
Defines functions collapseRows .selectFewestMissing .Average .maxRowVariance .MinMean .MaxMean .absMinMean .absMaxMean .filterSimilarPS

.filterSimilarPS <- function(datOut, rowGroup, rowID, thresh = 0.8) {
  ## Collapse groups (ie. genes) with multiple ids (ie. probes) together using the following algorthim:
  # 1) If there is one id/group = keep
  # 2) If there are 2 ids/group = take the maximum mean expression, if their correlation is > thresh
  # 3) If there are 3+ ids/group = iteratively repeat (2) for the id with the highest
  # 	correlation until all ids remaining have correlation < thresh for each group
  # datOut is an expression matrix with rows=ids (NOT group) and cols=samples
  # rowGroup and rowID are vectors of corresponding group and id names for the rows in datOut
  # 	(note: all ids in datOut only need to be a subset of these vectors, not necessarily identical)
  # thresh is the Pearson correlation threshold to combine probes of similar expression.

  names(rowGroup) <- rowID
  ids <- rownames(datOut)
  idsIn <- ids # For later
  group <- rowGroup[ids]
  tGroup <- table(group)
  twos <- sort(names(tGroup)[tGroup == 2])
  more <- sort(names(tGroup)[tGroup > 2])
  len <- dim(datOut)[2]

  testTwoAndCombine <- function(datIn, datTmp, thresh) {
    # Internal function for removing one of two genes if they have high enough correlation
    if (cor(as.numeric(datTmp[1, ]), as.numeric(datTmp[2, ])) > thresh) {
      rMean <- rowMeans(datTmp)
      omit <- as.numeric(which(rMean == min(rMean)))
      datIn <- datIn[rownames(datIn) != rownames(datTmp)[omit], ]
  } # End internal function "testTwoAndCombine"

  for (g in twos) {
    datTmp <- datOut[ids[group == g], ]
    datOut <- testTwoAndCombine(datOut, datTmp, thresh)
  write("Done combining genes with 2 probes!", "")
  for (g in more) {
    go <- TRUE
    while (go) {
      ids <- rownames(datOut)
      group <- rowGroup[ids]
      datTmp <- datOut[ids[group == g], ]
      corDat <- cor(t(datTmp))
      if (length(datTmp) == len) {
        go <- FALSE
      } else {
        diag(corDat) <- -2
        if (max(corDat) < thresh) {
          go <- FALSE
        } else {
          w <- which(corDat == max(corDat))[1]
          l <- dim(datTmp)[1]
          wI <- c(((w - 1) %% l) + 1, ceiling(w / l))
          datTmp <- datTmp[wI, ]
          datOut <- testTwoAndCombine(datOut, datTmp, thresh)
  write("Done combining genes with 3+ probes!", "")
  idsNew <- rownames(datOut)
  groupNew <- rowGroup[idsNew]
  out2 <- cbind(groupNew, idsNew)
  selectedRow <- is.element(idsIn, idsNew)
  names(selectedRow) <- ids
  output <- list(datETcollapsed = datOut, group2row = out2, selectedRow = selectedRow)

.absMaxMean <- function(datIn) {
  datIn <- abs(datIn)
  keep <- which.max(rowSums(datIn, na.rm = TRUE))[1]
  return(as.numeric(datIn[keep, ]))

.absMinMean <- function(datIn) {
  datIn <- abs(datIn)
  keep <- which.min(rowSums(datIn, na.rm = TRUE))[1]
  return(as.numeric(datIn[keep, ]))

.MaxMean <- function(datIn) {
  # Note that this is a matrix version of the "max" function
  keep <- which.max(rowSums(datIn, na.rm = TRUE))[1]
  return(as.numeric(datIn[keep, ]))

.MinMean <- function(datIn) {
  # Note that this is a matrix version of the "min" function
  keep <- which.min(rowSums(datIn, na.rm = TRUE))[1]
  return(as.numeric(datIn[keep, ]))

.maxRowVariance <- function(datIn) {
  sds <- apply(datIn, 1, function(x) {
    return(var(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  keep <- which.max(sds)[1]
  return(as.numeric(datIn[keep, ]))

.Average <- function(datIn) {

.selectFewestMissing <- function(datET, rowID, rowGroup, omitGroups, omitPercent = 90) {
  ## For each gene, select the gene with the fewest missing probes, and return the results.
  #   If there is a tie, keep all probes involved in the tie.
  #   The main part of this function is run only if omitGroups=TRUE

  # First, return datET if there is no missing data, otherwise run the function
  if (sum(is.na(datET)) == 0) {
    return(rep(TRUE, nrow(datET)))

  # Set up the variables.
  names(rowGroup) <- rowID
  probes <- dimnames(datET)[[1]]
  genes <- rowGroup[probes]
  keepGenes <- rep(TRUE, length(probes))
  tGenes <- table(genes)
  checkGenes <- sort(names(tGenes)[tGenes > 1])
  missingData <- rowSums(is.na(datET))

  # Omit all probes with at least omitPercent genes missing
  keep <- missingData < (omitPercent * dim(datET)[2] / 100)

  # Omit relevant genes and return results
  if (omitGroups) {
    for (g in checkGenes) {
      gn <- (genes == g)
      keepGenes[gn] <- (missingData[gn] == min(missingData[gn]))

  keep <- keep & keepGenes

# ----------------- Main Function ------------------- #

collapseRows <- function(datET, rowGroup, rowID, method = "MaxMean", connectivityBasedCollapsing = FALSE,
                         methodFunction = NULL, connectivityPower = 1, selectFewestMissing = TRUE, thresholdCombine = NA) {

  # datET = as.matrix(as.data.frame(datET));
  methodAverage <- FALSE
  if (method == "Average") methodAverage <- TRUE # Required for later
  if (method != "function") methodFunction <- NULL # Required for later

  if (sum(rowGroup == "", na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
      "rowGroup contains blanks. It is strongly recommended that you remove",
      "these rows before calling the function.\n",
      "   But for your convenience, the collapseRow function will remove these rows"
    rowGroup[rowGroup == ""] <- NA

  # datET is a numeric matrix whose rows correspond to variables
  # e.g. probes of a microarray and whose columns to observations
  # e.g. microarrays

  if (sum(is.na(rowGroup)) > 0) {
      "The argument rowGroup contains missing data. It is strongly recommended\n",
      "   that you remove these rows before calling the function. Or redefine rowGroup\n",
      "   so that it has no missing data. But for convenience, we remove these data."

  ## Test to make sure the variables are the right length.
  #     if not, fix it if possible, or return 0 if not possible
  rowID <- as.character(rowID)
  rowGroup <- as.character(rowGroup)
  rnDat <- rownames(datET)
  if (length(rowID) != length(rowGroup)) {
    write("Error: rowGroup and rowID not the same length... exiting.", "")

  if (length(unique(rowID)) != length(rowID)) {
    stop("rowID contains duplicate entries. Make sure that the argument rowID contains unique entries")

  names(rowGroup) <- rowID

  if (sum(is.na(rowID)) > 0) {
    warning("The argument rowID contains missing data. I recommend you choose non-missing, unique values for rowID, e.g. character strings.")

  if ((is.null(rnDat)) & (dim(datET)[1] == length(rowID))) {
    write("Warning: *datET* does not have row names.  Assigning *rowID* as row names.", "")
    rnDat <- rownames(datET) <- rowID
  if (is.null(rnDat)) {
    write("Error: *datET* does not have row names and length of *rowID*...", "")
    write("... is not the same as # rows in *datET*... exiting.", "")
  if (sum(is.element(rnDat, rowID)) != length(rowID)) {
    write("Warning: row names of input data and probes not identical...", "")
    write("... Attempting to proceed anyway. Check results carefully.", "")
    keepProbes <- is.element(rowID, rownames(datET))
    rowID <- rowID[keepProbes]
    datET <- datET[rowID, ]
    rowGroup <- rowGroup[rowID]

  restRows <- (rowGroup != "" & !is.na(rowGroup))
  datET <- datET[restRows, ]
  rowGroup <- rowGroup[restRows]
  rowID <- rowID[restRows]
  rnDat <- rnDat[restRows]

  ## For each group, select the row with the fewest missing values (if selectFewestMissing==TRUE)
  ##  Also, remove all rows with more than 90% missing data

  datET_in <- datET # This will be used as a reference later

  ## For each gene, select the gene with the fewest missing probes (if selectFewestMissing==TRUE)
  ##  Also, remove all probes with more than 90% missing data

  keep <- .selectFewestMissing(datET, rowID, rowGroup, selectFewestMissing)
  datET <- datET[keep, ]
  rowGroup <- rowGroup[keep]
  rowID <- rowID[keep]

  rnDat <- rownames(datET)

  ##   If 0 < thresholdCombine < 1, only combine ids into their corresponding group if their
  #    correlation is greater than thresholdCombine.  This parameter supercedes all remaining
  #    parameters.

  if (!is.na(thresholdCombine)) {
    if (!is.numeric(thresholdCombine)) {
      write("thresholdCombine is not between -1 and 1 and is therefore being treated as NA", "")
    } else if ((thresholdCombine < (-1)) | (thresholdCombine > 1)) {
      write("thresholdCombine is not between -1 and 1 and is therefore being treated as NA", "")
    } else {
      output <- .filterSimilarPS(datET, rowGroup, rowID, thresholdCombine)

  ##   If method="function", use the function "methodFunction" as a way of combining genes
  #    Alternatively, use one of the built-in functions
  #    Note: methodFunction must be a function that takes a vector of numbers as input and
  #     outputs a single number. This function will return(0) or crash otherwise.

  recMethods <- c("function", "ME", "MaxMean", "maxRowVariance", "MinMean", "absMinMean", "absMaxMean", "Average")
  imethod <- pmatch(method, recMethods)

  if (is.na(imethod)) {
    printFlush("Error: entered method is not a legal option. Recognized options are *maxRowVariance*,")
    printFlush("       *maxRowVariance*, *MaxMean*, *MinMean*, *absMaxMean*, *absMinMean*, *ME*,")
    printFlush("       *Average* or *function* for a user-defined function.")
  if (imethod > 2) method <- spaste(".", method)
  if (method == "function") {
    method <- methodFunction
    if ((!is.function(methodFunction)) & (!is.null(methodFunction))) {
      write("Error: *methodFunction* must be a function... please read the help file", "")
  if (!is.function(method)) if (method != "ME") method <- get(method, mode = "function")

  ## Format the variables for use by this function
  rowID[is.na(rowID)] <- rowGroup[is.na(rowID)] # Use group if row is missing
  rownames(datET)[is.na(rnDat)] <- rowGroup[is.na(rnDat)]
  remove <- (is.na(rowID)) | (is.na(rowGroup)) # Omit if both gene and probe are missing
  rowID <- rowID[!remove]
  rowGroup <- rowGroup[!remove]
  names(rowGroup) <- rowID
  rowID <- sort(intersect(rnDat, rowID))
  if (length(rowID) <= 1) {
    write("Error: none of the *datET* rownames are in *rowID*...", "")
    write("... please add rownames and try again... exiting.", "")
  rowGroup <- rowGroup[rowID]
  datET <- as.matrix(datET)
  datET <- datET[rowID, ]
  probes <- rownames(datET)
  genes <- rowGroup[probes]
  tGenes <- table(genes)
  datETOut <- matrix(0, nrow = length(tGenes), ncol = ncol(datET))
  colnames(datETOut) <- colnames(datET)
  rownames(datETOut) <- sort(names(tGenes))
  rowsOut <- rownames(datETOut)
  names(rowsOut) <- rowsOut

  ##  If !is.null(connectivityPower), default to the connectivity method with power=method
  #      Collapse genes with multiple probe sets together using the following algorthim:
  #      1) If there is one ps/g = keep
  #      2) If there are 2 ps/g = (use "method" or "methodFunction")
  #      3) If there are 3+ ps/g = take the max connectivity
  #   Otherwise, use "method" if there are 3+ ps/g as well.
  if (!is.null(connectivityPower)) {
    if (!is.numeric(connectivityPower)) {
      write("Error: if entered, connectivityPower must be numeric... exiting.", "")
    if (connectivityPower <= 0) {
      write("Warning: connectivityPower must be >= 0.  Defaulting to a power of 2.", "")
      connectivityPower <- 2
    if (dim(datET)[2] <= 5) {
      write("Warning: 5 or fewer samples, this method of probe collapse is unreliable...", "")
      write("...Running anyway, but we suggest trying another method (for example, *mean*).", "")

  whichTestFn <- function(x) {
    d <- datETOut[g, ]
    test <- (!is.na(x)) & (!is.na(d))
    return(sum(x[test] == d[test]))

  # If method=ME, this function acts as the function moduleEigengene from the WGCNA library
  if (!is.function(method)) {
    if (method == "ME") {
      datETOut <- t(moduleEigengenes(t(datET), genes)$eigengenes)
      colnames(datETOut) <- colnames(datET)
      rownames(datETOut) <- substr(rownames(datETOut), 3, nchar(rownames(datETOut)))
      out2 <- cbind(rownames(datETOut), paste("ME", rownames(datETOut), sep = "."))
      colnames(out2) <- c("group", "selectedRowID")
      out3 <- is.element(rownames(datET_in), "@#$%^&*")
      names(out3) <- rownames(datET_in)
      return(list(datETcollapsed = datETOut, group2row = out2, selectedRow = out3))

  # Actually run the collapse now!!!
  if (!is.null(methodFunction)) {
    write("Comment: make sure methodFunction takes a matrix as input.", "")
  ones <- sort(names(tGenes)[tGenes == 1])
  if (connectivityBasedCollapsing) {
    twos <- sort(names(tGenes)[tGenes == 2]) # use "method" and connectivity
    more <- sort(names(tGenes)[tGenes > 2])
  } else {
    twos <- sort(names(tGenes)[tGenes > 1]) # only use "method"
    more <- character(0)
  for (g in ones) {
    datETOut[g, ] <- as.numeric(datET[probes[genes == g], ])
    rowsOut[g] <- probes[genes == g]
  count <- 0
  for (g in twos) {
    datETTmp <- datET[probes[genes == g], ]
    datETOut[g, ] <- as.numeric(method(datETTmp))
    whichTest <- apply(datETTmp, 1, whichTestFn)
    rowsOut[g] <- (names(whichTest)[whichTest == max(whichTest)])[1]
    count <- count + 1
    if (count %% 1000 == 0) collectGarbage()
  for (g in more) {
    datETTmp <- datET[probes[genes == g], ]
    adj <- (0.5 + 0.5 * cor(t(datETTmp), use = "p"))^connectivityPower
    datETOut[g, ] <- as.numeric(datETTmp[which.max(rowSums(adj, na.rm = TRUE)), ])
    whichTest <- apply(datETTmp, 1, whichTestFn)
    rowsOut[g] <- (names(whichTest)[whichTest == max(whichTest)])[1]
    count <- count + 1
    if (count %% 1000 == 0) collectGarbage()
  if (!is.null(methodFunction)) {
    write("...Ignore previous comment.  Function completed properly!", "")

  # Retreive the information about which probes were saved, and include that information
  #   as part of the output.  If method="function" or "Average" output placeholder values.
  if (!is.null(methodFunction)) {
    out2 <- cbind(rownames(datETOut), paste("function", rownames(datETOut), sep = "."))
    colnames(out2) <- c("group", "selectedRowID")
    out3 <- is.element(rownames(datET_in), "@#$%^&*")
    names(out3) <- rownames(datET_in)
    return(list(datETcollapsed = datETOut, group2row = out2, selectedRow = out3))
  if (methodAverage) {
    out2 <- cbind(rownames(datETOut), paste("Average", rownames(datETOut), sep = "."))
    colnames(out2) <- c("group", "selectedRowID")
    out3 <- is.element(rownames(datET_in), "@#$%^&*")
    names(out3) <- rownames(datET_in)
    return(list(datETcollapsed = datETOut, group2row = out2, selectedRow = out3))
  out2 <- cbind(rownames(datETOut), rowsOut)
  colnames(out2) <- c("group", "selectedRowID")
  out3 <- is.element(rownames(datET_in), rowsOut)
  names(out3) <- rownames(datET_in)
  output <- list(datETcollapsed = datETOut, group2row = out2, selectedRow = out3)

  # End of function
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.