
Defines functions bin_Spectra alignSpectra .fix_breaks .bin_values bin_Spectrum

Documented in alignSpectra bin_Spectra bin_Spectrum .bin_values .fix_breaks

#' Function to bin spectra on common bins
bin_Spectra <- function(x, y,
                        binSize = 1L,
                        breaks = seq(floor(min(c(mz(x), mz(y)))),
                                     ceiling(max(c(mz(x), mz(y)))),
                                     by = binSize),
                        returnSpectra = FALSE) {
  breaks <- .fix_breaks(breaks, range(mz(x), mz(y)))

  binnedSpectra_List <- list(bin_Spectrum(x, breaks = breaks),
                             bin_Spectrum(y, breaks = breaks))

  binning <- data.frame(mz = mz(binnedSpectra_List[[1]]),
                        intensity.top = intensity(binnedSpectra_List[[1]]),
                        intensity.bottom = intensity(binnedSpectra_List[[2]]))

  # check for return type and either return dataframe with aligned spectra or aligned spectra with updated m/z values
  if(returnSpectra) {

    # correct masses and intensites
    x@mz <- binning$mz
    x@intensity <- binning$intensity.top

    y@mz <- binning$mz
    y@intensity <- binning$intensity.bottom

    # return list with aligned spectra
  } else {

    #return data frame with aligned spectra

#' Function to align a spectra to a reference spectrum, e.g. library spectrum
#' @export
alignSpectra <- function(x, y,
                         mzTol = 0.005,
                         mzTolType = "abs",
                         returnSpectra = FALSE) {

  top <- data.frame(mz = mz(x), intensity = intensity(x))
  bottom <- data.frame(mz = mz(y), intensity = intensity(y))

  top$intensity <- top$intensity / max(top$intensity) * 100
  bottom$intensity <- bottom$intensity / max(bottom$intensity) * 100

  ## align the m/z axis of the two spectra, the bottom spectrum is used as the reference
  for(i in 1:nrow(bottom)) {

    if(mzTolType == "abs") {

      top[,1][bottom[,1][i] >= top[,1] - mzTol & bottom[,1][i] <= top[,1] + mzTol] <- bottom[,1][i]

    } else if(mzTolType == "ppm") {

      top[,1][bottom[,1][i] >= top[,1] - (mzTol / 1e6 * bottom[,1][i]) & bottom[,1][i] <= top[,1] + (mzTol / 1e6 * bottom[,1][i])] <- bottom[,1][i]


  alignment <- merge(top, bottom, by = 1, all = TRUE)
  if(length(unique(alignment[,1])) != length(alignment[,1])) {
    warning("the m/z tolerance is set too high")

  alignment[,c(2,3)][is.na(alignment[,c(2,3)])] <- 0   # convert NAs to zero (R-Help, Sept. 15, 2004, John Fox)
  names(alignment) <- c("mz", "intensity.top", "intensity.bottom")

  # check for return type and either return dataframe with aligned spectra or aligned spectra with updated m/z values
  if(returnSpectra) {

    # correct masses and intensites
    x@mz <- alignment$mz
    x@intensity <- alignment$intensity.top

    y@mz <- alignment$mz
    y@intensity <- alignment$intensity.bottom

    # return list with aligned spectra
  } else {

    #return data frame with aligned spectra

# ==============================================================================
# Helping functions
# ==============================================================================

#' function to fix breaks (based on MSnbase)
.fix_breaks <- function(brks, rng) {
  ## Assuming breaks being sorted.
  if (brks[length(brks)] <= rng[2])
    brks <- c(brks, max((rng[2] + 1e-6),
                        brks[length(brks)] + mean(diff(brks))))

#' binning function (based on MSnbase)
.bin_values <- function(x, toBin, binSize = 1, breaks = seq(floor(min(toBin)),
                                                            by = binSize),
                        fun = max) {
  if (length(x) != length(toBin))
    stop("lengths of 'x' and 'toBin' have to match.")
  fun <- match.fun(fun)
  breaks <- .fix_breaks(breaks, range(toBin))
  nbrks <- length(breaks)
  idx <- findInterval(toBin, breaks)

  ## Ensure that indices are within breaks.
  idx[which(idx < 1L)] <- 1L
  idx[which(idx >= nbrks)] <- nbrks - 1L

  ints <- double(nbrks - 1L)
  ints[unique(idx)] <- unlist(lapply(base::split(x, idx), fun),
                              use.names = FALSE)
  list(x = ints, mids = (breaks[-nbrks] + breaks[-1L]) / 2L)

#' Function to bin a single spectrum (based on MSnbase)
bin_Spectrum <- function(object, binSize = 1L,
                         breaks = seq(floor(min(mz(object))),
                                      by = binSize),
                         fun = sum,
                         msLevel.) {
  ## If msLevel. not missing, perform the trimming only if the msLevel
  ## of the spectrum matches (any of) the specified msLevels.
  if (!missing(msLevel.)) {
    if (!(msLevel(object) %in% msLevel.))
  bins <- .bin_values(object@intensity, object@mz, binSize = binSize,
                      breaks = breaks, fun = fun)
  object@mz <- bins$mids
  object@intensity <- bins$x
  object@tic <- sum(object@intensity)
  object@peaksCount <- length(object@mz)
  if (validObject(object))
michaelwitting/masstrixR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 8:12 p.m.