,'pattern')
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon.new
  attr(y,'latitude') <- lat.new
  attr(y,'dimensions') <- c(D,d[3])
  if (verbose) print(paste("New dimensions:",attr(y,'dimensions')))
  #attr(y,'history') <- c(attr(y,'history'),'regrid.field')
  #attr(y,'date-stamp') <- date()
  #attr(y,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

regrid.eof2field <- function(x,is) {
  print("regrid.eof.field - estimate EOFs")

 #greenwich <- attr(x,'greenwich')
  if ( greenwich & (min(lon.new < 0)) ) x <- g2dl(x,greenwich=FALSE)
  eof0 <- EOF(x)
  eof1 <- regrid(eof,is)
  print("Reconstruct field from EOFs")
  y <- eof2field(eof1)
  if (attr(y,'greenwich') != greenwich) y <- g2dl(y,greenwich)
  #attr(y,'history') <- c(attr(X,'history'),'regrid.eof2field')
  #attr(y,'date-stamp') <- date()
  #attr(y,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
metno/esd.test documentation built on May 22, 2019, 7:49 p.m.