Man pages for microsud/microbiomeutilities
microbiomeutilities: Utilities for Microbiome Analytics

add_refseqAdd refseq slot for dada2 based phyloseq object
aggregate_top_taxa2Aggregate Top Taxa v2
dominant_taxaDominant Taxa
find_samples_taxaFind samples dominated by specific taxa
format_to_besthitFormatting the 'phyloseq-class' Object advanced
get_group_abundancesTaxa abundance summary by group
get_microbiome_dataDownload test microbiome data
get_tibbleConvert Phyloseq Slots to Tibbles
hmp2Test data 2
join_otu_taxJoin otu_table and tax_table to Tibble
list_microbiome_dataList of available datasets
make_pairsMake pairs
peak-methodsPeak into 'phyloseq' objects
percent_classifiedSummarize the percent taxa classification for...
phy_to_ldfConvert 'phyloseq-class' object to long data format
plot_abund_prevMean Abundance-Prevalence relation
plot_alpha_diversitiesCreat a plot for alpha diversities calculated using the...
plot_alpha_rcurveRarefaction curves for alpha diversity indices
plot_areaArea plot
plot_diversity_statsDiversity plot with stats
plot_listed_taxaA boxplot for user specified list of taxa
plot_ordination_utilsPlot species loading with ordinations
plot_ordiplot_corePlotting core microbiota on ordinations
plot_paired_abundancesA paired-boxplot for user specified list of taxa
plot_read_distributionDistribution of reads
plot_select_taxaA boxplot for user specified list of taxa
plot_spaghettiSpaghetti Plots
plot_taxa_boxplotTaxonomic Composition Plot boxplot
plot_taxa_compositionTaxonomic Composition Plot
plot_taxa_cvCoefficient of variations
plot_taxa_heatmapHeatmap using 'phyloseq-class' and 'pheatmap'
prep_ternaryCreate table for Ternary plot
prep_tern_otuCreate table for ternary plot OTU
print_psOverview of 'phyloseq-class'
rarefy_util#@param mat otu table rows as taxa names #@param names_fun...
simple_heatmapSimple Heatmap
taxa_distributionDistribution of taxa
taxa_pooler_mcolaPool Taxa
taxa_summaryGive taxa summary at specified taxonomic level
theme_biome_utilsCustom theme for microbiomeutilities pkg
zackular2014Test data
microsud/microbiomeutilities documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 12:18 a.m.