
Defines functions matchLabels overlapTable

# Relabel the labels in source such that modules with high overlap with those in reference will have the
# same labels

overlapTable <- function(labels1, labels2, na.rm = TRUE, ignore = NULL,
                         levels1 = NULL, levels2 = NULL) {
  labels1 <- as.vector(labels1)
  labels2 <- as.vector(labels2)
  if (na.rm) {
    keep <- !is.na(labels1) & !is.na(labels2)
    labels1 <- labels1[keep]
    labels2 <- labels2[keep]
  if (is.null(levels1)) {
    levels1 <- sort(unique(labels1))
    levels1 <- levels1[!levels1 %in% ignore]
  if (is.null(levels2)) {
    levels2 <- sort(unique(labels2))
    levels2 <- levels2[!levels2 %in% ignore]
  n1 <- length(levels1)
  n2 <- length(levels2)
  countMat <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  pMat <- matrix(0, n1, n2)

  for (m1 in 1:n1) {
    for (m2 in 1:n2)
      m1Members <- (labels1 == levels1[m1])
      m2Members <- (labels2 == levels2[m2])
      tab <- .table2.allLevels(m1Members, m2Members, levels.x = c(FALSE, TRUE), levels.y = c(FALSE, TRUE))
      # print(paste("table for levels", levels1[m1], levels2[m2]));
      # print(table(m1Members, m2Members));
      pMat[m1, m2] <- fisher.test(tab, alternative = "greater")$p.value
      countMat[m1, m2] <- sum(labels1 == levels1[m1] & labels2 == levels2[m2])

  dimnames(pMat) <- list(levels1, levels2)
  dimnames(countMat) <- list(levels1, levels2)

  pMat[is.na(pMat)] <- 1

  list(countTable = countMat, pTable = pMat)

matchLabels <- function(source, reference, pThreshold = 5e-2, na.rm = TRUE,
                        ignoreLabels = if (is.numeric(reference)) 0 else "grey",
                        extraLabels = if (is.numeric(reference)) c(1:1000) else standardColors()) {
  source <- as.matrix(source)
  if (nrow(source) != length(reference)) {
    stop("Number of rows of 'source' must equal the length of 'reference'.")

  result <- array(NA, dim = dim(source))
  # refMods = as.numeric(sort(unique(reference)));
  # refMods = refMods[!refMods %in% ignoreLabels];
  for (col in 1:ncol(source))
    src <- source[, col]
    tab <- overlapTable(src, reference, na.rm = na.rm, ignore = ignoreLabels)
    pTab <- tab$pTable
    pOrder <- apply(pTab, 2, order)
    bestOrder <- order(apply(pTab, 2, min))

    refMods <- colnames(pTab)
    if (is.numeric(reference)) refMods <- as.numeric(refMods)
    sourceMods <- rownames(pTab)
    newLabels <- rep(NA, length(sourceMods))
    names(newLabels) <- sourceMods
    for (rm in 1:length(bestOrder))
      bestInd <- 1
      done <- FALSE
      # printFlush(paste("Looking for best match for reference module ", refMods[bestOrder[rm]]));
      while (!done && bestInd < length(sourceMods)) {
        bm <- pOrder[bestInd, bestOrder[rm]]
        bp <- pTab[bm, bestOrder[rm]]
        if (bp > pThreshold) {
          done <- TRUE
        } else if (is.na(newLabels[bm])) {
          # newLabels[bm] = as.numeric(refMods[bestOrder[rm]]);
          # printFlush(paste("Labeling old module ", sourceMods[bm], "as new module",
          #                 refMods[bestOrder[rm]], "with p=", bp));
          newLabels[bm] <- refMods[bestOrder[rm]]
          done <- TRUE
        bestInd <- bestInd + 1
    if (length(ignoreLabels) > 0) {
      newLabels.ignore <- ignoreLabels
      names(newLabels.ignore) <- ignoreLabels
      newLabels <- c(newLabels.ignore, newLabels)

    unassigned <- src %in% names(newLabels)[is.na(newLabels)]
    if (any(unassigned)) {
      unassdSrcTab <- table(src[!src %in% names(newLabels)])
      unassdRank <- rank(-unassdSrcTab, ties.method = "first")

      nExtra <- sum(is.na(newLabels))
      newLabels[is.na(newLabels)] <- extraLabels[!extraLabels %in%
        c(refMods, ignoreLabels, names(newLabels))] [1:nExtra]

    result[, col] <- newLabels[match(src, names(newLabels))]

milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.