
#' @title RPA summarization
#' @description Probeset summarization with RPA for taxonomic data.
#' @param taxonomy oligo - phylotype matching data.frame
#' @param level taxonomic level for the summarization. 
#' @param probedata preprocessed probes x samples data matrix in absolute domain
#' @param verbose print intermediate messages
#' @param probe.parameters Optional. If probe.parameters are given,
#'          the summarization is based on these and model parameters are not
#' 	    estimated. A list. One element for each probeset with the following probe vectors: 
#'	    affinities, variances
#' @return List with two elements: abundance.table (summarized data matrix in absolute scale) and probe.parameters (RPA probe level parameter estimates)
#' @export
#' @references See citation("microbiome") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{microbiome-admin@@googlegroups.com}
#' @keywords utilities
summarize.rpa <- function (taxonomy, level, probedata, verbose = TRUE, probe.parameters = NULL) {

  # Convert to log10 domain	      
  oligo.data <- log10(probedata) 
  probeinfo <- list()
  probesets <- retrieve.probesets(taxonomy, level = level)
  # probesets <- probesets[setdiff(names(probesets), rm.species)]
  nPhylotypesPerOligo <- n.phylotypes.per.oligo(taxonomy, level) 

  # initialize
  summarized.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(probesets), 
  		       		  ncol = ncol(oligo.data))
  rownames(summarized.matrix) <- names(probesets)
  colnames(summarized.matrix) <- colnames(oligo.data)

  for (set in names(probesets)) {

    # Pick expression for particular probes
    probes <- probesets[[set]]

    # Pick probe data for the probeset: probes x samples
    # oligo.data assumed to be already in log10
    if (length(probes) == 1)  {

      vec <- oligo.data[probes,]

    } else if (length(probe.parameters) > 0) {

      dat <- as.matrix(oligo.data[probes,])
      rownames(dat) <- probes
      colnames(dat) <- colnames(oligo.data)

      # Summarize with pre-calculated variances
      vec <- d.update.fast(dat, probe.parameters[[set]])

    } else {

      dat <- as.matrix(oligo.data[probes,])
      rownames(dat) <- probes
      colnames(dat) <- colnames(oligo.data)

      # RPA is calculated in log domain
      # Downweigh non-specific probes with priors with 10% of virtual data and
      # variances set according to number of matching probes
      # This will provide slight emphasis to downweigh potentially
      # cross-hybridizing probes
      alpha <- 1 + 0.1*ncol(dat)/2
      beta <- 1 + 0.1*ncol(dat)*nPhylotypesPerOligo[probes]^2
      res <- rpa.fit(dat, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
      vec <- res$mu
      probeinfo[[set]] <- res$tau2

    summarized.matrix[set, ] <- as.vector(unlist(vec))


  if (!is.null(probe.parameters)) {
    probeinfo <- probe.parameters

  # Return the data in absolute scale					
  summarized.matrix <- 10^summarized.matrix

  list(abundance.table = summarized.matrix, probeinfo = probeinfo)
microbiome/RPA documentation built on April 9, 2023, 10:59 a.m.