
Defines functions BLOCK handle_spec_block.specBLOCK handle_spec_block.specODE NAMESPACE handle_spec_block.specNAMESPACE handle_spec_block.specYAML check_pred_symbols pick_advan pick_trans dosing_cmts collect_subr PKMODEL handle_spec_block.specPKMODEL TRANSIT handle_spec_block.specTRANSIT handle_spec_block.specPLUGIN form_includes handle_spec_block.specINCLUDE PRED handle_spec_block.specPRED handle_spec_block.specNMEXT handle_spec_block.specNMXML handle_spec_block.specTABLE HANDLEMATRIX handle_spec_block.specSIGMA handle_spec_block.specOMEGA CAPTURE handle_spec_block.specCAPTURE handle_spec_block.specCMTN CMT handle_spec_block.specCMT INIT handle_spec_block.specINIT THETA handle_spec_block.specTHETA FIXED handle_spec_block.specFIXED handle_spec_block.specINPUT save_param_tag PARAM handle_spec_block.specPARAM handle_spec_block.default handle_spec_block get_length


# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021 Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## S3 methods for processing code blocks
## All of these need to be exported

# UTILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_length <- function(what) sum(sapply(what,length))

# GENERIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------
handle_spec_block <- function(x,...) UseMethod("handle_spec_block")

# DEFAULT ------
#' @export
handle_spec_block.default <- function(x, ...) {

#' Functions to parse code blocks
#' Most of the basic blocks are listed in this help topic.  
#' But see also [PKMODEL()] which has more-involved 
#' options and is documented separately.
#' @param x data
#' @param env parse environment
#' @param pos block position
#' @param annotated logical
#' @param object the name of an object in `ENV`
#' @param as_object indicates that object code is being provided
#' @param covariates logical; mark as covariates and potentially required 
#' data input
#' @param input logical; mark as potentially required data input
#' @param tag space or comma-separated user-defined tags for the parameter block
#' @param name block name
#' @param labels aliases to use for simulated ETA values
#' @param prefix a prefix to add to the label
#' @param type internal use
#' @param oclass internal use
#' @param unlinked internal use
#' @param fill deprecated; not used
#' @param number number of compartments to create
#' @param ... passed
#' @details
#' When using `object` or `as_object` populate the block contents, the following
#' types are required
#' - `PARAM`: a named list
#' - `INIT` : a named list
#' - `THETA` : a numeric vector; names are ignored
#' - `CMT`: a character vector
#' - `OMEGA`: matrix; set rownames on the matrix to create ETA labels; setting 
#'   rownames is the only way to specify `labels` when working through the 
#'   `object` or `as_object` directives
#' - `SIGMA`: matrix; set rownames on the matrix to create EPS labels; setting 
#'   rownames is the only way to specify `labels` when working through the 
#'   `object` or `as_object` directives
#' @name BLOCK_PARSE
#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
#' @md
#' @seealso [PKMODEL()]

# PARAM ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specPARAM <- function(x, ...) {
  scrape_and_call(x, pass = "PARAM", ...)

#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
PARAM <- function(x, 
                  pos = 1, 
                  annotated = FALSE,
                  object = NULL, 
                  as_object = FALSE,
                  covariates = FALSE,
                  input = FALSE,
                  tag = NULL, ...) {
  if(is.character(object)) {
    if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
      wstop("cannot have both @object and @as_object in a block")  
    x <- object
    as_object <- TRUE
    envir <- env$ENV
  } else {
    check_block_data(x, env, pos)
    envir <- list()
  if(as_object) {
    x <- evaluate_at_code(
      x, c("list", "parameter_list"), 
      named = TRUE
    env[["param"]][[pos]] <- x
    save_param_tag(env, names(x), covariates, input, tag)
  if(annotated) {
    context <- env[["incoming_names"]][pos]
    context <- as.character(glue("parse annotated parameter block ({context})"))
    l <- parse_annot(x, block = "PARAM", envir = env$ENV, context = context)
    env[["param"]][[pos]] <- x <- l[["v"]]
    env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- l[["an"]]
  } else {
    x <- tolist(x,envir=env$ENV) 
    if(length(x) > 0 & !is_named(x)) {
      msg <- " invalid model specification
       Block no: {pos}
       Block type: {env$incoming_names[pos]}
       Some parameters are missing names.
      stop(glue(msg), call. = FALSE)
    env[["param"]][[pos]] <- x
  save_param_tag(env, names(x), covariates, input, tag)

save_param_tag <- function(env, pars, covariates, input, tag) {
  if(isTRUE(covariates)) {
    env[["covariates"]] <- c(env[["covariates"]], pars)
    tagdf <- data.frame(
      name = pars, 
      tag = "covariates", 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    tagdf <- rbind(env[["param_tag"]], tagdf)
    env[["param_tag"]] <- unique(tagdf)
  if(isTRUE(input)) {
    tag <- c("input", tag)  
  if(is.character(tag) && length(tag) > 0) {
    tag <- cvec_cs(tag)
    tagdf <- expand.grid(name = pars, tag = tag, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tagdf <- rbind(env[["param_tag"]], tagdf)
    env[["param_tag"]] <- unique(tagdf)

# INPUT ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specINPUT <- function(x, env, ...) {
  o <- scrape_opts(x, envir = env$ENV, ...)
  o$pos <- o$env <- o$class <- o$input <- NULL
  o <- c(o, attributes(x), list(env = env, input = TRUE))
  do.call(PARAM, o) 

# FIXED ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specFIXED <- function(x, ...) {
  scrape_and_call(x, pass = "FIXED", ...)

#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
FIXED <- function(x, env, pos = 1, annotated = FALSE, ...) {
  check_block_data(x, env, pos)
  if(annotated) {
    context <- env[["incoming_names"]][pos]
    context <- glue("parse annotated fixed block ({context})")
    l <- parse_annot(x, block= "FIXED", envir = env$ENV, context = context)
    env[["fixed"]][[pos]] <- l[["v"]]
    env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- l[["an"]]
  } else {
    x <- tolist(x,envir=env$ENV) 
    env[["fixed"]][[pos]] <- x

# THETA ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specTHETA <- function(x, ...) {
  scrape_and_call(x, pass = "THETA", narrow = FALSE, ...)

#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
THETA <- function(x, 
                  pos = 1, 
                  annotated = FALSE, 
                  object = NULL, 
                  as_object = FALSE, 
                  name = "THETA", 
                  fill = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.null(fill)) {
    x <- fill
    as_object <- TRUE
  if(is.character(object)) {
    if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
      wstop("cannot have both @object and @as_object in a block")  
    x <- object  
    as_object <- TRUE
    envir <- env$ENV
  } else {
    check_block_data(x, env, pos)
    envir <- list()
  if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
    x <- evaluate_at_code(x, c("numeric", "integer"), "THETA", pos, envir)
  if(annotated) {
    l <- parse_annot(x, noname = TRUE, block = "THETA", envir = env$ENV)
    x <- as.numeric(l[["v"]])
  } else {
    x <- tolist(paste0(cvec_cs(x),collapse=','), envir = env$ENV)
  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  if(length(x)==0) name <- character(0)
  names(x) <- paste0(name, seq_along(x))
  env[["param"]][[pos]] <- x

# INIT /CMT --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specINIT <- function(x, ...) {
  scrape_and_call(x, pass="INIT", ...)

#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
INIT <- function(x, 
                 pos = 1, 
                 annotated = FALSE, 
                 object = NULL, 
                 as_object = FALSE, ...) {
  if(is.character(object)) {
    if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
      wstop("cannot have both @object and @as_object in a block")  
    x <- object
    as_object <- TRUE
    envir <- env$ENV
  } else {
    check_block_data(x, env, pos)  
    envir <- list()
  if(as_object) {
    x <- evaluate_at_code(x, "list", "INIT", pos, envir, named = TRUE)
    env[["init"]][[pos]] <- x
  if(annotated) {
    context <- env[["incoming_names"]][pos]
    context <- glue("parse annotated init block ({context})")
    l <- parse_annot(x, block = "INIT", envir = env$ENV, context = context)
    env[["init"]][[pos]] <- l[["v"]]
    env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- l[["an"]]
  } else {
    x <- tolist(x,envir=env$ENV) 
    if(length(x) > 0 & !is_named(x)) {
      msg <- " invalid model specification
       Block no: {pos}
       Block type: {env$incoming_names[pos]}
       Some initials are missing names
      stop(glue(msg), call. = FALSE)
    env[["init"]][[pos]] <- x

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specCMT <- function(x, ...) {
  scrape_and_call(x, pass = "CMT", narrow = FALSE, ...)

#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
CMT <- function(x, 
                pos = 1, 
                annotated = FALSE, 
                object = NULL, 
                as_object = FALSE,
                number = NULL, 
                prefix = "A", ...) {
  if(is.numeric(number)) {
    if(!is.character(prefix)) {
      stop("compartment prefix nust be character", call. = FALSE)  
    init <- as.list(vector(mode = "numeric", length = number))
    names(init) <- paste0(prefix, seq(number))
    env[["init"]][[pos]] <- init
  if(is.character(object)) {
    if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
      wstop("cannot have both @object and @as_object in a block")  
    x <- object 
    as_object <- TRUE
    envir <- env$ENV
  } else {
    check_block_data(x, env, pos)
    envir <- list()
  if(as_object) {
    x <- evaluate_at_code(x, "character", "CMT", pos, envir)
    x <- setNames(rep(0, length(x)), x)
    env[["init"]][[pos]] <- x
  if(annotated) {
    context <- env[["incoming_names"]][pos]
    context <- glue("parse annotated compartment block ({context})")
    l <- parse_annot(
      x, novalue = TRUE, block = "CMT", envir = env$ENV, 
      context = context
    env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- l[["an"]]
    x <- names(l[["v"]])
  } else {
    x <- cvec_cs(x)
  l <- rep(0,length(x))
  names(l) <- x
  env[["init"]][[pos]] <- as.list(l)

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specVCMT <- handle_spec_block.specCMT

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specCMTN <- function(x, ...) {

# CAPTURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specCAPTURE <- function(x, ...) {
  scrape_and_call(x, pass = "CAPTURE", narrow = TRUE, ...)

#' @param etas allows for block capture of ETAs in the simulated output;
#' this should be R code that will get parsed and evaluated; the result should 
#' be an integer-like vector which identifies which ETAs will be captured.
#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
CAPTURE <- function(x, env, pos = 1, annotated = FALSE, 
                    etas = NULL, ...) {
  if(annotated) {
    context <- env[["incoming_names"]][pos]
    context <- glue("parse annotated capture block ({context})")
    l <- parse_annot(
      x, novalue = TRUE, block = "CAPTURE", envir = env$ENV, 
      context = context
    env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- l[["an"]]
    x <- names(l[["v"]])
  } else {
    x <- cvec_cs(x)
  if(!is.null(etas)) {
    if(is.logical(etas)) {
      abort("`etas` must be text, not a logical value.")  
    env[["capture_etas"]] <- c(env[["capture_etas"]], etas)
  } else {
    check_block_data(x, env, pos)
  env[["capture"]][[pos]] <- x

# OMEGA /SIGMA -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specOMEGA <- function(x, ...) {
    def=list(oclass = "omegalist", type = "omega"),
    narrow = FALSE, ...

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specSIGMA <- function(x, ...) {
    def=list(oclass = "sigmalist", type = "sigma"),
    narrow = FALSE, ...

#' @rdname BLOCK_PARSE
HANDLEMATRIX <- function(x,
                         pos = 1, 
                         annotated = FALSE,
                         object = NULL, 
                         as_object = FALSE,
                         name = "...",
                         type = NULL,
                         oclass = "", 
                         prefix = "", 
                         labels = NULL,
                         unlinked = FALSE, ...) {
  if(is.character(object)) {
    if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
      wstop("cannot have both @object and @as_object in a block")  
    x <- object
    as_object <- TRUE
    envir <- env$ENV
  } else {
    check_block_data(x, env, pos)
    envir <- list()
  anl <- grepl(":",x,fixed=TRUE)
  if(annotated & !as_object) {
    types <- charcount(x[anl],":")
    if(all(types==1)) {
      unlinked <- TRUE 
      novalue <- TRUE
    } else if(all(types==2)) {
      unlinked <- FALSE
      novalue <- FALSE
    } else {
        "Ambigious or mixed annotations in ",
    l <- parse_annot(
      name_value = FALSE,
      block = toupper(type),
      envir = env$ENV, 
      novalue = novalue
    if(unlinked) {
      l[["v"]] <- as.numeric(cvec_cs(x[!anl])) 
    d <- modMATRIX(l[["v"]], context = oclass, ...)
    labels <- l[["an"]][["name"]]
    env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- l[["an"]]
    if(unlinked & nrow(d) != length(labels)) {
        "Annotated matrix in unlinked configuration is misspecified", 
        call. = FALSE
  } else {
    if(isTRUE(as_object)) {
      expect <- paste0(type, "list")
      expect <- c("matrix", expect)
      d <- evaluate_at_code(x, expect, toupper(type), pos, envir)
      if(is.null(labels)) {
        labels <- rownames(d)  
    } else {
      if(any(anl)) x <- x[!anl]
      d <- modMATRIX(x, context = oclass, ...)
  if(nrow(d)==0) return(NULL)
  if(is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- rep(".", nrow(d))
  } else {
    labels <- paste0(prefix, cvec_cs(labels))
  d <- setNames(list(d), name)
  x <- create_matlist(d, class = oclass, labels = list(labels))
  env[[type]][[pos]] <- x

# specTABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export 
handle_spec_block.specTABLE <- function(x, env, ...) {
  x <- dump_opts(x)
  pos <- attr(x,"pos")
  check_block_data(x, env, pos)
  if(any(grepl("table(", x,fixed=TRUE))) {
    stop("The table(name) = value; macro has been deprecated.\n",  
         "Save your output to double and pass to $CAPTURE instead:\n",
         "   $TABLE double name = value;\n   $CAPTURE name")

# NMXML --------------------------------
#' @export
handle_spec_block.specNMXML <- function(x, env, ...) {
  x <- dump_opts(x)
  pos <- attr(x, "pos")
  x <- tolist(x, envir = env$ENV)
  x$env <- env
  xml <- do.call(nmxml, x)
  env[["param"]][[pos]] <- xml$theta
  env[["omega"]][[pos]] <- xml$omega
  env[["sigma"]][[pos]] <- xml$sigma
  env[["nm_import"]] <- c(env[["nm_import"]], xml[["file"]])

# NMEXT --------------------------------
#' @export
handle_spec_block.specNMEXT <- function(x, env, ...) {
  x <- dump_opts(x)
  pos <- attr(x, "pos")
  x <- tolist(x, envir = env$ENV)
  x$env <- env
  ext <- do.call(nmext, x)
  env[["param"]][[pos]] <- ext$theta
  env[["omega"]][[pos]] <- ext$omega
  env[["sigma"]][[pos]] <- ext$sigma
  env[["nm_import"]] <- c(env[["nm_import"]], ext[["file"]])

# PRED -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specPRED <- function(x, env, ...) {
  x <- scrape_opts(x)
  x$env <- env
  x$pos <- attr(x, "pos")
  do.call("PRED", x)

PRED <- function(x, env, ...) {
  if(any("MAIN"==env[["blocks"]])) {
    stop("$MAIN not allowed when $PRED is used", call.=FALSE)  
  if(any("TABLE"==env[["blocks"]])) {
    stop("$TABLE not allowed when $PRED is used", call.=FALSE)  
  if(any("PKMODEL"==env[["blocks"]])) {
    stop("$PKMODEL not allowed when $PRED is used",call.=FALSE)  
  if(any("CMT"==env[["blocks"]])) {
    stop("$CMT not allowed when $PRED is used",call.=FALSE)  
  if(any("INIT"==env[["blocks"]])) {
    stop("$INIT not allowed when $PRED is used",call.=FALSE)  
  if(any("ODE"==env[["blocks"]])) {
    stop("$ODE not allowed when $PRED is used",call.=FALSE)  

# INCLUDE ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specINCLUDE <- function(x, env, ...) { 
  x <- cvec_c_tr(dump_opts(x))
  pos <- attr(x, "pos")
  check_block_data(x, env, pos)
  if(any(grepl("[\"\']", x, perl = TRUE))) {
    stop("Items in $INCLUDE should not contain quotation marks.",call.=FALSE) 
  if(any(!grepl("^.*\\.h$", x, perl = TRUE))) {
      "$INCLUDE expects file names ending with '.h'",
  x <- file.path(env[["project"]],x)
  if(!all(file_exists(x))) {
    message("Attempting to include:\n", paste0(" ", x, collapse = "\n"))
      "All header files in $INCLUDE must exist in the project directory.",

form_includes <- function(files) {
  if(is.null(files)) return(character(0))
  md <- tools::md5sum(files)
  paste0("#include \"", files, "\" // ", md)

# PLUGIN -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specPLUGIN <- function(x, env, ...) {
  x <- unique(cvec_c_tr(x))
  pos <- attr(x,"pos")
  check_block_data(x, env, pos)
  if(length(x) ==0) return(list())

# TRANSIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# nocov start
#' @export
handle_spec_block.specTRANSIT <- function(x, env, ...) {
  x <- scrape_opts(x, narrow=FALSE)
  x$env <- env
  x$pos <-  attr(x,"pos")

TRANSIT <- function(x,env, n, tr, name = "TRANSIT", pos=1) {
  nto <- get_length(env$init)
  cmtn <- nto  + seq(n)
  init <- as.list(vector("numeric", n))
  cmt <- paste0(name, cmtn)
  cmt[1] <- paste0("a",name)
  cmt[length(cmt)] <- paste0("z",name)
  names(init) <- cmt
  dx <- paste0("dxdt_", cmt, " = ")
  eq <- c()
  for(i in seq_along(cmt)) {
    if(i==1) {
      a <- "0.0"
    } else {
      a <- cmt[i-1]
    b <- cmt[i]
    this_rhs <- paste0(tr, "*(", a, "-", b,");")
    eq <- c(eq,this_rhs)
  env[["ode"]][[pos]] <- paste0(dx,eq)
  env[["init"]][[pos]] <- init
# nocov end

# PKMODEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specPKMODEL <- function(x, env, ...) {
  pos <- attr(x,"pos")
  x <- scrape_opts(x, narrow=FALSE)
  x$env <- env
  x$pos <-  pos

#' Parse PKMODEL BLOCK data
#' @param cmt compartment names as comma-delimited character
#' @param ncmt number of compartments; must be 1 (one-compartment, 
#' not including a depot dosing compartment) or 2 (two-compartment model, 
#' not including a depot dosing compartment)
#' @param depot logical indicating whether to add depot compartment
#' @param trans the parameterization for the PK model; must be 1, 2, 4, or 11
#' @param env parse environment
#' @param pos block position number
#' @param ... not used
#' @details
#' When using \code{$PKMODEL}, certain symbols must be defined in the 
#' model specification depending on the value of \code{ncmt}, \code{depot} 
#' and \code{trans}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ncmt} 1, \code{depot FALSE}, trans 2: \code{CL}, \code{V}
#' \item \code{ncmt} 1, \code{depot TRUE} , trans 2: \code{CL}, \code{V},  
#' \code{KA}
#' \item \code{ncmt} 2, \code{depot FALSE}, trans 4: \code{CL}, \code{V1}, 
#' \code{Q}, \code{V2}
#' \item \code{ncmt} 2, \code{depot TRUE} , trans 4: \code{CL}, \code{V2}, 
#' \code{Q}, \code{V3}, \code{KA}
#' }
#' If \code{trans=11} is specified, use the symbols listed above for the 
#' \code{ncmt} / \code{depot} combination, but append \code{i} at the end 
#' (e.g. \code{CLi} or \code{Qi} or \code{KAi}).
#' If \code{trans=1}, the user must utilize the following symbols:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{pred_CL} for clearance
#' \item \code{pred_V}  or \code{pred_V2} for central compartment volume of 
#' distribution
#' \item \code{pred_Q}  for intercompartmental clearance
#' \item \code{pred_V3} for for peripheral compartment volume of distribution
#' \item \code{pred_KA} for absorption rate constant
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{BLOCK_PARSE}}
PKMODEL <- function(ncmt = 1, depot = FALSE, cmt = NULL, 
                    trans = pick_trans(ncmt, depot), env = list(), 
                    pos = 1, ...) {
  if(is.character(cmt)) {
    cmt <- cvec_cs(cmt)
    ncmt <- length(cmt)
    init <- as.list(vector(mode="integer", length=ncmt))
    names(init) <- cmt
    env[["init"]][[pos]] <- init  
    ncmt <- ncmt-depot
  stopifnot(ncmt %in% c(1,2))
  advan <- pick_advan(ncmt,depot)
  return(list(advan=advan, trans=trans, n=ncmt))

## Collect PKMODEL information; hopefully will be deprecating ADVAN2 and ADVAN4 soon
collect_subr <- function(x, what = "PKMODEL") {
  if("PRED" %in% names(x)) {
    ans <- list(advan = 0, trans = 0, n = 0)
  ans <- list(advan = 13, trans = 1)
  y <- x[names(x) %in% what]
  if(length(y) >  1) {
    stop("Only one $PKMODEL block is allowed.",call.=FALSE)
  if(length(y) == 0) return(ans)
  ## Get rid of this once ADVANn are deprecated
  if(names(y) %in% c("PKMODEL")) {
    ans <- y[[1]]
  if(ans[["advan"]] != 13) {
    if(any(is.element(c("VCMT"),names(x)))) {
      stop("Found $VCMT and $PKMODEL in the same control stream.")
    if(any(is.element("ODE", names(x)))) {
      stop("Found $ODE and $PKMODEL in the same control stream.")
  ans[["n"]] <- ans[["advan"]] - as.integer(ans[["advan"]] > 2)

dosing_cmts <- function(x, what) {
  if(!is.character(x)) return(character(0))
  x <- unlist(strsplit(x,"\n",fixed=TRUE),use.names=FALSE)
  m <- regexpr("(ALAG|F|R|D)\\_[^= ]+", x, perl=TRUE)
  m <- regmatches(x,m)
  m <- unique(sub("^(ALAG|F|R|D)\\_", "",m))
  m <- intersect(m,what)

# Picks the default trans
pick_trans <- function(ncmt,depot) {
         `1` = 2,
         `2` = 2,
         `3` = 4,
         `4` = 4

# Picks advan based on ncmt and depot status
pick_advan <- function(ncmt,depot) {
  ncmt + as.integer(depot) + as.integer(ncmt==2)

check_pred_symbols <- function(x,code) {
  p <- Pars(x)
  code <- unlist(get_tokens(code,TRUE))
  have <- unique(c(p,code))
  if(x@trans==1) return(invisible(NULL))
  need <- GLOBALS$ADVAN_PARMS[[as.character(x@advan)]]
  # assuming error checking has already processed for a valid advan,
  # however could add error check here with if (is.null(need)) {stop(...)}
  if(x@trans==11) need <- paste0(need,"i")
  if(!all(need %in% have)) {
    diff <- setdiff(need,have)
    stop(GLOBALS$PKMODEL_NOT_FOUND,paste(diff, collapse=","),call.=FALSE)

# YAML -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nocov start
#' @export
handle_spec_block.specYAML <- function(x, env, ...) {
  if(!requireNamespace("yaml", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "the yaml package must be installed to process YAML blocks.",
  pos <- attr(x,"pos")
  x <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n")  
  x <- yaml::yaml.load(x, eval.expr = TRUE)
  annotated3 <- function(value = 0, descr = '.', unit = '.') {
    tibble(value = value, descr = descr, unit = unit)
  annotated2 <- function(descr = '.', unit = '.') {
    annotated3(value = NA_real_, descr, unit)
  handle_annotated <- function(data, what, block) {
    x <- lapply(data, as.list)
    x <- lapply(x, FUN = do.call, what = what) 
    x <- bind_rows(x)
    label <-  names(data) 
    if(is.null(label) & is.character(data)) label <- data
    mutate(x, block = block, name = label)
  names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
  pars <- handle_annotated(x$param, annotated3, "PARAM")
  cmt <- handle_annotated(x$cmt, annotated2,"CMT")
  cmt <- mutate(cmt, value = 0)
  init <- handle_annotated(x$init, annotated3, "INIT")
  out <- handle_annotated(x$capture, annotated2, "CAPTURE")
  ann <- bind_rows(pars,cmt,init,out)
  ann <- select(ann, c("block","name","descr","unit"))
  parameters <- setNames(as.list(pars[["value"]]),pars[["name"]])
  compartments <- setNames(as.list(cmt[["value"]]),cmt[["name"]])
  initials <- setNames(as.list(init[["value"]]),init[["name"]])
  initials <- c(compartments,initials)
  outputs <- out[["name"]]
  env[["annot"]][[pos]] <- ann
  if(nrow(pars) > 0) env[["param"]][[pos]] <- parameters
  if(length(initials) > 0) env[["init"]][[pos]] <- initials
  if(nrow(out) > 0) env[["capture"]][[pos]] <- outputs
# nocov end

# NAMESPACE --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specNAMESPACE <- function(x,...) {

NAMESPACE <- function(x,env,name,unnamed=FALSE,pos=1,...) {
  if(unnamed) name <-  NULL
  env[["namespace"]][[pos]] <- wrap_namespace(x,name)

# ODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specODE <- function(x, env, ...) {
  pos <- attr(x,"pos")
  con <- scrape_opts(
    def = list(audit = TRUE),
    allow_multiple = TRUE
  x <- con[["x"]]
  if(isTRUE(con[["code"]])) {
    x <- eval(parse(text = x), envir = env$ENV)   
  re <- "\\bETA\\([0-9]+\\)"
  chk <- grepl(re, x)
  if(any(chk)) {
    ode <- env$incoming_names[pos]
    er1 <- "ETA(n) is not allowed in {ode} block:"
    er1 <- as.character(glue(er1))
    er2 <- paste0("\n * ", x[which(chk)])
    stop(er1, er2, call.=FALSE)
  if("param" %in% names(con)) {
    env[["param"]][[pos]] <- tolist(con[["param"]])
  env[["audit_dadt"]] <- isTRUE(con[["audit"]])

# BLOCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
handle_spec_block.specBLOCK <- function(x,env,...) {
  a <- tolist(x)
  x <- scrape_opts(x, narrow=FALSE)
  x$env <- env
  x$pos <-  attr(x,"pos")

BLOCK <- function(x, env, type, code = NULL, get = NULL, ...) {
  x <- structure(.Data=code, class=paste0("spec",type),pos=1)
metrumresearchgroup/mrgsolve documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 11:31 a.m.