  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  echo = TRUE, 
  message = FALSE

.bam to .rda conversion

For conversion from .bam format to .rda we can use the bamToR() function. This function uses a Rsamtools package from the Bioconductor, so we have to load this package before.

bamData <- bamToR("P13.2016-11-17T16_40_36.1234062861011.fc1.ch1.sorted.bam")

We have to remember that we should set path to a directory containing this bam file.

Counts per gene

Using frame created above we can find out, for each gene, how many nucleotides were recorded during the sequencing. For genes aggrergation we use the TAIR10_genes data. In my examples I use data for first chromosome.

datawt <- dataChromosome1
databrm <- brmDataChromosome1
genesSummary <- genesSummarize(datawt, chromosome = 1)
genesSummary <- dplyr::arrange(genesSummary, desc(counts))


Comparision between two groups

We can compare the distribution of counts between two genes or part of the gene (for example three prime UTR, exons). We also can compare distributions between positive or negative strands. We can use for this comparision for example the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. In next example I will use the data for gene "AT1G06680".

ksDistributionTest(datawt, databrm, "AT1G06760")

For selected parts of chromosomes in two groups we can compute the table with p-values for chosen test about their distributions.

table <- pvalTable(datawt, databrm, chromosome="1", type ="KS")
head(dplyr::arrange(table, pval),6)

Coverage plot

For chosen gene we can draw a coverage plot for datawt and databrm. First we have plots for the three prime UTR.

plotGeneDistribution(gene="AT1G06760", bamDataFrame=datawt)
plotGeneDistribution(gene="AT1G06760", bamDataFrame=databrm)

And plots for whole gene.

plotGeneDistribution(gene="AT1G06760", bamDataFrame=datawt)
plotGeneDistribution(gene="AT1G06760", bamDataFrame=databrm)

We can also see the distribution of these two samples on one plot.


plotGeneComparisonDistribution("AT1G06760", datawt, databrm)


In this case red color lines correspond to data from first dataset and blue - to second.

We can also see the ecdf of these two samples on one plot.

plotGeneComparisonDistribution("AT1G06760", datawt, databrm,stat="ecdf")

Testing counts in genes

For two types of individuals we can compute negative binomial test to find significantly changed genes between one and the other type.

Table of counts

Firstly, we have to compute, from sequencing data, the table of counts for each gene from Arabidopsis. We can create this table using countsForAllGenes function.

counts_genes_wt1 <- countsForAllGenes(dataChromosome1, geneData = directRNAExplorer::Araport11, genePart="gene")


To test differences between types of individuals we must compute at least two counts tables. One for the first type, and then for the second type. I've create a table contains inforamation for two types - wild type and a mutant type (brm). We have seven samples in our test.

allCounts <- directRNAExplorer::countsAll

Choice of counts

We want to test these genes which could be significant. Firstly, we should select genes which have "good number" of counts. We assumed that the counts are "good" if more than at least 2 samples in the wt case and at least 3 samples in brm case we have more than 9 counts for gene. In addition, we are looking for such genes that have many counts in one of the subtypes, and almost zero in the second one.

genesTest <-c() 
countsWithCondition <- allCounts

for(i in 2:ncol(allCounts)){
  countsWithCondition[,i] <- ifelse(allCounts[,i]>=9, 1, 0)

allCounts_2 <- countsWithCondition
genes <- allCounts_2[,1]

allCountsTransposed <- t(allCounts_2[,-1])
allCountsTransposed <- data.frame(allCountsTransposed)
colnames(allCountsTransposed)<- genes

allCountsTransposed$type <- c(rep("wt", 3), rep("c", 4))
allCountsTransposed <- allCountsTransposed[,c(ncol(allCountsTransposed), 1:(ncol(allCountsTransposed)-1))]

sums <- aggregate(. ~ type, data=allCountsTransposed, FUN=sum)

for(i in 2:ncol(allCountsTransposed)){
  if(((sums[1,i]>=3) & (sums[2,i]>=2)) || ((sums[1,i]>=3) & (sums[2,i]==0))||((sums[1,i]==0) & (sums[2,i]>=2))){
    genesTest[i] <- colnames(allCountsTransposed)[i] 
    genesTest[i] <- NA

genesTest2<- na.omit(genesTest)

countsTest <- allCounts
countsTest <- countsTest[which(countsTest$name %in% genesTest2),]

countsTest2 <- data.frame(t(countsTest[,-1]))
colnames(countsTest2) <- countsTest$name

nbinom test

For selected genes we perform a binomial negative test, in order to find genes for which the number of readings has changed significantly divided into two groups - wt and brm.

cond  <- c(rep("wt", 3), rep("c", 4))
test<-nbinomTest(countsTest2, condition = cond)

To find the most changed genes, we will focus only on those that have a small pvalue and fold greater than 1.5.

testFiltered <- filter(test, pvalue<0.05)
testFiltered <- filter(testFiltered, abs(log2FoldChange)>0.6)
testFiltered <- arrange(testFiltered, pvalue)
testFiltered <- arrange(testFiltered, desc(log2FoldChange))


mi2-warsaw/sequencingExplainer documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:33 p.m.