Defines functions removeRDP trainRDP predict.RDPClassifier print.RDPClassifier rdp .isRDP

Documented in predict.RDPClassifier print.RDPClassifier rdp removeRDP trainRDP

# rRDP - Interfaces RDP
# Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Hahsler and Anurag Nagar
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

.isRDP <- function(dir) {
    is.null(dir) ||
        file.exists(file.path(dir, "wordConditionalProbIndexArr.txt"))

#' Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) Classifier for 16S rRNA
#' Use the RDP classifier (Wang et al, 2007) to classify 16S rRNA sequences. 
#' This package contains
#' currently RDP version 2.14 released in August 2023. The associated data
#' package `rRDPData` contains models trained on
#' the bacterial and archaeal taxonomy training set No. 19 (see Wang and 
#' Cole, 2024).
#' RDP is a naive Bayes classifier using 8-mers as features.
#' `rdp()` creates a default classifier trained with the data shipped with
#' RDP.  Alternatively, a directory with the data for an existing classifier
#' (created with `trainRDP()`) can be supplied.
#' `trainRDP()` creates a new classifier for the data in `x` and
#' stores the classifier information in `dir`. The data in `x` needs
#' to have annotations in the following format:
#' `"<ID> <Kingdom>;<Phylum>;<Class>;<Order>;<Family>;<Genus>"`
#' A created classifier can be removed with `removeRDP()`. This will
#' remove the directory which stores the classifier information.
#' The data for the default 16S rRNA classifier can be found in package
#' `rRDPData`.
#' @name rdp
#' @aliases rdp RDP predict predict.RDPClassifier print.RDPClassifier trainRDP
#' removeRDP
#' @param dir directory where the classifier information is stored.
#' @param object a RDPClassifier object.
#' @param newdata new data to be classified as a [Biostrings::DNAStringSet].
#' @param confidence numeric; minimum confidence level for classification.
#' Results with lower confidence are replaced by NAs. Set to 0 to disable.
#' @param rdp_args additional RDP arguments for classification (e.g.,
#' `"-minWords 5"` to set the minimum number of words for each bootstrap trial.).
#' See RDP documentation.
#' @param x an object of class [Biostrings::DNAStringSet] with the 16S rRNA sequences for
#' training.
#' @param rank Taxonomic rank at which the classification is learned.
#' @param verbose logical; print additional information.
#' @param ... additional arguments (currently unused).
#' @return `rdp()` and `trainRDP()` return a `RDPClassifier` object.
#' `predict()` returns a data.frame containing the classification results
#' for each sequence (rows). The data.frame has an attribute called
#' `"confidence"` with a matrix containing the confidence values.
#' @references Hahsler M, Nagar A (2020). "rRDP: Interface to the RDP
#' Classifier." R Package, Bioconductor.
#' \doi{10.18129/B9.bioc.rRDP}.
#' RDP classifier software: 
#' \url{https://sourceforge.net/projects/rdp-classifier/}
#' Qiong Wang, George M. Garrity, James M. Tiedje and James R. Cole. Naive
#' Bayesian Classifier for Rapid Assignment of rRNA Sequences into the New
#' Bacterial Taxonomy, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. August 2007 vol. 73 no. 16
#' 5261-5267. \doi{10.1128/AEM.00062-07}
#' Qiong W. and Cole J.R. Updated RDP taxonomy and RDP Classifier for more 
#' accurate taxonomic classification, Microbial Ecology, 
#' Announcement, 4 March 2024. \doi{https://doi.org/10.1128/mra.01063-23}
#' @keywords model
#' @examples
#' ### Use the default classifier
#' seq <- readRNAStringSet(system.file("examples/RNA_example.fasta",
#'     package = "rRDP"
#' ))
#' ## shorten names
#' names(seq) <- sapply(strsplit(names(seq), " "), "[", 1)
#' seq
#' ## use rdp for classification (this needs package rRDPData installed)
#' ## > BiocManager::install("rRDPData")
#' cl_16S <- rdp()
#' cl_16S
#' pred <- predict(cl_16S, seq)
#' pred
#' attr(pred, "confidence")
#' ### Train a custom RDP classifier on new data
#' trainingSequences <- readDNAStringSet(
#'     system.file("examples/trainingSequences.fasta", package = "rRDP")
#' )
#' customRDP <- trainRDP(trainingSequences)
#' customRDP
#' testSequences <- readDNAStringSet(
#'     system.file("examples/testSequences.fasta", package = "rRDP")
#' )
#' predict(customRDP, testSequences)
#' ## clean up
#' removeRDP(customRDP)
#' @export
rdp <- function(dir = NULL) {
    if (is.null(dir)) {
        dir <- system.file("extdata", "16srrna", package = "rRDPData")
        if (dir == "") {
            stop("Install package 'rRDPData' for the trained 16S rRNA classifier.")
    dir <- normalizePath(dir)

    if (!.isRDP(dir)) {
        stop("Not a RDP classifier directory!")
    structure(list(dir = dir), class = "RDPClassifier")

#' @export
print.RDPClassifier <- function(x, ...) {
    loc <- x$dir
    if (is.null(loc)) {
        loc <- "Default RDP classifier"
    cat("RDPClassifier\nLocation:", loc, "\n")
    if (!.isRDP(x$dir)) {
            "The RDPClassifier is not valid!\n"

#' @rdname rdp
#' @export
predict.RDPClassifier <- function(object,
                                  confidence = .8,
                                  rdp_args = "",
                                  verbose = FALSE,
                                  ...) {
    classifier <- object$dir
    x <- newdata

    # get temp files and change working directory
    wd <- tempdir()
    dir <- getwd()
    temp_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = wd)
    #  temp_file <- "newdata"
        file.remove(Sys.glob(paste(temp_file, "*", sep = "")))

    # setwd(wd)
    infile <- paste(temp_file, ".fasta", sep = "")
    outfile <- paste(temp_file, "_tax_assignments.txt", sep = "")

    ## property?
    fp <- file.path(classifier, "rRNAClassifier.properties")
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        fp <- utils::shortPathName(fp)
    if (!is.null(classifier)) {
        property <- c("-t", fp)
    } else {
        property <- NULL

    writeXStringSet(x, infile, append = FALSE)

    cmd <- c(
        "-o", outfile,
        "-c", confidence,
        "-format", "fixrank",
        unlist(strsplit(rdp_args, split = "\\s+")),

    if (verbose) {
        cat("Calling RDP with arguments: ", paste(cmd), "\n")

    rdp_obj <- .jnew("edu.msu.cme.rdp.classifier.cli.ClassifierMain")
    s <- .jcall(rdp_obj, returnSig = "V", method = "main", cmd)

    ## run the garbage collector or Java on Windows will not close the files.

    ## read and parse rdp output
    cl_tab <- read.table(outfile, sep = "\t")

    if (verbose) {
        cat("Number of hits returned br RDP ", nrow(cl_tab), "\n")

    seq_names <- cl_tab[, 1] ## sequence names are in first column

    i <-
        seq(3, ncol(cl_tab), by = 3) ## start at col. 3 and use 3 columns for each tax. level

    ## get classification
    cl <- cl_tab[, i]
    dimnames(cl) <- list(seq_names, as.matrix(cl_tab[1, i + 1])[1, ])

    ## get confidence
    conf <- as.matrix(cl_tab[, i + 2])
    dimnames(conf) <- list(seq_names, as.matrix(cl_tab[1, i + 1])[1, ])

    ### don't show assignments with too low confidence
    if (confidence > 0) {
        cl[conf < confidence] <- NA

    attr(cl, "confidence") <- conf

#' @rdname rdp
#' @export
trainRDP <-
             dir = "classifier",
             rank = "genus",
             verbose = FALSE) {
        if (file.exists(dir)) {
                "Classifier directory", sQuote(dir),
                "already exists! Choose a different directory, use removeRDP(), or remove the directory manually."

        taxonomyNames <-
        rankNumber <- pmatch(tolower(rank), tolower(taxonomyNames))
        l <- strsplit(names(x), "Root;")
        # annot is the hierarchy starting from kingdom down to genus (or desired rank)
        annot <- sapply(
            FUN = function(x) {
        # Make names of x so that it only has hierarchy info upto the desired rank
        names(x) <- sapply(
            strsplit(names(x), ";"),
            FUN = function(y) {
                paste(y[seq_len(rankNumber + 1)], collapse = ";")
        # get the indices of sequences that are to be removed because they have incomplete hierarchy information
        removeIdx <- as.integer(sapply(
            FUN = function(y) {
                if (length(unlist(strsplit(y, ";"))) < rankNumber || grepl(";;", y) ||
                    grepl("unknown", y)) {
                } else {

        if (any(removeIdx == 1)) {
            removeIdx <- which(removeIdx == 1)
            # get greengenes ids to be removed
            idsRemoved <- as.character(sapply(
                FUN = function(y) {
                    as.character(unlist(strsplit(y, " "))[1])
            x <- x[-removeIdx]
            annot <- annot[-removeIdx]
                "Warning! The following sequences did not contain complete hierarchy information and have been ignored:",
        if (length(x) <= 0) {
            stop("No sequences with complete information found")
        # writeXStringSet(x,file.path(dir,"train.fasta"))
        h <- matrix(ncol = rankNumber, nrow = 0)
        # colnames(h) <-c("Kingdom","Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus")
        colnames(h) <- taxonomyNames[seq_len(rankNumber)]
        for (i in seq_along(annot)) {
            h <- rbind(h, unlist(strsplit(annot[i], ";"))[seq_len(rankNumber)])
        m <- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 0)
        # first row of the file
        f <- "0*Root*-1*0*rootrank"
        m <- rbind(m, unlist(strsplit(f, split = "\\*")))
        taxNames <- colnames(h)
        badHierarchy <- vector()
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(h))) {
            for (j in seq_len(ncol(h))) {
                taxId <- nrow(m)
                taxonName <- h[i, j]
                if (j == 1) {
                    parentTaxId <- 0
                } else {
                    parentTaxId <- previousTaxId
                depth <- j
                rank <- colnames(h)[j]

                # search if already there
                if (length(which(m[, 2] == taxonName & m[, 5] == rank)) == 0) {
                    str <- paste(taxId, taxonName, parentTaxId, depth, rank, sep = "*")
                    m <- rbind(m, unlist(strsplit(str, split = "\\*")))
                    previousTaxId <- taxId
                } else if (length(which(m[, 2] == taxonName &
                    m[, 5] == rank)) > 0) {
                    row <- which(m[, 2] == taxonName & m[, 5] == rank)
                    # error check -> is parent tax id same for both or not?
                    # if not, remove the sequence
                    if (parentTaxId != m[row, 3]) {
                        # x<-x[-i]
                        badHierarchy <- c(badHierarchy, i)
                    previousTaxId <- m[row, 1]
                # end seach

        out <- apply(
            MARGIN = 1,
            FUN = function(x) {
                paste(x, collapse = "*")
        write(out, file = file.path(dir, "train.txt"))
        # create parsed training files
        if (length(badHierarchy) > 0) {
                "Following sequences had bad sequence hierarchy information, so removing: ",
            x <- x[-badHierarchy]
        writeXStringSet(x, file.path(dir, "train.fasta"))

        cmd <- c(
            "-o", dir,
            "-t", file.path(dir, "train.txt"),
            "-s", file.path(dir, "train.fasta")

        if (verbose) {
            cat("Calling RDP with arguments: ", paste(cmd), "\n")

        rdp_obj <- .jnew("edu.msu.cme.rdp.classifier.cli.ClassifierMain")
        s <- .jcall(rdp_obj, returnSig = "V", method = "main", cmd)

        ## run the garbage collector or Java on Windows will not close the files.

                package = "rRDP"


#' @rdname rdp
#' @export
removeRDP <- function(object) {
    ### first check if it looks like a RDP directory!
    if (!dir.exists(object$dir)) {
            "The given RDPClassifier/directory does not exits!"

    if (!.isRDP(object$dir)) {
            "The given RDPClassifier/directory is not a valid RDP classifier!"

    ### don't remove the default data
    if (object$dir != normalizePath(system.file("extdata", "16srrna",
        package =
    ))) {
        status <- unlink(object$dir, recursive = TRUE)
        if (status != 0) {
            stop("Removing the RDPClassifier/directory failed! ",
                 "Please remove the following directory manually: ", object$dir)
mhahsler/rRDP documentation built on April 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.