#' @name station.GHCND
#' Retrieve station record from a given data source.
#' See https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt for more informaiton
#' Presently, only made to read precipitation and temperature.
#' @seealso [func()] station station.default station.ecad station.nacd
#' station.narp station.nordklim station.metnod station.metnom station.ghcnd
#' station.ghcnm station.ghcnm station.sonel station.gloss station.newlyn
#' station.giss clean.station allgood station.thredds map.station select.station
#' @param x a data.frame with GHCND metadata
#' @param param Parameter or element type or variable identifier. There are
#' several core parameters or elements as well as a number of additional
#' parameters. The parameters or elements are: precip = Precipitation (mm) tas,
#' tavg = 2m-surface temperature (in degrees Celcius) tmax, tasmax = Maximum
#' temperature (in degrees Celcius) tmin, tasmin = Minimum temperature (in
#' degrees Celcius)
#' @param url URL of the GHCND database
#' @param stid A string of characters as an identifier of the weather/climate
#' station.
#' @param lon Numeric value of longitude (in decimal degrees East) for the
#' reference point (e.g. weather station) as a vector
#' containing the range of longitude values in the form of c(lon.min,lon.max)
#' @param lat Numeric value of latitudes for the range of latitude values in the
#' form of c(lat.min,lat.max)
#' @param alt Numeric value of altitude (in meters a.s.l.) used for selection.
#' Positive value, select all stations above this altitude; for negative
#' values, select all stations below this latitude.
#' @param cntr A string or a vector of strings of the full name of the country:
#' Select the stations from a specified country or a set of countries.
#' @param plot Logical value. If, TRUE provides a plot.
#' @param verbose Logical value defaulting to FALSE. If FALSE, do not display
#' comments (silent mode). If TRUE, displays extra information on progress.
#' @return A time series of "zoo" "station" class with additional attributes
#' used for further processing.
#' @author Rasmus Benestad
#' @keywords station.GHCND
#' @examples
#' ## It may take a little time reading all the metadata over the Internet
#' ## First show all the locations with available data:
#' zz <- meta.GHCND()
#' esd::map(zz)
#' ## Read rain gauge data from Mozambique
#' meta.GHCND(cntr='Mozambique',verbose=TRUE) -> mz
#' Y <- station.GHCND(mz,param='precip')
#' plot(Y)
#' ## Get data from several countries and all available variables:
#' meta.GHCND(cntr=c('Ghana','Togo','Benin'),verbose=TRUE) -> gz
#' ## Get all available variables: returned as a list object where
#' X <- station.GHCND(gz)
#' print(names(gz))
#' plot(X$precip)
#' ## Extract data from a geographical region defined by longitude, latitude and altitude:
#' ## (stations higher than 300 m above sea level)
#' nz <- meta.GHCND(lon=c(5,10),lat=c(60,65),alt=500)
#' esd::map(nz)
#' ## Pull all GHCND-data before they may disappear with new US president
#' ## Make one netCDF file for each country
#' if (length(grep('meta',ls()))==0) meta <- meta.GHCND()
#' meta$country <- gsub(' ','',meta$country)
#' cntrs <- rownames(table(meta$country))
#' save(meta,file='meta.GHCND.rda')
#' done <- list.files(pattern='ghcnd.precip.')
#' done <- sub('.nc','',sub('ghcnd.precip.','',done[grep('.nc',done)]))
#' print(done)
#' cntrs <- cntrs[!is.element(cntrs,done)]
#' for (cntr in cntrs) {
#' print(cntr)
#' m <- subset(meta,cntr=cntr)
#' if (dim(m)[1] > 0) {
#' X <- station.GHCND(m,verbose=TRUE)
#' save(X,file=paste('ghcnd.2024',cntr,'rda',sep='.'))
#' vars <- names(X)
#' for (varid in vars) {
#' if (!is.null(dim(X[[varid]])))
#' if (dim(X[[varid]])[2]>2) {
#' print(paste('ghcnd',varid,cntr,'nc',sep='.'))
#' nv <- apply(X[[varid]],2,'nv')
#' x <- subset(X[[varid]],is=nv > 3625)
#' write2ncdf4(x,file=paste('ghcnd',varid,cntr,'nc',sep='.'))
#' } else {
#' print(paste('One sries - ghcnd',varid,cntr,'rda',sep='.'))
#' x <- X[[varid]]
#' save(x,file=paste('ghcnd',varid,cntr,'rda',sep='.'))
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.GHCND
station.GHCND <- function(x=NULL,cntr=NULL,param=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,
sep=',',verbose=FALSE) {
if (verbose) print('station.GHCND')
if (is.null(x)) {
if (is.null(cntr)) cntr <- 'Mozambique'
if (is.null(param)) param <- 'precip'
x <- meta.GHCND(cntr=cntr,param=param,verbose=verbose)
filenames <- paste0(url,'/',gsub(' ','',x$station_id),'.csv')
Precip <- NULL; Tmax <- NULL; Tmin <- NULL; T2m <- NULL
ii <- 1
for (file2get in filenames) {
if (verbose) print(sub(paste0(url,'/'),'',file2get))
ghcnd <- try(read.table(file2get,sep=sep,header=TRUE))
if (!inherits(ghcnd,'try-error')) {
content <- names(ghcnd)
if (length(grep('PRCP',content))>0) {
precip <- zoo(x=ghcnd$PRCP/10,order.by=as.Date(ghcnd$DATE))
precip <- as.station(precip,stid=ghcnd$STATION[1],loc=ghcnd$NAME[1],
param='precip',unit='mm',longname='24-hr precipitation',
if (is.null(Precip)) Precip <- precip else Precip <- combine.stations(Precip,precip)
if (length(grep('TMAX',content))>0) {
tmax <- zoo(x=ghcnd$TMAX/10,order.by=as.Date(ghcnd$DATE))
tmax <- as.station(tmax,stid=ghcnd$STATION[1],loc=ghcnd$NAME[1],
param='tmax',unit='degC',longname='daily maximum temperature',
if (is.null(Tmax)) Tmax <- tmax else Tmax <- combine.stations(Tmax,tmax)
if (length(grep('TMIN',content))>0) {
tmin <- zoo(x=ghcnd$TMIN/10,order.by=as.Date(ghcnd$DATE))
tmin <- as.station(tmax/10,stid=ghcnd$STATION[1],loc=ghcnd$NAME[1],
param='tmin',unit='degC',longname='daily minimum temperature',
if (is.null(Tmin)) Tmin <- tmin else Tmin <- combine.stations(Tmin,tmin)
if (length(grep('TAVG',content))>0) {
t2m <- zoo(x=ghcnd$TAVG/10,order.by=as.Date(ghcnd$DATE))
t2m <- as.station(t2m,stid=ghcnd$STATION[1],loc=ghcnd$NAME[1],
param='t2m',unit='degC',longname='daily average temperature',
if (is.null(T2m)) T2m <- t2m else T2m <- combine.stations(T2m,t2m)
ii <- ii + 1
if (is.null(param)) result <- list(precip=Precip,tmax=Tmax,tmin=Tmin,t2m=T2m) else
result <- switch(tolower(param),'precip'=Precip,'tmax'=Tmax,'tmin'=Tmin,'t2m'=T2m)
attr(result,'references') <- c('Menne, M.J., I. Durre, R.S. Vose, B.E. Gleason, and T.G. Houston, 2012: An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 897-910, doi.10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00103.1.',
'Durre I., M. J. B.E. Gleason, T. G. Houston, and R. S. Vose, 2010: Comprehensive automated quality assurance of daily surface observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology., 49, 1615-1633, doi.10.1175/2010JAMC2375.1.',
'Durre, I., M.J. Menne, and R.S. Vose, 2008: Strategies for evaluating quality assurance procedures. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 1785–1791, doi: 10.1175/2007JAMC1706.1')
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export meta.GHCND
meta.GHCND <- function(url='https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt',
'location','GSN','ID'),verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE) {
if (verbose) print(match.call())
## Read the metadata
if (verbose) print(url)
meta <- read.fwf(url,widths=widths,comment.char = "")
names(meta) <- metaID
meta$station_id <- gsub(' ','',meta$station_id)
if (verbose) print(urlinv)
inventory <- read.table(urlinv)
## Read station inventory
names(inventory) <- c('station_id','latitude','longitude','variable','start','end')
ncs <- max(nchar(readLines(urlcntr))) - 2
if (verbose) print(urlcntr)
cntrcode <- read.fwf(urlcntr,widths=c(2,ncs))
## Add country information to the meta data list
names(cntrcode) <- c('cntrcode','country')
cntrs <- substr(meta$station_id,1,2); country=cntrs
Cntrs <- table(cntrs)
if (verbose) print(Cntrs)
for (ic in rownames(Cntrs)) {
if (verbose) print(paste(ic,cntrcode$country[cntrcode$cntrcode==ic]))
country[cntrs==ic] <- trimws(cntrcode$country[cntrcode$cntrcode==ic])
if (verbose) print(table(country))
meta <- cbind(meta,country)
## Add parameter and start/end to the meta data list
ns <- length(meta$station_id)
inv <- data.frame(params=rep('NA',ns),start=rep(NA,ns),end=rep(NA,ns))
ii <- 0
if (verbose) print(paste(ns,'GHCND stations'))
# for (id in meta$station_id) {
# idmatch <- is.element(inventory$station_id,id)
# iis <- match(id,meta$station_id)
# inv$params[iis] <- paste(inventory$variable,collapse='|')
# inv$start[iis] <- min(inventory$start,na.rm=TRUE)
# inv$end[iis] <- min(inventory$end,na.rm=TRUE)
# if (ii %% 100 == 0) cat('.')
# ii <- ii + 1
# }
#meta <- cbind(meta,inv)
# Grouping the data by station_id and summarise the data
inventory_summary <- inventory %>%
group_by(station_id) %>%
summarise(params = paste(variable, collapse = '|'),
start = min(start, na.rm = TRUE),
end = max(end, na.rm = TRUE))
# Joining the meta data with the inventory_summary
meta <- left_join(meta, inventory_summary, by = "station_id")
if (verbose) print(names(meta))
if (!is.null(cntr)) {
if (verbose) print(paste('Select',cntr))
sel <- grep(tolower(paste(cntr,collapse='|')),tolower(meta$country))
if (verbose) print(paste(sum(sel),'selected'))
meta <- meta[sel,]
if (!is.null(lon)) {
if (verbose) print(paste('Select longitudes',paste(lon,collapse='-')))
sel <- (meta$longitude >= min(lon)) & (meta$longitude <= max(lon))
if (verbose) print(paste(sum(sel),'selected'))
meta <- meta[sel,]
if (!is.null(lat)) {
if (verbose) print(paste('Select latitudes',paste(lat,collapse='-')))
sel <- (meta$latitude >= min(lat)) & (meta$latitude <= max(lat))
if (verbose) print(paste(sum(sel),'selected'))
meta <- meta[sel,]
if (!is.null(alt)) {
if (verbose) print(paste('Select altitudes',paste(alt,collapse='-')))
if (length(alt)>1) sel <- (meta$altitude >= min(alt)) & (meta$altitude <= max(alt)) else
if (alt <0) sel <- (meta$altitude <= abs(alt)) else
sel <- (meta$altitude >= alt)
if (verbose) print(paste(sum(sel),'selected'))
meta <- meta[sel,]
if (plot) {
if (verbose) print(dim(meta))
class(meta) <- c("stationmeta","data.frame")
attr(meta,'references') <- c('Menne, M.J., I. Durre, R.S. Vose, B.E. Gleason, and T.G. Houston, 2012: An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily Database. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 897-910, doi.10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00103.1.',
'Durre I., M. J. B.E. Gleason, T. G. Houston, and R. S. Vose, 2010: Comprehensive automated quality assurance of daily surface observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology., 49, 1615-1633, doi.10.1175/2010JAMC2375.1.',
'Durre, I., M.J. Menne, and R.S. Vose, 2008: Strategies for evaluating quality assurance procedures. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 1785–1791, doi: 10.1175/2007JAMC1706.1')
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