
Defines functions simComm

Documented in simComm

# Functions for the book Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology (AHM)
# Marc Kery & Andy Royle, Academic Press, 2016.

# simComm - AHM1 section 11.2 p634

# Function to simulate community occupancy or community abundance data
#   with random species effects for psi/lambda and p (both including
#   effects of one covariate, 'habitat' for psi/lambda and 'wind speed' for p)
#   (introduced in AHM1 Section 11.2)

simComm <- function(type=c("det/nondet", "counts"), nsites=30, nreps=3, nspecies=100,
  mean.psi=0.25, sig.lpsi=1, mu.beta.lpsi=0, sig.beta.lpsi=0,
  mean.lambda=2, sig.loglam=1, mu.beta.loglam=1, sig.beta.loglam=1,
  mean.p=0.25, sig.lp=1, mu.beta.lp=0, sig.beta.lp=0, show.plot = TRUE) {
# Function simulates data from repeated sampling of a metacommunity
#   (or spatially structured community) according the model of
#   Dorazio & Royle (JASA, 2005) for type = "det/nondet" (this is the default)
#   or under the model of Yamaura et al. (2012) for type = "counts".
# Occupancy probability (psi) or expected abundance (lambda)
#   can be made dependent on a continuous site covariate 'habitat',
#   while detection probability can be made dependent an
#   observational covariate 'wind'.
# Both intercept and slope of the two log- or logistic regressions
#   (for occupancy or expected abundance, respectively, and for detection)
#   are simulated as draws from a normal distribution with
#   mean and standard deviation that can be selected using function arguments.
# Specifically, the data are simulated under the following linear models:
#  (1) for a type = "det/nondet" (i.e., community occupancy)
#  *********************************************************
#   (occupancy (psi) and detection (p) for site i, replicate j and species k)
#   psi[i,k] <- plogis(beta0[k] + beta1[k] * habitat[i]      # Occupancy
#   p[i,j,k] <- plogis(alpha0[k] + alpha1[k] * wind[i,j]     # Detection
#  (2) for a type = "counts" (i.e., community count)
#  ************************************************
#   (exp. abundance (lambda) and detection (p) for site i, rep. j and species k)
#   lambda[i,k] <- exp(beta0[k] + beta1[k] * habitat[i]      # E(N)
#   p[i,j,k] <- plogis(alpha0[k] + alpha1[k] * wind[i,j]     # Detection
#   Species-specific heterogeneity in intercepts and slopes is modelled
#   by up to four independent normal distributions (note: no correlation
#   between the intercepts as in Dorazio et al. (2006) or Kery & Royle (2008))
#  (1) for a type = "det/nondet" (i.e., community occupancy)
#  *********************************************************
#   beta0 ~ dnorm(qlogis(mean.psi), sig.lpsi)     # Mean and SD of normal distr.
#   beta1 ~ dnorm(mu.beta.lpsi, sig.beta.lpsi)
#   alpha0 ~ dnorm(qlogis(mean.p), sig.lp)
#   alpha1 ~ dnorm(mu.beta.lp, sig.beta.lp)
#  (2) for a type = "counts" (i.e., community count)
#  ************************************************
#   beta0 ~ dnorm(log(mean.lambda), sig.loglam)   # Mean and SD of normal distr.
#   beta1 ~ dnorm(mu.beta.loglam, sig.beta.loglam)
#   alpha0 ~ dnorm(qlogis(mean.p), sig.lp)
#   alpha1 ~ dnorm(mu.beta.lp, sig.beta.lp)

# Community occupancy model code partly based on code by Richard Chandler.
# Function arguments:
# *******************
# type: "det/nondet" or "counts"; hoose whether you want to
#    simulate detection/nondetection data or count data
# nsites: number of sites
# nreps: number of replicate samples (occasions or repeated measurements)
# nspecies: total number of species in the area that is sampled by these sites
#    (regional species pool)
# mean.psi: community mean of occupancy probability over all species
#    in community (probability scale)
# sig.lpsi: community standard deviation of qlogis(occupancy probability intercept)
# mu.beta.lpsi: community mean of the effects of 'habitat'
#    covariate on occupancy probability
# sig.beta.lpsi: community standard deviation of the effects of
#    'habitat' covariate on occupancy probability
# mean.lambda: community mean of expected abundance over all species
#    in superpopulation
# sig.loglam: community standard deviation of log(lambda intercept)
# mu.beta.loglam: community mean of the effects of 'habitat' covariate
#    on log(lambda)
# sig.beta.loglam: community standard deviation of the effects
#    of 'habitat' covariate on expected abundance
# mean.p: community mean of detection probability over all species
#    in superpopulation (probability scale)
# sig.lp: community standard deviation of qlogis(detection probability intercept)
# mu.beta.lp: community mean of the effects of 'wind' covariate
#    on detection probability
# sig.beta.lp: community standard deviation of the effects of 'wind'covariate
#    on detection probability
# show.plot: choose whether to show plots or not. Set to FALSE when
#    using function in simulations.

# Code for simulating binary detection/nondetection data
#   (according to a community occupancy model)

if(FALSE) x <- NULL # A kludge to cope with 'curve's odd way of using 'x'

# Checks and fixes for input data -----------------------------
nsites <- round(nsites[1])
nreps <- round(nreps[1])
nspecies <- round(nspecies[1])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

type <- match.arg(type)

  # Restore graphical settings on exit -------------------------
  oldpar <- par("mfrow", "mar", "cex.axis", "cex.lab")
  oldAsk <- devAskNewPage(ask = dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
  on.exit({par(oldpar); devAskNewPage(oldAsk)})
  # ------------------------------------------------------------

# Prepare structures to hold data
  y.all <- y.obs <- p <- array(NA, c(nsites, nreps, nspecies))
  dimnames(y.all) <- dimnames(y.obs) <- dimnames(p) <-
    list(paste("site", 1:nsites, sep=""),
    paste("rep", 1:nreps, sep=""),
    paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep=""))
  z <- psi <- matrix(NA, nsites, nspecies)
  dimnames(z) <- dimnames(psi) <- list(paste("site", 1:nsites, sep=""),
    paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep=""))
  detected.at.all <- rep(NA, nspecies)

  # Create covariates 'habitat' and 'wind'
  habitat <- sort(rnorm(nsites))     # Note 'habitat gradient' due to sorting
  wind <- matrix(rnorm(nsites * nreps), ncol=nreps)

  # Draw species-specific intercepts and slopes from their normal distributions
  # Build up linear predictors for occupancy and detection
  # qlogis(1) returns Inf, replace with 500
  mu.lpsi <- ifelse(mean.psi == 1, 500, qlogis(mean.psi))
  mu.lp <- ifelse(mean.p == 1, 500, qlogis(mean.p))

  beta0 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.lpsi, sig.lpsi)           # occupancy intercept
  beta1 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.beta.lpsi, sig.beta.lpsi) # occupancy slope on habitat
  alpha0 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.lp, sig.lp)              # detection intercept
  alpha1 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.beta.lp, sig.beta.lp)    # detection slope on wind
  for(k in 1:nspecies){
    psi[,k] <- plogis(beta0[k] + beta1[k] * habitat)
    for(j in 1:nreps){
      p[,j,k] <- plogis(alpha0[k] + alpha1[k] * wind[,j])

  # Distribute species over sites (simulate true state)
  for(k in 1:nspecies){
    z[,k] <- rbinom(nsites, 1, psi[,k])
  occurring.in.sample <- apply(z, 2, max) # Presence/absence at study sites

  # Measurement of presence/absence (simulate observation)
  for(k in 1:nspecies) {
    for(i in 1:nsites){
      for(j in 1:nreps) {
        y.all[i,j,k] <- rbinom(1, z[i,k], p[i,j,k])
    # detected.at.all[k] <- if(any(y.all[,,k]>0)) TRUE else FALSE
    detected.at.all[k] <- any(y.all[, , k] > 0)

  y.obs <- y.all[,,detected.at.all]    # Drop species never detected
  detected.at.site <- apply(y.obs>0, c(1,3), any)
  y.sum.all <- apply(y.all, c(1,3), sum) # Detection frequency for all species
  y.sum.obs <- y.sum.all[,detected.at.all]# Detection frequency for obs. species
  z.obs <- apply(y.all, c(1,3), max)   # Observed presence/absence matrix
  missed.sites <- z - z.obs            # Sites where species missed
  Ntotal.fs <- sum(occurring.in.sample)# Number of species in finite-sample
  Ntotal.obs <- sum(detected.at.all)   # Observed species richness (all sites)
  S.true <- apply(z, 1, sum)           # Vector of true local richness
  S.obs <- apply(z.obs, 1, sum)        # Vector of observed local richness

  # Two panels of plots
  # (1) Species-specific and community responses of occupancy to habitat
  # (2) Species-specific and community responses of detection to wind
    par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,5,5,3), cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3)
    tryPlot <- try( {
      # (1) Species-specific and community responses of occupancy to 'habitat'
      curve(plogis(beta0[1] + beta1[1] * x), -2, 2, main = "Species-specific (black) and community (red) \n response of occupancy to habitat",
      xlab = "Habitat", ylab = "Occupancy probability (psi)", ylim = c(0,1))
      for(k in 2:nspecies){
        curve(plogis(beta0[k] + beta1[k] * x), -2, 2, add = TRUE)
      curve(plogis(mu.lpsi + mu.beta.lpsi * x), -2, 2, col = "red", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

      # (2) Species-specific and community responses of detection to 'wind'
      curve(plogis(alpha0[1] + alpha1[1] * x), -2, 2, main = "Species-specific (black) and community (red) \n response of detection to wind",
      xlab = "Wind", ylab = "Detection probability (p)", ylim = c(0,1))
      for(k in 2:nspecies){
        curve(plogis(alpha0[k] + alpha1[k] * x), -2, 2, add = TRUE)
      curve(plogis(mu.lp + mu.beta.lp * x), -2, 2, col = "red", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

      # More plots
      # (3) True presence/absence
      # (4) Observed detection frequencies
      # (5) Sites where a species was missed
      # (6) True and observed histogram of site-specific species richness
      par(mfrow = c(2,2), cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3)
      mapPalette1 <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "black"))
      mapPalette2 <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "yellow", "orange", "red"))
      # (3) True presence/absence matrix (z) for all species
      # mapPalette was 2 before
      image(x = 1:nspecies, y = 1:nsites, z = t(z), col = mapPalette1(4), main =
      paste("True presence/absence (z) matrix\n (finite-sample N species =",
      Ntotal.fs,")"), frame = TRUE, xlim = c(0, nspecies+1),
      ylim = c(0, nsites+1), xlab = "Species", ylab = "Sites")

      # (4) Observed detection frequency for all species
      image(x = 1:nspecies, y = 1:nsites, z = t(y.sum.all), col = mapPalette2(100),
        main = paste("Observed detection frequencies"),
        xlim = c(0, nspecies+1), ylim = c(0, nsites+1),
        frame = TRUE, xlab = "Species", ylab = "Sites")

      # (5) Sites where a species was missed
      image(x = 1:nspecies, y = 1:nsites, z = t(missed.sites), col = mapPalette1(2),
        main = paste("Matrix of missed presences\n (obs. N species =", Ntotal.obs,")"),
        frame = TRUE, xlim = c(0, nspecies+1), ylim = c(0, nsites+1), xlab = "Species",
        ylab = "Sites")

      # (6) True and observed distribution of site-specific species richness
      # plot(table(S.true), col = "red", xlab = "Number of species per site",
        # xlim = c(0, max(S.true)), ylab = "Frequency",
        # main = "True (red) vs. observed (blue) \n number of species per site")
      # points(table(S.obs+(nspecies/100)), col = "blue")
      histCount(S.obs, S.true,  xlab = "Number of species per site",
        main = "True (red) vs. observed (blue) \n number of species per site")
      # See file "histCount_helper.R" for details of this function.
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(tryPlot, "try-error"))

  # Output
    # input arguments
    type=type, nsites=nsites, nreps=nreps, nspecies=nspecies, mean.psi=mean.psi,
    mu.lpsi=mu.lpsi, sig.lpsi=sig.lpsi, mu.beta.lpsi=mu.beta.lpsi,
    sig.beta.lpsi=sig.beta.lpsi, mean.p=mean.p, mu.lp=mu.lp, sig.lp=sig.lp,
    mu.beta.lp=mu.beta.lp, sig.beta.lp=sig.beta.lp,
    # generated values
    habitat=habitat, wind=wind, psi=psi, p=p, z=z,
    z.obs = z.obs, y.all=y.all, y.obs=y.obs, y.sum.all=y.sum.all,
    y.sum.obs=y.sum.obs, Ntotal.fs = Ntotal.fs, Ntotal.obs = Ntotal.obs, S.true = S.true, S.obs = S.obs))
} # endif(type=="det/nondet")

# Code for simulating community abundance data
#   (according to a community abundance model)
  # Prepare structures to hold data
  y.all <- y.obs <- p <- array(NA, c(nsites, nreps, nspecies))
  dimnames(y.all) <- dimnames(y.obs) <- dimnames(p) <-
    list(paste("site", 1:nsites, sep=""),
    paste("rep", 1:nreps, sep=""),
    paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep=""))
  N <- lambda <- matrix(NA, nsites, nspecies)
  dimnames(N) <- dimnames(lambda) <- list(paste("site", 1:nsites, sep=""),
    paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep=""))
  detected.at.all <- rep(NA, nspecies)

  # Create covariates 'habitat' and 'wind'
  habitat <- sort(rnorm(nsites))     # Note 'habitat gradient' due to sorting
  wind <- matrix(rnorm(nsites * nreps), ncol=nreps)

  # Draw species-specific intercepts and slopes from their normal distributions
  # Build up linear predictors for occupancy and detection
  mu.loglam <- log(mean.lambda)
  mu.lp <- ifelse(mean.p == 1, 500, qlogis(mean.p))

  beta0 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.loglam, sig.loglam)           # lambda intercept
  beta1 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.beta.loglam, sig.beta.loglam) # lambda slope on habitat
  alpha0 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.lp, sig.lp)              # detection intercept
  alpha1 <- rnorm(nspecies, mu.beta.lp, sig.beta.lp)    # detection slope on wind
  for(k in 1:nspecies){
    lambda[,k] <- exp(beta0[k] + beta1[k] * habitat)
    for(j in 1:nreps){
      p[,j,k] <- plogis(alpha0[k] + alpha1[k] * wind[,j])

  # Distribute species over sites (simulate true abundance state)
  for(k in 1:nspecies){
    N[,k] <- rpois(nsites, lambda[,k])
  tmp <- apply(N, 2, sum)
  occurring.in.sample <- as.numeric(tmp > 0) # Presence/absence in study area

  # Measurement of abundance (simulate counts)
  for(k in 1:nspecies) {
    for(i in 1:nsites){
      for(j in 1:nreps) {
        y.all[i,j,k] <- rbinom(1, N[i,k], p[i,j,k])
  detected.at.all[k] <- if(any(y.all[,,k]>0)) TRUE else FALSE

  y.obs <- y.all[,,detected.at.all]    # Drop species never detected
  detected.at.site <- apply(y.obs>0, c(1,3), any)
  ymax.obs <- apply(y.all, c(1,3), max)   # Observed max count matrix
  Ntotal.fs <- sum(occurring.in.sample)# Number of species in finite-sample
  Ntotal.obs <- sum(detected.at.all)   # Observed species richness (all sites)

  # Two panels of plots
  # (1) Species-specific and community responses of lambda to habitat
  # (2) Species-specific and community responses of detection to wind
    par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,5,5,3), cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3)
    tryPlot <- try( {
      # (1) Species-specific and community responses of occupancy to 'habitat'
      curve(exp(beta0[1] + beta1[1] * x), -2, 2, main = "Species-specific (black) and community (red) \n response of lambda to habitat", xlab = "Habitat",
      ylab = "Expected abundance (lambda)")
      for(k in 1:nspecies){
        curve(exp(beta0[k] + beta1[k] * x), -2, 2, add = TRUE)
      curve(exp(mu.loglam + mu.beta.loglam * x), -2, 2, col = "red", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

      # (2) Species-specific and community responses of detection to 'wind'
      curve(plogis(alpha0[1] + alpha1[1] * x), -2, 2, main = "Species-specific (black) and community (red) \n response of detection to wind",
      xlab = "Wind", ylab = "Detection probability (p)", ylim = c(0,1))
      for(k in 2:nspecies){
        curve(plogis(alpha0[k] + alpha1[k] * x), -2, 2, add = TRUE)
      curve(plogis(mu.lp + mu.beta.lp * x), -2, 2, col = "red", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

      # More plots
      # (3) True abundance N (log10 + 1)
      # (4) Observed detection frequencies (log10 + 1)
      # (5) Ratio of max count to true N
      # (6) log(max count) vs. log (true N)

      par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,6,4,2), cex.axis = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.3)
      mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "orange", "red"))
      # (3) True abundance matrix (log(N+1)) for all species
      # mapPalette was 2 before
      image(x = 1:nspecies, y = 1:nsites, z = log10(t(N)+1), col = mapPalette(100),
       main =   paste("True log(abundance) (log10(N)) matrix\n (finite-sample N species =", sum(occurring.in.sample),")"), frame = TRUE, xlim = c(0, nspecies+1),
      zlim = c(0, log10(max(N))), xlab = "Species", ylab = "Sites")
      # (4) Observed maximum counts for all species
      image(x = 1:nspecies, y = 1:nsites, z = log10(t(ymax.obs)+1), col = mapPalette(100), main = paste("Observed maximum counts (log10 + 1)"),
        xlim = c(0, nspecies+1), frame = TRUE, xlab = "Species", ylab = "Sites", zlim = c(0, log10(max(N))))
      # (5) Ratio of max count to true N
      ratio <- ymax.obs/N
      ratio[ratio == "NaN"] <- 1
      image(x = 1:nspecies, y = 1:nsites, z = t(ratio), col = mapPalette(100),
        main = paste("Ratio of max count to true abundance (N)"),
        xlim = c(0, nspecies+1), frame = TRUE, xlab = "Species", ylab = "Sites",
        zlim = c(0, 1))

      # (6) True N and observed max count versus 'habitat'
      lims <- c(0, log10(max(N+1)))
      plot(log(N), log(ymax.obs), xlab = "True abundance (log10(N+1))",
       ylab = "Observed max count \n(log10(max+1))", xlim = lims, ylim = lims,
       main = "Observed vs. true N (log10 scale)" )
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(tryPlot, "try-error"))

  # Output
    # input arguments
    type=type, nsites=nsites, nreps=nreps, nspecies=nspecies,
    mean.lambda=mean.lambda, mu.loglam=mu.loglam, sig.loglam=sig.loglam,
    mu.beta.loglam=mu.beta.loglam, sig.beta.loglam=sig.beta.loglam,
    mean.p=mean.p, mu.lp=mu.lp, sig.lp=sig.lp, mu.beta.lp=mu.beta.lp,
    # generated values
    habitat=habitat, wind=wind, lambda=lambda, p=p, N=N, # y.obs=y.obs,
    y.all=y.all, y.obs=y.obs, ymax.obs=ymax.obs, Ntotal.fs=Ntotal.fs,
} # endif(type=="counts")
mikemeredith/AHMbook documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 12:58 p.m.